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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 18, 1915)
Hp SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS VOL. XXXIV PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1915. NO. 1 4F When Yon Buy Furniture nio Gadsfoy LEONARD LOSES If! II SNAPPY INNINGS OI W Sons You Are Helping to Build Up Oregon Industrie It is absolutely necessary that you should grasp and hold on to this idea : It matters not how small your purchase may be with us or with your grocer, get Oregon-made goods if you can. It seems that one should not have to keep telling you this, but it is our hobby and it's beginning to tell. Get away from premium games and mail-order houses; buy from your own home people. We can furnish better goods for the same money and keep the money at home. All our furniture factories are putting more men to work. PROS PERITY IS HERE NOW. Don't that sound good to you? Just buy a dinky cake of soap, Oregon-made, and you have helped the community that much. What will it mean if our 200,000 people will all do this? Say, do it from now on and see what will happen. A Comfortable Rocker $12.50 m At thi3 low price every one ought to have one of our Large. Comfortable Rockers. They are made of the best leatherette, beautifully upholstered. now is your chance to get one for. $12.50 Room-Size Rugs $48.00 Bagdad Wiltons, 9x12 S3G.00 $42.00 Imperial Wiltons, 9x12 S33.00 $36.00 Ex. Wilton Velvets, 9x12, $29.50 $33.00 Sultana Axmins'rs, 9x12, S22.50 $25.00 Axminsters, 9x12 S18.75 $30.00 Body Brussels, 9x12 S25.00 $15.00 Irish Tapestry, 9x12 S11.50 $12.00 Jersey Wool Ing'n, 9x12 $ 9.00 $10.00 Union Ingrains, 9x12 $ 6.85 $25.00 Royal Brussels, 9x12, S18.00 Larger and smaller sizes- in proportion. Gadsbys' Spec'l Rocker $3.65 ; i ii Aiiiii inn niiiiji w r, 1 Large Broad-Arm Rocker, mission design, solid oak. wax finish, with comfortable saddle seat. Sold by others for 6. Gadsbys" CO CC price only PJsUJ Gadsbys' Spec'l Room Suite for $39.7 This dining-room suite, con sisting of buffet, china closet, 6 chairs and 6-foot extension table, all oak, wax finish, worth $55. Special this week for 39.75. Sideboards Like This at Gadsbys' for $14 If you want an ex tra heavy, massive sideboard at an ex tremely low price, we advise you to buy one of t h e s e. We have several patterns to select from. The base is 48 Inches wide and 24 Inches deep. The French bevel mirror is 16x 28. This sideboard is solid . quartered oak. finished golden. The best and biggest side board value in Oregon. Other stores ask 126.00 or $30.00. Gadsbys' price only $14.85 Gadsbys' Gas Ranges This Style 915. This, Style 25. GADSBYS GAS RANGES AL WAYS SATISFY Buy your gas range while the price is (jl r J20 eras ranees. sdIWJLm Gas Plates as low as 50? Old Stoves Tikn In Exchange for Kew Oiri. Our Club Plan of Easy Installments A f fords You the Most Liberal Credit This Davenport for $25.00 Has Automatic Action. Has a receptacle for b e d d i ng and makes a com fort able bed. Frame is of oak, seat and back are up holstered over oil - tempered steel spri n g s, covered in Chase leather. Retails at $30. Special this week at the small nriee of S25.00 SPECIAL VALUES THIS WEEK IN COMPLETE HOME AND SINGLE - ROOM . OUTFITS. Two-Room Home Outfits. $40 to $ 75 Four-Room Home Outfits $125 to $400 Three-Room Home Outfits ... .'