The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 13, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 10, Image 28

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13, 1015.
Help Wanted Agents.
BIO tsL'JLMK SELLER. -Make $10 a day.
Big seatiOD Is on. Get busy. . Sell Con
centrated Soft - Drinks just aaa water.
Delicious Summer drinks ur home, picnics.
Dart if s. fa irs. ball Karnes. etc Kvery
popular drink small package, makes so
clHttseH Ins than 1 cent a class. uuar-
an teed under L. S. Pure Food Laws.
woods made S16 first day. Qumn took
3 15 orders two days. Others coining
money, selling lo soda fountains, soit
drink stands, etc. 250 other hot weather
sellers. Over lOU orofit. Territory go
ing fast. Complete outfit furnished
sample case free. Just postal too ay now.
A merican Products Company, 2307 Third,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
CROW rich in business of your own. Get
out of wage-eaint-ra' class. Your co-operation
with our factory starts you with little
capital during spare time in your own.
Home. We manufacture exclusive articles.
No canvassing. Experience unnecessary.
"Write for booklet and proposition. Ad
dress Peaso Mt. ' Co., DepL U 08. 68
Broad way , But l aio, N. Y.
Everybody excited. Most wonderful agency
proposition out. Davis agents make big
proiits; $10 daily and up. Write quick
lor free colored circulars. Immediate ap
pointment. .Davis Co., 30 Davis ldg., Chi
cago. "WE start you in business, furfTfahtng every
thing; men. women, $30 to- $200 weekly
operating ".New System Specialty Candy
Factories' Home or small room any
where ; no canvassing. opportunity life
time; booklet free. itagsnaie Co.. box S,
East Orange. N. J.
ATTENTION wage-earner. Make basement
or spare room earn thousands of dollars
yearly, manufacturing articie staple as
bread ; enormous pro tit ; propositi 6n every
member of family can help; samples, par
ticulars free. .Mills. 1407 Lytton bldg.,
Used in every home; satisfies ; repeats
often ; greatest teller out today ; either
1 ex; salary and commission; it's your op
portunity; then get busy. Mr. Young,
Minook Hotel, 4th and Salmon. Mon.. 10-12
A. M.t 2-5 P. M.
Id E.N" or women, make $5 to $10 a day sell
ing "Keep-Nu" line of polishes and cleans
ers ; everybody buys; a sale In every
home; lOu per cent profit, write quick for
exclusive territory. "Keep-Nu" Co., 2S45
Sheffield ave., Dept. 143, Chicago.
protected line, no infringing of territory
or price-cutting. Permanent dignified po
sition for right man; $30 per week. Home
Specialties Company, Franklin and Huron,
k ent be made with our goods or anybody's.
But you can make good,, money with our
quick sellers, not sold in stores. Write
and say 'Show me." S. Mfg. Co., 41
Warren st.. New York, dept. 824.
$2-" TO $50 per week selling our NEWLY
PATENTED 25o and 50c household
DAY for territory. Send 45c for both sam
ple. MAY SPECIALTY CO.. Ills Gough
SELL rich-looking imported 36x68 rugs $1
each. Carbar. Tenn., sold 115 4 days,
profit $57. You can do same. Write sam
ple offer selling plan; exclusive terri
tory. Sample rug parcel post prepaid 93
cen ts. Kondon. importer. Stoning ton. Me.
AGENTS. CANVASSERS, either sex, a new
money-making proposition; build up a per
manent trade; good leaders and marvel
ous repeaters; our liberal offer on request.
218 N Post St., Spokane, "Wash.
HAGAZINE solicitors, crew organizers, five
months trial subscription Everybody and
other popular magazines for 50c; big
commissison ; unlimited. territory; only
experienced men need write. Postal Sub
scription Co., Minneapolis. Minn.
ICE bills reduced ; "Kut-Chur lee Bill"
Kloth guaranteed; regular size 25c post
paid ; 100 per cent to agents; manufac
tured by Chapman Co., 465 Dwlght bldg.,
Kansas City, Mo.
11 U NDREDS make $50 weekly selling guar
an teed, underwear, hosiery, shirts, etc., di
rect to homes. Why don't you?. Samples
FREE. Write Madison Mills, 588 Broad
way, New York City.
AGENTS to cell quick sellers. A postal will
bring our circulars. New articles. Write
lor territory. Biggest profits ever. 4U1
Consolidated Realty bldg, Los Angeles,
AGENTS wanted; agents make 500 per cent
protit selling "Novelty Sign Cards' ; mer
chants buy 10 to luo on sight; 8oO vane
ties; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., If.i4
Van Buren St.. Chicago, 111. -
I REE samples. Fluffy White, no rubbing, 6
washings, lo ironings, 10c. Exclusive ter
ritory. Samples, circulars free. Agents;
$looo guarantee; 82 per cent profit. Mar
ket Corporation, Chicago.
!WE want men and women every community
to introduce our high-grade specialty;
positive necessity; sells to vrybody;
write today. Roddan Supply Co., Walla
"Walla, Wash.
WANTED Representatives everywhere; $75
weekly selling collection cabinets to mer
chants and professional men; samples free;
repeat orders come unsolicited. Western
Company, Tajo bldg., Los Angeles. '
$10 DAILY refinishing chandeliers, brass
beds, etc.. by new method. Producing
amazing results. No capital or experience
necessary. Write for information. Gun
metal Co.. Dept. 4 7, Deca t ur. 111.
$15 MADE first day by 13-year-old boy
with Shomescope; woman made $8 first
hour Particulars free. Shomescope Mfg
Co.. 540 West, 13th st., Kansas Cuy, Mo.
AKT1C ICE BLANKET eaves half ice bill;
big seller; sample 5c; profits liUO per cent.
Particulars free. Specialty Mfg. Co., 6
Lewis block. Detroit. Mich.
AGENTS, make big money, every man buys
on sight; send 10o for sample to avoid
sample grabbers. J. H. Martfs- Mfg. Co.,
1 04 1 Steiner st., San Francisco.
RESIDENT and stage agents for new gas
saver; guaranteed save 25 per cent; great
seller and big profits; other special ties.
Address AV 225. Oregonlan.
BOTH sexes; we manufacture and control
fastest selling household article ever in
vented ; exclusive territory. Connolly, 123
Liberty street, Nt w York.
60(t--j, PROFIT. Free samples. Gold sign
letters, stores, office windows. Anyone
can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N
Clark, Chicago.
AGENTI on best people; fast seller,
oii $1.25 on every sale. G. u.
netting you $ 1.2.1 on every sale. G.
ye &. Co., 44U Washington st.. Port-
lana, or.
WANTED A few honest, ambitious men
and wom-en o co-operate with us in a
proposition. Write B. G. Ehlen, 2706 N
11 VE wire canvassers making money, quick
soiling article. Pullman, 507 Chamber of
Commerce bldg.
A MONEY-MAKER Samples 25c Univers-
al Flag of Peace. 141 13th., Portland.
AGENTS To sell non-alcoholic flavorings
etc. Viereck Ext. & Soap Co.. Albany, or.
Help Wanted Salesmen.
SALESMAN for general mercantile trade in
Oregon to sell a new proposition of merit;
vacancy now ; a inactive commission con
tract: $35 weekly for expenses. Miles F
Bixler Co., wholesale jewelers, 226-4 car
lin bldg.. Cleveland. O.
