The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 13, 1915, Section One, Page 6, Image 6

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Iff -x
Government Offers Prizes in
Guise of Inducements to
: . Thrift in People.
Drawing Is Big Event in Pekin and
Throngs Attend Question la
Whether Security Is as
Sound as It Looks.
(Copyright, 1915, by the Chicago Tribune.
Published by arrangement.)
' - PEKIN, April 25. This was the day
lrhen the Chinese government grave the
Chinese people an official lesson in
saving: money.
On the face of the matter some of
the people have a chance to win hand
BOmely none of them need lose more
,'than the use ot 10 for three years
'and the government is sure to have
the use -of anywhere from $10,000,000
!lo $30,000,000 over a considerable period
of time at a moderate rate of interest.
The plan adopted-by the Chinese gov
ernment for giving thie salutary les
on to the Chinese people would be
called a lottery if it were not that its
official name is the "Issue of Deposit
Keeeipts (Premium Bonds) of the Sin
Hua Savings Bank."
. Chinese officials, who. do not lack
fckill in drawing fine distinctions, dif
ferentiate pleasingly between lotteries
and the drawings of premium bonds of
the Sin llua Savings Bank.
Draninis la Slioir In Itself.
. But whatever it was this was the
day when the drawing took place, and
by the count of the Pekin police 260,
000 persons, not to mention horses,
ponies, mules, donkeys, burros, dogs,
birds, rickshas, wheelbarrows, automo
biles. Pekln carts, bicycles and every
other kind of wheeled vehicle known to
Chinese ingenuity surged into the
grounds of the temple of agriculture
to see the show and learn at the
earliest possible moment the numbers
of the winning tickets and who held
It was some show in fact, it was
jseveral shows all in one. The lottery
itself was one show, and a good one.
There were all kinds of side shows,
bazaars and that sort of thing, and
the enormous crowd was the best show
of all. ;
There was room enough for many
thousands more than went to the show,
but in true Chinese fashion everybody
had to go through a small gate to get
Into the grounds, although there was
no admission fe, and long before noon,
and during all the rest of the day,
it was a two hours' job or more to get
.in or out.
About a third of a mile west of the
Vatc a special pavilion had been erected
for the drawing of the lots. On each
-llank. and facing it, another pavilion
.was erected for the specially favored
; Million Tickets Are Soyi.
But it was an extremely orderly and
rood-natured crowd, and the throng of
pickpockets and sneak thieves who
'.might be expected in such a crowd in
the United States waa not in evidence.
I The show .had been advertised to
.begin at 8 o'clock in the morning. There
b a big Job to be handled. One
million tickets had been sold, each for
S10. Each ticket was divisible into ten
.s-ections. and the great majority of
them had been divided and sold in
:parts to two or more speculators or,
rather, savers of their money.
'. The tickets had been on sale all over
China since January, and the entire
-Issue was taken. A good-sized block
liad been sold here In Pekin. and of
-ourse everyone who had a ticket or a
Jart of one was anxious to be on hand
to see the drawing.
Consequently the crowd began to ar
rive long before 8 o'clock, and by the
;litne the preliminaries had all been
c ompleted there were 15,000 or 20,000
"rooiiee and poorer people standing in
;iront ot the main pavilion, and the
.side pavilions were well filled.
- In the main pavilion ten great cop
per globes, each about five feet in
diameter, had been set up In iron
Irames. Back of -each globe, on a tall
rack strung with wires, there hung
.3 00.000 small wooden balls, each bear
ing a number. These ten racks con
tained the million balls that were num
bered consecutively to represent the
.tickets which had been cold.
Government Cuarantees Payment.
The lottery being Hacked by the gov
ernment, which guarantees the pay
jnent of the prizes and the repayment
f the purchase price of non-winning
tickets, the drawing was officially su
perintended by two censors from the
administrative court, a representative
of the Ministry of Finance and two
members of the Pekin Chamber of
. -Commerce.
