T? A tig AMD F - SUCCESS Klaw & ErWer Put on Great "Review." Described as". Brilliant and Quickly Moving Kaleidoscopic Blend of Fun and Beauty-Glen MacDonough Devises Play, Which, Strange to Relate, Has Idea Behind It That Is Carried Out Through Various Scenes. x- ' it S 1 3 , , ;;.':v.:w..--;.:.V:r '-Sv. vC. ' v BY 1-LOTD K LONEROAN. NEW YORK. April 10. (Special.) fV seem to be running- to re views this year and a new one, which seems to bear every earmark of success, is housed at the Knickerbocker Theater. It is named "Fads and Fancies." is produced by Klaw Erlanger and is Justly described as "a brilliant and quick moving- kaleido scopic blend of fun and beauty." There was melody and dancing; to add to the success of the entertainment, and the lavisbness of investiture sets a new standard for this kind of a show. Glen MacDonough devised the play, which, strange to relate, has an idea behind It that is carried out through the various scenes. To begin with, there was a cave, and in it ruled "Glum" who had imprisoned with hira the spirits of "Pleasure,'" "Dancing-," "Romance," "Beauty" and "Chance." Tbey were released by Mrs. Blue beard." and it was her penalty ta iikvo iu ltu in pa 1 1 J UlCIll UN lUtll V' Journer. UDon which they were to make city life endurable after unhappy experiences in a cave. The text and the music led them to varied scenes of New York life. These Included the salesrooms of an automo bile company, the festivities attend the birthday of a pet dog-, a glimpse of Riverside drive near Clarmont. a tea house at Lenox, a hunt ball and a view of Venice on Long Island. In addition there was a fountain on the plaza at Fifty-ntntii street and Fifth avenue, the piazza and ballroom of The Imperial Palm Hotel." together with the apocryphal "Court of Senti mental Relations." The cast was cf tho best. It in cluded Madse Lessina;. who has been in Germany for a number of years, but lookS as young: as ever; Frank Moulan, Tom McNauphton. Lydia Lopokova, George Lemalre. Frank Conroy. Stella Hoban'aad Laura Hamilton. TO train these stars and the large chorus such experts as Julian Mttihell and Herbert Gresham were employed, so It was no surprise that the play moved swiftly and smoothly. The high point of beauty was reached In the dancing finale of the second set the hunt ball. It brought the foxes and the rabbits into the ball room to dance with the guests In pink coats and the costumes, beauti ful in themselves, blended in exquisite combination of color. There was always . THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAy. PORTLAND, APRIL' If;" 1915. '"" " . ' tl-e-i j- Last vear the sudden appear- I - il A NrrJFS" BEARS EARMARKS IN CRITICAL 77nio&t J beautiful dancing, whether it was Miss Lopokova twirlinf? in her ballet steps, or doing the modern dances with her graceful partner, or Mr. Moulan. with his two "rube" partners, or the gym nastics of Miller and Mack. The "patriotic touch" was supplied by Madge Lessing's song about the tiny refugees, charmingly represented by children of all nations, who finally pa raded with American flags, under the protection of a diminutive Uncle Sam. There were hosts of other good things in "Fads and Fancies" too numerous to mention, one of the most popular being the roadhouse. which made a record for speed in serving customers, and-had its waiters dressed in running costume in order to keep them up to the pace. All in all. the shew Is one that pleases highly, and that at a time when the managers are beginning to think of their Spring closings. Marie Cahill first won fame at the Knickerbocker theater many years ago - r "imi fritZ"'- i&&f. V' - - ft 'r 1 r " - liJ) GOTHAM'S THEATERDOM I if Y". ?J-.. GaSnjO'fr'jc ft "TonySji'-f in "The Wild Rose," and now the same house figures In her bankruptcy, for it was there that her husband, Daniel V. Arthur, recently came a cropper In "Ninety in tho Shade." According- -to the schedule which Miss Cahill has filed, she owes $36,402. and has nominal COOL WEATHER OF EAST KEEPS UP APPLE PRICE Speculators and Western Co-Operative York Hope for Late Spring in Order BY ARTHUR L. GEARY. EW YORK CITY, April 10. (Spe N cial.) The 10 inches of snow which covered the Atlantic Coast and the aeompanyinir cool weatner recently, gave v.n.ourcgement to the hope of the apple speculators and of the representatives of Western co-operative associations that there wiu be a late . Spring. Altnousa OF REAL assets of J23.827, represented by causes of action against her husband as maker of notes which she indorsed. One of her creditors is the Hudson Trust Com pany, to which she is indebted $10,000 on a note which she believes she in dorsed several years ago. She thinks the maker is Daniel V. Arthur, but is not sure, all she is certain of being that .the amount is $10,000. In addition to rfer suits against Mr. Arthur her assets are a bed. listed at $50, wearing apparel, including