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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1915)
THE SUNPAX OBEOONJAX. rORTLANO, JUNE 20, 1915. NEW TURN III IDAHO IWORRIES LEADERS was net 'legally and asksthat all the proceedings be deolared void. Judge Eaktn has granted, a temporary Injunction. ' . . BETTER FOOD If I 17mrp BETTER HOMES Id. La VI II jiMUill ALBANY RESIDENT PASSES Clana Peter School, IT, Leave Wid ow and Seven Children. ALBANY, Or.. June- 19. (Special. Claus Peter Schoel, a, resident of thl vicinity for 28 yeara. died at his horn in Albany yesterday. He was 77 years old. A native of Germany, Mr. Schoel came to America when IT years old. Ha lived In Iowa several years apd came to Oregon in 1886, locating on a farm in Benton County, nearathla JTrial of Attorney-General and f its Results Cause of Z Political Thought. FREE ELECTRIC COOKING SCHOOL, DEMONSTRATION AND , . . . LECTURE OF "as rich as its home the Will amette Valley." "IT $ Ji j. me EcoEemk ACTIONS NOW DISTINCT SEWSPAPKR WOMAN BE COMES RAILROAD OFFI CIAL Mrs. Redington uses it You should use it, for it gives the results. BY pinion Against Bnrfau of Farm J Markets Act Creates Stir and Van CMK-W SAFETY INSIDE ' j : 7! PARAFFINE "i'ffpf CA-tTOM H 0LLY aValkenbnrg Case Adds More !" Fuel to Political Flames.. JBOISE, Idaho, June 19. (Special.) leaders in Idaho have been close stu iants of state developments the pact weeR In the effort to learn their orob bie effect on the future) of polities a mis state. -Three Incidents stand out abova all Others the recent trial of Attprney Oerteral Peterson, the trial of 13. F. Van Valkenburg, ex-State Insurance Commissioner, and the opinion given hy Assistant Attorney-General Davis t Fred L. Huston, State Auditor, Questioning the constitutionality of the ct creating the farm markets bu reau appropriation of $10,000. On this advice the State Auditor has served . notice that he will not authorize war rants to be drawn on the appropriation until the question is settled. - Report Lead! to Indictment. ; .Attorney-General Peterson waa ex onerated of the charge of complicity in the looting; of the state treasury. The jury acquitted him on the first Fallot. i The Peterson indictment and the In dictments returned against other state officials were based on the showing made In the report of Axel P, Bam. atedt. president of the F-bllc Utility Commission. The charge has been made hat the indictments were actuated by jHtle. JMr. Ramstedt was appointed to exam ine the treasury department by the then Republican Governor, John M, Haines. It was the discovery of the 198,000 shortage in the treasury for Vhich A. V. Allen, ex-State Treasurer, and Fred M. Coleman, ex-Deputy Treas urer under Allen, are now serving in determinate sentences in the peniten tiary. It was on their defalcations that the crash came. Jloney Regarded as Allen's, He Says. i-The Attorney-General has been prom inent in Idaho polities for several years. Ha is now serving: his second term. i -The Ramstedt report showed that Items of $660, Including a note for 00 and three receipts for money advanced to the Attorney-General, had (ten carried as cash by Allen to assist Vr covering; hla shortage. Mr. Peter son's defense was that the money ad vanced to him he had always consid ered belonged to Allen, the note he gave being for 5500 used In his cam paign when he was first a candidate ior Attorney-General, and part of the balance went to meet campaign ex penses when the Attorney-General as sisted the Treasurer with his campaign. ;The feeling between friend3 of the Attorney-General and the Commission er because of the report and subse quent indictment is such that it is considered unlikely the hatchet will be buried for some time. , Tvto Other Incidents Cause Stir. ' Van Valkenburg, ex-Commissioner, accused of a $500 shortage, has not been prominently identified with state politics, but his case"" is attracting in terest, coming on tha heels of the Allen shortage in the treasury depart ment. Assistant Attorney-General Davis emphatically denies any political mo tive on his part when he advised the State Auditor that he believed there was a conflict in the farm markets, bureau act in that the title of the. bill did not refer to the $10,000 appropria tion carried in the, body of the act. His enemies, however, declare that he was inspired to attack the bureau because the director was an ex-Bull Moose party leader and an appointee of a Democratic Governor. I SCHOOL SPURNS OBJECTION District Will Erect Building on Land Held by Ilallroad. "EUGEXE. Or., June 19. (Special.) Ignoring the railroad's refusal to grant permission, the Alpha School District No. 135 is going ahead with the erec tion of its buildings on railroad land. The site had been cleared and was the only one available