THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APKIIi 1 8, 1915. MR. POINDEXTER TO RUN AS REPUBLICAN Lone Bull Moose Senator, on His Return to Spokane, Gives Out Statement. OLD PARTY PROGRESSIVE Cftntrrtoil Kl'Cort to Nominate Tro-giTs-slvc for l'rrsldeiit Is Pre dicted Declaration Made Division Must Cease. SPOKANE, Wash.." Xpril 17. (Spe cial.) The lone l-ro?rressive in the Vnited States Senate, Miles Poindexter, of Washington, announced hei'e tonight tliat lie would seek re-election on the Republican ticket. lie took his seat in the Senate as a. Progressive April 17, lull, and his terra will expire Alarch 3, I'Jti. . Senator Poindexter arrived at his home here today and after consulta tion with friends issued a statement which read in part: "I will be a candidate for the Republican nomi nation for Senator. As the nomina tion is to be by primary, the people will have full opportunity to . decide questions connected with my can didacy. There is ample opportunity for discussion and full consideration. "At the proper time I will make a careful and complete canvass of the state, and there will be without much delay, a quiet but well-connected or ganization of our friends throughout the state. Division !ust Cease, Asserted. "The record of the last Legislature Is a lively reminder that if we are to hold and "consolidate' (to use a war phrase), the ground gained in recent years the division of progressives must cease. "There will be a concerted and vigorous movement by Republicans throughout the country to nominate .a progressive on the Republican ticket tor the President of the United States. When united the party is progressive, both in this state and ii the Nation. Neither the Aberdeen convention in this state in 1912, nor the Chicago conven tion of that year represented the Re publican imrty. "ICach perpetrated a political coup d'etat by force and Machiavellian meth ods, with swarms of armed policemen on the floors and at the doors. Their acts were void and of no effect." "Well. Senator, is this true what I hmr about you?" queried Attorney T. T. Grant as he greeted Senator Poin dexter, shortly after the Senator's ar rival. "Well, I don't know, but If you mean what 1 think you do. I guess it is," replied the Senator with a laugh. Outlook la Discussed. Questioned regarding the political outlook and the feeling in the East re-i--aiding tlie present Administration, Senator Toindexter talked freely. ".Many peoplo in the East, though tliry do not-believe in the Wilson policies and will not vote for the re flection of the President, believe that Wilson is much, stronger than his party," said the Senator. "They believe in the sincerity of his motives and hie absolute honesty, . though not agreeing with his policies. There is a strong feeling against the Administration in the Kast, and I ex pect that the next election will over throw the Democratic majority in the ; House, and may possibly wipe out the -fcenate majority." HARVARD MAN WAR VICTIM ' Cousin of Mejlford Itesident Uics Leading lench. Charge. MEDFORrj, Or., April 1 7. (Special.) Word was received in iledford today of the death of Andrea Champollion, cousin of Austin Corbin and Corbln Kdgell, of iiedford, at the front in France, March 23. M. Champollion was born in Paris, but was educated at Harvard, whore he graduated in 1902. ' He was known to a number of persona in the Rogue River Valley. When the war broke out he sailed from his home in New York and enlisted in the Amer ican Legion as a private. He had been in the front trenches since the early X'all. The message from his French com mander said M. Champollion died lead ing a churge. He was buried on the field of battle in the forest of La Pratrie. A widow and a young son . survive. 3 CUT 150,000 SHINGLES Record -Made for 10-Hour Run at RidgefieUl. TilDOISKlRLD, Wash., April 17. (Special.) The shingle mill of the Kratlie-McOelland Mill Company, of this place, which is located on the spur of the O.