The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 23, 1915, SECTION THREE, Page 4, Image 40

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(Continued from Pngu 3
Urady, Horothy Bennett. Marion
i'ickens, Frieda Martin, Helen ravid
eon, Helen Bartlett, Mary Pags,
Marjory Arnold, Mrs. Roscoe Glltner,
Welma Younts. Sybil Brown. Ethel
Tooze, Flora Simon, Florence Johnson
and Nellie Hemenway.
Miss Claire Raley. of Pendleton.
daughter of Colonel Raley, la one of
the most popular ftirls in college. She
led the "prom" on Saturday night, and
ia vice-preHiuent or the clas.
If the weather permits on Tuesday
evening-, there will be a lovely garden
party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
"Vesslng-er, 655 Davis street, for the
benefit of tho German Red Cross So-
t-iety, a large part or which will be an
excellent musical programme. The
event will take place, rain or shine, and
if the nl fresco party is an impossibility,
th reception will be held Indoors. This
affair is being: given in the evening to
permit all the men Interested In the
society and their friends to attend. The
Brounds surrounding the Wessing-er
jesiaence extend ror more than half a
block, and are ideal for such an affair
Mrs. Herbert II. Calvin and small
fon, Richard Hope Calvin, left Friday
for their home in San Francisco after
a delisrhtful visit 1n this city with
Mrs. Calvin's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard R. Hogc. Mrs. John T. Forbls
and Miss Marjorie Forbls passed sev
eral days as guests of the Hoges last
Mrs. Frederick A. Nitchey will be a
bridge-tea hostess Friday.
Ir. H. I. Kenney entertained the
members of the Portland Magic Society
at his attractive residence on Tuesday
niKht. All the arts and wiles known
to the magicians were employed to
amuse the assemblage, and music added
to tho festivities. A buffet supper was
J. K. Gill and Miss Frances Gill have
moved back to their own home. 64
North Twentieth street.
Mrs. John Rollinson, from Worcester,
Mass., is visiting her brothers, J. K.,
James, John and Samuel Gill.
Mr. and Mrs. William Plnkerton
Day, who surprised their friends by
eioping to Vancouver last Wednesday.
were entertained Saturday night at
ine home of Mrs. O. R. Baker, 835
Tillamook street bv the Phi Toitii
Kappa fraternity, of which Mr. Day Is
a memoer ana past president.
Mr. and Mrs. Day were Invited for a
motor ride by Frederick R Boynton,
a. fraternity brother, who with Miss
Gertrude O'Malley, acted as. boBt man
md maid of honor respectively at the
After driving about for some time
tho couple were taken blindfolded to
the Baker residence.
Dancing was enjoyed for the balance
Of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Day sang several selec
tions. Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Day, Edward Freichel, Louis Smith,
IJoyd Baker, Robert Lyman, Harold
Fhadle, Jerome Holzman, Lewis Lack,
Williams Stephenson, Robert B. Yet
tlck, John Whitten, Fred R. Boyn
ton, Robert Beck, Milton Penfield,
l'erc Brown, Lee Waldron, William b
Postles, Glen Coffeen, Harold Walker,
Merle Baker, Joe Day (father of the
bridegroom), Miss Constance Davis,
Mi sb Mario Short, Miss Ayn Short. Miss
Harley. Miss L-oretta Walker. Miss
Ruth Doty. Miss Alma Wiley, Miss
Frances Lanning, Miss Hazel Swanson,
Miss Young, Miss Gertrude O'Malley,
Mibs Josephine Clarke, Miss Virginia
Brown. Miss Marie Beach, Miss Ella
belle Wigglnton, Miss Elba Baker, and
Mrs. G. R. Baker.
Invitations have been sent out by
the faculty and alumnae of St. Mary's
Academy and College for an informal
"at home," May S6, from S P. M. to 6
P. M., at St. Mary's Academy. All
alumnae and old. students are invited
to call.
Mr. and Mrs, M. C. Mace announce
the engagement of their daughter. Miss
Gladys Livingston Mace, to Oscar
Adolph Splild. The wedding will be
an event of early June.
