The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, SECTION FOUR, Page 2, Image 48

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Sii. -Sit.
DESCRIBED as distinctly human,
-ceaselessly interesting tod in
tensely thrilling. George M. Co
ban's mystery farce, "Seven. Keys to
Baldpate," will hare its first presenta
tion here tonight at the Heilig. This
play ran all of last season In, Chicago
and New York and has met with in
stantaneous approval from every city
where it has played since. It is coming
to- us from San Francisco and way
points, with Cyril Scott leading an ex
cellent cast. The engagement is for
the entire week, with matinees Wednes
day and Saturday.
Following "Seven Keys to- Baldpate"
i "The Candy Shop," a delectable tid
bit returning after a great hit in Chi
cago. Hock and Fulton and Daphne
Pollard aro among its important folk.
After "The Candy Shop" comes "Every
"Woman." '
" .
Latin voices are lifting melodiously
in season- of grand opera within
pecketboek reach of all of us at the
Baker. ,Tbui afternoon, ana on weanes.-dax-
evening and again at next Satur
day's matinee Verdi's "Traviata" will
be given. Tonight Verdi's "Rigoletto"
is -the bill, repeating on Wednesday at
a niatinee. Tomorrow evening. Monday,
a repetition of -Aida," the opening bill
fthe Lambardis- is to be-given. On
Tuesday evening and again on Friday
evening the old favorite. "II Trovatore,"
Is the opera. Thursday evening will
bring "Faust" and next Saturday even
ing 'Aida-' 1s again the bill. .
"Sylvester Schaeffer." who is ten vau
deville acts all rolled into one big
headliner. will be the main attraction
at the Orpheum. Sylvester has been a
sensation wherever he has appearea.
Maria Russell a singer from the
South meaning in this particular in
stance south of the Mason-Dixon
line is to top the Empress bill. Most
interesting is the added attraction at
this house. Mary Edgett Baker and
Walter B. Gilbert, both favorites ln-the
Baker stock, will present a sketch
written by -Mrs.- Harold - Sawyer and
Mrs. Folger Johnson. The sketch is
tailed "Even I-'p."
Pantages will give us Herbert Lloyd
and company in a burlesque skit called
"The King of Diamonds."
Hayes and Reeves," novelty singers'
and Impersonators, top the Lyric bill.
"Seven Keys to Baldpate" Is Story
- - With Joke on Audience.
"Seven Keys to Baldpate," George M.
Cohan's galloping farce, based on Earl
Derr Blggers' novel, which will be seen
at the- Heilig Theater seven nights,
beginning tonight including matinees
Wednesday and Saturday, is Cohan at
his best. He has constructed something
entirely different in stage offerings, a
farce with tense, dramatic moments and
without horseplay. In fact the audi
ence is the one upon whom the joke
is - played. Until Cohan brought his
genius and his stagecraft to bear, shud
dery melodramatic situations have
never been able to work in harmony
with gales of laughter. But that is
what "Seven Keys to Baldpate" exem
plifies. The story concerns the author of "best
sellers." who makes a wager that be
can write a lO.ftt'O-word novel, com
plete in every detail, in the span of 24
hours. Magee. the author, selects Bald
rate Inn as the place for his labors,
berauso it is a Summer hotel, set upon
a lonely mountain. The time of action
is in the dead of Winter. .
At the rise of the curtain follow
ing the prologue, the author's seclu
sion is found to be insecure. There is
more than one key to Baldpate Inn.
although Magee is told he has the sole
key to the inn. As he sets to work on
his story he hears a key grating in
the door.. A young man, armed and
desperate, enters. He places 1200.000
in the safe, the first act in a bribery
franchise plot
Immediately enters a charming young
newspaper woman and her chaperone,
tje one trailing graft and the other
seeking to protect the man she loves
from being bribed. Comes next an ad
venturess, straight out of the yellow
est yellow-back novel ever written, to
double-cross her confederates and steal
the (200,000. Next appears the "Hermit-ghost"
of Baldpate Mountain, and
in exciting succession the corrupt
Mayor, tho ex-convict who is to share
the boodle and the franchise-buying
, How, in a deft manner, the author
makes each and every one of the in
truders do his bidding gives a thrill
worth while.