under existing r ireumstances. It has the only spring for miles and heavy timber sur rounds it. ' The land is that involved in the Oregon & California litigation, and the letter from the railroad denying the district permission to build gave the ltigation as the reason for the denial. K. J. Moore, County Superintendent of Schools, and J. M. Devers. District Attorney, were consulted. The latter was of 'the opinion that no matter whether the railway company or the Federal Government were successful in the litigation, neither would have any objection to the erection of a school building. He recommended that they go ahead. LOVE OUTRUNS COURTS 1,3. nc County Has 394 Marriage Li censes and but 6 5 Divorces. EUGENE, Or., June 19. (Special.) Cupid's batting average in Lane County during the year ending June 1, 1915, was .835, according to statistics com piled from the records of the Lane County Court. In other words, for the 394 marriage licenses issued between June 1, 1914, and June 1, 1915, the Lane County Court granted 65 divorces. One woman obtained two divorces within 13 months. The oldest couple to obtain a divorce was one married in Kentucky in 1S69. . Of the total number issued during the past year, J.5 required the consent of parents, where girls were under age. The youngest was 15 years of age. AST0RIANS OPPOSE PAVING Injunction Asked to Prevent Col lection of Assessments. ASTORIA, Or.. June 19. (Special,) A suit was filed in the Circuit Court yesterday by Charles E, Lankeeter and 1 other property owners against the city of Astoria and Chief of Police Houghton, asking that the defendants le restrained from selling the plain tiffs' property to collect assessments to defray the cost of improving Frank lin avenue, between Fifth and Second streets, and of Second street, between Franklin and Grand avenue. Th complaint allege that the -work .';'"s,...v : ? A f ! Mlum Olive E. Leader. SPOKANE, Wash., June 19. (Special.) MiS3 Olive E. Lender, who has been appointed travel ing passenger and tleket agent of the O.-W. R. & N. Company, out of Spokane, formerly was society editor of the Chicago Ex aminer and has done newspaper work since coming to Spokane. Miss Lender also has seen some thing of pioneer life, having taken a homestead under one of the Government drawings and settling on a tract remote from any other white woman. city. He resided there until IB years ago. when he retired from work and moved to this city. Mr. Schoel is survived by his widow and seven children William Schoel, of Portland; Mrs. Julius Voss and Edward Schoel, of Albany: Mrs. A. F. Luther, Charles Schoel and Henry Schoel, of norm AiDany, ana jouis Schoel, or Lebanon. BiSHOP'S JUBILEE JUNE 29 Dignitaries of Catholic Church Will Gather In Baker. BAKER. Or., June 19. (Special.) Dignitaries of the Catholic Church from all parts of Eastern Oregon are expected to be here June 29 to take a prominent part in the silver jubilee of Right Rev: C J. O'Reilly, bishop of Eastern Oregon. The celebration of the bishop's 25 years in the priesthood will be in charge of the members of St. Francis' Cathedral, of Baker. At 9:30 o clock In the morning pontifical services will be held at the cathedral and visitors will assist the bishop in the ceremony. At I o clock in the afternoon a ban quet will be tendered visiting mem bers of the clergy at Bishop O'Reilly's residence. The big event of the day will be the reception at the Baker The ater at 7:30 o'clock, at which Mayor C L. Palmer, other city officials and prominent citizens will take part. THREE FINISH HIGH SCHOOL Commencement Exercises Held in M. E. Church at Dundee. DUNDEE, Or., June 19. (Special.) The commencement exercises of the graduating class of the Dundee High School were held at the Methodist Episcopal Church Thursday evening. The members of the class were: Edith M. Ricks, who delivered the class his tory; Paul R. Terry, who delivered the class will, and Edward Blllich, who delivered the class prophecy. Professor Pennington, of Pacific College, deliv ered the address to the class, and R. W. Swjnk, an ex-prlncipal of the school, presented the diplomas. The School Board has advertised for sealed bids -for building two additional rooms, and for heating the entire build ing by furnace- KLAMATH FOURTH PLANNED Representative sinnott to Make Ad dress of Day. KLAMATH FALLS. Or.. June 19. (Special.) The committee of business men for the Fourth of July celebration is meeting every day and perfecting plans for a big celebration. A purse of $75 is offered for the best tug-of-war team. Teams from Merrill, Bonan za and Fort Klamath and other com munities of the county will compete, A log-rolling contest will be held in Lake Ewauna, for the winner in which a purse of $40 Is offered. . Indian races will be staged on Main street, in which Warm