The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 27, 1915, Section One, Page 11, Image 11

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Rufus Holman Back From Trip
Over Proposed Route Made
With Forest Officials.
Commercial, Scenic and Climatic
Advantages Appeal to County
Commissioner, Who Thinks
Drive Won Id Be Popular?
County Commissioner Rufus Holman
has returned from a three-day trip to
Mount Hood, where he went in com
pany with otficiala of the United States
Forestry Service and T. S. Schuyler, of
the United States Department of High
ways and Public Roads, to procure data
upon which to base specific plans for
the. construction of a strip of moun
tain road between Mount Hood Lodge,
In Multnomah County, and Summit
House, In Wasco County, through the
Xational forest.
The Idea first came to Mr. Holman
last August when on a trip to that dis
trict. He was struck by the remarka
ble climate of the surrounding coun
try, and when informed that if a
stretch of road 23 miles long was built
between Mount Hood Lodge and Sum
mit House a trip around Mount Hood
from Portland would be possible he
began Investigations that led to the
trip of last week.
Mr. Holman was accompanied by
Charles H. Flory, assistant district
lorester of the local office. Chief For
ester Graves and Mr. Schuyler.
The party left Portland at 7:50 A.
T-T. last Wednesday, arrived in Hood
River about noon and reached Mount
Hood Lodge about 3 o'clock.
Climatic Chance Noted.
"What impressed me most on the
last trip was the remarkable change
of climate that we underwent between
Portland and Mount Hood Lodge," said
Mr. Holman. "We left Portland in the
morning amidst lowering clouds and
driving rain and were throwing snow
balls in the sunshine on Mount Hood in
the afternoon."
Mr. Holman has discussed the pro
posed road with Representatives lie
Arthur and Slnnott and will make an
effort to have a joint meeting of the
four counties bordering on Mount
Hood called to co-operate in petitioning
the chief forester to order a prelim
inary survey to gather facts upon
which to ask Government action.
While Mr. Holman was struck with
the beautiful scenic effects along the
route of the proposed road, he alno
has an eye to the profits it would
bring to the farmers and producers of
the vast district.
At the present time there is not even
a. passable trail for part of the dis
tance between the two points.
K-itlmalrd Coat 900,000.
In speaking of the construction of
the road Mr. Holman declared It would
be easy to construct when compared
to the Columbia River Highway. Al
though the Government officials made
the trip unofficially and would make
no estimates of the probable cost of
construction, Mr. Holman gathered that
160,000 was a good estimate. This sum
would be drawn from the funds created
by the Government from the resources
of its forests. A certain per cent of
the gross receipts is set aside for
expenditure on highways and roads.
The officials connected with the
Forestry Service said that a strip of
roadway connecting the Mount Hood
Iodge and the old Barlow road would
facilitate in getting instruments of
fire protection into the reserve.
The party spent Wednesday night at
Mount Hood Lodge and started Thurs
day morning on horseback around the
southeastern side of Mount' Hood.
They made half of the distance the
first day and spent the night at Gov
ernment Camp, 12 miles from Mount
Hood Lodge. They arrived at Gov
ernment Camp Friday and returned to
Portland, a distance of 57 miles, by
Round Trip 170 Mile.
With the new strip of roadway put
In, the entire distance from Portland
over the Columbia River Highway to
Mount Hood 'and back over the old
Barlow road would be 170 miles.
"Portlanders have no idea how near
old Mount Hood is," said Mr. Holman.
Homer Rodgers. proprietor of Mount
Hood Lodge, said that in time he ex
pected that a magnificent highway
would traverse this district, with small
taverns and resting places strewn
along the wayside similar to the high
ways that traverse the Alps in Switzerland.
Tomorrow Mr. Holman will confer
with the local Government officials re
garding the best way to proceed with
the circulation of a petition.
Those in the party, besides Mr. Hol
man. were: Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Clark.
Mrs. Amelia Baker. O. A. Bell, all - of
Hood River; Charles "If. Flory. Assist
ant District Forester: T. H. Sherrard,
Forest Supervisor: J. T. Schuyler, High
way United States Forest
xotfrvn:e, rirsi nanser cooper; uee
w right, packer. United States Forest
Service; Leslie Butler, member of Stat
Highway Advisory Board.
Albany Council Makes Arrangements
and Then Cancels Them.
