The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 09, 1915, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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Idahoan Considered Strong
Man for Nomination, Since
.L Refusal of Hughes.
Two Klcmeuts In Republican Party
AVould Be Satisfied "With Re
sult, Despite Senator's De
y nlal He Is In Race
ington, May 8. The refusal of Justice
Hughes, of the United States Supreme
Court, to become a candidate for the
Republican presidential nomination or
to permit the use of his name in, that
connection is aeeepea by his friends as
having been made in good faith. Nor did
the announcement, nccasion surprise.
Justice Hughes cannot put a stop to
mention of his name, nor can, he
prevent the presentation of his name
to the next Republican National con
vention,' if any eta to sees fit to put
him forward. At the same time, men
who know Justice Hushes welt be
lieve he Is In a frame of mind to de
cline the nomination, if it should be
tendered, and therefore they think any
further effort to develop Hughes senti
ment would be unavailing;.
1'riends Sajr He AVould Decline. -
That any man should decline the
presidential nomination at the hands
of one of the two blK parties may
he Incomprehensible. but friends of
Justice Hushes assert that he would
do that very thins it he should be
nominated against his will.
Tn the past month or two there has
been a growing sentiment tn favor of
Justice Hughes, based on his popu
larity as Governor of New York and
on the fact that he is the type of man
who could command support from both
factions of the Republican party. His
announcement followed immediately on
the declaration in Washington of Gov
ernor Hatfield, of West Virginia, that
he favored Hughes' nomination in 1916.
tJovernor Hatfield characterized Justice
Hughes as the "symbol of strength and
unity," and predicted that Hughes,
once nominated, could be elected. "If
the party wants to nominate Justice
Hughes, It can do it,'' declared the
Governor. "Only the man himself
could prevent it from being done." The
next day Justice Hughes made hts
With Justice Hughes out of the
reckoning. Republicans who have been
looking for a compromise candidate
have renewed their search. The first
name considered, in most instances. Is
tliat of Senator Borah, of Idaho, who
Is still regarded as much of a factor
in 'Republican presidential politics,
notwithstanding his assertion that he
is not seeking the- nomination.
Borah on Middle Ground.
Senator Borah occupies a middle
rround between Root and Weeks on
the one hand and CuVnmlns and Roose
velt on the other. Root and Weeks
re regarded by the progressive wing
:of the party as having been too promi
nently identified with the "stand-pat"
faction. in the past, while Cummins is
frowned on for his radical views and
because he voted for Roosevelt In 1912,
though refusing to leave the Republi
can party, and the Colonel, of course,
is not at all acceptable to a large
element of the party that refused to
support him three years ago.
The Idaho Senator is greatly admired
by all four of the possibilities named,
and if he should be nominated he would
have the support of all of them. Root.
Weeks, Roosevelt and Cummins must
be regarded, each of them, as repre
sentative Republicans. Each repre
sents an element in the party; each has
his own followers and admirers, and
each would give Borah whole-hearted
support. The time is not ripe for
these men to speak publicly on the
fubject of the Republican nomination,
but each one of the four has been in
terrogated privately on the possibility
of Senator Borah's being the nominee,
and it is known that each of these
leaders considers the Idaho man a
strong possibility.
All Desire Republican Success.
Senator Cummins, of course, Is a
candidate himself; Senator Weeks is
a candidate: ex-Senator Root and Colo
nel Roosevelt are not candidates, but
are being strongly urged by their re
spective supporters for presidential
honors. If Cummins cannot land the
nomination for himself. 'Borah un
doubtedly would be his second choice;
Weeks probably would prefer some
one else to Borah, but he believes the
Idaho Senator must bo rated among
the strongest men to be reckoned with
at the next Republican National con
vention, and if the tide should turn
in Borah's direction. Senator Weeks
would join the precession.
Cummins, Root, Roosevelt and Weeks
want Republican victory In 1916. Their
opinions differ as to who would be
the strongest candidate to name but
as the situation develops it is predicted
that these men, in the last analysis,
will eliminate themselves if by so
doing they can strengthen the Repub
lican ticket.
Captain Merry of General Stafr Will
Review College Cadets.
Corvams Or.. May 8. (Special.) The
date of the inspection of the cadet reg
iment by the. Federal Government has
J,?f" set '" Tuesday, May 18. Captain
V illiani T. Merry, of the General Staff
of the United States Army, will be the
guest of the college and win' inspect
the regiment. The day will be de-
""u iimiiMy maneuvers
In addition to Captain Merry, there
will be present on inspection day a
large number of United States Army
officers and officers of the Oregon Na
tional Guard.