Mrs. T. L. Sykes. of North Dakota,
arrived last week to pass the Summer
with her sister, Mrs. J. E. Werlein. 725
East Madison street.
Mrs. NAtViAn TTnrrto KAAM
sojourning for several months In her
Summer home in Ocean Park, where
she has been at work on several stories,
has returned to Portland. Mrs. Harris
is a writer of playlets and short
stories and. one of her plays. "The
Neutral." was produced in New York
recently for a charitable affairs. Mrs.
Harris is- also writing fairy stories
ml plans to take a. trip to New York
-arly In the Fall, in connection with
her writings.
A pupil recital will be given by Mrs.
Rose Coursen Reed, assisted by her
members of the Treble Clef Club and
the Tuesday Club, at Masonic Temple
Monday, May 81, at 8:15 o'clock.
Dr. and Mrs. Byron E. Miller enter
tained Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Wrightman
and son, of Silverton, Or., a few days
early in the week. Dr. Wrightman Is
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Pythias, of Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. John
A. 1' lero and daughter Florence, of
Penn Yau, N. Y., aLso were guests of
Dr. and Mrs. Miller, and were charmed
with Portland. N
Miss Katheryn McKean. of Seward.
Alaska, Is the house guest of her aunt,
Mrs. D. T. Vantine. and is being en
tertained delightfully. Miss McKean
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has been visiting friends in Seattle
recently and while there also was en
tertained extensively. She is a clever
dancer and gave several exhibitions of
modern dancing.
Hundreds of women from all over
the world will meet in Portland this
week and next to attend the mid-biennial
Council of the General Federation
of Women's Clubs. The executive
board of the Oregon Federation Coun
cil Is arranging elaborate aDd wonder
ful social affairs for the entertainment
of the visiting women, one of the most
brilliant to be the reception on Monday
night. May 81, at Hotel Multnomah.
The affair is to honor the officers and
members of the mid-biennial Council
of the General Federation, and will be
rrom s:3U to 11 o'clock, the entire mez
zanine floor to be used for the auspi
cious occasion. Notable members of
the federation from all over the coun
try will be represented, and the guests
wiu De received by Mrs. James Withy
combe, wife of the Governor; Mrs.
Henry Russell Albee. wife of the
Mayor; Mrs. J. S. McKee. president of
the Washington Federation; Mrs. John
f. vollmer, president of the Idaho Fed
eration, all honorary members; Mrs.
Sarah A. Evans, president of the Ore
gon Federation: Mrs. Frederick Eg
gert, chairman of social committee, anil
Mrs. Solomon Hirsch, vice-chairman of
social committee; Mrs. Percy V. Penny
backer, president of the General Fed
eration, of Austin, Tex.; Mrs. Samuel B.
Sneath, Tiffin, Ohio; Miss Georgia A.
Bacon. Worcester, Mass.; Mrs. Harry L.
Keefe. Walthill. Neb.; Mrs. Eugene
Retlley, Charlotte, N. C; Mrs. W. B.
Williams, Lapeer, Mich.; Mrs. C. H.
McMahon. Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs.
William E. Andrews, Washington. D.
C; Miss Lutie E. Stearns, Milwaukee,
Wis.; Mrs. Grace Julian Clarke, Indian
apolis, Ind.; Mrs. Francis D. Everett,
Highland Park, III.; Mrs. William P.
Harper. Seattle, Wash.; Miss Mary G.
Hay. New York; Mrs. Frank White,
Valley City, N. D.; Mrs. William B.
Young, Jacksonville. Fla.
They will be assisted by a number of
vice-chairmen. Including Mrs. J. P.
Mann, Mrs. P. L. Campbell. Mrs. Julia
Marquam, Mrs. Charles S. Jackson and
Mrs. Charles J. Smith, who will have
charge of the ballroom; in the tea gar
den, where refreshments will be served,
Mrs. A. H. Breyman, Mrs. R. M. Tuttle
Mrs. W. J. Kerr, Mrs. J. H. Cook and
Mrs. Edgar B. Piper will be fri charge,
and Mrs. John Manning, Mrs. William
T. Foster, Mrs. E. E. Coovert, Mrs.
John B. Carroll and Mrs. E. M. Baker
will preside in the assembly room.
