The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 09, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 11, Image 29

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WE art the largest distributors ef rebuilt
typewriter ; w hav the greatest selec
tion o machtnei ; we set) at the lowest
prices and on the easiest terms. Call and
inspect our stork or send for Illustrated
Price list. M)ie)ni sent for three days'
examination to any point on Pacific t'(vst,
and If not satisfactory may be roturaeu
at our expense; every machine covered ly
new machine guarantee; rentals 4 months
for $3 and up; initial payment allowed on
3-1 Wash lute tort Street, port .and. Or.
Branches m all Puciitc Ci;st cities.
TV PEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $o
and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur
, chase price. Remington Typewriter Com
pany, 36 Broadway. Portland, Or.
"WIS save you from GO to 75 per cent on all
makes of tvpe writers ; send for our illus
trated folder. Retail department WHuLU.
SAUK . tOa'.! 1 Wash. st,
TYPEWRITERS, a make. $10to $65. The
Noriiiwtat 'ipvvUr Cu, 'i&i Stark st.
Mam tv.N,
OH VER visible typewriter, fine condition,
I'NDKKWOOa No. 3, UHo new, perfect con
clitton. $40. Marshall 712. 3 N. 17th.
6 1-13 h. P. 13 h. p.
2 l-S h. p. 5 h. p.
J 1- h, p. 1 7 V h. p.
8 1 '2 h. p 4 h. P.
We alse have a stock of 48 alternating
current motor ranging from 1--0 h. p. up
to 13U h. p.
Al our motors and generators carry the
iam guarantee as do new ones.
We do rewinding and repairing' of all
1 8,10 h. p. Little Giant murine as engine
1 single drum winch,
1 single drum hoist.
Generators, several sixes.
Ithusiata and other electrical equipment.
B. E. DAVIS & CO.,
103 ). Water at. Khi .v:i4rt, P '-'-36.
I Iroquois continuous miner boiler and
- engine, on trucks, complete, $3oo.
I Case traction engiue, single cylinder
8x14. g;:oo.
1 storage tank, 5-16 metal ehcll 7-10
heads, length 3a feet, H inches; diameter,
S ft., 3 inches; capacity, 14,000 gallons,
H. M. II. Klecirle Company, 31 North
First street. Phone Main U-10.
BA RGAlNr-2 - - barer-power ""marine engine,
coin pie t a equipment , Phone Kast 4-5P.
Mis-vet 1 mi eo us.
look ver our largo bargain stock of new
and second-hand
We have the largest stock of second
hand pipe of all sues, just us good aa
new, in the oily. Our prices are so low
they will astonish u. Come or write
tor prices. V will nave you money if
you let us figure on furnishing your
plumb ins; supplier and pipu as well an
Going your plumbing work; we are glad
Lu give estimates free o( charge.
Guaranteed bath tubs, $iU.5u to $15.
Low-down toilets, git). SO.
lax'lH cast iron enameled sinks, $'J.Q0.
Second-hand sinks, $1.50,
KusiiH irom tl up.
30-gal'on boilers, $5.23.
Laundry trays, $7.
AM kinds of soiled pipe and fittings at
Correspond I rig lo w prices.
Vj Inch. 'J a hundred feet.
inch. "j-.-PI a hundred feot.
1 Inch from $3 to $3.50 a hundred feet.
lH-lnch, from $4 to $4.5o hundred fuel.
1 3 -inch $5.i5 a hundred feet,
a -inch $T a h undrcd feet
lai Krrtnt st. tain iitiai.
between Yumhill and Talor.
bKWJ.NG MACHINES White. Sin, Stan
dard, $14: tilnger. I J .so and iH, New
Royal, $Ufc: Whfmit, 59; (iuer(.
The Free, $:!."; Wheeler ft Wllsitn, la. Do
mestic, ; Houseliold, 5 ; New Lime, Ji
and $14; 'on n el y i-'renclj embroidory, Hi ,
ti:rmn, and jruaranteed. Swinq Marhinn
Ktnporlum. 190 Sd t., near Taylor. Mum
s 4 H 1. A ;!b2fi. Machines rented $- per m.
Ladies' wulnis, nit;ht kuw ns, cojet. cov
ers, etc. ; beuutlf ul pat terns, la teat de
signs, fine hand work, all by mitive girls
uf (He 11)11 lp pi na Islands. C;iil at any
time t his wft'k on Mrs, MuComb, 7b I
Kearney st., Portlnnd.
ilOTOHHOATI have a f lrt-tlaaa small
motorboat ; v ill hold 7 peoplu; Is com
plete and n firet-clasH urdr at.d wilt
run 10 miles per hour and has cushions,
rubes, flags and ml the tools; wiM tt:i
very cheap; take hore or bufctfV ir wiRa
In trade or fell op terms. Call Main -41.
vn n. nth.
B'OK SALE One ltt to 30 H. P., 4-cyIinder,
4-cci Marine engine, $joo.
One i -cylinder, 4 -cycle, $HiM.
One 3D-l't by ft. beam pleasure launch,
makes Hi pi lies tier hour, and boat houe.
SiiuO. Call and see. A tki psou tz Patterson,
Portland Rowing Club.
LA UNOH for mie; tast runabout, safe and
new, Jtxti, 40 H. P, uyclo engipc, auto con
tra 1. - miles per hour. W, F. Col lard,
Vancouver, R. F, D, No. 1. Phone Van
couver Exchange, 10 F. 3-4.
FOR SALE Lumber at Gastun, Or. hO to
"." thousand ft., of No. 1 common red
fir, 4 M, lti-ft., half dry ; will sell cheap;
van deliver prompt. Kor particulars ad
drcrs J. E. Scanlan, Gaston.
1 SAN TO cartrt cleaner. $ 1 2. new. will
sell cheap ; good as new : cash or lerms.
I .flvln HarUw are Furniture Co, ,'21-2Ju
Prot ft.
Oi l Latin Bible, pearly S' ears old. for
aie cheap or trade; also tit her good bucks.
What have yoq to offer y AO 73 J, Oregii-
1'INIU EdiatHi Triumph phonograph, Kuar
antectt same its new, cost $75. price $.17. ",
$.- down, $-.5'i monthly. Hjatt Talking
U"hln Co., :;.v Alder.
FOR SA L E I pasol iue stie I la unc h direct
from manuf art urers. For fur her pnrtitm
lars, write or call at No. a Front L.
Hoi ma n Transfer Co.
TV E sell juu a brand new S'JOO Edison d isc
phonograph, diamond point, for $-ti down,
i.'i nu.nthly, Hvau Talking Macliine Co.,
:!50 Alder.
T E have en hand h lot of used sewing ma
chines; mu;4t be sold at a trico you cannot
miss. Your pick tor $5 each. All makes
and guaranteed. J! Ill Morrison st.
LENERaL high-pressure water tubo and re
turn tubular boilers ami engine pumps,
all .tlndx of rails for any purpose. H. B.
Davif. Water st. Marshall
LAUNCH, a brain, l-fl.. H If. P., full
equtnrmnt. Seu at foot of Madison. Call
M rL'H.
Light oak desk, both for $.5. Smith
Wn gf ner Co., Stock Kx.
VI UsbT-CLASS steam wood saw. $l0; will
til row in dump w at on, t on ; snap. Owner.
FhoneA L"ilSor aqress 114 North ";id st.
c;kaflev camera. ;;774Ticost,' w (th
outfit, iM-0; good order.; price $00. G 787.
TV I KH flower stand, $.B0 ; Century plants.
Oleanders, fig tree. 15c to flo, 010 .fciiist
Tepth, fouth. Sell.
BARGAINS in unredeemed g'.ms nnd re
volvers; all makes; cheap. Beauregard's.
70S Main st.. V aiKou vcr, Wash.
TV K runt you a fine Tctor machlnefor $'J
per month, H ott Talking Machine Co.,
.Vi Aii.-
1 i Of ! I F E LD' S Camera Exchange. S5:id st.
Canifcts. kodaks and lenses bought, sold
snd exchanged. We Bell the lea cameras.
HIT and miss varpet rags for tale: wMPde
liver. Address 10;t4 South Hays, St. Johns,
FlNEul dress suit, else 3S; extremely luw
price. Kast H34L
FOR SALE Canoe in good shape, complete
e tj u 1 pmuii t . plp'ne TV ood la w n il'J3 .
M1MATURB hand-made steam' engine, cost
$;t, for ys. x. th.
FOR SALE rBicyle in good shape, cheap.
Call at 51 Rodney ave.
liOTAllYneostylc. cost $30; wlUakflT$10.
