THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 25, 1915. STATE SUNDAY SCHOOL MEETING BIGGEST RELIGIOUS EVENT Convention Called for Wednesday to Hear Every Phase of Current Problems Discussed by Authoritative Speakers. 8 OVERSHADOWING every other event of Interest in church circles this week will be the 30th annual convention of the Oregon State Sunday School Association, which will convene in the First Presbyterian Church, Port land, "Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The programme provides for many conferences, for it has been found that it is in the conferences that the indi vidual problems with which the workers havo to deal can Dest be solved. At each, conferenco tnere will be a. Sunday school specialist prepared to answer any questions that may be asked. The annual banquet will be held Thursday at 6:20 o'clock In the ban quet hall of the church. A. A. Morse is toastmaster and Governor 'Withy combe and the speakers from other states are to be the guests. Thursday night in the Eleventh-street playhouse the great Sunday school pa geant will be presented. About 500 will appear on the stage, presenting what is expected to be the greatest demonstra tion of relisious education ever given on the Pacific Coast. The pageant will begin at 8 o'clock. The prominence of the speakers and the splendid type of the subjects an nounced makes the programme one that will be of widespread interest. Among the speakers will be men and women who are authorities In their lines of work. Among those who will participate are: Governor Withycombe. Mayor Albee, B. Lee Paget, Rev. Charles T. Hurd, C. A. Phipps, Charles R. Fisher; W. C. Pearce, of Chicago; B.-L. Eddy, of Roseburg; Mrs. M. A. Danenhower. Mrs. C. A. Morden; Rev. .T. H. Matthews, Se attle: Rev. M. A. Parounagian, R. P. Hutton, Harold F. Humbert, Dr. J. D. Ppringston, Rev. Charles W. Hayes, Pro fessor F. E. Billington, Dr. J. V. Milli gan. Rev. J. H. Boyd and Mrs. F. R. Cook. The Portland Graded Union of Sun day School Workers will have an im portant place on the programme. An unusual opportunity is offered at the Y. W. C. A. at 4:30 P. M. today. Miss Henrietta Brewer, who has just returned from a trip around the world, will speak on her travels: in the Holy Land. The ladies" quartet of the Young People's Christian Endeavor Society of the First Presbyterian Church will ting. Florence Crawford will speak at 8 o'clock in the Tyrolean room of the Hotel Benson. The lecture is the last In the series on "The Kingdom." 'All are invited. Mrs. Edith Haines-Kues-ter will sing a group of her songs and play piano pieces. During May Mrs. Crawford will give four talks on the book, "That Something," which is be ing so widely read at the present time. 'Humane Sunday" to Be Observed May 23. Many Portland Mlnltcr Are to Prcaeb on Protection of Children and Kindness to Animals. THE American Humane Association has sent out a plea to its members In all parts of the United States ask ing that they use their influence in having May 23 observed as "Humane Sunday." The object of this observance is for the purpose of securing one Sunday In the year to be set apart for special services calling attention to the need lor protection for suffering and help less children, and also unfortunate animals; the same is to be supplement ed by a week of special observances designed to advance the cause of ani mal protection and universal kindness. The American Humane Association has approved of the plan that to be kind to animals week shall precede Humane Sunday, which would thus become the climax of this humane celebration each year. In order that Humane Sunday shall be generally observed it is necessary to secure the co-operation of clergy men of all denominations. It should be borne in mind that while the date for the general observance of Humane Sunday has been selected for May 23, 1916, that this Sunday shall be preced d by a week devoted to kindness to animals, these dates are not infexlbly fixed, but may be changed to suit lo cal conditions in different sections of the country, or the convenience of dif ferent religious denominatjons which cannot readily observe May 23. State committees, different denominations or local churches, may vary the date for Humane Sunday within their discre tion. Several Portland ministers will give special sermons on that occasion. Dr. Hinson to Occupy Own Pulpit Today. Morning; Sermon "Will Be on "The Three Appearing of Jfn Christ" DR. HINSON has returned from Van couver, B. C, where he preached last Sunday and.will resume his pulpit in the White Temple today, preaching at the usual hours, ll and 7:45 o'clock. In the morning his sermon will be on "The Three Appearings of Jesus Christ." and will show how the Book of Hebrews teaches, that he