TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX PORTLAND, JUNE 13, 1915. 13 TIME FOR BOYS' CAMP AGAIN APPROACHING Committee Is Organized to Conduct Outing and Professor Wood Tells of Good Accomplished and Enjoyment Given Last Year. RT JROFESSOR A. E. WOOD. S the Summer approaches again w are reminded lhat there are oO boys or more who are hoping that the Summer camp that was conducted laiit year at Cascade. "Wash., will be opened agrain this season. It may be of Interest, therefore, to consider scwne of the advantages of the camp enterprise, and to see if they cannot be grot for Portland boys again this Summer. The Recreation League camp was opened last year from July 7 to August SI, and during this period 61 boys were guests of the camp for an average period of two weeks for each boy. Dit ferent races, classes and types of boys were represented at the camp, and one commendable feature of ramp life was the splendid democracy that prevailed. rom this point of view the camp in eluded what some people have felt to be the finest aspect of our common school system, viz., the retention of th tense of democracy in a society wher social clevases arc becoming all too ap parent. Detention Home Bojs Present. - Moreover, the camp included somt features which are lamentably absent from our common schools. By this J mean that It Ifave the boys a whole some life out of doors, trained them to hardship and disciplined them to com munity living. We had several boys from the Juvenile Courts and the De tention Home who reacted admirably to the camp environment. The normal boy In the city feels him self hedged about and confined in a way that the modern business man. who. perhaps, spent his boyhood in the country, cannot understand. I remem ber talking to the president of a large corporation in an Kastern city about some property which his company owned, and which was being used for purposes that were degrading, to the children especially, in a congested neighborhood where many other evil influences existed. I was presenting a petition from the mothers and social workers of the community asking that the company put this property to other uses. The company official remarked that he did not see why the modern city was unwholesome for children, be cause, when he was a boy, living In the country, the happiest days of his life were those when his uncle took him to the city for two weeks. It seemed to rue. from this remark, that the imag ination of the man had been crushed. Instincts Seek Adventure. It is a fact observable from court records that tb Spring and Kail of th year, the periods when itature'n call is strongest, are also the times when city children commit the greatest number of delinquencies. When the blood surges in a healthy, normal lad. and the Instincts of adventure are rampant, if society does not recognize these in stincts and provide outlet for them by means of playgrounds, camps and other agencies, they will find expression in all sorts of abnormalities which, stupid as we are, we call criminal tendencies and for which we send the boys to jail. - The camp life was happy. All work of the camp, except the cooking, was done by the boys. There were squads for all tasks, disn squad, table squad water squad, bed squad, lantern squad and clean-up squad. Over each gang was a camp leader to whom the bys reported when their work was done. Shirking Not Permitted. No play was allowed mornings until 10 or 10:30 o'clock, when Inspection took place. If work was properly done, then the boys were dismissed; but where carelessness or shirking were evident, boys were obliged to do their work over again. In time, as the camp develops, it would be well for the boys to have their own garden and raise vegetables for camp use. A carpenter shop where boys might make camp furniture, bird houses and traps should also be in stalled. Buch work would give the boys the sense that they were helping build up the camp and would increase their loyalty to It. As for playtime, that was well taken up with baseball, fishing, swimming in the lake near camp, hiking, reading aloud; in short, in a score of ways that made time go quickly. Return Is Awaited. This Tear the schoolboys in the neighboring villages are waiting for us to come again, so that we can arrange for a series of games. No doubt the fish are waiting for us. too. Last sea son we had trout out of Hamilton and Cedar Creeks and splendid salmon from the Columbia, which the Warren Pack Ing Company were kind enough to give us from their wheel. The hikes were perhaps the most memorable occasions. It is fun to Etart off with a crowd of boys and hike until sundown; and then to cook an evening meal of good things brought from camp. Hunger, the night air, and the sound 6f the brook that goes on forever make such a meal about the best that one ever had. Then in the early evening, after a story, and after arranging ror the night watches, the leaders and hoys roll up in blankets and lie down under the