THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, "PTf.TT. 11. 1915. II' . - . : 1 -i - . - I a I . . t - IntnmoMIM UBDim. 1 -- I - Poultry. - I WE SELL. W w nue - Urtmm from, best utility ..oc broooer tor .cow. ery; we guarantee sale delliery. t lonf .T nuiciic'.. j 6IXTY Barred Rock baby chick.. -J WHITE WMNUOTTES. line "f.1"'". strain, ft per setting, guaranteed two thirds fertile. 7S Alameda drive. Phone W ood lawn V'.- BUTTERCUP eggs 1.S0 per 15; 4 per 60; good laying strain. E. R. Thompson. 2 SHOROrCHBKED Black Minorca, Barred Hock. Bron Leghorn, setting. 7c. Wood- lawn ltf4 WHITE ORPINGTONS direct from Keller ra Farm. and -.50 a setting. Crystal Poultry Yard. 42H Sth ave. s. L. FOR SALE Brown lceuorn hens, tl each. Phone Sellwooo. ivw. FOR Jndlau Runner duck egga, 15c a setting. B 7119. Oregonlan. livestock- CNE cow. fresh aoon. feam of horses, har ness and covered wagon, all In good con dition; must el! soon. J Sellers. K. r. D. 1, Portland. Or. lit. Tabor car to -fcSth. and Inquire at store. SO HEAD freah cows Durham, Jersey. Guernsey. Take Woodstock car to 60th. blocks west. 1 portn REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood for lale. C w. Alt man, route 1. Portland. or pnone oiuii.ii ... GOOD Jersey-Guernsey cow. giving -o to 30 pounds per day; cash or terms, ra hor 4407. FOR SALE Durham cow. S yeara old, big milker. Just fresh. Inquire of H. Rco- crts. Jennings Loose. -. COW and calf for sale. 900 E. 16i.h at. lot" and Holgate. Sellwood 119. JERSEY cow. let, 3 years, fresh, tubercular tested. 3 gallons. V 743. Oregonlan. Automobiles. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer you the following list of ears ' to select from, they are all overhauled and ready for service. Investigate our selling plan. It will pro tect you agamat buying a defective car. American 4-passenger, underaluufi. - n p 700 Cole, i-passenger. SO-ri. J. 600 Chalmers. 5-p..senger. 3--n. p J Buirk. 5-passenger. 44-h. p Interstate, 4-passe.nger. 40-b, P 45 Aperaon. 5-passenger, 4fVh. p bo Cartord. 4-passenger. 40-h. p v Cole. 7-passenger. 60-n. p.. nearly new . .Jrrcon Maxwell delivery. 30-h. P 42S Michigan. 5-passenger. 3.';-h. p. oJo lieo truck lVj-ton with van body, first -class condition -?l-o Several others to select from. M1BTHWEST AUTO CO.. Broadway and Couch Street. Main SSS7. A 4059. BARGAINS IN rSED CARS. 1 sven - passenger Napier 90 - h. p. touring car. In good condition: good tires, top. windshield and Presto tank 1000 One 4S-h. p. Plerce-Artow 7-passen-ger touring car. In goort condition; tiros, top and windshield VrOO One 30-h. p. Parry - Arrow 5 - passen ger touring car, in good condition; good tires, top, windshield, E5 -saver and Presto-tank S330 One Flanders ai. with delivery body, in good running order; good tires, windshield and Presto-tank Z50 Will demonstrate. FRED DUNDBb, S7". Jefferson St., Portland. Or. FOR BALE. Mitchell touring car, recent model, new 1v painted: motor In line shape: looks just like new; will sell thi at a great bargain or consider some trade, what have you to oiler? Call C 92. 603 i.. both X. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! Practlcallv brand new 5-passenger, electrle lights, electric starter and gen erator; this car Is absolutely Just as good as new; with extra tire and rim; fully equipped. If you really want to buy a first-class car at a great sacrifice, please call and look this over. 3-7 Burnslde St. Call Sunday afternoon or Monday, any time. ;J5 is our price. It la worth two times that. PARTS FOR 10 DIFTEREXT MAKES OF CARST SEE rs BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PARTS FOR YOUR CAR. WIS 6ELL FOR LESS. PACIFIC TIRE ft ATTTO SFPPLT CO.. G. N. SMITH. MGR. S5-327 Bl'KXSIDE STR&CT. PIERCE. T-passenger t f 'O HI PMOB11.E. roadster, lfU4 model.. 8m) MOI.1XE. 4-naaser.ger 300 32 11. P.. 4-passenger.. joo RELIANCE. 3-ton truck 20U0 DIXMAr.E-Sl.mET AUTO CO., 4&-4S N. 20th St. COLUMBIA HIGHWAY TRIPS. Take a trip up the Columbia by auto mobile. Will take you to Shepard's Dell and Lalourell F?!ls. a 4-hour trip, fare $'. each, no more than three to a load. For particulars call East 5S39. 1H14 CADILLAC. One 5-pass.. one 7-pasa. ; both will give th- famous Cadillac service. See them. l-OVEY MOTOR CAR CO.. 21st and Wash. WANTED Automobile: have 50x100 lot on Denver ave. and some cash for 1914, might consider 1913 if In good condition. See Jordan not later than Tuesday morning. 301-2 Lumbermen' bldg. CHALMERS 5-pasenger, Just painted; good tires; this Is the best buy in the cltv; $400 cash or in three payments; wiu take Ford as part payment. AG 707, Ore gjnlan. FOR SALE Studebaker 30. 