The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 18, 1915, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Oregon Attorney-General Now
in Washington to Intervene
t in State's Behalf.
i Wlicllicr Move Will Be Allowed at
r I, ale Dale ltcsls With Supreme
Court Argument ljikcly to
T Consume Two Days.
ington, April 17. (Special). Counsel
;ln the Oregon and California land grant
suit were advised at the United States
1 Supreme Court today that argument in
"this case, set for Monday next, pro
bably will not begin before Wednesday,
lowing to the crowded condition of, the
; docket.
Attorney-General Brown, of Oregon,
who is here to intervene on behalf of
'the state, will be admitted to practice
before the Supreme Court on Monday,
and when the argument begins will ask
.the court for permission to intervene,
' as directed by the Senate joint reso
'.. lution passed just before the close of
the last session of the State Iegis-
Intervention Depends on Court.
Thus far. the state has not been a
' party to this litigation, and it rests
with the Supreme Court to say whether
; it can, at this late date, become inter
. venor. If permission is granted, the
Attorney-General will file his brief on
. behalf of the state and make an oral
argument. Jn all probability, because
of the importance of the case, two days
i will be allotted for argument.
? The resolution of the Oregon Legisla
ture, directing the Attorney-General to
;. intervene in the land grant suit, recites
i thnt "It is of vital importance to the de
; velopment of the entire State of Oregon
I and several counties in which granted
' lands are located. that such lands
' should not be withdrawn from taxation,
but that they should be disposed of for
settlement and development under
terms of such decree as court may deem
1 Just and equitable.'
Importance of Cane Urafed.
The Attorney-General Is then directed
"to intervene on behalf of the state in
'such manner as may be permitted by
the rules of the court, for the purpose
' of securing and protecting the best in
terests of the state and its citizens, and
to take all steps and proceedings neces
sary or permissible to safeguard such
If permitted to intervene, Attorney
General Brown will lay this resolution
before the court, pointing out the vast
importance to the state of securing de
crees which will permit the prompt set
tlement and development of the dis
puted lands. In the event the decree
of forfeiture is sustained by the Su
preme Court, he will show that the rail
road company, which, in times past, has
paid more than $3,000,000 taxes on lands
involved In the suit, ceased to pay taxes
when the decree of forfeiture was re
turned in the district court of Oregon,
' and that since that decree no taxes
have been paid by the railroad com
SIMILST-' Taxes Still Unpaid.
' The total assessed tax still unpaid
, now totals $466,872. The state, as In
, tervenor, will ask that the decree of
the Supreme Court, in the event for
' feiture is sustained, require the rail
road company to pay all accrued taxes
to the date of the final decision of the
court. If the Supreme Court decides
in favor of the railroad company, the
lands will be subject to taxation and
accrued taxes will have to be paid.
In one sense, the intervention of the
State of Oregon is at cross purposes
, with the plea of the Attorney-General
of the United States, who asks for for
feiture, and that the lands involved
i revert to the public domain. It is the
desire of Attorney-General Gregory, in
the event the lower court is sustained,
that the lands forfeited be held until
Congress provides specifically for their
disposition. Attorney-General Brown,
under authority the Legislature, will
ask the court, if it-declares forfeiture,
to go further and decree that these
lands shall be so disposed of that they
' may be immediately opened to settle
ment and thereby become subject to
Foreit Reserve Wants Lands
When the innocent purchaser's act
- was under consideration several years
ago it was intimated that the Forest
Service, in the event of forfeiture,
: would ask that railroad lands be in-
- eluded, in the various forest reserves
to which they are adjacent, and it was
, to prevent this move that legislation
was framed directing that the lands,
. if forfeited, should be held until Con-
cress provided specifically for their
lix-Representative Lafferty, who is
counsel for the cross-complainants,
. filed his brief with the court today.
x Aislaiil Says Attorney-General As-
signed Jlim to Task.
J SALKAI, Or., April 17. (Special. A
report published in Portland that At-
torney-General Brown knew nothing of
the Senate resolution authorizing him
" to intervene in the land grant suit In
; the interest of the state until a few
days before he -started for Washington
"2 with his brief is at variance with a
stiitement made today by I. H. Van
t. Winkle, First Assistant Attorney-Gen-
A comprehensive brief was prepared
j by the Attorney-General, which he
took with him to Washington to file
V with the Supreme Court.