The cadet regiment Is under the di
rection of Lieutenant Peter J. Hen
nessey, commandant. Curran L. Mc
Eadden. of Corvallis is Cadet Colonel
Dolph Thomas, of Portland, is Lieutenant-Colonel,
and Nick Tartar, of Cor
vallis; Jens Olsen, of Portland, and
Irwin Betzel. of Portland, are Cadet
Majors. There are approximately 800
men in the' regiment.
Clierrlans Are Xot to Hold l-'alr.
SALEM, Or., May 8. (Special.)
Because of a deficit last year, the
Cherrians have decided not to hold a
cherry fair thi3 year. However, plans
for a fair have not been entirely aban
doned, for there is a possibility that
the Commercial Club will offer to co
operate with the Cherrians in provid
ing a festival. All members of the
Cherrians think it best to wait until
next year to have a fair, and there is
a probability that the fair will be held
biennially Instead of annually In the
$6000 WIFE.
8"". x i
I 1 f-
ft Wj
Indian Potentate Comes to
America With One Wife.
His Highness Jagutc Jit Singh Ralia
dur, Ruler Over 598 Square Miles
of Land and Four Wives, Will
Make Trip to Pacific Coast.
NEW TORK. May 2. (Special.) His
Highness Jagat Jit Singh Bahadur, Ma
harajah Raga-i-Hajgan of Kapurthala,
a state of the Punjab, who rules and
lords over 598 square miles of land,
500 servants ana four wives, arrived
in this country from Marseilles, France,
May 2 with his favorite Maharanee, the
youngest and fairest of his spouses.
The Maharanee was originally a
Spanish dancer, and her charms mag
netized the Maharajah to the extent
that lie persuaded himself that he
needed and could make use of another
wife. .
A contract was drawn up. $6000 was
paid to the dancer's parents and the
bride was whisked away and married
in regular Sikh fashion.
The Maharajah has one son fighting
in Flanders and has equipped three
companies for the service of the em
pire. The potentate, who is not yet 43
and lias a son of about 24. will tour
the country and visit the Panama-Pacific
Exposition, after which he will
leave for France, where he will try
to forget the cares and worries of his
kingdom for a while.
Conductor, Serving O.-W. It & X. 2 5
Years Without Missing Day, Dies.
SOUTH BEND, "Wash.. May 8. (Spe
cial.) Fifty years old at the time of
his death, 23 years of that time having
been spent as a railroad conductor
without a day's vacation, Charles
Burch. conductor on the O.-W. R. & N.
from Nahcotta to Megler. died at his
home In Nahcotta Friday.
For the first five years of his career
he drove a stage for L. A. Loomis and
JacoD Kamm. organizers of the Ilwaco
Railway & Navigation Company. For
13 years, until about ten years ago,
the line ran from Nahcotta to Ilwaco,
but after being bought by the O.-W. R.
tk N. It was extended to Megler. Mr.
Burch leaves a widow and a daughter.
Vancouver Plant Taken by Oregon
Packing Company for $180 0.
VANCOUVER, Wash., May 8. (Spe
cial.) The sanitary cannery owned by
the Clarke County Growers Union, lias
Old Reliable Hood'a Saraaparilla
Pleasant and Effective.
" In the Spring your blood Is impure
and weak, eruptions appear on your
face and body, you lack vitality,
strength and animation, your appe
tite is poor and you feel all tired out.
Get Hood's Sarsaparilla from any
druggist. It combines just the roots,
barks, herbs and other substances
that you need.
It purifies and strengthens the
blood makes the rich red blood that
you must have to feel well, look well,
eat and sleep well. This is confirmed
by thousands of letters from people in
all parts of the country.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best
Spring medicine, but is not simply a
Spring medicine it is an all-the-year-round
blood purifier and tonic. Re
member it' has stood the test of 40
years. Be sure to get Hood's, and get
it today. Adr.
been leased . to the Oregon Packing
Company for a year for $1800.
! H. W. Allinger has been placed in
charge of the plant. It is not yet
known whether the cannery will be
operated this year or not. but it will
be if the fruit crop in Clarke County
warrants it. it is announced. However,
the fruit raised by the farmers here
will be handled by the company wheth
er the cannery is operated or not.
The Clarke County Growers' Union
this year will handle the berry crop
of the members, as it did last year, by
finding, a market for the fresh fruit.
