The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, Section One, Page 4, Image 4

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Graphic Description of End
of War Given at Celebra-
! tion at Courthouse.
firiicM. Anniversary of Events - at
Appomattox Observed by Great
( Assembly of Grand Army Men,
Families and rrlenas.
in celebration of the SOth anniver
u,i or the surrender of Lee's army
at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia,
an Anril 9. 1S63. members of the Grand
Army of the Republic assembled at the
Courthouse Friday night ana paruci
-Dated in a programme replete with
stirring; and patriotic features. Long
before the hour set for the meeting
the Grand Army headquarters were
-rri.H in canacitv with Civil War
veterans, their families and friends-
Addresses were made by Rev. J,
J. Walter and C. F. Hausdorf. who was
Lieutenant-Colonel of the First .aim
nesota Volunteers. Mr. Walter re
viewed the incidents leading up to the
surrender of Lee's army and the close
of the war and Colonel. Hausdorf gave
a graphic recital of the Union Array's
movements at and arouna Appoinaiiu
Courthouse. Mr. Walter in part said:
Evemt One of World's Greatest
"Comrades, we have met here tonight
to commemorate one of the greatest
events not only in the history of our
own country, but of the civuizea worm
for upon the issue of this titanic strug
gle, depended so much more than the
defeat of rebellion against the Govern
ment and flag. The issue involved the
.t-hilirv and perpetuity of republican
form-of government. Rebellion and the
continuance of slavery were only side
-Let us remember, too, -that It was
not only to settle this question that
was decided on April 9. 1865. but
t hn -fruestion as to the right the n ion
archies of Europe had in interfering
anywhere in the affairs of the American
Continent. For during those stirring
tiroes Napoleon, of France, had sent a
Prince to encompass the conquest ot
Mexico, and Maximilian and Napoleon
both were riven to understand that
while we were bleeding at every pore.
we .felt ourselves strong enough to
order them to return Immediately
across the seas, where they belonged.
"This Is the anniversary of the
new birth of our Nation. But what bull
dosr tenacity, what consummate strat
egy-upon the part of our commanders,
what awful sacrifice of blood and treas
ure these last days of the Rebellion in
volved! v
Negotiations Are Watched.
"My regiment was located on a high
knoll above the house where peace
negotiations were in progress and
was in a position to see the move
ments of the officers and representa
tives of both sides coming and going
in the last few minutes of the war,
raid Colonel Hausdorf. "On the morn
ing of April 9 at about 9 o'clock I
saw. Sheridan ride over to the house,
and a short time later he was followed
by , Custer and Grant. Between 10
and 11 o'clock the stipulations of Lee's
surrender had been signed and Sheridan-
came out and announced that the
war was over.
"When the soldiers heard this, such
hilarity and jollification I never saw
The soldiers threw up their guns and
knapsacks into the air; they danced
and. sang.
Coafederatea Come te Eat. '
"When the Confederate soldiers
learned of the surrender, they stacked
their guns and came over to us to get
something to eat. They ottered us
Confederate greenbacks, but we told
them they were of no use to us as we
could get them at Washington for 20
rents a package. While we were happy,
the-Confederate soldiers seemed to be
downcast. They felt that they had
fought four years in vain.
"it was the most terrible war of mod
ern times because father was pitted
against son and brother against
Among- features or the programme
was the playing by Sellwood School
orchestra of wartime melodies. The
members were Fenton Shearer, Clif
ford Dearth. Mildred Crawford. Walter
A. Whetstone, William Pine, Marjorce
Bolton. Roy Houston and Ruth Hous
ton. Werren Sisters' quartet rendered
selections. Mrs. W. G. Scott gave a
reading appropriate to the occasion.
If. S. Fargo was chairman of the
The committee on arrangements was
composed of H. S. Fargo, J. J. Walter,
J. & Hamilton, J. S. Goadley and Earl
Arbor Day Address Also Made
Executive at Cbemawa.