SALESMAN WANTED On. calling on the
retail dry goods anC gents' furnishing
trade throughout Oregon, to carry a side
line of gents neckwear and children's
sweater jackets. Address AV 271. Ore
gonian. SALESMEN wanted; laces, embroideries,
sid line; 12V per cent commission; sam
ples light; only men with trade now
traveling need apply. Merk & Co., 416
Broadway, New York.
TWO high-grade specialty salesmen or
capable ex-merchants, 1915 vacancy now;
staple line; liberal weeklv advances; pro
tected territory; old established house. S.
Kline. 2 7 4 - - 4 Crafts bldg.. Cleveland, O.
TWO salesmen Jor line of oils, greases, spe
c'alties; exceptional apportunity for men
ability; previous experience unnecessary.
"West Crast Refining Company. San Fran
cisco, Cal.
WANTED SALESMEN To take charge of
our business rn Idaho; good for $5oo per
month next six months. Call 1 to 5 Sun
day and all week,. Mr. Clark, 723 Cham
her of Commerce.
WANT ED PAW:S MEN For every town In
Oregon; big money to the right men next
six months. 'atl 1 to 5 Sunday and ail
week. Mr. Clark. 723 Chamber of Com
merce. WANTED Salesmen to start not later than
July 1 ; salary or commission ; first-class
references must accompany applica tion
Arid ress United States Whip Co., West
field. Mass.
WHOLE time or side line; 10 minutes time
pays $10; pocket samples; prompt coin
tt. issions; state territory covered. El wood
Mfg. Co., Inc.. 1118 Michigan ave.. Chi
cagq A I.ESM EN wanted to sell our check pro
tector; it sells to -every person who writes
a check; circulars and information free;
sample 25c Terry Mfg. Co., 122 Co Ron
bidg Toledo, O.
EXPERIENCED capable salesman' travel,
old house, line selling to all classes mer
chants; high commissions; libera! weekly
advance. I. W. Barrows, 873 Wood w a rd
ave., Detroit.
WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, gen
eral stores and confectioners in small
country towns ; 25 per cent commisnion;
$35 weekly drawing account. Sales Man-
ser. 21 K5 irouth r irst St.. s-t. Louis. Mo
EA1.KSMKN" The easy-selling side Hue Is
our and J 5c hosiery, s ltl direct to re-
tn il dealers at low prices and all f reigh t
prepai't. Goodone Hosiery Mills. Kansas
Citv, Mo.
SALESMAN to represent us on Pacific Coast;
tide line or exclusively ; big commissions.
Moonlight Bait Company, Paw Paw, Mich
Help W aut-l Salesmen.
Exceptional money -matting opportunity
for high-class men to sell memberships
in big National organization of automo
bilw owners; permanent positions; liberal
commissions. A chance to make $30U0 to
$5ooo or more per yea r. Your sales ef
forts backed by a $50,000 advertising
campaign in leading magazines. Experi
ence selling automobiles and supplies or
insurance and stocks and bonds valuable,
but not necessary ; unlimited field ; every
automobile owner a live prospect; no com
petition. State fully your experience and
qualifications. Want hustlers, not "chair
warmers." Territory going fast. Write at
once for full details. J. L. W., room 70O.
327 S. La Salle St., Chicago.
for a few men with wide selling ex
perience and acquaintance among
the department store and house
furnish ng trade to secure the ex
clusive state selling rights of a na
tionally advertised household article
of proven merit. Oregon and several
other states still open.
Wanted ; we need brainy, energetio man,
this territory, to handle our business with
banks, manufacturers, merchants; perma
nent income of $100 weekly assured right
party; previous experience unnecessary;
musr have 1200 casn to secure and han
d ie orders. Write or wire today, giving
554 Boyce Bldg., Chicago.
A GOOD opportunity for sales experience
and advancement. Several young men,
single,- 2t to 24 years old, to sell adver
tised product to housewives in Oregon;
must be . clean-cut, ambitious and have
fair education. Moderate beginning sal
ary, also expenses when traveling outside
Portland. State age, schooling, former em
ployments. Box Av 266. Oregonian.
SALESMAN to call on the department, men's
furnishings, and specialty stores in Port
land and surrounding territory in the in
terest of sealpackerchief. To insure con
sideration give full particulars regaruing
age, business experience, reference and sal
ary expectations. The International Hand
kerchief Mfg. Co., 114 Sansoine st., San
POCKET side line; new, live proposition;
all merchants in towns 100,000 and under
w ant It ; pays $0 commission each sale ;
no collecting, no risk to merchant ; take
back unsold goods ; easiest, biggest- pay
ing side line offered. Canfield Mig. Co.,
1!U& Sigel, Chicago.
SIX for July 1 outside Portland, $150 to
$250 monthly; we pay Thursday; no sam
ples; no selling or collecting; simply de
termination to work: such full Instruction
success assured. Write, secure splendid
Income. 11. O. J ones, secretary, &a J
Schwind bldg., Dayton, O,
EXPERIENCE unecessary ; easy work; big
pay ; write now, large list openings offer
ing opportunities to earn from $100 to
$5o0 a month while you learn. Address
nearest office. Dept. 311, National Sales
men's Training Association, Chicago, New
York, San Francisco.
WANTED Experienced specialty salesman
lor specialty tines; commission ana draw
ing account or salary and expenses to the
right man; references required. Address
Salesmanager, 201 Granite bldg., St, Louis,
SIDE line salesmen, high-grade salesboard,
collar button display assortments ; pocket
samples; large commission ; dealor has
privilege selecting each article from wide
variety. Inco Supply Co., 2U9-211 East 2th.
St., Chicago.
SALESMAN, experienced any line, to sell
general trade; Pacific territory; unex
celled specialty proposition; commission
contract; $35 weekly expenses. Continen
tal Jewelry Co., 7 4-24 Continental bids.,
Cleveland, O,
SIDE line salesmen; this is a country town
line and offers big inducements for work
ers, prices recently reduced ; pocket sam
ple. Devon Mfg. Co., Chicago. 1U.
FIRST-CLASS salesman to carry side toy
line. Photo sample. 225 E. 51st st.
WANTED Young girl fur housework in
small family. East 353S. 721 E. Broad
way. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework,
references. Call after Sunday. 812 North
rup street.
WANTED Ladies to demonstrate, residen
tial work, $2 per day up. 505 Columbia
GIRLS bet. 18 and 25 to learn comptometer
calculating machine: good position when
course completed. 333 Morgan bldg
WANTED A neat competent girl for second
work; references required. Phone Mon
day morning. Main 1300.
WANTED A girl for general housework,
taking care of children; 4 in family; pay
$20 a month. Wood lawn 3391.
WANTED Middle-aged lady. homo and
small salary for light services. 57 Bucutel
ave., near E. 30th and Stark.
COMPETENT girl wanted lor general
, housework, small home, small - family ;
permanent place to satisfactory girl. Phone
Main 2554. .
EXPERIENCED family second girl, kitchen
helper. Howe's Agency, 35, 270 Wash
ington st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
e-mail family; good wages. 10 to 1. 827
502 Empress Lid;. Personal Instruction,
p o sitions when competent.
WOMEN to learn corset fitting; residence
work ; permanent and profitable. AG &74.
moaern business courses $5 mo. positions
when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg.
WANTED Retined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavi Company, 423
Pit toe it block, 35 Washington st.
WANTED Experienced body Ironcr on
coats. Apply Crystal Laundry Co., E. 21st
and Sanay road.
LADIES desiring spare home work; earn
$10 weekly; copy our postcards. Send 3c
stamps. Holm stead Co., Columbus. Ohio.