appeared to put away our sins on Calvary, that he appears to Intercede for us before his father's throne in glory, and that he soon will appear for us in the clouds of heaven. At this service the Temple Quartet will render the anthem "All Praise to God, in Light Arrayed," (Wagner), and Mr. Hoose will sing for an offertory, "If With All Your Hearts," by Mendelssohn. At the evening service Dr. Hinson will take for his theme, "The Many Voices That Call Man to God." finding his text in the Book of Jonah. At this night meeting the quartet will be heard in "He Sendeth the Springs Into the Valleys," by Wareing, and at the offertory Mr. Whipp will render "Gloria," by Buzzi Peccia. Mrs. Chap man and Mr. Hoose will also sing a duet4 "Confidence," by Pinsuti. The Sunday School of the White Temple meets at 9:50 under the super intendency of H. W. Stone, secretary of the Y. M. C. A.. The Young People hold their services In the lower temple and in the church parlor at 6:30 o'clock. ... A happy gathering of members of the Third United Presbyterian Church Thursday assembled to burn the notes for $3000 that had been given by the congregation to the church extension board. Recently the loan was changed to a donation and the Third Church now is out of debt. A large number of members of the First Church were present to assist in the celebration. During the evening the farewell ad dress of Dr. and Mrs. Spaulding was read. A splendid group of members of the Sunday school is the One-Won-One class of the Third Presbyterian Church. Dr. Spaulding has been the leader since the organization two years and a half ago. Last Sunday at the close of the class session Dr. Spaulding was pre sented with a handsome watch fob. Dr. and Mrs. Spaulding will leave within a few days for their newhome near Se attle. Rev. Oliver S. Baura. pastor of Calvary Presbyterian Church, Eleventh and Clay streets, will preach today at the morning service 10:30 Nj'clock. His subject will be, "The Law of the Manna." At the evening service, 7:30 o'clock, his subject will be, "Knowing Christ After the Flesh." Good music by chorus choir under the direction of George Hotchkiss Street will be given. The Atkinson Memorial Congrega tional Church showed enterprise this past week by gathering its Torces in a campaign to lift the church debt. Rev. Frank W. Gorman, the energetic pastor, was ably assisted by W. B. Bethune, K. D. Allen, W. Wheaton and Frank Beach. "The White Elephant," which the debt was termed, received some severe shocks on Friday night, when generous donations were made. The campaign was carried on by means of a score of committees and the social was a gratifying finale. . Church Work to Be Put on Display for Visitors. Klrnt Presbyterian Hai Standing In vitation to Public to Seek Kent la Edifice In Heart of City. THE First Presbyterian Church, corner Twelfth and Alder streets, will have a special day this week on which every department will be on display for the inspection of the pub lic. This church has its doors open every day, with a welcoming bulletin standing at the entrance to invite any who will to come in and enjoy a sea son cf restful quietude here in the heart of the city. Thursday of this week. In deference to the visitors from out of town who are in attendance at the big state Sunday school convention, representa tives in all lines of the church activi ties will be found in the different rooms where their respective societies and classes hold their regular meet ings, from 4 to 6:30 P. M., to explain the work and methods of the different departments. The church offices will also be open and the pastor's assist ants will be on the ground to display the methods of keeping the business and historical data of the church. The Men's Resort, at Fourth and Burnside ctreets, the mission home of the First Presbyterian Church, under the man agament and care of Rev. Levi John son, will also be on display Thursday afternoon and all who are interested in social work and the methods of making a home atmosphere for home less men are cordially invited to run in and take a look at the resort. It is the aim of the First Church to make itself of service and interest to the community, during the working days of the week as well as on the Sabbath, and a "standing welcome awaits any who may accept Its invi tation to lay aside the cares of the hour for an occasional draft of pure restfulness and quiet meditation, which can be found nowhere so abun dantly and freely as in the sanctuarv. The Current Events class, meeting regularly each Sunday in the audito rium of the First Presbyterian Church, immediately following the morning service, is gaining recognition among Portland people through the earnest ness of its purpose to study vital questions of the day and through the excellence of the speakers it presents each week. This week Frederick H. Rindge, of the industrial department of the Y. M. C. A. international com mittee, known as the "human efficiency engineer," will speak on "Industrial Betterment." He is leading what is known as the industrial service move ment and is enlisting the interest of all worthy bodies to co-operate locally in the effort to Improve industrial con ditions and to furnish volunteer serv ice to working men and boys. The president and officers of the Current Events Class invite the men and wom en of Portland to hear Mr. Rindge in this subject of pertinent interest to all students of the Industrial situation of the day. 