1912 5-passenger, run less than tWO0 miles, good condl t.on In every way: $401 cash takes it. Phone C 2534. fan be seen to 2:30 P. M. Sundav 429 E. 41st St N. 1911. Overland, splendid condition, new tires, run verv little. :u.1; 1912 Regal, under hung, roadster. ::35; 1910 Maxwell run atMun, $1H0. Acme Auto Co.. 531 Alder St. FOR SALE 5O-70 horsepower roadster in elegant condition at a bargain; cash or temu": no trades or real estate considered. AF 707. Oregonlan. ONE 7-pasenger Garford. lst-class condi tion. $."'0, terms to responsible parties. Hanslmair & Crabb. Cotillion garage, up stairs. " YOUR CAR. MADAME. Ranch Lange electric, a, beautiful car, as .od aa new. roVEV MOTORCAR CO.. 21st and Wash. FOR SALE 7-paasenger Wlnton six In Al condition: one-half cash, for balance will take first mortgage on Portland real es tate. Phone Woodlawn 3S2. FINE $1350 auto. 1912 model. In fine con dition for less than $500. This la a dandy buv. AH 743. Oregonlan. WANTED Auto, 5 or 7-.passenger car late model: will trade 7 acres of Hood River land. $l.Vhl. AO 726. Oregonlan. Jl GOOD 3-passenger automobile for Jit ney business: easy payments: price $300. Call 4"t) McKay bldg. Main 934. CH W.MERS 30. 5-paes.. very fine condition; fully equipped; suitable lor Jitney. Main l .-r oppose of my two autos, price ana terms ro object. East 23t5. Main 1940 3'l Enpene at. DETROIT ELECTRIC Almost new; will fcell for cash only at a reduced price. AJ 705. Oregonlan. A SNAP lrt-pasenker bus on Federal truck chassis, owner will sacrifice. Call garage. King a'nd Washington sis.. Monday. 3914 OVERLAND. like new; consider smaller machine for part. Phone Sellwood CADILLAC, electric lighting and starting system: musf sell at once: bargain: terms. Call Mondav at A 5153. 401 Plait bldg. f-PASS Chalmers, fore door, just over hauled. S50: is like giving It away.Call Wood 997 Sunday, Main 9.'.00 Monday. B4.RGIN In 7-passenger Chalmers, guaran teed In first-class condition. Call 601 Swetland bldg. CANNOT meet my payments on motor truck account sickness in the family; must sac rifice. B 746. Oregonlan. WANTED A light 6-passenger car; must be late moiiet. sio nam, lwh. FOR SALE 5-passenger body and top. WOULD like to purchase a S-passenger car from S600 to $300. AC 74$. Oregonlan. STODDARD racy roadster; tires like aew; snap at jiai ..o.. FORD runabout, in flrat-claas condition. $375. K 74S. Oregonlan. 1914 CHALMERS MASTER SIX. S-pass.; A-l condition: Just like new. Main 3910 7-PASSENGER Plerce-Arrow. sale or . r-.'O o,.ii1nii MAXWELL runabout. $135; good order, new urea. Tabor 61i& or 63 lw Jioadajf. 7Z' I FORfiALS. T FOR PALE. ; FOR SAXE. FOB SALE. Mlacelb-eoua. J Mtaltanw-. SPRING CLEARANCE SALE ON USED QUALITY. CARS. AT PRICES NEVER BEFORE OFFERED. Here Is your opportunity to purchase a real automobile at bargain price, Ve have tor sale this week: Packard IS 5-passenger. Packard 3U 2-passenger. Packard 30 5-passenger. Packard 3U 7-pasenger. limousine. FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, 33d and Washington Streets. Phona Main 4542. CADILLAC. THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD. CADILLAC. Cadillac, rebuilt, $300. Cadillac, repalned and rebuilt, $450. Cadillac, lull, a good buy, $625. . Cadillac, run 9000 miles, only $700. Cadillac. 1913, practically new, $1100. Cadlllao, 1914. You must see this on-, also bargains in other makes. CADILLACS GIVE SERVICE. ' COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st end Washington. v SECOND-HAND CARS. 1915 Studebaker. five-passenger, almost new; cost $1075; a snap for cash. Studebaker chassis, $175 Bulck, 1912, 4-passenger, $375. Buick. 1912, roadster, $400. Cadillac, 1912, five-passenger, electric lights and atarter; repainted, $750. WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY, OLD OR NEW. TERMS. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO.. 14th and Davis at. Main 4505 A 2560. WE -will pay cash for second-hand FORD CARS, or trade new ones for them. Cars sold on terms. Agents for Gray & Davis Ford starting and lighting aysiem. BEN J. E. BOONE & CO. Ford Agents. S14 Aider St. Phone Main 3866. Portland. Hillsboro. WINTO.N SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt in 4 and 7-pass. models; cars are iully equipped and carry standard guar antee of the Wlnton company for one year; be sure and see us beiore you buya used car; liberal terms. Wlnton Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington sts. Take-down garages, built of the iest materials, artistic designs, lOxlo, $36 up. erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DO W.S MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St- Main 1167. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 'Iuxl6, best materials, erected on your lot. complete 3i up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat. B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialist. llSl E. Salmon st. TaDor ivt. FOR SALE 1914 Jeffery, 4-cylinder. 5-pas-senger touring car; new top and glass front; extra lire, speedometer and clock; electric starter and lights. No real estate. BC 700, Oregonlan. $450, 6-passenger Jackson. 