V 74. Oregon Ian.
ll A U N I CII ," 2 5 x 4 . electric lishtedT30 h. p.,
al:noat new. Phono Main fltjoS.
BARGAINS in show cases, store and office
furniture 5 1st sL
UN REDEE M ElV'"ne w 10-.T" Burlington Spa
cial forlo;cost $2Tu Stein, 2u K. th.
PKIDK of Multnomah potatoes. $2.25 sack.
Tel. Main 7387 or BP 805. Oregonlan.
iOOI oak combination typewriter desk at
a bargain. aofl Broadway blrtg.
A NICE Monarch gas ranee, 4 ovens; $.'0.
Call Tfthor pQ5A
PIANO Steinway baby grand, mahogany
oase; a bargain. K SO 7. Oregonlan.
HOUSEBOATO L7G ilham, B 2170. Sell
wod el-i. Foot Spokacs ava.
M 1 ie 1 1 a n eo u s .
We have It. Any suae you want. Oood
fftcick. perfectly fitted and absolutely guar
anteed. Vj-lnch black pip -c.
-iimh black pipe, c.
1-inch black pipe. 34c.
liuch blaca pipe. 4Vc.
lVt-inch black pipe. t.
--luclt black pipe, 7c.
This material is all good and will stand
your closest inspection. Also notice w
ar the only ttnn advertising prices on
pipe. TUir' a ruusun."
We have yet on hand" a number of sets
secuud-huud harness. Sonve are nearly
new. We wtali to close these out and will
Quota you very attractive prices.
'vV e -are headquarters lor hone. We sell
hos by whulcsale. 4f you do not buy
your hose from us you are losing a chance
to Have real money. Wa will sell you
50 feet hose, $-.oO,
Mi feet cotton Uosa guaranteed, $3,
."0 feet 4-ply hose, guaranteed,
f0 feet 0-ply hose, guaranteed, $3.50.
If you want the best there is we have
It at Dc per ft. This grade usually whole
sales at 11 VjC,
We have a laryw stock of guuU second
hand leather. Any eixe you, t)ur
priceH on this material assure you a splen
did saving, on all purchases.
We handle the equipment yoq ieed. See
us before you buy. Also remember on all
goods bought new to complete our orders
you Ret the benefit, of our wholesale pur
chasing power.
201-iT03 Front tit. Main 4110.
BRAN new 17-ft., U-pasenger boat and en
gine, $180; bran new 10-ft., 4-pasdenger
boat and engine. $LN; one canoe, equipped
with air tanku. Evmrud engine, Installed,
$1 U.i; these bouts aiu special models, the
most beautiful oT their kind ever shown
in Portland; wnen you see these boats
now on display at our new store, h rant
and Morrison : you will be astonished at
the bargain prices. Kvinrude Motor Co.,
F. o . i; 1 1 1 i i , mgr.
I.ogglitu and hoisting engines, derricks,
scrapers, clamshell buckets, concrete mix
ers, pumps, ftc.
A IternH tiiiK and d irect currant motors,
guars n tevd in wery respect ; ail makes.
jtoSeconci St We sell or rent.
SUDA - WATER, outfit, everything to start
in business; modern fountain, metal chairs,
stools and tables, and a lot of sundries
that you need; all cost something like
$L'io. We will soil the outfit for o0,
and on instullmen is If necessary.
547 Washington Ht.
Oll-hnrning ste.un yacht Lucero; 100 ft.
by l'Lh; speed 1 knots; magnfeicent sea
boat, adapted fur commercial or pleasure
purposes; oilier huvinx purchased tainr
yacht, can be hough t dirt cheap. Address
Or. twin VMlbert Melville. 43iiu Pasadena
ave , lns Angeles, cal.
Black n d gai vauiadp new and second
hand, from a to H-lnch ; - in. pipe,
tin.: 34 -in., 'j cis.; J-ip. H cts. ; ) -in..
4 cts.; Vj-ln., 44 cts.: q) kinds plumbing
supplies ; low-! apt loiiet, flu qp. Port.
1 a n d I M p e h Imp, yiifl F runt s l. Main tUiV 5.
CA M E HA Seneca No. H : goocl condition,
4x."i plates and film pack, all equipment ;
bellows cjktenoton lo iaches, good lens and
shutter i. ost new 4T, will take Mo,
or trade for l!',x4Vi!. r smaller. Main
.li'4i Sundays or evenings.
Jud'J'UKBOAT snd bous tor svle; length liS
ft,, heeim 5 W ft.; copiPletely equipped,
atrietly nrst-'Claas; 15h. p. Ferro motor;
tpeed 11 to I -" miles : folding top ; outfit
cost Jtl.ii Ml; Hi(l iell for .V0. Addresa O
Soo. Oregoplai).
k WASHINGTON st., the Toggery; all fix
tures at great sacrifice j must he sold ba
ton May i.'i; hut, floor nnd wail cases,
sh ct vine, afe. cash rtgister, i inoleqm,
electric 11m lit fix t urea, N. ft N. recking
Co., Ftit sirtret. phone Marshall oo,;t.
Alt A Ri'H motion picture machine, two
white screens xll ft., tine reJ r;iso, two
empty roels. ono Loader calcium lllil
ouit il, all complete, practically now ; 100
take it. C ju. A. Hsii, Alpine, Or.
CRUISER himich 40-foot, 6 ft. U-in beam,
si-cy imder Van HIert'k motor, with Ecjf
biarter; thoroughly equipped lor at uiaing;
outtlt la prcticaUy uw and will take less
than halt m i a i n a 1 cost. Main ftuiiS.
FOR a ALE luoO feet 10-inch No. tl steel
double rivlted water pipe, weight 15 lb
per foot. Adureas P. o. Box. aul, HLls-
boro, ur
J E I LLi A HPS New and second-hand carom
and pocaet Uiilmi a tahies- and bow ling
uKcys and a-cessories ; easy payments. The
DruiiSA ick-Halke CoJlender Co., 4H-4 Mh,
li ion, India paper, going cheap; lert a It h
atl ertier or unpaid debt. Apply A J
SEWlNii MACHINES, new and second, sale or rciu, $4 up. Sew in k Machine
Kmporium. 1UU od el. near Talor. Main
i;:ii, a 02a.
j'UU SALE- Fully eiiutpped liH-t't. pleasure
launch in j;ood condition ; elect r'.c lights,
uoathouse, .1 as. it. Dickson, luu ad si..,
Piirtlflitd, Or,
FOii SA LE One international time record
ing clock, equipped lor ,00 employes.
Stuond-hand but in excellent condition.
A doross A 717. Oregon i an. i
LA RG W tire proof cabinet safo met at iiliug
ciiuipmcii t and cash locker; can use visi
ble ty pe w riter as part payment. Y
COM I'LETE moving picture t'quipnwi
suita'olo for traveling or beach show, for
r.-nt or sale c lieu p. 1 'ur ticuial s -1J
h':rst. near Sal in on.
MOTORBOAT ENGINE, 4-cyL Cadillac mo
tor, in good condition. High-tension mag
ntito Price low.
ONE Hlaladelt laihc, eight-foot bed. li-inch
svAliig, complete vitli coun tershu ft. This
lathe Ik in fair condition; will sell cheap.
H TIU. "Ore-on!:in.
Fott SALE Tent, by II. with 4-foot
side walls, pearly pew. Uo7 E. ISth N.
VlIBLH typw riters rented mouths for
$4 : cuiivauieut at home; dcllveied any
where Zi Stark Pt. Phone Main 0J7f.
D! AMOnTJ house puint s. strh'tly pure ; made
In Oregon, per gallon, $1.(10. Portland
Paint Co.. iu Front st. Marshall lOu.
4 r c Y I A N DK R. tin-horsepower engine, ma
rine, used only I month : good as new 1
3 - 0 c' wh. 'all r;'J5 Burn ftide st.
FOR SALE New picture macliVpe, usad only
three weeks; cheap for cash. 54 N. latn
ft., room a. Phone Alar. lutfT.
VA LPEV1LLE sketch drops and "novelty,
thc.i p ; trade for diamond. U Tu Ore-
o 1 1 1 a 1 1
FA&T -5-fooi mntorbcat and hoathouse,
cheap; iuqulro Ricltard Quiuey, 501 Buru
Slde. Main 45e.
iCL BOX Pracilcally new, capacity 75
pounds. phone (except Sunday) Tabor
MM 5.
FOR SALE cheap. Li f -Fiona diamond huiss
shoe pin; cost $150. Mar. lUfli4.