' Senator Day -requested this orfice
m to draw up a resolution along certain
J- lines and Mr. Brown assigned me to
do the work, said Mr. Van Winkle,
"1 drew the resolution, it being a part
of the work of this office to give Rep-
?- resentatives in the Legislature such at
i' sistanee, and Senator Day suggested
, several minor changes, which were
The resolution was discussed at
length in the Senate, and it was pointed
2 out that the state was losing a large
. sum of money in taxes under the pres-
. cnt status of the litigation. The At-
torney-UenerRl was directed to urge
".. that if the suit finally was decided in
favor of the Federal Government that
.. the land so forfeited not be placed in
reserves and thus withdrawn from eet-
tlement and taxation.
.- The lands belonging to the railroad
grant involved in the suit are in 18
i counties, which contain a total area of
i'3. 166.400 acres. The area of forest,
. Indian, and other reservations in these
f counties totals 8,871,754 acres. Adding
the area of the Oregon & California
v- grant, if forfeited and undisposed of,
" amounting to 2,074.161 acres, the totals
- of lands reserved from settlement and
taxation in these IS counties would be
, 10,9-10,915 acres.
"It will be Been," says the Attorney
' General in his brief, "that this total
-Is nearly one-half of the total area of
tbe IS counties and the Oregon &
California grant comprises nearly one
tenth of these counties.
"From the foregoing it is apparent
that the State of Oregon is vitally in
terested In the suit now at issue, not
only in respect to having the lands in
question subjected to settlement and
improvement, as . contemplated in the
provisions of the grant, in order that
these vast areas may be improved, but
also that the lands may not be with
drawn from 'taxation, thus depriving
the state, and especially the 18 coun
ties in which they are situated, of a
large proportion of their resources
from direct taxes."
-The total' taxes assessed against
these lands included in the grant for
the last year amounted to $466,872.87.
The total taxes levied for state pur
poses and apportioned to these coun
ties for the same year was $3,213,
763.97. Thus it will be seen that the
taxes against the lands in the grant
amount to more than one-seventh of
the entire state taxes derived from
the counties in which they are located.
"The State of Oregon does not wish
to be understood as in any way sug
gesting that the suit should not be
maintained against the defendants for
the purposes for which it was com
menced," concludes the Attorney-General's
brief, "and would urge the im
portance to the state of having the
action already taken and the decision
of the lower court upheld at least to
the extent that the defendants should
not be able to further withhold said
lands from development and settle
ment, and thus retard the growth of
the commonwealth.
"In view of the fact already given.
however, the State of Oregon wishes to
urge upon the court the importance of
such disposition being made of the sub
ject matter of this suit as will not de
prive the state of its revenue and
especially those counties affected by
reason of its granted lands forming so
large a part thereof, and to urge that
the lands be disposed of according to
the terms of the original grant, or in
some such manner as that they may
pass into the hands of actual settlers
for the purpose of homes, and that the
state may retain its lien upon them for
the taxes already levied and to be
levied in coming years.
"We believe the court has ample ju
risdiction over the disposition of prop
erty involved in this suit to make and
enforce a decree by which the lands
should be sold to actual settlers at not
to exceed $2.50 an acre, and in quanti
ties limited by the terms of the original
grant, and that persons applying to
purchase the same be required to make
proof of such settlement, and such fur
ther facts as the court may deem best
to require before the register and re
ceiver of the local United States land
offices, subject to inspection and re
port by the United States field agents,
disregarding all pretended and bogus
applications, and simulated filings here
tofore made or attempted to be made.
(Continued From First Page.)
question now remaining for you to de
cide, if you find for the plaintiff, is
as to the extent of the loss of prop
erty. In passing on the damage your
measure should be the value at the
time and the place at which the seizure
occurred, together with interest at 6
per cent.
"The contention made is that of con
version of property; that is, a wrong
ful or unlawful interfering or inter
meddling with and domination over the
property of another.
Question One of Legality.
"If the fact is established in your
minds that the defendant wrongfully
took and retained property of the
plaintiff, the latter is entitled to dam
age in the value of his goods. If on
the other hand you find that the de
tention was lawful or done in the ex
ercise of a lawful power, there can be
no recovery. In addition it must be
remembered that all acts of subordi
nates of the defendant are to be re
garded as acts of the defendant him
self. "Reference has been made to the lack
of popularity of the cause of the
plaintiff. The court and the jury can
not consider this.
"The case must be tried solely on the
evidence produced. The issue is, was
there any lawful authority for the Gov
ernor to remove the property of the
plaintiff? Whether the liquor business
is good or evil has nothing to do with
the case. .