a wedding ring. $250: dressing table. $10. and a desk, $10, all of which are exempt When Mr. Arthur went into bank ruptcy his liabilities were $154,124, and his nominal assets $39)00. Max C- Anderson, the theatrical man aged who died recently, is said to have left? $10 000-000, which is quite a sum in these days of bad business. He was in terested in or controlled nearly 200 the aters, principally in the Middle West, and was associated with the Keith in terests In tireater New York. It is interesting to note that just at the time of his death the Hippodrome gave up a losing fight, and went into motion pictures. Up to six years ago Mr Anderson was the managing di rector of that big playhouse, which he operated with the Shuberts under the name of the Shubert-Anderson Com pany It was in his time that the Hip podrome had its greatest success. Mr. Anderson also was formerly vice-president of the Shubert Theatrical Com pany, but sold out his interest In this firm several years ago. Association Representatives in New to Sell Last of Fruit in Storage. there are large quantities of apples still - in cold storage. the low prices and extensive advertising have created such an enormous rate of con sumption that there will v be a strong finish for the apple market if the cool weather continues. Once the warm Spring weather ar rives the "strawberry taste" seizes the consumer and the apple is discarded for the. Spring fruits from California and Florida. Last vear the sudden appear ance of warm weather threw the apple market into a psntc and the finest grades went begging at 50 cents. The speculators had been bolstering the market by limiting the supply and the rate of consumption was low. even be fore the decline came. A result was that the speculators lost money. This result coupled with the breaking out of the European war in August greatly decreased last Fall the f. o. b. buying of apples in the growing sections by New York dealers. One Sale at Loss Cited. Steinhart & Kelly, who are the heaviest f. o. b. buyers of Northwestern apples, were among those that were hit by the weak finish of the apple market last Spring. Mr. Steinhart, in June, showed a telegram from . Boston, re porting that a car of fancy wlnesaps had just been sold for 60c a box. He had paid good prices for them out West, shipped them across the conti nent, stored them all Winter, and re shipped them to Boston. This year Steinhart & Kelly bought f. o. b. in the Northwest, all of the apples shipped under the Skookum brand. Ti e report is that they have lost money on this deal thus far. How ever, as the last two weeks have wit nessed a rise of 25 cents a box in the selling price of apples, there Is pros pect that they will come out with a profit yet Steinhart & Kelly were among those' hit the hardest by the European war. as they supply the Hamburg American and North-German Lloyd liners with fruit, and these are now tied up at the docks. From the spirit with which J. S. Steinhart takes his temporary re verses, he has won considerable admir ation among the dealers along Green wich and Washington streets. He has a record, which no other speculator possesses of having never turned down a car because It did not meet specifi cations. Many Are Rejected. .When prices are going against specr ulators a shipper is fortunate when his buyer does not find wherein the car is in some way defective. Great numbers of cars were thus rejected in Chicago and other cities this season. Mr. Steinhart is an interesting per sonality. Although his wife Is travel ing in the Hawaiian Islands, and his partner, Mr. Kelly, is away on a va cation. Mr. Steinhart remains on the job. refreshing himself after office hours in riding in his 90-horse-power touring ctr. and during the day by copious draughts of buttermilk, whioh he draws from a bottle stored on the windy side of his windowslll. will visit the West during the early Summer and will be buying apples as in former years. It remains to te seen whether the speculators make a profit on their investments in apples. The receivers, who deal on a ct mmisslon basis, are the or?y ones who thrive whatever the price of apples is. A largre crop lowers the prices, but the hulk of sales is larger. A .small crop lessens the bulk but increases the sellinc; price. In order to do their duty and to hold their trad they must get as good prices for their patrons as their competitors do, but aside from this consideration, they rest easy, assured of getting T or ts per cent of the gross, whether the grower makes anything or not Railroads Sure of Pay. The railroads are In the same class with the receivers to this extent that they must receive the regular rate of 50 cents a box. not under refrigeration, or 60 cents a box under ice, whether the arower profits or not Just how -much of the bulk of apples will come from the Coast by way of the Panama Canal is an open question. John F. Deegan, of