The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 18, 1915, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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German Correspondent Thinks
Campaign Has Cost Invad
ers Half Million Men.
Operation le.scribctl as Greatest in
llibtorj, AYith 2,000,000 Men
Kri gaged Heavy Toll Is
Taken of Nobility.
'BERLIN, via London, April 17. The
war correspondents at the Austrian
headquarters have taken advantage of
the pause In the battle In the Carpa
thians to summarize the results of the
Kussian efforts to break through the
mountain barrier, which have pro
grresed as a continuous gigantic battle
since the fall of PrzemyBi. '
The Russians, who hurled massed
troops first against one and then an
other part of the line, succeeded In ad
vancing their own line slightly In the
depression south of Dukla Pass, where
they hold a considerable area of the
Bouthern slope of the mountains. They
also impelled the Austrians to straight
en out the big northern bulge in their
line east of this point between Lupkow
and TJssok Passes, where it hud pushed
forward well Into Galicia toward
T'rzernysl in the February operations,
The rest of the Austro-German line
has not bent under the furious Rus
sian attacks, but has even, advanced
materially eastward of Usssok Pass.
Russian ion Kstimated at 500,000.'
Kugeno Lennhoff, correspondent in
he Carpathians for the Sieitung am
Mittag, estimates that the Russian
Josses, in killed, wounded, sick and
prisoners in the attempt to force a way
through the passes is at least 600,000.
In this connection, Herr Lennhoff
'The strength of Russia's proud Car
pathian army is broken, without com
ing any nearer the goal for which the
Kussian leaders cast everything: into
the balance- Its losses are prodigious.
Hodies lie in heaps before the allies'
Herr Lennhoff says that he believes
the after effects of this struggle, like
the Winter battle in the Champagne
district, will be highly important. The
Russian troops, he says, are greatly
exhausted and he expresses the opinion
that their offensive power probably is
seriously crippled.
Operations Greatest in History.
The correspondent of the Lokal An
rieger describes the Carpathian opera
tions as the greatest In history. He
says that fully 2,000.000 men altogeth
er have been engaged in this conflict.
Tho battle, he continues, has taken a
heavy toll of the Russian nobility, large
numbers of young guard officers hav
ing recently been assigned to this front.
One hundred and fifty members of
the guard were killed in an engage
ment near Kosno alone. Lleutenant
General Llssoffsky and Major-General
lichael Kalmltzy were among the se
verely wounded Russian officers. Tha
correspondent says that Grand Duke
Michael, younger brother of the Em
peror of Russia, Is understood to com
mand a division on this front.
After a few Spring days Winter has
set In over the Carpathians. The dis
patches say the Russians seem to have
suspended their offensive movements.
Austro-lluugarlun Kirvoy Says Only
84,000 Combatants Surrendered.
NEW YORK, April 17. Dr. Constan
tino Dumba, Austro-Hungarian Am
bassador to the United States, today
Issued the following statement at the
Austro-Hungarian Consulate here:
"The majority of the American press
comment concerning the fall of
Frssemysl is based on the Russian offi
cial reports, which represent the
stronghold's garrison as having num
bered 125,000 men. This and other
utatements from Russian sources are
thoroughly misleading.
"According to the Austro-Hungarian
official report, the last sortie of the
defenders cost the latter a loss of 5000
In killed and 5000 in wounded. The
garrison of Przemysl, which surren
dered, consisted ot 34,000 combatants
ot all ranks; the population of the city
comprised 45,000 civilians and 25.000
Elck and wounded In hospitals. The
armament, which consisted ot 150 Runs,
mainly of old types, was, together with
tbe forts, ammunition and all govern
ment property, destroyed before the
fall of the fortress."
Italians Say Knemy Suffered Enor
mously in Counter-Attacks.
PETROGEAD, via London, April 17.
The following official statement from
general headquarters was issued to
day: "The actions in the Carpathians on
April 15 were concentrated in the
sector between the villages of Tele
poteh and Zuella. where we consoli-
dated our positions after desperate
bayonet fighting on the heights that
the enemy had organized.
"We took 1140 prisoners, among
whom were 40 officers, and also three
machine guns.
