The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 27, 1915, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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27, 1915.
T. Gavin Honored at Campbell
Memorial Service for
Deed of Valor.
All Bureau Officials, Mayor and
Other Xotables Attend Gather
ing to Pay Tribute to Mem
ory of Jjite Chief.
Presentation of a hero medal to
Thomas Gavin, a fireman who risked
Ms life to save a man from a burning
building-, was a feature of the fourth
annual memorial day services for the
late Fire Chief Campbell, which were
held yesterday at the City Hall and at
Riverview Cemetery. Mr. Gavin is the
first fireman to receive a Campbell
hero medal, the requirements being so
severe that prior to his case no fire
man has been entitled to a medal.
In the presence of all the Fire Bu
reau officials, Mayor Albee. members
of the David Campbell memorial and
medal fund. Mrs. David, Campbell and
others, a certificate entitling Mr. Gavin
to the medal, when it, is made, was
presented by A- G. Lorug, president of
the memorial fund.
Reacne Is Described.
Mr. Long told how Mr. Gavin climbed
into the upper story of a building at
First and Harrison streets on January
29, 1914, and, fighting his way through
smoke and fire, picked up the pros
trate form of O. Eckland and carried
him to safety. Mr. Gavin was nearly
overcome by the smoke and heat.
"Our beloved Chief David Campbell
risked and lost his life in the per
formance of his duty," said Mr. Long
in his presentation speech. "It is alto
gether fitting and proper that we
should reward those who emulate him
by presenting them with a medal."
The medal, which is to be made,
will be of gold and of an attractive
design. The design and wording have
not been fully decided Upon, but will
be soon. The selection of a design is
in the hands of the trustees of the
fund, A. G. Long, C. A. Bigelow, W. T.
Pangle. John F. Carroll and Assistant
Fire Chief Laudenklos.
l unlmoni Action Required.
To secure a hero medal requires
unanimous . recommendation of the
Fire Chief, his assistant and all mem
bers of the Board of Battalion Chiefs
and unanimous vote of the trustees of
the memorial fund.
Mr. Gavin accepted the certificate
with thanks and then made a short
talk, in which he said he considered it
the greatest honor he has ever had,
to be presented with a hero medal of
this kind and especially the first medal
to be given by this fund.
At the conclusion of the presenta
tion all the officials went by automo
bile to Riverview Cemetery, where me
morial services were held and the
grave of the departed chief was cov
ered with flowers.
Every branch of the fire service was
represented. There were in attendance
also Mrs. Campbell, widow of the
chief: Mayor Albee, James Campbell, a
stepbrother of the chief, and a number
of friends of the chief.
Grave Covered With Flower.
A. G. Long made a short talk, after
which the grave was buried in flow
ers, which were sent in a fire truck
from all the fire stations. A beautiful
head piece was set and then the grave
was covered with roses and other flow
ers. There were so many flowers that
they spread for several feet on all
sides of the grave.
Representing the Fire Bureau, in ad
dition to Chief Dowell and Assistant
Chief Laudenklos, were representatives
from all the fire districts. These were
Captains Kerrigan. Haynes. Smith.
Dolson and Roberts and Engineer Tom
In attendance at the medal presenta
tion and at the memorial services at
the grave was Joseph Buchtel, who
was chief of the volunteer fire de
partment of Portland in 1865 and chief
of the paid department in 1893. He is
85 years old and blind. He was cared
for during the trip by Fire Chief
"Winged M Gets Word -of Men Well
Known on Football Field.
News of the English army has come
to the winged "M" of the Multnomah
Club concerning a number of men who
have played soccer either for or against
the winged M" on the Multnomah
Fold and are now in the English army
or navy. Most of them are at present
at Ypres.
Lieutenant W. DeL. Giffard, Oxford
shire and Buckinghamshire Light In
fantry, who kept goal for Multnomah
last season, was a former Portland
newspaper man, and a member of the
Multnomah Club and cricketers. Lieu
tenant Sidney Hooke, Eleventh City of
London Fusiliers, was for two and a
half seasons prominent with the crick
eters. Private T. Duncan, Highland Light
Infantry, and Private R. Gray, Cana
dian contingent, were forwards for the
Nationals and players of high stand
ard. Frank Banham. a former full
back for the cricketers, Is now a lieu
tenant in the English navy, and it is
understood that Raymand Banham has
a commission in the British Territorials
lieutenant P. L. Neame. Middlesex
Regiment, is also a former Multno
mah man.
Agricultural Department Landscape
Gardener Is Gathering Data.
