The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Page 8, Image 54

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HL KEATS, of the pioneer auto
mobile company of that name, is
mighty busy these days handling:
shipments of the new Chalmers
"Baby" 32 Six, which is now arriving;
at the rate of three cars a day. Mr.
Keats was fortunate enough to receive
the first three of the light model that
came to the Pacific Coast. He says it
will require at least three cars a day
to take care of present orders.
The new Six, which Is smaller and
lighter than all others in the Chalmers
' line, was first introduced to the motor
ing public at the New York automobile
show- in January. Since that time it
has attracted favorable comment all
over the country.
"The fact that surprised me most on
my recent trip East was the business
being transacted in the large cities."
said Mr. Keats yesterday as he rolled
up his sleeves in the bustle of rush
business. "Chalmers dealers in the
East report an Increased business of
33 1-3 per cent over last year."
After conferring last weelc with L J.
Morse, Western manager of the Loco
mobile Company of America, Mr. Keats
determined not to take over the Loco
mobile agency for Oregon until the
new 1916 models are announced. He
had already made arrangements to
handle the line, but Mr. Morse brought
the "sad" news last week that the
Locomobile company ha sold all of its
limited 1915 product and that the
branches at San Francisco, Los Angeles
and Seattle are entirely without cars.
Therefore, Mr. Keats concluded it would
be better to withhold active connection
until the new models arrive.
The Locomobile factory at Bridge
port, Conn., turns out only 1200 pleasure
cars a year and it is now kept running
to capacity filling a $4,000,000 order
for three and four-ton trucks to be
used in the European war.
Colombia Highway to Be Opemed to
Land of Estraadsg Scenery, Son
afclne, Rosea and Comfort.
The man who Is going to put his
campa-outfit, family and a friend or
two in his motorcar this Summer and
take the trails over the great Rockies
to the wonderful land of sunshine and
roses on the Pacific Slope will do well
to plan on reaching Oregon July 1 or
later. The reasons are many. First,
he will escape the excessive heat of
the East and Middle West. Secondly,
h will find Oregon roads at their best
after that time and will not be incon
venienced by rains. The third and
most important reason 'is that the Co
lumbia River Hlghwav will be open
after July 1. 1S15, the full distance
from Hood River to Portland and the
road from The Dalles to Hood River
will be in good condition.
A drive along the 60 miles and more
of this most wonderful road in Ameri
ca will be worth coming in a machine
from the Eastern and Southern-most
parts of the continent. All the hard
ships of rutty, roads, quagmire, lost
directions, sleepless nights and poorly
cooked food on a "roughing it" trip
are completely forgotten when one
turns Jnto this already world-famous
For those who have toured leisurely
and thereby escaped the unpleasant
ness of a cross-country trip a stretch
of scenery will be unfolded that far
surpasses the Palisades of the Hud
son and the wonders of the River
Other construction work, which has
beon going on for two years on the
main road arteries of the state, will
be completed by that time and touring
greatly facilitated. All over Oregon
efforts have been directed to road im
provement and, considering the state's
population and large area, it has high
ways that surpass those in localities
that have been settled for a hundred
years and more. Oregon is a new state
in comparison and already has a sys
tem of roads of which It can be proud.
Entering on 17th Annual Birthday
Company Looks to Big Returns.
The Oldsmobile Company is entering
Its 17th year in business and. unless
signs (all. its best year, according to
J. V. Hall, sales manager of the com
pany. A remarkably large flow of trade
has been experienced during the first
three months of lli, owing to the pop
ularity of the light-weight tour, which
is in bigger demand than even the
manufacturers had counted on. During
March, Mr. Hall asserts, they outsold
their record for March, 1914, by 128
per cent, this increase figured on a
basis of . gross business done. During
January they accomplished an increase
of 74 per cent, and during February
9S per cent over the same months of
last year.
Evolution of Automobile- Is
Wittily Related to .Club.
Will Lipman Telia of Wonderment
Caused by Early Expeditions to
Hlllaboro and Busy Mechanicians
Who Hay to Be Taken Alone
WHEN Will Lipman had finished
narrating humorous incidents of
early motoring days in Oregon every
one present at the annual meeting of
the Portland Automobile Club last
Tuesday night realized, perhaps better
than ever before, what a remarkable
evolution and Improvement has taken
place In motorcar design in the past
several years.
"I recall distinctly the first 'run'
pulled off by the embryo Portland Au
tomobile Club, about 10 years ago."
said Mr. Lipman. "We started out for
Hillsboro and all Oregon thought it
wonderful that 16 cars should go there
and back the same day. One hundred
per cent of the automobile owners in
those days were regular "sports' when
it came to driving.