WANTED Short order cook for small coun
try restaurant. Address Mrs. Chas. A.
Simpson. Condon, Or.
WANTED Swedish or Finnish girl for gen
eral housework. Apply mornings, 705
Davis st., apt. 52.
WANTED Salesladies for department store
in city ; state lines experienced in and
give references. AN Sb3, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced cook.
Apply immediately Cornell Road -at
head of Marshall st.
WANTED Girl for light cooking and lunch
room work; state age and experience. AK
S63, Oregonian.
WANTED Girl for general housework In
family of 2 adults; must be experienced ,
wages small. 134 E. 39th N.
TRUSTWORTHY, clean young girl, 15 or 16,
to acsist with small duties and help care
for children. Tabor 20ft.
GIRL for housework and plain cooking, ref
erences. 074 Everett.
WANTED Neat girl for light housework.
TsQ Irving st.. Apt. 5.
WANTED A good dressmaker. Call at 289
E. 47th st.
GIRL for housework, small family. Apply
t t-. r lancers
PIANO player for the road; call Auditoriam
Hall. 2us x,a 3d at., 10 a.m.
BOOK KEtPE RS. stenographers and dicta
p h one operators. 3Q1 N. W. Bank bi d g.
Typewriting, $5 mo. 269 14th. Ph. M. S333.
WANTED Woman for housework, family
of two. 1)2 1 East fcaimuii.
FIVE girls to Ram beauty culture. 414
Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors.
WANTED Girl or woman for light house
work, 703O 53rd ave. Tabor 2771.
2 LADV solicitors. Call today (Sunday)
from 2 to 4 at 1057 Belmont st.
WOM AN. general work at beach ; no objec
tions to child. V tQ3. Oregonian.
WANTED Good girl for general house
work and care of children. Tabor 256.
WOMAN to do work for H. K. rooms. 33
Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Marker and sorter. Address
Crystal Laundry, Tillamook, Or.
WILL give good home in return for assist
ance with housework. r.92 Schuyler.
GIRL to assist with housework,
ler. Call Monday morning.
747 Weid-
W A N T El
Experienced skirt and waist fin
2U5 Columbia bidg.
WAN TED First-class fancy Ironer at Main
Hand laundry. Washington.
A GIRL wanted to work in the coffee house.
270 Couch st.
WANTED Experienced waitress, Virginia
Hill Hotel. Main J23. A G23.
WANTED Chambermaid.
29 N. 1st.
Quimby Bote,
WANTED Helpers and finishers, appren
tices. 434 Morrison.
GIKL wants roommate, fine location, rea.
sonahle. M Oregonian.
CO M PET E N T lady teacher for review of
grammar grade work. H 873. Oregonian.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
references. Apply 215 N. 24th.
GJ KL wanted for vneral housework. 40U
E. 25t h st. N. Telephone East E34 1.
gTrls. learn beauty culture, comm'n while
learning, Violet Shop, 511 Abingtoa bids-
R ELI A RLE middle-aged woman for general
housework for man and wife In small
home. Want someone who will appreci
ate permanent position and good home
with reasonable wages. Phone Broadway
r57f, Monday.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for protection of Wo
men is now located at room 303 new Po
. Jice Headquarters. Information protection
or assistance given to women and girU.
Interviews confidential.
WANTED Several ladies to prepare for
Portland September postoffice clerk exam
ination; splendid salaries. I conducted
Government examinations. Trial examina
tlon free. Write Ozment, 321,- St. Louis.
HOUSEKEEPER Lady of refinement to do
light housework in country town, with
mus'cai ability; good opportunity to teach
if competent. Give phone. BE S70, Ore
gonian. LA DIES, $25 weekly easy, simple work, no
canvassing; evenings at honva; fascinat
ing ; everything furnished ; no experience;
don't worry about capital. Boyd . C
Brown, dept. B, 23a, Omaha, Neb.
WANTED Teacher of executive abiiity for
responsible position ; "good personal ap
pearance necessary ; references ; splenatd
salary. For appointment telephone room
705, Hotel Benson, Monday morning.
the "LITTLE GEM" hair curler; double
your money; easy 10 sell; 6 curlers for 10
WANTED Lady of fair education for local
work to devote a few hours each day.
One interested in church or educational
work. Salary $1.50 per oay. A tti, Ore
gonian. WANTED Lady, unincumbered, to travel
in Western States; salary to start, $50 and
expenses; state present employment. Phone
A hS7. Oregonian.
WANTED Girl to assist with lig'ht house
work at the teach in exchange for board
and small compensation, B 873, Orego
nian. NEAT and reliable girl o-woman"Ior gen
eral housework; small family ; 5-room bun
galow; every convenience, Apply 720 East
44th N. Tabor 498o.
Fi V'E bright, capable ladies to travel, dem
onstrate and Btfli dealers, $25 to $5D per
week ; railroad fare paid.. Goodrich Drug
- Co., Dept. 511. Omaha, Neb
12 WOMEN for well paying fashion -work at
. home during spare lime; pleasant, profit
able; send no money ; free booklet. Mrs.
.Munro, 4y?(A, tias ttiag.. Chicago.
$18 WEEK, expenses advanced, women to
travel, appoint agents for concen irated
food flavors in tubes. Reliable Mfg. Co.,
tio uomo oiag., Lnicago.
COPY letters; copy material furnished; can
earn (12. weekly ; stamped envelope par
ticulars, . Cincinnati Copy Co., Cincinnati,
WRITE motion picture plays;. $50 each; ex
perience unnecessary; details Iree to be
ginners. Producers' League,
wright, St. Louis.
BOOKKEEPER and stenographer for job
bing house. Apply in own hand writing,
stating experience and references. Salary
475 start with. Address O 867, Oregonian.
"WANTED A neat, competent maid to go
to - beach, July and August; must be goud
cook; wages $3o; none other need apply.
Phone East 45tf2. 44J E. 24th N.
STENOGRAPHER and billing clerk, must
have automobile experience. Give refer
ence and salary expected. L 8uo, Orego
nian WOMEN as Government clerks, $70 month ;
Portland examinations coming. Sample
questions free. Franklin institute, DepL.
703E, Rochester, N. Y.
WE can show you how to make $50 to $150
monthly at home ; no canvassing. Write
for particulars. Elyod Pub. Co., 627.
Wash., D. C.
LADIES Make shields home, $10 per 100;
no canvassing required. Send stamped
ad dressed .envelope for particulars- Eu
reka Co.. Dept. 1 10-B, Kalamazoo, Mich.
MILLINERY store in good Washington town
near Seattle; will traae for lot or auto
mobile; price $400; will assume. BF 807,
YOUNG LADY pianist; must be good sight
reader; steady position. - Call if A. M. Mon
day. Reinick Song Shop, 322) Washing-
ton st.
GIRL for general housework and good plain
cooking. Call Monday between lo and 12,
or between 3 and 5. 058 Irving.
COPY LETTERS Persons writing and copy
ing letters make $lo to $25 weekly follow-
. - lug directions. Stamped envelope for par
ticulars. Brooks Copy Co., i5ti Pennsylva
nia ave.. Washing ton, D. C.
MEN and WOMEN to learn the barber
trade, earn from $15 to $25 per week; tui
tion reduced, paid while learning; positions
secured; write for fret catalogue. The
Moler System of Colleges. Ad. 48 N. 2d.
EARN $25 per week at home copying let
ters; if you mean business, send self-addressed
stamped envelope and 25c for out
lit; no stamps. Feme Louve, Aurora, or..