ALBANY, Or., June 28. (Special.)
"Off again, on again, describes the
status of publie band concerts in Al
bany this Summer.
Last Summer concerts were given by
the Albany High School Band each
Wednesday evening on the grounds of
the Central Public bchool. A few weeks
ago the City Council . made arrange
ments with the High School Band for
similar concerts this year.
The arrangement was revoked later
when a petition signed by many busi
ness men was presented in favor of
employing "the best band in the city"
and having the concerts on First
street. Then the Albany Concert Band
was contracted with, and later that
contract was revoked.
The Council members say no more
concerts will be given.
Attorney in Jones-Kribs Case Prom
ises Testimony.
When K. H. Dodge takes the stand,
which will be in a few days, in the
trial of the Parker-Stennick suit for
Judgment of $614,000 against Willard
K. Jones and Frederick A. Kribs and
the J. K. Lumber Company, Thomas
Mannix, attorney for Stennick, prom
ises to introduce testimony to prove
his sensational charge of Friday that
William S. Nash, counsel for the de
fense, attempted to, bribe Mr, Dodge
by offering J23.000 In bonds for favor
able testimony.
The charges, which created a furore
In Judge Kavanaugh's court Frjriay
and which counsel for the accused de
nied out of court, flatly, failed to come
to the surface in the progress of the
hearing yesterday, and -there was little
evidence yesterday of the rancor exist
ing between the contending factions
the day before.
The hearing yesterday was taken up
largely with the examination of wit
nesses familiar with the timber and
logging lands of the parties to the suit.
Lester W. David, John Pearson and M.
1. O'Connell testified as to various
dealings with the Kribs and Jones con
cern and with Dodge, and to the prices
and values of the timber and timber
lands involved.
Mr. O'Connell. an old lumberman,
showed familiarity with the details of
logging operations. He said that Kribs'
crews were now engaged in logging off
the land In dispute.
Lril Than Half Sum Needed to Help
Poor Through Snmmrr Obtained,
but Campaign Will Continue.
Previously reported . .... $2200.45
Cash 10.00
"A friend" 10.00
Cash 20.00
Pacific Coast ' Biscuit
Company 10.00
Mrs. C. W. Flanders 20.00
Neustadter Brothers 10.00
Cash 5.00
Cash 100
Elizabeth Corcoran .50
J. I. Jameson 3.00
Total J2289.95
Donations should be sent to V.
R. Manning, 411 Commercial
block, or to R. S. Howard, treas
urer Associated Charities, Ladd
& Tilton Bank.
The expectations of last week were
hardly realized in the subscriptions to
the maintenance fund of the Associated
Charities, which was expected to reach
$2500 by Saturday night. The dona
tions came in slowly the last few days
and last night the total was only J22S8.
This is less than half the fund neces
sary to continue the relief work of
the organization through the Summer
The campaign will be continued for
a few weeks longer and an increased
effort to raise the total required will
be made. In the meantime, the service
of the Charities will be extended to
the needy families of the city as long
as the resources of the organization
hold out. The amount given thus far
was made up largely of individual do
nations, four persons having given one
fifth of it.
Following are examples from yes
terday's serjes of cases that applied
at the Charities in need of relief:
, 1. Italian family in which the fathet
has been out of work all Winter. There
are five children all less than 12 years
of age. Further credit has been re
fused at the grocery store. The family
is in need of food.
2. Young couple with one child, 5
years old, are threatened with eviction
Husband has been ill and is unable
to work.
3. Man with wife and two children to
support in need of employment and
help. Is experienced engineer but can
not secure employment. Food and sup
plies are needed and he has no money.
4. Widow with three children owns a
small bit of property but is in danger
of losing it through foreclosure. Un
les3 she can be assisted she will lose
all she has.
5. Man. wife and two children. Man
111 and woman too frail to work. Food
and fuel are needed.
A. C. Henderson Succumbs to Pa
ralysis at Age of 7 9.
PENDLETON, Or.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) Another Umatilla County pio
neer,. A. C Henderson, who settled in
this county in 1879, was called by death
Thursday night, succumbing to old age
and paralysis. He had been feeble for
some time, and failed fast after a stroke
about a month ago. He died in St.
Anthony's Hospital, aged 79 years. The
funeral was held today from the ifetho
dist Church, of which he had been a
member for many years, in charge of
Rev. Charles Hodshire.
