The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 18, 1915, Section One, Page 15, Image 15

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All Comforts and Love of Parental Domicile Are Enjoyed and Feeling of Strangeness Is Absent Under Manage
ment of Portland Woman's Union.
Do Not Overlook Music in Your Home
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AT 510 Flanders street there is lo
cated a building- recently christ
ened "Anna Lewis Hall." It is a
home in which student and working
girls find all the comforts.
Anna Lewis Hall, conducted under
the auspices of the Portland Woman's
Union, has an atmosphere of friendll
nes. It is cosy and "homey' and the
girls who live there are like members
of one bis family in which love abid
eth. There is none of that feeling of
strangeness and loneliness of the bar
ren rooming place. Mrs. J. B. Crozier, the
superintendent, makes her girls feel
that the place is in reality theirs.
During the past year girls who have
gone away from Portland, those who
have married or who have secured po
sitions elsewhere, have written loving
letters to the superintendent and to
the board of managers, telling them
how happy they were while in the
Hall. Those who 1 ad lived In the pro
verbial hall bedrooms before they re
Bided at Anna Lewis Hall; those who
had found stuffy rooms and no com
fort elsewhere regretted that they
could not be back again in "the 3ear
old place."
For more than 25 years the Port
land Women's Union has been organ
ized and they' built their residence for
girls many years ago and planned to
begin the erection of a new building
this year, but on account of financial
conditions it was decided to wait and
so the old building was repainted and
renovated thoroughly within and with
out. Now it is attractive and comfort
able and everything is as fresh and
trim as heart could wish.
The hall was named for Mrs. P. J.
Mann, whose maiden name was Anna
Lewis. Mrs. Mann takes a great in
terest in the work and has been gen
erous in her gifts, but more than gift
of cash or property is appreciated her
interest and devotion to any good
cause and she is especially interested
in making girls happy.
Anna Lewis Hall is not a charity in
any sense of the word. All the girls
pay their way, but of course every
thing is so well managed that they get
their rooms and board at a remark
ably low rate and the comforts of a
home are all thrown in as extras.
Mrs. J. B. Comstock Is president of
the Portland Woman's Union and the
membership includes a number of
prominent women, all of whom are ac
tively interested in any enterprise that
Is for the welfare of the young girls
and women who work and whom they
regard as their young friends.
Baritone Singer at Baker Discovered on Pacific Coast Only Few Years
Ago and Wins Recognition in Europe.
SEVERAL years ago a little Ar
menian boy was selling papers on
the streets of Seattle and undergoing
all the vicissitudes of the average
newsy fighting for his "corner" and
trying to dispose of his armful of
uxtras" just as we see and hear hun
dreds doing- on our streets every day.
He was Flllipo Bennyan. now leading
baritone with the Italian Opera Com
pany, a handsome, highly educated
young man, speaking several languages
fluently and versed in all the famous
operas of the day. His singing of the
role ot "Rigoletto" has already estab
lished him in the hearts of Portland
music lovers as well as the leading
baritone role in "II Trovatore." He will
be heard to strong advantage also Mon
liay evening lp "I Pasllaccl." .
air. Bennyaa virtually yr&Q "Glsc&f
ered" in San Francisco by Gogorzii and
Emma Eames'during their concert tour
in 1912, and later while In Seattle they
induced him to go to New York. Recog
nizing at once the great possibilities
of his splendid natural vocal powers,
well-known teachers advised him to
go to Milan, which he did and ten
months later he made his debut at
Treviso. Italy, In the hole of Figaro In
"The Barber of Seville." His success
rw&s Instantaneous and' he was soon
the proud possessor of contracts for
Austria, and Spain with a dazzling for
eign career Just within his grasp when
the war broke out
If there Is one business that has suf
fered more than another from the war
it is grand opera, but that is familiar
history now. There was nothing to do
bat to return t America ana fcia ilre.t
engagement was with the National
Grand Opera Company in Los Angeles,
last January. The company played
three weeks to big business at top
prices, and Mr. Bennyan was one of
the most popular of all the artists
Portland has been quick to recog
nize the talent with which nature has
endowed him and has already singled
him out to be one of the strong fav
orites vof the organization that is now
engrossing the attention of every music
lover in this city.
First Cornishman What do 'ee think I've
a-zeed? Bill smith struntr up in tiie barn.
Angna 'uself! Second Corniehman 'Anged
usself, 'ave 'ee? And what's do? Cut eu
down? First Cornishman Cut 'en down?