Dept. 0!
Practical instructions in modem lan
guages. Class or private. PACIFIC
502-3-4 Broadway Blug. Call or write.
20 CENTS each paid for tobacco users'
names. Contract, blanks, etc., 10 cents,
returned if dissatisfied. Superba Co., o2
Baltim o re. Mil.
WANTED Couples who can waltz, good
pay to all and prizes to winners; give
phone or address. E 871. Oregonian.
WANTED Ambitious workmen. Your work
on actual jobs pays for teaching trade of
automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying. Only
lew months required. "00 students last
four eais. Write for Information. Bruns
Contracting Trade School, 234 Aliso. Los
15,000 GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men,
women, $05 to $lo0 month, common educa
tion sufficient; Portland examinations
soon. Write Immediately for tree sample
questions, full description. Franklin ImiU-
tute. Dept. H48 D, Rochester, N. Y.
UlituuiN UAr.ctn lullul waDifl men
and women to learn the barber trade in 8
weeks; positions guaranteed; tools free,
paid while learning; modern method
teaching ; tuition reuueed. 23 Madison.
RAILWAY mail clerks, P oi clerks car
riers, exam, soon; parcel post demands
many more clerks; act at once. PaclUc
State Schools, .McKay bldg., city.
EXPERIENCED Cook; telephone girl and
elevator boy lor residential hotel; refer
ences required C 801, Oregonian.
WATCHES cleaned. 75c ; mainspring. 75c ;
work guaranteed. 218 Commonwealth
bldg.. 0th and Ankeny.
WANTED Names of men, 18 or over, wish
ing Government jobs, $05 month; no pull
necessary. AV 743, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers and Cierka.
YOUNG man stenographer, grammar school
education, good at Ugures, desires a posi
tion in office where there is a chance to
learn; salary no object. AR S74, Orego-
SALESMAN, wide experience, mercantile or
manufacturing concern in Portland pre-
. ferred; open for position Juiy 1. AO s73,
YOUNG' man wants a position as assistant
bookkeeper iu some large office; refer
ences; fidelity bond if required; salary not
necessary. X 860, Oregonian.
young man. 26; very active, competent;
meets public well. Any saiary to start.
East 53to.
YOUNG man, experienced, stenography,
bookkeeping, billing, multigraphing, le.i.j
forms and advertising, ants permanent
porttiion. S .877, Oregonian.
YOUNG man, high school graduate, with
some office experience, desires position of
any kind. Am not a stenographer. II 871,
YOUNG man with 4 years experience as
bookkeeper and office clerk wants posi
tion wii h chance for advancement; goud
references. Phone C Ji0.';3.
OPTOMETRIST not graduated desires posi
tion with graduate, practice, not wages
object, have all necessary instruments. Al
873. . Oregonian.
YOUNG MAN with technical college educa
tion desires permanent position with firm
offering opportunities for advancement.
R 87-, Oregonian. ,
MAN, 60. slightly deaf, wants light work of
some kin; wi'.ges no object; references.
Call Monday. Main 7051, A 1517.
RELIABLE American wants work; refer
ences. Room 42. 41g2 Main.
JAPANESE cook wishes position In family
AP hps. Oregonian.
JAPANESE cook desires any kind position In
town, without room. -; No3, oregonian.
"WHEN you want a carpenter for any kind
of work phono East 1 145.
'PAINTING, tinting, $2 day.
No. 227 6th st.
E. E. Dodge.
MAN wants painting, tinting, honsecleaning
lawn work, A 1 7."i, Main 8411.
FAPERHANG1NG. 20c a bol t ; painting,
tinting reasonable. Tabor 6213.
A JAPANESE cook wants position, private
family, city or country. O 86S. Oregonian.
PA I NT I NG. kalsomining. piaster p.i tching ;
reasonable. Phone Wood lawn 2410.
ALL-ROUND man handy with tools, go any
where; ref crences. O 870. Oregonian.
BA K EK Ali-a round,
871, Ortsoriian.
city or country.
LOTS cleaned up rea.'onable. Phone Marshall
3672, early mornings and evenings.
Mi scellan eons.
desires responsible position with corpora
tion . or connection with reliable law firm.
I was admitted to the Illinois bar in lSi)H,
associated with " prominent law offices in
'hicago for six ears, been practicing in
Washington State Hi years, two terms
County Attorney, four terms City Attor
ney -of third-class city. My only reason
for seeking new location is for further
advancement. Will go anywhere provided
satisfactory arrangements are made. What
have you to offer? Address AV 67, Ore
ggnian. .
SHEET metal worker desires position In
small town; used to working in- hardware
store; 20 years experience; strictly sober
and reliable; references. Call Main 7uTl,
A 1317. Monday morning. 411 Commercial
A GOOD janitor or porter, honest, relia
ble and sober, middle-aged and of good
address, would like to find position; mod
erate wages; best of references. Address
p. Pasteur, Newland Hotel, 3U6i 1st St.,
city. . -
YOUNG man of good character and appear
ance would like to secuie position as
salesman for line of goods; will take Up
- any good line; can furnish good reference.
P. S. C, Eugene Or., care New Hoffman
WANTED By gentleman, nurse to take
care of aged gentleman or Invalid; under
stands hyurotceapic treatmen L Address
Hoosier Hotel, 205 Jefferson, larshall 5-2,
call for L. E. Adams.
MAN and wiTe want work la the country
on a farm or in a camp; not experienced
on farm, but willing to learn; both good
cooks. Call Monday, Main 70ul, A 1517.
411 Commercial block.
GENTLEMAN from Chicago would like po
sition us chauffeur for private family,
will guarantee to keep up any make car.
Will give bank references. Phone Main
YOUNG man, mechanical engineer, wants
position as superintendent of construction
or foreman of machine shop in or out of
city. Call Monday, 'Main 7001. 1517. 411
Commercial block.
A-l CHAUFFEUR and mechanic is wiTTTng
to work for board and room until satis
faction Is given; ref. Phone Main 5UU3,
after 5 o'clock.
CHAUFFEUR, with 5 years experience,
wishes position w ith private family ; good
references; will do other work. Phone
MarshaIl 1240. W. 3. McDonald. .
YOUNG MAN with automobile wishes posi
tion; have been connected with machinery
and garages. For information, call Wood-
lawn 800.
WANTED Position by man and wife on
farm or camp, manager; wife excellent
cook; man good all-around hand. Address
J. S. C, 408 Clinton.
YOUNG foreigner wishes to work in private"
family as gardener or In house and take
care of car; have good knowledge of ma
chineT AF 85, Oregonian. :
X WO men want to take contract to cut
wood by cord, 2000-3000 cords; state the
distance from Portland. D. Nichols, 34
N, 2d st., city.
COOK, ail around man, wishes steady sit
uation, preierrauiy in a country noiei
where economy and steadiness will be
appreciated ; references. K 860, Oregonian
MONEY no object; man, 25, wants' work 6
to 12 P. M. daily. Sat. afternoons and Sun
days; A-l references. Call Ramapo Ho
tel, room 412.
SALESMAN, representative, man of wide
commercial experience, seeKs position, mer
cantile, manufacturing firm in Portland. F
881, Oregonian.
SALES manager, acquainted ail Portland,
grocery trade, present employed, wishes
to change ; highest references. Address
4706 7d st. S. E., city.
YoUNG man wants work in automobile
thop; I am a good automobile painter.