"The enemy suffered great losses in
making counter-attacks, which were
without effect.
"In the direction of Stry we success
fully repulsed many enemy units-hich
nad returned to tho attack. On the
other fronts there were no changes.
"Activity of a more animated char
acter on the part of the German ad
vance guard is shown in the districts
of Alariampol and Kalwaryi,
"The Emperor has left for the front.
Vienna Reports Enemy Suffers Se
vere losses In Mountains.
VIENNA, via London. April 17. The
War Office made the following state
ment today:
"Russian Poland and Western Ga
licia were quiet yesterday.
"On the Carpathian front the situa
tion Is unchanged. In the wooded
mountains, where the Russians made
several severe attacks, we captured
1290 prisoners. During these attacks
and those of the following night tha
Russians suffered severe losses.
"In Southeastern Galicia and Bu
kowlna there were artillery engage
Abu of German Gunner. With
French Target, Proves Poor.
DELEMOXT. Switzerland, via, Paris.
April 17. German shells fell on Swiss
territory Tuesday for the third time. iha-outbreajc p .war, flay i&a
newspaper Democfate. The Germans
were trying to destroy a French obser
vation post at Pfetterhausen, but the
gunner's aim was bad and the projec
tiles overshot their targets, dropping
around the town of Beurnvesain.
An investigation was made the fol
lowing day by Swiss authorities who
took fragments of shells to Porrentruy
for an examination by an expert.
Beurnevesain is on the border of tha
Swiss canton of Porrentruy and lies
about six miles southwest of Pfetter
hausen. "
British Report Success Against En
emy In Mesopotamia.
LONDON, April 17. The following
official announcement concerning the
defeat of Turks in the vicinity of Shai
ba, Mesopotamia, announced first last
night, was given out today:
"The actions at hi hatha. April 13 and
April 14 have been crowned with com
plete suocess. Old Baserah, Sobier,
Barjisiyeh and Shwebda are nearly
clear of the enemy, who are retreat
ing behind Nakhailah.
"In the action of April 14 we took
more than 200 prisoners and several
machine guns. In their hurried retreat
the Turks abandoned large quantities
of tents, equipment, stores and ammu
nition, the latter amounting to 700,000
rounds of rifle and 450 boxes of gun
ammunition, all of which is being
either collected or destroyed.
"From statements made by prisoners
it appears that the enemy comprised
With the internment of the Kronprins Wilhelm, Germany will
not have & single raider left on the seas. When the war broke out
there took to eea for the purpose of destroying commerce the fol
lowing Germans, their fate being given in eaoh instance:
N Displacement.
Name and Type. ' Tons.
Gneisenau. armored cruiser ...-, ... ... 11, 600
Soharnhorst. armored cruiser ................. 1 1,600
Koenigsberg, protected cruiser,.. ............ 3,550
Emden, protected cruiser.,.....,,.,,,........ 3,544
Leipzig, protected cruiser.,..,,.,..,...,...,.. 3.850
Nurnberg, protected cruiser,.... 3,250
DreHden, protected cruiser..,,,,,..,,....,.... 3,544
Geler, cruiser....- 1.630
Cape Trafalgar, auxiliary cruiser ,. 9,854
Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, auxiliary cruiser.. 5,821
Berlin, auxiliary cruiser,.,.,. 5,521
rnueonja, auxiliary cruiser................. seized Dy Argentina
Cormorant, auxiliary cruiser, ......,,,,...... 6,000 Interned
Prinz Eitel Friedrlch. cruiser................. .... Interned
Kronprinz Wilhelm, cruiser. ,.,.......,,,.,, .15,000 In Port
Markomannia, supply ship.................... 2,840 Captured
I.ocksun, naval tender ................ .... Interned
Karnac, auxiliary transport .... Interned
. v Karlsruhe, protected cruiser 4,860 Wrecked
Two supply ships and, three, colliers also have been captured,
two divisions of regular infantry, with
32 guns, irrespective of Arab tribes
Hamburg-American Vessel to Sail
Under American Flag.