the Northwest Fruit Exchange, makes the following sum mary of the situation: "The need of getting Northwestern apples into the distant markets at a cheaper cost is impressed on the grow ers most forcibly during a year like the present when hundreds of carloads have sold in;the Eastern and European markets at prices netting the growers from a dime to a half dollar per box with all charges deducted. It is not without reason, then, that growers of the Northwest are asking, "Does the Canal afford a means by which we can place our apples in the distant. mar kets at a cheaper cost, that we may secure to ourselves a reasonable return on our investment and labor.' Canal Is Used by Some. "Already there have been several shipments of apples from the North west through the Canal, the first one arriving January 22 and containing 25 carloads. Condition of fruit was gen erally good. Shortly after, another shipment followed, containing North western apples and California celery, and the general condition was poor. The celery was mostly dumped as worthless, and the apples were over ripe and "scalded." This condition, however, was due to a breakdown in refrigerator machinery during the voy age. Subsequent shipments through the Canal have arrived here in good condi tion. "Weighing the arguments of the Canal route as opposed to rail, the former of fers a transportation rate of about 25 cents per box, against 50 to 60 cents per box by all rail, approximately $200 less per carload. "The principal points against the Canal route may be listed as follows: "The cost of haul from shipping point to Pacific seacoast "The length of time en transit, 30 days against 12 to 15 days by rail. "The fact that shipper using the Canal has only a limited market in which to sell, i. e., the Atlantic sea board while the shipper using the rail has the markets of the entire country at his disposal. "The steamship -companies 'liability for shipments is less" than the rail roads.' Vessels Dock la Brooklyn. "The steamships discharge fruit in Brooklyn, where no wholesale market exists, and to which buying trade will not go for their purchases. This neces sitates cartage to New York stores for disposal. On the other hand, the rail roads unload shipments on large, com modious, well-protected docks, situa ted in the heart of New York's whole sale produce market. These docks are the markets at which the buying trade daily assemble to purchase their re quirements. "Shipments by Canal must be un loaded on docks, not always well pro tected, immediately on arrival while apples by rail are permitted to remain in the cars, on track, for quite a while, awaiting the- pleasure of the recelver. Export Cost Increased. "If destined for export apples by Canal should be re-shipped in refrig erator stowage, because of traveling from the Pacific Coast for 30 days In refrigerator stowage. On the other hand, shipments by rail can most often travel across the Atlantic in ventilated stowage at a decidedly cheaper rate. "These are the principal points against Canal route for apples. Some of the obstacles can in time be overr come. On the whole, an impartial con sideration of the proposition prompts the conclusion that the decided advant age of approximately $200 per carload saving in freight rates, by shipment through the Canal, as against the rail route, is sufficient to more than offT set the obstacles presenting themselves. Quantities of apples will always move to the East by rail, but as time passes it is safe to predict that the tonnage of apples through the Panama Canal will be considerable." Pasco Will Clean Up April 2 0. PASCO Wash., April 10. (Special.) The Mayor has designated April 20 as Clean-up day for Pasco. On this day a campaign will opened to make Pasco the cleanest city in the Northwest. City Health officer. Dr. . Q. Elmore, has issued a leter of instructions to citizens to enable them to clean up their premises and fight the flies. I THEATER- Today, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Offers William and Dustin FarnumY Great Success THE LITTLEST EBEL By Edward Peple, Featuring E. K. LINCOLN and MDII YVONNE You will not be able to resist its throbs and tears with the thrilling exultation of a true and intense story. Starting Today, 10:30 A. Oregon Domestic Animals Fill Unusual Roles. rinjfnl Cow Gore Girl's . Moutk. Two-Headed Calf Born Cow Con tinuous Producer of Milk for 14 Tears Timid Bovine Trees Nan. SIGHTS of Pendleton, that thriving and sometimes wild Western cijty that has grown all oyer several miles of the Umatilla River, have caused many persons to sit and take notice In wonderment, andathey have proved too much for a China pheasant which, befuddled by the hustling restlessness of the business district beflew itself to the residential portion and delib erately butted Its brains out' against the home of Gus Schmidt, of Court street Modern Daniel Boenea Get