The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 18, 1915, SECTION TWO, Page 2, Image 20

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m '. - l . .t -w-j'.-. .-wis,.-' -yi
StanainK tl.ei(t to Kisht) Harry Krmif, Walter Donne, KlanaKer Walter
(Maacot), Stanley Coveleakle, 'Butch" Bj ler.
Leverenz' Home Run Gives
Three Runs in Ninth. "
New York Americans Drub Athletics,
Alaiscl Stealing Four Bases.
Detroit Blanks Cleveland.
Ked Sox Are Victors.
ST. LOUIS, April 17. With the score
t to 0, Severen hit one of Jasper's fast
straight balls against the scoreboard
for a home run in the ninth inning: this
afternoon, scoring: E. Walker and Clar
ence Walker ahead of him. These three
runs, with one in the same Inning, were
enoufch to beat Chicago, 4 to 3. James'
wildness gave Chicago Its scores. Score:
Chicago I St. L.ouls
B H U A 15 XI y
0 0 Shotton.l. . 4
0 0
1 0
eaver.s .
Kelat'h.r . .
Kchalk.c. .
Breton. 3. .
Jasper, p. .
0 )Austin,3. . . 3
4 (ME.Walker.r 2
0 Ojlvauft'mun.l 3
0 op.Walker.m 3
0 0
3 0
0 0
4 0
1 O
1 1
0 0
0 0
1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0,Fratt.. .
O 0Seeroid,c .
0 0SVallace,g. .
4 JiVVllllams"
1 3Lavan,a. . .
3 ljjameg.p. . .
Uoward . .
Totals. 2 4 26 1J U Totals.. .27 4 27 13 1
UTwo t when winning; run scored. Bat
ted lor Kelsch in eighth. Batted for Brief
In eiKhth. Batted for Wallace In eighth.
Batted for James In eighth.
Chic(co l 0010002 0 3
Ht. louis 00000000 4 4
Huns, HJ. Collins . Fournler, Austin, E.
"WHlker, C. Walker, Keveroid. Two-base hit,
I-'elsch. Home run, Sevcroid. Stolen bases,
J. Collins, E. Walker. Earned runs, oft
James 3 In S innings; off Jasper. 4 in 9 in
nuiKS. Double plays, Wallace to Pratt to
K auff man ; Keveroid to Austin ; Breton to K.
Collins to Brief; Austin to Pratt to Kauft
limn. Basel on brills, off James H, off Jas
per 6. Hits, off James. 4 in 8 Innings; off
L-everens, none In 1 Inning, fctruclc out, by
Jasper B, by James 3. Umpires, Kail In and
Detroit 5, Cleveland 0.
DETROIT, April 17. Cleveland was
helpless before Dubuc's change of pace
today and Detroit won, S to 0. Morton
was knocked off the rubber in the sec
ond inning. Four singles were mai
off his delivery before Steen replaced
him. Vitt and Kavanagh made thrilling
ono-hand stops of sizzling liners. Score;
O 3
0 2
2 2
2 1
1 13
1 2
i -1
0 1
4 O
5 0
0 0
0 0
3 0
O 0
0 0
4 0
tiraney,l. .
Shields, 1.
Kgan.c. . .
Morton, p.
Ham' ond
O'Nrll.c. .
tteen.p. . .
t Rodsn.
0 O'ktush.s. . . .
3 ,Young,3. .
3 0;Cobb.m . . .
1 O.Crawf'rd.r
0 O-each.l. . .
1 OlKa an'h.l
1 UVitl.3
1 O McKee.c. .
0 0
0 1
4 01
0 O
i o
Totals.. 80 4 24 16 11 Totals.. .32 10 27 18 0
Ran for Egan in third.
tBatted for Steon in eighth.
Cleveland 0 O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0
Ietrolt 0 3 1 0 1 OO O 5
Runs. Cobb 2, Crawford. Veach. Kavan-aug-h.
Two-base hit. Turner. Three-base
lilt, Veach. stolen bases, Kavanaugh, Cobb,
Jacksin. Earned runs, off Morton 3 in 1 1-8
innings; off Steen 1 in 5 2-3 innings; off
Coumbe none in 1 Inning. Double play.
nnh to Young to Kavauaugh. Bases on
bail, off Morton 1. olf Steen 2. off Uubuc
1. Hits, off Morgan 4 In 1 1-3 Innings; off
teen 6 in 5 2-3 innings; off Coumbe none
in 1 inning. Struck out. by Steen 4, by
Dubuo 2. Umpires, Hildebrand and O'Lough.