WASHINGTON, April 17. American
registry has been granted the steamer
Housatonic, formerly tha Hamburg
American liner Georgia, which has been
laid up at New Orleans ainoe 'the
European war began. In announcing
the change of registry today a De
partment of Commerce statement said
the ship had been bought March 29 for
$85,000 by the Housatonic Steamship
Company, of which Edward S. Gear, of
New York, is president.
It Is understood here that tha
Housatonic is to be employed in the
South American trade. She is a freight
ship of 3143 gross tons and was built
n 1891.
No Item to Be Overlooked in Collect
ing Campaign This Week.
LONDON, April 17. The Exchange
Telegraph Company publishes a dis
patch from its correspondent at Co
penhagen, who says that the shortage
of rubber in Germany is so acute that
the government is arranging for next
week a special campaign to collect rub
ber throughout the empire..
Not a single thing made of rubber.
even soothers for babies and discarded
overshoes, will be overlooked by the
fleet of wagons which will parade the
streets of German towns daily.
Britain Permits Shipment of 5,451,-
O00 Cases Bought in Germany.
WASHINGTON. April 17. American
importers have arranged with the Brit
ish government for uninterrupted
passage of nearly a shipload of "fly
catchers," 5,451,000 cases, bought and
paid for in Germany before March 1,
and now' at Rotterdam awaiting ship
ment to the United States.
The importers secured immunity from
interference by the allied fleets by sub
mitting the facts in regard to their
purchase directly to the British gov
ernment. t ele ca
VxcsM Jwxmln
ygXS A """"" ji l
- it nV J
Paris Reports Effective Work
by Heavy Artillery "in
Valley of Aisne.
French Dirigible Drops Bombs on
Freiourg-Im-Breisgatp Germans
Report Capture of Enemy's
Position In Vosges.
PARIS, via London, Apil 17. The
following official statement was issued
tonight by the French War Office:
"At Notre Dame de Lorette three
German counter-attacks were stopped
short on Friday night.
"In the Valley of the Alsne our heavy
How Lost.
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
Gun Flra
Gun Fire
Gun Fire
artillery bombarded the caves of Pasly,
which are being utilized as shelters by
the German troops. That several of
the caves had fallen in was Indicated
by successive explosions.
"In the Champagne, northwest of
Perthes, the enemy exploded two mines
near our trenches and occupied the
excavations, but no part of our
trenches were occupied.
"Not far from there, to the .north of
Les Mesnil, attacks against one of the
salients of our lines were easily re
pulsed. In -the Woevre there were ar
tillery combats, notably in the region of
Bois de Montmare.
Infantry Not Ensraged.
"There were no infantry actions
either yesterday or today.
"In the Vosges we made appreciable
progress on the two banks of the Freht
River. On the northern bank we seized
the spur west of Sillakerwaser, which
lies west of Metzeral, and we de
bouched into the valley which goes
down toward the Fecht.
"On the southern bank our chasseurs,
after a brilliant attack, carried the
summit of Schnepfen-Reithkopf, which
is 1250. meters in height the highest
point of the ridge separating the two
valleys which met at Metzeral.
"A British aeroplane has brought
down a German aeroplane in Belgium
near Eoisinghe, Flanders. The machine
fell within our lines. The pilot was
killed and the observer taken prisoner.
French Dirigible in Action.
"One of our dirigibles bombarded the
station and aviation sheds at Freiburg-im-Breisgau."
BERLIN. April 17. by wireless to
Sayville, N. Y. The report today from
army headquarters follows:
"French attacks near Flirey were
"East of Ypres the British yester
day used grenades and bombs which
developed an asphyxiating gas.
"On the south slope of Lorette
Heights, northwest of Arras, a small
German point of support 60 yards long
and 50 yards deep, was lost.
"In Champagne, northwest of Per
thes, a group of French fortifications
was stormed. A French counter-attack
"The Germans conquered a French
position northwest of Urbeis in the
Vosges. They captured French chas
seurs and then evacuated the position
because of its disadvantageous situ
ation. "A Trench airship destroyed window
glass at Strassburg and wounded ci
vilians." '
60 Masons Gather at Dufur.
DUFUR, Or.. April 17. (Special.)