"Another Sunday we went to Mc
Minnville. I remember I carried two
mechanics on my car who were not
members of the club, and. don't you
forget it. those two fellows were kept
busy all the time keeping things in
workable order.
"But think how different the situa
tion is today. It is now no trick at
all to run out to our clubhouse on the
banks of the Sandy and back to Port
land before breakfast. The cars to
day are so near perfect and roads so
much better than they were in the
early days that trouble now Is the ex
ception rather than the rule."
Autoist Apologue After Denouncing
Diamond Rubber Company.
Since the publication of their "fair
list" prices the Diamond tire people
have received many letters of commen
dation and many assurances from tire
purchasers and dealers of continued
confidence and good will.
They have discovered also that It Is
impossible to please everybody, no mat
ter how sincere'the effort to do so may
be. Not long ago there was received
at the general offices of the Diamond
Tira Company In Akron. O, a letter
from an indignant jnan in Chicago. He
did not hesitate to make use of strong
language or to set forth charges that
were in no wis complimentary.
"Xou ay," be wrote, "that you have
got only one price on diamonds, and
that people don't need to dicker ndne
when they go to buy your tires. That's
a lie, or else one of your men are
cutten prices. I never bought dia
monds yet, but if you have different
prices 1 don't want them. For I would
be sure to get the worst of It.
When he was asked for explicit in
formation concerning bis charges and
for the name of the agent who was al
leged to be cutting prices the indignant
gentleman who had "never bought dia
monds yet' returned part or a news
paper which contained the first two or
three lines of an advertisement under
the caption: "We Save You Money on
Diamonds." '
Investigation revealed the fact that
the advertisement .had been published
by a firm that sold jewelry on the in
stallment plan. A complete copy of the
paper, containing the advertisement, in
full, was sent to the man who had
complained, and in due time he penned
this characteristic apology:
"Dear Sir It looks like you got my
goat, so the next time I nead a Tire I
will try a Diamond and see if you tell
the truth. I'm sorry I done you wrong."
Place on Auto Booklet Committee Is
Filled by President.
President W. J. Clemens, of the
Automobile Club, has appointed George
E. Johnson, manager of Chanslor &
Lyon, to fill the vacancy in the booklet
committee made by the resignation of
C. F. Wright, who gave up his duties
on account of ill health. Mr. Johnson
took hold of his work at once and will
co-operate with the other members in
rushing the booklet to completion.
The newppolntee is expected to add
zest to the task, as he was one of the
leaders in the success of the Automo
bile Show held last Winter in the
Armory. He firmly believes that Ore
gon's wonderful scenery should be ad
vertised to all automobile owners, for
there are few places in the world that
compare with this state in natural
beauties. -
The final selection of the Columbia
River Highway pictures was made
Tuesday by the committee. The other
material is being put into shape as
rapidly as possible and the presses are
expected to hum soon, as a large num
ber of copies are turned out. They
will be rushed to the Panama-Pacific
Exposition at San Francisco an8 also
to the leading automobile club head
quarters of the country.
"Large caravans of machines will be
rolling across the plains In a few
months and much of the Lincoln High
way travel must be "diverted our way
by "the booklet," says James D. Abbott,
and then, when you go to see that
. f . w
other car, and the salesman
strolls up with a smile:
Te marklncs on a- graduated measarlnt
glass invented in Germany are made along
a slgzag line Instead ot a vertical one ana.
havmjr wider spaces between, are aald to be
read mora accurately
; ask him if that car of his has a FULL-
floating Rear Axle a Rear Axle that
carries the weight of the car on the axle
housing and NOT on the shaft a Rear
Axle that has TWO Timken Bearings
in EAtH of the hubs and in the differ
ential. That's the kind of axle you get
on this Studebaker FOUR. It's the
highest development that the Rear Axle
has reached. And it compares with
the old-style semi-floating and three
quarter Boating axles as its beautifully
light and strong housing of stamped steel
compares with the malleable cast hous
ing other cars use. So don't let the
salesman say "We have a floating type
of axle" ASK him if it 's a real FULL
floating axle like the Studebaker. Make
hirn take out the shaft and show you.
sk him if that car of his uses battery igni
tion. And if he says Magneto ask
him WHY. Most of the high-grade cars,
you know, have discarded magnetos,
because a magneto current weakens
when your motor slows up and it
doesn't give as hot a spark at low speeds
as at high speeds. But a Studebaker
Battery ignition is reliable at any speed.