"When they arrived in the main pavil
ion shortly before 8 o'clock they first
inspected the racks holding the million
.balls hearing the ticket numbers. As
-ach rack was found to be correct the
wires holding the balls were cut and
the balls dropped into a big wire bas
ket, from which they were poured
through a huge funnel into one of the
big copper globes.
. To each globe there waa affixed a
.pout, operated by a valve so that the
.numbered balls could be withdrawn one
at a time. Four husky policemen, in
.gorgeous full dress uniform, turned the
-ranks of the big globes and gave the
wooden pills inside a fine shaking up.
Then, when each globe had received
itg hundred thousand wooden pills and
-all had been thoroughly shaken up,
everything -v-as ready for the drawing
to begin.
The first prize was tlOO.000, China
being on the silver basis, that means
.Mexican dollars, worth something less
than halt as much as Uncle Sam's big
iron bones. The second prize was $40
00(1; third. 130,000; fourth. $20,000 and
fifth. $10,000.
Then there were two sixth prises of
JSOOO each: six seventh pr j of $2600
Mch; SO eighth prizes of .1000 each; 60
jiintli prizes of $500 each; 30O tenth
prize, of $250 each; 600 11th prizes of
5100 each, and 1000 12th prizes of $50
Prizen Ajgrfsati rT,l.9 1 0. .
Besides, there were 9D9 prizes of $40
each for numbers having their three
terminal figures similar to those of
the ticket winning the first prize, and
r similar number of terminal prizes on
the second and third grand prizes. Al
together there were-6000 prizes aggre
gating $559,910. It waa a fairly good
eized lottery.
But no, it wasn't a lottery at all,be
cause if a ticket holder did not win a
prize this year he will have another
"chance next year, when there will be
another drawing. And if he dorsn'i
win a prize then he will have still an- I
tftner chance at a third drawing in
1917. ,
, And if he doesn't win then he may
return his ticket to the Sin Hua Sav
ings Bank at any time during that year
and get back the $10 that be paid for
H originally. So that the most a ticket
f :
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Varying reports of rallies and lapses continue to come from the bedside of the stricken King of Greece. He
has several times been reported at the verge of death within the past week. In European circles here news of
the King's health Is anxiously awaited because of the effect his death would probably have, on the political sit
uation. The King is regarded as favoring strict neutrality. His wife. Queen Sophia, Is a sister of the Kaiser.
holder can lose for taking -Is chance
in this government savings scheme is
the interest on his money for three
The theory back of the government
scheme is that if the speculator did
not invest his ten in this kind of a
scheme he would blow it In on some
form of gambling or other amusement
or squander it in some way that would
be of no benefit to Kim or his country.
In the prospectus of the lottery is
sued by the bank this phase of the
matter is discussed with engaging
frankness. It is to be remembered that
the prospectus never speaks of the
affair as a lottery. In fact, it dis
tinctly disclaims running a lottery, and
refers always either to "deposit re
ceipts" or to "premium- bonds," or
sometimes to "deposit premium bonds."
What is the object of issuing them?
Read this from the prospectus:
"It is to encourage our countrymen
to cultivate the habit. Money
can be saved as this habit is gradually
acquired. In the absence of such a
habit money will be unconsciously
squandered. The Issue if deposit pre
mium bonds surely affords the best
attraction and opportunity to the
would-be money saver.
Great Hope Cherished (economically.
"Those who have enough money may
purchase one or more of such bonds,
while the poorer eiass'may purchase
one division or more of a bond. The
price is low and can be paid with ease.
."Great hop may be cherished at a
little expense. If a person fails Irk the
drawing he may get back the principal
after the lapse of three years. There
is no better method of saving money
than this."