As part of a general tour of the Pa
cific Coast to get new ideas on land
scape gardening, F. L Mulford, land
scape gardener of the United States
Department of Agriculture, passed yes
terday in Portland as the guest of Park
Superintendent Convill. He was taken
for a trip through the parks.
Mr. Mulford expects to be on the
Coast until September. He is gathering
data tor use in Government publica
tions on landscape gardening and dec
orative foliage.
O. J. Hull Purchaser! Lot.
O. J. Hull purchased lot 12, in block
6, in Oakhurst Addition, from Lee Ha
aelton for $2000. A home went with
this sale. B. L. Brudilt purchased lot
4, in Benedictine Heights, from the J.
A. Strowbridge Estate Company for
J&50. In Belle Crest. George Scrieber
purchased lot 1, in block 33, from Jo
seph Gaillard for 11917. Lots 4 and 5,
in block. 1, Marion Park, were pur
chased by H. S. Lindberg from Charles
F. Blytb. the consideration being $1350.
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1 Chief Campbell's Grave After the D ecoration. In the Center of the Picture
Are Fire Chief Dowell, Standing; Beside Mrs. David Campbell, nnd Joseph, Who Was Fire Chief In 18 8.1 and Aealn In 1803. a A. G. Lone,
. Delivering Memorlsl Address at Hiv ervlen Cemetery ' Over Grave of De
parted Cfclet. 3 Mourners at the Grave. Mrs. Campbell, on tue Rl(cht Fire
Captain Kerrigan and Battalion Chief Stevens, In the Center. 4 A. G. Long,
Presenting Hero 3IedaI Certificate to Thomas Gavin. Mr. Long Stands to
tbe Left and Mr. Gavin to the ltisht.
Several Famous Resorts Are Near
Hand for Summer Outlns Par
ties Who Plan Ascent.
Nearest Portland of all the great
snow peaks of Oregon. Mount Hood is
the most famous and the most frequent
ed, both because of the greater ease of
access and the greater accommodations
for travelers and tourists that hava.
been developed.
Mount Hood is also one of the easiest
snow peaks to be ascended and the trip
to its summit is made annually by
thonsands of mountain climbers. On
July 4 the Mazamas, Oregon's great
mountain-scaling society, will endeavor
to take a party of between 300 and 400
to the summit. Through the season
daily ascents are made under compe
tent guides.
Mount Hood is to be reached by auto
stages or by rail and auto and lies
only 60 miles from Portland. The ascent
of the mountain can easily be made a
week-end event.
Once at the mountain there is no lack
of accommodation. Cloud Cap Inn, the
oldest inn associated with the moun
tain, has become famous among mountain-climbers
throughout the country.,
It has been made the base of ascents
both in Winter and. Summer for years.
Government Camp hotel is also at the
base of the mountain and is also fre
quented by tourists and mountain
climbers every Summer. In the foot
hills, where fishing and hunting are
ot tne best. Arrah Wannah. V elch 8,
Tawney's and Rhododendron are all
popular hotels and mountain resorts.
The Mount Hood Lodge, which has
become famous in the oast few vears.
is another resort, probablv the most
picturesquely situated in the vicinity
oi tne mountain. it is open through
out the year and has been made the
headquarters not only of climbing par
ties, but of outing crowds and week.
end parties ever since it was opened,
and is increasing in popularity - each
The trip may be made by rail to Hood
River and by auto to the lodges or
may be made in private automobile
over the Columbia . Highway, which
will be fully opened July 10. By au
tomobile one can easily make the trip
out from Portland, ascend the moun
tain and return to Portland within two
Riverside Lot Sold for $1000.
Andreas L. Roal purchased lot 24, in
block 4, Riverside Addition, from Jo
seph J. Greene, the consideration being
1000. David A. Whit s purchased lot
27, in Hollywood, from Harry L. Kings
bury for J900. William Reidt purchased
lots 11 and 12, in block 2, Lincoln Park,
from Bertha B. McCarthy, the price
named in the deed being $3150. The
sale included a home.
Board Tells Grades of 53 in
Test for Promotions.
Rating; of 75 Per Cent Is Set as
Passing; Mark; and Those Made
Range From 8 8.04 Per Cent
to as Low as 53.23.
Twenty-five out of 53 firemen who
took a recent Civil Service examina
tion for promotion to positions of Are
lieutenants passed the test, according
to the official ratings issued yesterday
by the Municipal Civil Service Board.
From the list who passed several pro
motions will be made.