It insures steady firing no skipping or
missing. Trouble- proof, too. So don't let
the salesman dodge on the ignition
ask him WHY. A magneto on an elec
trically equipped car is as useless aa thft
fifth wheel on a wagon.
-ask him if that car of his drives thro the
springs or whether it has radius rods
and a torque arm. Costs a whole lot less,
to be sure, to design a car that drives
thro the springs but it makes the car
HARD riding. But TWO radius rods
and torque arm such as Studebaker
uses keeps the driving mechanism in
in line, and it keeps the springs free for
for the one thing they are intended for
taking up the jolts and jars from the
roads. That's one of the reasons this
Studebaker FOUR is one of the straight
est driving, EASIEST-riding cars you
ever sat in. Look for radius rods on
other cars.
-ask him if that car of his has Brakes that
guarantee a SURE stop when you have
to stop. You have to stop QUICK
sometimes, you know and hills are
steep. And undersized brakes arent
any guarantee of safety at such times.
Studebaker uses OVER-size brakes
larger than most cars weighing half a
ton more are using. Your car ought
to have brakes just as safe. So ask that
salesman to show you as much brakes
as the Studebaker has. Go over every
little detail of those other cars. And
ASK the salesmen frankly. Get FACTS.
Then see this Studebaker FOUR and ak US just as frankly
" Wo are more than willing to have your choice of a car rest on the beta you get. For nrtjlS(,(Mm,n
have done just that thing and they now own Studebaker, 1 And the chancea are wb YOU tgetth.
facta, and see what a handsome car this FOUR Is and have opportunity to ride to and drive it yourself,
youTJ decide that ifa needless to pay more than $985 and decidedly unwise to pay less.
FULL-floating Rear Axle Drive thro TWO
radius rods and torque arm Studebake
TRnLE-life,donble-hckle spring , NKVER
failing Battery ignition Over-eize brake and
Tbrake equalize! Thirteen Timken Bearings
finish that requires 20 operations and CO days.
Studebaker ROADSTER. . .
Stedebaker LIGHT SIX. . .
Studebaker SIX ( .
F. O.B. Detroit
it at
The Oregon Motor Car Co.
Chapman at Alder St. f hones Main 9402, A 7656
Rnle to Be Formed to Enable Coping
With Ifnlaance That Has Pre
vailed Long.
Ti fnrmnlatA'some rule that will en
able officials of an automobile race
meetina- to cope, on a definite basis,
with the smoke nuisance which has
i .,1 vi,riiiiv nil the California
race meetings during the Winter, will
undoubtedly be tne iunciion 01 me
authorities of the sport at no distant
date. '
Smoke from the exhaust of racing
automobiles has -been long a stench in
the noses of the spectators and a source
. . ; . . T t arises
U I Ai;i;iUCUL H' i.vmfv-" -
from the incomplete combustion of gas
oline and rrom tne surplus 01 iumr
catlng il with which some drivers in
sist on drenching the motors of their
cars. ...
In the early days of the sport tnis
smoke was accepted as a nuisance
1.1-v. ,,l .,1 ha vr.irlttd. That the
time is 'now ripe for engineers to de
sign cars wnicn win nor. ira o.
suffer the penalty for Inefficient motors
i.arhitrtinn is a view which is
taken by many racing authorities.
This was. In lact, me stana
by the management . of the recent
TjQif. fnl errand Drize race. The
course at Venice was only three miles
In circuit and contained several uai
row stretches, on one 6f which the
...ii.lDt.nH Vinnnanftd to be located.
The turns were sharp in several places
and the danger from smoke especially
great. I . .
i.ti.ff at, th nnwpr conferred by
the American Automobile Association
rules for the protection of spectators
and the general safety of contestants.
. i : .. .ti,n.itl.a rmftap.d bv
L U3 TCU11.C auv.iu. ...wu.
Chairman Kennerdell, of the contest
board, announced Deiore me race mai
any automobile reported as smoking,
either on the course or on leaving the
pits, should be flagged" to a stop and
the crew compelled to arain ine crn
case. This precaution worKeo wonaer-
fullv in reducing the amount of smoke
on the course. While several drivers
complained bitterly over what they
proclaimed a hardship, and although the
restriction m-y nave eummaiea s "
cars during the race, it was generally
voted that the experiment naa own
As a matter of fact, the offensive
smoking is, to a great extent, a driv
ing trick, used by the crew of a car
that is being overtaken to prevent the
ear following a good- enough view of
the roadway to enable it to pass.
Hitherto such tactics have been
deemed semi-legitimate. The more ad
vanced school of engineers and racing
experts unite in predicting the elimina
tion of the smoke nuisance.