About 60 visiting Masons attended a
communication of Morris Lodge No. 129,
Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons,
held here Thursday night. Most of
f Ju FVmoefc Alnt Grma SAoo ate A. B, C, X, la
Xmst IMaLadcoa Fas TMr Ient m TaoBac tJba
kira I. mmt rJ0U Kar Sft. MIMri, 4Mmat and rung Hi iioa cbe 14
iUmasttr OeaajAoa fcjr Fund mm -
nam mwairwea m tin,
the visitors were from The Dalles and
Wasoo. The Master Mason degree was
exemplified in full ceremonial form.
The meeting was the largest in the his
tory of the Morris lodge.
Sultan's Forces Deprecate Inhu
manity of Enemy.
TABRIZ, Persia, via Petrograd and
London. April 17. Engagements be
tween Armenians and Kurds are fre
quent in the vicinity of Van, In Turk
ish Armenia, according to reliable in
formation reaching Tabriz, and a gen
eral massacre of Christians is expected
in the province of Bashkala. The Ar
menians of Van are hurriedly trying to
raise volunteers in Azerbaijan prov
ince, Persia, to help them against the
Turks and the Kurds.
After several stubborn engagements
between Russians and Turks to the
north of Dilman, in Persia, the Turks
retreated to the south of Dilman. The
Turks are reported to have retreated
from the district of tha Choruk River,
There Is said to be growing hostilty
between the Turks and Kurds, the for
mer deprecating the inhumanity of the
latter. Turkish soldiers and even tha
younger of the Turkish officers are
protesting against the countenancing
by higher Turkish officers of the out
rages committed by the Kurds. There
are several instances of Turkish sol
diers having lynched Kurds guilty of
unusual atrocities.
Government Finds Itself Without
Uniform Specifications.
WASHINGTON. April 17. Because
Government specifications for soap ma
terials are so many and varied, with
the result that soma manufacturers
have refused to make bids. Secretary
Redfleld has requested tha heads of the
various executive departments to ap
point representatives to co-operate
with tha bureau of standards in draw
ing up a United States standard set of
specifications for such, materials.
Secretary Redfleld says that there
are probably from 30 to 40 different
specifications issued by the Govern
ment for soap material, and it is with
a view to geouring better and cheaper
goods than purchased that he has sug
gested the framing- of standard speci
Restorations to Entry Exceed Withdrawals-
During March.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Lands re
stored to entry during March exceeded
those withdrawn by more than half a
million acres. Secretary Lane an
nounced today. The total restorations
were 623,799 acres and withdrawals
120.404 acres. Principal restorations
were of lands heretofore held in coal
and phosphate reserves.
Secretary Lane also announced that
as the result of the action of the last
Congress the enlarged homestead act
had been extended to two new states
Kansas and South Dakota. Designations
of non-irrigable lands in these states
subject to entry in tracts of320 acres
each will be announced soon.
Untrained Lundsturni, 18 to 50, De
clared Liable to Duty.
VIENNA, via London, April 17. The
following statement was given out by
the Austrian War Office tonight:
"Owing to the possibility that the
war may last a long time, and in or
der to secure the necessary reserves,
the untrained landsturra men between
the ages of 18 and 50 will hereafter
be liable for military service."
Creamery Director Chosen.
JUNCTION CITY, Or., April 17.
(Special.) A. R. Martin has been
elected a director of the Creamery Com
pany. Stock amounting to $5000 will
be sold to the merchants to raise funds
for the erection of a modern concrete
building, as the present plant is inade
quate for the demands. Thirty cents a
pound was the price decided on to pay
the patrons for the month of March.
The produce for March was 17.691
pounds of butter, for which $4490.90
was received.
Cheese Factory Oakville Project.
CENTRA LI A, Wash., April 17. (Spe
cial.) Farmers in the vicinity of Oak
ville are agitating the erection of a
cheese, factory in the town. A build
ing is available for the plant and it
is estimated that $1100 will buy the
necessary machinery. Between 500 and-j
xouo cows would support the factory
and there are more than this numbev
owned in the territory tributary to
Oakville. ,
Albany High Has Humane Society.
ALBANY, Or., April 17. (Special.)
To protect birds and dumb animals, a
humane society has been formed by
students of the Albany High School.