AO se8, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED man wants work as day or
nialit watchman, barn or stable worn: Al
, references. Call Monday, Main 7051, A 1517.
EXPERIENCED middle-aged man and wife,
would like care of apartmertt-house, most
reasonable terms. AP bol, Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AG ED xnt- a would like job on
ranch; experience.", hand with stock. 533
PAINTING, tinting, day, hour or contract,
prompt, efficient and reasonable. Main
PAINTING, papering, kalsomiming done rea
sonable ; trades considered. Phone Main
41 40, room 7.
AN expert woolen man, experienced sales
man, buyer, jeeks position, wholesale
house. E 874, Oregonian.
PAINTING, kalsomining, rooms $1.50 up.
Paperhanging and tinting very reasonable.
Main 25J0.
GOOD, experienced Japanese cook wants
position; has references ; city or country.
Address S. Harry, 2u2 2d st. cor. Taylor.
CHAUFFEUR Experienced Japanese w ants
position in private family, good mechanic;
cio other worn. AL 805, Oregonian.
CARPENTER, builder, remodeling; might
consider part exchange. Phone Sell wood
it; 05.
EXPERIENCED gardener and houseman
wants position ; good city references. D
874, Oregonian.
WANTED Janitor work; will care for fur
nace and- do all repairs. East 4361,
room 12.
BOY 1 7 wants work on suburban farm or
garden; has some experience. X 868,
PAINTING, papering, kalsomining; good
work; prices reasonable. Phone Sellwood
YOUNG man with good education wants
work. What have you ? AB Su2, Orego
nian. EXPERIENCED, reliablbe man wants paint
ing, tinting, varnishing, etc.; references.
Call Monday morning. Main 7051, A 1517.
A GOOD economical Japanese, experienced
cook, wife for maid, want position, in pri
vate family. Main 3'Ii3. A 1568.
JAPANESE couple want position in family,
man for garden, wiie for house. AD 80V,
CARPENTER wants work, contract or day;
job work 40c per hour, screens made 7c
per foot. Sellwood 2241,
SITUATION wanted by experienced Japa
nese cook at country hotel or restaurant.
Kavva. 208 Everett st.
BRIGHT, active boy wa nts work delivering
or position us bus boy; references. Call
Monday, Main 7051. A 1517.
YOUNG physician, with experience, wishes
temporary or permanent location with
established doctor. AL 866. Oregonian.
CAPABL E hotel and apartment-house man
ager desires posit ion.- Small salary; ref
erences. V 873, Oregonian.
MAN with family would like work -on farm
milking, will work for board. Address
box US No. 1, Warren, Or.
GOOD butcher wants position for city or
country or as partner. AL &64, Oregonian.
REGISTERED druggist wants situation. C
862, Oregonian.
liookkeeier and Stenographers.
COLLEGE woman, above par in .spelling,
punctuation, etc., knows several la u
guages. wishes office work. Uses type
writer, but is not stenographer. Compe
tent to take entire charge of 'correspon
dence. Moderate salary. AR 872, Orego
nia n.
CAPABLE business woman trained as pri
vate secretary, desires position; Al steog
rapher and bookkeeper; university edu
cation : experienced law, railroad, lumber
and commercial work ; excellent reper
encrs. AK S71, Oregonian. .
KiTUAL-:i,K stenographer, 5 years' ex per i
enj machinery and general office work :
city references; nilling to leave city. BF
80S, Oregonian.
CLERICAL York, home or office, doctor's oT
fice or night exchange; A-l relerences. A
Mm, Oregonian.
SHALL 481. -
O- K. stenographer, b. k. and dictaphone
operator wants permanent OT aubstltuts
work. M. 281 1.
POSITION in doctor's or dentist's office or
operator on private exchange by refined
joung woman. A IS 871. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady with experience desires sten
ographic position. Tabor 4QQ1I.
YOLTNG lady stenographer. experienced,
wishes position. Main 3172.
COMPETENT and experienced ' bookkeeper
and stenographer; references. East 6i10.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires posi
tion. Mar. 451.
Prefts makers.
YOUNG woman, 24. experienced, dressmaker,
desires work at $1.5" a day and carfare.
Call Monday, Main 7051. A lo!7.
FASH IONABLE dressmaking, reasonable,
noma or daj. 301 Buchanan bldg. Main
15 i 3.
GOWNS, tailoring, alterations. reduced
prices; guaranteed. 202 Fliedner bldg.
Marshall 3201 '
EX PEK1ENCED dressmaker by the day;
reasonable. East 28S2.
DRESSMAKING neatly and reasonable done.
Phone East 152.5.
DRESSMAKING, firft-class references, $2
per day. M isj Ta y lor. Main 7S03.
B"I K ST -CLASS dressmaker wishes work in
families; reference. Marshal 1681.
RES PON SI BLE dressmaking at home or by
day ; work guaranteed. Main 3830.
DK ESSM A K 1NG. work guaranteed. pric-es
reaionar Ie. Main 7382.
DRESSM A K 1 N G and ladies' tailoring by
the day, $2.50; experienced. Tabor 483,
I rcssmsker.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking and tailoring
by first-class dressmaker; fit and work
guaranteed ; remodeling ; prloea most rea
sonable. Mrs. Teademan, J88 10th bL, near
Jefferson st. Room 21. Main 7066.
EXPERIENCED woman, child 3, wants
work as housekeeper for widower or or
ranch. L. 15. No triflera. 249 Monroe st.
BY .widow with daughter 15, housekeeping
for widower or bachelor, in or out of city.
G S63. Oregonian.
NEAT, fashionable dressmaking, ladies',
tailoring work; guaranteed. Phone Main
FIRST-CLASS dressmasiing. Phone Main
AILORJNG and Summer suits, dresses and
alterations made to order. Main 2275.
NURSE, wishing position, any kind, will
travel and assist in housework or as com-
panion; will work reasonable, H 86S, Ore
BY experienced nurse, more cases, or will
lo Coast or 'raveling. Main 7823.
EXPERIENCED child nurse; ref.; prefer
Catholic family. Call Monday. Sellwood
UNDERGRADUATE nurse wants case, will
go to coast with patient; any kind of case
taken. Main 387&.
GRADUATE NURSE wants nursing; coun
try ; references. 535 Vii Montgomery st.
Main 32.
WANT to go to Texas as nurse or domestic
Phone East 4624.
MATERNITY NURSE disengaged. Marshall
PRACTICAL nurse whshes maternity work
or day. Marshall 1044.
PRACTICAL nurse; will do any kind of
work. Milwaukie 8&R.
THOROUGHLY competent woman with girl
11, wishes position as housekeeper for
respectable widower or bachelor; wages
not as important as respectable surround
ings; capable of taking full charge. Ad
dress 168 13th St., or phone Mar. 5S50.
WIDOW of 37 years with boy 13 and girl
lo, wishes position as housekeeper for
gentleman who owns nice country home ;
comfortable home more than wages. AL
867, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as working housekeeper
by an experienced middle-aged woman in
- a smal adult family or small men's cJub;
first-class references; in or out of city. AR
875, Oregonian.
ELDERLY widow would like steady place
as housekeeper or assist in general house
work In small family ; good home and
small pay. O 869, Oregonian.
EASTERN lady wishes position as house
keeper; good cook; references; widower's
family preferred. Marshall 897, or B 876,
COMPETENT young widow wishes position
as housekeeper; no trifiers need answer.