SALEM. Or.. April 10. (Special.) In
an address Friday at a celebration of the
60th, anniversary of the victory of Gen
eral Grant at Appomatox by Sedgwick
Post. Grand Army of the Republic,
Governor Withycombe declared that he
hoped the time would come when the
manual of arms would be taught in
the public schools of the state. While
opposed to war and praising the Na
tional Administration for its stand in
keeping this country out of the big
conflict now raging, the executive de
clared that the country should be bet
ter -prepared for defense. Regarding
the Civil War, he said:
"We don't glory in the fall of the
outh. but we do glory in the fact that
the war preserved our Nation, and have
the - most profound admiration for the
men who risked and lost their lives
In achieving this great end."
Governor Withycombe also delivered
an address at the Cheraawa Indian
Mchool at the Arbor day exercises.
Captain Sidney Stlckels Says He Kc
"ceived Lee's nag of Truce.
EUGENE. Or.. April 10 (Special.)
The 50th anniversary of the surrender
of Lee's army at Appomattox meant
much to Captain Sidney Stickels in
IJugrene Friday, for it was he who first
received the flag of truce, he says. He
was then a sergeant in the Eighth New
York Cavalry, Company C and relates
the following incident:
"Three men rode up bearing the flag
of trnce. and one was General Gordon,
" 'General Gordon." he said, "wishes a
rrivate interview with General Grant.-
"I led him back to Captain John W.
Reeves and the Captain said to me:
General Gordon wishes to have all fir
ing ceased along the lines, and then 1
passed along the lines and gave the
He told of the shouting and the noise
as the situation became known, and be
told of the one false charge made by
the rebels. The next day the two
armies exchanged greeting, . ,
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Verdi's Grand Opera' Brings
Out Devotees of Pure Ital
ian at Baker Theater.
American Girl at Ease In Leading
Kolc, Known in English as Ca
ntile, and Inyar Sllv and .
Rovere Sing With Skill. ,
Voletta Valery Genla Trlvelll
Flora Bervoix Edith Mackie
Alfrado Germont Gerolamo Inear
Germont David Sllva
Gaston de Letorieres. . .Aristide Neri
Baron Douphol tlmberto Rovere
Dr. Grenville Luigi Morelli
First Christian Church Delega
tion Is at Depot.
Couple From Terre Haute Impressed
With West and, Though Leaving
East Was Hard, Expect to
Form Xew Ties Here.
Rev. George F. Darsie. the new pastor
of " the First Christian Church, arrived
Fridav night from Terre Haute. Ind.,
and will occupv his pulpit in the church
t Park and Columbia streets on Sun
day morning, when he will preach his
first sermon here. The pastor was ac
companied by his wife, and the couple
was greeted at the North Bank Depot
by a delegation of members of the con
gregation of the cnurcn.
I have never oeen runner w est man
Minneapolis before," said. Mr. Darsie
"but I am sure I shall like it. The
country is beautiful and the people of
this city whom I have met so far have
impressed mo witn tneir sincerity ana
kindness. '
"Of course, it was hard to leave au
our old friends and only the thought
that we shall find fine friendships and
great happiness, as well as a chance
for good service in the church, eould
compensate for the breaking of old
"Up to last Sunday the Terra Haute
neonle almost refused to let us go.
But. now that we are here, we have
decided to make a success of the work."
Mrs. Darsie seemed delighted to meet
the women of the congregation who as
sembled at the depot.
"I have made up my mind to be
happy and to like Portland," she said.
Among those who met the pastor ana
his wife were: Mr. and Mrs. G. Bveret
Baker. K. Earl Feike, state president
Oregon Christian Endeavor Society; Mr.
and Mrs. George Grombacher, Mr. and
Mrs. A. H. Averill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Nace. R. E. Brlstow, B. e. Darnall, Will
F. Powell. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Gridley,
O. M. Murphy, Dr. and Mrs. W. O. Flack,
Rev. and Mrs. B. S. Muckley ana Miss
Pauline Muckley.
Highwaymen, However, Rob Ben
jamin VaBCh of $35.