'Unanswered Prayer' Theme of Dr. Dyott Tonight. Tnpl In God's Garden" Morning Subjrot and There Will Be Special Music at Both Services. tit I NANSWERED PRAYER" will be U Dr. Dyotfs theme this evening. His morning theme will be, "The Tem ple in God's Garden." Following is the programme of music for both morn ing and evening: Morning Prelude, "Romania in C Minor" (Matthews); quartet, "Rejoice in the Lord" (Tours); quartet, "Thy Hallow'd Presence" (Carter); postlude, "Allegro Scherzando" (Buck). Evening Prelude, "VUlanelle" (Ham merel); quartet, "The Splendors of Thy Glory" (Woodward); quartet, "There Is an Hour of Hallowed Peace" (Barnby); postlude, 'Fughetta" (Le maigre). The Bible school will open promptly at 9:50 A. M., the Christian Endeavor Society and Mizpah Society at 6:30 P. M. A most cordial invitation is ex tended to all strangers in the city and all friends of the church to attend these services. A meeting of unusual interest to those interested in foreign missions was held in the First Congregational Church Thursday evening. Miss Hen rietta Brewer, secretary of the Pacific board, who has visited many of the missionary stations, told of the work in India, describing the customs and life of the people there, as well as the great progress being made under Chris tian influence. Miss Effie Pennick gave two vocal selections. Tuesday evening the Business Girls' Club will, meet at the home of Miss Linda Cook. 7521 Woodstock avenue. A picnic supper will be served, each girl contributing. All business girls of the church and their friends are in vited and welcomed to these meetings. Thursday afternoon, ' from 2 to 5 o'clock, the E. L. House Circle will hold a silver tea at the home of Mrs. E. L. Pettis, 700 Knott street. All la dies who are members of the church, as well as the circle, and their friends are invited. Friday evening the Christian En deavor Society will give a social In the church parlors. Special and elaborate preparations are being made by the entertainment committee. All young people, especially strangers, are urged to come. These socials give excellent opportunities to become acquainted and a good time is guaranteed. . The" Woman's League of the Salva tion Army asks the co-operation of all friends in their sale of plain and fancy articles that will be held Wednesday and Thursday in the hall, 207 Salmon street. The money will go toward their self denial fund. Lunches will be served. - The Juniors will have a booth at which will be found many at tractive articles of their handiwork. In the evening the band and several singers will entertain the visitors. Anyone wishing to donate toward the sale may telephone Staff Captain "Mrs. J. L. Gale. In Trinity Episcopal Church the corporate communion at 8 A. M. for the Brotherhood of St. Andrew Is open to all men. Attention Is called especially to the Monday night meeting of the brotherhood in the parish house at 7:30. All members are urged to be present as this meeting has. been ar- f H ' I ? - &X V J IP m Jj ; - , lfw-':; - :- 7U V i PBOMIJiEJiT MKN TO SPEAK AT STATE Sl'XDAY SCHOOL COSVBSTIOX THIS WEEK. Governor Withycombe will give an address and will be the guest of honor at the fellowship ban quet on Thursday. Mayor Albee will be a peaker on Wednesday who will give the "Words of Welcome." W. C. Pearce, of Chicago, is superintendent of the adult de partment of the International Sunday School Association. He is scheduled for several addresses. B. Lee Paget is president of the State Sunday School Associa tion. He will preside at the con vention. J. Earl Else. M. D.. is chair man of the Oregon state Sunday school executive committee. Charles R. Fisher, of San Fran cisco, is general secretary of the California State Sunday School Association. ranged In preparation for the "every man campaign," as suggested by Bishop Sumner. The Christian Endeavor topic for the prayer meeting is "The Bible, the World's Best Book." The lesson is taken from Deutoronomy vi. verses 1 to 9. David M. Alrutz, president of the siciety. is the leader for the evening. Visitors are cordially welcome to these