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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1915)
THE SUNDAY " OREGONTAX, rORTXAXI, APRIL '11, 1915. 5 ROUTE OF ALASKA RAILROAD Alaska Northern, 71 Miles Long, Bought for $1,150, 000 by the Government. TOTAL COST IS $26,800,000 Interior Department Announces In tention to Complete 40 Miles This Year Branch to Keach Matanuska Coal Field. fContinued From First Psse.) operative condition and will be used as a base for extending the line along Turnagain Arm. Under the contract approved by the President the road is taken over free from all debt or obligation of any kind. "The estimated cost of constrnction f this line from- Seward to Fairbanks. Including the Matanuska branch, is 126.800,000. The President 'has made an order directing that the work be carried on by the Alaskan Engineering Commis sion, which is to have the general duty of preparing and adopting plans for construction, the employment of force and the making of contracts for the purchase of supplies for the work. Edei Is Made Chairman. Th Secretary of the Interior Is authorized to designate one of the members of the commission as its chairman, who shall be in immediate charge of the work and have power of approval and disapproval of all admin istrative matters connected with it. In accordance with this authorization. Sec retary Lane has designated . C. xies, the nresent chairman of the commis sion. -The members of the commission, which consists of William C Edes, chairman: Lieutenant Frederic Mears, late superintendent of the Panama Railroad, and Thomas Riggs. Jr, are directed to proceed to Alaska at once. "The chairman Is to make his head quarters at Seward; Lieutenant Mears is to be stationed at Ship Creek, and Mr. Riircrs is to conduct surveys in the Broad Bass region." Health of Mel Considered. In one of the orders signed by the President, he says: "I charge the commission particular ly with the preparation and mainte nance of such arrangements as may be rnnniriwi for the health of the men en gaged in the work of construction and I instruct you to prepare and adopt a proper system of compensation lor ac cidents which may occur on the work in general, on the lines ol system now in force, in the construction of th isthmian canal, but such system shall be so framed that Its benefits will be applicable, not only to those who are directly in the service of the commis sion on salary, but also to those who may, by contract with the commission. be actually engaged in tne worn 01 con struction in Alaska." Secretary Lane, in making public the President's orders said: "The first work will be the building of a wharf at Ship Creek and the dredg ing of a more adequate channel. From this point, the railroad win De con structed northward to the Matanuska Held. The probability is that not more than 40 miles of road can be con structed this year, owing to the fact that our appropriation is only $2,000, 00. We have something over $500,000 remaining from the $1,000,000 last year authorized and this will be used as the first payment on the Alaska North ern road." Statloa" Work to Predominate. The work will be done in large part by station men, who will make direct contracts with the Commission for building distinct units of the road. This method has been recommended to the President by some of the most promi nent railroad constructors and is adopt ed generally in railroad construction in the West. At the end of this season the work done in this way will form a basis from which it may be determined whether It is wise to have the road constructed as a whole or in part by contract. It is expected that the Com mission will employ a small force. ehiefly composed of engineers, to su pervise the construction. The President t,fMt directed the Commission that the nlacea which are to be filled snail be filled exclusively on the ground of merit and experience. "I have received word of a threat ened stampede to Alaska this season. The work to be undertaken by the Government does not justify any such rash. The Government itself will em ploy but few men and these men of a high order or ranroaa engineering w Mrience. 