stars. Gradually tne voices suDsiae, ana the forest si lence is broken only by the occasional crackle of the smouldering fire. Serve In Tested. That is a time for being grateful for Ufa. The nerve and sporting instincts of the boys are often sorely tested by the hikes. That is why they are so worth while. There is one feature of camp life of which I have not yet spoken, and that is the menu. One might cay that there are three essentials for a successful camp, something to do, something to look forward to. and something to eat The food cost last Summer was only 12 cents per meal per camper. In regard to the plans for the camp this Summer, I would say that the gen eral scheme will be carried out in .re gard to combining the different classes of boys. I-ast year the camp was con ducted under the auspices of the Rec reatlon League." This' year the work will be conducted indorc-dcntly. Committee I Formed. A committee is being organized for furthering the camp and getting the boys. Members of ithis committee in elude Wells Gilbert. W. L. inley. State Game Warden; Miss Lowenberg, of the Neighborhood House, and .diss I'rich ard, of the People's Institute. Sub scriptions may be sent to Wells Gilbert. Lewis building. this connection it should be said that it is not the inten tion to make this entirely a ciiaritable enterprise. Part of the expense will be defrayed by the boys themselves, when possible, and the balance by the general fund. (Subscription to the canr.p fund thus rar mount to $187 bout 500 is de sired. Inasmuch as the Associated Charities is discontinuing its "country week" enterprise, the boys' camp is the only out-door work conducted for Portland children this Summer. Information about the camp can be secured from Miss jowenberg, of the Neighborhood House, from Miss Prich- ard or Mrs. Bertha Davis, of. the Peo ple's Institute, or from A. K. Wood of Reed College. Residence telephone. Bellwood S27. 47 PUSS EXAMINATIONS LICENSES TO PRACTICE DENTISTRY I.V STATE ARE WON. Fifty-Six Applicants, Three of Them Women, Take Testa Practical Work Done by Eiek for Prisoners. Forty-seven out of a total of 56 ap plicants for admission to practice den tistry successfully passed the examina tion held at Salem the past week by the Oregon State Board1 of Dental Kxar inera. The theoretical tests were given in tne House or Representatives cham ber and the practical work at the State Penitentiary, dental work being done for the prisoners by each applicant. Among the applicants were three women The Board of Examiners in charge of the work is composed of the following: Dr. Jean Clme, Portland, president; Dr. H. H. Olinger, Salem, secretary; Dr. Clyde Mount, Oregon City; Dr. II. 1L Schmitt, Portland; pr. W. S. Kennedy The Dalles. . v The following passed the examina tions and will be licensed to practice in Oregon; Ray Appleby. I. J. Anders Charles II. Bleeg, Joseph W. Boisal, xnomas R. Baldwin. Ray R. Butler. M. R. Britten. R. E. Blakemore. Ray F. Cole. Lewis Christopherson, Charles C. Cleek, John C. Campbell. Marion R. Deiter, George E. Dale, Bert R. Elliott, George y. reeburger, Edward Hart ford, Miss Asta Hauge, D. E. Harden brook, Walter W. Hart, Wallace Hylan- der, Francis C. Jones. Vernon L. John son, Ernest M. Kenyon, Ralph I. Mills, Harry J. Kelly, R, E. McKeon, W. G. Manning, Earl J. McClung,- Stuart fvlc- uuire. Grant Aicuieiian. Olaf A. Olson, Charles T. Prehn, Wallace H. Peasley. Edward C. Roberts, Robert B. Robbins, Miss Mary Stephenson, Walter R. Stew art. Lester C. Smith. L. F. Snyder. Al fred F. Sempert, Harley R. Smith, Wal ter A. jLTuesaeii, i-rancis c rierney, Charles J. Webster, Richmond Wells, Clyde B, Wilde. , 38 WOMEN JOIN CHAMBER Majority Have Professions, but Some Are W'iTes of Members. v The 'Portland Chamber of Commerce has on its membership rolls the names of 38 women members. Tho majority of them are professional women, but a number of them are wives of members of the Chamber who also have taken out cards. The complete list of the feminine membership o( the Chamber up to the present follows: Mrs. C. H. Ball, Myrtle Barndt, Mrs. Sophia Baumgart, Mrs. Charles F. Berg, Mrs. 8. L Clark, Mrs. Bessie F.' Colwell, Tillle F. Cornelius. Mrs. William H. Daughtrey, Mrs. Beatrice Deering, Mise Grace DeGraft, Miss J. N. Elliott, Miss C. W. Flanders, Miss M. I Flanders, Mrs. John Fleming, Dr. C. .