13 LAX INSURANCE IS BLAMED FOR ARSON SNAPSHOTS OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS WHO VISITED HERMISTON LAST WEEK TO LEARN IRRIGATION NEEDS. Judge Gatens, Sentencing 2, Scores Policies That Are i- Temptation for Fires. . .. s . ..,',...J..X 5 TTTE SIT NT) AT OTSEGOTSTAX, POTlTXATfU JUNE 37, 1915. V - -j- STRICTER METHODS URGED 'Companies That Affably Jay Losses" Declared Encouragement to Crime Loss In United States Held Greater Than Abroad. Judge Gatens. in the Circuit Court, yesterday charged Portland fire in surance methods with responsibility for the numerous cases of arson that nave occurred in Portland during the past year. The matter came up in court rn connection with the sentencing of Earl Mashburn and Philip Harris, convicted of argon. Mashburn was sentenced to serve from 18 months to three and one-half years. Harris got a 3-year sentence but was paroled. Judge Gatens said he paroled Harris only because the trial Jury had recommended leniency in their verdict and later sent him a petition asking special consideration for Harris, whom they did not believe to be of a criminal disposition. After pronouncing sentence on the two men, the judge then read a state ment on the connection between loose methods of insuring against fire loss and the frequent arson cases reported or suspected. Arson Is Declared Fine Art. Judge Gatens said: - "The evidence brought out in these recent arson trials, leads me to make a few perti nent remarks at this time. '"Fire making has become a fine art, so carefully planned, so ably executed and so complete the destruction of all evidence of incendiarism, that detec tion and conviction of this crime are extremely difficult. "In the main, it is no hard matter to uncover the motive; not revenge nor jealousy, but from a monetary standpoint, made easy by our country wide laxity in the issuance of insurance policies and the liberal payment of crooked losses, thus fostering a desire tor Incendiarism. The agent who thus makes it easy for the firebug by issuing fire insurance policies without investigation, is a danger to the state and in. the interest of public safety should have his license to do business revoked. Kasy roller Termed Temptation. "Nowhere else in the world Is the firebug so active. In Europe, incen iiarism does not exist, because iiuur snce policies cannot be written with out previous inspection of property and inquiry into the character of appli cants. Anyone in America can get a lire insurance policy for the mere asking, thus putting temptation in the way of one so inclined or financially eoiDarrassea. ire insurance companies should stop the indiscriminate granting of policies and thus cut off the main motive for arson. This Is the only uieiaoo or removing a serious danger. Many fires are the direct result of financial conditions. An opportune fire brings ready cash; it appeals with Tjeculiar force to a merchant or house holder embarrassed for funds who considers that the most profitable nethod of disposing of obsolete stock or houseworn furniture is to sell it to the insurance companies. Rigid Investigation Urged. "My observations, therefore, lead me to express publicly that in my Judg ment, there should be a rigid investi gation into character of all applicants for fire insurance and inspection of all property to be insured before policies ere issued and that insurance should be limited to actual value. That active co-operation should exist between the fire department, fire marshal and safety commission and underwriters relating to the granting of insurance, to licensing of brokers and adjusters and In the investigation of character of suspected persons applying for in surance. "I fully realize that it is next to Impossible to arouse public interest as long as the fire