"Seven Keys to Baldpate" played for
more than a year to capacity houses
at the Gaiety Theater. New York, and
for six montns at Cohan's Grand Opera
house. Chicago. The original cast and
production will be seen here, including
Cvril Scott. John O'Hara. Lee Sterrett
William L. Gibson, Spencer Charters,
iw'' V Jy irl .-r..-. ' -''i
Frank Monroe. Hooker Wright Ethel
Intropodi. Christine Mayo, Rita Harlan,
Jean Shelby. Laura Bennett and Fannie
Mackey. '
Italian Grand Opera Season Xow Is
in Full Suing.
The Italian grand opera season at
the Baker is now in full swing, and
with the splendid productions of
"Aida," "Traviata" and Rigoletto."
which already have been heard by
many- people, who might have been
sceptical of the merit of the organisa
tion on account of the before-unheard-of
prices of admission, have become
fully convinced that It is everything
Manager Baker and Impresario Lam
bardi promised for it.
Those who went to criticise have
gone away to praise, for they realize
that - we have with us' a company of
high-class artists singing and produc
ing' the noted grand operas of the
world under the conductorship of one
r hat nrfhttstr. directors Port-
Iland ever has welcomed, Luigi tec
chettL These productions are complete
In every detail, sung in a manner fault-
less to the. njgnest trainea rauircai
eari with gorgeous scenic' and stage
effects; splendid choruses and. 'rich
costumes. .
So many singers have distinguished
themselves that it is difficult to ex
press choice at this early day and in
the operas to. come others are stil
to be heard from. This afternoon the
tuneful and -popular "Traviata" -will be
sung, tonight "Rigoletto," tomorrow
night ."Aida" and Tuesday night. "II
Trovatore. "
At the first bargain matinee Wednes
day "Rigoletto" will be repeated, fol
lowed by "Traviata" Wednesday night
and on Tnursday we will hear Gounod's
"Faust." with Tina . Schinetti as Mar
guerite Ingar as Faust and Olinto
Ltmbardi as Mephisto. Friday will be
"II Trovatore." Saturday ' matinee
"Traviata." night "Aida," Sunday mat
inee "II Trovatnre," night "Faust"
Monday '"Cavallerla -' Rusticana" and
"I Pagllacci". and Tuesday, April ,20,
"Faust" . -.-,
Sylvester Schaffer to Headline TJn-
: usual Bill, Opening Today.
In reality 14 acts will be seen at the
Orpheum today.. Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday, although 10 .of them will
be performed by tho remarkable Ger
man genius, Sylvester Schaffer, whose
astonishing versatility, tremendous sal
ary and accomplishments mark his
Portland appearance as the most - im
portant vaudevHleofferlngever brought
to this city.
He draws a salary of of $5000 a week.
t He Is. the highest salaried personage
in vaudeville
He is the most versatile man in the
He can-do anything that any other
performer can do-and -do It better. .
Sylvester . Schaffer will begin today
with coin and card manipulations, and
for the following hour and 10 or 20
minutes will rapidly run through a
series of performances touching Japa
nese jugglery, circus horsemanship with
his two beautiful Arabian horses, witn
trained fox terriers, marksmanship
while nslng his trained deer, wtll play
the violin like a virtuoso and will paint
in oils. Then this Blender young
stranger will astonish his auditors with
feats of strength rarely attempted by
the burliest of strong men.
Sylvester Schaffer Is the youngest of
a family of entertainers, who have been
most prominent In Europe for 90 years.
It irritates him to know that some per
former has an act that he has not
learned, so that today he is known as
the most wonderful man on the stage.
Making the bill more interesting to
Portland folk will be the appearance
of those old and established favorites.