Mr. Henderson was born in Ohio and
came West as a young man, crossing
the plains in 1862. He was a school
teacher for 15 years. Until about a
year ago. when he came to Pendleton,
he lived upon his homestead, southeast
Liberal Terms
of Credit
'When Desired
This Is Be
J , -
C, r ! '
eek at the Jenning Stores
See the Great Display of Brass Beds Occupying One
Half of Our Washington-Street Window Space
The largest and finest exhibit of Brass Beds ever shown in Port
land. Handsome, massive beds, in the very latest designs; every
one in guaranteed acid-proof, fine lacquer finish. All at moderate
prices, ranging from ..... $9.95 to $100
A Handsome Floor Covering
Regular $35 Seamless Axminster Rugs $26.25
Handsome Axminsters, 9x13 in size, in artistic Ori
ental designs and colorings. Highly durable rugs,
with pile woven from the finest wool. ?OZ? OC
This week only, ptl0,.&.0
$2.50 Axminster Rugs $1.75
These are 27-inch Rugs in a great variety of pleasing-patterns.
Very special now at CJI "TC
Down Comforters
$7.50 to $18.50
Guaranteed pure down, with
daintily colored coverings'.
The most beautiful line we
have ever shown.
New Indian Robes
For outing, camping of trav
eling. Regular $6.50 qual
ity, on sale
this teeek at .
Reduced in Price for Oae Week
Rich, dark colorings in woven pat
terns. $2.25 Couch Covers $1.65
$3.00 Couch Covers $34.0
$4.50 Couch Covers $3.35
Lace Curtains
New Arrivals on Sale
at Special Prices
$1.10 Curtains, pair 750
$1.30 Curtains, pair . 950
$1.60 Curtains, pair $1.15
$2.25 Curtains, pair.,. $1.65
$1.50 Linoleum $1.15
Six patterns in a splendid quality
of linoleum; cut and laid, only $1.15
Henry Jenning & Stns
The Homo of Good Furniture'
Fifth and Washington
Second and Morrison
We Had the Cash the Manufacturer Needed It
That's the Reason for This Great Sale
of Iron Beds
At Second and Morrison Store
We took a straight carload the three best patterns the manufacturer had rat
a heavy discount for the cash in hand, just before the recent raise in prices.
The result we offer this week fine Iron Beds at
Less Than Half Price
Read the description; see the samples displayed in our Morrison-St. windows.
Massive Two-Inch Continuous-Post Iron Beds,
with seven filling rods. Heaviest type of con
struction. Ball-bearing' metal castors. Ivory
white and Verms Martin finish. Sold (J C QE
ordinavily at $12.50, special at j3iOJ
Kino One end Five-Eighths-Inch Continuous
Post Iron Beds, with seven B,s - inch chilless
filling' rods. Ball - bearing metal castorp.
White and Vernia Martin finish. UsualffC OC
value $12.50, special at JUiOJ
Handsome Two-Inch' Continuous - Post Tron
Beds, with five Vj-inch filling- rods. Ball
bearing metal castors. White and Vernis
Martin finish. Usual value $12.50, C OC
special at JiOJ
if ' r
Jifr A,kw mn imp un inrim Li i
The Greatest Bed Values
We Have Ever Offered
Great Rug Special at Second and Morrison Store
$22.50 Seamless Brussels Rugs $14.75
Just 350 Bugs, 9x12 in size, in a score of the mills latest designs, both Ort- 4 I A "7C
ental and floral. We offer them this week only at...., vltilO
All Other Sixes Reduced in the Same Proportion for This M eek Only.
Girl Comes From Switzerland
to Wed Frank Radmaker.
Rosa Staub, Courted in Imceriie,
Keeps Tact to . Meet Sweetheart
IVhcn School Term Ends and
Becomes Educator's Bride.
Braving the peril of traveling
through war-swept Europe and the dan
ger of German submarines on the high
seas, Rosa Staub, of Kappingen, Swit
zerland, brought a romance of an un
usual character to a happy climax
when she arrived in Tacoma a week
ago to'be married to Frank Radmaker,
Superintendent of Schools at Orting.