USE. Basseit's Na;ive Herbs for rheumatism,
1Q ta b I e t st or U5c. All dru g g i 8 1 s .
The Mosler gafe Co., 284 Stark st,
SEWING MACHINE for sa.le, nuvomestib,
$.0. 1 "72 E. Morrison.
PLIMLING suppUls at wholesale prices.
Stnrk-Oavls Co., 3d wt. Main Tl1?.
CASH registers. National. ilihtly used
T pewriter Kxchaime. it51 '; WastunKton st.
COMPLETE moviug-picture outfitfor sale
or trade. Xli First. Tabor 24o8.
OWL FURNITURE CO. pays best prices for
your furniture. Xll 1st st. Main 467.
FOR S A LE 3-room houseboat. West Side.
Sell wood ferry. A. Gustotson.
$15,1 CASH REGISTER very cheap. '
Washington, near 2d.
Fui; SALE Baby clothes, hand-mude, new,
at a sacrifice. X 7:'.. Oregonian-
DIAMOND ring, ost $55; sell $J5. An) out
of work. -47 1 s 5th st. room It.
TYPEWRITER DESK, new. never used.
Vost $10, stii for $10. B 715. ureoniaii.
Bl LLI A RD TAB LE. 4 xll. modern, cost
$ :7i. sell for 1L5. B 7!'. Oregonian.
SA F E i "out $"t00. sell for $ 175, largo "inner
burglar-proof chst. 1V17 N. tU h t.
GRAFLEX. it A, iieisa lens brand new, will
sell for $S0. 433 Montgomery.
LAUREL RANGE, wood or coal, E. a7tU and
Knott ets.. old house. F. HohrAder.
FOR SALE R&nd-McNally Commercial
- Atlas, in good condition. Phone Main 34s!.
BIO Carbons. Bio Carbons. $7.50 per 100;
new. JIB First, near Salmon.
75 FEET dru ks tore shelving for sale cheap.
2'2S Washington St. SUin 4fiQ.
FOR SA I.: New o dress suit, size SS;
make offer; will trade. D 7'Ju, Oregonlan.
W pay hiwhetet cash pries for ladies
and gents' cast off clothing, bicycles and
everything In merchandise. Call us up. We
need It and will pay tor it.
QLOBJS STortE. 263 First st..
Main ubo. Main 2030.
LIABLE BUYER. Main 7&7S. 229 Madison.
Fo R a tiiorouhly I e liable house to buy or
sell household goods or anything in the
hardwae line, call the Levin Hardware
ft Furniture Cj., 2-l Front, phone A 7174,
Main ih7 "
WANTED Second-hand postof flee cabinet;
must bu In good condition, contain both
call and lock boxes. Address P. M.
Fisher, Wash. Phone 10
W I LL purchase second-hand bicycles.
Stiletto, Marshall or Bonita makes. Phone
1 to 2 or 7 to a P.-M. Main ll&Jd or writ
AL 7t6. Oregonian.
F. A. SENNET, aold buyer and assay er.
Brine in your olo jewelry. Gold, silver or
platinum. Get cash. Room 510 N. W. bldg.,
Jt-7 1 Wash. st.
TV A N 1 E D Abo at 10 pair mated pi goon at
50c pair, delivered to 0515 Woodstock ave.
W ANTE D Sa w mi 11 or timber ""for " good
ranch; actual value $3ooo. B 7bg, Orego
Don't give it away. Get yur figurta first
cianaura r ur. o., a . int. Main : -3.
"v'ILL pay cash for Potter Coin Machine
Co. stock ; state price wanted. AL 7o5,
GET our estimate on your second-hand fur
niture: buyer calls promptly. Main 57tt3.
Mish Furniture Co., 184 First st.
WILL buy or trade for Evinrudu motor if
good condition ; give lowest price. B
71M. Oregonlan.
WANTED Second-hand wagon; must carry
I.Vmj to one ton. 714 E. T2d St., Port
land, Or.
I BU Y men's second -hand clothes and
ladies' fancy clothes; highest price paid.
Call Marshall iH3,i,
W. A. COVELIj will pay the best price for
your second-hand furniture, phone Mar.
547. JH1 lid st., near Taylor.
WI LL exchange first -class talking machine
for good -air com pressor. Hyatt Talking
Machine Co., B5 Alder.
WANTED Slig ht ly-worn clothes, sises 06
to 40. Second-hand dealers don't answer.
Main ITJ.
WANTED Canoe in first-class condition and
cheap for cash. Phono Mar. 40 Sunday
A. M. or Main 1SS1 Monday.
WILL give $10 for medium-slaed roll top
desk in good condition. Apply A V 145.
WANT a second-hand tent, about 1x14;
must be cheap and in good condition. L
SiM. Oregonian.
WANTED A good second-hand wheel
cheap; prefer Rambler. Woodlawn 3419.
WANTED Some iron or strong fencing ;
iai particulars. c mm, urc(;oiumi.
WANT $ o.cno used furniture; pay good
prices ; starting new store. Se!!wood 1682.
f.ASH " paid" 'for "VaTr i-ombiii'gs. Sanitary
Hen ut v par tors, 4UtJ IVkum bldg.
WANT Furniture "for a cKar 5200" lot you
can see, E TH8. Oregonian.
WANT stock or furniture and men's cloth
ing i highest cayh pi lee. Marshall t87.
CABINET or safe to store Jnside vault.
AC TWI. Oregonlan.
WANTED Roll-top dttbks, cheap and good
condition. S 7:p tlregontan,
W AN T E V- O f f i c e eha irs" and Typewriters.
c)iea-p; good cundiiUui, S 7V0,jJregonian.
WANTED Oregon Lw Library; Mubmit in-
ntory a uu price. N Oregon mn.
I WILL pay $5 for
AN son. Oresouian.
any Orejonian route.
WANT to buy gaa stove front the owner. W
7f:-;, Oregonlan.
WANTED Uffic- store counters' and shelt
Iiik: must be choa p. R T 14, oregin:an.
WANTED Phonograph and records. tc.
Tabor J4n3. U I J First, cor. Salmoa.
WANTFD-1 4 lo 5-H. p. fiasolineengine.
43 oth. Marsh rill lo9rt.
I'HoNoG it A PHS and records bought, sold
and evclia tlgerl. l 1 ' Ft ref. Tabor 1M6S.
WANTED Lady's bicycle; ataie prlco and
comlit ion. ir 'JO, Oregonlan.
WANTED r Excavating and team aork.
Phone Eaft 404. C 1477.
WAN TED Second-ha nd canoe. Tabor 1740.
WANTED Partner with SJ5(I to buy moving
picture outfit ami travel with me. I own
bit; automobile, showing small towns. Feel
confident uf making big money. Apply bj
MAN snd wife, raneh, $40. room and board.
Man and wile, cooks, small crew, $50
Call Sunday 9 A. M to 3 P. M,
Hi' 3 Couch Street.
YOUNG man. Inspect our up-to-d4te school
for teaching movies; picture operating. No
tice for yourjeif our ad vent semen t even
copied by others. Movie Supply King, ti4
Broad way.
WATCHMAKING, engraving, optical school;
day and night clu.ss6a few months only
learning; positions guaranteed; agreeable,
steady, profitable work. 213 Cotnmon
wealth bldg., oth and Ankeny, Portland.
EXPERT auto niechanio to take charge of
my shop ; tools and equipment to be
bought. Call Snnday before noon, or Mou-
day. 507 Eurit Burnside st.
MAKE $10 to $75 weekly growingT'mush
rooms In cellars, sheds, etc. Booklet free.
North Shore Mushroom Farm, H aboard
Woods, Hi.
W A N T ED M an to take Ford agency and
handle telephone office In fast-growing
community; must have some cash. AN
aU4, OreKonlan.
WA N T E 1 W rl te" plm'toplays $Ui0 each ;
correspo'iident.' course unnecessary ; write
for sr t of i ik t ructions. Franklin Studio,
::uo, 1 i!T Market. San Francisco,
EXPERIENCED cunvussers will make
money fast selling camping; stoves; de
posit cost sample. Pullman, 507 Cham
ber Commerce Pldg.
FEW house-to-house solici tors ; good Poller ;
something new and good com mission, if
you can sell, come out. Sd E. Killings
worth. WANTED A young man as salesman; must
come well recopi mended ; no has-beeps
need apply. Call Monday morning, u to 1,
4R1 Wah.