meetings. Particular attention Is called to the organ recitals given by Dr. Cushing, of Reed College, following the Sunday night services. i At the New Thought Temple of Truth. Eilers Recital Hall. Dr. Perry Joseph Green will lecture this morn ing and evening upon "God's Prosper ity in Man" giving the Metaphysical interpretation of the Scriptural prom ise, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven, and all tnings snail De afldaa unto you." Mrs. Elizabeth Bond will render the solo and offertory at the morning service. Mrs. Clifford, Harry Parsons and Mr. Streyffeler will con tribute the musical numbers in the evening. St. Mark's to Have Confirma tion Celebration Today. Blxhop Sumner Will Perform Rite, nut Will Not Preach, on Account of Recent Attack of Throat Titrable. C ISHOP WALTER H. SUMNER will mJ administer confirmation at the 11 o'clock service at St. Mark's Episcopal Church this morning. This is St. Mark's, day, and the occasion will be specially observed. The bishop intend ed to preach, but on account of his recent illness h will only celebrate the rite of confirmation. Rev. J. E. H Simpson, rector of the church, will Dreach. The other services today wil be at 7:30 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. On Monday evening there will be a gen eral parish gathering in observance of the annual parish festival. Bishop Sumner held confirmation services on Thursday in St. John Episcopal Church, Milwaukie, and in Portsmouth on Friday. The bishop Is intensely interested in missions and is aiming to encourage the smaller parishes and missions with every assistance. - In Rose City Park Methodist Church today Dr. W. W. Youngson will cele brate bis second anniversary as pas tor in that locality. Dr. Youngson has been in California for two Sun days and will be welcomed today by his congregation. In the evening a musical programme will be given. Miss Mary Bernhofer will sing. The chorus will sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" from the ' "Messiah." Mrs. William C. Schmitt is director, and Miss Edith Moyer pianist. Charles Spencer, president of the New Thought Young Peoples Society, will lecture at 7 P. M. at the Eilers Recital Hall, Broawway and Aider streets. The union social of the Kenllworth Presbyterian and Clinton Kelly Methodist Sunday Schools was held Tuesday night in the Clinton Kelly Church. More than 150 from the Ken llworth Church paraded over to the other church. The social was a cele bration of the contest recently closed which was won by. the Presbyterians. Rev. L. K. Richardson introduced Mayor H. 11. Albee as the speaker of the evening. Other addresses were made by Rev. Mr. McDougall and T. W. Storey. A delightful programme of elocution and music was offered. Games and refreshments closed . the pro gramme. At the Spiritual Church of the Soul. 208 H Third street. Wallace R. Stuble will deliver the evening lecture. Mr. Stuble is a speaker of ability on all subjects along advanced thought and the betterment of material conditions for world peace, prosperity and the uplift of the brotherhood of man. The Reed College vesper service, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, will be led by Dr. W. W. Youngson. Special music will be given, consisting of prelude, Chopin; tenor solo, "Then Shall the Righteous Shine," from Mendelssohn's "Elijah," by Mr. Wembridge. PASTOR'S WIFE DEVOTES MUCH TIME TO GIRLS Sirs. Louis Thomas Doesn't Believe in Interfering in Conduct of Church but Congregation Speaks Praise of Her Good Deeds. zYi xi I - I ----- ' TAKING care of her two lovely little children; looking after the home, doing a little church worR such as any good Christian woman should do, she says, occupies nearly all of the time for Mrs. Louis Thomas, the interesting and attractive young wife of the pastor of the Woodlawn Methodist Episcopal Church. In addition to the routine du ties. Mrs. Thomas devotes considerable attention to her class of Campfire Girls. They are all of the high school age and are brimming with youth and enthusiasm, and in Mrs. Thomas they find a friend who sympathizes with all their girlish ideas, who enters into their play and encourages them in their work. 'Often on Saturday my husband, the two children, the girls and I all go out for a hike and a picnic, and we have a wonderful time. Outdoor exercise is so good for young people for any one, in fact." This is how the pastor's wife speaks of her outings with "her girls." "We study or sew and we learn something at every meeting, but we always make our work a pleasure she Sunday Church Services CUCBCU NOTICES DUE THURSDAY. Church notice for The Sunday Oreeonlan should b In this otflco by Thursday at 6 P. X. It la not possible to anon publication of anr notices altar that hoar. ADVENTISTS. (Regular services of this denomination are- held on Saturday.) Central. East Eleventh and Everett streets Eider Milton H. Bt. John, pastor. Preach Inir. : 1 A. M Sabbath school. 