1913, foredoor, tor pedo body; no Junk; you will have to nuriy. aiam 6-CYLINDER 7-passenger Studebaker, good v. tlri full eauiDment. SboO cash or will take 1914 Ford iu good con dition as part payment. sox 24, White -PAS 6-cylinder Fierce-Arrow, newly Painted, good Urea and seat covers; w-ould consider small car as part P"'-1";; ton Motor Car Co., 23d and Washington streets. LATE 1913 overland touring car. looks and runs like new; called Eaat, will sacrifice for $45o.0O or best cash offer, c. . Steele, ltibii East Broadway. Phone East 5176. tilt xiirir., e."v 1 " " 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 .. r- oru unr a or East osotf. We still have a tew at greatly reduced prices. Cotillion Garage, 14th and Burn- si ue St. lsl" BUICK roadster, good mechanical con d'tlon good tire and paint, electrically lighted. $450. Fred Forbes. Howard Auto compan. HAVERS SIX. A classy car In Tery good condition; snap for someone at $450. i-nvev Motorcar Co., 21st and Wash. BARG UN. practically new 2-passenger Overland roadster; electric lights, self starter fully equipped. Main 7000, cash ier. MY Wlnton 6. 7-passenger. in first-class condition, ioi . f .,," , - M stored at Kicaawm - WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber pafd. mI"L8ev.r IwoSbT Main S19S. piuir.Pi!Wi?VGER White Steamer, 1175, good condition. Md ave. Wood stock car. $375 cash. Al condition. P. O. Box 42. LITTLE ''d-hand truck, in fine condition; new tires, new paint; will haul lbQQ any- tiid W.ll.o Min loss. wnerc , p".c W Ft REN re t ro i t , 5-pass. car. cost new $2.50, in first-class condition, $o00. B. li. 6-PASSENG3R. model 18 Packard. 26 H. p. for sale at bavgaln; no trades, $1000. GOOD 5-passenger auto, Winton Six. $450; $20O cash, balance $2.' per month; no li14 OVERLAND. &-p:s., electric UffhU and in fin condition. Winton Motor Car Co.. o-.j .n wmhinrton Sts. LIGHT Overland roadster with adjuatment tanneau and delivery bed, cash or terms. Phone Main 3-'.V. FOR SALE, cheap. 4-passentjer touring body with top and wind shield. ' Marshall 440. BEFORE you buy or sell your car see East Side Auto Repair Co.. 717 Hawthorn FORDS for hire, special rates on countxj trips. Main 6729. 74 Stark at- lijli liTpASPENGER for hire. $1.50 per hour. Phone Woodlawn 140. TWO Packard heavy truck: gravel and flat bodies; ciieap. u SLIGHTLY used tires from 3 to $10 each; vuicanizea joc urc. 'eF'"u' -vi FORD for hire, $1.25 per hour. Sellwood STCDEBAKER 30 roadster, fine condition Mr. House, x am LIGHT roadster, almost new. only run three months chear for cash. Phone Tabor 93L DAVDY little runabout, cash or trade for larger car. 1879 Kast Stark, cor. 74th. y,ETZ runnhout cheap: not junk; need mouey. Ai 744, OreoniiU. REBUILT FEDERAL TRUCKS. A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL la as good value for the money as a new truck. By re built we mean that the truck is entirely taken apart, each part examined and it necessary replaced by a new part matte at tlie Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and rcfinished and everything necessary done to make the truck prac tically as good aa new In every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the same policy ami interest that we give to all Federal own ers. We operate a repair department, in which the workmen are specialists on Federals; our supply of Federal parts is complete and the stockroom organization high-class, which insures the prompt fill ing of all parts orders. We also operate a service department, which is open day and night, "always at your call." The Federal being a good truck in the first place ajid protected by a company which Is equipped and haa the disposition to give you service, is consequently A SAFE TRUCK TO BUT. If you are in the market for ft truck from $1000 to $1400, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we .-can convince von of their superior value. GERLINGER MOTOR C AH COMPANY, King and Washington Streets. SNAPS IN USED CARS. 3112 Reo 5th, 5-passei:ger. in good shape, tires good. A dandy for jit ney service $430 4-passenger laxwell; a great buy.... .$400 Five-passenger Michigan 33; electric lighted. A Jittle dandy $4o0 $u000 Oldsmobile, 5-passenger. in good shapo, f or 10c on the dollar $300 Reo 2-ton truck, like new, used In light freight service only 7 months, and is a bargain. One 1914 6-34 Hudson, 7-passenger. Wco f derfully ood buy. Best of the season. C. L. BOSS & CO.. 615-17 Washington St.. Portland, Or. OKEOON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. USED-CAR DEPARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. CHALMERS '30.' 4-passenter touring car, overhauled and repainted $4T5 STUDEBAKER 4 -pass, touring car, just overhauled; self-starter, etc $600 MAXWELL 5-pass. touring car $4G0 STUDEBAKER "30,' 5-passenger tourins car $300 STUDEBAKER "FOUR," touring car. 1 S3 1 model, electric starter and lights, perfect condition $775 STUDKBAKER "30, " roadster, over hauled anj repainted $425 FORD touring car, 10J 4 model, shock absorbers. Presto lights, speed ometer, etc $500 STUDEBAKER 20" touring car, fine condition $425 STUDEBAKER " roadster, over hauled and repainted $400 See us for jitney buses. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder Streets. Phone Main 8402, A 765C. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 31)13 Ford roadster, $2i5. 1013 Ford, o passenger, $350. 