-W. R. & N. Company and Lake J liver, recently made a record run of cutting shingles for a period of ten hours. During this time i;0,000 shingles were, cut by three men, at the rate of 15,000 an hour. This mill affords employment to about SO men, and is running night and day to its fullest capacity. It has a monthly payroll of about $2000, and the shingle optput is of the finest. The mill also operates in conjunction the electric light plant, which furnishes light and power to nidgefiold. Most of the homes and business places are wired and using electricity. ALBANY LECTURES BILLED .Scries Given at Library Through Winter and l'our More Due.' ALBANY, Or., April 17. (Special.) Through Albany's public library a se ries of freo lectures have been Riven here and four more- are scheduled. Most of the speakers have been in structors in the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural College. Future speakers will be: Professor PeCou, of the department of mathe matics of the University of Oregon; Rev. Father Thompson, of Portland: Professor Ogburn, of Reed College, Portland, and Professor Reddie, of the University of Oregon. Wallowa Farm Traded for $18,000. LA GRANDE, Or.. April 17. (Spe cial.) One of the largest property transactions recently involves the transfer of title to a well equipped stock ranch near Union for a general merchandise store in Flora, i r the north end of Wallowa County. The deal involves about $18,000. The Union ranch was owned by W. H. Bohnen kamp, of this city, and consists of 860 seres. 60 under plow. It has electrical nd water equipment. The Golden Rule rompany of this city owned Abe WASHINGTON SENATOR, HITHERTO PROGRESSIVE, "WHO YIL,L RUN AS REPUBLICAN. ''' ' - ' " ?' v. - ' 'J f "s - - I V k I I " ' t 1 V j ' 5 ' ' I " , - j 1 li I' .MILES POINDEXTER, CHANGE IN LAW IS URGED ALLEGATION MADE THAT .OLD OF FENDERS ESCAPE TOO LIGHTLY. Frank Davry of Opinion That Act of 1911 RcgardlnK Sentences la Not Interpreted aa Intended. . SALEM. Or.. April 17. (Special.) That section 15, chapter 127, laws 1911, which provides for indeterminate sen tences to the Penitentiary, has resulted In numerous old offenders receiving light sentences was a statement made today by Frank Davey, bookkeeper at the State Prison. Mr. Davey for more than 20 years was in close touch with the Penitentiary and has made a study of prison management. "The law," he said, provides that any person who has on two prior sep arate occasions been sentenced to serve a term in any penitentiary or reforma tory shall not be entitled to an inde terminate sentence, as the act says, but shall be sentenced to serve a definite term of years. This enactment was plainly intended to insure a longer service for old offenders and repeaters, but under the practice of many of the courts it works out the other way and the repeaters are always anxious to have the sentencing court informed of their past convictions. This is the way it operates in many instances: The man whose present crime would draw an indeterminate sentence of from one to five years and who, by reason of the knnwledcre tf 1h np.nilentlRrv nffleialu as to his pabf record sentences would be forced to serve double his minimum, or two years, before possible release, stands a chance of drawing a flat sen tence of one year by having the court informed of two previous convictions. This has happened in several instances in this state. Mr. Davey thinks the law should be interpreted as suggested or it should be changed so as to leave no doubt as to its purpose. HEW COUNTY IS PLANNED SHERWOOD MAY BE SAME IF CAM PAIGN SUCCEEDS. Principal Reason for Movement Is Due to Itailroad FaeiHties to II tl In born -Meeting Date Set. SHERWOOD. Or.. April 17. (Spe cial.) President J. 15. Morback, of the Sherwood Commercial Club, has called a meeting1" for April 22, at which time the new officers will be elected and many matters of great importance will be discussed. One of the most important subjects for discussion is the question of open ing the campaign for a new county to be apportioned from part ol Yamhill, Clackamas and Washington counties and to be known as Sherwood County. LEBANON PASTOR W ILL GO LECTURE