"For the purposes of orderly conduct
of the government, the' constitution of
our state has defined the duties of
those in charge of governmental func
tions. The Governor is' given power to
enforce the laws, but the military is
to be kept in subordination to tbe civil
government. Everyone is allowed to
have a remedy by civil law.
Military Liable In Courts.
"The Governor is given the power to
exercise his discretion in declaring
martial law, may send tho militia to
any given territory and may go as far
as is necessary in enforcing the Jaw,
if acting on reliable information, lie
may suspend civil rule, but may not
adjudge or declare offenses. After
ward the military la liable in the courts
for any actions committed.
"No one is excluded from the protec
tion offered by the Constitution, nor
is anyone to be held answerable to it.
The redress of injuries is guaranteed
to all. Property may not be taken
except as a necessary adjunct to law
"The , question of whether or not
necessity existed for the seizure and
shipping of the plaintiff's goods must
be determined by the evidence, together
with the character of the defendant's
information as to alleged existing con
ditions, furnishing his motive for the
Convenience Mo Factor.
"If he was justified in resorting to
military actions and in seizing the
goods, the verdict must be for him. If,
however, the civil authorities are found
to have been willing to act, taking
away the property cannot be counten-
anced. Convenience and economy are
not to be considered."
In a final appeal to" the jury, Mr.
West spoke this morning on why he
removed the liquor and ho went deeply
into his knowledge of what crimes had
been caused by liquor, naming Blod
gett. Garrison and others. Hp said that
this knowledge made him fear that
there would be riot in Copperfield if
the saloons were kept open after Fern
Hobbs' visit. He blamed Baker County
officials for their inaction as justify
ing his action.
"Baker County was not singled out,"
he said. "You know what I did in
Douglas, Multnomah and Clackamas
Counties, but where I had the co-operation
of local officials in those places,
I was thrown on my own resources
Willingness to Pay Told.
In conclusion he said:
"If damages are found against me,
I am willing to pay the price. I would
give everything I possess to protect
the youth of this state. . I am answer
able to the people of this community
and to God Almighty or what I have
"These matters of personal rights
and property rights strike home dif
ferently. 'The verdict of this jury is being
anxiously awaited by every saloon
keeper, gambler and bootlegger in the
state, whom nothing would give keener
satisfaction than to see me stuck for
the money consideration in this case. .suffices for me to know that
every mother and every father knows
I was right and that I did what I did
because I believed it was the proper
thing to do. I would have been a
traitor to my state if I had disre
garded the Copperfield appeal. My act
was right In the eyes of the law and
in the eyes of God."
Government Contends Oregon
& California .Thwarted
State's Development
N'o Kcason Kxlsts, Says Brief, to In
dicate Congress Had Confidence
in Company Reverse De
clared to Be True.
ington, April 17. "The terms of the
actual settlers provisions of the acts
of 1869 and 1870 are as plain as lan
guage can make them. There cannot
be and never could have been any just
reason for misunderstanding their
meaning. More than 40 years ago the
Oregon & California Railroad Company
sought and obtained from the Secretary
of the Interior an interpretation of
those provisions which is in complete
harmony with what the Government
now claims. From that interpretation
the Government has never deviated.
Notwithstanding this, the defendant
company has flagrantly violated the
Congressional acts, and now seems to
think the Government harsh in calling
upon it to suffer the consequences of
its misconduct."
This quotation is from the conclu
sion of the Government's brief in the
Oregon & California land grant suit,
which is to be argued before the United
States Supreme Court next Tuesday or
Wednesday. The brief adds:
"There is not a single equity in the
company's favor. For every dollar in
taxes paid it has received more than
$3 out of the lands. For every dollar
in value given to the Government in
the form of free transportation it has
received about $6 from the proceeds
of the lands. For upward of a quarter
of a. century the company has, for its
own selfish purposes and in contempt
of the laws of the country, withheld
these lands from home-seekers and
thwarted the industrial development of
a large section of a great Btate, and at
this momtnt demands the right to con
tinue in Us vicious work of obstruc
tion." Cross-Complainants Called Trespassers.
Turning then to the cross-complainants,
who urge that the settlers' pro
vision creates a trust in favor of actual
settlers and that they are entitled to
avail themselves of it. the brief says:
"There is nothing in the actual set
tlers provision Indicating that Con
gress had confidence in the railroad
company. The reverse is true. Expe
rience had demonstrated that railroad
companies. In matters of the kind,
should be restrained, not trusted."