1013 Ford, 5 passenger, $375. li14 Ford. 5 passenger, $30o. 1U13 Franklin, big six. electric lights and starter, 51 150. 1012 Studebaker. 30 roadster, self-starter, demountable rims, like new, $305. 1912 Studebaker 20, 5 pass., fore dore. $250. 1!H4 Mitchell, big six, 7 passenger, brand new. 1911 Moline 30, 5 pass., a gift at the price asked, $105. 1014 Bulck 25, 5 pass., electric lights and starter. This car has been run less than 3500 miles and cannot be told from brand new ; price $750. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX., Phone East 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne. USED CARS. LIBERAL TERMS. If you are planning i trip to the fair, let ua show you a proper car for that pur pose. Either a four or six-cylinder nearly new Mitchell touring car, elec. lighted and started, also a few other good buys. Flanders roadster $250. Buick light delivery, $250. Rambler, 5-passenger, $485. Mitchell baby six, $700. Cole 4-cyl. 7-passenger, electric lights, extra tire, excellent condition, $S75. MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO., Morrison and East First Sts. East 2177. B 1216. WE HAVE Several used cars at attractive prices. Call and inspect them. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 21st and Washington. FORD roadster, fore-door, $235. Ford touring car, fore-door, $325. Flanders 20 roadster, newly painted, new tires and overhauled, $235. A new E. M. F. fore-door roadster, $300. We also have parts for Case cars and a- number of second-hand tires; repair shop in counecticn. Open Sunday. 1.0 Union ave. South. NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. Federal truck equipped with 24-passen-ger bus body; luxurious, roomy, uphol stered in leather, electric push buttons, electric lighted, brand new; small initial pavment, balance easv terms. "GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO., 604 Washington St. PACKARD 5 passenger; extra tires, seat covers, speedometer, demountable rims, one-man top: Just overhauled ; in A-J. condition, a bargain for cash; no real estate or mortgages considered; may take some terms. A J 700, Oregonlan. 1912 STUDEBAKER 23, roadster. $260. 1914 Maxwell 2i. 5-pass. ; terms; $550. 1012 Michigan 41), 5-passenger, $42o. 1013 Hoover , roadster. $485. EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO. 717 Hawthorne. SIXTEFN-PASSENGER BUS. Just the bus for country hotel or stage run; a little monev will get this snap. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. t4 Washington St. I WOULD like to rent my 5-passenger au tomobile to responsible party of means, as I am leaving town. I guarantee car to be in good condition and little used. Addre owner, AF 744. Oregonian. GET YOUR AUTO TRIMMINGS PLATED, AUTO PAINTED. PORTLAND PLATING & AUTO PAINTING CO. A 5282. 22D AND THURMAN. MAIN 943. BY OWNER, Overland auto, 5-passenger, In good shape. S25Q. Phone East 35S6. Automobiles Waned. WILL take auto in good condition for eight lots in Oak Grove, near carllne. E. A. Loomis, Mabel. Or. WANT 5-passenger car for large equity in choice Alameda Park lot. R 746, Ore gonian. 10 ACRES fruit land near Mosier, Or., clear of incumbrance, for 1934 roadster, Bulck preferred. Phone Main 22S0. WANTED 5-passenger car, light and a bar gain; no junk or agents; terms. Call Main 6704. WANTED 6-passenger auto In exchange for lots In Wisconsin cityj some cash. Al- bina Auto 4iunary. (jiuw. WANTED Late model roadster, no junk; have some cash and 1 0 acres of land. What have you? Barnard. 21 N. 2d. FINE fast motorboat to trade for light auto; may pay difference. Phone Main rS93- $410EQUITY in $625 lot and some cash for ... j -1 na.a- AT T'ln Hraonnlan mie mutiei q " SALEM property for modern auto; must be eood condition. X 725, Oregonian. good conaiuun. - i vs.cBmi . WANTED A 5-passenger Ford body. 13 N. fith at. ' WOULD like to purchase 6-passenger car $600 to yUU. A utcgwuittu. WANTED To rent automobile about 2 hours each day. Call 266 11th st. CASH for a roadster from owner. Call Main 4319. after 6:30 P. M. ' WANTED autp bus and 5 seats or both for real estate. Eaat 2149, A. M. WANTED 5-passenger 1914 car in exchange fo'r lot. East 5104. FORD CAR wanted; will give $500 sellers contract on house. V 744. Oregonian. FIVE diamond to trade for small 5-passe n " ' , .-oil Main A549. Mondav. B" w ... WANTED Good Ford touring car, 1914 or 1H15 model. Marshall7n2. HORSE and buggy for second-hand auto. Call. Monday after 9 A. M., 381 Water at. tjtavT Toi4 Ford touring car In good condi- lion. W ANTED Late model Whjte or Stude baker, A-l condition. O 7 47, Oregonian. WANTED Ford 1C-15 light delivery In No. 1 condition, in first payment of a acres lota close In free of incumbrance. Take auto up to $400. balance on terms or cash. Woodlawn 2C90. , WILL trade "Potter coin machine and Halvorson & Co.'s stock, which will stand thorough investigation, for a used car of standard make and in Al condition. Main 4048. WANTED Ford auto or other small 5-pass. or a good roadster, in exchange for $700 equity in a tine large lot in Rose City Park district, baL on lot $15 per month. Main 6U20. WANT equal partner to open up second hand auto clearing house and repair shop; must be able to devote entire time; ref erences exchange Address 128 East 34th st. AUTO WANTED. Good roadster or small 5-pass. auto for $10oo equity in good 6-room house in Sunnyside district, balance $1S60. Phone Main 6Lf20. - WANTED Ford 5-pass., recent model. In exchange for (new) Century studio outfit and accessories complete; or will trade . desirable lot. Address Jaa. Waggener, Jr., 6 X VV . i" H 9 L.. . . i-wts , UNIVERSITY PARK ADDITION Lot iiOx 100, on hard-surface street, to trade for automobile. Geo. R. Flora, 1163 E. Couch st. jfnone iuuui oom WANTED For cash, late model. 