PLATFORM. ON Rev. Robert Sutcliffe. LEBANON. Or., April 17. (Spe cial.) Rev. Robert Sutcliffe, pas tor of tho First Methodist Episco pal Church of Lebanon, has ten dered his resignation and will en ter the Ellison-Whito Chautauqua service as a lecturer. Rev. Mr, Sutcliffe began his ministry in etlement work in London, before he was 20 years old. A year or two later he en gaged in the same kind of work in Boston. Later he joined the East Maine conference of the Methodist Church, and for more than 20 years has been an active and successful minister. He has been in Oregon for six years. ' v. ye A f r "it It I ! This movement first was started fully 15 years ago, but the leaders gave up the fight after a few weeks' campaign. Plans are being made for an exten sive campaign for the new county. Meetings will be held, literature will be sent broadcast to members of the State Legislature and officials of Ore gon fully advising them of-'the plans of campaign, the reasons for the move ment, etc. The principal reason for the move ment is the fact that Washington County transportation facilities are not such as will permit of a trip to the county seat of Hillsboro within less time than 10 to 12 hours from various sections of the county. Trips to pay taxes, to record deeds, to interview county officials, to try cases, to file suits require great loss of time through trips over the Port land. Eugene & Eastern and the Ore gon Electric, often requiring many de lays and loss of time waiting for trains. JERSEY SALE ATTRACTS POLK COUNTY BIIEEDER9 ENTER MANY HIGH-GRADE COWS. Dairymen and Hish-Grade Stock Raiiera From Every Part of State Are Expected at Monmouth. MONMOUTH, Or., April 17. (Special.) Polk County stockraisers have en tered many high-grade Jerseys in the first annual sale to be held by the Polk County Jersey Breeders' Associa tion, May 12, when breeders from many sections of Oregon will exchange stock in an attempt to improve the grades for milking and breeding purposes. The "announced purpose of disposing of the high-grade stock is to secure more of younger stock from the Jersey Island and thus raise the standard still higher. While dairymen in all the farming sections of importance in the county will have animals for sale, Monmouth dairymen will be the largest con signors. Clark Hembree will have eight cows entered. Frank Loughary, of Monmouth, has entered six cows and two bulls. Guy Hewitt, of Monmouth, will contribute 1 head to the sale. John B. Stump & Son are the largest consignors, entering 36 head. The sec ond largest consignor is W. O. Morrow, of Kickreall. Twenty head are to be sold from his herd. Other dairymen in Polk County who have listed stock are: Frank Lynn, o Perry dale; Ward L. Hull, of Rickreall; Koss Nelson, of Independence; W. P. Allen, of Rickreall, and Fred Loy, of Independence. ALLEGED FORGER IS TAKEN Ray Pearl, of Portland, Bound Over to Grand Jury at Albany. ALBANY. Or.. April . 17. (Special. Captured et Shelburn last night. Ray Pearl, of Portland, waived examina tion before Justice of the Peace Swan here this morning and was bound over tinder J:i000 bands to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of forgery. Pearl got $125 at the Bank of Brownsville on March 23 on a check which is alleged to have been forged. It purported to have been drawn by J. C. Davis, of Shedds, in favor of A. I Austin, on the First National Bank of Albany, and inasmuch as Mr. Davlg s a substantial citizen, the Brownsville bank cashed it. Hermlston to Have Lyceum Course. HERMISTON. Or., April IT. (Spe cial.) A four-number Lyceum course has been arranged for the coming season in this city. In order to bo as sured of the attraction oesired a. con tract was entered, into with the Lyceum Company by 18 business men. One number, the Oxford Company, composed of five people, will be an exclusive musical entertainment. Other numbers are tho Buckner's Southern Jubilee auintet . consisting of five genuine darkies. . The Wells entertainers who will give a programme of music, read ings a.nd sketches, and. the Orioles, a