Mr. and Mrs. Radmaker arrived in
Portland yesterday, following a brief
honeymoon, and "will make their home
for the bummer at 411 fourteenth
Mr. Radmaker, who has studied and
traveled extensively in Europe, met his
bride three years ago at a Lucerne
hotel, where she was employed. That
chance meeting resulted later in an en
gagement, II r. Radmaker meeting Miss
Staub on several later trips through
The two young people planned for
their wedding to occur at the close of
school this Spring, and not even the
perilous conditions of travel as a re
sult of the war cQuld, deter Miss Htaub
from keeping her promise to meet her
fiance in Tacoma for the ceremony.
Mr. Radmaker is a Western man and
has been engaged in educational work
on the Coast for 16 years. He has been
blasting stumps from the right-of-way
on the Kerry logging road, in the Ne
halem Valley. He evidently miscalcu
lated the number of blasts he was han
dling, as he stood directly over a stump
when a blast of about to sticks of
powder exploded. He was blown a dis
tance of 200 feet. He was a member of
the Oddfellows' lodge of this place. His
"parents live at Colton, Or.
Billy Sunday Brushing Up on
New Rules.
Noted Evangelist. Being Persuaded
to I inpire Baseball Uame July 5
Between Hood River and White
Salmon, Decides He Hut Slake
Good on Decision.
of Pilot Rock. He is survived by a
widow and two sous. V. Henderson,
of this city, and O. C. Henderson, of the
Grand Konde Valley.
Voodsniau Hart at Centra lia.
CESTRALU. Wash.. Juno 26. (Spe
cial.) Struck by a flying cable while
working at the camp of the Eastern
Railway & Lumber Company Thurs
day. Ueorge Spreckels, an employe of
the mill company. Is confined in a local
hospital with internal injuries. An.
operation was performed yesterday and
latest reports are to the effect that
the man will recover.
Chehalis County Landmark. Burns.
ELM A, Wash.. June 2. (Special.)
The oldest house in this county was
destroyed or tire this week, when the
Williams residence at Callow, near the
old Blockhouse ranch, burned. The
same day a residence on Ford's Prairie,
occupied by A. M. Barton, was totally
destroyed, with all Ha contents, causing
a loss of about J-500.
Superintendent of Schools at Orting,
Wash., for five years and will have
that position again next year. He
studied at Heidelberg University. Ger
many, and for seven Summers has
traveled in Europe both as a tourist
guide and a member of tourist com
panies. Mr. Radmaksr's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. John Radmaker, live at 78S
East Pacific street, in. this city, and
he has a sister, Mrs. G, Peterson, of
908 PJast Davis street. He is well
known in Portland, having Visited here
numerous times.
Mrs. Radmaker speaks German.
French and KngUsh fluently.
Dr. Thueringer, Swiss Vice-Consul at
Tacoma, was one of the. witnesses at
the wedding.
' Blast Kills Chttskanle Man.
CLATSKANIK, Or.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) Robert Wicklund. 33 years old.
unmarried, was killed yesterday while
HOOD RIVER, Or., June 2?.(Spe
cial.) Billy Sunday has procured
a baseball rule book for the year and
is making preparations to umpire the
Independence-day celebration game to
be held here Monday, July 5, when the
Hood River and White Salmon amateur
teams play. This acquiescence on the
part of the noted evangelist, who was
once a mainstay of the Chicago White
Sox, has renewed interest In the
Fourth-of-July celebration, and the
baseball game will be the star feature
of the event.
Billy Sunday is an elusive person,
and it was with difficulty that the
programme committee of the proposed
celebration cornered him. D. G. Cruiki
shank, chairman of the committee,
found him yesterday afternoon in a
local grocery store.
''May 1 speak to you for a minute,
Mr. Sunday?" asked Mr. Cruikshank.
"It you will hurry," replied the evan
gelist. 'I am through with my shop
ping here and my car is waiting, and
his words were fired like bullets fromJ-
a machine gun.
"I won't keep you long," Mr. Crulki
shank barked back at him. "Will you
umpire our baseball game Monday fol
lowing the Fourth?"
"Who plays?" asked Sunday.
"Hood River-White Salmon," was the
answer of the committeeman.
"Where's the money go?" asked Sun
day. "Team's amateur proceeds- main
tain them," replied Cruikshank.
"I don't know the late rules," smiled
the evangelist, unbending for .the first
"We'll accept your decisions," Mr.
Cruikshank smiled back at Sunday.