"There is really no excuse tor a
smoking automobile, either on the race - In th hnnrls of a Drlvat
owner on the road," declares Hay Har-
roun, chiei engineer 01 tee buwou
Motor Company, whose cars have been
prominent in all the recent speed com
petitions for their consistent perform
ance and their economical needs of
gasoline and oil. "Perfect carburetion
and a correct lubricating system are
all that is necessary to prevent exoes
sive smoke.
"As a matter of fact, we believe that
the lubricating system of any car
racing or touring should be so de
signed that excessive smoke will be
impossible. A well designed motor
does not need to be drenched with sur
plus oil, even at the highest motor
speeds. Our racing experiments have
proved this beyond a question. We
will welcome any reasonable restriction
regarding smoke from our racing cars.
I -have never seen them smoke in any
of their recent races and don't believe
it possible for them to become offen
sive or dangerous, nor have I ever
heard a competitor complain about
them on this soore."
Economy Record Established on 19
Gallons of Gasoline.
The Maxwell contest, which came to
a brilliant close at 4;30 Friday in San
Francisco, is still the topic of conver
sation along automobile row of that
city. The remarkable run made by this
motor on its 19 gallons of gasoline has
set a record for economy and consist
ency that is apt to last for some time.
Seventy-two hours and 19 minutes,
running idle in the salesroom of the
Pearson Motor Car Company, the Max
well "25" motor kept to its task, and
not once during that time was it nec
essary to stop the motor for any trou
ble or adjustment whatsoever. At the
starting of the contest the lubricating
oil reservoir was filled and this supply
of oil took care of the motor during all
the hours of the test.
The result of the 1000-mile utility
test, which was held in the early part
of February, and in which a Maxwell
"25" ran 1000 miles on 49 gallons of
gasoline, in all kinds of weather and
over alj kinds of roads, combined with
the showing the Maxwell "25" made in
the economy test, just closed, will fur
nish enough data for those who. are
anxious to figure out the possibilities
of this car on a basis of what it has
"The surprising factor in the recent
economy guessing contest," said H. C.
Skinner, Oregon distributor of the
Maxwell, "was the length of time the
motor was able to run on its allotment
of 19 gallons of gasoline. Expert me
chanics and veteran motorists who
took interest in this contest had
estimated that it would not run neany
so long by at least 15 to 20 hours. The
results of this test are gratifying, as
It shows that besides being one of the
most consistent running motors in any
automobile, it is also one of the most
economical." - I
More Autos Sold in Lewis.
CHEHAIJS, Wash., April 10. (Spe
cial.) Judging from the number of
automobiles already sold and delivered
in Lewis County this season. 1915 prom
ises to exceed all previous years In
volume, of business. Aireaay iour mgn
i j h-vA Vn AllvArni locallv.
'With, some half doien medium priced
ones and an unfilled list of orders for
some of the cheaper kinds. Many of
the cars are going into the country
districts, the better road conditions in
Lewis County being to a large degree
responsible for the strong demand.
State Fairs to Conduct Own Races.
The state fairs will ask no more
motor race sanctions from the Ameri
can Automobile Association. At a meet
ing in Chicago Monday and Tuesday.
March 29 and 30, a special committee
delegated by the American Association
of Fairs and Expositions, of which the
Michigan State Fair is a member, cre
ated a new organization. This body
will be known as the International
Motor Contest Association and will con
duct automobile racing on all the tracKg
of the parent association. At present
50 State Fair tracks and 600 dirt tracks
in this country and in Canada are affili
ated with the American Association of
Fairs and Kxposltions.
The Chinese government, which owns the
countrv'B te!fgrar-h aysteni. has extended It
until more than ?S,000 mllea of land llnea
and about loou miles of cables are now la
1 ' -'
fences to mend
before asking you for
Diamond Squeegee Tire
This tire's record in 1914 was so
clean so thoroughly satisfying to 99
out of every 100 users that it stands
out as the bright spot in the haze of
tire argument.
And bear in mind the above men
tioned figures are not ours; but repre
sent the testimony of hundreds of tire
dealers covering the sale of over 500,000
Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires.
What is more, this .volume of
undeniable tire evidence will be placed
in every tire user's hands free for the
Diamond Squeegee Tires
are sold at these
, Diamond cn- Diamond
slze Saueeree Squeegee
30x3 9.45 34x4 $20.33
30x354 12.20 36x4 28.70
32x3j4 14.00 37x5 33.90
33 x 4 20.00 38 x 5 46.00
'N " 1
l l 1 ll ilk r. a r m m a
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