company of three, a soloist, a reader and a whistler. . Lewis Cannery Funds Come In. CHEHALIS. Wash,, April 17. (Spe cial. ) Subscribers for stock in the Lewis County ' Canning . Association, which plans to build a cannery at Che halls, are responding promptly in mak ing payments. George H. Walker, who is to be superintendent of construc tion and processor, is to come to Che halls from Watervliet, Mich., and la well recommended. Pendleton. "Clrurcji" Sunday JCay 5 PENDLETON, Or., April 17. (Spe cial.) Sunday, May 2, has been desig nated by the ministers of Pendleton aa "Go to Church" Sunday and on that day a special effort will bo made to Induce all residents of the city to at tend at least one- of the several THREE FLEE KURDS Missionary in Persia Writes of Thrilling Escape. BABE STRAPPED TO SADDLE Soldier Tosses Child Aside Tliinkins; It ' Discarded Bundle Town Taken by Turks, but No Murdering Is Done. WALLA WALLA, Wash.. April 17. (Special.) To flee on horseback with his wife and four-weeks-old baby be fore an infuriated mob of Kurds was his lot, writes, Frank F. Oster, Seventh Pay Adventist missionary in Persia. He fled from Maragha, leaving every thing. The Kurds plundered the town the next day. He reports many Chris tians and Moslems killed by Kurds at Mlandoab and Urumiah. Mr. Oster formerly resided in Port land. Or., and Walla Walla. Wash. His wife formerly was Miss Florence White., a daughter of Elder W. "B. White, formerly president of the Pa cific and North Pacific Union confer ences of Adventists. Her home was in Oakland. Cal., for a time, and later at Walla Walla, where her father bad his headquarters as the president of the North Pacific Conference, which in cludes Washington, Idaho, Montana and Oregon. Mrs. Oster. describing the hardships of Persian missionaries, says: Kurds' Approach Brings Flight. "The dreadful Kurds came down on Maragha. and we fled, as did nearly all Christians there. The City of Meondoab that- the Kurds took before they came to Maragha was plundered and burned by them. The children were thrown into the ice-cold river and the .women were treated dread fully. - "We bought a horse and left by night with the Russian army of 800 men retreating from Meondoab. I rode the horse with our four-weeke-old-baby, while Mr. Oster led him. We left everything except what we had on our backs and could pack in the saddle bags. Mr. Oster carried a small grip on his back. "The first 12 hours were anxious ones. The soldiers were afraid of an attack any time; they marched in silence. When the baby cried the of ficers asked me to cover her face for fear the enemy would hear. The road was bad, for it had been snowing. That first night and day I was in the sad dle for 14 hours without a rest. Baby Teased to RoadsMe. "We fell off the horse once right in a small stream, but a soldier helped us a bit. He thought the baby was a bundle of something we did not wish, so threw her over to one side of the road. "Mr. Oster had fixed straps on a board. We put a big pillow next to this board, then the baby on the pillow, and a smaller pillow on top. Then baby and mllows wers strrpped tightly to tne board and fastened to the front of the saddle. She seemed, to enjoy the ride, and did not care whether her head was up or down, or how much she was jolted. "The Kurds and Turks took this place also, but no murdering occurred. Now the Russians have retaken Ta briz, and we feel quite safe again. Just six miles from here 800 Kurds were killed.. BOO taken prisoners and about 500 escaped. Because of their defeat we fear they will take vengeano on Maragha." ' Eugenics Contest to B Restored. C EN T R A LI A, Wash.. April 17. (Spe cial.) A better babies' contest is to be held in connection with tne llo fcoutn west Washingtun fair, the fair com mission, having yielded to public opinion and rescinding its recent order abolishing this department of the an nual exhibit, which met with a storm of protest. The fair board maintained that the department was too expen sive, but those in favor of retaining the department argued that the