The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, SECTION FIVE, Page 3, Image 59

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President Lays Cornerstone of Red Cross Headquarters in Washington Which Will Cost $800,000 Movement of Troops at Home and Abroad Is Shown.
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,r. f tr"' ' . II. M' ! I - 4 " & Oresonian, on the second floor of a days. Presses which print 500 copies c jycS. tt7t
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EW IORK, Apirl 10. (Special.)
iu The speed of the submarine is be-
" ' ins increased every year. Origi
nally maneuvering: slowly, it is now
capable of beating an ordinary mer
chant vessel which tries to escape from
it by running away. It was the speed
of the German submarine which made
it impossible for the Knglish merchant
vessel Fabala to escape by running.
As a memorial to the women of the
Korth and South who worked to alle
viate the suffering: of the Civil War, by
grant of Congress and public subscrip
tion, the Ked Cross Society started the
erection of the beautiful JSOO.000 cen
tral headquarters in Washington, D. C,
March 27.
As honorary president of the Ameri
can Red Cross, President Wilson laid
the cornerstone. The ceremony was
simple. Tbe site for the building was
inclosed In & tight fence, but all who
called were admitted. The President
lid not speak, though ex-President Taft
did. After the great cube of marble
was lowered into place, the President,
with the manner of a professional, han
dled the new trowel and applied the
mortar, while a round of applause
greeted him. With a silver-bound mal-
Jet, Mr. Wilson tapped the four corners
cf the stone to adjust it properly.
Turkish troops are reported to have
committed further acts or violence at
the American mission at Urumiah, Per
sia, according to a message received
from the American Consul at Tabriz.
The Turkish Consul at Urumiah forced
his way into the mission compound with
a number of Turkish regular troops,
and removed some Syrian Christian
refugees, who were then massacred. The
Turks alo beat and insulted the Amer
ican missionaries for their resistance.
Mr. Kryan, Secretary of State, has
cabled to Air. Morgenthau, the Ameri
can Ambassador, to request the Turk
ish government to take action, but, duo
to the unsettled conditions of the porte,
the request, it is thought, will be of
little avail.
The I'nited States troops stationed at
Brownsville. Tex., have been ordered to
take extra precautions to protect Amer
ican lives and property at the border,
while a regiment of Infantry and bat
teries of artillery have been ordered
by the War Department to be in readi
ness to join the- forces at Brownsville.
Villa and Carranra troops are engaged
in a battle right across the border, and
I ft ' " -vT V
Motrin g Z4- i& ftiots
already two Americans have been hit
by stray bullets.
What looks to be the greatest labor-
saving device installed on newspapers
in the past few years Is a small ap
paratus which will do away with tele
graph operators and increase the
ber of copyboys. The device Is known
as the Morkrum telegraph printer. It
makes easier and more rapid the trans
mission of news, and the efficiency of
which is considered to be 50 per cent
greater than that of an experienced
telegraph operator. Just what this ma
chine ' will do in displacing hundreds
of men is shown by the following ex
Two operators in the Associated Press
offices kept two machines busy in each
of a number of newspaper offices, and
instead of requiring expert Morse oper
ators at each end, the new machines
can be handled at the sending end by
men who are familiar only with an or
uinary typewriting keyboard, and at
the receiving end by a copyboy to re
move the paper from the printer and
keep watch for possible blunders.
The MorKrum printer Is tne Inven
tion of Charles L. Morkrum, a mechani
cal engineer, and Howard L Krum, an
electrical engineer. The invention is
intricate mechanism, and has ca
pacity of at. least 3000 words an hour.
The printers are already installed by
the Western Union and Postal Tele
graph companieain many of their offices,
and have been found to be a great success.
Intense Feeling in Portland, Then Town of Only Few Thousand, Is Re
called by Pioneer Newspaperman, Yet in Employ of The Oregonian,
IXCOLX assassinated. Partic-
ulars later." These words ticked
T over several thousand miles of
wire Into Portland, then a frontier
town, on that memorable day in April.
1S65. and an hour later preparations
were in full swing for issuing an extra
edition of The Oregonian.
Zha man who was foreman ot the
composing room of The Oregonian of
that day and who superintended the
"making up" of the page of April 17,
1S65. reproduced in fac-fiimile in' the
magazine section today, read the proof
sheets of the Lincoln article in today's
Oregonian, 50 years later. James L.
McCown, foreman of 1866, is a proof
reader on The Oregonian staff today.
Besides H. L. Pittock, the publisher,
two other men are living in Portland
who were at that time intimately con
nected with The Oregonian. They are
Oeorge H. Himes, secretary of the Ore
gon Historical Society, and J. C. More
land. Mr. Himes set the first sticks of
type for The Oregonian extra on April
15, 1S65, and Mr. Moreland was an as
sistant in setting type for that edition
of startling import.
"From their blanched faces I knew
something momentous had happened,"
Mr. McCown was speaking, "when Mr.
Pittock and Mr. Scott came up the back
stairs to the former quarters of The
Oregonian, on the second floor of a
building at Front and Washington
" We must get out an extra.' The
words were spoken without enthusiasm.