1 desire to advise those con templating going to Alaska that there is little opportunity for employment in that country at this time and they must be prepared in advance lor tneir return In the Fall. We nave withdrawn town elites along this route at Ship Creek, Matanuska Junction, in Susltna Valley, one in the vicinity of Broad Pass, an other in the -Nenana River valley. . Xtif RrslOK Wilt Be Opened. "The route adopted by the President will open up a territory not now served by any railroad line and two of the great coal nelds in Alaska, one in the Matanuska field, which contains hign grade bituminous coal acceptable to the Navy. and. second, the JScnana coal neio near the Tanana River, which is a great body of high-grade lignite that will serve the interior of Alaska." The description of the route as ap proved by the President is aa follows: "For a main line of railroad Com mencing at the town of Seward on the westerly shore of Resurrection Bay, Alaska. Thence following along said westerly shore in a northerly direction to the head of said Bay; thence fol lowing up the drainage of Salmon Creek to a summit between said drainage and tho drainage of Snow River: thence following the drainage of Snow River to Ketiai Lake; thence continuing northerly slong the easterly phore of Kenai Lake, along Falls Creek, slong the shores of Lower and Upper Trail Lake and lip Trail Creek to a. summit in the Kenai Mountains near Mile 45: .from Seward: thence descending along tlie drainage of Placer River to the head of Turnagain Arm of Cook Inlet: thence following the north easterly shore of said Turnagain Arm avnd crossing Portage Creek and Twenty-Mile River to the mouth of Kern Creek, near Mile 71 from Seward; thence in a northwesterly direction along !3ie shore of Turnagain Ami to near the mouth of Big Rabbit Creek; thence leaving Turnagain Arm and run. nfrrg northerly to a summit in section township 14 north, range 3 west, Sewsu-d meridian: thence running northeasterly to near the head of Knik Arm of Cook Inlet; thence running northerly across the flats at the head of said arm and crossing Knik and Matanuska rivers, at a point about two miles north of the Matanuska River: thence running in a westerly and northwesterly direction, crossing tho little Susltna River and following alone the southwesterly slopes of Bald Mountain to Willow Creek, a tributary of the Susltna River: thence In a north erly direction following the drainage of tbs Susltna and Chulitna rivers to Broad Pass, situated in the main Alaska range of mountains; thence crossing Broad Pass and entering the drainage of the Nenana River; thence continuing northward following the drainage of the Nenana River to the Tanana River, the total distance from Seward being 416 miles, more or less. "Also starting from a point, on the above described line, situated two miles more or less., northerly from where said line crosses the Matanuska River, and thence running in an easterly direction following the drainage of said Matanuska River and its tributaries, a distance of 38 miles more or less to the Matanuska coal fields." NORTH SELL 18 T BOATS SURPLUS ALLOWANCE IS LEFT Future to Determine Disposition of Remaining $8,000,000. OREGON'IAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, April 10. In announcing today the selection of the route of the Gov ernment railroad in Alaska, Secretary Lane makes no mention of the Copper River & Northwestern Railroad and this omission may or may not be significant. The estimated cost of the proposed CATHOLIC PRELATE GOES TO WASHINGTON TO ATTEND CONFERENCE AND CELE ' BRATIOV. Archbishop Christie. - The Rt. Rev. Alexander Chris tie. Archbishop of Oregon, has gone to Washington, D. C. He left on Wednesday night to at tend a conference of all the Ro man Catholic bishops of the United States and to be present at the celebration of the 25th an niversary of the founding of the Catholic University of Washing ton. Father George Thompson accompanied Archbishop Christie., Father E. V. O'Hara. of the Cathedral parish, who was called to La Crosse, Wis., on account of the illness of his mother, will remain in the East for a week or longer. His mother died be fore her son could reach her bed side and her funeral was held t,his week. road from Seward to Fairbanks is $8, 000,000 less than the amount authorized by Congress to be expended. Whether this surplus will be utilized in build ing feeders to the Seward-Fairbanks road or be applied toward the purchase and extension of the Copper River road is left for future determination. It Is certain that if it is decided later by the Government to buy and extend the Copper. River road. Congress must extend the limit of cost, for