Phone Woodlawn 1636 or address 768
Borthwick su
REFINED middle-aged woman wants po
sition, housekeeper for widower with chil.
dr-n or old couple; xneat, reliable; ref
erences. East 5347.
WIDOW. 33. position as housekeeper for
widower with small family; wages no less
than $L'0; triflera need not answer. S 874,
POSITION as housekeeper for refined wid
ower, with one or more children, 01 will
take children to beach for Summer; by a
kind young mother. Y 872, Oregonian.
YOUNG widow, position housekeeper for
widower or party of young men; refer
ences fur. and required. P 868 Oregonian.
POSITION managing apartment or rooming-house
by experienced young woman;
re asonable salary. AB 870, Qregoni an.
LADY wishes position as housekeeper. 331
Salmon st., room 11. CalL Sunday or after
6 P. M week days.
"WIDOW, with three small children, wishes
V3 keep house for bachelor or widower.
Mrs. D. H. Marshall, 511 Everett st.
HOUSEKEEPER, first-class, young woman,
wishes cooking or general work. City or
country. X 867, Oregonian.
CAPABLE, refined lady, 39, desires posi
tion as housekeeper. Phone Marshall 2O60.
SITUATION wanted as housekeeper by middle-aged
lady. 1271 Klickitat St.. city.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housekeeper In
small family. Vvooaiawn 134
YOUNG lady wants position as housekeeper;
fond of children, B 881, Oregonian.
YOU NG WOMAN wishes position, private
housework, country or city ; can handle
larse crews in camp. Address 625 Thur
man St., Mrs. McGuire.
A QUIET, refined woman wishes a place as
mother's helper, experienced; references;
no home wanted. Phone Marshall 3034
after ! A. M.
EXPERIENCED, reliable woman wants posi
tion as cook for crew of men In or out of
the citv; Al references. Call Monday,
Main 7o31, A 1517.
RELIABLE middle-aged woman desires
housework in small family; good plain
cook. W 874. Oregonian.
WANTED By young girl, housework with
small family; good home appreciated.
BF 84 S, Oregonian:
EXPERIENCED cook and second girl wants
position in family goirw: to beach; please
call Monday, 575 W. Broadway.
WILLING girl, 18, wants place to assist
with housework. Can do plain cooking;
C. S. preferred. Phone Marshall 4782.
EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wishes cooking
or general housework; wages $35. Phone
Woodlawn 2441. 481 Webster st.
A MOST competent cook desires position in
private family; reference. AC 873, Ore
gonian. NEAT GIRL to assist light housework or
care of children; must be as one of fam-
11 v. B ;-6i3.
EXPERIENCED colored woman cook wants
posit ion. Main 3345.
J A PA N ESE. honest girl, wants house woric
or care children. A 1563. Main 8683.
SWEDISH lady cook or housework, refer
ences. 474 Salmon st. Phone Marshall 4410,
BY a competent, middle-aged woman, charge
of small hotel or rooming-house. Phone
Main 4Mol or call at 247 6th st. Mrs. A.
LADY will assist with work daytime, answer
phone and bell evenings, in exchange for
2 or 3 -room apartment. West Side. Main
EXPERIENCED woman wants cleaning.
au nary or cuuiwug. .vc per uuui, auu
SWEDISH girl wants position as second
girl in private family; city reference. R. 5,
B. 3;;-A. Vancouver. Wash.
DINNERS, teas, parties, weddings planned,
prepared, served. Best references- Sell
wood 1636.
YOUNG lady with 3 years' training in house
hold science desires work in home or apu;
prefer to sleep home. East 6046.
EXPERIENCED teacher of piano will give
lessons at your home. 747 E. 11th St. Sell.
DOMESTIC science student wishes light em
ployment for the Summer months. Will
go to beach or country. D S76, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED waitress wishes work out
of city. Call Sellwood 1553 or R 875. Ore
gonian MARRIED LADY wishes position to work
for self and husband's room and board.
Phone bet. 1 and 4 P. M. East 2082.
EXPERIENCED reliable woman wants day
work. $1.50 per day and car fare. Sell
wood 1832.
EXPERT laundress wishes work in first
ciass places; ironins ft specialty. Main
JEFFERSON HIGH girl wishes to exchange
services for board. Irving ton. C 877. Ore
gonian. WANTED By young lady position as P. B.
X. telephone operator or office work; ex
peri e n ced. AB 868, Oregonian.
A PLACE to work two hours in the morn
ings and three evenings a week for room
and dinner. AO 866, Oregonian.
WA NT ED to assist with light housework
and care of child; elderly people pre
ferred. Phone Sellwood 975.
A VERY competent woman cook wishes
camp work; can furnish help If necessary.
A E 875 , Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman would like to help with
houspwoik or children by the hour, 25c
Call Monday. East 6S50, C l'14.
TO CARE for children and go to Gearhart
or Seaside. "Woodlawn 2020. Call Monday
from 2 to 5.
EXPERIENCED woman wants washing and
cleaning. Woodlawn 18B3.
EX PER I ENCED colored cook wants posl
tion immediately. Tabor 376-S.
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work of
any kind. Phone Main 4774.
DAY WORK by st rong experienced woman
It 00m 18,' Main 2 "87. L
EXPERIENCED telephone operator wishes
position. Marshall 1850, apt. 41.
LACE curtains hand-laundered; all work
guaranteed. Slwd. 801 or Marshall C656.
WOMAN, wants work by the day; $1.50,
GERM AN Kirl. experienced, desires house
work. 545 E. Oak st.
WOMaN, with sick husband, must have
work, wash in g and cleaning. Eagt 3384.
WILL do washing or house cleaning $1.50
per day. car fare. Phone Tabor 7 35.
COLORED woman, any kind day work. bZx
porienced laundress. Broadway 335.
M iscellaneons.
WANTED By refined young lady, a posi
tion as switchboard operator either in a
business house, hotel or apartment
house; have had experience and can fur
nish city references as to m v character
and ability. Phone Marshall 2896 Tuesday.
EXPERIENCED woman cook, all lines of
cooking, delicatessen work especially; now
employed, desires work for Summer at
beach or .would consider position In the
city. Can give references. . BC 860. Orego
nian. EASTERN lady would like to travel as com
panion to elderly lady or chaperone one or
more young ladies anywhere in the States
or Canada; references exchanged. Address
J 868, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, capable lady ' desires em
ployment in Portland, daughter 1) to sup
port. Phone Main 6S0O Sunday or Mon
day, call for apartment il or address AB
SO'rf. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady. good appearance,
teaches Italian, French, German, vocal
and piano, also drawing; wish position in
school, institution; ladies' academy pre
f erred. Address AV 232. Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced woman desires
tine laundering, flannels, baby washing,
sweeping, dusting; hour or day. Phone
Sunday, Mono ay all day, after that even
ings preferences. East 1087, apartment 4.
COLLEGE woman, teacher-"will tutorln
public school branches, English. Latin.
Algebra. 50 cents an hour at my home;
carfare exira at pupil's. AR 8 1 0. Orego
nian. '
GIRL, 20, wants position with doctor; capa
ble of assisting in slight operations, steril
izing instruments and care of office; com
petent; 1 year's experience; references. Call
Monday, Main 7051. A 1517.
EXPERIENCED masseuse wishes position
caring for invalid or work in institution.
31 East 12th. Give phone number. Mrs. E.
YOUNG LADY will assist evenings and
Sundays for room, board and good home ;
neat, quiet ; seldom out evenings; close
in, references. Main 626".