Benjamin Vazch, 267 Chapman street,
has J2i more than he might have had
if he had not taken the precaution of
putting that amount in his sock Derore
starting home from lodge Friday night.
As it is he was robbed of $35 by two
highwaymen shortly after midnight
last night, he reported to the police
early this morning.
The robbery was at Seventeenth and
Taylor streets, near the scene of a rob
bery of the previous night. The men
were masked and one carried a r
volver, Mr. Vazch reports that he of
fered no resistance.
Portland Celebration of Lee's Surrender More Demonstration of Thanks
for End of War, Sympathizers of North and South Taking Part.
f ESTERDAT was the 50th anni
versary of the surrender of Gen
eral Lee at Appomattox, and 60
years ago today the news of the fall of
Richmond was published in Portland.
The celebration of Lee's surrender did
not take place in Portland until April
the news of the surrender reaching
here on the previous day.
It was made the occasion, when the
news uld reacn nere, oi me siea-iooi.
elebration that Portland had ever
seen: a celeDration in wnicn not. ouir
the Northern sympathizers but nearly
all of the Southern sympathizers in
Portland participated.
George H. Himes, secretary of the
Oregon Historical faociety, wno was a
printer in The Oregonian office at that
time, and who set up the first "take"
of the dispatch on the assassination of
Lincoln a few days later, was one oi
the members of the committee that vis
ited the business men of the city and
arranged for the general illumination
of store buildings.
Illnmliutlon la Induced.
"There were only two who declined
to illuminate." he says, "and the com
mittee returned to them with the in
trusions: 'Illuminate your stores or
we will see, that they are illuminated
or you!' They illuminated.
North of Washington street tne wnoie
city was llluminatea witn canaies
placed in the windows of the stores.
nd throughout tne resiaence Bccuunn
all houses were lighted in tne same
stores were closed at 2 o clock in
the afternoon of the celebration, and in
the evening everyone turned out tor a
torchlisrht procession. The general
committee in charge of the celebration
had instructed each person to supply
himself with a torch and to be on
hand promptly. Following was the an
nouncement published in The Orego
nian of the order of exercises:
National salute, 12 o clock ai.; saiute
of 100 guns, 7:S0 P. M. on the Plaza:
ringing of bells. 7:30 P. M.
"Procession will form at 7:30 P. M.
First street, right resting on Stark;
march down First to Pine, down Pine
to Front, down Front to U. returning
upon Front to Salmon, up Salmon to
First, down First to Pine, up Pine to
Third, up Third to the Plaza, Where
the speakers ot tne evening win au-
dress the citizens."
Vainglory la Absent.
Colonel John McCraken was grand
marshal of that parade. H. W. Corbett
was general chairman and E. J. North
run secretary of the celebration committee.
The sneakers of the evening were
Judge E. D. Shattuck, Governor Gibbs,
J, H, Mitchell. Colonel Lexrabee, J, N.
Dolph, and' Rev. Mr. Himes. of Van
couver. Those who participated in the cele
bration and who are still among the
living citizens of Portland say that in
that great celebration there was noth
ing vainglorious, little- bitterness
against those whose sympathies still
lay with the lost cause of the South,
but in the hearts of nearly everyone
a feeling of heartfelt relief and Jubila
tion over the event which meant the
ending of the long tragedy of the war.
The banners carried in the parade
for the most part carried captions in
dicating rather tiie looking forward to
ward the security of peace than the
triumphing over a fallen enemy.
A pioneer citizen of Portland, who
was a participant in the celebration,
says, in part, in a letter to The Ore
gonian, in which he harks back to the
events of 60 years ago:
"To those that have arrived since
those times it should occur that when
we celebrated in years gone by coal
oil had not been refined for uxe, gas
was in its infancy and the electric
spark had Just been born to the use
of telegraphy only.
Tallow Dip Gives Light.
