THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 13, 1915. jTHBSB DHB8SES OX SALE. SECOND FLOOR, XBW Btll.DIXG TAKE ESCALATOR IWOVIXU STAIRWAY) FROM ARCADE. A I Newest Goods of All Kinds, Greatest Assortments, All at Removal Sale Prices You Save on Every Purchase. j Introducing Tomorrow in Portland, Exclusively at Meier & Frank's Store, a Most Extraordinary Special Removal and Demonstration 5000 Machine Made The- QjuaLtt V Sto res- or- Portland rw,3bOVWwiMVlrSU . i , too? '" The- Q.UAL1TV Store- of- Portland m)b SucUv. TkrrlMV 3ta. . Shore ; A Unquestionably the Greatest Sale of Women's, Misses 3 and Child ren's Wash Dresses Ever Attempted on the Pacific Coast! In keeping with the advanced merchandising ideas of this progressive store, the Meier & Frank Co. announ ces, after weeks of careful planning, selecting materials ard choosing styles, this one extraordinary accomplish ment of a sale and demonstration of the widely advertised and much-demanded "North Shore" system - made Wash Dresses. It is an event of the greatest importance to every dress buyer in the community. "North Shore" Dresses Are Better, Because: 1. Models by high-priced designers. 2. Styles and fabrics always the latest. . 3. Constant changes in models and patterns offered give greatest choice. 4. Exclusive patterns through many special purchases of materials. Living Fashion Models Will Promenade These Dresses To further bring home the faultless making and value-giving of these "North Shore" Dresses we have arranged this special demonstration that will illustrate in turn each of these beautir ful dress-styles. Each and every style is new and charming all materials were thoroughly shrunk before being made up, and they are guaranteed fast colors. See them at once tomorrow! North Shore" Dresses Are Made by the Thousands They are cut and made up by special machinery, and skilled operatives in light, sanitary factories, at Gloucester, Mass. All fabrics are contracted for at the mills direct, in quantities so tremendous as to enable you to buy materials in these fin ished dresses that would cost you many times over these prices should you try to combine the same amount of quality, style and finish in a dress of your own making, right at home. "North Shore" Dresses Cost Less, Because: 1. Made in tremendous quantities. All by special machines. 2. Cut with powerful electric knives. 3. All sewing done on very fine high-speed machines. 4. Materials bought direct from the mills in lots of thousands of yards. 15 Styles at $1 Like Picture No. 1, $1.00 Made of very good quality lawn, old blue dots on white background; trimmed with piping's of blue and wide bandings of white pique, witii fancy blue buttons. Made in a charmingly simple morning - dress style. Comes in all sizes. Like Picture No. 3, $1.00 Antwerp blue chambray. an ex cellent quality that will give any amount of service. Piping at waistline of white pique, which material also forms the collar. Vestee of white embroidery and white pearl button finishing. A charming and practical model. Like Picture No. 2, $1.00 Pretty blue and white checked lawn of very good grade. The simulated bolero is formed of wide bands of plain blue chambray, which also trims sleeves and col lar. A wide, turn-over collar of all-over embroidery finishes this pretty house gown. Like Picture No. 4, $1.00 Pin stripe, good quality lawn, in dainty blue and white effect. Wide belt, sleeve and neck trimming of solid old blue chambray. friemi sailor collar in back and finished around neck with very dainty white embroidery edging. Blue buttons. 11 Other Styles at $1.00 Each as Effective as the 4 Pictured Above This Is a Splendid Opportunitv to Complete Your Wardrobe, lor There Are Dresses for Business, Morning, Shopping, Afternoon, Street and Porch Wear. Every One Fully Guaranteed Only the Most Advanced Styles. Like Picture No. 1, $1.95 Good grade of chambray, a serv iceable tan shade that will not show soil. Piped with white pique, deep sailor collar of pique, laoe trimmed. Crochet buttons and motifs and bow of Dresden ribbon with ornament. A street or porch model. Like Picture No. 3, $1.95 This dress is a decided street model and a very pleasing one. Made of black and white Kingrham trimmed with Antwerp blue cham bray, which forms the upper por tion and sleeves, the black and white the suspender part. Organdy collar and crochet buttons. Like Picture No 2, $1.93 A dainty openwork lawn frock, lavender flowered -and piped with lavender to match.' Collar and bands in front of dotted Swiss, embroidery edged. Lavender glass buttons and pretty made buckle in front. A very dainty Summer afternoon "model. Like Picture No- 4, $1.95 A fancy white' pique is the ma-, tertal used In this very handsome dress, quite suitable for either house, porch or street wear. The trimminars are of pretty embroid ery edging, which is used effec tively on collar and outlining the low neck. Pearl buttons. Six Other Models Are Featured at This Price, Each One as Handsome as the Four Above ALSO FINE "NORTH SHORE" DRESSES FOR CHILDREN Made in the same critical manner as those for women. No line of such dresses offers a larger assortment of clever styles and fabrics of great durability. THESE ARE BUT A FEW OF THE DRESSES AND PRICES INCLUDED IN THIS GROUP DOZENS MORE EQUALLY AS GOOD AND NEW Child's Dress at $1.95 A charmingly simple girlish dress, made of very good quality pink cham bray. Collar, cuffs and wide low belt of heavy white pique, " with silk hand - embroidered motifs on collar and belt. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Child's Dress at $2.79 A very handsome little frock. Made of French gingham, a pleasing blue, tan and white plaid. Wide belt, cuffs and collar of heavy white pique; collar edged with Cluny linen lace; . hand - embroidered motif on belt. Child's Dress at $3.49 Very fine French ging ham and French chambray ;ombined. Effective plaid with blues and black pre dominating, trimmed with blue chambray to match. Hand - embroidered white pique collar. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Child's Dress at 95 c Attractive little frock made of pink chambray and pretty pink, green and white plaid gingham com bined. Opens down the entire front, making laun dering easy. Collar edged with pink embroidery. In sizes 6 to 14 years. Child's Dress at 95c This is a bloomer model. The one illustrated is of tan chambray, collar, cuffs and piping of a pleasing blue, tan, pink and white plaid gingham. Very well made; separate elastic knee bloomers. In 6 to 14 years. sizes Child's Dress at $1.48 An unusually pretty lit tle frock. The material is a stylish black and white striped crinkled crepe, trimmed with bright green crepe, buckles and buttons. The style is Very new and youthful. Sizes "6 to 14 years. Hir 'few Like Picture No. 1, $1.69 Cool looking black and white striped lawn a very good j?rade. The collar, cuffs and pretty vestee ai e of white striped pique, edged with a very effective pattern of white embroidery. Finished with smoked pearl buttons. A pretty porch model. Like Picture No. 2, $1.69 Good heavy pracie of chambray is the material in this charming' dress, a pretty pink shade. Piped with pink and white striped Rinff ham. The graceful turnover collar in made of fine white embroidery, same material used on the cuffs. Crocheted buttons. 9 Styles to Be Had at $3.95 ONE STYLE IN A Lovely white novelty crepe with shirred skirt, has green velvet girdle, fine organdie em broidered collar and cuffs. ANOTHER STYLE OF Flowered corded voile is made suspender fashion with bodice of white novelty crepe, collar and cuffs of embroidered organdie. THIS PRETTY STYLE In a beautiful lavender and white corded voile, suspender style, has underbodice of dainty white Swiss, organdie collar, lace, velvet trimmed- STILL ANOTHER A Tailored street dress is made' of handsome lav ender and white cotton rep, patent leather belt, picot organdie collar, white crochet buttons. Five Other Equally as Charming Models at This Price $3.95 See Page 5, So ciety Sect ion, for Our Drug and ' Toilet Goods Ad See Page 5, So ciety Sect ion, for Our Drug and Toilet Goods Ad c Dresses on Sale 2d Floor, New Bldg." Take Escalator s7i2v" From Arcade 1 Like Picture No. 3, $1.69 This is a percale dress, black-and white broken check. liped with a pretty shade of blue and trimmed with wide bundings of white ohiue. which also forms the collar. -Fancy buttons; black velvet bow. Mnde in a style that may be worn on the street. Like Picture No. 4, $1.69 A pretty checked frinstham, pink, gray and white effects. Hplcrdid prade one that will wear. The trimmings are of plain pink cham bray and bandings of the inshan. A model suitable for street, porch or house wear. All sizes. Four Additional Styles at This Price of $1.69, Each One as Beautiful 8 Styles $2.95 Like Picture No. 1, $2.95 Pink chambray street dress, made in the new suspender fashion. The under bodice is of white crepe wi l h .pink polka, dots. Embroid ered organdy collar, buckles, cords and crocheted effects form the trimmings. A very handsome model. Like Picture No. 2, $2.95 Fine voile, blue, green and white flowered. Very pleasing style with deep tucks in the skirt ana tucked Rirdle to match. The collar is an embroidered white organdy. The pretty trimming in front is black velvet combined with white silk cord. '8. Styles $1.69 Like Picture No. 3, $2.95 Dainty pink and white striped corded gingham, made with deep pep urn. as il lust rated, and deep land HroM the skirt. The collar is white piuue embroidered in pink, finished with black moire bow with ornament. Novelty pink and wli He buttons. Like Picture No. 4, $2.95 The skirt and suspender part of this ha ndsome street dress is of deep rose linen. The bodice is white iinene, t rimmed with deep pipind of the rose .linen. Fancy buttons. This is a particularly pleasi ng dress, suited to street wear. Four Other Styles at $2.95 As Diversified and Charming imDesign as the Four Pictured SBK Ol'R. IMMESSK DISPLAYS IN SUTH-STRKKT WINDOWS OF THKSK "NOKTH SHIIKE" WASH ORESSES'