Differentiating this scheme from a
lottery the prospectus says:
"The object of issuing lottery tickets
is to obtain benent for the party .who
Issues them, because, after deductTng
the money paid for prizes, he will re
ceive a large surplus. Those who win
prizes will at once become rich, while
those who lose will . not be able to
regain the money Invested. Therefore
such operations may be placed under
the category of gambling.
"The proceeds thus obtained are
illegal acquisitions, and the enterprise
Is considered by society as immoral. So
in most civilized countries the sale of
such tickets has .been prohibited.
"This is not the case with the deposit
premium bonds. The party who issues
them will apply all the Interest accruing
from the proceeds to the giving of pre
miums, reserving nothing for himself.
The purchasing party who wins a prize
will be enriched, and if ho loses he will
get back the principal he invested.
Hence this is not gambling."
That gives the official government
explanation. There are certain cynics
in Pekin who say of this explanation:
"Good, but not enough."
Government Notoriously Impecunfoaa.
The Chinese government is notorious
ly hard up. With its creditors in
Europe Industriously engaged in cut
ting each other's throats no further
borrowings are at present possible
from that source. The ancient "squeeze"
which accounts for some 80 per cent of
the revenues before they reach the na
tional treasury is an institution that
even so strong a man as Yuan Shal Kai
has not yet been able to reduce ma
terially. The fantastically variegated currency
system of the country based on four
or Ave kinds of an imaginary coin; the
equally variegated systems of taxa
tion and of weights and measures, all
combine to make the problem of gov
ernment revenue one of uurprassing
Moreover the average Chinaman has
no use for a savings bank. He hoards
his hard earned cash and coppers either
in ornaments and trinkets that he can
sell without much loss or emergency,
or In silver that he can hide away and
be reasonably sure of finding when it
Is needed.
Or he may lend It to his neighbor at
Interest running all the way to 40 per
cent or more. They tell tales here of
fabulous usury. More likely than not,
however, if he gets a few dollars ahead
he goes on a bust and squanders it.
British Board Newly Created Has
Wide Powers of Control.
. IyONDON, June 12. The Gazette has
issued the text of the order-in-council
creating and. defining the powers of the
"central control of liquor traffic board."
to consist of a chairman and such other
persons as the Minister of Munitions
may appoint to control the sale and the
supply of intoxicating liquors within
prescribed areas.
The board has wide powers to regu
late' the hours of sale and even to pro
hibit entirely the sale of liquor and
otherwise accomplish Us ends. The
liquor board also Is empowered to pre
vent the practicing of treating where
It sees fit.
A novel provision Is that the board
may take over saloons in areas where
munitions "of war are manufactured, or
without licenses dispense liquor under
its supervision in factories engaged in
Government work. Under this plan in
toxicating beverages in moderate
amounts would be assured to the work
era. .
British Munition Problem Is
One of Competent Workmen.
Army Kngincer Says People Do Not
Grasp JUiTficulties to lie Sur
mountedWilful lelay
Is Another Matter.
LONDON. May 20 (Correspondence
of the Associated Press.) Soma details
of the shortage of the supply of war
munitions are given in a statement by
Major-General Desmond O'Callaghan,
who has been engaged in engineering
work for the War Oftjoe since the be
ginning of hostilities. He says:
"Though the general aspect of short
age of munitions is within the grasp
of the man in the street, the separate
difficulties of supply- which combine to
bring about that shortage are not gen
erally so well understood. Setting aside
guns and rifles and confining the survey
strictly to the supply of ammunition,
small-arm or rifle and machine-gun
cartridges come first for consideration.
In the manufacture of this class of
ammunition machinery plays a consid
erable part, and a large amount of
skilled labor Is not required. There are
many sources which can be drawn on
for its supply, and a shortage of small-
arm ammunition is, thereforenot great
ly to be feared.
Shells Require Skilled Labor.