"The candle, or tallow dip, as it was
called, was the sole means of illumina
tion, and many boxes, bearing the
name 'Proctor & Gamble." stood the
same in the manufacture of candles as
the Standard Oil Company now does in
coaloil and its by-products.
"They manufactured a candle holder
with a nail in the bottom of the cup
to hold it in place, and candles as a
means of illumination were placed in
the interiors of the window frames,
porch railings, cornices, etc. Bonfires
of cordwood. with oil thrown on them,
made an inspiring illumination at
"We had just revived from the Jolli
fication over the ending of the war
when the news came along that Presi
dent Lincoln had been assassinated
April 14. . 1 was Just passing the Hotel
Aragont. on the east side of Front
street, between Stark and Oak streets,
when the news came. - The telegraph
office was in that building and Dr.
Plummer was in charge. A fellow
townsman stepped out of the office
and spoke to another man. saying that
they had Just received news that Presi
dent Lincoln was assassinated. We
three were the first to learn the news,
outside of the telegraph office.
"As the news spread there was a
complete change from the jollification
of a short time before to gloom. Feel
ing ran high, and some of the "copper
heads' who sympathized with the South,
although taking no part In the strug
gle, who spoke disrespectfully of the
late President, were pretty roughly
handled and warned that if they re
peated the offense they would be dealt
with more severely.," .. ,
Gay and sparkling music, called forth
hv Verdi's arrand opera. "Traviata."
with various minor undernotes to help
out the aobstorv. called out enthusias
tic applause from a large audience at
the Baker Theater Friday night The
devotees of pure Italian grand opera
were In their element, in a situation
where every word is sung In mellifluous
Italian, and the use of English is in
the background.
The presentation of the opera was mer
itorious and well staged. The company
Is now more at ease and the orchestra
members play with more cohesive en
semble effect, now that both singers
and opera singers have become used
to the theater. Any feeling of strange
ness has nassed away.
The opera "Traviata," in every-day
laniruaee. is what we know as
"Camille" and is founded on that fam
ous story by Dumas. The original play
is representative of recent "gay" or
"whitewav" French life, but the Ital
ian libretto changes the period to the
vinr 1700. in the days of Louis XIV.
Marguerite Gauthier, the lady of
many lovers, becomes Violetta Valery,
and Olvmpia becomes J? lora iieivoix.
The opera was first produced at Venice
in 1853, and at first its reception was
cold, due to the undoubted fact that
the Violetta was sung By aiaaame uon
atelli, a woman whose stoutness was
one of her chief charms. The audiences
refused to accept such a ropust opera
inirer as the consumptive, Droicen-
hearted girl, so artistically depicted by
Dumas. But brighter days oawnea iut
the Violetta of "Traviata," when Chris
tine Nilsson and subsequently the great
Adelina Patti made it a star part.
Last night. Genia Trivelii mane a sat-
lafvinjr imnression as the frail Violetta.
Trivelii is really an American girl and
her home is in California, tone only re
turned from Italy, where her voice was
trained and where she was grounded
in the traditions of Italian grand opera,
about sixth months ago. Trivelii
makes a sweet, appealing, glrlls-n vio
letta, with hardly any of the sub-sister
wail, or fits of coughing that . other
prima donna have thought it necessary
to endow It. Tnveurs vioietia is mou-
est, never suggestive. Trlvelll has a
pleasantly ringing, sweet, colorature
soprano voice of fine quality, and her
work in "trilling" is admirable. Her
sense of legato singing is much to be
admired and followed.
Gerolamo Ingar, lyric tenor, was Al
fredo, the lover of Violetta. ingar
made the part manly and romantic, and
his singing was in accordance witn
thi concent. Iiutars voice is oi tine
quality, free from vocal tightness the
objection to so many operatic tenors
and he uses it with wisdom and good
judgment. The part of Alfredo does
not call for any very high vocal notes,
and consequently the singer waa not
called upon for upper-story vocalisms.
His voice blends finely with that of
Trivelii. .