Following are the ratings of those
who took the examination, with a
rating of 75 per cent as papsing:
William J. Miller. 75.77: Andrew Miller.
72.43; H. B. Hiddleson. 77.16; Frank Med-
nin, fa. so; xraiur c. KieiDiocK, T.14: w.
Zj. Harkleroad. 80.39; C. O. Peterson, 72.64;
ThoniM H. Cooper. 82.50: Harry Watts,
75.05: Everett B. Fisher. 66.U4: Harrv D
Suffleld. 71.43: Patrick H. Keegan, 7S95:
Ralph Barks, 73.6U: Charles R. Vaughan,
82.43: James H. Barnes. 71.58; Arthur L.
ruiien, w.31: Guy K. watkins. 81.84; Her
man Horaock. 8.30: George H. Nelson,
80.15; Charles A. Sylvester. 62.18; Archie
Wllsey. 0H.0: John F. Kelleher, 82.08 l. Homen,; Charles s. Town
send. 8B.02: Andreas Hansen, 70.1r Rudolph
Balke. 66.48; Howard H. Sawyer. 73.28: Her
bert Faber. 75.09; Edfrar L. Slnex. 88.04:
Wilfred McHugh, 77.70: E. L. Larwood.
56.61; John Feretti, 70.18: Thomas S. Will-
lams, bs.iO; c Li. Deets. 81.28; Fred J.
Vandenbersr. 77. 07: Anthony Doonev. 75.12:
Hugo A. Heise. 72.17: John C. Drain, 76.76;
tun ij. reieraon, iu.b: Kaymonti is. ianiei,
S2.63: Charles E. Lindloff. 67.83: Wade F.
McKenney, 61.03: James Monto. 53.23;
j ijcnzei, oi.vj; jonn jj. itels, 70.07
Geoneo M. Holsheimer. 66.06: W. H. "Rjn".
edict. 76.01; J. L. Single, CS.0S; Philip C.
Patrick. 7!.05: Otto C. Drain. 73.31: Joseph
F. Allerton, 84.76; Peter P. Krumpf,-77.8S;
unariei j. rarmenwr. ri.4.
Homes Bring; Built.
The Tate Investment Company Is
erecting a one-story dwelling on Bast
Forty-eighth street, between Twenty
seventh and Twenty-ninth avenues,
costing $1500. Benedict Bros, are the
builders. Two residences costing $1500
each are being built for J. Finer on
East Seventy-sixth etreet, between
Hawthorne avenue and East Madison
MY STOCK OF WOOLENS is the largest carried by any tailor in the city.
Every pattern that the ordinary man can think of they're easily worth $35 to
$40. Every suit made in my own workshop on the premises by skilled tailors.
My profit on each suit is small, my output large. We both benefit. Come in tomorrow.
We Make
Portland's Leading Tailor
Frazer Home to Be Emergen
cy Detention Abode.
Parents Who Are Merely Trnvrillingr
to Pay for Support Shall Keep
OffspTins, or at last Home
Will Not Take Them.
t -t - 1,111 Tiider. vester-
day instituted steps to make the Frazer
Detention Home in rornuu .
A0-c.nrtv detention home
for children, rather than an institu
tion for the care of delinquents or
homeless children, as many people have
come to believe.
In this matter judge uetiuu
carrying out the Intent of the act
passed by the last Legislature in re-
. . ., IT . T . will TOT
card to me rraicr xaumo. - "...
i - .l.talna aaa nlace where Chll-
cjren can live at public expense when
they have parents aDie o buijpuj .
i i nii, atfftntinn to the fact juugo LU1 , .
that many applications have been maae
to place cniiaren in "j
. ooW unwillinir to Day
enis wim -- ' -
for their support, and that many such
children were receiveu. imo v
will be stopped immediately.
far SaDPort Necery.
-D.lnnino- Till V 1 th COUTt Will
.d.Mich t'hn nolirv of reauiring all
mhn ha v children in the
tt x . .. 9 ..r- IVmir tmnnnrt.
u razer nunm lu i2 1 a v -
either wholly or in part, if able to oo
To this end the court will have the
. . . . v, Ahild'a narpnts itiveati-
Status Ul l'i-1 il .... r -;
gated and parents who are able, but
unwilling, J.O pay ior luch -
support, will nave 10 ucm
On May 22, when control or this home
. hc VianHs of the County
rmirt thorn were 72 children in the
institution. Yesterday there were only
23. Between the dates given 49 chil
dren have been placed in good homes
be pursued, and as far as practicablo
every child in the home will be turned
over to suitable foster parents If they
can be found.
a i inAnHin nf tnn rnurt
to let its responsibility end with the
finding or private nomes mr w
wanderers. It will have representa
tives personally visit the children in
their new homes and report on their
i .nvT,.nnYtanc Tn raRA anv
;L1. tbuu tr. " uii.ii.- ...
are reported unsatisfactory, the cnii
aren will De removea au via..