Homer B. Mason and Marguerite Keeler,
in their latest and funniest sketch,
"Married." Those who remember the
laughter these people gave with "In and
Out" will be ready to get into the box
office line early in the day.
For the musical will be Miss
Helen Scolder, the famous American
cellist while Alf Rover and his sister
will furnish an exceedingly amusing ec
centric musical arid dancing number.
In George M. Rosener will be seen one
of the greatest character impersonators
on the stage today. '
Matinees will be given every after
noon, with the Orpheum tea party fixed
for Monday, following the performance.
Mary Edgett Baker and Walter Gil
bert Are One of Big Features.
An extraordinary eight-act show will
open at the Empress with the matinee
tomorrow. The four big features ars
Marie Russell, a headliner of interna-
tional renown; McBride and Cavanaugh
and their "Honey Girls"; Walter Gil
bert and Mary Edgett Baker, Baker
Stock Company favorites, in "Even Up."
a playlet written by two Portland so
ciety women, and a photoplay present
ing Jess Willard, the new champion
heavyweight, in a romance of the prize
ring in which the world's greatest
pugilist is shown In a four-round bout.
Marie Russell, star of the great show,
is known as "The Belle of Kentucky."
Her act is called a study in brown.
Miss Russell is a singer of note, a come
dienne of great ability and her. gowns
are gorgeous. She was a tremendous
hit in Portland last year in an engage
ment at the Empress.
McBride at:d Cavanaugh and their
"Honey Girls" have the reputation of
staging the biggest girl act in vaude
ville. McBride and Cavanaugh are one
of the most versatile Broadway duos,
and the girls affiliated with them on the
Empress tour are stunning beauties.
- Walter Gilbert and Mary Edgett
Baker will present a comedy crook
playlet written by Mrs. Harold M. Saw
yer and Mrs. Folger Johnson, members
of Portland society. The act Is exceed
ingly dainty,- refreshing comedy pre
vails, the lines are bright and the sur
prise element is great Mr. Pierong
manager of the Empress, has pro
nounced "Even Up" to be a sketch of
more than ordinary merit and Mr. Gil
bert and Miss Baker may win an en
gagement along the entire Loew circuit
with the Portland-made vehicle. Mr.
Gilbert, who was stage director of the
Baker Stock Company last season, is
producing the sketch with Belaaco fin
ish, and the girlish role filled by Miss
Baker In the playlet is especially suit
able for her talents.
"The Heart. Punch," the photoplay
showing Jess Willard. is the rfnly movie
of Willard in the United States, and
Is deemed to be of especial interest on
account of Willard's recent victory over
Jack Johnson.
Other acts In the great Empress show
are: Ray Snow, "The Man about Town"
in a funny monologue; Frey Twins and
Frey, physical culture experts in a pos
ing and fast wrestling act; Arno and
Stick ney, the musical boys, and Warren
and Francis, musical comedy graduates.
Mimic Aerial Athletes and Musical
Revue to lie Features.
A triple feature bill will be offered
In Portland at the Pantages for one
week only, commencing with the mat
inee tomorrow, with Willy Zimmerman,
the noted mimic; the Great Arnesens,
world-famous balancers and aerlalists,
and Herbert Lloyd, the Diamond King,
and his company in a lively Broadway
musical revue.
Mr. Zimmerman is the best-known
mimic of celebrities the stage has, and
his new programme is filled with in
teresting incidents. Three noted mu
sicians will be reproduced true to life,
and then Mr. Zimmerman depicts the
various rulers in the war zone. His
travesty on the great European con
flict concludes his act "
There are no feats too daring for
the Great Arnesens. They are mar
velous head and hand balancers, and
Introduce aerial work. The great elide
for life, which concludes the perform
ance. Is unduplicated in vaudeville.
Herbert Lloyd, best known as .the
Diamond King, is new to Portland pa
trons of the theater, but if he is the
hit that he was recently on Broadway
his success is assured. Mr. Lloyd is
supported by a dancing ballet of four
pretty girls, and his revue of vaude
ville is remarkably clever.