that road probably would cost the Government $6,000,0.10 to $8,000,000 or more. H. P. Warren, representing the Alaskan Railway Commission, is still in Panama selecting construction material for use in Alaska and making arrange ments for the transfer of dredges, cars. locomotives, steam shovels, etc He also is seeking skilled mechanics, fore men and engineers at fanama lor serv ice in Alaska, but has given notice that lower wages and salaries will be paid m Alaska than have been paid at Panama. The Government intends to pay its Alaska railroad construction force the same wages paid on railroads in West ern Canada. As far as possible white American labor will be employed. SEWARD IS SOT SURPRISED Town Already Overcrowded and People Arc Living in Tents. SEWARD, Alaska. April 10. Seward made no demonstration over the an nouncement that the President had chosen Seward .as the ocean terminus of the Government Railroad. It had been an open secret that Seward would be chosen, consequently tne dispatches from Washington caused no great sur prise. Seward is already unable to house in habitants, and many persons are liv ing In tents. Commerce Commission Rules Competition Exists, Vio lating Panama Act. 1 RIVALS ARE NOW EXCLUDED Dalles, Portland & Astoria Naviga tion Company to Be Divorced From Railway Commercial Bodies' Protests Are Upheld. BIRDS STILL PROTECTED ACT EFFECTIVE PENDING RULING BV SUPREME COURT. Decisions of Two Federal Judges Kansas Not Accepted by Depart ment of Agriculture OREGONIAN NEWS TTREAU, Wash ington, April 8. The Federal migratory bird act, recently declared unconstitu tional by the United States District Court at Topeka. Kan., and previously held -unconstitutional by the Federal Court lor the Eastern District of Kan sas, is in full force and effect in all other Jurisdictions of the United States, and it is the purpose of the Depart ment of Agriculture to enforce rigidly that law according to the intent of Congress. The decision of the two courts in question is not binding out side their own Jurisdiction, and the real constitutionality of the act is to be tested out before the United States Supreme Court. Thinking the public mar be deceived by publicity given the finding of the Kansas court, the Department of Agri culture Is sending out a warning against -iolation of the migratory bird law. and in this warning says: . "The act of Congress protecting ml- eratorv birds stands effective until the Supreme Court finally decides the ques tion of its constitutionality, m tne eantime it is incumbent on every law- abiding citizen to observe its provisions and the regulations thereunder. It is the dutv of the Department of Agricul ture to enforce this law. and the offi cials in charge will endeavor to do so as long as it is in force. Reports of violations will be carefully investigated and when sufficient evidence is secured they will be reported for prosecution. In this connection, it should not be forgotten that an offender against this, as in the case of any other United States law, is subject to prosecution anv time within three years from the date of the offense committed." Thompson's Majority 147,97". CHICAGO. April 10. The official can vass of the vote cast at last Tuesday's municipal election was concluded today and shows that William Hale Thomp son. Republican, defeated Robert M. Swettzer, Democrat, by a plurality of 147.97T. The police returns gava Thomp son a plurality of 138,831. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, April 10. Under the decision of the Interstate Commerce Commission today, the Spokane, Portland & Seat tle Railway Company must relinquish its ownership and control of Th Dalles, Portland Astoria Navigation Company by or before June 1, 1915, its continued ownership being held violation of section 11 of the Panama Canal act. The North Bank, road had applied to the Commission for au thority to continue its ownership of the navigation company after . July last, on which date, under the law, rail road companies owning steamships were required to dispose of water car' riers which compete with their rail business. Since filing its appeal the railroad company has continued to own and operate two steamers between Port land and The Dalles. Competition Found to Exist. The Interstate Commerce Commis sion found that, there is competition between the North Bank road and th navigation company on business be tween Portland and all points along