ZTurthermore, It is contended that if
the cross-complainants have actually
settled on the lands of the railroad
company, they are trespassers.
Of the interveners the brief says:
"The interveners claim that the grant
makes a standing offer to anyone who
may qualify himself to accept it. They
say that they have qualified them
selves by declaring their intention to
become actual settlers and tendering
the price fixed in the grant. They say
that their position is analagous to that
of pre-emptors and homesteaders. This
is on the assumption that the grant,
like the pre-emption, and homestead
acts, is an offer of sale, which we
deny. But suppose it is, when does the
pre-emptor or homesteader acquire a
vested right against the Government
Not until he has performed all that is
required of him by the law to entitle
him to a patent. Up to that time he
has no vested right.
Restrictions Are Ignored.
It is the contention of the Govern
ment that the actual settlers provision
constitutes a condition subsequent. "In
selling the granted lands the railroad
company has always ignored the re
strictions imposed by Congress," con
tend Government counsel. "The lands
have been disposed of solely with the
object of deriving the greatest possible
financial benefit therefrom. Nearly all
the more serious violations have taken
place since 1894, after an active de
mand for the land by speculators, in
large quantities, had been developed by
the Southern Pacific Company."
Denying that the principal object of
the grant was to secure the building of
a railroad, as asserted by the Oregon
& California attorneys. Government
counsel says:
"The project had its origin in the
desire of the people of the Pacific
Coast to develop the resources of that
rich area and to induce people to come
into it and settle upon the lands. The
building of the road was to be a means
to this end. The Government had no
pressing need, ' peculiar to itself, for a
railroad. Troops, the mail and prop
erty of the Government could be con
veniently conveyed by sea between the
different points on the Coast."
The Government contends the set
tlers' clause applied to all the granted
lands, timber as well as clear lands.
Even though some of the land cannot be
cultivated, it is contended the railroad
was still obligated to sell at $2.60 an
acre, the law .being specific on that,
point. 1
"If the railroad company had put
these lands on the market for sale ac
cording to the terms of the grants it
would have been demonstrated within
a short time that there were thousands
of people willing to take them and
establish their abodes thereon. If that
had been done, what is now a wilder
ness would be a land of homes filled
with happy and prosperous citizens,"
contends counsel for the Government.
Two High, and Three Grammar
School Vacancies Exist.
LEBANON, Or., April 17. (Special.)
The School Board this week selected
part of the corps of teachers for next
year. Four of the six high school
teachers were reappointed, the other
two not being applicants for positions.
The following are tbe teachers re
employed for next year: Frank Thor
darson. suDerintendent: Otto S. Kirsch-
ner, principal in high school; Miss Ruth
Peter and Miss Lottie Penn, teachers In
high Bchool; E. D. Botts, principal In
grammar school: Miss Jessie Reed, Miss
Otto Mayfield, Miss Frankie Allen, Miss
Hazel Hazelton. Miss Anna JJenman,
Miss Jessie Wilde, Miss Johannah His
lop. Miss May Rauch and Miss Cath
erine Lawler, teachers in grammar
Two high school and three grade
teachers will be appointed at the May
meeting of the Board.
(Continued From Flrat Page.
advancement toward a popular form
of government is. vastly easier than
it would be under imperial rule." '
The memorial oners explanation of
the shortcomings and enumerates the
achievements of the Chinese govern
ment. It denounces "Japanese aggres
sion" as "a danger not only to China,
but -eventually to America," and adds:
"Shall we go on forever being fooled
by fair speeches made at full-dress
banquets at the Japanese capital?"
Sloss and Gentle Interests Reaarded
as Important In Forming Working
Coatrol in Salmon Output.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 17 (Spe
cial.) It developed today that the
buyers of 8100 shares of Alaska Pack
ers' Association stock from the Sloss
and Gerstie families were not a large
Eastern interest as at first believed,
but the Armsbys of this city. Whether
the stock was bought for the account
of the Armsbys as individuals or for
the Armsby Company of New York, a
holding and financing concern, was
not disclosed.
It is understood that the presence
in New York of George Armsby has
something to do with the financing of
the purchase.
The J. K. Armsby Company has had
for some years a contract with the
Alaska Packers' Association for a large
part of the association's salmon out
put. Possibility that the contract would
not be renewed has been a serious
hazard for the Armsby Company. With
a large investment in distributing
facilities and organization it follows
that the relations between the two
concerns were vital to the prosperity
of the Armsby Company.