Boston 7, Washington 5.
WASHINGTON, April 17. Boston,
playing here today for the first time
this season, defeated Washington, 7 to
6. The Red Sox won the game with
two out in the ninth, when Johnson,
who relieved Boehling;. allowed Lewis
to single to center, scoring: Wagner
and Speaker. Score:
Boston Washington
B H O A El
I looper.r.
0 0'Moeller.r. .
O 2 O 1
1 K. Koter,8.
O UiMllan.m. ..
O O'tViiiiams.l.
0 0;.viorgan.2. .
3 OjShanks.1. ..
2 llHenry.c. . .
1 lVAlnsmtth.c.
O l cHririe.a.
3 OjBoehling.p
I Johnaon.p.
l.ewlfc.l. . ..
?cott.s. . .,
ady.c. . .
O. Foster.p
bhore.p. .
Totals. 29 6 27 8 2 Totals.. 36 8 27 17 2
Boston 0 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 7
Washington . . 0 0 1 2 0 O 2 0 0 5
Hurts Wagner, Speaker, Lewis 2, Janvrin,
Cady, O Foster, Moehler. William, Morgan,
Henry, McBride. Two-base hits, Boehllng.
Williams. Earned runs, off Boehllng 1, oft
Johnson 1, off Foster 3. Three-base hits,
Shanks, Henry. Hits, off Foster, 5 in 3 1-3
Innings, off Shore, 3 in 8 2-3 innings: off
Boehllng. 6 in 8 2-8 innings; off Johnson. 1
in 1-3 inning. Btoien bases, Speaker. Moel
ler. Bases on balls, off Shore 1, off Boeh
llng 7. Pases on errors, Boston 2, Washing
ton 2. Hit by pitcher, by Boehllng, Hobllt--r.ell.
Struck out, by Boehllng 2, by Shore 8.
Umpires. Mullaney and Evana,
New York 8, Philadelphia 1.
PHILADELPHIA. April 17. Poor bat
tery work by Philadelphia gave New
V ' , '-3
York the victory by 9 to 1 here today.
The visitors frot 15 passes to first ana
stole nine bases. Maiael leading- In the
latter respect with four, which included
steals of second, third and home while
High was at bat In the ninth inning.
New Tork I Philadelphia
Malsel,.. 5 10 S 0LIurphy,3. 4 0 4 10
High,!... 4 2 3 0 0; Walsh. r.. 3 0 2 0 0
Cree.m... 3 0 1 0 0 Oldrlng.l.. 4 2 1 0 0
Pipp.l... t 2 O 01Lajole.2. . 4 3 2 6 1
Cook.r... 2 1 OOIMcInnU.1 4 O S 10
Ferk'gh.s. a O 3 2 " 4 3 7 1 0
Boone.!.. 3 1 3 2 0 Strunk.m. 4 0 1 11
Sweeney.c 2 0 1 0 Barry.s. . 4 12 30
McHale.p 3 0 0 3 0 Wyckoff.p 0 0 0 1 0
Bressler.p 1 0 0 0 0
Harper.p. O 0 0 0 0
Oavies. z.. 1 O O OO
Tho'p'n. ii 1 0 0 0 0
Totals. 31 828 13 0! Totali. . 34 9 27 16 2
uldrlng out, hit by batted ball; x batted
for Wyckoff in second; zz batted for Bressler
In eighth.
New Tork 0 2 0 3 0 1 0 3 1 t
Philadelphia 0 1 0 0 0 O O O 0 1
Kuns, Malsel 2, High 2. Plpp 2. Cook,
Pecklnpaugh, Sweeney Lapp. Two-base hlta,
Lapp, Barry. Three-base hit. High. Stolen
buses, Muisel 4, High, Cree, Pipp, Cook,
Peckinpaugh. Bases on balls, off McHale 1.
Wyckoff 6, Bressler 7, Harper 1. Hits Off
Wyckoff, one in two Innings: off Bressler,
7 In six innings; Hacper none in one inning.
Hit by pitcher By Wyckoff, High; by
Bressler. Malsel. Struck out By McHale 3,
by Wyckoff 2, by Bressler 4. Umpires Chill
and Connolly.