WANTED Experienced newspaper adver
tising solicitor : also, house-to-house can
vasser; land clearing on contract. McCoy,
Chamber Commerce.
instructor to teach you thf barber trade in
8 week-: too p free; position guaranteed ;
pa hj wniie itarn ing. - -a, near Main
WANTED Plumber to put In bathtub, toi
let, tank and sink for payment dwn and
monthly payments. Call Monday, Mar
Hh;:ll 7-L
SALESMAN v. an to-1. one w Iio calls on out-of-tnn
archfti-ct j, contractors or material
men; ou commission tiasts; references rei
quired. A 1, Oregon! an.
WTLL give boy not over J5 years home and
wages for light work. H'.i SJd st. Monta-
villa car.
STRONG young man, Iivimt at home. 17"to
yrs. old, for inside work. Call Ti2 Hol
laday ave. Monday. 10:110 to ll::?u A. M.
V AGON pain ter to paint up a number of
" HRin d uring spore time; must lie rea
eonahle: state salary. S S01, Oregonian.
5 LIVE-WIRE salesmen; no others need ap
ply. See EMis Sunday between 1 and 4
at 251 2d st.
WORKING carpenter,, contractor w.nts
good carpenter; willing to exchange work.
Set I wood 1 iiL5.
MAKE your own beer and whisky at home;
st: nip for particulars. Box 51S5, Portland,
MAN to do ka Nominmg. etc.. in exchange
for rent of furnished apartment. ls7 17th,
near Yamhill.
CONTRA'" TOR wants associate with $1000
to finance bridge contract. AB Ore
gonlan. WANTED A brass plater, one with some
knowledge of buffing preferred. Apply M.
W A NT ED First-class tailor help, also sVlrt
and waist finishers. liU5 Columbia bldg.
MAN, with team, to haul 30 cords wood 0
m i I eg. S. M. Venard. 40tf McKay hldg.
WANTED Experienced man to work In
paint store. F 702, Oregonlan.
WANTED Man with 7-pasengor ear; good
proposition. Gordon Hotel, room :(0.
A BO Y wan tin e a home on a farm. L
Moore, R. D. No.' 2. Halsey, Or.
EARN $-5 weekly silvering mirrors' plans
free. Abell, box 100, Davenport, Iowa.
BOY wanted with motorcycle" Apply 410
Alder. -
WANTED Solicitors for heat less pa a ts
presser; big commission. 404 Dekum pidg.
AP SOLICITORS Quick cash commission.
Clyde Agency, aOi Stock Exchange.
BOOKKEEPER; state age, " experience and
salary ex pee ted. A E 75, Oregonlan.
MOVING PICTURE operators earn $18 to $dl
a week, Do you? U4 Broadway.
.Record 1U14:
Calls for men from employers ,.1702
Positions filled 1314
The service of this department is free
to all members of the Association. To
non-members a special Employment Mem.
bershlp is issued, costing 3 per annum,
giving the service uf the Department for
a year, two months' full privileges and a
refund of the membership fee il satisfac
tory employment is not secured.
All uuug men seeking vmployment in
Clerical, Technical or Conjtneruial lines ur
desiring counsel or advice are cordially in
vited to consult the Advisory and Kmpluy
ment Secretary.
Y. M. C. A.
Day and night lust ruction in repairing,
driving, selling and tngchLie work, includ
ing forge, lathe, shapet, drillpresa. etc.
Moderate charges. Kair deaiiug and ex
peri training. Time unlimited,
Befora enrolling elsewhere call at edu
cational office, Y. M. C. A. bidg., -and
st cm re pass entitling .you to inspect our
shop and methods.
Men! Why pay a big profit an your
trousers for the benefit of the landlord?
My low upstair rent saves you money on
pants. Priced at $, $3 and $3. SO. Jimmy
Dunn. 315-ltf-lT Oregonian bldg. ; eievatuf
to 3d floor.
Special Mummer class now forming;
small tuition fee; part cash time enroll
ment; baiaitce when securing position.
Call or write at once,
266 11th and Jefferson Sts.
WE teach electrical, gas and steam engi
neering with commercial machinery in
operation, building and repairing gas en
gines, automobiles, dynamos, motors and
steam engines i& part of instruction given
students in our & months' practical course
Send tor particulars, idea i tie Engineering
School, lit West Roy su, Seattle.
AT once, bookkeeper, stenographer, ?8u ;
veneer-cptter, $3.50 ; foreman, 4li:5 t top
a!ary; millwright, $luO; molderman,
cabinetmaker, bunch man, auto methaniv,
sawyer, foreman, filer (.top salaries!. We
employ for best, rtrrrvs. Get with u for
presunt and future openings. Mack's, Lit
tle Rock, Ark.
A tli actions and Concessions Wanted.
Big Fourth of July Celebration,
Hilisboro, Or.
Saturday, SUNDAY, Monday,
July a, 4 and 5.
Address Attraction Committee,
Care of Commercial Club.
LEARN automobile repairing In fully
equipped machine shop, driving up-to-uate
cars; also electricity. Many positiotib se
cured. Board, room while learuiug. Low
Expositlou rate. Catalogue free. National
School of Engineering, Los Angeles. Estab
, lished 1905.
WANTED A " bright young man oY boy
from 15 to la years of age to Itarn the
retail stationery business ; must be neat
In appearance, have common school euu
eaiion ajid be willing to work. In replying
state age, experience and give references,
AH 77, Oregonlan.
WHITE SALMON strawberry picking season
opens up about May lo; a large number
of pickers and packers wan teu; must
have your own camping outht ; wages tor
picking, 8!ic o lxv per carrier; packing,
lo 15c per ciate. Apply to Frut
Growers Union, White Salmon, Wash.
.railway mail and utner branches are good;
prepare "exams" former L'. H. Civil Serv
ice Secretary Examiner, Book let H 35
free. Write today. Patterson Civil Serv
ice School, Rochester, N. y.
GENTLEMAN or lady to take charge of
office; a number of salesmen; salary $u.
per mouth and rommiatdon; must be able
lo Invest $5oo; this is perrnnnent position
and opportunity of a lifetime. AN
MAN with musical ability to call upon local
owners of player pianos, demon si rate
M u si graph, wonderful new invention f er
making roll music at home; quick sata.
liberal commission. Jdusigraph Co., Box
742, Dayton, Ohio.
I NEED branch managers for my world
wide mail order u uines j. Opel at e from
your ov. n home in spat e tlm. No can
vassing or peud litig. Experience uune -s-tiury.
Yuu should .make $jt) weekly. But
ler. 42- Factories. Ttdedo. O.
W A NY ED A first-class piano polisher ca
pable of flowing varnish, matching colors
and finishing; permanent position to right
man; statu age, experience snd give rf-ern-jes.
tj 7i'5. Oregonian.
WANTED Firsl-ciasa bushclman for men's
and lad les' kh rmenl s ; must u ml erst a rid
both; good pay and permanent to right
part ; A merit an or Gerinan preferred.
F 7P7, Oi eionian.
MEN to pretre. electric tad v. ay motormen
nnd conductors, earn $75 to $K'U monthly.
Experience unnecessary. Send stamp.
Depi. 1S7, A merican Electric Railways'
Bureau. Ottawa, 111.
BE A DETECTIVE. Earn $L'5 to $75 weekly,
chance to sue he world with all ex
penses paid. Write for particulars to
L'liuine Detective System, inc., DePt. 57,
Boston. Mass.
FJ RST-C LA Sit coat, popts aim vestmakei-s;
it oi-u n ion shop; f i ee shop on premises;
minimum wage $o a week guaranteed;
can work piei-e work or hy the week.
K. S. Ervln & Co., selling bldg.
WANTED A man to sell a a ell-ad vertlsed
lino direct to consumer, in country; Mtj"t
be prepared to furnish references, surety
bond aud own rig or car. Rapid promotion
to right man. AJ 7'IU, Oregonian.
$8 EVERY" day selling orangeade powders,
the new drink; it's the erase ; evereybody
buys ; sample package, luc. makes a
Ion ; suiul today. Edward F. Lee, Ken
n e w i c k . W a s h .
MAN and wife ou farm, $40; second cook,
$40; sash and door machine men, J .U5 ;
woman cook on ranch, $:;u. Pacific Em
ployment Company, and lilU Couch et.
$JMl MONTH L Y r A ND EXPENSE S, t ia v e 1,
distribute samples, take orders or appoint
anents. permanent. Jap American Co.,
c hicago.
WANTED Man as a barber and .lfe for
light hotel work, everything furnished,
on the seashore. Particulars at Rose City
1 m porting Co., 1 34 3d st., corner Alder.