They in turn will have the assistance
of a number of committees, each one
having a particular assignment, so that
the comfort, convenience and pleasure
of every guest will be properly looked
after. Mrs. Frederick Eggert, who is
chairman of the entire social affairs,
has planned a number of delightful
features for the reception, one of them
to be harp solos by Mrs. Carmer Sul
livan Power, who is well known in the
musical world. Orchestral muslo will
be rendered In the assembly room, and
the executive board In handsome
gowns and magnificent Jewels will .re
ceive the hundreds of guests In the
Additional committees will assist, including
Mrs. (.an Aoenaroin, ur. Lilian Baker. Mrs.
J. E. Boynton, Mrs. Thomas C Burke, lira.
P. S. Ball, Mrs. Edward Alden Beals, Mrs. Q.
L. Buland, Mrs. Robert Berber Mrs. R. K.
Bondurani. Mrs. A. IX Charlton. Mr. C. V.
Clarke. Mils Kata C&halln. Mra, B. M. Dertl
on, Mrs. ColUta M. DowUds. Mra. Frank
Dounter, Mrs. Chester Deerlnj, Mlu Edith
Dtike, Mra. Sadie Orr Dunbar Mr. T N.
Edward. Mra. I. N. FlelBchner. Mrs. Cora
B. Frame. Mrs. o J. Frankel, lira, aismund
r -rim it, Mra. . rt- t ear. Mra. Lo Frieda,
Mra. Joaenh Goodman. Mra. w R Mare.
Mra. A. C. Herteche. Mra. M. t. T. Hidden,
M!aa Clementine Hirsch, Mrs. Max S. Hirsch,
aira. Merman a. Meppnar. jdra. K. 1 . 1 n -man,
Mra. J. A. Kyle. Mrs. Julius Uppitt.
Mra. Julius iouLgsoh. Mrs. John Claire Mon-
telth, Mrs. I. H. McBrlde, Mrs. McKjnley
Mitchell. Mrs. James Muckle, Miss Viola
ortacnild. Mrs. Louise Prentiss. Mrs. Ed
ward D. Preble. Mrs. N. T. Palmer, Mrs. J.
A. Pettit. Mrs. E. L. Povev. Mrs. P. R.
Rohr. Mra. c. E. Runyon. Mrs. C. N. Ran-
Kin. Airs, isaac awett. Mrs. Rose selling,
Mrs. Ben SelllnK. Mies Cora Kulllvan. Mrs.
rionald Spencer. Mrs. Mary L. Stevens. Mrs.
inane A. Steele, Mra. Jay Smith, Mrs. A.
Tiller, Miss Halite Thomas, Mne. Frank M.
Taylor. Mra. O. W. Tabler. Mrs. Warren E.
-rnomas. Mrs. T. c Taylor. Mrs. J. V. Tifft
Mra. Meta Uthoff. Mrs. B. K. Weaver.
Mrs. C. B. Warte, Mrs. -Mire Weister. Mrs.
t. wells. Mra JK. s. Wilson, Mrs. A.
W urzweller. Miss Abble Wright, Mrs. Clara
Waldo, Mrs. Sadio Young-.
Cities other than Portland will be repre
sented by: Mrs. Robert C. Hunt. Albany:
Mrs. Ritta Thomas. JLmitv Mra r c.ur.l
I Ashland; Mrs. C. B. Lamkln, Ashland: Mra!
J. W. Sadler. Aurora; Mra. Edward Burke,
waiter; jars, oan ferry and Mrs. F. f.
Bridges, Falrvlew; Mrs. J. H. Heustis,
Beaverton; Mrs. Julia Byrd. Burns; Mrs.
narriet A. L,ongston. coqullle; Mrs. tt
Soholfield, Cornelius; Mrs. lewis Wilson.
Corvallls; Mrs. Katharine Scovell, Cottnge
wroe; Mra. ueorgo i. ueriinger, juafiaa
Mrs. C. S. Allen. Cazadero: Mrs. 1. E. Hun
Eugene: Mrs. Minnie Washburne. Eugene;
Mr3. W. F. Osburn, Eugene; Mrs. E. J.
traier. Kuorene- Mrs. Nellie B. Leonard,
Eugene: Miss Ruth Guddt. Euirene: Mrs.