5-passen-cer car, must be in perfect uondit.ou. bee Mr Jones, paquet Garage, Hawthorne ave. and E. Eighth st. Phone East 6840. WANTED Late model automobile 1" ex change for a fine comer lot on the Rose City carllne. Price $1500. E. J. Geiser, 417 (."namoer OI uomniertr. I WILL pay cash for roadster or light 5 pass machine; no junk considered; give full particulars first letter. BF 716, Ore- BO ia TO EXCHANGE Good values for a light 5- and machine must be late and in good or- AUTO TRUCK Will pay cash for best two ton truck offered; must be in first-class condition; state lowest price and name of i. i latta, 1 7Ji: OrParonian. WILL exchange for 5-passenger auto In good condition, 10 lots at Oak Grove; fiye blocks from, station. Dr. E. A. Loomls, Mabel, Or. FRD car, 5-passenger, $100 down, $50 per month, or give Dayton horsepower at $15(1 good as new. pay balance cash. Sast o-1 7. WILL exchange S4 carat ammonu m-.iu other diamonds for good up-to-date 5-pass. car-must he in good shape. No Jjords. V 745, Oregonian, WANT 1814-1915 6-cylinder Automobile as part payment on $3500 tract at Kiverwood Add., ail Improvements in and paid tor. WANTED Used motorcycle; must be in i ,i i oni-l verv rhpan for cash. Cal 1 Tabor 2319. C 2007. CORNER lot on 42d and Broadway, trade for Ford or what nave you? Mtg. fifuu. Main 9451- WANTED 5 or 7-passenger auto for busi ness, $50 cash, $50 monthly. J 743, Ore gonian $475 FIRST mtg. on out-of-town lots ana L'O0 cash for small auto. F 747, Orego nian. Motorcycles. EXTRA BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. 1 1914, two-speed Dayton, 9 H. if. 2 3013 twin Excelsiors, 7 H. P. 1 1014 twin Excelsior, 7 H. P. 2 3!M3 twin Indians, 7 H. P. 1 1913 twin Dayton, 9 H. P. 1 1913 twin Reading, standard 8 H. r. 1 1013 twin .gi, 0 H. P. 1 1913 twin Emblem, S H. P. 1 4 H. P. Thor. 2 7 H. P. 1912 Merkles. 1 5 H. P. Indian. All these machines have been Putmin A-l condition and many are equipped. The prices are the lowest. Liberal terms. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadway. unTnOPVPT .vr. SAT .V. 1 1914 Indian, electrical, $105. 1 1013 Indian, a dandy, $125 1 1912 Indian, 2-speed, $100. 1 191a X., equipped, $l2o. Harley-Davidson. 7-H. P.. $13o. Single Yale, equipped, $65. And many other bargain. Open Sunday and evenings. JEFFERSON CYCLE CO.. 287 Third Street; ONE 5 H. P. Twin Indian $65. One 6 H. P. twin Harley-Davidson $7o. We also have a large assortment of .used machines of all makes, from $o up On Easy Term. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. Agents for theFjingMerkle. WILL sell or trade 1913 twin jeuersou motorcycle for motorboat in good con Stio; machine is in absolutely A-l con d t SS, just been thoroughly overhauled LeSr'and, powerful; will accept $10. terms or )wu ------- FOR SALE Real bargain, leaving town, must sell one Harley-Davidson 114 twin motorcycle, practically new, in Al condi tion: pay to investigate. Call at Frei Pickle Works, cor. East 8th and Salmon 1 streets. SOLD AND REPAIRED. 1 iiu t ITU CT COR. 13TH AND WASHINGTON. HARLEY-DAVIDSON, In good condition, tires A-l. Call at Typewriter Exchange, Solii Wash., and make offer. Best price takes It. $50 CASH takes my 113 4-h. p. motorcycle equipped with Prest-o-lite Tandem and A-l tires. Call 715 Bldwell ave. Sellwood car. INDIAN motorcycle, chain drive, single, magneto ignition, good condition, f3o. 87 N. Ijtn st. Api.. -to. wiCTED Motorcycle; must be equipped and be In good condition, for cash, all Sunday at t mai-y slip... 1914 MODEL. Jefferson motorcycle, fully equipped, 110; bargain. Call 210 Mont- READING Standard. 11114 model. fully equipped, perfectly new, for Eale at a bargain. Tabor glut. ,C 1417. a r p d YTON motorcycle in fine shape, worth tilK); sell on terms. $175. Bast -'17. WANTED Motorcycle as first payment on a large lot near Laurelhurst, bal. $18 Per montn. inu.u.rc FOR SALE A 1814 Twin Merkel; this must be sold this week; this is really a snap. MOTORCYCLE for sale In first-class condi tlon, ttL v 2-PASSENGER. twin Indian, running order, EXCELSIOR side car cheap Call Engine 13, Ijrana ave. anu mu.mmi GOOD 1SI14 twin for sale cheap for cash. Slachinery. MACHINERY! MACHINERY ! Lumber mills, logging camps, everyone's needs filled here. See Barde for anything made of Iron. . The House of a Million Bargains, Front and Main Sts. PUMPING STATION, which I am dis mantling: will sell the whole thing at a bargain or any part of It separately; has a lu.OOO-gallon tajik, tower, good pump and gasoline engine and a lot of other stuff It you want a bargain see the owner at 512 Piatt bldg. FOR SALE, price, the best well-drilling machine in The country, 1500 feet ca pacity, 4 14x36 deep well pump, lo H. P. steam farm boiler and engine: contractors toolhouse on iron trucks, new auto tire pump. 300 Vancouver ave., Portland, c Z4IS MOTORS AN1J IjcnAiuna We have over 70 of all sizes in stocK. We do repairing and rewinding. Get our prices on motors before renting or buying. B. E. DAVIS & CO.. 103 E. Water St. Eist 814H. B 2238. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR SALE. Donney engines, plledrivers, derricks, transits. levels, concrete mixers, etc COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., ISPS Yeon bldg. Main 670j. Typewrit era. ALL, MAKES FACTORY REBUILT. LARGEST STOCK LOWEST PRICES TERMS $5 DOWN. 5 A MONTH SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST RETAIL DEPARTMENT, THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 321 Washington St., Portland. Or. stores in an rnui.t; vnai. .w. WE save you from 00 to 75 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our Ulus SaTed folder" Retail department WHOLE- KAbE, 1 x r-r. w i. m v.., . TYPEWRITERS for rent: 3 months for $o and up 6 months rent applied on pur - chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, S3 j-roanwav, rmmmn, v,. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, J10 to 65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark st Main SoliS. SPLENDID visible L. C. Smith typewriter, Al condition; price $35; $5 down, $3 monthly. Aiuei. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for 4, delivered. 244 Stark st. Main 6273. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. pDJJ2SJi-arkst;MaJn 14U7. GOOD-Smith No. 2, bargain. 30 North western Bank bldg. Call Monday. FOR SALE Visible typewriter, desk and chair. Marshall 1158. EVINRUDE detachable rowboat motors for rowboats, canoes, motorboats and fish boats are In use by over 15 governments; the Evlnrude Is world-famous for re markable power, speed and wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywhejl, in use by U. S. War Department, handinig 30-foot pontoons: over 4000 In use In Co lumbia River. Alaska and Scandinavian fishing fleets; a motor you can carry ny hand, will give as much speed as aver age 6 horsepower motorboat and the price of SS to 83 is so low anyone can own a motorboat; new special model 6-passenger boats as low as $S0: frea catalogue. Address Evlnrude Motor Co.. 1!S Morrison. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES, m Our guaranteed bargains will interest y0U- LOOK- BOILERS- steam and water. ENGINES steam and gasoline. PUMPS steam, water, centrifugal, etc., and any other machine or machinery you can possibly need or think of. TRANSMISSION MACHINERY-of all kinds. , . PULLEYS cast, wood and steel. GEARS, Sheaves, etc., large assort- mj3KLTTNG rubber, leather, cotton, etc. SHAFTING all sizes, cut to length. BABBITT METALS all grades. CABLE all sizes and kinds. Special 114-Inch at 10c ft. 14 -Inch at 3c ft. M BARDE & SONS. INC. "Tho House of a Million Bargains. 240-244 Front St.. Cor. Main. 32 Years in Portland, Or. SEWING MACHINES. 50 slightly used machines. Singer, drop-heads 1" and up Wheeler & Wilson drop-heads. .J15 and up New Hdme. drop-heads Sloandup Domestic, drop-heads 1 and up New Royal, drop-heads l0andup Willamette, drop-heads $10 and up Some Stencil machines, drop- heads f 7 and up Box top 3 and up All makes of machines for rent, s. per month. Two Stores, THE WHITE SEWING MACHINES, 883 Alder at. 43 Alder. Phone M. 21 S3. A 4599. M. 297S, A ioi)9. a. m. aigei, jTLgeut FOR SALE Lady's suit, blue chiffon broadcloth, latest model, size 38, cost $-J. sell tvi. never worn. Beautiful rose cordu roy gown, full skirt, new. J4. Other things. SEWING MACHINES Singer, 15: White. $16; New Home, sie; uorurus cpecw, White $5; also 50 machines of various makes. $5 up. Main 0431. A 3626. Sewing Machine Emporium, 390 3d, near Taylor. A MILLION FEET OF PIPE, all sizes, for sale cheap by , M. BARDE. & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains, Front nnd Main Sts. FRENCH Wilton and few small Oriental rugs, Vernis Martin bed, springs and mat tress, china, hall mirror, writing desk and chair. 433 Larrabee St.. mornings. GRAFLEX CAMERA, 3-4x4-4 1-C Tessar lens; plate-holders, piate-mogazlne, film pack adapter, leather case; cost $12a; per fect order. Price $75. D 719. Oregonian. FOR SALE New and secoud-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy pay"1"- J -le ljrunswlcK-ijaiKe-.-uiieijuei LATEST authent'c edition Webster's Inter national uictio lary. wiui tory. 2852 pages. Never been used, aii 14th st. CHINOOK bicycle, good condition, coaster DraKe, new netiv?, --, guards, lamp, cheap at $12. Room 21, ine werceues, jui mm ..m. . SEWING MACHINES, new and second hand, sate or rent, - uv :'" Emporium. 