WANTED-rr-Experlenced shipping clerk i
meat packing-house experience preferred;
must have good refereuct. W 1U7, Ore
gonian. AUTO-TRUCKMEN I will receive bids for
hauling 100 0 cords of fir wood- For par
ticulars address MoReynolds, 491 Court
st.,. Salem, Or.
$5 TO $lo day easily made; co-operate With
us;' no capital or experience necessary;
write at once. Union Mail Ordur House,
U71t5 Shelf le 1 d ave.. Chicago. 11 1
WA NTED Experiencedl shipping clerk ;
meat packtng-diouae experience preferred :
must have good references. W 7U7, Ore
gon ian "
BE a detective earn big pay; travel over
country; experience unnecessary; we show
you how. Write Supt., 700 Audubon bidg..
New Orleans, La.
$fi pA Y eusily made; we have proposition
that will interest you : hig prolits ; pogi
tive necessity. White Bluff City Muse. Oq.,
1J 'l So. ltd. QulTtcy, 111.
BE a det active; earn $5( to $10C weekly
travel all over the world. Write Dept. 7,
United States Detective and Adjusting
Agency. Railway Exchange. St. Louis. Mo.
I WILL pay honest man up to f5u monthly
for part of spare time; no canvassing ;
no capital. Write tod a . Voorhies, Desk
1 5', Omaha, Neb. .
$.io WEEK IY. evenings at home ; every
thing furnished; no experience; no can
vassing, don't worry about capital. Boyd
H. Brow n. Dept. A i!4, Omaha. Neb,
CASH advanced you weekly selling our har
dy guaranteed ornamental and fruit stock.
Right now best time ta start. Washing
tou Nursery Coitipa n y. Top pen! sh. Wash.
EXPERIENCED salesman ;q work Willam
ette Valley lo sell stoves and house fur
nishing goods; give references. R 7Utf,
UfcE spare time to build up mail-order busi
ness of own; we help you start for share in
profits. 27 opportunities. Particulars free.
Opportunities Exchange, BuHalo, fr. Y.
WANTED Japanese waiter or German lady
waiter; wages $ao, room and board. Auk.
ErroksoA, K. D. No. 3, Oregon City, Or.
Tel SOi J.
ABLE-BODIED MEN to prepare for fire
men, brakemen; $i?J moinhly; positions
ob'aiuable free. Railway Association, Ore-
SA LEoM iCti WANTED to sell our up-to-dats
and extensive line. Outfit free; cash
w eekly. Address Capital City Nuracry
Company, Salem, Qr.
SADDLE horses, 50 ct. first hour, 25 cts
additional; English or stock saddles.
Multnomah S tables, HJih and Madison.
Main 5h7
BE a detective, earn ilutf to $300. per month;
travel over the world ; write Sunt. Lud
wlg, 7G1 Westover btdg., Kansas City, Mo.
FOR SALE .I20acra homestead relinquish
ment ; water and wood. Aurfua T. Dana,
general delivery, prineville. Or.
MAN and wife, middle aged, to work on
email ranch; good home, small wages. A.
E Steam, K iickital. Wash.
MAKE money writing stories or articles;
big pay. Free bocklet tells how. Address
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
XAMES and addresses by mail order houses;
no canvassing; big pay: Information fvi
sta nip. G. C hmnn, t oviiigion, term.
BOY to help milk and chores ; no tobacco.
E. E. Wtte, Hillsbero, Or.
PHOTO agents, something nw; extra com
mission paid. Sarony Studio, Royal bldg.
PAINTER wanted to do tinting for rent of
an apartment. Main 838U.
EXPERIENCED uellector for agency " who
can ride inuvorcyulo. A4 7 US, Oregonian.
MUSICIANS wanted for the nrst band.
Coast Artillery Corps, O. N. G. : expert
instruction under Bandmaster Frederick
D. Butler, of the 21st Infantry Regular
Army band, una night a week; uniforms.
muic, club aud Oandroums, lockers and
instruction arq absolutely free ; inun Join
iiig now may attend the June encamp
ment held for lu days at Fort Stevens, all
expenses paid; men are paid salaries
while at camp, according to capabilities,
from $1.25 a day up. above all expenses.
See Lieutenant A. R. DeBurgh, at the
Cua&t Artillery quarters, in ine Armory,
8 o'clock Monday evening, M ay 10.
MEN WANTED who need extra values In
clo'.hiug. Jimmy Dunn sells high-grade
ready-to-wear men's suits without the big
profit for high rent; $-0 men's suits for
$14.75; $ 1:5 men's suits for (1S.7&, Jimmy
Dunn, 315-14-J 1 Oregonian bldg., clwvsuor
;. $U floor.
MEN-You have looked for a job a long
time now and haven't found one. Why
waste more money and ail these nice
days ? W hy not turn your idle time into
land?. If you have $3 00 cash, we will
f ive you 10 acres richest cleared laud, al
lowing you to pay the balance lu light
labor. This land is worth 415o an acre
our price $70. Only a few more blocks
at this price. Investigate. G. Wynn
Wilson. lMt3 Chamber of Commerce.
MEN wanted, mechanics or handy with
woodworking too is and machinery, or will
ing to learn, to take Interest and work in
co-operative high-class ftfrniture factory,
ready to run in three or four weeks; every
em ploy being a stockholder, thereby in
terested In its success ; must Invest from
SU5U to $5oO; life positions, good pay aud
share of profits. V TU-1, Oregonian.
WANTED Clerk for general dry goods,
shoe and ladies ready-to-wear store in out
side town; with application give references
and all particulars, also say how long since
last employment at the bu-iness ? Address
A V oregonian.
WANTED Clerk for general clothing and
shoe store In outside town. With appliea
tion give references end full particulars,
stating how long It has been since last
employed Ht same. Address AV ItiJ, Ore
gonian. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk who
can put up and pack groceries and crock
ery; must be capable of advancement aud
have executive ability: references re
quired; state age and fu'1 particulars in
first letter. Address S fc-0, Oregonian.
MEN and boys (o know that we teach voice,
pianu, stringed instruments and elocu
tion, class or private at Summer rates.
Northwestern College of Music. 6Tlj Kllers
Book i EEPING Modern, practical course
by mail; expert teacher; easy terms.
H5 Market St.. San Francisco.
Help WantedAgents
WE fA N T reliable agent in every city and
town of West to sell Kenney Needle
Shower, greatest selling specialty on mar
ket today. Every home a prospect--en-joyed
by men, women, children. Big de
miiinl developed. Nationally adversed.
IPitail prl-eU. lOO per cent profit. jniek
ly attached to any tub. Write at once,
open territory, Reddan Specialty Co., 5
So. Wabash a ve Chicago,
0141 of waje-earnor'n class. Your co
operation wiili our factory starts you with
little capital during spare time, your own
home. We mauuiact ure exclusive articles.
No can vassing. Experience unnecessary.
Write for booklet and proposition. Ad
dress pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D 5S. OS
Bruadwa. Buffalo, N. Y,
WANTED Few good county agents; we
are United states agents for the new
automobile emblem, Dove of Peace, a
pretty snd substantially -made bird ; easy
tr apply: selling wefl here. Also auto
matic cooking stov gm waver ; wrfte for
exclusive county territory. Daley Com
pany. 530 Douglas bldg., Los Angeles.
AGENTS If I hao your name I could show
you how to earn $-5 to $50 weekly. Great
est seller in years. Over sold In
last nix months. Every housewife WILL
BUY ON SIGHT. Postal brings liberal
proposition and free samples: Address.
Manufacturer, 1 Union Squire, New York.
Everybody excited. Most wonderful
agency preposition out. Davis szents
make big profits, $10 dally and up. Write
quick. Free colored etrculn is. Immediate
appointment. Davis Co., 50 Davis bldg.,
WE START YOU IN Dl'Sl N ESS, furnish i ng
everything; men, women, $r!0 to $2K
weekly operating "New System Specialty
Candy Factori;1 ; home or smail room
a ny where ; no canvassing ; opportunity
liUtime; booklet free, liagsdale Co., Bog
S East Orange, N. J. ,
JESH WILLARDS knockout nirture, IrtxSO.
$5 per hundred ; gold framed changeable
signs. Pu-; J4x?X gold framed art.
jigious, negro pictures, i&o. sell ttc; por
trait pillow tops. low prices. Peoples'
Portrait. Dept. !. Chicago. HI.
man, convincing talker. Mason or Oddfel
. low in good standing. Insurance cir bond
salesman preferred, territory protected,
reference required. Fraternity Pub, Co.,
Rromfleld. Boston, Mass.