.$60 to $250 Single-Room Home Outfits $ 25 to $150 FREE CREDIT TO ALL. Wm Gadsfo Corner Washington and First Streets in Piercey Defeats Tiny in Duel of Pitchers, Tigers Tak ing Game, 2 to 1. NO WALKS . IN CONTEST Beavers Score Lone Tally on Error. Carlisle Makes Spectacular One Handed Catcli and Saves Ven ice From Defeat in Tenth. Pacific Coast League Standings. W. L. Pct. W. L. Pet. Loa Angeles. 13 6 .6S4Qakland 8 10.444 San Fran... 10 8 .55o5alt Lake.... 8 " 8 .42 Portland.... 8 8 .471Venlee 6 10 .373 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Venice 2. Portland 1 till ln nlnjrs). At Los Angeles San Francisco 10. Los Angeles 2. At ban Francisco Salt Lake 1. Oakland 0. BY ROSCOE FAWCETT, Close to 3500 fans basked in the sunshine yesterday and saw Venice de feat Portland in a thrilling 11-lnning pitching duel 2 to I. Some of them saw more than a mere extra-inning defeat. We refer to those few buss under well meerschaumed straw hats, who realized, as the game drew near to a close, that they were being treated to a marvelous exhibition of control on the part of two big hurlsmlths, William Piercy and Tiny Leonard. There wasn't a man walked In the entire 11 frames on either side. The closest kin to a wild heave that was unraveled for the populace was a wobbly throw over second by Piercy to catch Stumpf in the seventh inning:. The Dull Bailed out to centerlield and Captain Bayless obliged by letting it get by him and Stumpf scored. Piercy's Support Sensational. That was Portland's sole registration although it required a couple of sensa tional plays by the Tigers to keep Piercy's earned run record down to nil. Piercy and Leonard really twirled wonderful ball. Piercy allowed five hits as against seven off 225-pound Tiny. And if it hadn't been for Tub Spencer and Joe Wilhoit the count would have been equal. Spencer opened the fateful 11th with a single to center, was sacrificed down by Piercy, and then, with two out, Wilhoit pelted a line drive over short stop and broke up the fun. Too much Stockton. That's alL Piercy and Wilhoit both had their edges filed oft in the California nuttery town. How Carlisle escaped, this burg Is beyond us, for Carlisle also bad a finger in the pie yesterday. If Carlisle had been 111 Instead of Gleichmann and Kane, Portland would have celebrated a victory and there would have been 10,000 fans out this afternoon rubbing it into Happy Hogan. Carlisle Save Game. Carlisle scampered back almost out of sight in the last half of the 10th, when things were beginning to reach the nervous stage, and plucked a sure triple off Lober's bat out of the ozone, using only one hand in his legerdemain. This bit of wizardry saved the game for the Tigers because Davis singled to center as next man up. His blow would have ended the battle. The first Venice tally crossed almost before the crowd had relaxed on the old pine boards. With two out in the initial inning Berger double to center. Bayless then plunked a single to short right field and Berger scored. The ball took a bad hop past Doane, but Bayless went to seed on third base. Portland had an