No; ee warn't dead yet.
What Is Better Than a Beautiful Piano
or Player Piano?
If your home lacks the harmony of music, it lacks an essential feature
that will tend to lift up those you love to a higher plane in life.
In buying pianos, look beyond the instrument to the store behind it
your guarantee.
Pianos, if they are the right kind, are bought only once in a lifetime.
There is much in the selection of the right instrument, but it is of equal
importance to buy a piano from the right store. It is the dealer to whom
you look in event of any dissatisfaction that may arise. Eilers Music House
has attained the proud position of being the largest and most reliable'
musical instrument house in the West.
"These are the times for you to purchase to the greatest advantage"
and this is really one money-saving opportunity that you cannot afford to
Have you investigated our "500 Piano Club"? If not, it would be
greatly to your interest to do so. This unusual plan is far-reaching. It
is new and original and offers many advantages. You can associate with
499 others and league together in wholesale buying.
Buying and selling as we do in large quantities, on our little-profit-per-piano
basis, we have always made the lowest possible retail prices. By
taking advantage of the "500 Piano Club" you can secure a saving that you
cannot possibly do otherwise in buying a new piano.
Call today, write or phone us and let us outline to you the fairest, best,
safest and most economical piano proposition ever made.
See window display of club pianos this week.
Convenient terms can be arranged.
Would you like to go to the Panama Exposition
in San Francisco at our expense? We are offer
ing free trips in connection with our "500 Piano
Club." Let us explain how easy you can go.
Call, write or phone today. It is to your interest.
at Alder
Workings of Self-Goveriunent System
as Established at Brownsville
Is Proved Bis; Success.
Elmer F. Goodwin, principal-elect of
union high school district 2, at Gresh
am, has had 20 years' experience and
is considered an educator of advanced
ideas. He has been principal of the
Brownsville High School.
Mr. Goodwin has been graduated
from the Bridgeport High School, the
Fairmont State Normal School, the
West Virginia University and took
post-graduate work in West Virginia
University and the University of Ore
gon. His work as teacher began in
West Virginia, and he steadily ad
vanced until he was elected principal
of the Concord Normal School, and
then took the principalship of the
Shepherd Normal School.
At Brownsville High School Air.
Goodwin's work has attracted wide at
tention in the state. He Introduced
the self-government system, which has
proved a complete success. lr. C. IT.
Hodge, professor of biology of the Uni
versity of Oregon, recently had occa
sion to visit Brownsville.
"On coming to the school." said Pro
fessor Hodge, "I immediately felt an
atmosphere of order. The building
and grounds were in perfect condition,
due, I was informed, to the students
themselves. Professor Goodwin ex
plained the system, and said, A11 I
have to do is to teach, and the stu
dents do the rest.' Of all the schools
I have visited I can truthfully say
that I never visited a school in which
the principle of self-government has
been bo successfully worked out as
at the Brownsville High School."
Mrs. Nellie M. Wade, graduate of
the Fairmont School, of Nebraska, and
Miss Vaughn McCormack, graduate of
the University of Oregon, are the new
teachers elected. Mrs. Helen Pomeroy
was elected teacher of music. In all
there will be six teachers. It is ex
pected that about 150 students will at
tend the opening of the school this
Matches- in Xest Revealed as Cause
of Blaze by Investigation.
Hats and matches caused a fire at
863 East Sherman .street Wednesday
afternoon, according to a report of Fire
Marshal Stevens made yesterday lol
lowing an investigation of the fire. A
paper rat nest was found in the house
with a burned rat and several charred
Marshal Stevens warns home owners
to keep matches away from reach of
the rats. They carry them away and
store them in paper nests. Gnawing on
them often causes fires.
Company, gave a private tryout yes
terday of the playlet "The Wife-Saver,"
in which they are to appear at the
Empress Theater all week, beginning
with the matinee tomorrow. The try
out was attended by newspapermen,
theater managers and others. H. W.
Pierong, manager of the Empress, ex
claimed, "Bully!" at the finale of the
sketch, and Howard Russell, author
and producer of several vaudeville
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Elmer F Goodwin. Principal
Elect of Union High School
District 2 at Greshnm.
sketches, proclaimed it to be "a sure
fire hit."
Novelty is the predominating fea
ture of "The Wife-Saver," the story
being built around a make-believe deaf
and dumb stenographer, who by arti
fice brings about the reformation of
a real estate dealer who has an affin
ity. Miss Baker has the role of the
stenographer, and Mr. Gilbert is the
realty dealer upon whom the tables
are turned. Comedy prevails In the
sketch, and it also has a touch of
"The Wife-Saver" was written by
Frank J. McGettigan, assistant man
ager of the Empt jss. Negotiations are
under way for Miss Baker and Mr.