Italian farm houses need improving, ac
cording to the opinion of the government,
wliu-h has offered 7-V5 in premiums to be
awarded for encouraging the conatructlon oi
model farm buildings.
Which Class
are YOU in
For some time I paid rent, averaging
about $34 a month. At the end of four
years I had a nice bundle of receipts,
and the landlords had my
4 X 12 X 34 $ 1632.00
While I had $ 0.
October 7, 1910. I bought a house in
beautiful Rose City Park, on monthly
payments, and besides the Joy of living
in my own, home. I have already a net
equity in the house of $ 1641.00
If you are in the wrong class, let me
show you our Rose City Park houses:
$100 down, balance like' rent. Call up
the Realty Department- of Hartman &
Thompson, Main 208 or A 2050, but 'do
it now.
French Remedy for
Stomach Troubles
The leading doctors of France have
for years used a prescription of vege
table oils for chronic stomach trouble
and constipation that acts like a charm
One dose will convince. Severe cases
of years' standing are often greatly
benefited within, 24 hours. So many
people are getting surprising resultB
that we feel all persons suffering from
constipation, lower bowel, liver and
stomach troubles should try Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy. It is sold by lead
ing druggists everywhere with the
positive understanding that your money
will be refunded without question or
quibble if ONE bottle falls to give
you absolute satisfaction. Adv.
l.v charge; op a train eo
Wd-Lark Bids',
Alder Street at tVeat Park.
Portland. Ob
Store Opens
Daily at
8:30 A. M.
On Saturdays
9:00 A. SL
Pacific Phone
Marshall 5080
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
Daily at
5:30 P. BL
On Saturdays
6:00 P. M.
Home Phone
A 2112
Regular 23c Grade
A closing out of short lots
and odds and ends of plain
and initialed Writing Pa
per and Correspondence
Cards one quire of pa
per with envelopes to
match. 25c and 35c 1 C
grades at, box.... 13C
Amumoail Msiv Sad
Timely Piice Temptations Here
for Cliilclren
OC For Fine Wash
3 OC dresses of white
lawn. They come in new
styles with kimono sleeves
and are stamped in pretty
designs. All sizes from 1
to 4 years at ,one price
Thirty-Five Cents.
For Children's
UUC Ready-, Made
Stamped Dresses of fine
quality white rep, fin
ished , with deep colored
band at bottom of the
same material. , They also
have loops for belt and
shown in styles with ki
mono sleeves. Sizes 3 to
6 yrs. at Sixt3r-Five Cents
Women's Handsome
Summer Suits
The Smartness of Their Graceful Lines Is
Revealed at Once Regular $25.00 Of Of
to $32.50 Values, Tomorrow atP-
Exclusive styles distinctive and undervalued
handsome Summer Suits that will lend the final
touch of style to the woman who also seeks be
comingness. They come in the best materials
and are of the finest workmanship. Senres.
poplins, gabardine and other seasonable weight fabrics in the staple and new
plain colors, black and white checks, and attractive novelties. The smartness
of their graceful lines is revealed at once. The modes are strikingly new and
the prices strikingly reduced. You have choice from $25.00 to tfOA ff
$32.50 values tomorrow at .4-J.UU
Attractive Styles and Values in One-Piece Dresses at $6.50
Dainty and charming styles in striped crepe voiles, rice cloths and linens
all sizes and all desirable colors. Garments of perfect finish and Ca
correctly trimmed. Unsurpassed values at .-P O. O J
Exceptional Values in
Mew Wash
A showing of the new season's
Wash Cottons, exceptional in
the variety and extensive as
sortment of patterns and col-
The most desirable and fashionable weaves
in reliable qualities. Inexpensive fabrics for cool,
dainty waists dresses for street and evening
wear. Certainly every taste may be suited. You
have choice from these and many others: !