190 Sd St.. near Taylor. Main FOR SALE 1000 feet 10-lncu No. 11 steel double rivueo waier vv, "'' ; ilni. per foot. Address P. O. Box 301, Hills- Doro, ur 25-FT. LAUNCH, 9-h. p. Gray engine, fine condition, fully equipped; with boaihouse. See Mr. Mann, Portland Motorboat Club, today. SMALL size National register, nearly new; will bring to your place of business ana show it; 'have -?osed store and need the money. East 1)549, Monday and Tuesday. GASOLINE LAUNCH. bargain. Owner leaving city. Extra fine engine, almost new. Terms to responsible people. Tele phone Last 4odO, FOR SALE Large gas range, heater and plates good condition, $25; ten sash win dows with frames; pulleys, weights for sleeping porch, S3,.. Main -u.-o. M-CST sell solid gold bracelet set with five diamonds; cost $itu, win sen -.ui bor 1078. EDISON phonograph. Al condition, and 40 records $15: $5 down and $i monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. MOVING " PICTURE MACHINES. SUP PLIES, FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO.. ZLIOi FOR SALE One safe. $100. original cost $400. in use 1 years, riivtm - CASH REGISTER, National make, price new $U5: I want $50; must sell immQ' diatelv: my loss your gain. Main 70H-'. $140 GKAFLEX 4x5 developers film pack or pln'es all complete for $30. 1201 Last Yamhl.l, aDQve a st WANT cash offer on 32-ft. launch, IS H. P. engine, fully equipped, good condition. A. A. Dixon, aio.-iiuuviiic, w.. CAMERA Auto Graflex Junior. 1 C tessor lens; pictures 2-x34; cheap. AP 72 1. oregonian . . . T na nf T a TV 13 Vfll umes, new. never used, at less than half price. rJast pip. FURNISHED houseboat, modern; an ideal Summer home; price reasonable. See Mr. Mann. Portland Motorboat Club, today. MOTORBOAT. fine condition; 8 H P., com plete, with boathouse, $250. Woodlawn 4071. FOR SALE Royal coffee roaster, motor attached. Cost $::r.0. Will take $200 Per- feet conaition. o-o p ' WE will dispose of a lot of used sewing ma chines of all makes; $5 each, your pick; all guaranteed. 34 hoitiuu CHEP FOR CASH Piano, safe, desk and chair, black walnut bedroom set, carpets. 4s:j union ave A $40 MAJESTIC RANGE for $16. 88 10th near oiarw. FOR SALE Mounted china pheasants. Price $7. -Mrs. J . P. ai .inpui, 1 "-" - -' : ; CREAM SEPARATOR for about six cows little useo; nan pru-e. $1 DOWN handles new large dictionary. $40 WOOD or coal ramre. with hot water COil, USea O monuia, J 1ST-CLASS birtycle. reasonable. Inquire Woodfora. t;oiurnwiitioo. A BARGAIN One Bolitaire diamond ring, worth $450, cah $250. M 748, Oregonian. 4000 Liggett & Myers coupons for Bale. Call at 44 JN. isi. TAILOR'S three plated mirror In good con jtTS. sell for $3i. Main 4011. iz-io cir.p Prrnv nnd saddle Cheap, also Oriole basnet. lauur --a- DIAIONI), 14 K., perfect; will sell at Dar- t r iar rireeonian. VERY reasonao", a large gas range, in good conaition. "o- FOR SALE Two floor showcasea and cof fee urn. ro lamnm i. BEDBUGS and germs killed work guaran teea. fnone a j, " FOR SLE Cruiser and houseboat Hinkley's . , it t- u , , t-. tr'4- Womdfnn nvc Marine aiau huic nvy, j. .. - -. t oi-v men's and ladles second-hand clothes, nav hi?he,t prices. Call Marshall 3S3. FIVE 3 and 2-.oom boat houses, sell or rent. L. A- J -ester, ivim auan ttjiv FOVi SALE Saddle and canned fruit. B , 'Jit, Oregonian. SMALL steam table very cheap; also good coiiee urn. GAS JIANGE, 5-burner, 3 ovens, almost new. :.4-i rJ.. I3t si., n. inm FINE, new $50 iron range with reservoir, $27.50. 443 latn st. in. chhi xvw. ICE BOX. new Domestic sewing machine, box lounge. lanur "'"ts for SALE Candy showcase, 2x3 feet; $5.50. X uregoniim. RIDGE BEACH 6-hole range end coil, Al Condition, $1. U Jiaiauaii .i- KIT carpenters tools. 542 Morrison. Phone Marshall zaii. FOUR cement wheeibtrrow. shovels, etc Sll Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1S-FOOT LAUNCH 6 horsepower, 2 cylin der, auto marine engine. East 6312. SAFE laree size, cost new $175; will sac rifice for $45, Call A :iOQg after today. 4 ROLL. 3 flat. 1 T. W. desk. 3 filing cabl nets, 6 chairs. Bushong A Co.. 1 Park st. RUTJD HEATER for sale. 204 Macleay bldg. Marshall avov. ROLLER TOP desk, typewriter and safe cneap. aio "v-1 1UUU J3-Oii"J-J-' -a ,WZ'. , . Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison SEE BARDE FOR ANYTHING. T 5 meal tirket. cheap. Call East 2S SEE BA.S.DE FOB ANITHINQ. 