10: rrarer meeting-. Wednesday. 7:80; Y. P. 8.. f:0 Friday evening; special services Sunday, 7:30. Montavilla, East Eightieth and Everett streets J. K. Beatty. elder. Rahbath school 10 A. M. ; preaching. 11; prayer meeting. said, "and the girls all seem to love me so, it makes me happy." Mrs. Thomas does her part of the church work, but she doesn't believe in being an assistant pastor when she has her home, her children and her work to look after. Among the con gregation all speak well of her and praise her good deeds aud say that he does really accomplish a vast amount of worth-while work. Mrs. Thomas was a Canadian girl. Her maiden name was Mabel Fisher. Early training in being systematic, self-reliant and useful was received by Mrs. Thomas when as a young girl she studied to be a trained nurse in Onta rio. Some time afterward she came West and lived in British Columbia, where she met and was married to Rev. Mr. Thomas. The young couple went to Clatskanie for a period of four years. They have been here nearly three years. Their elder little daughter Louise is IVz and Baby Mildred is 2 years old. The pastor and his wife have made many friends here and a re delighted to be in Pcrtland. The West to them is a place of big possibilities and the opportunities for real work are looked upon by both as blessings. 7:45 Wednesday evening; Y. P. S-, Friday. T:45 P. M. St. Johns Central avenuft and Charleston street KMer. K. L. Hurlbcrt; Fatibath school, 10; prachinR-. 11; Missionary Society, 3 P. M-: prayer meetiiiff, W etlnesoav, Mt. Tabor. Kast Sixtieth and Belmont .Ureets, Portland Sanatorium C. J. dim ming a. pastor. Services: Sabbath nchool 0; preaching, 11; prayer meeting, 7:45 Wednes day evening. Ienta, Marion avenue and Blumauer boulevard 1. J. Chit wood, elder. Sabbath school, 10; preaching, 11; prayer meeting. 7 MS. Wednesday evening. Alblna (German), fikldmore street ani Mallory avenue Henry II lock, elder ; G. F. Kusch. loca 1 elder. Sabbath school, H; preaching, 1 1 :.W; preaching Sunday evening at 8; prayer meeting, Wednesday evening. 8. Scandinavian, Sixty-secont streets and Thirty-ninth avenue, S, K. O. K. Pandnes. pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preaching. 11; Sunday service, 7 :30 : praer meeting, Wednesday even In g at 7 :30. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS, All meetings held East Sixth and Alder streets 1:4." M., JJerean Bible study. "The Time Is At Hand" ; 3 P. M., discourse by R. O. Had ley. topic "Battle of the reat Uay;": 4:30 P. M.. praise and testimony mat ing: 7 P. M., prayer meeting; 7:3o P. M.. dis course by N. A. Lew ton. topic "Christ's Kingdom." BAPTIST, First, White Temple, Twelfth aud Taylor atreets Rev. W. B. Hinson. D. D., :4ot Bible school; classes for all ages; 11. preach ing by Dr. H insou, theme "The Three Ap pearings" ; 6:30, B. Y. P. V. ; 7 :30, preach in c by Dr. Hinson, theme "The Gospel of Jonah." East Side, F.ast Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 10, Sun day school; 11, preaching bv the pastor, theme "The Trinity"; 6:3n. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30, preaching by the pastor, theme "What Would Jesus Do Were He to Come to Port land?" Grace, Montavilla Rev. II. T. Cash, pas tor. 10, Sunday school; 11 and i :3u, preach ing by Rev. II. T. Cash; 6:30, B. Y. P. U. ' East Forty-fifth Street Tiev. A. B. Waltx, pastor. :4fi, Sunday arhool ; 11, preaching by the pastor, theme "The Church on the S tate" ; 6:80. B. Y. P. U. ; 7 : 30, preaching by the pastor, theme "Opposing God." Elmo Heights, Lents Sunday school, 2:30 o'clock. Tabernacle, Cast Forty-second street and Forty-fifth atenne Hot. J. Clark Tlbblts, pastor. 10, Sunday school; ll, preaching by the pastor. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tlb betta rtreets Rev. Francesco SanneLe, pas tor 10. Sunday school; 11, preaching serv. Ices; 7. pastor's circle (prayer service); 8. preaching service; 10:30, short sermon for lngUsh-speaking peopto; 7:30, preaching. St. Jonns Rev. K. P. Borden, pastor. Services, 11 and & Swedish, Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. F. Linden, pastor. Preaching. lO:45 and 7:30; Sunday school, 12 noon; B. Y. P University Park Rev. A. C. Pax ton, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; M 1, preaching by the pastor; 0:'JO, B. Y. P. U.i 7:0, preach ing by the paa'.or. second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue -Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45, preaching, 11 and 7:4o; ti. Y. P. V.. 7. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett. pastor, to er vices. 