$loi . V EKK LY gusrunteed. Make wheat
crisp. 1 teat s popcorn, cracker Jack, etc.,
new confection, sells every w tiere. M achtne
$7.50 prepaid. Sample can crtp 1 0c Get
part ietjlars Cornea u Co., 555 Parkslde,
DO you wa ut exclusive general agency for
nw. Nationally advertised bl. O. S. Electric
Fulaer? Net you $5UO - nrst month if you
ca n organ ize force a gents, direct to con
e timer campaign. Write today. M-mufuo-Hirer
414, Riallo hldg.. St. Louis. Mo.
AGENTS A card briugs our proposition
showing how to make $'JO to- $.( a week
selling & high grade, snappy article which
is in enormous demand. Write now. Allison-Oliver
Co., Dept. F, Box LIS, Seattle,
AGENTS Salary or commission; greatest
seller yet; every user pen and Rk buys
on sight ; IMiO to 5.m per cen 1 profit ; one
airent's sales $00 In six days ; another
$:;j In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co., X 44,
La t rosse. Wis.
MAKE 83 to $lo day reCimshlng lighting
fixtures, brass beds. eo. ; experience un
neceswiry; write for free samph-s showing
finishes. Gun metal Co., dept 47, Dcatur,
WONDERFUL t t mp-a ftixer and envelope
sealer; business men everywhere re
ordering; does work nf $15 niiirhine; pont
paid. "5c: agents - wanted. Field Supply
Co., 4'. Kialto, St. Louis.
USE vgijr spare time to build up a mail
order, budl nens of your own ; we help you
tart fr a share In prcflts. J7 opportuni
ties, particulars free.. Opportunities Ka-r
rhange, Buffalo, N. Y.
FREE $50 Collection imni order iustrun
lions, business opportunity tips, schemes,
general mail order pointers; get partieu-Ihi-s,
Dept. 4. box Mail Order News.
S;n Francisco.
M AKE' $n to" $10 day" rellnishing lighting
fixtures, brass beds, etc.; experience un
necessary: write fer free samples,, showing
tiiiishes. Gun Metal Co., Dept. 4T, Decatur
ICE hills reduced xz "Kut-Chur Ice Bili"
Kloth ; guaranteed 1 regulHr rise 5c. post
paid ; 1 U0 per cent to gents ; manufac
t ure.,1 by Chapman Co.. 405 D wight bldg,
K rtp yas City. Mo.
AGENTS sell sua ran teed hosiery to wearer;
large profits, quick sales; repeat orders,
ma ke $10 dally ; experience unnecessary.
Mrs. Lorti 11. Davis, district manager,
M4 V. :id st., C o r valjls. Or.
MANUFACTURER requires general a sent a,
patented demand of centuries; .1 -minute
demonstration convinces; financial inde
peiulonco to acceptable parties. Samuel U.
Oshorn. C M:iwon ic Tern pie, Chicago.
BOTH sex s ; we manufacture snd control
fastest selling household article ever In
vented; exclusive territory. Connolly. lu
Liberty st., N. V.
AGKNTS wanted at once to handle our spe
cialty. Hig profits; a; ood seller. Write
Ro-s Bros. Supply House. Dept. M, 170'J
Stimrt st.. Berkeley, Calif.
NEW automobile accessory, protection for
car J4 ho urs -day. every owner buys, big
dally profits, small investment for goods.
Everett. Pi- N. May, Chtcag".
S A LES MANAGER, $loo to $",00 month, self
in q- crocerv. drug and auto tade; staple
art teles ; repeats ; exclusive territory.
'! i-it Mfg. Co.. 5fl N- I'd. St. Louis.
5tirr PROFIT. Free samples. GoH Plgn
let tcrs for stores and office windows.
Anynna can ivt on. Metallic letter Co.,
457 N. Clark, Chicago.
At! E N TS WANTED Male or female. I i
profits. Write B. H. Mullen Mfg. Co., P. Ol
Box 8tl7. Tawma, Wash.
AGENTS $8 to $10 a day sMline lf!5 Spo-
rM- VRn Py e Studio. 44 Wash, st.
GOOD propoattion for man of sslling ability
and good persona lity. H Ti0 Oregonlan.
Help Wanted Sales my.
WANT salpsman with estsbUshed trade
making Valley and Eastern Oregon ;
can ned goods line, commission.- K 902,
SHOE SALESMAN to Imudle short line of
children's play shoes; commission basis;
give full pari iculars. H. K. Malott Shoe
Co., 1!G 5 Glrard, Chicago. 111.
EXPERIENCED salesman wanted hy whole--sale
cracker and candy firm; state exper
ience. X 7!tft Oregonian.
STEEL changeable sign. 6VMrbody buys, 300
Pr cen t profit ; 3--letter sample mailed
I'.'r. Convex Co.. IB- N. Dearhnrn, Chicago.
A Uttl AL ilve wire salesman who can sell ,
not an order taker. 90'J ' Northwestern
HAVE exceptional specialty proposition for
live men ; small capital. AN 812, Ore
$lO0 required. Address 112-113 Kdgerly
bldg., Fresno, California.
Help Uanti-a 4mleenu,
SALESMAN Openir-g for live, aggressive
and experienced salesman as our exclu
sive representative In Oregon, to handle
copyrighted art advertising calendars and
numihly service, coupled with the fanrnui
Dlaiicharu line of advertising pencils, pen
holders, etc.; combination afloros excep
tional opportunities; liberal commissions
paid weekly ; give full particulars first let
ter, covering age, experience, references,
etc. Address King H. Gerlach, saies
manager, Blanchard Bros., Inc.. HUh st.
and Mh ave., Brooklyn. N Y. City.
HAVB TWO soda fountain drinks, now
ready for the trade. Portland territory
is open to a thoroughly competent aa leg
man (with auto preferred) who is able to
finance himself for a few hundred dol
lars. NotUIng like these goods on the
market; Portland made; first-class in
every way. This is an opportunity for
the right man to control a very profitable
business. Also have some choice outside
territory for A-l men. AG M4. Oregonian.
SALESMAN To share pro! us and assist in
opening California with new htgh grade
I Ht tented specialty ; no cometltion ; larg
est Portland firms already satisfied users;
will establish office San Francisco; you
must finance yourself for lo days; this
opportunity will stand the acid test. Ad
dress T 7lw, Oregonian.
WANTED 50 live-wire house-to-house so
licitors for a tea and tof.'ee proposition,
practically new, on the Pacific Coast; v e
also want three first-clas wagon men
salesmen to handle tea and coffee routes ;
would prefer experienced men, but will
employ good grocery salesmen and teach
them the business, jr 7lKi, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced ales
man with automobile to sell Hills Houey
Tar and other medicines to drug and
country general stores ; no side line u -5
per cent commission, paid weekly; no ex
pense money advanced, no bond asked.
State experience, give references first lt
ter. New York Drug Concern, New York.
SALEHMKN that are- able to Klve salis
factory references and make a small in
vestment, that huve the ability to han
dle tea and coffee routes satisfactorily,
will be able to secure a good ope u in g.
Mend full particulars in first letter1. Do
not aniwer unless you can fill the bill. R.
e'o, Oregonlan.
TO sell uur'flne line advertising calendars,
leather goon, novelties and all styles of
outdoor signs, over lOuO different pieces
of leather goods, memorandum books and
diaries, as veil as best line advertising
specialties. Our financial rating half mil
lion dollars. The El wood Myers Co.,
Springfield, Ohio.-
lATa Live wire salesman, untiring work
er, clean record, scrupulously honest, hav.
Ing wide acquaintance and following with
merchants Ore., Wash.; exceptional oppor
tunity for permanent connection if you
can measure up, furnish gilt-edge refer
ences. Confidential, P. O. box U75, St.
Louis, Mo.
WANTED Iteliahle men (and women ) for
local and country work, taking orders for
the popular new German weekly paper
printed In Eng Jsh, It is very easy to
make, better thus good wages. For partic
ulars, address The Fatherland," 55 Mar
ket st., San Francisco.
HIGH-CLASS real estate xaieameu for
clean-cut, meritorlus proposition on Coast;
: as test seliur oil market; more talking
points than any other; liberal commis
sion nr good men. Call I p. M. Sunday
or all day Monday. J3 Chamber of Com
merce, EXPERIENCE unnecessary, easy work, big
pay. Write now. large list of opening of
fering; op port uuj ties to earn from loo to
$5oo a month while you learn. Address
nearest office, pept. 311, Nations! Sales
men's Training Association, Chicago, New
York, San Francisco
TWO high-grsde specially salesmen or ca
pable ex-merchants for 1115; vacancy now;
staple line; liberal weekly advances; pro
tected territory; o!d-estaMIMied house S.