T. J. O. Thacher, Forest Grove; Miss Mary
A. Farnham, Forest Grove; Mrs. C. J. Bush
nell. Forest Grove; Mrs. C. H. Clements,
Grants Pass; Mrs. Charles Cleveland. Gres-
nam; Mrs. J. n. White, Haines; Mrs. Will
lam M. Stewart, Halsey; Mrs. Sally Mc-
Aianan,-i-tarrisDurg; Mrs. A. L.. Page. Hood
River; Mrs. H. F. Davidson. Hood River:
Mrs. C. H. Castner, Hood Kiver; Mra Jen
nie s. cooper, independence: Mrs. Nelli
Wattenburg, Klamath Falls; Mrs. George
x. i;ocnraii, la Grande; Mrs. J. G. Gill,
Lebanon; Mra. E. E. Gore, Medtord: Mra
F. E. Merrick, Medford; Mrs. Ada Millican,
Mllllcan Valley; Mrs. William A. Gent, Mil
ton: Mrs. Thomas Rogers. McMinnville:
Mrs. Lulu Rogers. McMinnville; Miss Rosa
a. rarroii, Aionmnuin; .Ylrs. K. t;. Gort,
Newberg; Mrs. Nina B. Canon. North
t-owder; Mrs. Valeria Benvlo, Mllwaukle;
Mrs. 1. O. Drane, Ontario; Mrs. C. H. Dye,
Oregon City: Mrs. J. W. Norrls, Oregon
City; Mrs. H. F. Phlngston. Oregon City;
Mrs. A. King WllBon, Oswego: Mrs. Dan T.
Watts. Oswego; Mrs. James Johns, Sr.,
Pendleton; Mrs. Georgo A. Hartman, Jr..
Pendleton; Hon. Marian B. Towne, Phoenix;
Mrs. Granville N. Clifton, Prinevllle; Mrs.
W. A. Smlok. Roseburg; Mrs. J. A. Bu
chanan. Roseburr: Miss Josephine L. par
rott. Roseburg; Miss M. F. Beatty, Salem;
Mrs. f. A. Kinott. saum; Mrs. P. rl. Ray
mond, Salem; Mrs. Blanche R. Bhelley. San
dy; Mrs. Dorrance Smith. Seaside; Mrs. C.
H. Knickerbocker, Sheridan; Mrs. A, H. Mc
Millan, Tualatin; Mrs. P. L. Brown, Silver
ton; Mrs. C. W. Connor. Stanfleld; Mrs. Ag
nes Bradahaw, The Dalles: Mrs. Mary Lo
gan. The Dalles; Mrs. Sylvia W. Thompson,
The Dalles; Mrs. C. J. Edwards, Tillamook;
Mrs. Laura Ellis, Wasco; Mrs. J. M. Poor
man, Woodburn; Mrs. E. T. Wade, Pendle
ton. Honorary members of social committee are
Mrs. George E. Chamberlain. Mrs. Harry
Lane, Mrs. Oawald West. Mrs.' C. N. McAr
thur, Marian B. Towne, Kathlyn Clarke.
Mrs. Clara B. Waldo, Mrs. George T. Ger
Uneer, Dr. Luella Clay Carson, Mrs. J. A.
Churchill, Mra. L. R. Alderman, Professor
Josephine Hammond, Mies Genevieve Thomp
son and Mrs. F, S. Myers.
College alumnae includes Mrs. Vincent
Cook. Mrs. Robert C. French, Mrs. E. T.
Taggar .
Daughters of American Revolution com
prise Mrs. I. L. Patterson, Mrs. John Bag
ley and Mrs. James N. Davis.
Daugbters or Confederacy will have Mrs.
Ferdinand Joplln, Mrs. George H. Stovall
and Mrs. Anton llebisrh.
Consumers' League Mrs. Henry Russell
Catholic Woman's League Mrs Felix Ish
erwood. Mothers Congress Mrs. R. H. Tate and
Mrs. Aristene Fetta.
Parent-Teachera Mrs. Martin Wagner.