David Silva nwule a oig nit as Ver
mont. Silva has a Baritone voice xnai
la a. -nleasure to hear. It is deep.
sonorous and well trained. His sense
of vocal proportions, in en scmble ef
fect, is good.
TTmberto Rovere. as the Baron, acted
and sang with skill, and Edith Mackie,
soprano, made a iine-iooaing ana ap
pealing Flora. Miss Mackie has a pleas
ant voice.
Neri and Morelli. as uaston ana Dr.
Grenville, respectively, acted and sang
with fine effect. Morelli displayed
commendable quickness of movement in
the last act. where Violetta is is about
to die. She was clinging to a chair
near a bed, and Morelli was seated on
a chair near her. In the "agony" of
the death scene, somebody pushed. Mo
relli's chair, and it in turn collided with
a table supporting a large mirror. The
latter was nearly capsized, but Morelli
sat like a rock and the danger passed.
Had the mirror been allowed to fall,
the opera presentation would have suf
fered. ...
It seems that some contusion exists
a to whether De Folco, in singing
Celesta Aida," sang a hign a nat or
a in alt On a low-pitohed tuning
fork. I am told, he sang high B flat,
and on a concert-pitched fork, -be sang
the high C. There you are. Mr. Cec
chetta, musical director, says that De
Folco twice sang high u in ait towara
the end of the opera.
This afternoon "Aida" will be re
peated, and tonight the bill is "Rigo-letto."
Double Stamps Monday and Tuesday
80c Supreme Cream,
Stearns', Detroit,
60c Hind's Honey Al
mond Cream
50c P o z z o n i's Face
50c Cameline.
75c Henden's Siren
Lily Toilet Water.
75e Ricksecker Gyp.
Toilet Water
C3 ftn ft. C. n a n t e e ler
Perfume, oz Cl.SO
25c Stearns' Peroxide
Cream 150, two
for. 250
Houbigant Eau de
Toilette, one bot-
tie 4.50
25c Packer's Tar Soap 140
$1.00 Hoods sarsapa
rllla Comp
31.00 Swamp Root
11.00 Scott's Emulsion..
50c P h i 1 1 1 PS' Milk
-1.00 Unhtm'g Hair
60e Sage and Sulphur
) 1.00 P 1 n kham's Vege
table Comp
11.00 Lambert's Liaterlne
31.00 N a u's Dyspepsia
31.00 Ovo Ferrln
n no sioan'a Liniment..
$1.00 Absorbine Jr. ....
31.25 Fountain Syringe..
32.00 Fountain Syringe..!
fl.60 Hot-Water Bottle..!
60c Frank's Ear Stoppers.
50 to 2.00
Robber Face Spoaaes 1O0
Rubber Urinals 01.75
VSK "ysco" FILM.
They Make Clear. Sharp Nega
tives, Full of Detail and Depth.
We Ftnlah Your Film tbe
Day Yea Bring It.
Expert Workmen Popular
Are Often Cured
by Wearing
They Relieve and
Strains, Sprains
Slow-Healing Sores.
A Miavlna- Ptlrk M Itk
Kvrr Si Buy (
A 5 a r a m teed 33c
Bruah WMa Kurf
1.K bafrtjr Haaor.
A linrai tree 1MX
Bruah With Every
9l..o Safety Haaor.
A fi a rantred SI.OO
Brnah Ith Kvprr
as.OO Safety Haaor.
Often Dangerous and Painful.
THl SM-: 1'OH ,0 IK(HI
Expert Fitters Men and
Women Attend to Thla
Sinnle Trusses ? 1.M
Double Trusses 1.6Q up
We Are Closing
Out All Our
D. and M.
Baseball Mltta,
Glo-vre and
At Greatly
Reduced Prices
Woodard, Clarke & Co., Alder at West Park
Woman and Two Men Pinned Under
Slachlne Driver, Unhurt, Is Held
for Reckless Driving.
Three persons were Injured by the
overturning or a jitney um
. 4.t f 4 - th. machine had
ferson streets at 11 o'clock Friday night.