opportunity to tally In the seventh, but failed to take ad vantage of a crack in the Venitian de fense. Stumpf started the embryonic rally by singling cleanly to center. Lober donated a slow shot to Purtell, who threw wild to first. It is a ques tion whether Stumpf could have scored or not. At any rate he stopped mid way between bags to ponder and was an easy out. Doane, Davis, Stumpf and Carlisle all inserted startling fielding stunts into the programme. Today's game will start at 2:30 o'clock. Score: Venice I Portland BHOE B H O A K 5 1 3 0 0 Doane.r. .. .".1401 0 O'Speas.m . . 5 IDerrlck.l . 0 1 lStumpf.2. 1 hi "'arlsch.c. 2 OILober.l . . . 6 llDavis.3. . . 1 OlCoItrin.s. . 4 ljl.eonard.p Usher.'. . Carllsle.l. Wllhplt.r. Heraer.s.. . Bayless, m. Rlsberg.l. Hetling.3. Purtell. 2. ""pencer.c. Piercy, p. . 3 t 1 1 2 0 IB 0 1 1 0 1 6 0 2 Fti 0 O IS) 2 3 0 o 1 o 4 O 1 0 o o 3 0 4 0 5 0 0 0 Totals.. 3T 7 33 18 4( Totals. ..38 5 33 18 1 Batted for Leonard in eleventh. Venice 1O0OOOOOO0 1 2 Hits 2110010000 2 7 Portland 0000001000 0 1 Hits 1002001001 0 5 Runs, Berger, Spencer, Stumpf. Struck out. by Piercy 3, Leonard 3. Two-base hits, Berger. Wilhoit. Sacrifice hits. Wilhoit, Piercv. Stolen base, Doane. Runs respons ible tor. piercy O, Leonard 2. Time of game, 1:48. Umpires, Finney and Williams. Xotes of the Game. Rieebera; held down first base in Glelsch mann's place. Gleischmann was nursing a game prop. see Doane -was caught off first base by Piercy In the first inning and beat the ball to sec ond base. Nick Williams had a close de cision and apparently got away with it. Mac sent Fisher out to hat for Leonard in the eleventh and it took a one-hand stab by Hetllng to keep Ous from b.-oalcing into the hit column. s Happy Hogan Intends to use Mitchell In the opening gamat Jiome Tuesday. "Doc" White, the peerless Chlcaro snath paw, and either Kieger or Martinoni will be the pitching choices today. e Happy Hogan denied yesterday that he Intended to eixn Arellanos, the ex-Salt Lake twirler. Arellanes telegraphed Hogan but Happy doesn t want niin. Wilhoit is a Kansas boy and played base, ball at 8t. Vincent's College. Lou Anseles. in lU7-Oe and at Ue Pauw University. 1IK and 1I10. He commenced playing profes sional ball at Stockton and was also farmed out to the Northwest League last season. Carlisle's hit In the sixth was scratchv. Ionard failed to touch the bag on a toss from Derrick. BOD IE DRIVES IX SIX RUNS Seal Fencebuster Makes Four Hits and Angela Are Beaten, 1 0 to 2. LOS ANGELES, April 17. "Ping' Bodie..the fence-buster, put San Fran Cisco back on the baseball map today. getting four hits out of five times at bat and driving in six runs, the Seals winning their first game of the week from Lo Angeles. 10 to 2. series now stands San Francisco 1 Angeles 4. Score: San Francisco I Los Angeles Bll OA Kj H 11 Fitzg'ld.r. Schailer.l. Bodie.m. . Downs. 1. . Jones, 3 . . . Charles, s. Schmidt. c. tvillilay.p. aep'lveda.c 1 0 0 okVolter.r. 1 3 0,Boles.c. ... 4 2 o limits. i 4 o 3 O OAbatein.l . . 4 X 8 0 U MaKgert.m. 3 1 3 3 2.l'Mullen,U 4 2 2 1 O.l'errj.i . 4 o 3 1 o H'nilller,3.. 4 1 0 1 OjLove.p 1 X UUil'errlit.p.. 1 o l.iorstmall.p 1 o liiarper... 