People's Institute Miss Valentine Pilch
ard. Visiting; Nurse Association Mrs. Robert Q.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
Mrs. Jennie Kemp.
Women's Union Mrs. Jnlla B. Comstoek.
Young Woman's Christian Association
Miss Carrie Holbrook.
State hostesses are: Mrs. Harriet Hendee,
secretary Federation State Societies; Cali
fornia. Miss Agnes Welch: Colorado, Mrs.
M. W. Wyvllle; Illinois. Mrs. Maude Co
burn; Idaho, Mrs. F. J. Jones'. Iowa, Mrs
R. C. Rlnehart; Indiana, Mrs p. F. Harring
ton; Kansas. Mrs. J. H. Talt; Massachusetts,
Mrs. John A. Holmes: Minnesota. Mrs T J
Baldwin; Michigan. Mrs. Helen Miller Be'nn:
Missouri. Mrs. Jamea R. Thirhorf; New York.
Misa Lida O'Bryon: North Dakota, Mrs. B.
G. Skulason; Nebraska, Mrs. Phil Easterday-
New England, Mrs. Gordon W. Stanley; Ok
lahoma. Mra. Leander Martin; Ohio, Dr Au
gusta S. Veter; Pennsylvania, Dr. Mae H.
Cardwell: South Dakota. Mrs. J. Earl Else'
Texas. Mrs. Charles Rollin Soule; Wisconsin
Mrs. Frank McKay.
While the reception will be the most
elaborate and largest of all the social
affairs of the week, there will be
numerous smaller functions, pmong
them a dinner to honor the officers and.
directors of the General Federation, for
which the Oregon Federation will be
hostess on Saturday night at the
Hotel Benson. Covers will be laid for
r. bout 76, The following day, Sunday.
Mrs. Solomon Hirsch will entertain the
party with a luncheon at her residence
In honor of Mrs. Pennybacker, presi
dent of the General Federation.
Hostesses for the dinner will be:
Mrs. Sarah A. Evans, president; Mrs.
Lee Moorhouse, Pendleton, first vice
president: Mrs. F. E. Merrick, Medford,
second vice-president; Mrs. H. F. Dav
idson. Hood River, recording secretary;
Mrs. Saidie Orr-Dunbar, corresponding
secretary;.. Mrs. C. N. Rankin, treas
urer; Mrs. W. P. Boynton. Eugene,
auditor; Mrs. Agnes Bradshaw, The
Dalles, director, and Miss M. F. Beatty,
Salem, director.
Miss AugUBta McCormick. who is one
of the first of the college set to reach
Portland for the Summer vacation, has
been attending Carnegie Institute of
Technology, in Pittsburg, Pa., and has
been studying interior decorating. She
will be much feted during the Summer
Miss Clea Nickerson, a popular young
belle, left Saturday for an extended
Eastern trip. After visiting relatives
and friends in various states through
out the East, she will b'e joined in
North Dakota by Miss Marlon Kuche
man, who will come to Portland for
a visit with Miss Nickerson.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Logan have re
turned from a visit in San Francisco,
where they attended the exposition.
Mr. Logan being a member of the Ore
gon Exposition Commission. Both Mr.
and Mrs. Logan assisted in the social
activities in the exposition and the
latter was charmingly entertained.
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph "Walker, 1066
E. Flanders street. Laurelhurst, enter
tained Miss Kathryn Lyn brook, Mrs.
F. B. Holbrook and Miss Helen Corey
Holbrook, of Goble, Or., and Addison
Bennett at dinner Tuesday evening.
The Oregon Alpha Chi Omega Alum
nae Club held their monthly meeting
last Wednesday afternoon at the home
of Miss Ernestine Hislop on Marshall
street. During the social hour after
the business meeting refreshments were
Berved. The next meeting will be held
the third Wednesday in June at the
home of Miss Helen Wegmann.
Willamette Chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, will give a bene
fit garden party Thursday afternoon,
Be sure
Kayser' s.
May 27, at the residence of Mrs. H. H.
Ward, 1150 East Everett street. Lanrel-
hurst- A special programme has been
prepared, including bridge and 600.