It was a statement of fact. This was
'big news." An 'extra' was imperative
It was a personal sorrow to Mr. Scott
and Mr. Pittock, . fully as severe as
though a near and dear friend had
been killed. In fact, there were few
people living in Portland at that time
to whom the death of Lincoln was not
an irreparable catastrophe. Yet, to an
enterprising daily of the '60s, this was
news, and with facilities that would
now seem primitive the facts were
given to our readers." ,
The result of big events today is
given the . public but a few minutes
after the news has been flashed over
the wires. The preparation of an extra
in 1865 was a different matter. The
linotype which "sets" the columns of
news had not been dreamed of in those
days. Presses which print 500 copies
a minute were unknown. Thus it was
nearly three hours after the news was
received before the "extras" were out
on the street, this day in 1865.
Upon rceiving orders for the extra,
Mr. McCown put lis printers, of whom
there were seven, at work setting the
type by hand for the special edition.
Finally the result of their efforts were
two galleys of type, about three-quar
ters of a column in length. They were
placed upon a Job-printing press and
long, narrow "proof" sheets, without
any headlines, were struck off at the
rate of about 60 a minute. These long
strips were the "extras." for which nu
merous newsboys already were waiting
on the corner of Front and Washing
ton streets.
When about 1000 extras had been
printed the boys were sent fortli crying
the news of the tragedy to the resi
dents. The edition was soon exhausted
for, though Portland contained only
several thousand people in those days,
the streets were thronged as the news
spread about.
Two cents did not buy this extra. The
price of the strips bearing the first
news of the President's tragic end was
25 cents, the usual cost of the extras
in those days-, when regular editions
brought 10 cents a copy.
On Monday morning, April 17, ap
peared the first full edition of The
Oregonian, containing the detailed ac
count of the National disaster.
It was weeks, says Mr. McCown, be
fore the city settled down to the rou'
tine of business affairs again for the
sense of loss was so keen that it was
slowly that people recuperated from
the shock.
An amusing incident In the light of
these times, is told by Mr. McCown.
One of the leading Portland merchants
was an ardent sympathizer of the South
and did not disguise his leaning in that
direction. The day the news of Lin
coin's death was received, before the
tidings had been fully circulated about
the city, folds and streamers of crepe
were draped about his store. That his
display of grief was more prompt than
that of many whose hearts had always
been with the Union might have been
explained by a news item in the Monday
Oregonian that followed, where was re
lated that a secession sympathizer in
Washington was shot dead by a soldier
for rejoicing over the death of Lincoln,
and . the soldier was not arrested.
Mr. Himes still has vivid recollec
tions of the day when news of the
national calamity first reached Port
land. "One of the men with whom I was
working was a fervid Democrat," said
Mr. Himes yesterday. "When he saw
Mr. Pittock's. white face, he turned to
me and said, hoarsely, "Great God! Is
Lincoln dead?" That he should have
jumped to that conclusion seemed sig
nificant to me, for he was a member of
the Knights of the Golden Circle, a
secret organization of that time, which
was bitter to the point of murder, to
ward the Union.
"One man, whose name I could men
tion, when told oi the news on the
street, raised a shout for Jeff Pavls. He
was pinioned to earth In a flash by
two men standing near, und for a
moment his life was In the balance.
When he was released at last, he was
given to understand that for another
such shout he would be strung from
the nearest lamp-post.
"The lato Dr. O. P. S. Plumnier was
telegraph operator In a building across
the street at this time.
"Not a smiling face was seen In I he
city for days, so stricken were ths
people of Portland by tho terrible news.
It was a time never to be forgotten."
In the fac-slmlle of tne editorial pnge
of The Oregonian of April 17, 1865,
which Is printed in the magazine sec
tion of The Oregonian today, are men
tioned many names In the advertise
ments, but only two of the men noted
are living today, according to the re
cords in the possession of Mr. Himes.
They are Jarm.-s W. Going and H. Sins
heiin. Mr. Going's name appears In
two Odd Fellow notices; Mr. Slmbelm's
In his advertisement of cabinet organs
and rr.clodeons.
H. Hogue. of The Dalles, whose name
appeared on an Odd Fellow committee.
was '.he father of Attorney m. w.
Hogue and Architect Chester Hogue.
who are now living. L. Fleisohner, of
Albany, whose name Is In flie same l:l.
was the father of I. N. Fleischner, of
the Fleischner-Mayer Co.
Thomas Frazar referred to In a news
note, was Thomas Frazar, grandfather
of W. F. Burrell, of Portlcnd. Colonel
Charles A. Larrabee, as well as Mr.
Going, whose names appear, were the
originators of the names selected for
Larrabee and Going streets.
The steamer Senator, mentioned In
the advertisement of The Peop'e
Transportation Co.. had for Its cnptain
at that time. Captain George A. Peae,
who Is now living.
The widow of William Braden. whose
name was mentioned on a commutes, I
still living and was Mrs. Braden at
that time.
A. D. Shelby, whose name appeared In
an advertisement, was an uncie, or
marriage, of Senator Lane.
The firm cf Ladd Tllton, mentioned.
is in business today, as is also the firm
of Allen A Lewis, though In a differ
ent line now. Wadhama ft Co. are the
virtual successors to R. G. Rneath,
wholesale grocer. The J. B. Congle
Saddlery, is now that of John Clark.
The "Black List" shown to tne right
of the page In the outside column was
regular feature at this time. In
the black list appeared the names of
people that paid contracts made before
the war In greenbacks at par Instead
of In gold. As greenbacks had depreci
ated In value at that time until worth
only between 40 and 45 cents on tlx
dollar. It was considered a swindle to
pay bills la the currency rather than
In gold.