"I'm your man, then, Mr. what's
your name?" and Mr. Cruikshank in
troduced himself.
Mr. Sunday said he was going to
study the rules and that he was look
ing for a gala day hern on Monday,
July 5.
Nineteenth Annual Bound up Held
and 24 Initiated.
WALLACE. Idaho, June 26. (Special.)
Wallace was given over to the Elks
Thursday for thetr 19th annual round
up and initiation. The festivities start
ed in the afternoon with the gathering
in of the prospective members, followed
by a reception at the Elks' Temple.
More than 500 of the antlered tribe
were present for the ball game be
tween the Mullan and Kellogg boys.
Special trains were run from all near
by towns, while a large number of
Spokane Elks were present for the cele
bration. Th parade at night had more
than 70 autos in line, while special
floats for the "animals" occupied the
center of the stage. Twenty-four were
Mr. Evans Asked to Sue Kailroads.
SALEM. Or., June 26. (Special.)
Labor Commissioner Hoff today re
quested District Attorney- Evans, of
Multnomah County, to start actions
against the Southern Pacific Railroad
Company and the Summit Timber Com,
pany for alleged violations of the em
ployers' liability act in operating log
ging trains to the log dump, Fulton
street, Portland. It is declared cars
are not properly equipped for the pro
tection of employes.
6000-Mile Auto Trip Completed.
CHEHALIS. Wash.. June 26. (Spe
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rhodes re-
turned this week from a 6Q0&-mile trip,
the entire distance having been made
in an automobile. Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes
left Chehalis December 15. 1914, going
from here to Southern California, where
they made an extensive tour through
the Imperial Valley. They left Los
Angeles on their return trip April 15.
Mount Sangay, In South Anior!-a
ba la coniWiH exuclioa since XIZS,
Ex-Member of Boston Board
Commends Plan Here.
Georg-e E. Broclt Says System ot)ri
ganlzatlon aud Buildings Com
pare Favorably, Too, AVitH ,
Tliose of Hub City.
That the Portland school system com
pares favorably with that of Boston is
the belief of George E. Broek, of that
city, who is' visiting here and who de
livered the commencement address at
the graduation exerciseB of the Port
land School of Trades Friday night
Mr. Brock was for 12 years a member
of the School Board of Boston and
was two years chairman of that body.
He is making- a tour of the West.
"After talking with your Superin
tendent of Schools and with members
of your School Board." he said, "I find
that the educational department of your
city la looking at the same questions,
in much the same manner, as we are
in Boston, trying to get away from
the old stereotyped methods and to a
diagnosis of the needs of the Individual
student and to fit the system to the
child rather than the child to the sys
tem, System Is Commended.
"I commend your system of organisa
tion here. You have a small commit
tee of five men to handle the business
which, in my experience, I have found
to be much better than the larger and
more unwieldy committees.
"The City of Portland is also to be
congratulated on the fact that your
school finances are apart from the
other finances of the city. This makes
the schools independent of all possible
political control."
Mr. Brock said that the school build
ings here compare favorably with those
Jn Boston.
"What I like about them," he said,
"Is that they are sensible, practical
buildings, well fitted for the work
which they are oalled upon to do."
Board Members Praised.
The visitor also commented favor
ably upon the members of the Portland
Bchool Board as being men well suited
to handle the work for which they
were chosen.
"I have met three of the members of
your board," he said, "and I find them
to be practical, level-headed . business
men, just the kind of men, it seerns to
me, who should have charge of the
educational system of the city. They
also seem enthusiastic, and that is half
the battle in the carrying on of the
school system.''
Mr. Brock is president of the Home
Savings Bank of Boston. He arrived
in Portland Wednesday from California,
He visited the Ladd School and spoke
to the members of the graduating class
there Friday.
Masonic Order Holds Birthday
Celebration. '
SHERIDAN, June 28.-(Special.)
Sheridan Lodge, No. 64, Free and Ac
cepted Masons, passed its 40th birth
day Friday, having been organized
June 18, 1875. In that space of time
it has moved three times and been
burned out twice. Its first buildins
was burned -in 1887 and the second two
years ago. On both occasions practi
cally all the property of the lodge was
destroyed. After the first building was
burned a two-story frame structure
was erected. When this burned two
years ago the present two-atory brick
Masonic Hall was built.