Champion Team to Compete for Na
tional Semi-Pro Title In Tourna
ment in California.
The team that wins the pennant in
the .Portland City League will take a
trip to Sacramento and compete in
the tournament that is now being
staged in that city between National
amateur and semi-pro teams. The cham
pions of the Eastern division of the
Amateur Athletic Association will be
on hand about the time the local City
Leagae season ends and it is the plan
to stage a tournament between the
winners in the East and the North
west. The winner of the Tacoma City
League will go south and arrange
ments are being made to have the pen.
nant-winning team of the city leagues
in Spokane and Seattle also make the
Harry Orayson, secretary of the Port
land City League, received a com
munication yesterday from Charles
Graham, a member of the board of
directors in charge of the Sacramento
tournament, that arrangements Would
be made for taking the Portland team
South. Games will be arranged en
route at the small cities and towns, and
with the receipts that will be taken In
at the tournament Mr. Graham de
clares that there will be something be
sides the trip in it for the locals.
In his letter Graham says the games
are being played in the ball park for
merly used by the Coast League and
that the semi-pros are drawing bet
ter than the Coast Leaguers did.
This afternoon the four teams of the
league will get in action on" their East
Side diamonds. The East Side Ked
men and Sellwood will play in Sell
wood park. while the West Side
Monarchs and Piedmont mix in Pen
insula Park. Both games will start at
3 o'clock. The entrance to Sellwood
Park Is on Miller avenue two blocks west
of the carline. Peninsula Park is
located at Portland boulevard and
Albina avenue.
Portland Man Puts Up Tropliy lor
Competition In Idaho City.
LEWISTON, Idaho, April 17. (Spe
cial.) The Lewlston Gun Club is In re
ceipt of a valuable trophy, a fine gold
watch, presented by one of its out-of-
town members. H. It. Everding, of Port
land. Or. This trophy will be shot for
at a series of shoots, which will be ar
ranged for later In the season.
Several Lewiston shooters are now
preparing to visit the Portland Oun
Club und take part in the Oregon State
trapshooters tournament, April 25-27
and later In the season the Portland
Gun Club will be Invited to participate
in the annual shoot given by the Lewia
ton Gun Club.
What the Box Scores Show
x About Players You Know.
BANCROFT, for the Phillies, made a
hit, run, stolen base and error In
the victory over the Giants.
Bill James, ex-Beaver with tire St.
Louis Americans, turned the game over
3 to 0 for the White Sox in eight in
nings, but his team won with a ninth
Inning rally.
Gene Krapp, pitching for the Buf
falo Feds, was one of a trio of pitchers
to lose to Brooklyn yesterday.
Bill Rodgers was an eighth-inning
pinch hitter for Cleveland yesterday,
but failed to connect. Bill Steen
pitched five-odd Innings and allowed
two runs.
Buddy Eyan made two hits for Salt
Quintan, ex-Oak, got his hit again
tor the White Sox.
- Vr
.7. 0 NJS V;
McCredlr. Captain Bill Spea, "Tiny" Leonard. -Rube" Kvana, fcllmer Martlnoul.
Gu Flaher, Bobby Coltrin. Pat Callahan, Elmer Lober, Bert Murphy. Pitchers
Late Acquisition of Beavers
Strong on Coaching Antics.
Youngster lakes Portland Xeit to
Louisville, Ills Home, and Con
siders Himself Fortunate to
Get to Coast This Season.
"I forget all about the fans and
everything else but that our team is
winning that ol" ball game," is the ex
planation George Kircher, Beaver util
ity man, gives for his antics on the
coaching line. "Believe me, I do all 1
can to help the boys win, and I don't
care whether they think I am lacking
in the roof garden or Just a plain nut,"
he continued.
Kircher is accorded the original cut
up when it comes to pulling stunts on
the sidelines. He is a "Germany'
Schaefer and Nick Altrock all In one
The diminutive utility player started
in 1909 with the Shelbyville (Ky.) team
v TV r H'fwK .pV
f ; '.:3
(C .... . --p,. J .-') '-, . - J
-:v-j . - t ..