1 1 The Los OAK 3 1 U 4 10 2 u 1 2 o ooo 4 2; 3 3 O 2 1 0 10 10 11 0 10 0 0 0 Totals ..3S 14 27 V 3) Totals. ..30 i) 27 13 4 Batted for Horstman in ninth. San Francisco 2 2 020301 0 lo Hits 2 103O3O4 1 14 Los Angeles ..OlOOOtfOU 1 2 'ts 11111201 1 Runs. Fitzgerald, Leard 3. Schaller 2, Jones. Killilay, Maggert. Terry. Three-base hit. Maggert. Two-liisa hits. Fitzgerald, Jones, Harper. Sacrilice hits. Leard, Boles, Charles. Struck out, by Love 1. Killilay 4. ferrllt 1, Horstman 2. Bases on balls, olt Love 3, oft l'erritt 1. oft Horstman 1. oU Killilay 1. Runs responsible tor. Love :t. ferritt 3. Horstman 1. hitb .1 -,., i- at bat off Love in 3 innings, taken out in fourth, 1 on. none out; 5 hits, 4 runs. 14 at bat off Perritt in 3 innings. Charge defeat to Love. Double plays. Jones to Iowus: Schmidt to Junes, Wolter to Absteln. stolen bases. Leard, Bodle. l'.ised ball, SehmidL. Time, 2:17. Umpires. Held and LlutliriM. BEE PITCHER MAKES HOME KIX Salt Lake Defeats Oakland, I to 0, by Virtue or Hall's Drive. SAN FRANCISCO. April 17. Hall. pitcher for Salt Lake, knocked a home run in the fifth inning in the game with Oakland today and won the game by a bcore of 1 to 0 for his team. Salt Lake secured, six hits and Oakland four. Three errors were charged up against Oakland. Score: Salt Lake i Oakland an ci A 4 u 2 v OiM'ndorff.r 4 0 2 1 Manila.-. . 1 2 O 0 J'hnafn.m 2 1 0 O Ness.l. . . . 0 13 1 OiLinunay.3. 0 3 4 OlMld'toli.iu 10 2 O.l.Jtichl.a.. 1 0,Kuhn,c BOSTON WINS BUT EVERS IS INJURED Braves' Captain Will Be Out of Game for Two Weeks. Team Bunches Hits. MATHEWSOM BATTED OUT Shinn.r.. . Orr.s Zacher.m. Kyan.l Tennant.1 Gedeun,2. Baroour,3 Kohrer,c. Hall, p. ... a H OAK 4 0 10 1 2 1 3 .1 0 3 0 1 0 0 4 0 lo 0 0 0 Z 0 Abies, p .. .. Gardner. M'larkey.p Alcock'.. 0 0 8 : 1 0 0 0 1 o o ; 0 0 o o Phillies Xow Only I'nbcateii Team in National League Pirates and Cards Win (iamcs With Miitli-Iniiins ItalliCH. BOSTON. Aoril 17. Captain Jolinny Evers, of the Boston Nationals, strained a tendon in his left log and was car ried off the field during the game in which Lioston defeated Brooklyn. 5 to 1. today. The accident occurred when livers slid into second lute in tie eighth inning. It probably will keep him out of the game for two weeks. The Braves showed a return to hat ting form, their runs being scored hv bunched lilts. Three Brooklyn runners were caught off the bases, two of them in one inning. Score: Totals. 23 4 27 17 1 Totals. 28 4 27 14 3 Gardner batted for Abies In Stli In ning; Alcock ran for Manila 1n th Inning. Salt Lake o u o 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 Hits 1 o 0 V 1 1 1 O I Oakland o 0 O 0 o 0 0 0 0 U Hits 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 U 4 Run, Hall. One run. 4 hits off Abies. 27 at bat, in 8 innings. Home run. Hall, 'i nree base hit, Hohrer. Two-bate lilt, Manua. Sacrifice hit, Johnston. First base on tailed balls, off Hail 2, Abies 2. struck out, by Hall 3, Abies 2, Malarkey 2. Double plays, Manua to Litschl to .Ness; Utdeun to Orr to Tennant; Kuhn to Manda. Kun respon sible for. Abies 1. Left on bases. Salt Lake 7, Oakland 5. Time, 1:2s. Umpires. Phjia and Totnan. ItCTCLBACII BliATS K1G CIIUCF Newark Keds Win. I'roni Baltimore, While Bender Is Hit Hard. NEWARK, N. J., April 17. Ed Reul bach, formerly