EXPERIENCED woman wants day work.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday; good rci
ences. Tabor 5721.
DAY work, any kind. East 4543.
BUILDING, remodeling or painting for lease
of 5 rooms. C 870, Oregonian.
WANTED 6-room furnished bungaiow ;
must be modern, clean and well fur
nished;, best of references given; 2 adults
and 2 small children; rent not over $20
a mo. Cail East 879.
WANTED To rent good 5-room house,
strictly modern, 5c fare, good outbuildings
loOxloO or more; $10 or $12. BD i.3,
WANTED TO RKNT-Ni or 6-room house In
Rose City Park, lrvington or adjacent
districts. Two adults, no children. Must
be first-class. Q 822, Oregonian.
WANTED, to rent strictly modern 7 or S
roooi house by responsible party, reason-
l able rent. West Side- preferred. T. Murphy,
47 3d st. Best of references.
WANTED To rent 7-room unfurnished
house in lrvington; 3 adults, peimauenL
V 61, Oregonian.
WAN TED Al furnished cot rage Cr suite
for Summer, suitable for couple; moaern
conveniences. AD 870, Oregonian.
AN attractive furnished home, July Nob
HH1 or Portland Heights. Main 367.
FURNISHED cottage on East Side;
cnimren. ys7 E. 32d N., reasonable.
se. furnished: a home : for 2
ins. l6i
68 Marshall st. Phone A 769o.
WANTED by young couple, small furnished
house. J 875, Oregonian.
BUSINESS woman wants comfortable room
and kitchenette. West Side, near Wash
ington ; private house preferred. BF 860.
WANTED Two or three neatly furnired
rooms in private family, close in, by young
couple; must be reasonable. C 878, Ore-
gon ian.
LADY wants room off Hawthorne, Glenn,
or Marguerite preferred. AP 867, Ore
gonian. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping,
near 18th and Alberta. Call Woodlawn
WANTED Light housekeeping room In
private family; state price and location.
W 17 o, Oregonian.
Rooms With Board.
"WANTED At Gearhart or Seaside, in pri
vate family, room and board, with use
of bath. In modern house, for self and
3Mi-year boy. AP 864. oregonian.
WANTED by lad, near Hawthorne car
line, walking distance City Hall. H 866.
WANTED Refined gentleman to board ana
room in strictly private family. Phone East
WANTED Board and room for three adults
in educated German family, w b63, ore
gonian. WANT ED Room and board iii Catholic
family by steady single man; West Side.
L 73. Oregon ian.
YOUNG lady wishes room and board In ex
change for services. X 865, Oregonian.
ROOM and board, private family, near Mil
waukie and Alice. H 86i, Oregonian.
Business Places
WANT to rent ground floor place for auto
trimming and paint shop ; West Side pre
ferred. R 871, Oregonian.
FOB RENT. Rooms.
60c DAY UP. $10 MONTH UP.
PHONES MAIN 8859. A-602L
West Park and Morrison Sts.
Transient and Permanent Guests.
A centrally located hotel with every
modern convenience; rooms single or ca
suite, with and without private bath ;
modest prices, with special rules by tue
month to permauent guests.
Eleventh, between Morrison and Yam
hill. Desirable downtown location. Re
spectable and strictly modern. Rates $1
per day, $4 per week. With private bath
$1.50 per day, $5.5i per week,
Corner 11th and Stark $3 week and up;
elevator, hot and cold water, steam heat,
telephone connection in each room; no ex
tra charge for two in a room; rory, and
bath $1 day ; transient solicited.
20th and Washington sts., new fireproof
brick, elegantly located, all outside, clean,
well -furnished rooms, strictly modern,
$ J. 5Q week up; 50c day up.
Morrison st., at loth Central location;
REDUCED RATES. 5uc per day up; week
ly. $2.50 up; neat rooms, running water,
free phone and baths; steam heat.
YOUNG men may consult without charge
register of furnished rooms at V. M. C. a.,
listing several hundred in all parts of the
city; also those m the Association build
ing. HOTEL CORDOVA, 26y ll'TH ST. A
RATES $t.50 TO $6.50 PER WEEK. OR
1 TO 2.5P PEP. DAY.
735 Washington.
Family hotel; hot and cold water and
phone in every room; rooms without baiu
$10 up; with bath, $15 up.
lu5s 12TH ST.
Modern; special reductions on all rooms,
$3 per week and up. Marshall 21 iH).
East Morrison St., near Grand ave.
Cleanliness and comfort, $3 per week up.
WANTED Roommate to reducer rooming
expenses; fireproof building, shower bath.
inaividual beds. Call or au dress x". M. . C.
A. business olf Ice.
Cool, comfortable. airy rooms. f i-aa
f phones, bath; $2 week, $3 month and up.
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave. and K. Bel
mont Rooms $lo monthly, $0 up with
private bath; large, .pleasant lobby, cafe
in connection. Phone East 8-3,
Northwest corner Stark and 11th.
Modern outwide rooms, 83 weekly and up.
Large ground-door lobby.
HoTEL CORDoVa, 20 llth st. Strictly
modern; prixate baths en suite; -rooms $3
up. Main f472. A 47S.;.
SAN MARCO HOTEL, llth and Washing
ton, strictly modern rooms. $2 weekly ;
outside rooms, facing street, $3 week up.
MAXWELL. HALL, 207 14th st.; In busints
district; strictly modern; use of parlor; a
real home; $2 up. Main 1153.
N ICELY furnished rooms at reasonable
prices. S73 Taylor st-
HOTEL NORRIS, 533 Alder Modern out
side rooms, per week up.
HOTEL GRANT. 451 Washington. Modern
clean rooms, all con vei ieuct-a. 3 and up.
NICELY furnished outside room, $6 nermo.
JS7 17th, near Yamhill
Furnished Kcums.
10th st. at Oak, just opened under thm
management of C. H. Thoren and wife. A
good, quiet place right downtown. Strictly
modern fireproof building with large
comiortable Ion by. All outside rooms.
First-class permanent patronage solicited.
Rooms $3.00 per week and up; with private
bath $5 per week and up. See our rooms
before deciding to locate. We also solicit
first-class transient trade.
Furnished Rooms lii Private Family.
- One dainty blue-and-white room, dress
ing table, home privileges.
One large room with alcove for den or
kitchenette, baih adjoining; fine loca
tion for dressmaker, macnine; part rent
iu sewing if satisiactory ; near 23d and
Kearney. Marshall JJo. Keaaonaoie.
STEAM-HEATED outside room with bay
windows, private, ail conveniences, plenty
of hot water, phone, etc.; suitable for one
or two people. West Side, walking dls
tance. Call Marshall 4630 or A 5165.
$8 AND $10 MO. For gentlemen, beautiful
furnished lar.e front, cheerful rooms, run
. ning water, fine beds, large clothes closets,
hoi baths, easy walking distance ; choice
location 6w North 2lst.
TO RENT A large, airy bedroom, suit a bio
for 2 gentle hi en, Dezendorf Apt., 16;n
and Taylor, West Side; room with, board,
$30 month. Mar. 23U5. Apt, 202.
EXT It A large rooms, nicely furnished, suit
a ble for 2 or mure : separate beds; board
if desired. 501 Harrison, near 14th. Main
CLEAN, large, airy room hi pleasantly lo
cated home, very reasonable anu desirable;
all home comforts; modern con euiences,
close in. Phone East 652
LAD Y having nicely furnished flat would
rent beautiful tront room to girls em
ployed or gentleman ; also rooms for light
housekeeping. ;;5l bth st.