The Conquerors, the adult Bible class
of the Millard-avenue Presbyterian
Church, met Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Olson. !03
Fifty-ninth avenue, for the regular
monthly meeting. Following the devo
tional services, led by Mrs. Merry, a
short business session was held. The
remainder of the evening was Dassed
in social activities presided over by
Mrs. Jefferies. chairman of the social
committee. The games, contests and
music were greatly enjoyed.
In selecting companions for refresh
ments a novel plan was successfully
carried out. Two huge pink roses
were passed among the guests. On
each petal of one rose was the first
half of the name of one of the states
of the Union. On the petals of the
other rose were the last parts of the
name, of the states used in the first
rose. The women plucked the petals
from one rose and the gentlemen from
the other. Those whose petals com
pleted the name of a state were com
panions for the remainder of the even
ing, serving refreshments Mrs.
Olson and daughter were assisted by
Mrs. J. D. Moore, Misses Elsie and
Essie Strang and Mrs. J. H. Zehrung.
The next regular meeting of the
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Mrs. Edward Judson McMaster is an attractive and lovable young matron,
of Seattle, who is tee house guest of her sister. Mrs. II. M. Carauevllle. of
S4S East Forty-eigh.h street.
Before you buy .
a cut price glove
Think of more than merely the appearance of the
glove consider what service you can expect it to
give. How will they wash? Will the fabric pull and
turn yellow and the glove lose its shape and become
kaggy ? How will the tips wear?
In Kayser Silk Gloves every one of these features
. is guaranteed to give satisfactory service. That is why
twelve thousand dealers and millions of American,
women prefer them why more of them are sold than
of all other silk gloves combined.
you get complete glove value.
Kayser Silk Glovet cost no more than the ordinary
kind; two clasp are always 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25 and
up; twelve and sixteen button lengths are always 75c, $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50 and up. The name "Kayser" is in the hem.
and with each pair is a guarantee ticket that the tips will
outwear the gloves.
i2 J) Slaved
More sold than. aJl other silk gloves combined
class will be In the form of a social at
the church the third Monday evening
in June.
On Thursday evening Oregon Cora
mandery. No. 1, Knights Templars, con
ferred the Order of the Ked Cross upon
C. H. Loughlin. T. M. Kamsdell, It. C.
McDanlel, H. F. McGrath, J. B. Argo-
lirlght, J. B. Keefer and E. C. Morgan,
after which the membership was en
tertained with remarks by D. B. Grant,
grand commander of Oregon, and L. O.
Clarke, deputy grand commander of
The foregoing class of seven Is the
largest upon which the order has been
conferred in the state.
The commandery was congratulated
by Grand Commander Grant upon its
remarkable progress and efficiency
under the direction of Eminent Com
mander Davis.
The Order of the Temple will be
conferred upon the same class Thurs
day, May 27, at which time the com
mandery will be favored with the at
tendance of Grand Commander Grant,
Deputy Grand Commander Clarke and
their staff.
It Is expected this will be a memo
rable occasion in the history of the
Miss t:. Li. Hubbs, who has been &
buyer with the firm of Lipman. Wolfe
& Co. for many years and is now re
tiring, was the recipient of a surprise
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Ask for
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party given by her coworkers on tho
fourth floor Thursday evening. May 20,
at her residence at the Brown Apart
ments. Those present were: D. Neer, A. Bon.
field. J. W. Barton. Miss L. Allen. Misa
K. Conley, Mrs. L. McKittrlck. Mrs. S.
Collins. Mrs. G. Linley. Miss A. Ash
worth. Mrs. II. Gatzman, Miss N.
To the Advantage of
a Graceful Figure
THE figure which naturally
possesses grace and inherent
litheness should be properly
corsetted In the prevailing
model designed especially for
the wearer's individuality.
We supply corsets of known
worth through many years of
unsurpassed reputation:
Die. Jolle.
Laetle, Nemo,
KoysU Worcester,
Lily ef,
Klear de LI..
La Oravella.
346 Washington. St., near Broad
Portland's Exclusive Corset Shop
Member Chamber of Commerce.
For the June weddings
should be ordered early.
Engraving Dept.
Second Floor
The J. K. Gill Co..
Third and Aider Streets.
Booksellers. Stationers and
Complete Office Outfitters.