Tom and Stacia Moore have a most
attractive musical playlet entitled
"The Dream Girl," which is replete with
charming melodies and humorous lines.
Miss Moore is a striking beauty and
her partner is a genuine funmaker. .
Amedio is the crack accordeonist of
vaudeville and his technique is remark
able. Wiley and Ten Eyck are excellent
dancers, whose work is truly artistic.
First-run Keystone comedies will be
offered by the Pantagesoope, and the
latest hits will be rendered by the
Pantages Concert Orchestra.
Bothwell Brown, the only, will make
his closing appearance in "The Ser
pent of the Nile" this afternoon and
Henry Savage to Offer Drama That
Is Xot Preachy Affair.
In "Everywoman," the inspiring dra
matic speetale which Henry W. Savage
will offer at the Heilig Theater the
week of April 2o. the virtues and vices
which a woman encounters in her jour
ney through life ars personified and
1 .1 ft 1 s. 1 rii. .b .
walk forth upon the stage properly
labeled. There is no mistaking the ob
ject or intent of each one. While the
dramatic spectacle is a modernization
of the ancient morality play, "Every
man," which was in vogue in the 16th
century, it is by mio means a preachy
It contains no less than 2S musical
numbers, ranging from grave to gay.
An entire symphony orchestra is car
ried by the. organization to render the
Impressive score, which was composed
by George Whitefleld Chadwlck, dean
of the New England Conservatory of
Music, of Boston.
Musical Comedy Delight to Be Shown
at Heilig Next Sunday.
Theater-goers of this city are prom
ised a box of choice bon bona for the
price of a package of fudge when
"The Candy Shop" comes to the Heilis
Theater, Broadway at Taylor, for seven
nights. beslnn'ng next Sunday, April
IS, with a bargain Wednesday and a
special matinee Saturday. .
This bis fun, lasbioa and song show
APRIL 13, 1913.
has been termed a musical celebration
by the patrons of the new Gaiety
Theater in San Francisco, where it
played to the capacity of the house
for 10 straight weeks, and afterwards
duplicated its northland success at me
new Morosco Theater in Los Angeles.
Rock and Fulton are the producers
of and sponsors for "The Candy Shop,
and those who have seen the show
in either of the above-named cities de
scribe it as an intense musical-comedy
delight from the first rise of the cur
tain to the finale. Organized and pro
duced originally in New York City
last Summer, the management was suc
cesscful In getting together an aggre
gation of all-star principals, a support
ing bevy of statuesque and beautiful
show girl choristers and a bunch of
attractive singing and dancin
"ponies" and chorus boys, all of
whom contribute to the production of
a metropolitan atmosphere that un
consciously carries the average auditor
bark across the continent to tho white
lights of Bohemian Broadway.
The Coast cities have-not been vis
ited by a show this season that has
achieved anywhere near the sensational
success scored by "The Candy Shop"
and tee only sane and sensible solution
to this is that the offering possesses
a merit distinctly superior to its com
petitors. To begin with- the play Is an
unusually well-written vehicle, is
staged with a lavish display and splen
dor and the speaking parts are acted
by a coterie of entertaining principals
i . - Mvinn renolendentlv in rec
ognized successes of former seasons.
These lnciuae w uuiu w-
Maude Fulton. America's premier trav
esty artists; James Sullivan. Ted Burns.
Alfred Girard, Daphne Pollard. Frances
White. Florence Morrison. Bessie
Franklyn and several others of scarce
ly less ability and reputation.
Photo Plays Combined With Vaude
vllel at Theater.
The new policy, that of vaudeville
and photoplays combined, which has
been in vogue in the New Lyric for the
last eight weeks, has caught the pub
lic's fancy. Big houses have greeted
each new bill, and on Sundays many
have been turned away. There are
nine acts of first-class vaudeville and
photoplays In each programme, the
time consumed for each performance
being more than two hours.