insurance companies affably pay the losses and it is, there fore, my firm belief that a fire loss should not be paid until the fire mar shal has passed upon its legitimacy. "The courts must recognize the work carried, on by the officials and public spirited citizens in educating the public in. the conservation of human life and the preservation of property against fire and must punish unfailingly those aespicame Deings Known as the arson bug, souless, pitiless and murderous at heart. Aid in KUaiination Sought. Arson, therefore, is a condition gov erned only by the conscience and the particular state of the bank account, the most paramount incentive of which is over-insurance. "The crime of arson is on a par with murder and treason and carries a. heavy penalty. The man who com mits arson Is a cold deliberate per verted criminal. Arson cannot be com mitted in the heat of passion, neither by accident nor unintentionally. A man who will deliberately set fire to his or any other man's property to destroy the same or to collect firs insurance, is a man possessed of a wicked, malignant and felonious heart and conscience. "Here in Portland during 1914, 16 lives were lost by fire and $1,762,493.46 In property. The per capita loss in the United States in 1S14 was iZ.So, while in Europe in 1913 it amounted to only 3Z cents. In Portland in 1914 it was J6.C7. "The number of fire alarms In Port land during May, 1913, was 134. while the same month, 1914. through the vigilance of the arson squad the num ber of alarms were reduced te 75. "The citizens of this city should do all in their power to back up and assist Fire Marshal Stevens and his assistants 'n their efforts to suppress the firebug." WIFE IS, TAKEN IN HURRY W. .1. Plover. Pullman Conductor, Oets lirlile, but Leaves Her. In between trains. W. J. Plover, 1045 East Twenty-e. sfbth street Xorth, found time to get married Friday when h was in Spokanf . Mr. Plover ia, a conductor with the Pullman Company, and the bride was Miss Marie C. 'acobson, of Spokane. Mr. Plover runs between Spokane and Portland, and yesterday he reached home too early ir the morning to tell his mother, Mrs. M. Plover, the glad news. When he ;awoka this morning he broke the newt He had to board his train before he bride could get ready to eorne wit him. and she will be brought on nis naxt trip. The couple will make their home t Mrs. Plover's residence. 1015 Fast Twenty-eighth etreev North. Mr. Plover Is 42 years olt and his bride S. - - ' t V 7 fit -VIM i : f V 1 Upper RepmentatiTe Skerley, of Ken tucky (With Straw Hat), and Repre sentative Ranah, of Indiana (In Hon of Boat Klshlnjf on Cold Springs Res ervoir. Middle Representative Byrne, of Vennewee) Representative MoudelL f Wjroming) Senator Lane, of Ore. gun, and Representative Sinnott, of Oregon. Lower Representative fitx gerald, of Mew York, Chairman of the Committee, Looking Like Colonel Roosevelt Coming Oat of Africa. COMMITTEE IS JSY Federal Delegation Has Time Only for Steady Work. BANQUETS ARE DECLINED Much Information Is Gathered on Trip Through West and Claims of Each Project Are Heard In Meetings W ith Settlers. Members of the Congressional ap propriation committee who visited Portland last week are enjoying their trip through the West and gaining a lot of first-hand knowledge about ir rigation at the same time. Their schedule calls for a- tour ex tending over a period of six weeks and they are required to be on the job every day. They do all their traveling at night and cover almost as much territory by automobile in daytime as they do by. train at night. Neverthe less, they are standing the strenuous experience quite well and few of them are required to hold out to recuperate. Representative Fitzgerald, chaisman of the committee, was compelled to stay in the cars