E. Kline, 74, ltt Crafts bldg-, Cleveland,
Oh lo.
iiAl.fclSMAN, -x pHiienced any line, to sc! I
general trade puclrlc territory; unexcelled
pecialt y propnstt ion ; commission con
tract; $o5 weekly expenses. Continental
Jewelry Co., 74, -H Continental bunding.
t'leveland. Ohio.
SALESMAN Capable specialty man fr
Oregon, stapto line, on NEW and EXCKP
TION'AL terms. Vacancy now. At
t ractive commission contract, $ niokv
for expenses. Miles F. Bixler Co., UX-lU
Car' In bldg.. Cleveland, o.
SPLENDID paying permanent connection,
d'st rict manager, electric specialties ; orig
itial. exclusive, unequu led ; line com m is
i"ton, literature, ad vt rt ifl n g help. The
Sterling Corporation, 1'Tl! West Third st,,
Cleve'and, Ohm.
EN PERIENED advertising salesman to
sell sporting records. & servient of interest
to all live merchants; $5" a week mjntl
over. A. 1- Qutnn, 2454 Jackson buie
vsrd, Chicago. 1 II.
WANTED First-class automobile a'-cessnry
salesman: must be a live one: furnish let
ters of reference, length of time in the
Pusiness with application. It SO 4, Ore
gon Ian.
WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, gen
eral stores and cunfectloners In small
count ry towns ; 25 per cent commission ;
$ iH wek ly drawing account. Ssk-s M an -ager,
'-'Oil South First st., St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN We manufacture a new line of
advertising novelties. Will advance a
tl tawing account of $55 right man. State
:to;;t Wilton ave., Chicago.
Salesmen wanted to sell our check
protector. It sells to every person who
writes a cheok. Circulars and information
free. Sample 25c. Terry Mfg. Co., 1-2
Col ton bldg-. Toledo, O.
LA KG EST manufacturer of kind has new
specialty badly needed by every merchant.
Restricted territory. Tremendous selier.
Enormous profit. Write quickly. Mtnlmax
Fac fortes. Chicago.
EXPERIENCED, capable salesman, travel
old established houne, line that selis to
practically alt classes of merchants. High
commissions, weekly ad v a nee to right
man. I. w . Marrows, ltroit. iilcli.
WANTED Responsible woman to share fur
nished house tor the aiu miner ; references.
BO hoi, oregonlan.
WANTED At once, housekeeper for aid-
owm- with small fampy ta country. C. M.
BailcV. Sandy. Or.
5U2 Empress bldg. Person a Instruction;
positions alien competent.
WANTED ft 1 hool girl. 7 th or th grade,
for companion; Gluntoe School. LPKt East
Morrison st.
GI HL for shop office with some know ledge
of stenography: for afternoons only; ri -erences
required. G 7i, Oregonlan.
W ANTED Ladies to d e mop st rate ; res id en
tial work, $ and up. itooin 55 Coiu inula
YOUNG girl or schoolgirl to assist for room
and board; no cooking or wanning. Tabor
GIRL for suburban house work, small fai
Hy, must have city references, yood wages
10 riKMl p on. a -100. IUII1 OJl,
REFINED girl or light housework; no laun
dry; treated as one of the family ; good
home, small salary. AJ 710, orgonin.
m-nlorn business tuursi-s $5 mo. Pus. t Ions
wnen competent. ;ui ,N. W, Dank bidg.
WANTED -Young ladles to work an hour
or twe a day for free tuition in firstuhuM
business college. H 7tK, Oregonlan.
W A NTED-ps-Ref ined. capable ( man for re
sponsible position. V lavl t:ompany. 423
Pit toe k block, rs.i wanifigtou si.
YOUNG er middle-aged lady for housework
in small family at, oaee. too Gantenbein
WAIST FINISHERS, only with long expe
rience, wanted; also apprentices. 4J4, Mr
ri so n
YOUNG giil for light housework ; apply at
once. t o uimu vts., near ri a n 1 1 orne.
Typewriting. $5 mo. 20o Hth. Ph. Mn. daiio.
GIRL for general housework, smull family;
good wages. H27 QuUnby, 10 to 12.
WANTED Girl for housework. Call Mon
day, a47 E. Tth St. N.
BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta
phone operators. j01 N. VV. Bank bldg. J
HOWE'S Ladies' Employment Agency, room
:5. Ji'ttj Washingiou. Main hfe.;0. A HJthi.
WANTED Capable, refined purs id for
2 children. Main 4104.
FIVE girls to loarn beauty culture 471
Dekurn bldt;. Sanitary parlors. (
WANTED Housekeeper, good to children.
Call at BS5 Tlmrman at.
GIRL for general housework. Call Main 3b68
after 10 o'clock.
BRIGHT young woman t learn dressmak
ing. 2u2 Field ner hldg.
WOAJUN tailors to help on men's coats. K.
S-Erylii& Co., Pelling bldg.
EXPERIENCED parts finishers; custom
work, good pay. 1 k '2d, room 9,
G1RE to a-ssist in general housework. Tabor
51X1. Call between 10 and
PlBLl stenngraphur can have free rent
In large building. B So5, Oregonian.
G1-L for general house wu: k. must like
children. Call Monday. Last x:tt.
CHORUS girls for circuit. plTcne K. ZPf'j
OT I 1612. between u and 12 M. '
WANTED Experienced" gii ! for general
housework. Apply l!i E. UJ;h .
VANTElk-Ar. experienced' second girl; reL.
erences. Phone Marshall ."0
MAGAZINE solicitors, salary or com.; oifice
tddeg. 424 Abington bldg.
WANTED Gi;i for general hutise work. 753
Kearney st.
GIRL wanted, 28tt N. 4tU gt.
WANTED Capable busiris women to act
as stale managers, local manager aiul
d"munii 1 at ors for the hignest grall
HiiwiJ 'i'auord Hip front iucrd corm-t:
make $11 to T5 weekly; no sol-i ttiruug'i
stvi; vxccllent p ropos i l ion. Address 1.
il.T'liers.nifc sales manager, C. is. Iio v.-1
Corsi: t Co.. b 1 1 Venetian bid g., Ch ice I o.
WOM EN make $15 to $15 weekly selling
guaranteed hosiery. Experience unncce
saiy. Purt or lull time. Pair beautnul ruk
hue free to first person accepting agency
in your town. Write International Alills,
Norristown, Pa,
WANTED Clerk for general dry govd.
hoe and lad:e3' ready - lo-wear stoi tu
outside town; with applh alion gD e leff
eiucs and all p-jrtu.uiars, sis ssy now
long since lat employ ment at tne business.
Auoress AV HW, Oregonian.
FAST accurate typist for wek ir more.
1'oSlt ion may bcctmie pe. ins 11 1 11 1 ; low pay
at start. tall Monday lo to 11 A. M.
410-11 Commercial Club bldg.
MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo
men is now located at room .itM ner Po
lice Heauq uarti s. Information, protection
or atsisiauce civen 10 Motuutt and glr;.
Inter view s confidential.
W ANTED Se eral ladies to prepare for
Portland September potofficu cielk ex
s min alien , splendid salaries ; 1 conducted
Government exam mat ions; trial examina
tion fret. Write Oxmunt. 32 L, St. lxtuis.
DO you waVi t another $- dally? No ex
perience, constant spare time work, knit
ting ho;Ty : machines furnished on con
trai t ; take prou uvt. Gleason W liewier Co.
line) 37 Mudison, Chicago.
LA Dl ES home bui:iu-- , im l -ing
postcaras, pit lures, etc.. spare time ;
make 12 weekly; no ca n t usi 11 g . arupH-
loc ; paiti'-uiars free. Art in 1, U5C, 15i
M anhuttan pt.. New York.
VYoM EN and girls to know -that we tea h
voice, platio, sirinped lusiruriiMii ts and ti t
cut ion. class or private, st summer rate-.
Northwestern College of Music, l12 Eiieis
WANTED Lady to uccompany party hiking
to California on concert tour;, must be
utile to look after buniiiuss end. no salary,
equal dilHton of proceeds. Address, Con
cert, AH mrjt. Cregouiau.
LA DIES. $.'i weekly, "easy, simple work, n.
canvusHl:ig ; r ennigs, heme ; lascineUnt; ,
everviliing furntsueu; no experience; dou t
worry about capital. Boyd C. Brown, dept.
H 3os, 1 unaha, Ntb.