TWO nice rooms, upstairs, kitchenette, con
venient to water and bath ; also one nice
room downstairs, 10; basement room $L
Mam 7774. 433 Market.
$2.50 WEEK. $3.00 WEEK,
Hotel Garland, first-class, out side.
25 Trinity cor. Wash., bet. lOtli and 20th.
THREE desirable furnished rooms, one
sleeping-porch : modern residence; ail con
veniences; terms reasonable ; you 115 men
. preferred. Phone Tabor 2451.
TWO nicely furnished front rooms; bay
window, door opening on balcony, bath,
electt ic it y, Paciiic phone; ?1 and $12 per
mo. 503 Everett and 17th sis.
PORTLAND UTS. Walking distance, fine
room, w ith sleeping-porch; modern. Phone
Marshall 360.
one week irte rent to permanent roomer,
beautiful furnished room, 3 windows, elec.
phone, bath; $12. 123 N. 23d.
2 WEEK Ch-an front room, private en
trance, modern conveniences. 424 Jeffer
son st.
ELEGANT ROOM in exclusive homo. Ideal
surroundings, walking disiauce, $15. Mar
shall 5548.
NICELY furnished room in strictly modern
apt. The Dezendorf, 208 16th St.. near
Taylor st. Mar. 3-4.
WANTED Care of children from 2 to 5
years at my home. Add. Bx. 3DS, Glad
stone, Or.
NICELY furnished room with beautiful view
.and exposure, small private family, close
In and very reasonable. Main li667.
$0 A MONTH Comfortable front room, pri
vate home; 10 mm. walk; reduced rates
for laundry. 445 6tlu
NEWLY furnished rooms, close In. electric
li gins, phone, hot and cold water. 104
13th st. . Phono Marshall 44SS.
$7 MoNTH Sunny room, modern home,
walking distance ; home privileges, piano,
652 Belmont, cor. 18th. East 474.
FURNISHED teat for rent, 25 minutes out.
G-cent tare ; suitable for 2 young men.
Phone Milwaukie S7 R.
ONE week free rent to permanent roomer;
beautiful furnished room. 3 w inflows, elec.,
phone, bath; $12. 123 N. 23d.
CHOICE parlor, suitable dressmaking, bay
window, piano, gas plate, $3 week. 202
10th st.
$1.-5 WElyK Clean, comfortable room, quiet
home, ciose in. 202 10th bl
CH EERFU L front room, modern, cio&o in,
reasonable. Marshall 5781. 561 Flanders.
LARGE room, suitable for 2 gentlemen ;
hot water, phone, hath. 22 1 i:th.
NICE large front room, modern conveniences.
663 Johnson St., near 2 1st. Main 3.73.
NICELY furnished room, modern, very
cheap. 30 N. 16l1i, near Washington.
ROOM S. modern conveniences, walking dis
!(!! 14th. Main 3M3.
FURNISHED rooms, close in, cheap, clean;
.lust tinted. 244 Vy Rroad way South.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished room. In good
homo ; references ; Nob Hill. 738 Johnson.
1TROST, single and double suite, modern;
walking dist. 743 Hoyt. Marshall 4753.
FIN E front room for gentleman or lady
employed. Mam o8i5.
ROOM with private family at the Fordham
Apt s., 23d and Wash. Marshal! 1684.
FURNISHED room. nice, quiet home, $S.
777 Glisan. Marsha 11 3872.
NEATLY furnished rooms.
75 Oilman. Main
420 JEFFERSON Fine room, opens like
sleeping: porch, modern conveniences, $2.
CLEAN, we II -furnished room. 5 minutes
from P. O. Main 3'JOO. 3 12 12th.
$2 WEEK, nice front room, 2 tJ S 12th St.
Rooms With Board.
Washington, at 23d St.
A charming family and transient hotel
of tho highest order; excellent cuisine, sep
arate tables ; extremely reasonable- rates;
worth investigating. Main 7584. A 7033.
A modern, FIREPROOF residence hotel.
American plan ; on carline ; 10 minutes
from business center; price in accord
with general business conditions.
od and Hoyt sts. Marshall 88L
O.. 1-V Oil. C 1'j I .
An American Plan Residence Hotel.
Suites. Sintfcio rooms. Excellent table.
A 6211. Main 4611.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An excellent residential hotel; attractive
r:i tes to trujislenis or permanent guests.
Phone Main 1283, A OJis
The Whitehall, 253 6th st., has a fine
table board, modern rooms, sun parior, a
lea I h om e ; re a son a ble rates.
PRIVATE Summer home for children at
reasonable rates, clt uated between Oregon
Electric and S. P. Railways. Afddress Box
157, Route 2. 1'eaverton, Or.
THE STHYKK R 554 Couch, choice modern
rooms, excellent table board. Reasonable
Rooms With Hourd in Private Family.
FOR GENT LEM EN Lai ge Bleeping-poreh,
also iurge 1 uom, nicely furnished, modern,
home cooking, reasonable. 3J1 13 Lh.
WELL furnished room, hot ana cold water,
excellent location, good board. Mam 2732.
1M 17th.. to. Yamhill.
CuOL. pleasant room wit h board if desired ;
use of bath and phone; 1 block from car-
line. 474 Market st. Phone Marshall I06J.
w a xTKn Children to care for from
ble parties, a;e from 2 to 5. Phone Tabor
ALL the pleasures of country life, includ
ing home cooking, combined with city
con venlence-s. 6O0 Love joy st. Mar. 6151.
DES1 RABLE surround in gs, all homo com
forts, for 1 or 2 youny people 5oJ East
Burnside, East 6110
BEAUTIFUL single and double rooms, home
cooking, five minutes walk center city.
Ib5 h 16th st. Mar. 40H2.
ROOM and board for two in country, close
111 ; rates reasonable. Address AD 80S,
FOR two. In modern suburban home, all
city conveniences. Tabor 4i)8. 544 East
54th st.
WANTED 2 neat gentlemen to board and
room; home cookinq; rate3 reasonable.
Phone Marshall 518.
ROOM and board in imw ly furnished hotm,
snictlv modern, $-5 per month. 434 Mi1.
Main 6140. .
ROOM and board, $25 per month; Irvir.-ton
district. Phone East ol52.
ROOM, with board, modern, walking dis
tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547.'
FURNISHED room with board, private fam
ily. 62 Ella st.
BOAUD and room or room in private fam
ily. For parti'-uiars. Tabor ys7.
FORb"usiness girls or students. $4 week up.
"Anna Lewis" Hall. 5 10 F.unuers St.
LARGE, airy room. . home cooking, use of
piano. Main 33 12. 3 ol luth st.
ROOM, board, with sleeping porch. two
gentlemen. 576 Laod ave. East 2 ii
ROOM and board, walking, mod
em. Mam 61'70. 3:;2 10th si.
ROOM. with hoard; modern, walking uis
tance. 712 Flanders. Main 1547.
BOARD, 2 or 3 people, in livington home.
East 3226.
W ANTE D T 5 ab y
- 406 Sumner Ft.
,0 boirri ; mother's car.
i:c-ar Union.
ROOM, hoard, private home. 574 Ladd ave..
near East 12th, Hawthorne. East 5145.
iloOM with home cooking, new house, near
Multr.uiuah Club; reabOiiahle. Main 22R.
ROOM and boa.rO for 2 or 4 youtij; juen";
Ucping-povch. Ladd Addition, East 48l.