T CI... man 44hlA 14 riVl-T fir 1 II U u UBi
oT-rostori hv Patrolman Tyler on a
charge of reckless oxivins.
The injured were: miss uu
man. 452 Jackson street, bruised . on
,i David Brown. 794
4X1 Ul, - -wo , -
Corbett street, broken arm and bruises,
Gus Fisher, 438 Third street, severe
bruises on arm. .
mi.A i.4,...,4 -nrAT-A taken to tbe Police
1 1IU iiguti-u '
Emergency Hospital, where they were
. . . . I . Oku. nlanl
cared tor By Assistant v.n.j and Smith. Mr. Brown was later
removed to St. Vincent's Hospital. The
others went home.
The party was going nome irom a
theater. Sherman says the turnover
was due to his swerving through the
,4.i nnrl railway car tracks to avoid
jolting his passengers.
The passengers were in the back seat.
Miss Herman and the driver crawled
from beneath the car unassisteu. w.
Brown and Mr. Fisher were pinned, one
j . 4, e the car. Both men
UXIUCl cnuil duw " . .
screamed with pain when Patrolman
Tyler, with four Dystanaera, uegau ant
ing the car from them.
hi... n,tnnBv,iAiH An tho car was shat
tered, the steering gear bent down on
the seat, ana tne raaiaiur
Sherman's hail was utea l imv.
Substitute for Silk.
v. ii..A.rA.3 ia an AVP.ellent SUbsti-
11 IS UUllcci ...v -
tute for silk has been produced in Pan
ama by crossing the blooms of certain
wild fiber plants witn a specie m
sipium. The result is a staple OI tex
ture finer than cocoon silk, but with a
tensile Btrength about five times
greater. .
T '
Prelate Expects Xoted Musician to
Visit Him This SummerT -
Bishop Sumner- appeared Friday
morning in the Heilig Theater at the
rehearsal of the Portland Symphony
Orchestra and surprised the audience
of school children by giving a short,
enjoyable talk in praise of the Port
land Symphony Orchestra and of the
Joy and repose found in music The
bishop made a plea tor public co-operation
and support for the symphony
Orchestra in the future and mentioned
that he hODed to have as his guest this
Summer Frederick Stock, director of
the Ohincago Symphony Orchestra.
The rehearsal of the orchestra was
quite successful under the direction of
Waldemar Dind, and. a fine concert to
morrow is assured.
Tune Extension Is Granted and At
tendance Kecord Broken.
Owing to the tremendous success of
'Wwnnrftpu ' thA film allegorv now
running at the Peoples Theater, John
-K1 rnrHptv. general manager, has been
able to secure an extension of the play
until Monday night and possibly for a
day or two longer, aunougn, owing iw
the demands irom cities to oeoa tne
picture, this point cannot be settled
By a Stomach Specialist.
As a specialist who has spent many
stomach troubles, I have been forced to
tne 4juii;iuniuii 4.110.1. .u y-u k 1 " ..
complain of stomach trouble possess
stomachs that are absolutely healthy
and normal. The real trouble, that
which causes all the pain and difficulty,
is excessive acid in the stomach, ag
gravated bv food fermentation. Hyper
acidity irritates the delicate lining of
the stomach and food fermentation
causes wind which distends the stom
ache abnormally, causing that full
bloated feeling. Thus both acid and
fermentation interfere with and retard
the process of digestion. The stomach
is usually healthy and normal, but irri
tated almost past endurance by these
foreign elements acid and winiT. In all
such cases and they comprise over 90
per rent of all stomach difficulties
the first and only step necessary is to
neutralize the acid and stop the fer
mentation by taking in a little warm or
cold water immediately after eating,
from one to two teaspoonfuls of
blsurated magnesia, which is doubtless
the best and only really effective
antacid and food corrective known. The
acid will be neutralized and the fer
mentation stopped almost instantly,
and your ptomach will at once proceed
to digest the food in a healthy, normal
manner. Be sure to ask your druggist
for the blsurated magnesia, as I have
found other forms utterly lacking in its
peculiarly valuable properties F. J. O.