Top Three Staunch Beaver Boosters, Mlaa Dorothy Welser, Mlaa Martha Levitt
Sltdlaar in Safe at Home After a Snccesafal Double Steal In Second Inning
t'lrat Hun of the Uame. Mltze Catchiun and Nick Williams, Only Blonde
V V I - r
:J 1
of the Bluegrass League. Like Fred
Derrick, he is a Southerner, and after
hearing him say three words anyone
could tell that he learned his English
south of the Mason-Dixon line. He
was born in Louisville, Ky., 26 years
Kircher started out as a catcher and
caught for the Shelbyville club until
the middle of 1910, when he was sold
to Winchester, in the same league. In
1911 he went to Norfolk, in the Vir
ginia League, where he remained until
the close of the 1913 season. He was
manager of the team the last season.
In 1914 he was with the Atlanta club,
which got him by draft. He came to
the Portland Beavers this season in
exchange for Roy Moran, whom the
Beavers took from the Salt Lake club
in a trade for Buddy Ryan.
Kircher is a graduate of the sand
lots, and lost bis first job as driver of
a butcher wagon because he delayed
his deliveries to participate in games
of baseball along the way.
Last season with Atlanta Kircher
was used In the outfield and at third
base. He hit for an average of .277 and
fielded .968.
The little player is keen for Portland,
and says next to his home town, Louis
ville, he likes Portland better than any
in which he has been.
"I think I was mighty lucky in get
ting to come out to the Coast this sea
son," he said. "I think every ball
player in the country had his eye on
this league. The San Francisco Expo
sition was the big attraction.
"Those fans who think 1 am & nut
haven't seen half of my antics yet.
Wait until the Beavers get going good
and then watch me. Baseball why say,
I eat it up."
Our Wea'of a dramatic soprano Is a
woman who can make her little boy
come the first time she calls him.
M 5 -T?f ' '
,,-; k -"V. :..
" "S3"
Fred Uerrict. Elmer Rlegrer, Bill Stnmpf.
lnre Hlsrsinbotham and Johnny l.nah and
Siberian Wolfhounds First in
412-Mile Dash in Alaska.
Scotty Allan, Second, Loses Cliance
of Victory When His Mala
mutes Run Off Trail Four
Hours Lost at That Time.
NOME, Alaska, April 17. Leonard
Seppala. driving his own team of 16
Siberian wolf-dogs, won late today the
412-mile All-Alaska sweepstake dog
team race, which started at 9 o'clock
last Wednesday morning. His time
for the course was 78 hours. 44 minutes
and 37 seconds. 4 hours 30 minues and
17 seconds slower than the record es
tablished by Jjohn Johnson's Siberian
wolves in 1910.
When Seppala's footsore Siberians
limped across the line in their quaint
looking little moccasins which Seppala
had fitted to their feet to protect them
from the rough snow trail. A. A.
(Scotty) Allan was Just passing Fort
and Miaa Metba Reaicaa. Below Leber
of Krlday'a Battle. Thla Was the
Arbiter In Captivity, Umpiring.
13 I .M'v
J I 1
5 - :
, ..' i,. ; .
'''; "U: .
' m : Is. .: .. .. .
. ' .' .-. - - 1 . .1 r k
Slttlae ll.ert to Right) Bofcbr D avln. Gnric Klrrher. orma Voaman
Catcher Fred Car Inch Are Rot In Phot.
Davis, five miles out from Nome, with
the Allan-Darling team of 1 rrui la
mutes, owned Jointly by himself and
Mrs. Charles E. Darling, of Berkeley,
CaL Eskimo John, driving the team
entered by the Council Kennel Club,
was approaching Safety Roadhouse. 21
miles away, and will finish third.
Besides winning a purse of J 1000.
Seppala captured the most highly
prized minors in Alaska sporting cir
cles, the title of foremost dogmusher
in the North.
Except for tender feet. Seppala's
hardy Siberian wolves finished the race
in good condition with every dog in
harness. The driver also stood the
long drive well.
Despite a heavy snow storm, every
man. woman and child able to be out
doors lined Front street and cheered
wildly as Seppala drove toward the
finish line in front of the Board of
Trade Saloon, where his wife, who was
elected queen of the sweepstakes at
the carnival last Saturday night, was
waiting to greet him.