11 and 6; Sunday school, 12:0. Russellvllie school bouse, under auspices of Grace Churci. Montavilla Sunday school, 2 Chinese Mission, 338 Burnside street Sun day school. 7; J. G. Malone. superintendent. First German, Fourth and Mill streets- Rev. J. Kratu pastor, berv.cca, 11 ana 7.&0; Sunday school. :45. bail wood. Eleventh street and Tacoma are. nue Rev. k 11. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. lO; B. Y. P. li., 6: SO. CATHOLIC St. Charles' Chapel. Alberta street be tween Glenn avenue and East Thirty-third street Catechism claea Saturdays at . low mass Sunday morning at 8 and a mass at 10:30; rosary and benediction, .so. Holy Cross, University Para Rev. C. R Flnner. JLow mass, 8;S0; nigh mass and sermon, 10 :3o; vespers and benediction, 8. St. Michael's, Fourtn and Mill streets J esuit Fathers. Low mass. 8 :ttu ; high mass and sermon. lu:0; vespers ana benediction, ? ;o. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ava nue and Stanton street He v. W. A. Ualy Low mass, o, 8 and it; high mass and ser mon. 10:3o: vespers and benediction 7:30. St. Francis', ast Twelitn street betwesa Plus and Oak Kev. Father iilacsi. Luw mass, 8; bich mass and sermon. lu:J0; ves- ners. instruction and benediction. 7 :0. Holy Rosary, East Third and Clackamas streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly, O. P. Low mass, 6 7, 8 and 9; high mass and sermon. 1; vespers and benediction, 7 :ttu. On tae first Sunday of the month rosary proces sion, sermon and benediction, 7:30; taira Sunday, sermon, procession of the most blessed sacrament aud benediction,' 7:30 ery Thursday evening, noiy hour Xrom lo fli&u. Uoly Redeemer, Portland boulevard and Williams avenue Redemptorist Fathers. Rev. Joseph A. Chapotan, pasior. Low mass o and 8; high mass and sermon, 10:30; bens diction, 7:fiO. St. Andrew's, East Ninth and Alberta streets Rev. Thomas Kiernan. Low mass, S. M. Conner, pastor 1':45 A. M.. Bible K; nigh mass and sermon, 10; vespers, u.-i-iruction and benediction. 7:30. et. Lawrence's, Third and Sherman streets tev. J. H. Hughea Low mass, ft. 8 and w; hsgh mass and sermon, 10:8O; vespers, id struction and benediction, 7:30. Si. Rose, Fifty-third and Alameda Rev. Cornelius A. Maher. Low mass, 8; high mass and sermon. 10; vespers, tnstructlou and benediction. 7:30. St. Clare's (Franciscan Fathers;. Capitol Hill Rev. Caplstran. O. F. M. Low mass, 7:30; high mass and benediction. tt:l. St. Mary's pro-Cathedral Flfteentn and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie. D. L. Low mass, 0, 8 and 9 ; high mass and ser mon, 11; vespers. Instruction and benedlo tion, 7:45. CONGREGATIONAL. First Church, park and Madison streets. Luther R. Dyott, Minister :5o. Hible school; 6:110 P. M. Young People's Society Christian Endeavor. Dr. Dyott themes: 11 A. M.. "The Temple in God's Garden" ; 7 :45 P. M., "Unanswered prayer." Waverly Heights, Wood v. ard avenue at East Thirty-third street. Rev. A. C. Moses, minister Sunday school, 9 :4"i A. M. ; morn ing worship at 11 ; Young People's Society, ;;;0 P. M. ; evening worship at 7:30; prayer meeting, 7 :30 1. M. Thursday. Sermon subjects for April Morning, "i.nat Does Your Religion Mean to You?" Even lug. "Tested." St. John's, Daniel T. Thomas, pastor lo A. M., Bible school; HA. M.. "A Soldiers Commission" ; 6:30 P. M., Christian En deavor. Ardenwnld. Daniel T. Thomas, pastor 1":43 A. M ., Bible school: 7 P. M.. Chris tien Endeavor; 8 P. M-, "Keep Your Cour sge." Highland, Eaat Sixth and Proscott street. Rev. E. O. Bollinger, pastor 10 A M., Sun day school; 11 A. M., "Busy While He Is roming"; 7:45 P. M-. "Christ, the Young Man and Business"; 6:45 P. M.. Young Peo ple s i&ociety cnristian Endeavor. bunnystne congregational Church, corner or r.ast Taylor and East Thirty-second streets. Rev. J. J. Stanb, D. D.. pastor services at ll A. M. and 7:4". P. M. Sundav school lO A- M.: Junior Christian Jt-ndeavor. B :dO p. M. : Senior Christian Endeavor, tt::iM I. M. Topics of sermons: "The Crucial Test of Disciple ship." and "A Man Who aaarriea tne Church. University Park. Haven street, near Lom- nara, liev. . c. Kantner, pastor lo A. M Sunday school; 11 A. M.f "The Leadenhtp or jesui-; t :bu f. m ., address by Mifs Brewer based on observations made whiie making a tour of the world. CHRISTIAN. F.rst. corner Park and Columbia strrets George Darsie. minister, fi :4 5. Bible sr-honl : 11. morning worship, subject "The Law of Spiritual Capital" ; ri Christian En- aeavor; i :di, evening service, subject Neg lecting the Great Salvation." Central Christian Church, corner Twen tieth and Salmon A. L. Crim, pastor. Bible scnooi at 10 a. M. ; morning service at 1 1 unject i ne supreme imperative": evening service at sublert "The Finality of Christianity"; Christian Endeavor at 6 30 P. M. Rodney Avenue corner Rodney avenue and Knott street o. P. Burr!, minister. Bible BCho'. 