Kt .- t JS " (.1 and the electric lights turned on. A Fhower of ribbons from an electric bowl above marked the places. The liretty bon bon basket place cards and dainty refreshments were the delight of the children. At a given signal each child pulled a ribbon attached to the centerpiece, a paper "Jack Horner" pie, containing favors for each. William was the recipient of many' presents from his playmates. Those present were Marion Walker, Mildred Johnson. Luella Hardy, Inez Swarj, Beatrice Vog-et. Helen Johnson. Marie Houpuz, Hannah Vopet, Donald Klein, Le Roy Edwards, Francis Harris. Er inan Horstman. Raymond Edwards, Earl Swarz and William Carlson. Mrs. Herbert Pericks and Miss Helena Hardy Assisted Mrs. Carlson. The Bureau of Social Equity jrave an Informal reception and musical Wednesday evening at the residence of Dr. Yrela May Coe at Lovejoy and Twenty-fifth streets. E. E. Coovert spoke on good roads, urging the bureau to work for the bond issue next Wednesday, election day. Following Mr. Coovert's address, the following gave musical numbers: Miss Isabelle Steele, violin solo, ac companied by Mrs. Picken; Mrs. Nita Picken. piano solo; Miss Elizabeth Bond, vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs B A. Holbrook: Miss Steele, violin eolo; Miss Edith Haines-Kuester, of Seattle, sang two of her compositions words by Florence Crawford. Following the programme the young people enjoyed dancing. Mists Irene Steele and Miss Marion Brakel presided over the punch bowls. Those receiving with the president were: Mrs. W. E. Totter. Mrs. Hell. Mrs. E. J. Steel, Mrs. Renolds and Mrs. Taylor. tr. D. M. Jones, of Sodavllle, Or., pioneer physician of the state, who has been visiting the past week in the city with his children. Mrs. James H. Mc Afee. Dr. and Mrs. Lowell 11. Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Silas L. Jones, celebrated his 77th birthday anniversary on his son-in-law, James H. McAfee's 61st birthday anniversary, and was enter tained delightfully Easter Sunday at the cosy East-Ankeny home of his daughter. Mrs. McAfee- The rooms were decorated beautifully. Those present were near relatives. Other informal affairs marked the pleasure of Dr. Jones' visit in Portland. Those in attendance at the birthday party were: Dr. D. M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. James H. McAfee. Dr. and Mrs. Lowell M. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Silas L. Jones, Mr. and'Mrs. S. Jefferson Jones, Mrs. Cora Smith Densmore, Mason Jones. George and Spencer McAfee. Monte Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cos boon. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weller. George Wright Belief Corps Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Ma tilda Howard. East Nineteenth street, April 9. There were present 33 mem bers. Mrs. Howard was assisted by Mrs. M. C. Toung and Mrs. Anna Lowe and Mjss Rita Lowe. Refreshments were served and a pleasant afternoon spent. George Wright Relief Corps gave a C o'clock dinner at Its hall In the Court house Wednesday. April 7. The occa sion was a surprise for the post com mander, T. A. Jordan, the day being his seventy-fifth birthday anniversary. The tables were decorated with the Grand Arrr.v of the Republic colors and flowers. Following the dinner George Wright Post No. 1 presented Mr. Jordan, through Comrade Borthwick, with a gold badge as a testimonial of tnei appreciation of his services to the com rades while commander of the post. The Officers and Guard Club of Port land Hive. No. 7. Ladies of the Mac cabees, were entertained by Howard nd lira. Strickland at the homo cf Mrs. 4 v iv in v, 1 S J' r. 7 f'.V.'