Adv. -
Overnight Relief
For Constipation
Wben tbe bowels become
clogged with a mass of poisonous
stomach waste, sick headache
. . 1 1 - .. attAnun- TT444Z1-V
Witn 4" 4 obhouwu..- j ,
befchins of sour stomach gases.
bloat ana general unguium i. io
sure to follow.
a --mflA nlMsitnt laxatfve-tonic
that will -carry off the congested
mass witaoui upsetting me ocum
ach or griping the bowels, is the
-.ki4iotinn nf aimnle laxative
herbs with pepsin sold In drug
stores unaer me namo oi jur.
Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. A dose
i-UATi iuBt before retiring will
affnrd arateful relief next
morning, without unpleasant-
4J " ' --
Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin is
the ideal family remedy, espe
cially IOr 4. HO ffUlUCU O.J4 4.U4I-
dren and old folks. A free trial
bottle can be obtained by writ
ing to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 461
Washington ei., jaooutciw
Worried Man writes? ma aav
that my condition puzzles and worries
me. . In the last vear I seem to have
been growing old rapidly, though
only 88. My food and sleep do not re
cuperate my strength and energy and
lately 1 have dizzy spells, trembling,
headaches, loss of appetite, memory and
hopelessness. Despondency and worry
over my condition are ever present.
Answer: Cheer uo. get well and then
conserve your vitality by proper, tem
perate living. Obtain three - grain
cadomene tablets in sealed tubes with
fill directions, use them and an aa-ree-
able. pleasing restoration should en
sue to your entire satisfaction.
Mr. L. C. B. asks: "Do vou think
it Is possible to reduce my weight from
240 pounds to about 190 pounds?"
Answer: It Is impossible to say just
how much one can. reduce until after
trying, but B-grain arbolone tablets
should be used according to directions
with each sealed tube, obtainable at
most any drug store. If the flesh is
unnatural you should easily reduce as
Mrs. L. B. writes: "What can 1 do for
a bad case of stomach, liver and bowel
trouble? .My food sours In stomach, I
rift, have heart-burn, and a full, un
comfortable feeling after mealH: con
stipated at intervals, coated tongue and
bad breath all the time."
Answer: Thousands of people In this
country are afflicted as you are. and
to get Immediate relief and gradually
effect permanent results, I advise you
to buy of your druggist a dollar pack
age of "double-four stomach and bowel
medicine" and use as per directions on
the packet.
J. R. O. asks: "I am thin, angular,
weak and tired. What can I take to
improve my health, strengthen my
nerves and increase my weight about
l!0 pounds?"
Answer: Take regularly with your
meals three-grain hypo-nuclane tablets,
sold in sealed packages, by druggists,
with complete directions. These tablets
improve the blood, increase nutrition,
and strengthen the nervous system if
used regularly for several months.
"" writes: "1 have tried so many
remedies for rheumatism that I am al
most afraid to try any more, but if you
can tell me a sure remedy 1 will try It."
Answer: Do not be dlsheartwned be
cause you have not been able to find
something that would overcome your
rheumatism, for you can be relieved if
you will take what I tell you. Get from
the drugstore: Iodide of potassium, 2
drams; sodium salicylate, 4 drams: wine
The Questions answered below are
general in character, the symptoms or
diseases are given and the answers
will apply in any case of similar na
ture. Those wishing further advice, free,
may address Dr. Iwls Faker, College
Bldg., College-Kllwood Pts., Dayton, O-,
enclosing self-addressed stamped en
velope for reply. Full name and ad
dress must be given, but only Initials
or fictitious name will be used In my
answers. The prescriptlona can be
filled at any well-stocked drug store.
Any druggist can order of wholesaler.
of colchlcum, i o. : comp. fluid balm
wort, 1 os.; comp. essence cardlol, 1 o..,
and syrup sarsaparflla. 5 os. Mix and
take a teaspoonful at mealtime and
again before going to bed.