of the Brooklyn Na tionals, met Chler Bender, late of the Philadelphia Athletics, here today in a Federal league eame between Newark and Baltimore and Reulbach, though wild at times, was Invincible In the pinches and was well supported by the champioits. The score: R. H. E. R. If. E. Baltimore .1 6 lNewark. ...5 11 1 Batteries Bender and Owens; Reul bach and Rarideu. Brooklyn 8, Buffalo 4. BUFFALO, N. Y., April 17. Brooklyn overcame a three-run lead and carried ofT the opening game from Buffalo here today, 8 to 4. Hal Chase lined out his first home run of the season. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Brooklyn. .8 8 ZiBuffalo.' ,...4 9 1 Batteries Lafitte, JSeaton and Land; Schulz, ICrapp, Ford and Blair. Pittsburg 1, Kansas City 1. PITTSBURG, April 17. Pittsburg opened its season at home today with a 4-to-l victory over Kansas City, siul lop was knocked out of the box in the fourth inning. Allen, who had held the visitors to four hits, wavered in the seventh and was replaced by Knetzer. The score: R. H. E. It. H. K. Pittsburg. .4 9 0K. C 1 8 I Batteries Allen, Knetzer and Berry; Cullop, Henning, Blackburn and Easterly. Chicago 4, St. Louis 1. ST. LOUIS, April 17. Three runs in the eighth inning broke the tie in the opening Federal game here today and gave Chicago the victory over St. Louis 4 to 1. Oovernor Major, of Missouri, pitched the first ball. The score: R. H. E. R. H. E. Chicago. . .4 7 0St. Louis.... 1 5 3 Batteries Hendrix and Wilson; Groom, Watson and Hartley. Buckles Wins Pool Tourney. The final match of the Buckles Weber pool, tournament In the Idle Hour Billiard Parlors was played last night and resulted in Weber being de feated, 230 to 176. The result of the tourney stands: Buckles 750. Weber 6-S. XaTy Tennis Men Win. ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 17. The Naval Academy defeated Dickinson College at tennis today, winning four singles and two double sets. Baseball Statistics. STANDINGS OF THK TEAMS. National League. W L Pet. 3 0 l.OOo Plttiburi... 2 11 .600, St. Ixuis... 2 ..00 Huston . . . . J 2 .OooilJrooklyn . . American League. 2 1 .B7,Washlni!ton Z 1 .17 Chlcaso. . . . 2 2 .'") Philadel'la.. 2 .000 Cleveland.. Federal Iaitue. Brooklyn.. 3 1 33 Pittuburg. . Chicago... 4 1 .oot'.Huffalo. . .. Kan. t.ity.. 4 3 .571, Baltimore.. Newark... 4 8 .07181. Louis... Phlladel'la New York. ChU ago. . . Cincinnati . Boston. Detroit. New York St. Louis Pet. .000 .200 .500 ..Vm .3.-;:; .42! .:i:i;i .'2 ni .200 America AMrlatlon. Louisville. 3 0 l.hoo st. Paul... 1 2 Indlanap'is 'J 1 .M7 Milwaukee.. 1 2 Kan. Cltv.. 2 1 . 17 .Cleveland .. I Mlnneap lis 2 1 .6o7Coluinbus.. 0 3 Braver Batting Average. AB. H. AV. Aft. H. .3:u .:i:is .ooo Stumpf... 6S 2 HICK Kircher. . CariPCh . . Speas. . .. Lober... . Derrick . . Callahan . KlKhcr. .. Poane . . - 11 15 l.i U 111 4 1 SS :,9 14 65 17 U 1 8 .:tu7,roltrln 43 .tti4 Krauss. . . .ii.iM Davis 3t 11 .324 I.ush S '' .-H4.KvH.ns.... 2V Murphy. . Leonard .. j:.n Mnrlinnnl. 1 0 2.wiCovelesk!e 8 O -.1 074 151 A v. .-:,2 l .-oo . 