greater part of the expense is over with, a spatial building Having oeen ereciea last year for this purpose. AVeiser Kange Nearly Completed. WEISER Idaho. April 17. (Special.) Built on Government land reserved for the purpose and provided by Oov ernment assistance, the only target range in Idaho for the exclusive use of the State Militia Is located on a 160 acre tract three miles north of Weiser. The cost of the new range which is being completed by local Company L and under its supervision will be nearly ?a00, all but $50 of which is furnished by the Government for targets and ri'fle pits. 4 PERMANENT APPOINTMENT OF PARK. OFFICIAL JU-llJlli. Ai L-n J. O. Convlll. J. O. Convill, who has been acting park superintendent for several months past, was given a permanent civil service ap pointment to the position Fri day by City Commissioner Brewster. The appointment fol lowed the certification to Mr. Brewster by the municipal civil service board of the name of the men who passed the civil service examination for the position. The names of E. T. Mlsche and Mr. Convill both were submitted. Mr. Convill has held the posi tion on temporary appointment since Mr. Misohe resigned sev eral months ago because of fric tion between himself and Com missioner Brewster. Mr. Convill is a graduate of the engineering department of the University of Utah and has taken courses in Other schools. Mr. Mlsche will continue preparing landscape plans for the park bureau under a contract for that work which he entered into with the city aeveral months ago. riiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiixnixiixiiiiiiiuniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiEiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiixiiini mm mmmuam Sm ISlrfi!-!. TWATKIKT , ?tHk1 ta:f ' . HAJRjSN.C 1 WpfJ W ;-'i''- mwrm mwxnrto i "g 'l''i i mm it Nov 'IAU' KJ rnit !i,y g Vjk mt : r f TMI WMCTZCkMM.CO. 5, and pimples, giving the complexion a healthy glow, the skin a velvet smoothness. 1 Ask for WHETZEUS and Save Your Hair EE For sale in the following Drug Stores, Barber Shops and Hairdressing Establishments, ff; Sold at ONE DOLLAR per large bottle and your money returned if you are not satisfied. L. L. Crocker, 231 North Twenty-third. E. A. Robison, Twenty-third and Wash ington. Spalding Drug Company, 563 Washington Street.' L. H. Schultz, 1621 East Thirteenth St. Central Drug Company, 372 Morrison St. Imperial Pharmacy, 48 North Fifth St. Elephant Pharmacy, Fifth and Burnside. Acme Pharmacy, 21 North Third St. Redd's Pharmacy, 49 Third St. Melcher Drug Company, 394 Morrison St. Gradon & Koehler, 241 First St. Perkins Hotel Pharmacy, 293 Washington Street. Albert Berni, 229 Washington St. E. II. Roeber, 1034 Corbett St. World Drug Company, 621 First St. Ausplund Drug Company, 110 North Sixth Street. None Genuine Without the Signature of yniIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIH IIIlIEIIIIlilllllllHIII IIIII I I1IIIIIIII1I1IIIIIIIIEIIIIII1IIIUIIIII1EI CHURCH BODY TO MEET HOOD RIVER TO ENTItfiRTAIN PORT. LAMB ASSOCIATION. Annual Senalona of Consrreatiunaliaita M ill Begin April 2? and Con tinue Two Da ym. " t HOOD 1UVER, Or., April 17. (Spe cial.) The 19th annual meeting: of the Portland Association of Congregational Churches will be held at tho Riverside Congregational Church in Hood River, April 27-28. Delegations will be Bent from all the Portland Congregational Churches. Members of the local church will entertain the visitors. Sightsee ing trips through the orchards, which will be in bloom, have been arranged. The programme follows: Tuesday afternoon Addresses by Mrs. 13. Lucky, "Woman's Work in the Home," pnd Mrs. Henrietta Brewer; Rev. G. K. Paddock, "Our Home Mlsisonary Work"; Rev. J. H. Matthews, "Our Sun day School Work"; special music by the children's choir of the Riverside Church. Tuesday evening Praise service with special music by the Riverside choir; address, "A Recognition Service tor the Pastors of the Church," Rev. A. S. Donat, pastor of the Riverside Church; sermon. Rev. Luther R. Dyott; fraternal message