It was organized under the direction of
Miss Zilpha Galloway, a member of the
faculty of the school.
b ToAm-Vcts Bdra Caa M K-
Gmt WeOs BeasUns Owr t M.
. "i' I
A.11 the
These are days of health
and vigor. Give the in
valid, aged and convales
cent one of these invalid
chairs: easy running, ad
justable to any position.
We RENT, or sell on easy
Warmer days call for
more attention to your
physical defects. Do you
wear a misfit truss? Let
us adjust one to your
needs. Our fitters, men and
women, are experts. You
pay nothing till you are
Cool, comfort
able and helpful, 81. oO each and up
Don't suffer with enlarged, swollen,
varicose veins, when our woven-to-fit
elastic silk garments will quick
ly relieve you.
Cologne Banker Tells How War
Might Be Ended.
Hermann Wolff, Writing' to George
Grantham Bain ' at New York,
Says America Alone Respon
sible for Conflict's Duration.'
NEW YORK, April 17. (Special.)
Herman Wolff, the director of the
branch of the Deutsche bank at
Cologne, has written to his friend,
Georgre Granntham Bain, of the Bain
News Service, of this city, under date
of March 24, a long letter telling of
the attitude of the German people to
ward the United States and of the war
as it looks to a German on the inside.
At the beginning- of his letter, Mr.
Wolff takes up the story which was
published in this country in January
or February concerning the persecu
tion of German-Americans in this coun
try. According to this story as it ap
peared in American papers, a cor
respondent of the Cologne Gazette,
writing from Rochester, said that Ger
mans in this country were persecuted
socially. Mr. Wolff sends a copy of the
Cologne Gazet'.e in question containing
the letter from Rochester, and in this
letter no charges of persecution of
German sympathizers appear. The edi
tor of the Cologne Gazette also writes
to Mr. Wolff to say that no such
charges were ever published in his
paper and asks that the story be con
tradicted in America.
German Desire to Do Justice.
"Although the German feeling is and
must be anti-American as long as you
provide our enemies with ammunition."
Mr, Wolff continues, "neither the press
nor the population wants to heighten
this ill-feeling by untrue statements.
It is one ot the best qualities of the
Germans to do Justice to the enemy
even in the struggle of life and death.
America alone is responsible for the
long duration of the war, as only with
your help can the allies provide them
selves with sufficient munition. The
waste of munition by the French, for
instance in the ChampaRne. is enor
mous and the wish of our officers and
men is to have the same supply of
shells at their disposal.' The French
send 30,000 shells into a field of a
length of 200 to 300 yards. During
the bombardment our troops keep per.
fectly quiet. But when the French
advance toward our trenches, they are
received by our machine guns and
leave hundreds and thousands of their
soldiers on the battle field. The French
do not bury them and even leave
their wounded iik agonies on the field.
War Fongtat With Bitterness.
"One of my clerks who passed
through Cologne today and who came
directly from the Champagne said it
was simply horrible to be on guard
during a dark night and to hear the
moaning and lamentations of French
soldiers. It cannot be described with
Safe Catarrh Remedy
Composed of pure vegetable
remedies. No harmful or
habit-forming- drugs. For
many years it has been the
family medicine in number
less homes.
READ Mrs. laaxia, Goertz, Box
42, Orlenta, Oklahoma, says: "My
husband, children and myself use
Peruna. We always keep It In the
house In case of neces
sity. It has done re
markable) things foe
Mr. Samuel Rossi, 612
Chestnut Ave., Vine
land, N. - J., says: "1
will never be without
Peruna In my house., I
am pleased to make
public the good that
Peruna has done us."
should, be fitted by aa expert who un
derstands tha Technique. Anyone caa
sell a truss but it takes an expert to
fit one.
Liana-Davis Drug Cou, at M ana
XarohlH eiteet tn
Stamps Monday
Joy of an
these days is a real and
lasting pleasure.
ANSCO Cameras are
the perfection of beau
ty, simplicity and ef
ficiency. Think of it!
A perfect photopraph
maker, portraits' or
landscapes, for $2 and
from that up to $100.