In the past the 8100 shares of Sloss
and Gerstie stock have formed a work
lag control of Alaska Packers, and it
is concluded here that the same stock
in the hands of the Armsbys will
serve the same purpose.
AS ris
Pupils Compete Jn Oratory.
MARSHFIELD, Or., April 17. (Spe
cial.) In the high school oratorical
contest last night at North Bend, in
which 10 students from the five schools
ot the county competed, 'Merton Tyr
rell, of Coquille, won the boys' prize
and Miss Anna Truman, of North Bend,
the girls'.
Douglas Pioneer Dies at 141.
ROSEBURG, Or., April 17. (Special.)
C. E. Marks, pioneer of Douglas
County, died here late today. lie is
survived by three sons. Mr. Marks
was 72 years old.
Fruit Union KIecs.
WHITE SALMON, Wash.. April 17.
(Special.) Ira E. Hyde has been elect-
Early to bed and early to
rise and stylishly dressed
the man who is wise.
There's a lot of mental
comfort in the knowledge
that Mr. or Mrs. Grundy
can never find fault with
your appearance.
The Goddess of Gossip
will proclaim you a winner
if you are wearing one of
our Schloss or Sophomore
Suits, at
$15, $20, $25
Let Us Show You
Cor. Fourth and Alder Sts.
ed president of the White Salmon Fruit
Growers' Union, to succeed A. B. Gro
shong, who resignea.
Stallion Miow to Be Held at Alhunj.
A LB AN V, Or.. April 17. (Special.)
A stallion show will be held hero In
connection with Albany's next month
ly publio sales day, April 2i. A parade
will be a feature of the event, in
structors from tho Oregon Agricul
tural College will make the award.
' ., SINCE 1877
:.gjii.nin' oiini mi misini in Hiinnii ""' """MI"M"MWW'''"'"W""'' ' " " n m mm i it " n mmi """r ' "'
See the Goods
Write Your Offer Seal It
Deposit in the
Auction IBox
At 5 P. M. each day we will open the box and award
goods to the highest bidder.
The Reason
We have investigated the possibilities of
disposing of these goods by regular auction
methods and find that there are many objec
tions. If you attend a regular auction for
the purpose of buying a certain piece you
have to wait around all day in order to get a
chance to bid on it and then perhaps some in
terested person is bidding against you. We
have therefore decided against selling out
this stock in the regular way.
Each piece offered at auction is marked
with red auction flag.
The goods that are offered at auction will be assembled
together with tho tegular price marked on them.
Any of the auction goods may be bought outright for ono
nalf the marked price.
No bids will be considered for less than 2S per cent of tho
marked price.
Right is reserved to limit the purchase of any ono person to
three articles in any one day.
Bids by persons unknown to us will not bi considered un
less a deposit covering CO per cent of the bid shall be made
at our office at the time the bids are opened.
A delivery charge will be made when we deliver any goods
purchased for less than half the regular price.
At 5 P. SI., each day. bids will be opened and sooda as
signed to the highest bidder.
Terms of the sale positively cash.
All goods offered in this sale are sold subject to anv dam
ages that may exist in or on them and are not guaranteed in
any manner, and no exchanges will bo made.
All goods at auction assembled on First Floor.
Whenever you feel a cold coming on, think
of the full name. Laxative Bromo Quinine.
Look for eisnature L, W. Grove oa bui, ic.
A Sensation in Furniture Selling tn
The Like of Which Has
ever Been Known
$ 8.00
$ 6.00
Fumed Oak, Upholstered,
Leather-Seat Rockers.
Upholstered Leather-Seat Arm
Fumed Oak Leather-Seat
Fumed Oak Leather Rockers.
Waxed Oak Leather Rockers.
Fumed Oak Leather Chairs.
Fumed Oak Rocker.
Fumed Oak Leather Rockers.
Fumed Oak Leather ' Rockers.
Fumed Oak Leather Rockers.
Golden Oak Black Leather
Birdseye Arm Rockers.
Mahogany Sewing' Rockers.
Leather Rockers.
Bed Room
$24.00 3:6 Twin Brass Beds.
$25.00 Three-Quarter Brass Beds.
$28.00 Three-Quarter Brass Beds.
$14.50 Three-Quarter White Iron
Beds, square post.