Gilbert to traverse the Loew circuit
in the new vehicle.
Walter Gilbert and Miss Baker Make
Hit at Private Tryout.
Walter Gilbert and Mary Edgett
Baker, formerly- of the Baker Stock
Trout Fry Planted Xeur Kelso.
KELSO. Wash.. April 17. (Special.)
Deputy Fish Commissioner J. P. Mil
lett and County Game Warden AVilliam
Lyon released about 90.000 lake trout
fry in Silver Lake this week and about
16,000 fry In Olsons Lake, Just west
of Kelso. These fry came from the
state hatchery on the Kalama River.
At the same time Ueputy Fisli Com
missioner Burcham took 30,000 trout
fry down the Columbia River in his
patrol boat to Wahkiakum County for
distribution In the streams there.
Toledo Loses Old Resident.
CENTRALIA, Wash., April 17. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. G. R. Ball, one of Toledo'!
oldest residents, died Wednesday night
at the age of 69. The funeral was
held yesterday, the Toledo post of the
Women's Relief Corps having charge of
the services.
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"Artist's Romance" to Be Presented at
Eleventh-Street Theater April 30
to Aid Poor Children.
"An Artist's Romance," a clever little
drama, is to be produced by local talent
in the Eleventh-Street Theater the
night of April 30. under the auspices
ot the teachers of the Stephens School
of this city. The proceeds will be used
for charity, the plan being to assist
some of the poor children of the city
who find difficulty in attending school
because of lack of funds to buy books
and other necessities.
The play selected is a particularly
popular one and has been played by
Mary Pickford, as well as other popul
lar actors and actresses. The feminine
roles will be taken by Portland society
women and the male parts are to be
handled by professionals. Walter Gil
bert is directing the production.
Miss Harriett J. Hmuckler will take
the leading role in the play. Others
who will take part are Miss Marguerite
Thompson, Mrs. Anton Giebtsch, Mrs.
Thompson, Bert Stevens, John Adams,
Guy Reynolds, Walter Kelly and Jack
Miss Smuckler has the management
of the play.
The teachers of the Stephens school
are receiving the hearty co-operation
of the Parent-Teacher Association as
well as other organizations of the city
and many society women.
The list of patronesses follows:
Mrs. Kvurelt Amos, Mrs. W. C Alvord,
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer, Mrs, S. M. Blu
mauer, Mrs. Gnorxe I Haker, Mrs. M.
Haruri, Mrs. John i. BurKard, Mrs. Kobert
Berger, Mrs. WilHam Brewster, Mrs. fedward
Boyce, Mrs. Thomas c. Burke. Mrs. Frank
E. Dooly. Mrs. Julius Durkhelmer. Mrs.
Albert l-'eldenhMlmer, Mrs. Charles Keluen
heimr, Mrs. 1. II. Klynn, Mrs. Si;mmKl
Frank. Mrs. J. T3, Farrell, Mrs. tiolomun
Ulrscli, Mrs. M. X. Hall, Mrs. Thomas Krs
kine, Mrs. Harry Ijins, Mrs, J. . Teal, Mrs.
Rosroe Uiltner, Mrs. David Honeyman, Mrs.
J. W. Ladd, Mrs. John Manning, Mr. K.
Joplin. Mrs. K. Smuckler, Mrs. P. J. Mann.
Mrs. K. J. Shevlln, Mrs. C. H. S. wood, Mrs.
Charles Kamm, Mrs. J. V. O'XJrien. Mrs.
Mliton Seaman. Miss F. SonnenfelU. Mrs. A.
Tlchner. Mrs. A. Tilzer, Mrs. N. D. Simon.
Mia Florence Wolfe, Mrs. Gfortre 11.' Kellr.
Mrs. A. Oberdorfer. Mrs. A. S. Moody, Mrs.
Julius Meier, Mrs, Charles Tilton, Mrs.
Charles W. KinK. Mrs. Theodora N'icolal.
Mrs. M. X. Hall. Mrs. i. C button, Mrs. Ben
Js'eustadter. Mrs. E. OlmMead. Mrs. A.
Meier. Mrs. Robert McBride, Mrs. tsenn
and Mrs. Thomas.