The beauties of natures
may be multiplied with
our high-powered Field
Glasses. Not expensive,
$3.50 up to $75. Test a
pair, you'll be delighted.
and Easy - Fit
ting Belts for
the very stout,
woven by us to
your measure.
Clarke & Co., Alder at West Park
what bitterness the war is conducted at
present and how enormous the losses
of the French and English are, who
always run in vain against our de
fences. And why does all this murder
ing take place? Tha Times is drop
ping now the neutrality of Belgium
and tells the British they are flghtins
for themselves and no longer for
Belgium. History will tell that Kussian
tyranny, French passion for revenge and
Knglish Jealousy are responsible for
this most tremendous war ever known.
And America provides our enemy with
war material!
"In our papers you find often com
parisons of former American Govern
ments with the present one. and only a
few weeks ago a letter was published
written by President Jefferson on June
12. 1815, in which he criticises the
British government in a way Mr. Wil
son would not dare to do.
"About the German-American move
ment we are informed by our papers. I
have read the resolutions which were
passed on January 80, and must say
the best American cannot object to
them. These men who came together
in Washington want only an American
policy, and not a policy perfectly de
pendent on Great Britain."
British Government Gives Commis
sion to Missouri Dealers.
KANSAS CITY, April 17. Orders for
80,000 mules for use in the British army
have been placed with livestock deal
ers by agents of the British govern
ment, according to announcements
made today. The orders are for de
livery covering the next six months.
The animals are to be assembled at
Grand Island. Neb., and shipped from
there to the seaboard in Canada, it
was asserted.
British remount officers announced
also that inspection headquarters would
be removed temporarily from Kansas
City" to Denver. This will be done, it
was pointed out, that buyers may visit
the range territory while farmers in
this section are using their animals for
harvesting purposes.
Miss "Constance" asks:
am very
thin and bloodless and want to increase
mv weight about 30 pounds, i'lense tell
me what method to pursue?"
Answer: A regular and persistent, use
of thru grain hyno-nuclane tablets will
usually produce an increase of weight
by aiding nutrition and building up the
nesn tissues. cores oi patients nave
reported increases of from 10 to 40
Pounds from tlie use of these tablets.
Full directions come with each scaled
Mrs. X. asks: "My scalp Itches ter
ribly, is feverish and a great amount
of oily dandruff is present. What is
good for this?"
Answer: First shampoo the hair and
then apply plain yellow mlnyol about
once a week as per directions. This re
lieves ihe itching, overcomes the dan
druff and makes the hair beautifully
glossy and vigorous. Obtain in 4 oz.
Jars of druggists.
Mabel Tt. writes: "Both mv husband
and I suffer all the time from stomach
trouble. Nothing we eat seems to di
gest properly. Neither of us can ever
get any enjoyment from our meals and
we are drowsy and then again at bed
time we are sleepless. Flease prescribe
for us."
Answer: Dyspepsia, indigestion, slug
gish liver and costive bowels with
symptoms like yours are best conquer
ed by a good aid and tonic for the func
tional organs. I advise the new treat
ment known as "double-four stomach
and bowel medicine," as the best for
such conditions. Almost immediate re
lief and permanent benefits follow its
use. Sold by druggists in sealed pack
ets with directions complete.
Mrs. "Annie R." writes: My husband
is surely afflicted with some kidney
disease. He has become weak and suf
fers with headache and pains in his
back and groins. Pains are like rheu
matism. His ankles swell and his feet
seem to bo tired all the time. Some
days he has chills and no appetite.
Please prescribe."
Answer: The symptoms Indicate de
rangement of kidneys and should not
be neglected. I would advise balmwort
tablets, a compound well suited to such
cases. Obtain in sealed tubes with di
rections for home use.
"Old Soldier" writes, "I would like to
know what to do for rheumatism, aa
I am so crippled that I cannot walk.
Please answer at once."
Answer: Here Is the best remedy for
rheumatism that 14 known, and. J laJtea
- V
.1 A '
and Tuesday
Picture Making
hi II tail
Ansco B-ilms Today
Lead the World
Clear, deep, sharp, full of detail.
Remember, we develop, print, enlarge, color
and frame. Our photographic men are ex
perts, quick workers leave your film in
the moring, have your work back same day.