the Columbia River as far as Gran Dalles. The railroad company ex plained that it asked delay, hoping for reasonable time in which to sell it; steamboats at a fair price and declared that it could not get a fair price, if forced to sell by June 1. In the course of its investigation th Commission found that the steamship company, under railroad ownership, h been able to prevent river competition between Portland and The Dalles, ex cept as to one boat now operating. Tn Commission also found that the navi gation company had driven the Open River Transportation Company out of business fty canceling Its traffic agree- ment in 1906 on one day's notice and by thereafter rendering unprofitable the operation of an independent steamer on the lower river. New Enterprise Prevented. Concluding Its opinion the Commis slon says: "It is clear that through water transportation , cannot' be estab lished or maintained between the upper and lower rivers so long as the peti tioner owns or controls the Tiavigation company. It Is shown that new capital cannot be secured to establish and op erate a boat line in competition with the railroad-owned boat line and that the through line cannot profitably op erate unless it secures a certain amount of traffic on the lower river, particu larly passenger traffic. We find that the operation of the navigation company by the petitioner Is not in the interest of the public and that continued ownership er control of the navigation company By the peti tioner will exclude, prevent or reduce competition on tne route by water un der consideration. It follows that The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Company must be completely divorced from the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railway Company." The Portland Chamber of Commerce and commercial organizations at other points along the Columbia River pro tested to the Commission against the continued ownership of the navigation company by the North Bank road and the decision is in accord with their protest. TWO STEAMERS ARE AFFECTED Company Will Comply, Even if Ves sels Are Tied Up to Docks. "We have not determined what to do with our steamship line," said C. H. Carey, attorney for the North Bank system, last nigrtrt. "There is no appeal from the decision of the commission and we do- not pro pose to do other than to comply wit.. that decision. If we can t find a pur chaser for the shins, we shall have to quit operating them on June 1 and tie hm up to the docks." The commission's decision affects the steamers Dalles City and the Bailey Gatzert, operating between Portland and Cascade Locks and between Port land and The Dalles, respectively. Booh vessels are used in Summer tame for tourist passenger traffic, but always carry considerable freight. The railroad was ordered to dispose of the vessels when the interstate com merce code first went into effect, but was granted relief from the order from time to time. Last year tne railroad applied for exemption from the law and a hearing was conducted m -orx land on that application. Yesterday's decision of the commission is based upon the evidence brought out at that hearing. MOOSE MEMORIAL IS TODAY Address' by Rev. John H. Boyd , to Be Part of Ceremonies. The annual memorial services of Portland Lodge, No. 291, Loyal Order of Moose, will be conducted today with ritualistic ceremonies at the lodge rooms In" the Royal building, at 1:30, and concluding ceremonies at the First Presbyterian Church, Twelfth and Aider streets at 2:30. The services at the church will be open to public Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church, will give the memorial address. Several musical numbers are on the programme, includ ing an organ prelude, "funeral Jiarcn. by Edgar K. coursen; Danione soto. "Lead, Kindly Light." Dom J. Zan; quartet, "Nearer, My God, to Thee," Mrs. Jane Burns Ainert. -iirs. juiu uni Miller, Joseph P. Mulder and Dom J. Zan. T. R. CRITICIZES WOMEN (Continued From First Page.) told Mrs. Rublee what Colonel Roose velt thought of pacifists. It said well, I don't remember exactly, but it gener alized to the effect that pacifists were in the wrong entirely and a detriment to the Nation. No, I do not. remember any of the phrases or particular re marks. Attitude Is No Surprise. Miss Addams declared the Colonel's attitude was a surprise to no one; that the Colonel was always consistent, right or wrong, and that the Colonel had not Incured the ' anger of the woman's peace party and, further, that the woman's peace party had no time for anger, but was devoted to an antithetical ideal peace. 