WANTEU-A 111 bilious tear nor of executiv o
atJility lor respond ol pukitinn ; good up
pea nc ncuspury ; ret wren cs ; spienm-i
Siiury. For s ment tele p none ruuiu
7 05, Hotel Bciifcoii. Monday niorning.
W ILL" pay $10 to $'" for new ideas foi
photopiavs; instruction course frtc. Movie
Magasiue, 1o,h V anN us bidg., Los An
g elce', Cal. SaiilpiCiJpy 10c.
GIRL WANTED Dining-room snd chain -Per
work, room and board, $:i per week :
work very liKht. C. W. trice. Dor
Hotel, Wood burn. Or.
LA DY "so Melt ors, Chicago corporation, manu
facturing la'iles' spiseisilies; big monty
fr live solicitors. Consumers' Chemical
Corporation, Consume is biu., Chicago.
WANTED An" Intelligent woman, over JU.
lor general housework In family of two.
out of city. Call Saturday and Sundsy
afternoon at bU2 Marshall.
$lY"WEEKT" expenses advanced, women lo
tiavel ami appoint agents tore concentrated
food flavors in tubes. Reliable alfg. co.,
3o C.mi bidg.. Chicago.
sTbrLlNE salesmen. This is a count! y ion
line auu oilers big Inducements for pork
er, l'llces recently rvdtp e.i. Pocket aSlli
ples. Devon Mfg. Co.. Chicago. 111.
fTve energetic, attractively att Irvd wido
wanted; steady work, cull between 1 P.
M. and 2 P. M. Monday. Apartment
An soma H ut j;. , .
VVA N TED Ex peiiuMced ritiddic-aged woms 11
w ithout chiiuren to keep bouse on rauco ,
- aiuits ir: taiiiily. Ati.uv Mis. W. U. H-.
R F, D. box 4., Lv ho. Of.
CO M PtiSlToR M.ilo or fenmle- -w hit r: n
rfct three g.illeys -wint every diy; giv
full particulars and wage- w:ntea; open
shop.- Oregon Ale sen g ei. Salt-in.
W V N iTTlJ M o 1 1 o n - P I c I u r e play's. -5 lo J"l
paid lor good ideas ; com pie te I usi r u--1 iu
luniifvhol free to bcglnnurs. Addr sh I'y ra
mi 1M ol Ion PI cture Co., L"S An e , e. t S I .
AnTkU Write $luO Mill.
co rt-fpondenc-i course 1111 n e. r y . A n"o
for set itLctru lions. Fi ai. k hn St uui".
3-o 127 h Maikt. San Fratn'is '
$1H WEEK, expenses advanced . women lo
travel, appoint aKntt concent rait u loud
flavuis'iu tubes. Rc.iablu Mfg. Co..
(tmo bldg., Chicago. ,
FTv Ebright, caTpabie laiivs 10 1 rv el, anuuD
straiu and il ueai r . -'-. ' P '"
week ; r.iui oad fa 1 e paid. Goodi iv,. Di Us
Co., dept. i 1 J Jm U 1 N-U
TTxTi I ES Mske sli.e.u- ai hoo.s. $10 per nn i-niiV KSiliK ieUUir t.
1 ad
adurassed rm"l. I'" P- ' 1 l'r 11 ;
Co.. lept. 1 lo- li. K j ljiiiu, " n.
VV ANTED Colli pete Ht IUmI'I Who W:; WSaO,
iron and clean; good icine tor irM-.UM
maitl; city rclerou- .-s. lol . Vu'"'"'
W car Ki l'-t h. .via m
W .NTh:P Women fir Go v-i ntuenl pths,
H) llioiith. Wnlu iMimeuialely tc.r list po
siuui.s outsinuMe. J-iatiKlm lustituis,
!., Rochester, N. Y.
W ANTED Elderly lady, uimii or Hweoe.
to do light housewuik r.r b'mi and room
and so m a . r' k i . JJ ' Ji o ' ' u.
WMNw'l he given homa In the- country
lor light house worn; no tioii lo uno
child . eiiKjJwjig'.AJH..Oi vgunwjj'-'-
W AM fc.P-.Wl auititb e general If .us., v. o 1 k
1 l z 11 la mill , 1 ig "i 'm, ,1
.a ppiyMondrty. '
mliv'A ..M'i
DRESSMAKER One capable or coiiaueun
Hii MUblwlieU business. ilve inferences
and elate experiemeEltoJTonlam
GIRLS to learn beauty cuiiuio
w hiie ieai-miig. Gcueva E,
1 ..jjiiiijssioa
RdUy, 51
Ahirt uton bidrf.
WANTED Gl'rls to work in ulv v:r:
inun. have some esperieiK-. E. W. aim
minis 4joe Co., 1Q2 5th. d floor.
WANTED iouug lady to exchange scrvp-cs
for room and boaiu wuh people who will
ke a good nome. -
SKIRT and w aist
14a laih L
H K L P ANTH 'JjA LK Pit 1 t-l ALK.
MEN arid WoMEN to 1 am Hie bather
trade, earn irum $15 to $J5 per wk . tui
tion reduced, paid while leaMiin . positions
s-cured; wrue for tree cata.ogue.
Mol-r System of Colleges. Ad. 4 N.
COPY" lUcrs persuns writing and up: i" .
Ci?e.i ..mkelil t ly foliowin.
t it net .olih . stamped envelope lor parn
lars. iirooks Copy Co., u5u i'a. av..
V a- o -
tug u in. D. C
WANTED Musical comedy people In s U
lilies, 1 hoi us giris.
no uma luui j.
Hotel Alder, room 4'k.
AMATEUR musicians, any instrument, homo
iiiliruiumeiit. Mr. Blowers. 'J awor tfl
or AO '0,
WANTED An accompanist one-half hour
evenings in psrt pauiut for home, phono
B 15
W AN'I:E1 A inbitiou w orkmen : your v 01 .
uu actual Joos pays tor teucbliiM trade "i
autumoi.Hu. plumbing, brick laying ; omy
lew lauiiuu rcijuired. 7 OU studeuis Usl
tour years. Write for Information. Bruns
Coutiactiug Trade School, AUso, Los
Angvies . -
l30o0 GO V ERNM ENT Jobs open tu pmn
women, $tij to 150 mouth; common educ
tion rulitctent; For Hand examlnutiot.s
soou Write immediately for ireu auipo
questions, full description. Eroukilu lnn-
tute. uepi. 00
and women to learn iho tai uer txadi in
w e"ka; positions uu autueu : tools f rt.
paid white lean. m ; modern
teaching; l ultloii . uiuwa. - 'J Kaumuii.
KAi LWA V mal e'e; ks. 1. O. clerks, cai -ticrs.
exam, socn; parcel post ucmands
many more clerks; act at once. Paciiu
riiato hchools, Mcivay Mug., city.
l"o jr D party w ith homo in town to trauo
for "improved tarm; crops .n. living for
year assured; en river, milo to Jt. R.
stat ton. owner, r t
INTERNATIONAL Coriespoi.d'-'i.ce bcUM.U
:e;jcu saleainahfhlp, also h-j other cuuts.
r rce catalog, n McKay Lidg.
WATCHES cleaned. 75c ; mulnsprlug ;. 1;
work guaranteed. -If Commonwealth
h I d g., 6tn and Alike ny.
V ANTElJ Names of men. 1H or over. Wish
ing Government Jobs, month; no puii
necessary. AV 73, oregonian.
Bookkeepers nod CiorLe.
EI"E wile salesman who can get resuli.
afic 1, sitiKie; have colleso educatufa.
neat appearance, good habl'.t. wide bUKi
ness aid salesmansiup e y. puriunce and
celicnl references. v 75, uregoiiian.
EXPER IBN'."' ED, high-clasj siles:nan awd
general office man wants position with r
liaole firm; 24 years of age. single good
pablis and business acquaintance. Ex
cellent references. St 7'.'H C'regonian.
''AN '1' E D Posit ty a as led keeper, eas
ier or apsi staut Look keeper, good pemwai.
experienced. beat 1 del eucca, aed -J.
if ?ito, Oregonlan.
SINGLE man. 50, wants poitltior.. drug storw;
several years' practical experience, omi
ter:ii school salesmanship. Kef e: ncu.
Main JcuiO,
WlEL keep boftus Sulurday af ieriioons, hun
c;:tb or evenint'fl. 1 10J Belmont, Apt. L
H.w phone D lolC
YOUNG MAN. rttii two yearn experience in
ptenographic and geneial office work, de
sires permanent pcsitlon. P Ore8nl.u.
LiKC 'l'.Ki' cierti wants win k.
enct.v t'houe Marshall U51U.
A-l reler-