.'.L .i'V-Mfl " i V- ' 4 Clara Knott, 841 East Twelfth street. on Wednesday. r ive nunarea waa i diversion of the afternoon; alter wnicn ,ininf innKhon wn a ?pvi(i Card honors fell tc Mrs. ft. H. Rueff. the door prize Deing won Dy juris, j-iiuju Beam. i . (rQ a l i i-t White. Mrs. Nash, Mrs. Lloyd Beam, Mrs. Anna Krumrey, Mrs. w. A. ocnuiiz, 2,11a. Wagner, Mrs. J. M. Hicks. Mrs. F. C. Howell. Mrs. Long. Mrs. R. H. Rueff, Mrs. Benner, Mrs. C. Dahl, Mrs. Strick land. Mrs. M. K. Hanson, Mrs. Golden; t -11-- Wort Ht'-.l ?T1 ATrS. Leitzel, Mrs. Kimrear. Mrs. Charles Negelspach, Mrs. Little, jirs. x n. Johnson, Mrs. F. M. Siefer, Mrs. Bailey, Hewey, Mrs. Park and Mrs. Androws. The club will be entertained next oy Mrs. R. H. Rueff and Mrs. P. E. Golden at the latter's home, 1095 Mallory ave nue, Tuesday, April 20. Mrs. A. S. Borgeson. of 1191Maryland XJ7 VV-VI rliV?S PIONEERS OF OREGON CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. ' 1 K'J formal reception, and were deluged with i f loral h"- f banquet. Mr. Cross has two silters in Oregon. Mrs.- Frank Tooze and Mrs. a D. Cole. Others present at the banquet vere: Stanley Ott. Frank Vessy, Kuth Ardrcy, Mrs. H. y. Tasue, iUss Huth Carney. Mr. and .Mrs. t., 6, jsewnaru avenue, entertained on Friday at a linen shower In honor of her daughter, Helen, whose marriage will take place shortly. . . The bride-elect was the recipient 01 many beautiful and useful gifts. Music and old-fashioned games were features of the evening. Prizewinners were Mrs. ,1 ji. 1.1 oht Km m a. n etscn, menuic i 1 .1.!.. .. ..qu-, Erna Eckert ana Mrs. " . t wr served In the prettilv decorated dining-room, where the Misses Bertha Kallich. Anna Borgeson and Lillian Borgeson assisted. a thn nreaent were: Misses Helen -Borgeson, Bernice Doty, Marie Levan, Aitnea urnsui, ZT' Mildred Ryan. Bertha Kallich, Anna Borgeson, Lillian Borgeson. Mrs. Cheadle, Mrs. Schefter, Mrs. Kerrimans, Mrs. Eckert, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Doty, Mrs Evans. Mrs. Vinson. Mrs. Adams. Mrs. Osborn and Mrs. Borgeson. One of the delightful affairs of the week was the surprise given Wednes day night in honor of Miss Ellen Eng lish by a number cf girl friends. The rooms were adorned attractively with Spring blossoms. Klllarney "rosebuds and Easter lilies. Mrs. Clyde Raabe. Miss Anna Reich. Miss Margaret Mann and Miss Mary Schwarzman assisted the hostess and Mrs. Russell A. Baird (Lillian Kruger) poured, and additional guests were: The Misses Belle Murray. Georgette Dougrsse, Frances Meinhbff. Mna Bizor. Anna Gillis. Eva- Baumann. Ethel Cawthorne. Alice Foster da Johnston. Bess Kratzer. Dorothy Bliss. Layne Douglas. Elsie Peterson. Carrie Good burn. Marlon Whitaker. Emma Soderstrom. Olga Geyer, Laura Morgan. August Seifer,- Lena. Sherrett. "V eda Flvnn Myrtle Nash, Lorretta Morrell. Elmira Rehwalt, Anna Reich Margaret Mann, Mary Schwarzman, Mrs. Clyde Raabe and Miss English. "On Wednesday Mrs. Nathaniel T. ihe Bridge Club of which she is a member at her home near Reed College. The president. Mrs. Henry A. Moore, was the guest of honor. Live, fluffy yellow chicks in a deep basket adorned the tabic. . . Mr. Palmer and son joined the party later and. as it was the last of the series, prizes were given to each mem ber, Mrs. Zimmerman holding highest score for the season. Other guests were: Mrs. Henry A. Moore, Mrs. Lawrence K. Moore, Mrs. S M. Hubert. Mrs. J. O. Elrod, Mrs. Walter Zimmerman. Mrs. Walter H. Evans. Mrs. George Lund. Mrs. William Greene. Mrs. James W. Morris, Mrs E. V. Littlefield. Mrs. Harrison M. Ogden and Mrs. Palmer. Mrs. Charles Negelspach presided Friday evening at a pre-Easter sup per for the Arondale "BOO" Card Club. The table was decked with dainty lit tle Easter novelties, a fluffy little white hen on a nest of candy eggs be ing the feature. The evening was "r.nfi ' T E. Golden winning first honors. R. H. Rueff sec ond. F. M. Sierer tnirn. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. t-. E. Golden, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. K"fff Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Pel.tit, Mr. and Mrs. O G Henrv. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Siefer. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Gardiner, Mrs. J. A. Robtneon. Mrs. John W. Scott. Mrs. Minnie E. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Negelspach. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr., and Mrs. C. G. Henry, 340 Clackamas street, on April 23. Mrs. Charles Garlick entertained the St. Johns Sewing Club, R. N. A.. her home at 126 Hayes street. Vocal se lections were given by Mrs. A. E. John son. Mrs. Esther Rider and Mrs. Charles Blanding served refreshments. Those present were Mrs. L. Tallman, Mrs. P. L Thvng, Mrs. Susie Carson, Mrs. Grace Campbell. Miss Fiances Campbell. Mrs. Amy Corbett, Mrs. Jessie Barn urn, Mrs. June Valiant. Mrs. G. H. Oman, Mrs A. V Nelson, Mrs. Less Oman, Mrs. Jen nie Hollis. Mrs. Esther Rider, Mrs. Nel lie Rice. Mrs. C. W. Frederickson. Mrs. D D. McGillivary. Mrs. Fannie Smock Mrs. Charles L. Blanding. Mrs. J. W. Simmons. Mrs. A. E. Johnson. Mrs. George Moirine and Mrs. E. F. Reid. Mrs E R. Thomas entertained the members ' of the Fleur-de-lis Club at her home. S94V4 East Morrison street, on Thursday. Luncheon was served, after which "BOO" was played, honors falling to Mrs. W. H. Bewley, Mrs. C. H. Johnston, Mrs. B- J. Ellis and Mrs. W. E. Dackins. Members present were Mrs. R. L. Bewley, Mrs. C. C. Brown, Mrs. E. S. Bair, Mrs. C. H. Johnston, Mrs. A. A. Buck Mrs. F. D. Morris. Mrs. E. R. Thomas, Mrs. J. P. Van Overn, Mrs. W H. Bewley. Mrs. W. E. Dackins. Mrs A. L. Drake. Mrs. C. E. Klingen smith and Mrs. R. J. Ellis. Mrs J. P. Van Overn will be hostess on April 22 at her home, 916 East Mor rison street. Claud Mills entertained on Saturday with an Easter party for a number of his young friends. Colored eggs wece concealed in the garden and an egg hunt was -an event of the afternoon. First prizes were received by Bruce Hines and Ernest Rau. Bryan Walker 1 A -V m . A 1 f I 1 j won the consolation prize. Games in wiiinh hnvi riAilfrht were followed by a bounteous spread. Those present were Milton Andrews. Albert WTalther, Hough Jones, Bryan Walker, Herbert Rutquist, Ernest Rau, Bruce Hines. Harry Rutquist. Dick Randall. Eric Rutquist, Carl Hines, Irvin Oppenmein, Francis Auterson, Cecil Randall, Henry Defare, Leonard Moore. Peter Defare and Claud Mills. ' Mrs. Lottie Harris. 164 H East Twen tt.th ,t.t nti-tnined the Royal Neighbors of America, Marguerite Camp, Coterie Club. April 8. . The decorations were iiy white ana purpie. 11 1 com ments were served. Mrs. Ella B. Jones and Beatrice Smith presided at the piano. R. N. Moffat rendered two numbers and Vas guest of honor for the1 afternoon. The guests included Mrs. Olive B. Good. Harriet Sherwood, it., a fi.ion nfr A. Willis. Mrs. Nellie Butler. Tklrs. M. Boynton, Mrs. Ella Rogers. Mrs. M. uamonason. Anna Rotermond. Mrs. F. G. Turner, Mrs. S. F. Augles, Mrs. C. A. Ellis, Mrs. E. Flier and Mrs. F. Cooley. The Past Matrons Social Club of SOLOIST TO SING ON TUESDAY BEFORE BANGS LECTURE. Miss Helen Barstow. Tuesday night has been set by the Portland Education Associa tion