'If you will read an article the Colonel wrote several weeks ago, youf will know almost exactly what the letter contained." she concluded. Colonel Roosevelt long ago expressed himself as "more than willing" that the epistle should be made public. WOMAN KEEPS LETTER SECRET Mrs. Rublee Thinks Answer Re flects "o redit on Writer. WASHINGTON, April 10. (Special.) Mrs. George, Rublee. whose husband is a member of the Interstate Trade Commission, and who will leave here tomorrow for Europe to Join in th women's peace movement, declined to night to make public the letter oppos ing the movement which she had re ceived from Colonel Roosevelt. Mrs. Rublee said she would not dis cuss the subject. It is known, how ever, that the Colonel in his usual vig orous style has denounced the pro posed action of the women and has set forth his views against the pacific ism. Repeatedly the Colonel has de scribed the inevitable results of failufe to prepare and the weakness which is the consequence of lack of an adequate army and navy. Mrs. Rublee's' reason, for failing to make the letter public is her opinion that it does not reflect credit on th writer. She is an earnest advocate of oeace and believes that the women peace movement will be valuable i showinz the dreadful effects of war and cause governments and soldiers to arrange their differences. Several Ger man women have written their appre ciation of what the women of the world can do. Through the spread of peace doc trines, Mrs. Rublee hopes that alljthi nations will agree to settle their dis putes amicably, "by the use of brains rather than of arms," and that after time war will be relegated to barbar ism . 5 COMPANIES INCORPORATE Columbia River Coal Dock Capital Stock. Is $100,000. Five new companies filed articles of incorporation in County Clerk Coffey office yesterday. The Columbia River Coal Dock Company, with a capital stock of 100.000. was incorporated by Lowther Ferris. R. H. Brown and Charles A. Hart. The Electric Power Switch Control Company, incorporated by Ben Erickson, Sam A. McConnell and Dan Leatherman, is capitalized at $5000. Other companies are the' Electric Baseball Company, composed of Roscoe Fawcstt. John Fawcett and Carl t. Groth: W. F. Rogers Hotel & Supply Company. W. F. Rogers, C. F. Gaiser and Martin W. Hawkins, and the Ala meda Construction Company, capital ized at S10,000, incorporated by G. G. Larfield. K. F. Gildner and E. Nelson. SHANGHAIING SHIP IS SUED Father of Young Man Who Died on Board Libels Vessel for $10,000 NEW ORLEANS, April 10. Charges that George M. Farmer was shang haied aboard the British mule ship Anglo-Australian here and that severe treatment afterward was contriouiory to his death, were made in a $10,000 libel filed against the vessel here to day by Edward Farmer, his fatner. Young Farmer died three days after the vessel left New Orleans for Avonmouth. In the petition the father charges that Farmer was taken aboard the ves sel drunk and lashed to a stanchion. His treatment, the petition sets forth resulted in a fit and that he died with out attention. IMMIGRANT TIDE COMING Canadian Pacific President Says In flux Will Follow War. CHICAGO. April 10. There will be a flood of immigration to the United States and Canada at the conclusion of the European war, according to Sir Thomas O'Shaughnessy, president of the Canadian Pacific Railroad, who was here today en route to San Fran cisco. 'The men of Northern and Central Europe," he said, "are beginning to feel freer to leave their native lands than ever before. Forced military service, among other things, must be more repellant to them now than ever before. The new lands on this conti nent will invite them." DYE MAKERS ENCOURAGED Secretary Lane Sees Hope in Federal Trade Commission. WASHINGTON, April 10. The new Federal Trade Commission might pro tect Americans who begin the manufac ture of dyestuffs, in the opinion of Sec retary Lane, who called today at the White House. If after the war any foreign con cerns should start cutting rates to drive American plants out of business. I see no reason why the trade commis sion should not step in, he said. It seems to me that Americans should go ahead and try to manufacture the need ed dyestuffs to meet the demand of the textile