Musicians' Association Band to Aid
200 Boys In Show.
To the music of a 45-piece band do
nated by the musicians' association of
the city. 200 boy athletes of the Young
Men's Christian Association will stage
a circus in the association auditorium
April 23-24.
For several weeks the boys have
been preparing in the gymnasium for
the part that they will play In the
circus programme. There will be
parade on circus day and a concert by
the band. While the boys are per
forming unusual feats on the trapeze
high in the air or In the arena In the
center of the gymnasium a number of
clowns will help amuse the throngs.
Harry T. Smith, assistant physical
director, has had charge of the pro
gramme that the athletes will present,
and nearly 2600 spectators are expected
for the two shows.
Birthdays of Four Members Are Ob
served at Celebration.
Forty-alx women, members of Ihe
Lavender Club, celebrated the birth
days of four of their members. Mrs.
Anna Kingston. Mrs. Lowley. Mrs. S.
M. Tufts and Mrs. Carrie Burrows, at
Peninsula Park fleldhouse Friday.
The committoe-room was decorated
with dogwood and lilacs. A delight
ful birthday luncheon was served for
the honor guests.
A programme of music and readings
was rendered. The next meeting will
be April 29. A luncheon will be given
and plans for the expanding of the
club will bo discussed.
JL9 iiai, Hoi
E. T. Sllscho Has Plans for Xw
"Washington entrance.
Elimination of the present artistic
vehicle entrance to Washington Park
on Washington street, establishment of
another entrance farther west and Im
provement of the present large unim
proved portion of the park Is proposed
In artistic plans which have been
drafted by E. T. Mische, contracting
landscape engineer for the city.
It Is said the roadway leading from
the present Washington-street entrance
Is too narrow and the curves too aharn.
ilr. Aliachet proposes to the
drives to make the park more accessi
ble to vehicles.
Kufaula Logslng- I-'irm Incorporates.
KELSO. Wash., April 17. (Special.)
With F. H. Hanson, J. W. Fowler and
D. P. Campbell, Jr., incorporators, the
Kufaula Company filed, articles at
Olympia with a capital stock of 110.00"
the first of the week. All these men
have been Identified prominently with
the Eastern oi Western Lumber Com
pany and the new company will bo an
operating company for that concern.
The big camp near Kufala, wext of
Kelso, will be run by the new company.
Junction Cily Students l-.lect.
JUNCTIO.V CITV. nr.. Airll 17.
(Special.) The annual flection of the
student body officers for Hie HiKh
School was held Friday. The officers
elected were: Francis Pitney, presi
dent; Eleanor Bailey, vice-president:
Florence Moorhead. secretary; Hally
Berry, treasurer: Lawrence Martin,
sergeant-at-arnis. K.d. 'rllon Mc
Fadden was rho.sen editor of the J unco.
The mistletoe is a beautiful decora
tion, but not much of a first Hid.
23-Cent Bottle of "Danderine"
Makes Hair Thick, Glossy
and Wavy.
Removes AH Dandruff, Stop3
Itching Scalp anu I ail
ing: Hair.
-' ; ' ,
fi.-!-'.'. . V
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To be possessed ot a head ol heavy.
beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy.
wavy and free from dandruff is merely
matter of using a little Oanderlna.
It is easy and inexpensive to have
nice, soft hair and lots ot It. Just get
2a cent bottle of Knowlton's Dander-
ine now all drut stores recommend It
apply a little as directed and within
ten minutes there will be an appear
ance of abundance, freshness, lluffl-
ness and an Incomparable gloss and
lustre, and try as you will you can not
find a trace of dandruff or falling hair;
but your real surprise will be after
about two-weeks' ,ue. when you will
ee new hair fine and downy at first
yes but really new hair sprouting
out all over your scalp Uanderine la,
we believe, the only sure hair grower,
destroyer of dandruff and cure ' for
itchy scalp and it never fails to stop
falling hair at once.
If you want to prove how pretty and
oft your hair really Is, moisten a
cloth with a little Uanderine and care
fully draw it through your hair tak
ing one small strand at a time. Your
hair will be soft, glossy and beautiful
In Just a few moments a dellfrhttui
urprlse awaits everyone who tries this,
Tobacco Habit Cured
Not only to users of pipe and cigars.
but the vicious cigarette habit is over
come by UKlngr tbs "MTR1TE" treat.
ment Price, complete, postage paid.
fl.Ou. Laue-Davls Drug Co- 24 and
Yamhill. Portland. Or. iWbea yxUlafl
mention. UUU ftfletl - ,