Among the first members of the lodge
who helped to make Oregon history
were C. G. Rowell, P. M. Scroggin, H. L.
Lamson, Lee Rowell, H. B. Summer
ville, IX. Z. Foster, Sam Buel, William
Kuykendall. A. L. Litchfield, J. B.
Trullinger. W. R. Ellis. J. R. Men
denhall, Henry Graves, p, M, Church,
man, J. W. Bones, H. C. Rowell,
D. C. Coleman, W. L. Lemon, Henry
Ellis, William Milsap, Ben Donahue, Dr.
Cox and Robert Booth.
Kev, leather Lane Celebrates Anni
versary of Service Today.
ALBANY, Or., June 26. (Special.)
Tomorrow will mark the 10th anni
versary of the service of Rev. Father
Arthur Lane as priest of the Albany
parish of the Roman Catholic Church.
The day will, be observed by the pres
ence here of Archbishop Chrfstie, of
Portland, who will administer the sac
rament to a class at St. Mary's Church.
During the pastorate of Father Lane,
the Albany parish has extended its
work materially. Missions were estab
lished in many nearby cities and towns
by Father Lane and some of these have
grown into churches requiring a sep
arate parish.
taken title from T. M. Hurlburt to lots
1 and 2, in block t, lrvington, the price
being 126.
Steam plows find increasing popularity la
Taught in the Shortest Time Possible
by Practical Methods.
Each and Every Department ITnder the
PERSONAL Direction of a
Call, Telephone or Write for Informa
"The Practical School."
413-14 -15 Broadway Building.
Telephone Main 1430.
elmont School
(For Boys)
21 miles south of San Francisco
W think that we frir to eur boys what
thougrbtful parents wish. Our graduate enter,
on recommendation, institutions that admit on
uerttneate and on examination (itfe patre 24 of
our catalogue) to Harvard. The Uassai-hnttetta
ii!ttr.ltuL of TeuunoloifY. and Yai, whose Bd.
mission requirements are most severe. Send for
beautifully illustrated catalogue. wUieu civel
mot only a very irood idea of the spirit and pur
pose of the school, but of its equipment and its
Attractive school home. Nothing, however, can
quite take the place of visit to the school.
W. I. BJCID, Head Muter, Box M .
An accredited school, adjacent to Stan
ford University, preparing for entrance
to the universitios and technical schools.
Next term begins August SI. 1915.
for catalogue and specific information, address
W. sV. SatDD, Head Master.
Arleta Lot Sold for lO0O.
C. B. Jackson transferred lot 1, in
block 4. Arleta, to A. S. Ashcroft for
11000. Victoria Hegele. purchased lots
22 and 23, in block 44, Jonesmore.
from the Umbdenstock & Larson Home
Builders for $6S0. Joseph Wagner has
The anly Woman's CoUeffc oa the Pad tic Coast. EniratKO
mod graduation requirements to Umiversiry of
California. Standard Departncnu. Full training in Homo
Economic, and in Gymnasium and PtayCrouD4 Super
vision. Special care for health of student. Christian
influences; undenominational. Fall term beg iua September
14tik For cacaloru adjFci
-Registrar. Mill College P. O.. California-
Accredited to Colleffea East and West. Urainifiar and
Primary ljepartments. Send for illustrated caleauc
lvineipal: Mary t lxjcker. A. B.
: ' Nature -
Gave You S
A clean scalp, healthy hair and a
good skin, so why not take care of
them? Use intelligent methods
to preserve them, for they require great care.
IVany people have Dandruff, many have Ec
zema, and some have both. Perhaps you are
so afflicted. If so, rest assured of one thing:
Once you begin to conscientiously use
'SfP Dandruff and Ec
tTflX zema Treatment
caay nan a unit.
you have begun a treatment that will surely relieve you
of their irritating presence. No quackery, no fake, no
"bunk." Just plain WHETZEL'S, a preparation of con
scientious merit, tried and never found wanting. -
DANDnJntMA ililjl
- h hair tonic. hmfj
w -.1 .
THE WHETitt. rfu-co.
Ask Mr. Otto Schwabe, proprietor of
the Oregon Hotel Barber Shop, or any
other good barber, for a WHETZEL
Shampoo, or Application.
Guaranteed Money Back if Hot
. Satisfactory
One Dollar per Large Bottle at Drtit;
Stores and Barber Shops