manufacturers. BENCH BUSINESS REVIVES Customs Duties Show First Net Gala Since War Began. PARIS. April 10. For the first time since the war began, customs' duties of France for a month exceeded those f the corresponding month of last ear. .The duties were for the month of February. While partly made up of duties on army purchases, these gains were off set by suspended, duties on wheat and lfferent products, so that trie gain is considered to be a net one and as show ing a remarkable revival of business under the circumstances. MAD CAPTAIN SET FREE Continued From First Pas- Captain Herail that his wife rnust leave tm or he would De courtmaruaiea ror disobedience. When he had heard this order read Captain Herail went into the next room where his wife waa. Major Bouchez then heard a shot and rushing- into the- room found Mme. Herail lying before the fireplace. The Major- summoned the police of Com- piepne to take charge of the case. OTEIN-BL0CH 0 Smart Clothes the apparel of a gentleman. They possess the virtues that make friends virtues that are bred in the yarns, in the lines and in every stitch. 1 want to make you acquainted with Stem-Bloch Smart Clothes; will, you come in and meet them? $20 to $35 BEN SELLING CLOTHIER . Morrison Street at Fourth -mjm .S3 ' i CAUTION PUT ASIDE Gardner .Says Wilson Spurned Army and Navy Advice. PRESIDENT IS CHALLENGED of Anger Shown at "Effrontery" Distinguished Orflcers -Ixiss of F-4 Declared Due to Keg- t lect of Daniels. WASHINGTON", April 10. Represent ative Gardner, of Massachusetts, gave dinner here tonight to the reserve Army of the United States. . Eight of the 16 reservists attended. .The pro ceedings were intended to express the views of the diners on the state of tne National defenses. Mr. Gardner made the principal speech and referred to the recent loss of the submarine F-4, which he charac terized as a "gruesome comment on Sec retary Daniels policy of peaceful per suasion and pretense of preparedness. The loss of life on the F-i." said he, "Is due to Secretary Daniels' neg lect of our submarines." Mr. .Gardner related an incident, which he said occurred a year ago, when, "in the minds of many people, there was serious danger of interna tional trouble in the Pacific Ocean." A joint board of Army and Navy of ficers, he said, went to President Wil son with recommendations that certain precautions be taken immediately. The President gasped with anger at the effrontery of these distinguished officers," said Representative Gardner, 'and peremptorily forbade the board to meet again. If this statement of mine is denied, I challenge the Presi dent to permit a public investigation." CHIEF INDICTED AGAIN LOS ANGELES BRAXD JURY DIS REGARDS GIRL'S "CONFESSION." Cfcarse of Perjury Made Agaiast Miss Desparte Sebastian AccuMed of. Offense She Described. LOS ANGELES, April 10. Charles -K. Sebastian, Chief of Police, indicted sev eral days ago on the charge of having contributed to the delinquency of Kdith Serkin. a minor, was indicted again to day for alleged offenses against Vic toria Desparte, a delinquent girl, aiiss Desparte also was indicted. The charge against her is perjury. Miss Desparte was remanded to jail in default of $2500 bail on the perjury charge. Sebastian, being already under bonds of 7500 on two indictments charging him with the Serkin offense, and also alleged attempts to intimidat ing the grand jury, was not required to furnish further security. The indictment against Sebastian to day was voted by the grand jury in a session called to investigate the con fession Miss Desparte madw to Judge Taft, of the Superior Court, . yesterday that her sworn statement to the inquis itors two weeks ago, accusing Sebas tian, was a fabrication. Officials of the District Attorney's office said that the jury had shown that it placed no cred ence in the girl's reputation by indict ing Sebastian on her original charge, and then indicting the girl herself for perjury. The bills were filed in the court of Presiding Judge Wood, in the midst of preliminary proceedings against Sebas tian and his attorney, Karl Rogers, on the indictments returned against them several days ago, alleging that they at tempted to influence the- grand Jury during the investigation of the Des parte case. The Indictments returned today also accuse the police chief of an offense against Miss Desparte's chum, Lucille Livingston, who appeared with her at the first Inquiry and