Spring braves will participate, A big free barbecue is also scheduled. Representative Sin nptt will speak. ASHLAND PLANS BOOKLET Literature Will Be Distributed at California Expositions. ASHLAND, Or., June 19. (Special.) A striking example of literature, dif fering entirely from the ordinary com munity booklet. Is in preparation by the city, setting forth Ashland's advan tages as a watering and pleasure resort. More than 50,000 copies will be printed for general distribution, a large num ber of which will be sent to the expo sitions at both San Francisco and San Diego. The publication will be issued at an early date, in order to be avail able the present season. Choice pictures of the scenic beau ties of Ashland, arranged in album form, are to be placed on the observa tion cars of the Southern Pacific, per mission by that company having been granted for the purpose. Albany to Get Warehouse. ALBANY, Or., June 1. (Special.) A warehouse, designed especially for the accommodation of fruit shipments, will be erected thU Hummer along the Oregon Klectrlo Railroad at the west end of Second street. It will be built by G. M. Miller," of Portland, who re eently ourehaaed -property here and la preparlBaT t eatabllah a, fruit evapo rator la Albany, FIRST! Th content of every package are protected by an INSIDE PARAFFINE CARTON They reach you PURE CLEAN WHOLESOME - Unconditionally guaranteed by Golden Rod Milling Company, Portland, Oregon. I . .ii. i I -1 ; 1 C MRS. REDINGTON f - has selected f J j Columbia Brand I Pure Lard I I To be used exclusively in all of her demonstra- I I 3 tions on account of its proven qnality. I 1 KETTLE ' MWl"m ' ' ' USED ERED' BY THE V . CONTAINS WntMV- COOKS 1 1 ONLY WijSW 4 FOR - V ' . ioo mtiPFmVi over ' I J PURE k$&tyl$ TWENTY LEAF ivtSsSSrZl YEARS LARD SsMI r i 5 COLUMBIA BRAND is the ideal Lard for all kinds of cooking. ' Will give better results, and i f go further than any other shortening. V Government inspected. 'ft Sold and recommended by all the leading grocers. if " Made by jt ' NJVv . UNION MEAT COMPANY J jf The Northwestern Electric Company Requests the Pleasure of Your Presence AT A FREE ELECTRIC COOKINQ SCHOOL Demonstration and Lecture of i HOME ECONOMICS by MRS. E. M. REDINGTON Domestic Science Expeft These lectures will be given at 2 o'clock each afternoon during the week of June 21, 1915, on the second floor of the new Meier & Frank building. Electric Ranges will be used exclusively in connection with these lectures and demonstrations. - Fifth-street entrance and take the Escalator (moving stairway) to the second floor. Eat Beaver Brand Camembert, Breakfast and Neufchatel Cheese. They are made on one of the finest Dairy Ranches in Washington State by a man who has the widest of experi ence in making such kinds of cheese. The Portland Cheese Co, 229-231 Oak Street, Portland, Or. Wholesale Owners of This Brand BRUTAHTY IS DENIED PRISONERS IN AFRICA TREATED WELL, SAYS AMBASSADOR. Movement to Healthier Climate Con templated, bat Reprisals Threat- rued If Germany Acts. "WASHINGTON", June 19. Announce ment of Germany's Intention to condemn French prisoners of, war to labor in swamps, in retaliation for alleged mistreatment of German, prisoners In French hands, has brougrht notice of retaliation by the French. At th French embassy today this statement waa Issued; "In accordance with a statement of the Overseas News Agency, the French arovernment refuses to mitigate the brutal treatment beins accorded German ctvil and military prisoners In tropical Africa. This is particularly true In Dahomey.' "As a measure of retaliation the Ger man government Intends - to compel French prisoners to cultivate swamps.' . "As a. fact, th mass of auch German prisoner! a have been sent to Africa, is Mrs. E. M. Redington Domestic Science Expert These lectures will be given at 2 o'clock each afternoon during the Week of June 21, 1915, on the Second Floor of the new Meier & Frank building, Hughes Electric Ranges will be used exclusively, in connection with these lectures and demonstrations. Fifth-street entrance and take the Escalator (Moving Stairway) to the Sec ond Floor. . - PROGRAMME FOR MONDAY, JUNE 21 Lecture Demonstration MENU Subject "Electricity in th Home," Chicken a la King Latticed Potatoes n . ,. 