This race again marks the superior
ity of the Siberian wolf dog, a cross
between the "husky," the Alaska work
ing dog, and the Siberian wolf, over
the Alaska-bred malamute in tests of
endurance. Although lacking the speed
of the malamute for short distances,
they have the endurance of the wolf
coupled with the faithful Intelligence
of the Alaskan dog and will tug at the
sledge until ordered to stop.
Seppala's dogs traveled well, but
were suffering slightly from the ice and
frozen pebbles on the trail. To protect
them from the rough traveling Sep
pala placed mukluks on his dogs' feet.
Seppala's dogs began suffering from
sore feet before he reached Council
last night and he had to lay over there
seven hours to give his dogs a rest.
Allan would have been well ahead
of Seppala had his dogs not run off
the trail late last night, setting him
back four hours. Allan left Council.
85 miles from Nome, at 10:30 o'clock
last night. He had gone but a short
distance toward Timber, 21 miles away,
when one of his leaders, which was
running loose ahead, turned off onto
a miner's trail where the Nome trail
crosses Fox River. A light snow was
falling, obscuring the trail, and when
Allan's team turned up the false trail
after the loose dog Allan did not no
tice that they were off the right track.
After going a short distance up the
river. Allan started to turn back, but
the loose leader, also realizing- that
he was on the wrong trail, started to
take a short cut and became lost.
Allan tied his team to a tree and
set out after the loose dog. which cir
cled around and headed back toward
Council. Allan returned for his team
and then followed the runaway back
to the station he iiad left at 10:30.
arriving there at 12:36 this morning.
The runaway dog was waiting for him.
During this maneuver Allan traveled
25 miles and wasted four hours. His
dogs were tired and he rested until
daylight leaving, soon after Seppala
resumed the Journey toward Nome.
I"ort Steven Soores One in First
Half Only to Lose in Pinal Dash.
ASTORIA. Or., April 17. (Special.)
For 13 Innings the Astoria Athletic
Club and tire Fort Stevens baseball
teams fought on the local diamond this
afternoon in a &ame that reaulted in a
victory for the home team by a score
Of 3 to 2.
The score wm 1 to 1 up to the begin
ning of the 13th inning. In its hall
Fort Stevens made one run and in the
last half of that Inning Coleman, the
Astoria pitcher, knocked a three
bagger, bringing In two scores. The
game today was to play off the contest
of last Sunday, which resulted in a tie
score of 4 to 4.
Count the Hits in This Game.
SPOKANE, .Wash.. April 17. The
American Giants defeated the local
Northwestern League team today by a
score of 14 to 13. At the end of the
fifth inning Spokane was 10 rum ahead.
n. H. E. R. H. E.
Giants 14 18 91Spoksne ...13 21 4
Batteries Whitworth, Jenkins. Ball.
Wickware and antop; Browning-, Mil
ler. O'Laughlin. Salveson and Brenlgan.
Amity Blanks Mount Angel.
. AMITY, Or., April 17. (Specinl.)
Amity High School defeated Mount
Angel College here today 6 to 0. The
batteries were: R. Brown and P.
Brown, for Amity, and Sohler und Su
bert, for Mount Angel. Brown siru. .
out 16 and Sohler seven.
Amateur Baseball Bookings.
Tha Dalles vs. 8.. P. A 8.. at The n:tlloj,
2; Molalla vs. Union Ientlsts. at WoUlla,
2:30; Lang eV Co. vs. Montavllln, at Monta
villa grounds. 2:30: White Salmon va. Ste
venson, at White Salmon. Wash.. 2:3; Van
couver Barracks vs. Camas. at Camas,
Wash., 2:30; vs. Kenton Club, at
Gre.ham, 2:30; Golden Rods vs. Maccabees,
at Montgomery flats, 2: Pawnee Juniors vs.
Brookly.-is, at South Portland, 1:30; Villa
tiraya vs. Woodetock, at Eightieth-street
grounds. 2:30; Dayton vs. Hopewell, at bay
ton. Or.. 2::fci.; John S. Beolin vs. Columhla
Park Jurtlora. at Columbia Park. 1; Over
look vs. Foresters of America, at Overlook
grounds. 2:30; Waverley Caddies va. Olds,
Wortman A King, at Sellwood. 12:30; Ameri
can Laundry Company vs. Tlgard. at Tlgard,
2:30; St. Andrews vs. Alberts Milling Com
pany, at Fulton grounds, 2:30; North Port
land Tigers vs. South Portland Federals, at
Twenty-afth and Raleigh, 2; Piedmont Pi
rates vs. North Portland Tigers, at Pied
mont grounds, 10; Oregon Law School vs.