9:43: morning worship. 11; Chris- nan tnoeavor, :o; evening services, 7:3o subject In morning. "The Widow's Mtts" evening. "Things We Will Ail Do In Eter nity. Woodlawn, corner East Seventh and Lib erty streets W. L. Millinger. minister, Bible school, 9:4o; morning worship. ! : Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening service, 7.30. Kern Park, corner Sixty-ninth and Fortv slxth avenue, Southeast R. TIbbs Maxey. minister. uioie school. H:45; morning worsnip, ii ; Liinstian Endeavor. 6:30; evening services. 7 :.10; prayer meeting. inursnay evening, i Vernon, corner East Fifteenth and Wv gant streets A. J. Melton, minister. Btbl school. 10; morning worship, H: Christian inaeavor, 6:S0: evening services, 7:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. First, Everett between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services 11 and 8; sub ject of lesson sermon, "Probation Alter Death." Sunday school. 9:45 and 11; Wed nesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. Second. Hum Sixth street and Hoi lad ay avenuu Services, ll end fc, subject of les son sermon, "Probation A f ter Dh t h." Sun day school, I:4." snd 11; Wednesday evening meeting at H o'clock. Third. East Twelfth and Salmon streets Services. 1 1 and b ; subject of lesson ser mon, "Probation After Death Sundav school. 11 snd 12:10; Wednesday event nar metinir at S o'clock. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Eqierson street Services. 11 and S; subject of lesson sermon, "Probation After Death. Sunday school. 9:45 and ll; Wednesday evening meeting at S o'clock. i-irth. Myrtle Park Station Services it A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon "Prot-a-tlon After Death." Sunday school. Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o'clock. EPISCOPAL. St. David'a Church. East Twelfth and WM. mont streets. Rev H. it. Talbot. Rector :3U A. M., Celebration of liolv K hnrUt: :4.1 A M. Sunday S hool; ll a. M. Morn ing prayers and Sermon; 4:30 p. M.. even ing prayer. St. Murk's. Twenty-first and Marshall Rev. J. E- II. Simpson, rector, (in Sunday morning, at the 11 o'clock service. LiKhop Sunnier will he present tu a. I minister cji t irmai Ion : other services 7 :;n A. M. a nd P.M. Dally euchsrist ut 7:'io A.M. On Monday evening there will be a. Kenerul parish gathering in observance of the an nual parish festival. Church of Our Saviour. Sixtieth avenue and Forty-first street Southeant WV can Kev. E. H. Clark, vicar. Services at N and 11 A.M. and 7:30 1. M. 6t Andrew's. Portsmouth F. M. Baum vicar. .Regular services 11 and 7:3o; Sunday school, lo; third Sunday at 7:30, noly com in union. Ascension Chapel, Nineteenth and Spring streets Rev. Barr G. Lee; priest In charge. Holy communion, 7:45; Sunday si: hool. to :30. Pro-Cathedral of bL Stephen the Martyr, Thirteen tn and Clay streets Very Rev. H. M. Ramsey, dean. Holy communion, 1 :46s Sunday scnooi, 10; morning service, 11; serv ice for colored people, 8; evening service. ?:45. St. Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbstt street Rev. w. A. M. Brack, vicar. Sunday; school 10; service and sermon, 1L Trinity, Nineteenth and JCverett streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector, tier vie as, b, 11 and 8; Sunday school, f:4B; Good Fel lowship Society, parish-house, jNlnstsenta and Davis streets, 7 to 7:&A. Church of St. Michael and All Angels. Broadway and East Forty-third street Norm arm on, 11; holy communion, nrst Sunday 11; third Sunday, 7:30. ' Grace Memorial, Wsidler and East Seven, teenth streets North Rev. George B. Van Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vi car. Holy communion, a. excepting on Arse Sunday in the month ; moraine prayer and Rev. T. F. Bo wen, vicar. Sunday school and Bible class, 10; morning service and lermuD, 11; Sunday school, 10. No ev suing sermon. All Saints', Twenty-fifth and Savier streets Sunday school. 10; morning prayer and sermon, 11 ; celebration of the faoiy com munion the first Sunday In the inunta at 11 snd the third Sunday at 4. Good Shepherd. Graham street and Van couver avenue- Rev. John Dawson, rector, Sunday school 9:46; morning eervloe, m vcnlu aerviua wsss. St, Paul's, Wood mere Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday of month, 8; evening prayer and sermon, . except the first Sunday of month 6u John's, Milwaukie tvev. John D. Rice, vicar. Prsyer, 8 ; holy communion, a .au, arst Sunday of month. St- John's. Sell wood Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 8, holy communion, txcept on first Sunday of month; 10, Sunday school; 11, morning prayer; 7:30, evaninc prayer; holy communion first Sunday of month. Bishop Morris Memorial Chapel. (lood Samaritan Hospital I'.ev. Frederick C How ard, chaplain. Holy communion, 7; vespers. . EVANGELICAL ASSOCIATION Firrt English, East Sixth and Market streets. Rev. E. L. Hornschuch, pastor Servi'-cs, 11 A. M. and 7 I'. M. ; Sunday School. 