"Next come shells for guns and
howitzers. Theso- have to be cast or
forged, the preparation of the steel and
its subsequent treatment demanding
skilled labor of a high order and pro
cesses that cannot be hurried. Good
gauge work with screw-cutting lathes
Is required, and the number of factories
and foundries that can undertake such
work is limited.
"Each shell is furnished with a fuse,
and fuses are delicate pieces of mechan
ism which can be produced only in fac
tories specially equipped for this work.
Contracts for these cannot be put out
to firms which have recently so readily
taken up the making of spare parts for
motors, aeroplanes and warship equip
ment. "Cordite and high explosives obvi
ously range themselves under the same
category. There is no dearth of the raw
material, but the sources of supply of
explosives are few and the processes
.Involved in their production are not
susceptible of being hurried.
Future Heats With Workmen.
"As to willful delay In actual manu
facture, it is harder to speak. In a
country where universal service is the
law, this cause of shortage presumably
does not exist. It is difficult to picture
a German workman sitting with folded
arms in front of a motionless machine
at the bidding of his trade union. Being
under martial law, he would either be
shot in the factory yard or sent to the
forefront of the battle..
"We have no such hold over our
workmen, and until they awake to- the
naked truth that we are lighting for
our very existence and that their apathy
Is endangering their own skins, it would
appear that we shall not have over
come this risk of the shortage of am
munition. "-
Van t lis. After Hearing Description of
Kltrate, Make Discovery In Cares
IS ear Home.
VALE, Or., June 12. (Special.) It is
evident that the discovery of a large
bed of potassium nitrate about 35 miles
south of Vale Is Important.
Early last Fall an old prospector re
ceived shelter at the home of George D.
Huntley, near Rocky Ford, on the Owy
hee River, some 15 miles from Napton,
on the Nyssa-Homedale branch of the
Oregon Short Line Railroad. He de
scribed nitrate of potash to the boys,
and they remembered a cave near their
home which was coated with some sub
stance resembling that described by the
prospector. They proceeded to the cave
and, building a fire, threw some of the
material into the blaze with the result
that the stuff sparkled and scintilated
much as would powder sprinkled over
fire. The result of this discovery was
the bringing the matter to the notice
of Henry Wilson, who had an analysis
made which showed a large percentage
of potassium nitrate.
Mr. Wilson Immediately negotiated
for the" Huntley place and also for a
number of locations which had been
made by a number of Ontario citizens,
and proceeded to Chicago with a large
number of samples. v
Upon this showing and further Inves
tigation a South Dakota company, called
the American Nitrate Company, has
been organised with a capital of $1,500,
000. Six hundred thousand of the capi
tal stock has been offered Easterrf in
vestors at par for the purpose of in
stalling solution vats and precipitating
tanks, as well as to provide transporta
tion to the railroad, 12 miles away. ,
A crew is at work on the property
and shipments are expected to begin in
60 days. 1
It is expected that the Malheur coun
try will be the scene of great develop
ment and of Incalculable benefit. -
PORTLAND. Juna J J. Maximum - tem
perature, 68 degrees; minimum, i degrees.
River reading, g . m.. 9. feet: change
In last 2 hours, none. Total rainfall (ft V.
M. to 5 P. M.I. none; total rainfall since
September 1, lt4, inches: normal,
42.88 Inches; deficiency. 13. M inches. To
tal sunshine. 5 hours 10 minutes; possible,
la hours 42 minutes. Raromet.-r (reduced to
ea level) i'P. M., JO.H Inches.
5 Wind
5 ?S
3 o
c MX 2.
3 5 8 S
i s ? r
Stat of
Boston .......
Chicago j......
Denver .......
Ies Moines ...
luluth ;
Oalvesltm . ... .
Kansas City ..
Los Angeles ..
Msrshfleld ...
-Med ford
Minneapolis ...
New Orleans .
New York
North Had ..
North Yakima
Phoenix ......
Portland ...j. .
Roseburs; . . ; . .
SMcramento ...