Can you beat it?
Make Your Entries
- in Our Photo Contest
this week Cash prizes. Awards of Merit.
Full information at our Photo Department.
Let Your Sore, Swollen, Adustf
Feet Spread Oct in a Bath
of "TTZ."
"Just couldn't
wait to taka
any bat oft!"
Just take your shoes off and thea
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, aching,
burning, corn-pestered, bunion-tortured
feet of yours in a "TIZ" bath. Tour
toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look
up at you and almost talk and then
they'll take another dive in that "TIZ"
When your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just try "TIZ." Its
grand its glorious. Your feet will
dance with joy: alno you will find all
pain gone from corns, callouses and
There's nothing like "TIZ." It's tha
only remedy that draws out all tha
poisonous exudations which puff up
your feet and cause foot torture.
Get a 75-eent box ot "TIZ'- at any
drug or department store don't wait.
Ah! how glad your feet get: how coni
fortable your shoes feel. You can wear
shoes a siz smaller if you dexire.
The questions answered below art
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are given and t lie answers will
apply lit any case of. similar nature.
Those wishing further advice, free
may address lr. Iwls Raker, College
bid,?.. c'olleKe-JSll wood Hu., Ijaytori, ..,
encloKfng sol f-addrenscd Htamped enve
lope for reply. Kull name and address
must be given, but only Initials or fic
titious name will be used In my an
swers. The prescriptions can be filled
at any well-stocked drug store. Any
druggist can order of wholesaler.
according to directions you will soon ba
out again and he strong and well. Get -drams
of Iodide of potassium; 4 drams
sodium salicylate, t o.. wine of colciii
cum, 1 ox. coinp. essence cardlol, 1 ox.
romp, fluid balmwort and & ozs. of
syrup sarsaparilla contp. Mix arid taki
a teaspoonful at meal time and again
before going to bed. .
C. O. C. asks: "I am constipH eil.
tongue coated, have headache, dizzy
spells and indigestion sometimes. I'lcaae
Answer: I advise that you begin using
three grain sulpherh tablets (not eul
phur. ) These tablets are laxative, act
on the liver, kidneys and bowels and
tend to keep the blood pure, by arous
ing the elimiuatlve functions. Itcllet
should follow quickly.
"Secretary" writes: "I have pains In
my spine and frightful hesdHrhe in ba"i
of head, fainting spells, twitching and
trembling, nervousness, sleeplessness,
loss. of appetite and strength, and in
fart am a 'has been,' when it t-oraes to
performing accuxtomed work and
duties. Please advise.
Answer: In all such cases tha assimi
lative functions have not kept paca
with waste functions and a powerful
harmless tonto treatement is needed, f
find three arritln cadomene tablets un
excelled ana astonishingly beneficial in
such cases and advise them tor you.
Mrs. C. W. B. asks: "I suffer greatly
owing to too much fat. Can you advlso
me of a good reduction remedy7"
Answer: Any well stocked pharmacy
can supply you with 6 grain arbolone
tablets, packed in sealed tubes with full
directions for use. These tablets have
proven wonderfully effective in reduc
ing abnormal fat.
"Fern" writes: "I have suffered with
a bad cough for some time and I am
also weak and tired most of the time,
which I think la dun to the severe
coughing. Can you give me a remedy?"
Answer: Yes, your weakness is due to
the coughing, but you ehould be well
relieved by using trio following: Get a
2J4 oz. package of essence mentho
laxene and make according to directions
on the bottle, then take a teaspoonful
every hour or two until the cough is
cured. This makes a full pint of the
very best and safest cough syrup. If
your druggist does not have mentho-
laxene, nave him order It
for you of the
wholesale firm.
Mrs. D. E. B. asks: "Will you please)
give me a prescription for Pelvic, ca
tarrh and catarrh of the head?"
Answer: ' e very best local treat
ment for ii. e relief and correction oi
catarrh Is antiseptic) Vilana Powder.
Obtain either a two or eight ounce
package and with it you will find com
plete directions for treating catarrh of
tha head and pelvlo catarrh tltucor-thea)-
11 n antlseptio C tUo VfcCC
JUaUeBt ftualUy, iAjIy.