1 5l 1 .14:i 1 .m:j a .117 l .m .OHO .000 Xeftterdar's Results. American Association Louisville 1, Co lumbus 0; Indianapolis 8, Cleveland 8: Kan sas City 18, tit. l'aul 1: Minneapolis 0. Mil waukee 1. Where the TeMtns Play Today. Pacific Coast Leaitue Venice at Portland, Pan Francis'-o at Los Anpels. Oakland ver sus Salt Lake, at ban Krancisco. How the Series Mand. Pacific Coast League Venice 8 games. Portland 2 games: Oakland 8 games. Salt Uh City 2 games; Los Angeles 4 games. ban Francisco 1 earn. 11 If ) J 1 1 J 0 u 1 il l it II S 1 :: i 0 o J 1 1 1 4 1 1 I 1 lirooklyn- OMara.s. M vera. in . S hult... Wheat.!.. Dauhei 1.1 i 'iithli' w , J Melifl,!'. Ac'liis'n.p Kiieiii.i.. H'nn-l.-.l Llsau . . Totals Z! 9 14 of Ttnl Untied for Aiu-mnon In eighth. i-r ijuuoit in eiKnili. Hrooklyn i o 0 n 0 o 1 0 1 Domoii u o 0 o 1 1 u a 4 Kun O Mars, Miii-iii, Klt.njii i t- k. Cn- MilHi'i', lllitli. 'l'ttu-basu hut. u'Mrfiu, lT, Stlntli 2, Mu;'" .-.i!-n dnubl i!a, MHi.imilie anil O I) I Bosiuu A K 0 V Moran.r. . 1 It l.velK,.'. . . :; i-'iiitp'ii.j.. 0 0 l at !i.t, 1 . . 0 0,i 'iiniiii. .1 a 0 M an--, in . . t o s.-ii.ti i. ii. t - sitii t ti. . . 3 0 M'r'ui . 1 o i ly . . . tl 0 i.'ruleln-r.n 0 u Si i ami, p . o A K 0 I) 2 1 0 0 il 0 u a u o 3 o " o a u u u I J 7 4 S II Halted e I Uf llilitli; K tf a ii 1 . i n ii . ti i; , llri artv, ( iiah-, Alaat: Kv,-r; Iium.jh on ba,ls. lilts, off Allctuiit.ri 3 In one lunula: Crulriur. 8 in 7-1 o?f Strand, ulic In I '--J. r-tiui' AlfhljMtn Siian.I, I; CViltcher. 1. Lnipii's - llyron and uiili. JMiiliiilclplila 7, .Vciv Vtii L 1. NEW YORK. April 17. The l'hil.idcl phia Nationals remained tlie only unoe feated team In the major I.'ngiii-K to day, when they won an eui-.y victory over New York, 7 lo 1. Alexander hud the locals at hi.s tin ley ji.ti l' t l is best In the pinches. Si-ni'i-' i'hllailelptila I N. Y'jil. - n u o A K ii II u .v I; Bvrne.3... 4 I 1 I o .-n i.dii -. Tl 4 1 2 on df l.s 4 1 - 3 I t . 2 . . . 4 - - ., II.. kr.l. .. :; ii oUl.iiUfn,:i... -I 1 1 It It : i a vat h.r . 41 u e I 1. i : -li, i . . 4141 Wliltt' 4 1 a o o Hio ns.l . . .. I .' o i Mehotf.l". 4 ll - - f Mf l I. le. I . .. o 1 I Luderns.l. il 'I !l 1 II Murrnj.r.. 4 1 1 0 (I Kiillfer.c.. i 1 li It 0 M. j . . . 4 o .". it AJttxan'r.p. o 1 4 11 a lie ''u. i o o o on lUiil-ei-tunn- 1 ooo o 1.-1 i-.nni. . ... 1 O o J I ;i-.ra inci tl- 1 o o o u (KitLer.p. ... o o n 0 o HJI JUL" -. . 1 o o 0 o Totals. 3J 27 111, Total.. :;4 K 1'7 1 ' .. Halted for Mathewbon in thlf'l. Hatted for Stroud In eevenlh. Hutted for Hitter in ninth. Philadelphia - " '- -' 11 1 n "7 New York o o o 1 0 o n o o t HunK, Hvine, iianirori. H.-rkiT, I'ruvalh. Niehoff. l.udcnu. KilllfT. Lobelt. liases ell errors, Nw York 1, 1'liil.iWcIphla -. Two-hRs ilits, Doyle, Lul'iun. l''le teller. Craaih. Home run, Craath. sroh-n Iihsph. lluneiort, SnnuKrufH. DoutilM ii'a. Meyeis lo r' ie I eli r . Nanus on tall, otf MatheWMMl off Sirouil 1. on Alex.'lii'ler 1. Struck out. by Alex ander ., l,v Slroud by Hitter 1. Wild pucH. Stroud. Hits, otf Malhenfon, 4 in :; iuriipi;i; off Stroud, 'J In 4 inninKn: otf Hitter, 2 In 2 inning. I'nipirfii, Hiplcr and Hart. Pill-tiurs :t, CiiK'iiinali S. CINCINNATI. April 17. A nllith InniiiK finish in which Piltsbuig forced Pitcher Brown from the box, scoring two runs before the tide was stemmed, enabled the visitors to win today, u to 2, and break even on the scries. Killifer was credited with a home run in the first inning when LeJetine misjudged a liiuli fly. Score: Pittsburg I Clnclnnall- H O A E 11 ii .", o o-l?ncii,ni ... 