as the date upon which the celebrated lecturer, John Ken drick Bang will appear for them in the Lincoln High School and will speak on "Salubrities I Have Met." He will tell little intimate stories about Winston Spencer Churchill. Richard Harding Davis, George Ade, Henry M. Stanley. Richard Henry Stoddard. A. Conan Doyle, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Mark Twain and others. Miss Helen Barstow will sing on Tuesday before the lecture. "More Salubrities," a lecture on Taft, Roosevelt, Chauncey M. Depew. Hall C a i n e and Mark Twain, will be the happy ones that will form the inspira tion for the speaker's entertain ing discourse. One of the critics, speaking cf Mr. Bangs' lectures, characterizes them as being "as genial and kindly as Dickens' happiest stories. Portland Chapter, Order of the East ern Star, met at the home of Mrs. B. McKinley, 919 Haight avenue, on Sat urday afternoon. After a short business session "500" was enjoyed. Mrs. Frederick I. Rey nolds held high score and received a dainty prize Those present were Mrs. Sarah Moore, Mrs. Frederick I. Rey nolds, Mrs. E. W. Ring, Miss Violet Holston, Mrs. Annie E. Coote, Mrs. J. Kate M. Debitt. Home guests were .YliaS V lUllllI'TU Ji-0llV4O.il, .....3. Eachern and Miss Anna Dudley. The Ure-ka Card Club met Wednes day afternoon at the home of B. F. Padrick. High card score fell to Mrs. Frank E. Drisbrow and Miss Ada Tay lor. The house was decorated in apple blossoms and lilacs; the luncheon table in Spring blossoms and Easter favors. Those present were Mrs. D. K. lliff, Mrs. A. C. Thorpe, Mrs. B. C. Wagner, Mrs. D. L Povey, Mrs. M. L. Johnson, Mrs. J. Boon. Mrs. E. C. Kroll, Mrs. F. E. Drisbrow, Miss Ada Taylor, Miss Myrtle Thorpe, Miss Louisa Williams, Mrs. Mary Walls and Mrs. B. F. Padrick. Next meeting, April 21, will be at Mrs. J. Boon's. Mr. and Mrs: Fred S. Grant enter tained with a card party in thoir home Thursday night. The guests Included Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Byrne, Mr. and Mrst. H Griesel. Mr. and Mrs. V. Kolb, Mr. and Mrs. P. Park, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Loder. Mr. and Mrs. James Loder, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wenning. Mrs. H. Relfen rath, Mrs. B. Carrington, Miss Nellie Parker, Miss Thelma Park. Dr. Ravenia Spurrier, L. R. Shaver F. B. Tucker and Helen and Walter Grant. Trophies were won by Mrs. H. Griesel and V. Kalb. Master Walter Grant played several violin solos. The J. U. G. Club gave its annual ball last night at the Irvington Club house. The affair proved to be one of the most delightful of the post-Lenten parties. The members of the club are: Gladys Morgan, Helen Zimmerman, Tirzah McMillen, Agnes Forgler, Gladys Scarth. Rita Lind. Esther Rudun, Frances Tallmadge, Hilma Fox, Mabelle Holmes, Constance Davis and Lucile Sievers. The patronesses were: Mrs. Charles H. Fox. Mrs. Wakeford G. Holmes, Mrs. E. C. Morgan. Mrs. Walter Zimmerman and Mrs. S. McMillen. Miss Verr.a Backstrom entertained with an Easter 500 party Saturday eve ning. Miss Ethel Nelson and Harry Reschke were the prize-winners. Re freshments were served and later dan cing and music were enjoyed. Those present were Edna Johnson, Reva Funk, Ethel Nelson. Mamie Siglin. Maude Lee, Gladys- Sumatowet, Minnie Alexander, Mildred Hodgins, Verna Backstrom, Jack Arvidson, John Toung. Sigard Nel son, Herman Siglin, Ralph Botely, Mr. Montgomery. Arthur Reschke, Harry Reschke, George Reschke. . " An interesting event of the Easter week was an afternoon tea given by Miss Esther Maguire at her home. The afternoon was passed in an Easter egg . nni comas