at Klamath Falls as he was threatened with an attack of typhoid fever. He took a vacine treat ment and was fully recovered by the time the party reached Yakima Tues day and Hermlston last Wednesday. Weather Readiness Complete. Mr. Fitzgerald is prepared to meet every emergency of the weather. He carries an outfit of woolen underwear and an overcoat for the high altitudes and a regular African jungle makeup for the hot places. At the Hermlston Inspection he wore his African cloth ing. With the gray helmet, tortoise shell eye glasses, dark red mustache and prominent teeth, he appears not unlike a certain prominent Colonel emerging from the African jungle. Inasmuch as the schedule calls for long automobile rides, beginning at 8 o'clock every morning, Chairman Fitzgerald has canceled all banquet engagements. He argues that mem bers of the committee are not apt to be in fit condition for work if they are required to sit up until midnight every night eating banquet fodder and listening to a lot or dreary speeches. The only social engagements ac cepted by the party are those offered MEMBERS OF FAMILY OF FOUR GENERATIONS MEET AT SIRE'S BIRTHDAY PARTY. f- : : : i , -tlA :: , - . ., - . ' . " t . i J . H. - , - ; t I - - - ,v - J ; H ' - v ' ' V - -r-. 1 : 1 i r 7 . . v .s-: L.w, . ---y. . . ,w.w..-.J,.i,,.;, iinYnffi-Wi-- i ' fii't "i 3 LEFT TO RIGHT TV. L. ACIvLES, ii. ti. MAY'S AND GEORGE ACKLES. At the 83d birthday anniversary of George Aekles, held at his resi dence. 367 East Thirty-seventh street. May 30, four generations of the family were represented in the gathering. They were, besides him self, his son, N. L. Ackles, of 102 East Twenty-fourth street North: Mrs. G. G. Hays, 781 Wygant street, a daughter of N. L. Ackles, and her son, Graydon Hays. The elder Mr. Ackles came to Oregon in 1865. wx at midday and then only when they are arranged in connection with hear ings on irrigation projects. Thus the committee members have the. oppor tunity to entertain the Congressmen and present their arguments for Fed eral aid at the same time. Once in a while a member or two of the committee breaks away from the main party and enjoys a little fishing where the fishing is good. Representative Shirley. o Ken. tucky. is an inveterate fisherman. He and Representative Rauch. of Indiana, got up early at Hermiston last week and rowed out over Gold Springs res ervoir where the water for the Uma tilla project is stored. They had little luck, though. Pleas Heard Are Varied. ' As a rule, however, all members of the commitee get out over every proj ect visited and make persinal investi gations. The Federal Government is paying the expenses of the trip. When the party gets back to Washington it will prepare a detailed report for sub: mission to Congress. The committee seems to welcome visits by farmers and others having legitimate Irrigation projects to pre sent, but gives scant consideration to other proposals for Federal aid. And they meet with all kinds of proposals every day. One fellow in Arizona wanted them to legislate to prevent his mules from straying across the Mexican border and getting corralled by "greasers." At San Francisco a party of suffragettes tried to break up a meeting with farmers so that they could present their propaganda- Harvey A. May, of Monkland, Head. WASCO. Or., June 26 (Special.) Harvey A. May, son of Mr. and Mrs. I j. D. May, of Monkland, Or., died at 9 o'clock Friday night at the home of his parents. ?l f " I 1 "A i j . . 4 ak i MASTER GRAYDON HAYS, MRS. - 2-r J I - f 1 K III ,' I 5-2- t IV f I ? y - .jf t , X "-" S H 7ixJ ,.vr,. I a rn V' - 1 (. . I ' r 1 . k . : r. . J tf I ' - ' - ! f .-Tec ." . :: k 4 C - If I V'' '' - '""V ! icr Fire Sale Of Groceries From I Powell and Sanders of Spokane, Wash. 15c Fancy Sugar Corn, per can 8$ 10c Choice Sardines, can.,. 