.... . o
- i -.
y . v
T.og Cabin Bakerr Company, at Monltnmtrf
flats. 3: Montavtlla vs. Peninsula Park. St
Montavlla 1; Celro Kolas vs. Vancouver
Barracks, at Vancouver. 2:3"; Klrkjiatrick
Stars V4. ooth Portland, at Hnuth IN.rtiand
bottoms. 2t; McMinnville vs. KhjhIhII's All
Stars, at McMinnville. 2:30; Vancouver
Tigers vs. Oelurr.bta Park, st ColornMa Tark.
2:30; Pioneer vs. Kldgefleld, st IlidKefleld.
Wa.h.. 2::o- lark Juniors vs.
Log Cahtn Haksry, at Columbia Park. lc::
St. Helens va La Center, at ft. Helens. 2::i:
Piedmont Indians v.. rieomont Artisans, at
Peninsula Park, 12 SO.
Princeton Crew Iefeata Navy.
ANNAPOLIS. Md April 17. Prince
ton varsity defeated the Naval Academy
senior crew In a race of a mile and
five-eighths on the Severn this after
noon by three and one-half lencth. The
time for Princeton wa 7 minutes 2
seconds. The Naval' Academy fourth
class defeated the Princeton frenhmen
for the same distance by four and one
half lengths. The time for the Naval
Academv wa 6 minutes r J reconrls.
CC TC 'aesiBt ml
r nr. Li !...,
r. GslamkVa Seas
Diamond Dope
Official PlsyingRuIss
Full of facta for fans
Contains rules for
Pitching Curves, life
histories and pictures of
Baseball Catalogue of
vXuaranteed. GOODS
Goldsmith's Guaranteed Official
League Baseball, used by the Pa
cific Coast League, here at $1.2.
The "Chase" Model First Baseman's
Mitt, here at $1.00
The "Scoop" Model Catcher's Mitt,
here at $7.00
Model "B" Fielder's Glove, used by
world's most famous players, here
at $t.OO
Model "A" 300 Per Cent Class Pro
fessional Baseball Bat $1.(K)
Boys Official Practice BaHcbalU
horsehide covered, regulation nize,
here at 5
Full Line of Baseball Uniforms, com
plete, $33 to $110
Get this I0KNKY HERS
nirwe modeled after
the glove used by the
famous Evers himself.
You can pull down the
high ones, in Dan sucks.
Come in and let u show ,
you. Put it on your hand I
A if it imn't the 11
finest glove youeveraaw. j .trr;-
No. 10X tan leather. 1.0Oi ,,,
Ne.2Sfla.hersehMia.2.00 V, f-.
All for sale by the a-"'"'
Trie QM-rrf 5roe or fcmnAW
Sporting Goods Store, Temporary An
nex, Fifth and Alder, First Floor.
Detachable Rowboat Motors
How boats,
s Ii" a r in u 8
Hi (!- I" --i-jr" trc. by over 15
!.'' ' V-STr: K o v e r n
V V-JT'"" men tii. The
Kvlnrtide is
world - fa-
I H Ss - 1""--. t m o u s lor
lj r-" -- remarkable
- r"'Hi."'"--"Cr'- power, speed
K li p 1 ' 'T !S."-:"" and wonder
1 ' ' '" fu' w a t er
4i.iw3 . ,, , - - proof mag-
mo u s for
S'.y.v neto built
JiX within fly
wheel. In
use l.y F. S. War Department, han
dling 30-foot pontoons. Over 4000 in
use in Columbia River, Alaska and
Scandinavian fishing fleets. A motor
you can carry by hand; will give as
much speed as average six-horsepower
motorboat, and the price of
858 to S83 is so low anyone can
own a motorboat- New special
model six-passenger boats as low as
$80. Free catalogue. Addres
EVl.VntDB MOTOIl to,
18" Morrlaoa St.
Ai-'M i 4 'J
A : - '. " V. J- i a