MIrs Alvera Anderson won the prize for finding the most eggs. The rooms were pretiny mcumioo mm Easter lilies and daffodils. Covert were laid for Mioses Alvera Anderson. Vivian White, Maude Van Nortwick. Lillian Anderson, Florence Lippert. Cloe n t .,. troll nnrthpii Stall. Flor- nnjcB. jo-um - - - - ence Willery and Dorothy Anderson. The. B. B. Bridge Club met Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Sarah Th. hio-h srnrfi was received by Mrs. Dora Bolter. Those present were: Mrs. Dora Bojter. airs. m. n. uumuei, Mrs. Harry J. Miller, Mrs. Maude Giles, . r T"H 1 tr vfi-c Hurmiin Frot- :urs, uuuub uno, " . dorf, Mrs. Shepherd. Mrs. Sarah Moore, Mrs. William r. aonon, miss McCarver. Miss Winifred Kendall and Miss Hazel Coote. The club will meet next with Mrs. Julius Dilg. - J. O. Gibson, 1193 Williams avenue, was surprised by a large gathering of his friends on his 58th birthday, Thurs day night. A pleasant evening was passed with music,- the following par ticipating: Edith Powers, piano; F. Osen. mandolin; J. C. Stewart, "cello; vocal solos by Mrs. James Roberts, Mrs. J t J x I lilillltlllii Di t 71 7 L. M. Swartz, William J. Garrett, H. A. Adams and P. R. Gunnison. Refresh ments were served by Mrs. Oswald Gib son and Mrs. James Roberts. A pleasant affair of the week was a surprise party for Miss Kittle Bran des, 1148 East Yamhill street, on Tues day night. The entertaining party was the Misses Celia Fennel. Ada Herbrlng, Hedwig Kayser, Elizabeth Duffy, Ke gina Bitts, Bob Fennel Charles Van Hoomissen. Leo Harris, Frank Robin son. John Harris, Joseph Van Hoomis sen and Mr. and Mrs. Leach. Miss Iola Lee was the recipient of a delightful surprise party Wednesday night, when Oregon Rose Camp Roy al Neighbors of America, called in a body. Five hundred and music formed tne entertainment, after which a luncheon was served. Card honors fell to Mrs. Perry and Mr. Vollmer. Mrs. Mary E. Bryant, of 3736 Forty second street, celebrated her 84th birth day. April 7. Mrs. Bryant is one of the oldest Pythian Sisters on the Pacific Coast. A number of friends called in the afternoon. - - The Pythian Sisters of Orphia, Temple 18, will give their next five hundred party Thursday night at the J-nights of Pythias Hall, Eleventh and. Alder streets. . In compliment to Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Chamberlain, recently married, Mr and Mrs. Charles Radeel, enter tained at dinner Thursday evening at their attractive home on Waverly Heights. The house was decorated in apple blossoms, pink and white being if ft m I I 1 I POPULAR COUPLE ARE MARRIED. f s I W- -Whs n 1 f " i IMih SiMMtriiA it tf tfr iwiwfeahiaal Pierce Riggs, for many years a resi dent of Polk County, near Rickreall, and Miss Mae Elwood, of Medford. were married at 8:30 o'clock Monday evening at the home of Seth Riggs. 432 Market street, Portland. The cere mony was performed by Rev. Luther s.; Cf f YS An ever changing and conse quently ever new display of fair Fashion's caprices:- an exhibit remarkable for its wonderful variety and for its extremely moderate prices. The most sought-for fabrics are serge, poplin, gabardine, shepherd's checks and the various weaves in silks.- gT-. You are cordially invited Y to visit ihe store often - - and inspect the nen things f: ' as they are put on display. 