St. Louis
Halt Lake
Kan Francisco
Spokane .....
Tatoosh Island
Walla Walla . .
Washing-ton ..
.ooio!.vwPt. cloudy
62 0
J't. cloudy
Cloudy .
.OS 4 V
.01'3S R
001 calm
7S 0
... aw
.76 2o NK
0 0
OO 20;MW
16, S
4 ,SR
Si K K
6-.N W
6 W
10 NW
4, W
KS 0
Pt. cloudy
Pt. cloudy
00 1
88 0.
fPt. cloudy
S 0
4i W
Si.VW Clear
8U 0
68 0
30 a
.oi),jo; w
oo 8 aw
.00lOSW Cloudy
06 0
00:10, w
06 8 8
00 ,SW
Oitl a c w
Pt. cloudy
. O0l 41 N E
A severe storm Is central over Minnesota,
and the barometer is relatively high over the
North Pacitio and Northern Kockv Moun
tain States. . Heavy rains have fallen In
Wyoming, South Uagota and Minnesota, and
light rain has occurred In Idaho, Nevada.
Montana. Missouri, Iowa and in portions of
the Afantiu and Gulf states, it is warmer
In Oregon, Norttvern Idaho. Western Mon
tana, the Ohio Valley and I,ower Michigan.
Conditions are favorable for showers bun
day in Idaho and extreme Eastern Wash
ington. Kalr weather will prevail elsewhere
in this district:
Portland and vicinity Fair; westerly
wind. .
Orogon Kalr: westerly -winds.
Washington Fair, except showers extreme
east portion; westerly winds.
Idaho Showers.
EDWARD A. BEALP. District Forecaster.
Marconi Wireless Iteports.
(All positions reported at 8 P.M., June 13,
DoirM uioerHiM aenignuiea.)
Hyades, Ban Francisco for Seattle, six
miles south of Cascade Head.
El Kegundo, towing barge 01, Richmond
for Seattle. 4t3 mites from Richmond.
- Coronado, San Francisco for Grays Har
bor, IS miles north of the Columbia River.
San .Ramon, Hoqulam for San Francisco,
22 miles ooutli of the Columbia River.
Drake. Richmond for Vancouver, 140 miles
Hum Vancouver.
Northern Pacific. Flavel for Ran Francisco,
131 miles south of the Columbia River.
W. 8. Porter. San Pedro for Meadow Point,
411 miles north of San Franctsro
Kllburn, Marshfield for Portland, 100
miles south of the Columbia River.
Beaver. San Pedro for San Francisco, 30
raltes aaat of Point Concepcion.
Schooner Oregon, eight miles north of
Point Arjtuello.
Dakotan, San Pedro for nan Francisco, off
Mueneme. -
City of Seattle, southbound, off Fortler
Carlos. Fan Francisco for Tacoma, 60 miles
irom Seattle.
Enterprise, San Francisco for Honolulu,
16tio miles out, June 11.
Manoa. San Francisco for Honolulu, 1OCV0
miles out, June 11.
l.urllne, Honolulu for San Francisco, 1143
milfs out, June 11.
Hanlr'y. Honolulu for San Francisco, 80
miles out.
Governor. San Francisco for Seattle, off
Point Arena.
Wapama. Fan Francisco for San Pedro,
five miles south of Pigeon Point.
Atlas, Richmond for Seattle, off Point
Grace Dollar, San Francisco for Topolo
bampo. 3S miles south of San Francisco. .
Yosemite. San Francisco for Portland, 45
miles south of Blunts Reef.
Columbia. Philadelphia for San Fran
cisco. 120 miles south of San Francisco.
Celilo, Redondo for San Francisco, 10
miles north of Pledras Fiances.
Rose City, Portland for San Francisco, off
Cape Mendocino.
Roanoke, San FVanclsoe for Portland, 230
miles south of Columbia River.
Willamette. San Francisco for Portland,
217 miles north of San Francisco.