$55.00 Circassian Walnut Napoleon
$38.00 Mahogany Napoleon Beds.
$45.00 Mahogany Napoleon Beds.
$25.00 Golden Oak Napoleon Beds.
$48.00 Mahogany Chiffoniers.
$58.00 Solid Mahogany Chiffoniers.
$3600 Mahogany Chiffoniers.
$ 5.00 Oak Bedsteads.
$35.00 Satin Walnut Chiffoniers.
$36.00 Three-Quarter Folding Beds.
$39.00 Full-Sized Folding Beds.
What Will
You Give
For the
$ 4.00 Scotch Wilton Rugs, 27x54.
$12.00 Whittall Body Brussels Rugs, 4x7 feet.
$24.00 Whittall Body Brussels Rugs, 6:8x12 ft.
$20.00 Whittall Body Brussels Rugs, 6:7x8:3.
"$ 6,00 Whittall Body Brussels Rugs, 3:8x3:8.
$ 8.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 4x8:9.
$ 5.00 Hartford Body Brussels Rugs, 3:5x5 ft.
$28.00 Hartford Brussels Rugs, 6x12 feet.
Office Chairs
$ 3.00
$ 9.00
$ 7.50
$ 8.00
Golden Oak Office Chairs.
Revolving Golden Oak Office Chairs.
Revolving Golden Oak Office Chairs.
Revolving Golden Oak Office Chairs.
Office Arm Chairs.
Early English devolving Office Chairs.
Early English Revolving Office Chairs.
Typewriter Revolving Chairs.
Golden Oak Typewriter Revolving
Do You Offer
or Settees
$85.00 Brown Spanish Leather Davenports.
$55.00 Black Imitation Leather Davenports.
$15.00 Mahogany Settees.
$44.00 Black Leather Couches.
$28.00 Imitation Leather Couches.
$14.00 Black Imitation Leather Couches.
$16.00 Red Velour Couches.
Framed Pictures
$ 2.75
$ 4.00
$ 6.00
$ 5.00
$ 3.60
$ 3.00
$ 1.50
$ 2.00
$ .50
$ 1.00
$ 21.00
$ 32.50
$ 27.50
$ 6.75
$ 11.50
$ 7.00
$ 50.00
$ 60.00
$ 4.50
$ 3.50
$ 6.50
$ 7.50
$ 13.50
$ .90
$ 1.80
$ 5.50
Reliable Gas Ranges.
Combination Gas, Wood and Coal
Mahogany Globe-Wernicke Sec
tional Cases.
Golden Waxed Sectional Book
cases. Fumed Oak Fern Stands.
Early English Fern Stands.
Mahogany Fern Stands.
Weathered Oak Buffets.
Golden Oak Sideboards.
Leather-Seat Dining Chairs.
Leather-Seat Dining Chiars.
Golden Oak Magazine Stands.
Child's Bed and Springs.
Rattan Go-Carts.
Plate Racks.
Oak Plate Racks.
Oak Plate Racks.
Card Tables, Office Tables and Parlor Tables
Hall and Parlor
$ 6.00 Round Oak Card Tables.
$ 7.00 Office Tables.
$ 8.00 Office Tables.
$11.00 Office Tables.
$36.00 Eight-Foot Office Tables.
$ 5.00 Early English Stands.
$ S.00 Sewing Tables.
$13.50 Mahogany Parlor Tables.
$ 5.50 Golden Oak Card Tables.
$ 5.00 Weathered Oak Stands.
$ 6.00 Golden Oak Stands.
$ 5.75 VMahogany Stands.
$12.00 Golden Oak Parlor Stands.
$10.00 Golden Oak Parlor Stands.
$ 5.00 Weathered Oak Stands.
$ 5.50 Office Tables.
4.00 Hall Mirrors.
11.50 Umbrella Stands.
5.50 Weathered Oak Umbrella Stands.
11.00 Golden Oak Polished Pedestals.
17.50 Birdseye Writing Desks.
28.00 Birdseye Writing Desks.
8.00 Imitation Mahogany Arm Chairs.
13.50 Imitation Mahogany Arm Chairs.
$v11.00 Imitation Mahogany Arm Chairs.
$ 18.00 Upholstered Crushed Tlush
10.50 Imitation Mahogany Arm Chairs.
21.00 Mahogany Arm Chairs.
90.00 3-Piece Mahogany Parlor Sets.
39.00 2-Piece Mahogany Parlor Sets.
40.00 2-Piece Mahogany Sets.