54 30c and 35o Tea, pound X5J lOcAtmore's Mines Meat... &6 JOc Coltoa Tomatoes 5J 15c Baylese Mustard Horse radish for Be Jones' White Soap 3 10c Heinz' Pork and Beans 6 20 -Mule -Team Borax, five pound package 35J 10c Campbell's Boups. 4j 30c Coffee, three lbs. for...50$ 8c Prunes, very fine, lb... 4t 10c I. X. Lu Chicken Tamales, can 6 f 1.25 Holla nd Herring, per . keg, only T5 15c Kaislns, the pound. . .'. . TVi 16c Apricots, the pound.,,. SC 15c Currants, package. .. . .lOeJ 10c Figs, the package 5C 8a Rice, the pound 4c 7cBeaD8, the pound 5t Arm and Hammer Soda at.. MJ 15c Colgate's Talc Powder.. 7J Tea-pound can Wedding Breakfast Sorghum for75 Ten-pound can Clover Maple Syrup for , 65 Pie Fruit Peaches, Apricots, Pears, Ap ples, Cherries, B 1 a c k b erries, Grapes, Loganberries, Plums, Pumpkin, Rhubarb, etc., gallon cans, your choice, per QO can... AH Groceries Guaranteed 28 BARS QUIT IN JULY NUMBER IX PORTLAND REDUCED TO 29S AS LICENSE TIME ENDS. Three Restaurants and Two Wnole- aalera Alo Omit Liquor Sale Fee. Lower Rent Offered Some. Twenty-eight saloons in Portland will go out of business July 1, having failed to pay their license fee for the last half of the year. Time for mak ing ths payments expired at 6 o'clock Friday, but checks mailed prior to that time were received up to noon yester day. When all the licenses were checked over It was found that 28 sa loons, two wholesalers and three res taurants were missing. These win go out of business July 1. The list at saloons dropping out is greater than had been expected. Fri day night there were three saloon&i with checks on deposit to protect taera until Saturday, when they intended de ciding whether they would stay in business. They all dropped out on Saturday. It is said many places were kept in business by reason of land lords cutting rents. There are 298 now licensed. Following is a list of the places that failed to renew their linces: H. B. Besseleu, 335 Flanders; 11. H. Connor, 130 Third; W. F. Dignan, 76 Sixth; Doyle & McBride, 154 Fifth; N. P. & S. M. Folen, 201 Morrison; Nels W. Johnson, 35 North First; W. Kremer, 268 First: Harry Lord, 468 Glisan; Owen Matthews. 75 North Sixth; W. T. Murrin, 331 Morrison; Piluso & Bruno, 301 First; Efo Sclaadt, 101 North First: Max Thies, 128 Fifth; J. F. Wendel, 212 Morrison; August C. Burmeister, 123 Grand avenue; Costanizo & Gaultieri, 3?0 First; C. L. Doty, Room 210 Cham ber of Commerce; Fisher & Cochran, 575 Sherlock avenue; A. Forbes, 207 Morrison: C. L. Kline, 249 Fifth; Theo dore Kruse, 125 Broadway; A. Matson, 523 North Twenty-fourth; A. Moser, 113 Grand avenue; McCarthy & O'Donnel, 406 Hawthorne avenue; John Ralson, 120 JSorth Sixth; Joe Sikich, 220 Burn side; Weaver & Walls. 201 Alder; W. C. W oodson, 547 Hood. Wholesalers and rectifiers which did not .renew: Fleckenstein & Mayer Company. 68 Second street; Thomas Varwig &. Son, 231 Front. restaurants that did not renew: Theodore Kruse, 125 Broadway; Joseph B. Penny. 143 Tenth; Hon Chong Lung lvee company (grocer), 60 (Second; Lee Pong Kee Company, 73 North Fourth; Fred L. Wing, 107 Sixth. BOOSTER CLUB WILL MEET - - i Improvement Plans for Southeast Portland to Be Considered. Plans for the Improvement of South- cast Portland will be discussed at meeting of the Southeast Portland Booster Club at Brooklyn Library Hall Thursday, Ju(y 1. The club held a meeting Friday, at which a great deal or life and public spirit were shown. Several committees -were chosen to have charge of the different branches of work carried on by the organiza tion. The committee on music for the Brooklyn Park eonsi bur. C. F. Treichel, Mrs. Grant and Ben rt tha rvi npnvom t sts of A. L. Bar Mrs. T. Retzloff, Amsterdam. On the improvement committee are Ben Amsterdam. W. T. Fleskes.