New Voiles, Printed Styles, Plain Colors, 25 Yard
We have just received another great shipment of 36
to 40-inch Voiles in both plain colors and in printed
styles flowers, figures, all size dots, stripes and
checks all colors and all moderately priced otr
at, a yard aOC
Another Fine Lot of Voiles at 35c Yard
Flake and Rice Voiles, Printed Voiles, Crepe Voiles,
Woven Stripe Voiles all the staple and popular
plain colors and beautiful designs in figures, flowers
and stripes; 36 to 40-inch widths at, a of
yard. ' DOC
New, Tub Stripe Voiles at 45 Yard
The extremely fashionable, high-grade Tub Voiles
shown in pretty color combinations, such as yellow
and black, helio and black, blue and black, green and
black, etc., on white ground; also Silk-stripe Voiles
in pink, -blue, helio, green, etc., on white E
ground; 30 and 40-inch widths, at, yard ttOC
Silk-Mixed Crepe de Chine at 50 and 75c Yard
36 and 38-inch Silk-Mixed Crepe de Chines in plain
colors and beautiful flower and figure designs in
rich and dainty colorings; extremely fine P7ES
qualities at, a yard .50 and
New Madras Shirting at 25 Yard
Also Waistings. This reliable and much-desired wash
fabric is shown here in an unlimited variety of styles,
all white or in colored stripes. Comes in full ofi
width and priced at, a yard OC
A Special Lot of Plain Voiles in 25c Quality, 10 Yd.
At this great price reduction we are closing-out a
special lot of Plain Voiles. Included are the follow
ing colors pink, blue, helio and tan all in 36-inch
width and 25c quality priced, while they - r
last at, a yard
Phoenix Sills Hose 75c
The Phoenix Silk Hose have long
been known for their perfect fit and
wearing quality. They are strictly
high-grade Stockings, shown in all
sizes in black and in all colors a
stocking of unsurpassed 7C
value at, a pair 5C
Cinderella Silk Hose at $1.00 Pair
The Cinderella is a pure thread Silk
Stocking of perfect fit and finish.
Comes in all sizes in black and in
colors. It is without doubt the best
wearing and finest appearing Silk Stock
ing sold at, a pair
mm aaaHB, avMaaaaaM naBnnaaBBBnnnnnnnnMnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnanBna
A Full and Complete New Line Just Received
Beantifixl Foulard Sillss
That Are Absolutely Spotproof Beautiful New
Patterns and Colorings for Street and Even- 7Qf
ing Wear Now Priced at JC
We do not remember of ever having had such an
extensive and varied assortment of patterns and
colorings as we are now showing in these exquisite
silks. They are Cheney Bros'. Celebrated Spotproof
Foylards Silks that you wiii especially favor be
cause of their dressy appearance and remarkable
wearing quality. They come full 23 inches wide and
are shown in the season's choicest designs and color
ings for both street and evening wear. Especially
attractive are those in neat, small patterns. They
are just the fabric you need for fashionable, cool and
durable waists or dresses. They are certainly the
best Foulard Silks to be had anywhere at, yard, 79
Monday and Tuesday
Thousands of yards all correct styles for Spring
and Summer and all brand new Allovers, Flouncings,
Edges and Insertions, all ready to beautifully trim
your new Summer lingerie, dresses, waists and even
fine graduation gowns. The most remarkable pur
chase ever consummated by our lace buyer. Of
course, you'll not want to miss it, for values are far
and beyond the ordinary. You may well judge the
offerings by these items:
Flouncings in Values to $2.50 and 27 Inches no
Wide at, Yard ZfOC
Fine High-grade Silk and Cotton Lace Flouncings
in the popular net top, Oriental, chantilly and
shadow effects. They come in white, cream arid
black. Regular values to $2.50 a yard. This sale 98
Flouncings in Values to $1.25 and 18 Inches Cri-,
Wide, a Yard UVJC
This desirable width of Lace Flouncing is shown in
the choicest new paterns Oriental, shadow and
chantilly in silk and cotton. They come in black,
cream and white and in values to $1.25 a yard at 50
Flouncings in Values to 95c and 12 Inches OC
Wide at, Yard OOC
An unlimited assortment of these desirable Lace
Flouncings in shadow and Oriental patterns in white
and in cream color. They come 12 inches wide and
in values up to 95c a yard. This sale at 35
Oriental Edges in Values to 35c and 8 Inches -i c?
Wide at, Yard i3C
Dainty new patterns in Oriental Net Top Laces in
white and cream colors; all widths in edges from 4 to
8 inches. Regular 25c and 35c grades, this sale 15
Allover Laces in Values to $1.50 and 36 no
Inches Wide at, Yard : . . yOC
An elegant line of the fashionable Laces for skirts,
waists and dresses. They come in both silk and
cotton and in black, white and cream. Regular $1.25
and $1.50 grades. This sale at 98
New Silk Nets, 40 Inches Wide Best $1.25 qq
Grade at, Yard OC
Both Tosca and Diamond meshes of fine silk, shown
in black and all wanted staple and new colors. They
come full 40 inches wide and in a quality regularly
sold at $1.25 a yard. This sale at 9S