Multnomah. Portland for San Frsnclsoo,
4S miles south of Blunts Reef.
Attorneys for Condemned Fac
tory Superintendent Rely
on Record in Case.
Governor Promises Exhaustive In
vestigation Opponents of Com
mutation Protest Against
'Outside Interference."
. ATLANTA, Ga.. Juno 12. Arguments
In suDoort of the application of Leo M.
Frank, the pencil factory superintendent
accused of the murder of a gin em
ploye, were made today before Governor
Slaton. The Governor listened also to
opponents of commutation. He said he
would make a painstaking personal in
vestigation and would visit the factory
to view the scene of the murder before
he decided the case.
The hearing was adjourned unexpect
edly at 1 o'clock to give .Solicitor Dorsey
opportunity to present a written unci,
in- opposition.
V. M. Howard, on behalf of Frank,
said the prisoner would rely on the evi
dence In the record.
Negro Conley Is Accused. N
"We expect to convince you by what
Is contained in the records." he said,
"that Frank Is -innocent. I shall show
by the record that Frank logically could
not have had a part in Mary Phagan's
murder. . I shall also undertake to show
that the negro, James Conley, first
robbed, then assaulted, and finally mur
nered the girl."
In reply to a question by Governor
Slaton. Mr. Howard said he was willing
to accept the testimony of the state
chemist, Dr. R. Harris, and other state
witnesses as to the violence committed
against the Phagan girl prior to the
murder. The attorney argued at length
on this testimony.
"Where do you say Mary Phagan was
killed?" the Governor asked.
"I think the blow was struck on the
first floor of the pencil factory as she
came down the steps from the second
floor," replied Mr. Howard.
"Then, being stunned, I think .she
was taken to the basement where she
was further assaulted and the acTflal
murder accomplished. The record, how
ever, is rather blank as to how ehe got
Into the basement."
"Excepting the testimony of. Conley."
suggested the Governor.
"Oh, if we are to accept Conley's
story as true, we have no case" here
whatever," replied the lawyer.
"Outside Interference" Opposed.
. At the close of Mr. Howard's ad
dress, speakers' from the Marietta dele
gation, in charge of ex-Governor
Brown, argued against Frank's appeal.
These included Solicitor Clay, of Cobb
County, and M. M. Sessions. Sessions
read resolutions protesting against
"outside interference with -the courts
of law of Georgia" recently adopted by
a mass meeting at Marietta.
Mr. Brown presented the closing, ar
gument for his delegation. Speaking
of the late Judge Roan's letter, he said
that nowhere in the letter did the jurist
say he believed Frank was innocent,
but that he only expressed a doubt as
to his guilt. "I want to say," he con
tinued, "that the word mercy cannot
be found in the Constitution of Geor
gia. Nowhere is it found In the Bible
where it interferes with justice."
Mr. Brown, in his concluding argu
ment, said :
"Georgia has one law for all men
Christian and Hebrew alike1 and all
men must obey it. Tour excellency. If
you wish to invoke lynch law to
weaken if not destroy trial by jury In
this state you can lo it by reversing
ail the courts' decision In this case."
(Tallfomlan Starts Move Tor Appoint
ment of Bryan's Successor.
cial.) J. B. San ford, Democratic Na
tional committeeman for California and
Registrar of the United States Land
Oflice, has communicated with nearly
every National committeeman west of
the Mississippi River, urging them to
try to prevail on President Wilson to
appoint Franklin K. Lane to succeed
W. J. Bryan as Secretary of State.
Answers received by Mr. Sanford in
dicate that nearly all the National com
mitteemen In the West favor Mr. Lane
for the important post.
Mr. Sanford has also sent a strong
formal letter to President Wilson call
ing his attention to Mr. Lane's fitness
for the position.