Three davs beginning this afternoon
Haves and Rives will present a novelty
skit entitled "The Divinity and Her
Escort." Gerald Griffin, late of the
Irish theater and advertised as "Chaun
cey Olcott's successor," will be heard
and seen in typical Irish numbers. His
skit will be entitled "A Night at an
Irish Festival." Harrison and Chance
will hold up the comedy end of the
programme in a blackface rapid-fire
act. The movie part of the hill will
be exceptional and will consist of "A
Gentleman Burglar," a two-reel Sellg.
and four other excellent pictures. Com-
Commissioner Dieck Sees Self Advertised in Connection With "The Jaw.
of Death" Waitress Says, "I'm Fine." When Asked About Chicken.
to speak to the reslaenis 01 an
East Side district on the subject
Needed Improvements in This Dis
trict." The meeting was arrangea tor
8-30 P. M. at a motion-picture theater
in the district Mr. Dieck looked over
his maps and plats, took a spin
through the district and got polished
v.A actual naeds and went to
the district prepared to make a good
talk. He supposed, naturally, that he
was to be the whole show for the even
. .i-i i. tm to the theater one
, ncii no n .
of the first things that caught his eye
near the entrance were nann t"i"'
of Btirrlng scenes. .
He read down the list The head
liner was "Diamond Dick and the Big
Four Express." Next In order was "The
Dash for Liberty." The third reel bore
the flaring red caption, "In the Jaws
of Death." On a card near the entrance
Mr Dieck read the words, "Special
Feature Hear Commissioner Dieck
tonight at 8:30."
Old ones which are sprung uncon
sciously are sometimes good. William
("Bill") Warren, Mayor Albee's secre
tary, is known as a plunger when it
conies to meals. Almost every night
his work causes him to dine downtown
Instead of going home. He always
patronizes the same place. Recently
he sat down at his customary place
and a young waitress came to get his
order. "Bill" was looking at the list
of chicken dishes. "How's the chicken
todav?" he asked, looking up at the
waitress. "Oh, I'm -firfe," replied the
young woman.
Mayor Albee stopped in at a garage
to look at a new type of automobile
oil cup which he saw advertised. The
.. , t a 111., a nrnmiHiniT Dlir-
chaser, so the dealer went into great
details explaining me tuin.
course of his remarks he explained
that he had letters from men In all
lines of business. "If you will tell me
what line you're in." he said, "perhaps
I can show you letters from men in
the same line whom you may know."
"I'm afraid you couldn't do that
explained the- Mayor. "Mine is a pecu
liar line. There are not many of us in
this business."
The dealer gradually wormed out of
the Mayor an admission as to his "pro
fession." Not to be outdone, the dealer,
after recovering from his surprise,
turned the tables by opening bis book
and showing letters from the Mayors
of two other cities.
C. V. Wiegand, chief clerk in Com
missioner Daly's office, took a party
of friends out to see the beautiful
growth of vines about a Summer cot
tage which he has on the banks of the
Sandy River. When he got there he
found that a flock of cows had beaten
him to it. The gate had been left open
accidentally and the cows had mowed
the. shrubbery down to the ground.
A woman called City Chemist Dulin
on the telephone and asked If the city
has any way of measuring electric
current. Dulin replied In the affirma
tive. "My," exclaimed the voice at the
other end. as the receiver was banged
up, "that's shocking"
Goes Out and Kills Some 20 Rep
tiles Before Breakfast.
MUNCIE, lnd., April 5 Israel Wake
man, a farmer living in the northern
part of Delaware County, says that
when he went to the barn on bia place
menolng tomorrow and for five Says
Charlie Chaplin, ia a Essanay never
before shown at this popular playhouse,
wtll be presented, and In the near fu
ture he will be seen In "The Tramp,"
the latest release of the Essanay Com
pany. There are two amateur nights every
-i. t,.. tra fituni heinsr nre-
sented on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Will F. Lipraan Lauds Owners for
Bringing Schaffer K Portland.