-C. F Treichel, Mrs- W. A. Hemleben, Mrs. T. Retzloff and Mrs. H. Pettinger. POLK ROAD WORK PUSHED County, Communities ajid Private Citizen? Join Efforts. MONMOUTH, Or., so June 26.(Spe of several small Sample Stock Now on Sale at SIMONS SALVAGE STORE Here's a sale that makes itself welcome because the merchan dise involved is of. high grade, from the famous house of MAR-. SHALL FIELD & CO. It's a sale that's doubly welcome because PRICES ARE HALF and less than half of that asked by depart ment stores. Be here tomorrow and see these offerings. 35c . V. --IiWbm 1 11 . $15.00 Child's ' ' ,. , , yr ? . Ladies' Rompers 10 ' . s Suits g " 1 , ' - POUNDS OF .'.i j g pa m j- IOC MS U G AR' Child's tj Ladies' Parasols rtu n u .- ,H Parasols 2. . With Purchases if J- I -j " 0f 50c or over ia . 1 M fift ' - J i in i t ii r- . Oresses and Skirts $2.00 Ladies' Summer Presses. 98 $3.00 and $3.50 Ladies' Summer Dresses ....$1.35 $4.00 Ladies' Summer Dresses. $1.C9 $5.00 and $6.00 Ladies Summer Dresses $3.75 $7.00 and $8.00 . Ladies' Rummer Dresses ....$3.49 IM0N SALVAGE ST0R 131 -133 J. Simon & Bro. bridges in various districts, grading and extensive rolling, ' more graveling, and additions of connecting roads are the accomplishments of the Polk County road force this year. Early in the Sprifig, when the first clear weather came, men were iset to work with the scrapers and the rough places for years were placed in permanent shape for Summer travel. County funds became available and in order to insure a uniform system of road improvement the direction f the work was placed in the hands of one man, J. W. Finn. At present more than 150 men are working the roads, hauling gravel and constructing small bridges. Private work on the roads has been a dominant feature in Polk County's cam? paign for better highways this year. Farmers have graded many roads and applied gravel and communities have set aside good roads days, when all in habitants have aided. Oregon Native Dies at Age of 6 8. SHERIDAN, Or.. June 26. (Special.) C. O. Burgess, of this place, died at his home on Mill creek last night at the age of 6S years. He was a promi nent real estate man of Yamhill and Polk counties. He was a native of Oregon and had lived for the most part of his life on his ranch on Mill creek. During the last year he under went three operations. He is survived by his wife and three children. The funeral will be held tomorrow and in terment will be made in the Harmony CemptefT. 1 t . x. j,. . - ' - t, J. !r v DR. E. G. AUSPLU3SD. Mgr. A Good Set of Teeth So I Can Chew COME TO ME FOR THE TEETH-- No matter who you are or where you live, I can satisfy you and save you money. I publish a, price list and live up to it. All our patients and their friends say, '"What beautiful dental work! And so very reasonable." We Give a 15-Year Written Guarantee OPEN EVENINGS Lady Attendants We Are Alwaya Baay. Because Our Saceess Is Doe to the Fet That We Do the Very Best Work at Very Low est Prices. r ELECTRO-PAINLESS DENTISTS In the Two-Story Building. $1.25 to $1.75 House Dresses.. 690 $1.50 Wash Skirts 750 $1.75 to $2.50 Wash Skirts 950 $3.50 Dress Skirts., $1.75 $5.00 Dress Skirts $3.45 $6.00 Dress Skirts $3.95 $8 to $10 Dress Skirts $4.45 i i First St. Near Alder 1 JITNEY ASKS PERMIT LONE APPLICATION MADE, WITH ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT. New Ordinance Provides for Drivers to Be Examined and Cars Inspected. Many Are IBxpected to Quit. Although pnly three days remain for Jitney drivers to make application for permits to operate' under the new jit ney ordinance, which goes into effect Thursday, only one driver so far has applied. He is B. Sciilefar, who ap plied yesterday for a license to oper ate a, jitney on the South Portland run. The jitney ordinance