Jadse Would Save Fnnds.
Judge Cleeton feels that the great
saving of public funds brought about
by keeping the Frazer Home down to
a mere receiving station, will pay all
the expenses of the traveling inspec
tors in looking after the welfare of the
children until they pass from the con
trol of the court,
I . T . i I A I TXTVlttA
An aL inner iu oupciiuiijiiucui. . . ...
of the Frazer Home, yesterday. Judge
uieeion sa.iu mat a-u luycDuenHvn
the financial status and earning power
of parents and guardians of children in
the home will be made, and thereafter
they will be kept in close touch -with
the court.
Those able to pay and who do not do
so- will be prosecuted under the crim
inal statute of Oregon, which makes it
a felony for parents willfully to neg
lect or refuse to support their children.
This work, said Judge Cleeton, will
begin the first of the coming month,
and will be followed closely and sys
tematically. Store nulldlnsr to Cost 1400.
A store building to cost $1430 is be
ing built for M. Freeman on Williams
avenue, between Graham and Stanton
streets. Fggel & Sailing are the build
ers. Frank S. Meagher is having a
$2500 residence built in Westmoreland,
between Bybee and Clayborn avenues.
F. C. Weld is repairing a dwelling on .
' depend on my tailor
shop for a livelihood
The five million dollars that this city sends Enst
yearly for Men's Clothes would mean something
for YOUR business YOUR job if spent for
Portland-made clothes.
Why not patronize home industry
and give the tailors in your city your home
town an opportunity to earn a living for
themselves and their families? T want the
money that is sent East for clothes to remain
here in Portland, and am willing to do all I
can to keep it here, n
Give ME a Chance
and I will make you a suit of better mate
rial (your own selection), better fit
(made to fit you perfectly), and for less
money than you pay for Eastern suits of
Ladies' Tailored Suits to Order
Sixty-sixth avenue in the South East
Side. A. D. Moodie is the builder.
Tests for Portland Teachers to Be
Given Beginning Wednesday.
The last city teachers' examination
will be held in Portland at the Lincoln
High School building the three days
beginning Wednesday, June 30, ac
cording to announcement made by Su
perintendent of Schools Alderman. The
examiners who will be in charge of
the test are: Mrs. L. D. Thomas. W
A. Petteys, H. M. Sherwood, Mrs. Ida
May Allhands and S. U. Downs.
The schedule for the three days will
be as follows: June 30, morning, arith
metic and reading, afternoon grammar;
July 1, morning, geography and writ
ing, afternoon, physiology; July 2,
morning, teaching and spelling, after
noon. United States history.
Pictnre Theater License Considered
for Saloons Showing Movies.
Motion picture censorship will be ex
tended to take in pictures exhibited in
saloons. Reports that saloons are
showing films which have not been
censored have reached Mayor Albee
MrC?rW ' W
1 fa ,
" A til I brtj I M
f v " : i - i
Made by the Largest Rubber Company
in the World
the same material, and will keep Portland
tailors at work.
Cor. Sixth and Stark Street
and he has directed Mrs. E. B. Colwell,
secretary of the censor boaj-d, to re
quire censorship.
It is likely also that the saloons will
be required to pay a motion picture
theater license fee for the privilege of
showing the pictures. This matter has
been taken up with License Collector
Civil Service Provides for New Of
ficials in Annexed Towns.
Unless some means of evading the
civil service provisions of the city char
ter can be devised, St. Johns and Linn
ton will have new firemen and police
men after July 8. when those two towns
become a part of Portland. An effort
is being made to have Portland retain
the men now in the service, but there
is a question as to whether or not this
can be done.
The charter of Portland, which, after
July 8, will be the charter of Linnton
and St. Johns as well, provides that. all
positions shall be filled from the civil
service eligible lists. There are eligi
ble lists now for both policemen and
firemen and there is a serious question
whether the city can do anything but
appoint men from these lists to the
A Minneapolis alderman suggests tliat the
city's garbage be removed by Zeppelins, a
thorouKh-Koial? modernization ot th
swords to plowshares" behest.