When in New York a few weeks ago
Will F. Llpman not only roads a round
of the theaters, but was fortunate in
making the acquaintance of some of
the stage folk who are from abroad.
Yesterday Mr. Llpman noticed a
poster, announcing the appearance ef
Sylvester Schaffer at the Orpheum to
day. "There is the most wonderful artist
In the world." declared Mr. Lipman,
"and the Introduction of that man to
Portland is absolutely convincing of
the fact that the Orpheum management
is bringing the-best perforn.era in the
profession to the local theater. When
the theater does Its part in that man
ner, it ought to be supported, and I
am going to see to it that my people
witness this remarkable performance.
"Schaffer puts on a penormaneo that
is remarkable for its versatility and
the skill with which he does every
thing. He does cannon-ball juggling
and puts forth tremendous strength in
other feats, and then he will pick up a
gun and execute some remarkable feats
of marksmanship with as steady a hand
as a man could possibly have. It shows
that Schaffer Is perfectly balanced both
mentally and physically." -
at dawn recently and reached Into a
buggy to obtain a hitching strap, his
hand came In contact with something
cold and caused him to Investigate,
with the, result that he saw, by the
liltht from his barn lantern, the gleam
ing eyes of a huge blucksnake. The
reptile seemed apathetic and he had
little difficulty In killing It with a club.
It measured 6 feet 3 Inches long.
Then on going tnte the stall where
the family driving horse was kept he
found her shivering with fright and in
spite of the cool air she was sweating
and her eyes gave every Indication" of
terror. Wakeman investigated and
found the manner fairly alive with a
squirming mass of blacksnakes, all
much smaller than the one found In the
buggy. They gave battle when Wake
man attacked them with a pitchfork.
However, he killed IS and thinks three
or four escaped. One, in attempting
flight, wrapped itself about Wakemsn's
leg and struck at him viciously, but
did no harm.
In an adjoining stall was a big gray
mule and about Its feet were Ave or six
reptiles similar to those in the manger.
One measured more than four feet long.
The mule was quietly munching hay,
apparently not caring about his neigh
bors. Wakeman killed these snakes
also and then proceeded to the house
for breakfast He thinks the snakes
were hibernating near the barn and the
warm weather and thawing ground
caused them to think Spring was here.
He will have the skin of the largest
snake stuffed and mounted.
Wife Seeker to lie Met at Train by
Bevy of Pretty Girls.
ELIZABETH. N. J.. April 4 Just
about half a second after Farmer
Augustus J. Bryant he of the "big
gest, awfully lonesome heart" in St
Margarets, Md. feasts his eyes on
Elizabeth's "daisy chain" of marriage
able young women lined up on the
bluestone plaza of city ball some day
this week and "selects him the wife"
for whom he advertised recently, Gus,
for short, will probably be the most
unpopular man this side of safety. He
won't have time to ruminate even as
much as his native state oyster on the
whys and wherefores of his choice of
a mald-in-Ellzabeth wife.
Gus probably didn't appreciate the
ivy green of Elizabeth envy when he
wrote to the Mayor asking him to pick
him out a wife, and received a reply,
saying, "Come and do your own pick
ing." But right now all the Toireta
and Paquins and Luoilles that ever
decolleted Elizabeth's youngest marry
lng set know that envy well. Said set
will be out in Easter togs to meet Gus'
train. Gus probably won't have to
worry about the one he selects, but
gracious! how will he ever plscate the
Centralia to Hear Oil Benefit Talk.
CENTRALIA. Wash., April 10 (Spe
cial.) At a meeting In the Commercial
Club rooms Monday night representa
tives of oil companies drilling In this
section will tell Centralia business
men Just what results have been ac
complished to date. Owing to the prox
imity of this city to the fields, the dis
covery of oil in commercial quantities
would result in manifold benefits. It
is expected that every mercnant wtll
turn out to the meeting. Officors of
the Crescent Oil Company declare that
they expect to have their well In full
operation by May 1.
Our ChrlwtUn year corr-inenda t
the ya stis in th Jcnua vaKaaar.