C. L. asks: "I have tried to cure dan
druff, itching scalp, falling hair and
baldness with numerous tonU-s, nr.,
but in vain. What do you recommend?'"
Answer: I have been recommending
plain yellow minyol for the past aeven
years and scores of my patients are de
lighted with the quick, pleasant action
of this remedy in stopping itching, fall
ing hair, dandruff, etc.. It gives the
hair health, luster and vigor as nothing
else does. Obtain in 4-ox. Jars with
full directions.
H. M. B. writes: "Can you please
prescribe medicine which will relieve
me of such distressing symptoms of
kidney and bladder, as the following.
Pains in small of bai-k, soreness In
region of bladder, frequent calls at
night but scanty flow with pain, burn
ing and foul odor, puffing uf limbs,
Answer: Those seeking relief from
kidney and bladder disorders should
begin taking balmwort tablets, a verv
successful formula sold In sealtd tuues
with full directions.
Mrs. N. B. B. asks: "I suffer from
headache and constipation periodically
and my blood seems too tnlck, caus
ing languor and tired feeling. 1 will
thank you to prescribe for me."
Answer: Three-grain sulpherb lab
lets (not sulphur) are most effective In
relieving constipation, thinning the
blond and removina the svmploms of
languor, etc. I advise you to begin
taking as per directions with each
sealed package.
"W. Z." writes: "I have such a very
severe cough and cold and have mt
been able to get anything to help me.
It is weakening my system."
Answer: Use the following and your
cold and rough will vanish and vou
will soon be strong- again. Cot a 3
oz. bottle of concentrated essence
mentho-laxene and lake every hour or
two. Thla can be taken pure or made
Into a full pint of home-made syrup.
Full directions as to use will be found
on bottle. This is a mild laxative and
will drive the cold from the system.
B. O. O. asks: "Will you please pre
scribe a home treatment for a bad
case of catarrh of the nose and throat.
Also, my daughter is affected with Pel
vic Catarrh or green sickness."
Answer: Your daughter should begin
taking a tonic flesh-building treatment
and for such a case I know of nothing
better than three-grain hypo-nuclane
tablets, local treatment Is also ncces
sarv for both catarrh of the head and
Pelvic Catarrh. A simple but effective
antlseptl4: and curative treatment i-an
be followed at home bv buying either
a two or eight-ounce package of anti
septic Vilane Powiler containing com
plete directions. Adv.
PIMP rrFT of any variety, and at any reasonable era,
tfLUD I LLI can be made straight, natural and useful.
No plaster parif, do severe surgical operation, and tbe
result Is assured.
DflTTC nirilCF when trested in time should result
rUI IO UkOLHdt. j n deformity; paralysis can br
prevented and the (rrowth not inteTlercd with. Write lor
information and references.
thote of long standing do well. No plaster paris, felt or
leather jackets. Write lor Information and reiereace.
UID IllCrKF In the painiul itage can be relieved and
Illr UIOtHOL. tbeirflammatlon permanently arrested.
Shortening, deformity and loss ot motion can olten be cor
rected. Ko surgical operations or confinement.
'MrHkTII T PJ1P1I V!!? We can refer you to miny
inrANIILr. rAKALIdla responsible people all over
the country, whose children, afflicted with Infantile Paraly
sis have been practically restored at this Sanitarium.
oda of treatment, and II interested you should know about it.
This is the only thoroughly equipped Sanitarium
in the country deyoted exclusively to the treatment
of crippled end paralyzed conditions.
852 Aubert Avanu
blrh will I
address. I
Is Ruptured Spermatic sudd inist
and wears a Seeley Bpermtiio Shield
Truss. This appliance closes the open
ing in 10 days In moat cases, producing
raanita without iiirnrr or harmful In-
""Z.! artaDand )ML . ftmtM ShhM M)
a7ntee perfect irtS-facUoiC lL2JTf MwoM-Hmwr
Meatiest this paper whea seadlna; far meaanrlaar hUak. eacrlptl-e Uteratts-ri
Ml- a.