requires that before a jitney shall be driven the driver must make application to the city for a permit and must undergo an examination to determine his abil ity to drive a car, and also must per mit an inspection of his car to ascer tain the efficacy of the parts essen tial in operation with safety. In the application the driver must designate the route he intends to fol low. After July 1 it will be necessary for the Jitneys to give reliable service, starting at 6" A. M. and running until 10 A. M. and from 3 P. M. until 11 P. M. During those hours the Jitneys must follow 'their routes and maintain A good mind so I can think. A hand that will work. A heart that will love ! (0 TETii Examination and Estimate of Work Cheerfully Given FREE Flesh-Colored Plates $10.00 Good Plates 5.00 II 22k Gold Crowns. .$3.50 Porcelain Crowns, S3.50 Gold Fillings $1.00 Corner of Sixth and Washington Streets, Portland, Oregon. COMBINATION SUITS 60c Muslin Combination Suits 22 $1.00 Muslin C o m b 1 n a tlon Suita, . . 45S PRINCESS SLIPS $1.00 Princess Slips 49 jl.SO Princess fclips TUc $1.75 Princess Slips. Si)f CORSET COVERS 25c and 35c Corset Covers. .13 50c and 75c Corset Covers. .2J S5c-$1.00 Corset Covers. .. .42c MUSLIN NIGHTGOWNS $1.00 Muslin Nightgowns. .. .4 So il. 25 and $1.50 Nigrhtgowns. $1.75 and $2.00 Kightsowns. .&iic MUSLIN DRAWERS S5C Muslin Drawers 14) 50c and 75c Muslin Draw ers. . . .................2J)e $1.00 Muslin Drawers i'Jc One lot of Child's Drawers...? MUSLIN SKIRTS 65c Muslin Skirts 2 75c to $1.00 Muslin Skirts.-4c $1.25 to $1.50 Muslin tikirts. .Hiie $1.75 to $2.00 Muslin Skirts.. SDC CHILD'S WHITE DRESSES 75e Child's White Dresses.. 29 $1.00 and $1.50 Child's White Dresses 49c $2.00 and $2.50 Child's White . Dresses S9C $3.00 and $3.50 Child's White Dresses. SI. 25 EVFANTS' WHITE DRESSES 60c and 75c Infants' White Dresses 3Tl4i $1.00 Infants' White Dresses..49tf $1.50 and $1.75 Infants' White Dresses 79 J CHILD'S FANCY DRESSES 35c and BOc Child's Fancy Dresses 13(J 75c and $1.00 Child's Fancy j) p s s 6 s, s -U ? $1.25 Child's Fancy Dresaes...59e $1.50 Child's Fancy Dresses.. .75 $2.00 and $2.50 Child's Fancy Dresses 9SC $3.50 and $4.00 Child's Fancy Dresses , $1.59 BOYS' ROMPER SUITS 25c and 35c Boys' Komper Suits 15 60c and 75c Boys' Romper suits rt:? $1.00 Boys' Romper Suits. -49c $1.25 to $1.75 Boys' Romper Suits. 69c INFANTS' COATS $1.58 and $2.00 Infants' Coats 75c $3.60 to $5.00 Infants' CoaU.-.SSC a schedule. They can be put out of business for failing to maintain a schedule or for leaving the routes. C. S. Gallup, who has been appointed jitney inspector, established his office at the City Hall yesterday and made arrangements to conduct the examina tion of drivers and cars as applications come in. He says he expects many of the jitneys to drop out, because they cannot operate if they are regulated to the extent provided by the new or dinance. He says, however, many au tomobile drivers who are in the busi ness as a business and not merely as a side issue to some other business will remain in. Teachers to Take Examinations. MONMOUTH. Or., June 26. (Spe cial.) Seventy-five teachers of Ore gon, attending the Summer session of the Normal School here, will take the state teachers' examination to be held in each county next week. The body has attempted to change the place of the Polk County examinations from Dallas to Monmouth, to accommodate the large numbers here. CARD OF TIIAXlvS. We wish to extend our most sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends, members of G. A. R. and Re lief Corps for their help and sympathy during the sickness and burial of our wife and mother, Mary Campbell. tSigned) J. H. CAM PBBLU Adv. .1. II. CAMPBELL. JR. 22k Gold Bridge. . .$3.50 Painless Extracting 50 I i U 33. cial.) The erection