-Gertrude French, Miss D. E. Goodman, Mrs. Wil liam Grabach, Mrs. Estella M. Ham mond. Mrs. M. Jeanetts Hill, Mrs. Sol Hirsch. Mrs. J. P. Johnson, Jr.. Mrs. Mary E. Lent. Mrs. C. M. McAllster, Mrs. L. R McGee, Dr. Florence Manion, Mrs. Anna M. E. Mann, Katherlne S. Myers, Mrs. O. M. Plummer, Mrs. Rose Coursen Reed. Miss Pauline Rummelin, Mrs. Madge Taylor, Mrs. Mary Therkel- The Greatest Car Value the World Has Ever Known Its value is apparent at first sight. Its equal has never before been offered by us or anyone else. This luxurious car is not a "Little Six." It is a real car with a powerful, flexible motor with long wheel base -and all that these imply in satisfaction, comfort, roominess and beautiful lines It is the most accessible car built. Illustrations cannot picture the real car from every viewpoint nor can they convey the right, conception of its beauty, size and power. Words cannot describe the thrill of its smooth action, its easy handling, its luxurious comfort. Study This Mitchell You'll Long to Drive It Drive This Mitchell -You're Sure to Own One 125-inch wheel base; 42 horse power; large tires, anti-skid rear; Bate i two unit system with Bate cantilever springs; chrome vanadium; steel construction ; oversize body; ten-inch upholstering. With seven-passenger body $35.00 extra 77ie new Six of '16 is now being shown by Mitchell dealer everywhere Racine, WistU.S.A Over Eighty Years of Faithful Service to the American Public Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. East Morrison and East Second Streets, Portland, Oregon Watch for the announcement pf the arrival of the "Six of '16" at the local distributors MITCHELL-LEWIS & STAVER VCO EAST MORRISON AND FIRST sen, Hallle C. Thomas. Mrs. C. C. Van Orsdall, Mrs. Bertha Voorhorst. Mrs. Isam "White,- Mrs. E. Whitmer, Mrs. Fred G. Wonder. - FEDERAL PARTY IS COMING Congressional Committee on Irriga tion Due June CI. With a view to learning the needs ol the West, particularly from the standpoint of irrigation work, the Con gressional committee on appropriations is making: a tour of the Western States and will arrive in Portland June 21 on & trip through Oregon. Bteps will be made at Klamath Falls and Hermiston in order to inspect the reclamation work which is being carried on by the Government in those sections. E. G. Hopson, in charge of the Gov-rfj ernment irrigation work in this dis trict, will leave Portland this morning. He plans to meet the visiting commit tee at Reno, Nev., June 18, and will accompany the members on their tour of Nevada, California, Oregon and Idaho. The committee will arrive In Port land at 10:55. P. M., June 21, and leave at midnight. The committee is composed of John J. Fitzgerald, chairman; William P. Borland, Joseph W. Byrns, Charles R. Davis, Frederick H. Gillet, James W. Good, Ftomk W. Mondell, James Mc Andrews, Robert N. Page. George W. Ranch, Swagar Sherley, Thomas Upton Sission, James C, Courts, M. C. Shields and H. B. Weaver. Artificial Legs Betray Owner. William Hutchins, alias Walter Parks, walked with a limp when arrested by City Detectives Moloney and Swennes Friday. The officers were told he had hurt his foot. Yesterday morning they saw two artificial legs standing by the jail bunk of Hutchins. . They recalled that a legless man was wanted in Salem on a robbery charge, looked up the pic ture and record and found that Hutch ins was the man. He would have been released with the morning run of petty offenders if he had slept with his legs on. but now he will De . returned to Salem. EILERS FAIR EXHIBIT WINS Piano Company Hears of Success In Taking Prizes at Fair. A dispatch to Bilers Music House of Portland tells of the' success of the Filers exhibit at the Panama-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco, more than a score of gold, silver and bronze medals having been awarded to it. The Filers exhibit is in the Palace of Fine Arts and comprises about 150 pianos of various makes handled by the company. The extent of the victory of the Filers exhibit la outlined in the following words. In a message sent to Portland by Hy Filers: "Sweeping victory, awards as lol loW8: Grand prize lor extent and character of exhibit comVined with excellence of display and maintenance; gold medal Filer bungalow piano: gold medal duo-tonal; silver medal, duotonal sounding board; Kimball piano individ ual medal of honor; for extent of ex hibit, five gold medals, eight silver medals and two bronze medals; Chick ering piano three gold medals; auto piano, medal of honor, gold and silver medal; Peerless, medal of honor; Herzog, gold medal; Parker, sliver medaL" Government to Buy 150 Pack Males. Bids for supplying 150 pack mules. 2 to 7 years old and of hardy type, for use In the Philippines, are asked by the United States Quartermaster's De partment in a memorandum sent the Portland Chamber of Commerce yes terday. Bids must be filed with the office in Seattle not later than June 2G, or in the San Francisco office not late,r than July 5. Fuller information may be obtained from the Portland Chamber of Commerce. BADGERS MEET THURSDAY Last Programme of Season to Be Given by 100 Singers. The Wisconsin Society has arranged the regular monthly meeting for next Thursday night at Library Hall, where the Harmony Choral Club and the Sell wood Choral Club, consisting of 100 voices, will give a programme under the direction of Mrs. Ella Hoberg Tripp, with Eva Benson accompanist. The programme consists of a chorus ef men's voices, a sextet and solos. This is the last meeting of the Wis consin Society for the season. A large attendance of all Badgers is expected.