was a witness, presumably, against her today. muici law repeal din. saying mn low branch of the Democratic party will' refuse longer to be the "spigot of a beer barrel," nnd praising thu etand of Secretary nryan lor tetnperanro in a recent letter to a member of the Slate Democratic Central Committee. "We will part company wtth Secre tary Bryan on this local option Ihku." said Senator Hngemann. "The prin clple will be defined In the next slat, platform." Pope Calls for Prajvr for Pence. ROME (via Paris), April 10 Pope Benedict issued today a decree for the', recital of prayers for peace In Roman Catholic churches over liio world dur ing the month of Al r y. We Are Closing Out Our Entire Stock of Wines and DEMOCRAT DEFIES BRYAN Iowan Says Secretary Will Xot Run Party on Liquor Question. DES MOINES. April 10. "Secretary Bryan will not run the Democratic party in Iowa on the liquor question," was the declaration of Senator Hagc mann, Democrat, in an Impromptu de bate between Democrats In the Iowa Senate on his "local option" bill. The local option bill was defeated by a vote of 30 to 13. Senator Hagemann's declaration was in reply to a statement by Senator Clarkson, Democrat, and author of the FAMOUS FOR HER HAIR Actress Tells How to Obtain It. Madame Rose, th'e well-known act ress, who played on one of the leading vaudeville circuits the past Winter and who Is especially noted for her long, beautiful hair, In a recent Interview in Chicago made the following state ment: "Any lady or gentleman can promote the growth of their hair and make it soft and glossy with this simple recipe, which they can mix at home: To a half pint of water add 1 oz. of bay rum, a small box of Barbo Compound and oz. of glycerine. Ap ply to the scalp two or three times a week with the finger tips. This is not only the finest hair grower I have ever known, but it prevents the hair from falling out, removes dandruff and scalp humors, darkens streaked, faded gray hair and makes it soft and glossy. The ingredients can be purchased at any drug store at very little cost." Adv. AT Greatly Reduced Prices Now Is Your Time to Pre pare for the Dry Period HIGH-GRADE WHISKIES Five Different Whiskies, bottle G5d Sunnybrook, bottle.. .796 Old Kentucky, bottle, 75 Cream Rye, bottle .... 79 $3 Whisky, gallon, S2.25 Old Kentucky, pal. S2.43 Sunnybrook, gallon S2.90 King Hill, gallon. .$3.45 Prince Albert, gal. S3.85 CALIFORNIA WINES All $1.50, Wines, gal. 85d Old Vintage, a ?2 Wine, gallon ....S1.15 Cream of California, gal lon S1.43 Spring Valley Wine Co. SECOND and Yamhill Main 589, A 1117 $50.00 FIRST What Doctors Use for Eczema A soothing combination of oil of Win- tergreen, Thymol and other healing in gredients called D. D. D. Prescription Is now a favorite remedy of skin spe cialists for all skin diseases. It pene trates the pores, gives instant relief from the most distressing itch. Its soothing oils quickly heal the In flamed tissues. Test its soothing effect. All drug- ists have a generous trial bottle for only 25c. Come and let us tell you bout our money back guarantee offer to free ycu from distress. Ask also about D. D. D. Soap. Huntley Drug Co.. .Washington, at Fourth. Adv. 30.00 SECOND PRIZE OFFERED BY GIEBISH & JOPLIN FOR BEST DESIGN AND NAME FOR A NEW BRAND condensed' milk READ THE CONDITIONS Giebish & Joplin are the originators and owners of the famous "Yeloban" brand known all over the Pacific Coast, They are preparing to place another brand upon the market and desire a suitable name and design. This contest is open to all competitors and the name and design suggested must be of such character as can be registered in the United States Patent Office. $50.00 will be paid for the best name and design. $30.00 for the second best name and design. Each name and design must be accompanied by a "Yeloban" condensed milk label as evi dence that you. have given the matter thought and made yourself familiar with our aim by reading a little about our product. Just a little thought and perhaps you will be the fortunate one to name the label and be handsomely paid for your trouble. The name and design must be in the hands of Giebish & Joplin, 408 Twothchild Bldg., May 5th, not later than 6 P. M. The iudges are five well-known wholesale grocers, namely: Ralph Hahn, Wadhams &, Co.; L. O. Ross, Allen & Lewis; Edw. J. Hall, T. W. Jenkins & Co.; E. F. Pcttcrson, Mason, Ehrman Co.; J. D. Kenworthy, Wadhams & Kerr Bros.