Iff SECTION SIX Pages 1 to 8 MAGAZINE ' SECTION VOL. XXXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1915. NO. 23. if: frr 1 -1 Ku h ) .Si r M.;:v; I i 1 7 ' . V XL, 9 r'- 'x "O ' ;r n M r 1 'i mt 1 I 4 V "v 1 L- 'IT ' Hi . , arm inniiiii'i-rirniMiri - r 5' y Portland Roses. This is why they call it the Rose City, and this is why Portland, more than any other city in the land, ia the conspicioua exponent of rose culture. No other city could successfully produce a rose festival year after year, for no other city has the roses. This branch is typical of the roses grown in Portland. It is from a three-year-old bush of Caroline Testouts growing in the garden of Thomas Jones at East Twenty eighth and Brazee streets. It contains 23 full-blown roses and 27 large buds. The bush from which it was plucked contains numerous similar branches and Mr. Jones' yard contains numerous similar bushes. Thousands of other -Portland yards are thus adorned. This is Rose Festival week and the roses will be in the full heighth of their glory. itttH rtr f3 .- '-Il l 1 6' ?s .-'V -'t .. f 4 aOkAU SB f 4- -5 1 -i t.