to the congregation. Rev. K. S. Bolllngerr fraternal message to the pastor. Rev. A. C. Moses. Wednesday morning Devotional and Bible exercises, conducted by Rev. A. C. Moses; addresses, "One of Our Best Achievements During the Year," W. H. Meyers; "The Task of Leadership," b". Maples: discission on churches, led by D. T. Thomas; addresses, "Our Respons ibility for God Consciousness." G. N. Kd wards; "The Kindling of Our Altar Fires." A. Binkhorst. Wednesday afternoon Addresses, "A Desired Revival for My Church," J. W. McCollum; "The Opportunity of Our Young People," C. Johnson; "Kquip ment to Meet Our Opportunities," J. Hopp. Wednesday evening Tenor solo, Frank W. Gorman: "The Minister Keep ing Right With God." V. William; "In spiration From Our Forefathers," G. K. Paddock; "Our Present Day Machin ery." J. J. Staub; "The Goal of Kffort," Frank W. Gorman. CLUBWOMEN WILL MEET Cliautauqua Session Will Bo Held at Hood niver April 2 8. HOOD RtVKR. Or., April 17. (Spa eial.) Members of the Hood. River "Woman's Club are eagerly looking for ward, to the meeting of the combined clubs of Hood River, Underwood and White Salmon, here, April 2S. The The Successful Man Is careful of his personal appear- TT-rr M ( - WW8""" Byron said: "To be well drest will ofttimes supersede the rest." The Nicoll Way of Tailoring gives you that ease and grace of rhanner that denotes education and refinement so sought after hy the dressy man, yet found only where care and skill have become an art. Our buying power 20 stores from Coast to Coast along with our well-known cash methods enables us to give values . no other house can equal. - $25, $30, $35 Up Ask to see our . C 1 tOC Cannot be equaled by any other Made-in-America OpcCIal iJ tailor in the world. Compare It. No trouble tOfhow goods. Satisfaction guaranteed in all cases. Gar ments to order in a day if required. I.arsrat Merchant Tailoring House la the World. WM. JERRKMS' PONS. 108 Third Kt. Fred F. Boody, Jr., Manager. A Hairless, Empty Scalp i is ofttitnes the result of an empty head. Don't allow your scalp to become the nesting place of dandruff and EE other hair-destroying factors. If you do, it won't be Ions: before you and your hair part company forever. We sound a warning; be prudent and get your scalp in a healthy EE condition. Retain the hair you have and hasten the return of some apparently lost by following this suggestion. Use It gives sure and satisfactory results. WHETZEL'S is the accomplishment of patient scientific study. Phyni- cian, barber and chemiut have given it to the world. complete in the curative qualities claimed of it. Does the work and does it well. Preserves and beautifies the hair. If you suffer from eczema, remember it giveg rapid relief EH from itching and irritation. Mothers use it on their babies' heads when superfluous skin or scale is present. After shaving it is a real luxury, soothing the skin, healing cuts event is termed a Chautauqua meeting. A basket dinner will be served. Mrs. Arlstene Felts, president of the Oregon Mothers' Congress, addressed the members of the local club at their regular meeting Wednesday. Other numbers on the programme were as follows: Mrs. Alberta Jackson, of Portland, vocal solo; Miss Florence Wledrick, of Portland, and Miss Miriam Flagler, piano selections. ROAD BODY IS ORGANIZED Kllcnsburg Men Form Bureau of National I 'ark Association. EULKNSBUIiG. Wash.. April 17. Special.) Kllenuburg good road en. thuslasts organized a bureau of the Na tional Park Transcontinental Highway Association at a meeting at the Cham ber of Commerce here today. After a general discussion of plans, it was decided to elect an executive committee to carry on work along all lines and to appoint sub-committees. Captain A. L. B. Davies was- elected chairman. Associate members are: A. M. Wright, A. Reynolds. A. F. Mhultz, Joseph Wteiner, O. W. Pautzke and J. 1. Sniithaou, all prominent business men from this city. Joseph Wteiner was elected secretary and O. W. Pautzke treasurer. The purpose of the association is to co-operate with the state highway