Three. ' Daniel Boone has nothing on Blllie Edwards, who, however, was assisted by his son Warren. Bob Veatch and James Plaster In treeing and bagging three ebons recently .near Cottage Grove. Vatldy Coyote Glvea Frlttht. A slobbering coyote, brandishing a srt of able-looking teeth, through which threatening snarls emitted, is the cause of O. F. Right, of Drewsley, carrying a gun since he met the. mad animal in Stinking Water Canyon a few days ago. - ' Only While Gopher Cancht. The only white gopher In captivity, so far as is known, is on exhibition In Fuller's pharmacy, Dallas, Or. The freaky rodent was captured just west of the city. l,ad Goes In After Bear. A hollow tree is no safe refuge for a bear when Conrad Thompson, of Beaver Creek, near Toledo, happens to be around. Young Thompson goes in after them, or at least he entered the hollow of one tree and, firing his rifle straight up at the unseen animal, brought bruin down In a badly punc tured condition. G. B. Ryan's dog aided the youthful hunter in finishing the bear. Woman nnd Pistol Kill Coon. A raid on the hennery of Mrs. G. W. Simpson, of Haynes Inlet near Marsh field, cost him his life, Mrs. Simpson demonstrating her deadllness with a six-shooter on the animal at a distance of 50 yards with the first shot. Five Coyotes Bite the Dnt Shooting from behind an Improvised breastworks, fashioned from his plow. W. E. Cumming3 dispatched a mother coyote and four pups as fast as they emerged from their den near where he was plowing, just west of Heppner. HIDDEN WITNESSES FOUND Two Girls Hid In Quaker City Be lieved Wanted In Capital. PHILADELPHIA, April 4. Two girls, believed to have been spirited away from Washington, D. C, because they were to have appeared as witnesses against saloons in this city, were found in Zeisse's Hotel, 820 Walnut street this city. Detectives Fischer and O'Con nor took them to City Hall, where they were questioned by Captain Cameron. He believes from their answers that some one paid their fares to this city and is able to control their actions. ...,!.. D..n 1ft V.9VI Old. of Twelfth street Southeast, Washington, one of the girls, was to oe me vuvern ment's star witness In a remonstrance i--. In thn n.nltnl The other, Elsie Worthington, 610 Tenth street, Wasmngion, was reieaseu unci the police of this city were notified she was not desired as a witness at this time. Detectives were waiting at rallroaa stations to meet the girls, upon infor mation received from Washington. They then made the rounds of the hotels un- SJbX 1 IX 3 a. o 10c4 Days Beginning Today-10c Wliem Were i weii oe We O Starring William Elliott as 'The Imp". A Daniel Frohman Production ' M. Admission 10 til they found the two names registered at Zeisse's. The girls, when awakened, at ttrst refused to admit their identity. In their baggage, tha detectives y. they found newspaper articles berating the anti-saloon crusade. $70,000 LEFT TO GIRL, NINE Church of Christ Scientist AIo ficts Girt From St. Louis Man. SIT LOUIS. April 5. James M. Wil son, of Denver, who died a few dsys ago. left an estaU' of about $2,000,000, according to dispatches from that city. Much of this was made in East tit. Louis real estate and among the few bequests are one of about $70,000 worth of stock to Miss Salena Virginia Rober, 9 years old, daughter of Mrs. Edward L. Cragen, 1927 Bond avenue. Esst SI. Louis, and stock worth about $:5.000 to tho First Church of Christ. Scien tist, of St Louis. The little girl is a grandchild of Finis P. Ernest and named for hl widow. Wilson visited East St. Louis each March to pay tuxes on his ex tensive holdings and on these annual visits became much attached to the child. The legacy to the Christian Science Church is placed in trust with N. C. McMillan, president of the St. Louis Union Trust Company, and Mrs. Ernest. The granddaughter mentioned as a beneficiarv in dispatches from Denver is Miss Selena Virginia Reber. S years old. She is a daughter of Mrs. Edward U Cragen and lives at 2927 Bond ave nue. East St Louis. Wilson was credited with holding more real estate In East St Louis than any other Individual. Mrs. Ernest Is also an extensive holder of East St. Louis realty, Including the northwest corner of Tenth street and Missouri avenue. Almansca aro In Ittnc that were com piled In the 1-tih century, but thpy are onlf. in manuaertnt the flr-it printed almaneo was IftsiiK'l about the yer 1471k Become Famous STUDY THE ART AM) VALUES OF Motion Pictures The irfoat Proarreajalvt? Industry of the Twentieth Century, in connection with our new plant De partments are provided where Inatruc tion In all branches will be given. High-grade commercial work ana local production rlvon special atten tion. Farticulara KOIITHWKST WKFKLV, Corner Mnth nnd Bnrnalde Streets, i'ortland. Orraon. This Is a Wonderful Film Show ing of Nat Goodwin's Greatest Success. Marie Empress Is a Magnetic "Firefly" cy - 1