10 A. M.; Y. P. A.. 6.30. p. M. LUTHERAN. Trinity O.-rman Missouri Fynori Will iams and Graham n venues, .1. A. Kim bach, pataor :ervic es. H: J ." A. M. 7:30 1. M. ; Sunday school. I:l."i A. M. Ii' i ha ny J;intsh, 1." nl on veniirt North nd Morris str-4-f. M. I. J onsen Enicholin, pas tor Coniirmation strvice. 11; ifre.ichlnn. ; Sunday s hool und Bit)le class, lo . ouiig people's lueet iriK. Tuesday at Ladles' Aid will mett cinfcs'ljy at - in church buss tnent. (lerman Evangolit-Hl Lutheran 'Zinn Chun h (Mifeisoiirl Synod i, corner Salmon and Chap nun s reets. H. H. K op pel rna nn. p a tor Services. lo:l.' A. M. and 7:40 P. M. Sunday school. ii:15 A. M. St. Janiei Engl lh Lutheran, corner Wat Park and JellVrFon streets. J. Allen Leas B D., pastor Service at 11 A. M-, subjnt t, "The Law of the Kingdom." Evening serv ice at H o'clock, subject. "The Love of the Kingdom." Sunday school meets at 10 A. M. Lutner League t 7 1. Al. St. Paul German Lutheran, East Twelfth and Clinton streets, A. Knium, pas tor German and English Sunday school, 9:30 A. M. Services. 10:;tO A. M. and 7;."lO P. M. Bible, study and young people's meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M. Portland Norwegian. 43 Twentieth street. North Ditman Lrnen. pastor. Services st 11 and 7:45; Sunday school at 10. St. Pnul's German Lutheran. East Twelfth and Clinton streets, A. Krause, pastor German ami English Sunday School, !' ..'to A. M.; German service. lu:uO A. M.; English service, 7:30 p. m.: Bible Study and Young People's meeting, Thursday, 8 P. M METHODIST. Rose City Park. Fifty-eighth and Ala meda. Dr. Young.son's second an nl vera i y as pastor 0 :ii. Sunday school : 11, "The Jewf in of the Christian Life:" :30. Young People's meeting ; 7 :iiO, "God's Out-of-Doors. First Methodist Episcopal church. Twelfth snd Taylor street-s Frank L. Loveiand, D. D.. mlnlHter Topics, mornlnif, "The Iar. ins of Faith"; evenlni. "The Man Who Was Hungry; or The Bread Problem." Mount Tabor, corner of E;tt Stark and Sixty-first streets, E. oiln Eldrtrtge. pastor Services Sunday n follows: Preaching, ll A. M. and 7 :4.j P. M. ; subjects. "Christian Citizens hip" ; even lug, "K no wing One's Self." Sunday school. Including sdult Bible classes, i : 4 A. M. Epworth League, ti:45 P. M. Mid-week iect ure and prayer servP-e Tltursday evening. 7:4.. Spelsl music by chorus choir at both Sabbath services. funnyside. East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth Ftreets, R. Eimtr Smith, p.istor Sundy school, o :50 A. M. : preaching. 11 A. M . ; Epworth league, :30 P. M. Magnificently illustrated address on "The Child Life of the World." 7:4. P. M. Centenary, East Ninth and East Pine streets, the downtown church of the East ride. c. w. Jjtne, M I nlst er Sunday school, l :4." A. M . : morning worsh lp. 1 1 o'clock, sermon t heme, "Abounding Service. Class meeting immediately after morning worship. Epworth League at 0:30 P. M ., the Young People's service. Evening worship st 7-4." P. M .. sermon theme, "Brotherhood." The Oddfellows of the cltv will stfend this serv ice In honor of tiie txith anniversary of the founding of the order. Woodlawn. Loul Thomas, pastor Sunday school. 10 A. M.; Epworth League, 7 P. M.: services. 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M-. "Force of Righteousness" and "Faith and Fear." prser service Thursday eenlng. I' niral, V. ,cou vr a vr n ue and Fargo street. C. C. Rari, pastor Hunday school, 9:4f; morning sermon. "The I'epih of Character.' 11: ciass meet In g, 12 : 1 .; Epwort h ( gus ti:l"; evening sermon. "Surceaff ul Sin," 7:P; midweek service, Thursday 7:4-. Rose City Park, Fifth and Alameda, Rev. Wil.lam Wallace Youngson, D. D., pastors Morning service. 11 A. M. t'nlverslty I'ark, FisUe ami Lombard streets, C 1.. Hamilton, pastor Sunday school. 11; Epworth Ieague. :3o; preach ing. 11 and 7 :IW. Morning sub iect, "Chris tian Work" ; evening subject, Disowned by His Brother" Trinity, East Tenth and Sherman streets. Rev. A. B. Calder, past or Sun da y school, lO; Epworth league. 6:0; "A Companion in the Fiery Funis. e," 11; "The Recovery of a Lost Book." 7:30. Epworth M"t h'tdit Eplsenpal Church, N.rth Twenty-siath an1 Savier streeis, c:. o, Mcculloch. pastrr Moininjr theme, "Prtm-es of ;od" ; evening theme, "The Mklni? of a ( f'nn u-led nn patfe 1. k Visit 0ITE CHTJP.CH AND STJITDAT SCHOOL DEPARTMENT BOOKS. BIBLES. TESTAMENTS MAPS. BUTTONS. CABJ03 CEEliriCATES. ETC. T5t)z 3. 3i. (Bill (To. TRIED AND ALDES STREETS