1 Tailored Suits $17.50 Upwards Tailored Coats $15.00 Upwards We feature a most charming array of Street and Afternoon Dresses in silk materials at $14.50 upwards. SPECIAL Women s and Misses' White Chinchilla Balmacaan Coals specially priced $9.85. Morrison Stareet &t Fcmrfa A Shop for Gentlewomen. the color scheme throughout Covers were laid for nine. The guests Includ ed Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Richardson, of Silverton. Or.; Floyd Lynch, Miss Inez lladeei and Miss Beth Stennett. i - As the close of their season's parties, the Arcadians enjoyed a brilliant eve ning of dance at Christensen s Hail last Thursday night Several score young people enjoyed the pretty fig ures of the special dancing features and at the conclusion of the evening voted the year's events to be a decided success. . ., It was announced that the Arcadians would organize a similar club for the season of 1915-16, to open with a party in September or October. The member ship list already has been opened and next season is expected to excel the present, both in personnel, and Jn tne quality of the parties given. A post-season dance may be given by the Arcadians on May 6, owing to the many requests made upon the board of directors to hold at least one more party this season. Ralston J. Clary and Fred L. Carlton will be in charge of the arrangements. The affair was the 1914-15 review, at which the spirit of Easter was carried out beautifully, with lilies as the predominating dec oration. Misses Irene and Marie Wat son entertained with Spanish costume dances, winning much applause. Mrs. W. L. Cornell contributed a solo num ber. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Chessman. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Tracey, Judge and Mrs. Ar thur C. Dayton, Mr. and Mrs. Q. C. Bra man, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Abrev, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Shewey, R. Dyott. D. D in the presence of rela tives and a few Intimate friends. Mr. Riggs has Jong been one f Polk County's most prosperous farmers, and in addition thereto has acquired busi ness interests in this city. After May 10 the happy couple will he at home at 360 Ivy street, near Union avenue. v 3 " V J 1 m Tlhi Mdb Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Garrow, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Swartwnut. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Joy, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cofold, Mrs. Curl Liehe. Mrs. Hoyden Coster, Mrs. Arthur W. Color Your Last Year's Straw Hat With Makes Old Straw Hals Look New Splendid lor fixing up Ladies' and Children's Hats EASY TO APPLY Drirt m 30 Minnies Wilcrprwif ttti Dsnblt Mxlia Jet Black Navy Bine Burnt Straw Dull Black Cadet Blue Brows Cardinal Red Sage Green Violet Cents Lavender Yellow Natural COLORITE is ako tuitablr fot cjiocissg Satin. Slk and Csurr SLIPPERS; BASKETRY iraM m COLORITE Look or tho ndlot packogo Department and Drug Stores Sell It or amd 25c m atamia to Dept. M CARPENTER-MORTON CO. Boston. Min, Do You Perspire? "Dry-Pits" Lotion positively di verts perspiration from the arm pits, enabling one to discard shields entirely. Antiseptic, pure, harm less. Money refunded if unsatis factory. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1. Manufactured by Dry-Pits Lotion Co., St. Louis, Mo. For sale by Skidmore Drug Co., Portland, Or. 'eo-flao1!qDe Krturr's Vegetable Jlly Xbe Fountain of Voutb What It lo Each treatment removal Ine wrinkle, corrects - Our and deep linu. lu l juinuie. Itullda up the tieauea un derneath, prevenu wrln fn,ni rteveloDlnif. Noth- Trademark Ir.r r a to science tt equal, oena ic ir bookiel or call at office glvaa a complete outline of all Nikk-ilarr toilet preparations, niilch reprenent the hlgheet pouilble atana- cTiTlA' "aecont floor. 8t4 Waeblnstoo 8 Tort land. Oregon. Free demonmraimn Amenta wanted AiM en tale at H evdard, Clark Co. fa