Many thousands of women are now
a-days paying attention to physical
culture and the proper exercise of their
body muscles, where, thirty years ago
or fifty years ago there was no thought
expended on this science, which is
quite necessary to physical beauty. The
reason the Greeks, both men and
w.pmen, excelled in beautiful and sym
metrical forms was because of the at
tention they paid to the proper exer
cise. Then, too, they were untram
meled by corsets, shoes and the in
conveniences ot clothing. To the minds
of some women the idea of physical
exercise conveys only the idea of hard
fatiguing work. Mild exercise con
tinued day after day is best for the
body and spirits and health. Without
proper exercise there can be no health
and without health there no
real beauty.
There is no stronger proof of the
sound remedial value of Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription than it restores
the 'wasted form to Its wonted round
The mighty restorative power of Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription speedily
causes all womanly troubles to disap
pear compels the organs to properly
perform their natural functions, cor
rects displacements, overcomes irreg"
laritles. removes pain and misery at
certain times and brings back health
and strength to nervous, irritable and
exhausted womem.
It is a wonderful prescription pre
pared only from Nature's roots with
glycerine, with , no alcohol to falsely
stimulate. It banishes pain, headache,
tfackache, low nirits. hot flashes, drag-ging-down
sensations, worry and sleep
lessness surely and without loss of
Sick women are invited to consult Dr.
Pierce, by letter, free. Address Dr.
Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Euffalo, N. X.
The great essential in the con
duct of the affairs of a nation
or a business. All Good Ameri
cans have confidence in our
President as he guides the ship
of state. I wish all citizens
of Portland and vicinity to
have confidence in the integ
rity of this institution. We
cannot existandrunlegitimate
reduced price sales all the
year; those who do run con
tinuous sales must necessarily
be fakirs. Think it over, and give
your business where there is integrity
back of eyery sale made. Our Ches
terfield Clothes are as good as can be
made and you have clothes insurance
when you buy them. Suits priced $20
and up to $40. Good haberdashery
and fine hats for the man who wants
the best, moderately priced. We want
your business on a fair basis.
Corner Washington and West Park
The Germans Win
Whatever your sympathies or prejudices may be during the ter
rible 'European conflict, you must credit the creative genius of the
German, mechanic as being far in advance in manylnes of machin
ery. In refrigerating and ice-making machinery for efficiency, sim
plicity and low cost of operation the Germans far out-class all others.
We save from 1-3 to 1-2 on daily cost over any other make. We have
a home machine which costs only ten cents a day to operate. -
We are agents for the Germania machines for the farm, hotel,
club, grocer, butcher, restaurant, dairy or any place where refrig
eration is needed.
No home is completely modern without your own cooling system.
Plants From One-Eighth of a Ton to
25 Tons Capacity Cost $300 Upwards
389 Stark Street Opposite Pittock Block
"It's easy enough to be pleasant .
When a man has all he requires;
If hi3 health is all right
His heart will be light
' While he's riding on Diamond
rMr. Squeegee
A man is a good deal like a tire.
His greatness depends oh the crowd t
he is in. .
The really great man the leader-literally has
to meet all comers in the contest for public approval.
Any tire is the best tire in a crowd of inferiors.
But nowadays a tire has to be extraordinary
if it is to make and bold a record for superior service
and mileage economy.
It i3 the extraordinary quality of Diamond
Tires that has given them their deserved pre-eminence.
Send for our book of letters from dealers who
Bold Diamond Tires in 1914.
It tells how more than 99 out of every 100 of
the more than half a million Diamond Tires sold last
year gave maximum service at minimum mileage cost.
It is yours for the asking.
Diamond Squeegee Tires are sold at these
c;,, Diamond .: Diamond
OIZe Squeegee slzg Squeegee
30 x 3 $ 9.45 34 x 4 $2033
30x354 12.20 3Sx4K 28.70
32 x 3 14.00 37xS 33.90
33 x 4 20.00 38xS4 46.00
Sixth and Oak Streets
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