0 . .... i - tic , , Sunset Layer Cake Demonstration Scientific Cake-Makmg and La Bf He Cake Chocolate Nouo;at Cake Baking. Coffee not In Pahorpey, but In Algeria, Tunis and Morocco. The two first regions have been recently visited by the dele sates of the American KmbasBy in Paris and the other by Dr. De Marvel, a Swiss citizen and a delegate of the international committee of the Red Cross. The reports ' of these visitors testify to the favorable conditions as to food, clothing and work pertaining in those places, "As for the few hundred of Ger mans kept in Dahomey, they were cap tured iH the not remote colonies of Togo and Kamerun; they receive fair treatment: the statement that they werebadly treated had been con tradicted by the American Consul at Monrovia: their general health is good. On the coming, moreover, of the bad season, the French government has de cided to move them to Northern Africa. "If the German authorities follow their intentions concerning French prisoners, German ones in the same number will be similarly treated." CHAUTAUQUA NOW BOOKED Albany Attractions" Completed and Park Prepared for Summer. ALBANY, Or.. June l.(Spcial.) Plans are complete for Albany' annual Trie Quality Both of These Products . Will Be Used in the. Demonstration Royal Banquet Flour Made from finest, properly-aged 'wheat, rich in glu ten, makes most nutritious bread and pastry. Scrupulous Cleanliness produces, and a Germproof Carton protects the acknowledged goodness of HAZELWOOD BUTTER Insist on getting it. Take no chances. Cook With Tea Garden Syrup! Best for Frostings, Cakes, Candy, Pudding Sauces, Etc., Etc. Join the $ 100 Recipe Contest Try Tea Garden on your breakfast cereals instead of sugar. Pacific Coast Syrup Company Portland, Oregon. Chautauqua Assembly, which will be gin July 6, and continue for seven days. The beautiful grounds in Bryant's Park have been prepared for the event and the programme has been completed. Many splendid attractions have been obtained. Among the Oregon men who will take part in this year's programme are George E. Chamberlain. United States Senator, and Willis C. Mawley, Repre sentative In Congress from the First District. Rev, William Parsons, D. D., of Eugene, will have charge of the Bible school. Clackamas Teacher Elected. CLACKAMAS, Or., June 19. (Spe cial.) At a recent meeting of the Clackamas School Board, Miss Osborne, of Boring, was elected teacher of the first and second grades, and the classes In musio and drawing. The teachers for the other grades were chosen some time ago, several ueing re-elected. Heary Chery Crop at Clackamas. CLACKAMAS, Or.. June 19. (Spe cial.) In spite of the heavy -rains of the last few weeks, an abundant cherry crop is now being gathered. Royal Ann and Lambert are the leading varie ties. Lata chorrltB, which are just be Stoics or Portland Victor Baking Powder Three-lb. cans. A strictly high-grade Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Gives uni form satisfaction. 'Pare Kod Grocery, Bunsut, Slxtb-St. BIAar. earn a free trip to the Exposition. ginning to turn, also promise a good yield. Mc.Mlnnville Building Completed. WILSONVILLE, Or.. June 19. (Special.)- The Stangle & Young garage and machine shop la completed and the machinery installed. Probably the next building to go up will be the Oddfel lows. Hall. 30x50-foot floor space, with business premises on the lower floor. Gingham is so called because it was origi nally manufactured in Uutngamo, in Brit tany. If &u?erQ swe of having; your Kloves eleaned e t ter, and you were St HE of prompt de livery, wouldn't oi rieanlnc; Service Our today, . aret them morrow. We (! ib ma orders same received. day The Needle era ft Shop 842 Alder St., Opposite Pantagea Theater. X I MILK "It Whips" The brand that can al ways be depended upon it is the best for all pur poses. R e m e m ber and say HOLLY MILK to your deal er. Golden West Coffee Makes the best cup whether you are a domestic science expert or not. 40c Pound Closset Devers The Oldest and Largest Coffee Roasters in the Northwest. MEATS AND POULTRY used by Mrs. Redington in this Cooking School demon stration are from the MARKET Fourth and Yamhill Streets In the New Central Market Building KNIGHT'S PICKLES AND VINEGARS STRICTLY PURE 'Attend the Cooklns School find PrlnU Klrnt for Thlrt 5e at All Kountaina, DARKEN GRAY ; EASY, SAFE New Treatment Not a Dye. Harm less Turns Gray Hair Dark and Lustrous. If your hair is gray, streaked with gray, prematurely or just turning gray: if your hair is falling; if you have dandruff and your head itches, simply shampoo your scalp and hair a few times with Q-Ban Hair Color Re storer. Nothing else required. In a day or so all your gray hair will turn to its natural youthful dark shade tiro head of hair will become fresh, lustrous, vtavy, thick. k, soft. . e. Q-Ban n of life, dark and handsome. harmless, is not a dye, but acts on the roots, making hair healthy, so the gray hair naturally turn beautifully dark, so evenly that no one can tell it hafl been used. Get - a big 7-oz. bottle for 50 cents. Apply as directed on bottle. If Q-Ban don't darken your gray hnir ;0c. refunded without argument. Call or write. Out-of-town - folks supplied by parcel post. Huntley Drug Co.t 4th and Wash.. ts., .Portland, Or. Adv.; !1 HOILy" M ifTL.WffrY0ltH'l rC? PACIFIC 0 HAIR