4 O o HcrzoK.s. .. I 2 liiKHlltVr.l . . . .1 II II A llIKO,.. . . 1 il ii ii ittitli.r. . 4 4 o ;ioii,:i :t J II ll:ton.'J .... '2 II o Tr'nibley.zz 0 0 ilollwiti.l . 1 li'lnrhe.c. . . :: 0 Brown. p . . . O OAmcs.p. . . . O 0 it 3nrey.l . . . lolinul'ii.l .11 Vlox.o... .4 Hln.hii.r. 4 :t lelber.s. ..4 M'Carthy,2 :l Hand... . . II wOStello. I -tehang.c . . 3 4dainp.p. . -Mam'nux.p 1 V agner, . 1 II ll 1 ii 1 II CI A B 1 4 II It 1 o o 0 II 1 i o 4 0 II II II o 0 2 ii ." (I II II II II 1 II O II O II o l; 1 Totals .:14 7 27 12 01 Totals ..:il H: Halted lor Adams in eighth. Hatted for McCarthy In ninth. zHHtted for Kiliifcr in ninth. szllattud for Olson in nuilli. Pittst.uig ii I ii o ii ii ii Cincinnati ....I 1 o n l " o it o J Runs. Hine.hman, ljc.luue 2, Kiliifcr. dull. Two-base hltH. Illicit. Hlnchnisli. Home run, Kiliifcr. Stolen bases. Johnston. Klllifer. Earned run, off Admits 1. off Urown 1, off Ames 1. Double ilnyti. Adams to I ierber to Johnston: Olson, llerzoir to Mnllwltz. Hases n balls, off Adams 1. o'f Matiintiiux 1. orr Hrown 1, on Ames 1. Hits, on" AdMins 5 In 7 Innings, off Munimau I in J innings, off Brown li in h 1 -3 tlinluss. on Adams I In 2-3 inning. Struck out, by Adams 2, by Mum niaus 2. by Hrown 4. by Ames 1. Lmplien, Klein, and Einslle tit. Louis 7, Clilcaso i. CHICAGO. April 17. A ninth-inning rally gave St. Louis the final game of the series with Chicatro today. 7 to 4. After Cheney was forced to retire, Vaughn's first ball was a wild pilch, which allowed Hugging to S'-ore the tying run. Zimmerman had his first run-In of the season with the utnplrej today and was sent to tho clubhouse. Ecore: bl. Louis 1 Chicago K K O AE H 11 O AJ-: Hucglns.2 2 ii I :io loorl.r.... 4 o 2- oo Heschcr.l. 1 1 0 0 O Klsner s. . . 4 1 (I II 4 1 4 "' h nl t i 1. . 4 0 n 1 "I Mlller.l.. 3 1 11 1 0 .inrer n.3 I 1 t Z ' Wilson. r.. :! 1 4 ml .irrldcn.:; 0 o 1 In Dolan.r... 1 1 li il ii -sler.l . . . . 4 2 11 I Keck. J... . o OO'WIU'ms.m 2 o 1 oo Dsrlimcr.s 4 1 2 1 0 n her.c . . 2 n .'I 1 n Hutler.s.. 1 1 0 OOPhelsu.2.. 4 2 2 4 o Tlenn.c.. . 4 2 o 11 whcl.t 1 o 1 .". o NlfhauH.p 4 1 II 3 o I 'heney.p. . 1 II O till bailee. p.. O (I 0 0 VauKhn.p. O II to (- K niseis . . 1 1 I) O ll liHrcana'n 1 0 0 o Totals. .32 10 27 9 1 Totals. ..20 7 27 2 J 0 Hatted for Archer In ninth. tH.-itted for Vauahn In ninth. SI. inils 1 o 2 n k o 47 i.'hlrano li 2 2 ll o ii ll a 4 i'.nns, tlURfllil :. Herher, Iiqk. IWiIsii, Nlehsu". liood, Pisher, Zlmmertnan, Ssler. Two-bise li'ts, Zimmerman, Saier, v'l'ioii. Three-base hli. Long. Stolen liases. Nlehstis. Fteneher. Earned runs, off .al-el :. tiff l 'honey 2. off Vsuehn 2, off S'lehans '2. liiilitilo play. X,.ibei to Zimmerman fo Sair. Miller to Darlnrer. Miller ( unnfmlMiii I. llHe on balla. off z.-ihel 7. off Niehaun h. off Ciicp.y 3. Hits, off .ahl 3 In 4 1-3 In. nln-rs, off Cheney 4 in :t 2-3 innlnK4 and none rut In ninth, off Vauchn 3 in 1 Inninu. off Nlehaus 7 in 8 Inninxs and none out In ninth, off Sallee none In 1 Innlnir. struck out. by Zabel 1, by Nlehaus 4, by Cheney 2. Wild pitch, Vaughn. Umpires, tjuigle.y and Esson.