de partment relative to the location of roads in this section of the state. Alleged Murderer Taken Jn Idaho. WE1SKR, Idaho, April 17. (Special.) Upon telegraphic advices from the Sheriff f Wheeler County. Oregon, John K. Waldron was arrested at Mid vale about 30 miles north of here on a murder charge, and is in the County Jail awaiting the arrival of officers. Waldron is wanted in Clay County, Kentucky, where the alleged crime was committed. He is about 20 years old and. has been in this section for a year, where he was employed with the Gillenwater Sheep Company, near Mid vale. Stanficld Defeats Hermiston. HKRM1STOX. Or.. April 17. (Spe cial.) The baso ball team of this city, which joined the Blue Mountain League, dropped its first game to Htan lield. Before a crowd of several hun dred persons, Slantield defeated Her miston here by the score of 11 to 8 in the opening garner Both teams showed a lack of practice. I'ederal Banker to Visit l.a Grande. I.A GTIANDK, Or.. April 17. (Spe cial.) Russell Lowry, assistant gov ernor of the Federal reserve bunk in San Francisco, will be entertained by all the bankers of Union and Wallowa counties, when he arrives in Ia Grande Monday night. A banquet will be xerved onr. KAOE TO OPDPI? " ' Tailor for Particular Men. lunniiiiuHiiiixuixiiniiiiixiiiuiniiiiiirA Dandruff and EczemaTreatment ee and Hair Tonic F. L. A. Wilson, 460 Jefferson St. Plummer Drug Company, Third and Madi-. son Sts. Peninsula Pharmacy, 88. Killingsworth Avenue. Morrison Grand Drug Company, 391 East Morrison. Piedmont Pharmacy, 1150 Union Avenue North. R. A. Wilson, 133 Grand Ave. Joseph M. Ricen, 315 First St. Wallace Drug Co., Inc., Thirty-seventh and Hawthorne Ave. Jancke Drug Co., Hawthorne and Grand Avenues. DEPARTMENT STORES Olds, Wort man &-King. . Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Meier & Frank Company Retail Druggists Supplied by Wholesale Druggists. Barbers and Hairdressers by Keeler Barber Supply Co. 15 lEIIIIIIEISiIIIIlI!IIIXJIIIIIIIIIIIIIXIIIII2Iin VVn In his honor. He will remain here until Tuesday. TheWiseDentalCo. Oldest Reliable Dentists in Portland f fiftn 9on Mil PMriTBLR PVOCTOJ. MM nlllac ploita. trMra work kMkptn knuirHt t tto bi(ht nm 9f lurfmUw. ttata krlara a r a 1 n a r , ebanaaatila ait wiii w i i o- t Dr. Wli m a false-tooth pr. Thora in "Al.WAYfi cMm BEST" In rrr cajllnar. and rr. Wioa la. -pa otaXa u this distinction In Oraviron. yaatraf x pan-lwrano. W)M-wt raatt rinsl w a)af a. Wise Dental Co. nconrORATCT. Painless Dentists PaUlaa- BuUdlnl, Third aaal Walk, iaartoaw ParOaid, On 10 DARKEN HAIR APPLY SAGE TEA Look Young! Bring Back Ita Natural Color, Gloss and Thickness. Common garden sage brewed Into a heavy tea with sulphur tnd alcohol added, will turn gray, streaked and faded balr beautifully dark and luxu riant, remove every bit of dandrulT, stop scalp itching and falling hair. Just a few applications will prova a revelation if your hair Is fading, gray or dry, scraggly and thin. Mixing the i-'aje Tea and Sulphur recipe at noma, though, is troublesome. An easier way is to get the ready-to-une tonic, co.M ing about 60 cents a large bottle at drugstores, known as "Wyeth'a and riulphur Compound," thus avoid ing a lot of muss. While wispy, gray, faded hair Is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youth ful appearanco and attract) veness. Hy darkening your hair with Wyeth'a fcage and Sulphur, no one can tell, be cause It does so naturally, so evenly. You just dampen a tponge or soft brush with It and draw this through your hair, taking one small btrand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and. after another appli cation or two, your hair becomes beau-, rifully dark, glossy, soft and luxuriant. rUTM - wmi Thw arr w ' m)m. w-u wr T (SETEM KM Aunt Emma's OottrTrtfnfit frt L'f m rliv or mmtmyit nothing. ur-f.f ul VI vl Ijr fir yrar and mndor br rmti',nt burnnr mn M M of this city. Cannot poibly featrrn, eM not. inter H frO with any kind of work. Ctrculmx mat f jj Aunt Emma's C.Madtsn 8tw.Waukecan.IM. B . Wallowa, store, chy,r:h,ei t . !