201-203 Front St. Main 4110. THE ALASKA JUNK CO., Bigger, better, greater than ever, are now at home In their new quarters, cor. frroni and Taylor sts. We are now more amply ablo than ever before to supply your neds. We have an immense slock to draw upon. We handle new goods as well as second hand. It is a pleasure for us to show our good3. We want to make your acquain tance. If you do not buy today you will know whero to come tomorrow. FOR THE WOODSMAN we carry a com plete line of axes, ledges, wedgos, uwa, pefevies, blocks, cable, chain, etc FOR MILLMEN: Pip. fittings, shaft ing, collars, boxes, pulleys, belting, gears, drums, frictions, etc. FOR THE FARMER: Shovels. P'" mattacks and all small tools. AIM whiifw tiees, eveners, neckyoken, harness, site. Alro: Roofing material. Iron and steel, wheelbarrows, car wheels, forges, boilers, engines, pumps, etc. HARNESS! HARNESS! HARNESS! Over 40 sets of good second-hand har ness, double or single, light or heavy. A chance to make splendid selections at prices ranging from 5 upwards. PIPE! PIPE! PIPE! Do not waste your money or spend your time eisewhere. Come here to buy your pipe. Our stock is most complete. Buy our pipe and secur good stock, lull meas ure, and perfect satisfaction. blk. pipe, -c blk. pipe. IriC. - 1 bik. pipe, 3aC 14 blk. pipe, 1 Va blk pipe, 5Vc. 2 blk. pipe, 7c. We carry the largest stock of second hand leather belting in this city. Double o- single belt in any size or quantity. 50,000 Fee Garden Hose SO.OOO Feet. Selections easily made. Buy it here and carry home a nice saving in your hose. Finally, we are NOT going out of busN ness; we are going after business on a more extensive scale than ever beiore. We want your trade, not merely one transac tion. It is oui object to please and sat isfy you by fair dealing aud returning good value for your money. ALASKA JUNK CO., 201-203 Front St. Main 4110. A TRIAL order will mean more business for us and more saving for you. Our stock of pipe Is going fast, so better be quick If needing any. We handle anything and are sure It will prove advantageous if you wil let us figure on your wan La in any line. If we haven't got what you need or can't get It second-hand, we will buy ft new at wholesale prices and give you full benent. That's pretty fair, isn't itZ Just try ua. All we ask is come to our warehouse, ' or write, inspect our stock, and see for yourself if we are using hot air or giving you real facts. OUR POSITIVE GUARANTEE. We will refund your money if not abso lutely satisfied with youiy purchase. M. BARDE & SONS. 22 years in Portland, Or. 240-42-44 Front St., Cor. Main. "The House of a Million Bargains. PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES Just received several carloads of pipe and plumbing supplies. Come and get our prices before you buy, as we have any tiling you need at lowest prices. If you don't come and see us you are losing money. Free estimate given on all plumb ing jobs. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 1SJ Front at., between Yamhill and Taylor. HOUSEBOAT FOR SALE Completely fur nished in every detail, large living-room, open fireplace, bedroom, kitchen, bath, hot and cold water, electric lights and telephone, gas range, dishes, linen, cook ing utensils; just the place for young married couple; ready to move Into at a moment's notice. Must be seen to be annreclated. Reasonable terms. No. 31. Oregon Yacht Club. Take car to the oaks, open an aay sunaay. FOR SALE 2 H. P. . motor complete, bronze shaft stuffing box and propeilor, $1T; 16-20 H. P.. 4-cylinder, 4-cycle motor complete with shaft and propelior. $-0; 6-cylinder, 4-cycle, o H. P., high-speed motor, fitted for air starter. $300; motor boat Hattie with houtie, 9600 cash; new cork life belts, for u. Call and see. At kinson & Paterson, Portland Rowing Club. PIPE. PIPE.' PIPE. New and second-hand, galvanized and black, to 8-inch; -ln., lc ft.; tt-ln.. ?i 4i-in. l!Wc. 1-lr... 3c: 1 V-in.. 4c, li-in.. fifcc; 2-in., 7fcc, 3-in., 14c. All kinds of plumbing supplies. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 2Gfl Front. Main 6325. MUST sell one 2 4 -seat jitney bus body in Al condition, $400 ; one goose-ueck wagon, 2 tors, $200; one 6 -tun wagon. $-'(tu; one 3-ton wagon, $150; one 2-ton wagon, $40; one 1-ton White freight body, lou; one Ford auto, $375. Call at 614 K Morrison st. Phone E. 3368. - ' 1-TON ice plant, with 5-h. p. electric motor, 1 refrigerator counter. 1 veiuent fish tanK witn screen, 1 eheeaecutter, 1 meat rack. 1 hand truck, ;i computing scales, 1 170O lb. platform scale, delivery wagons. 1 auto delivery, also '6 flat-top mahogany desks. Call 110 Fast lotn. x. CABLE CABLE CABLE for all purposes for sale by M. BARDE & SONS, The House of a Million Bargains, T.i . .1 Vt..n Glu FOR SALE Whole bakery outfit; Blodgett i 1. 1 v 1 1 tl Hi til a-h t rnuirll. 8 foot, bowls, l'Z dozen bread pans, all kinds of cake pans, everything in gooa MOTORS gaiore, from to 2.0 horsepower, for sale by M. BARDE A SONS. The House of a Million Bargains, I . art.t Muin Sit I HAVE for sale a slightly used 6-hole Elite range, with hot water coil; this range is practically as good as new; $ takes it; can be seen at 208 1st. at. after bun day. - a riawk-r k a IK-ICE Mv beautiful clue ter diamond platinum brooch, all pure white stones; can be made into a ring; cot $:um; win tate c. Main ub31. Phouu FOR SALE Large-sUe one-motion collapsi ble go-cart. Automobile top and side cur tains. Coat $17.o0 less than a year ago. Will sell cheap. 1444 Fern st. Take Wood lawn car ONE full dress suit with hat. 1 tuxedo with hat two business suits, one outing suit else 42, pearl and diamond buttons. 1-7 hroaaway, noum, iicm ALL kinds of high-grade kodak. Anastig mat lenses and view cameras bought, solu and exchanged: rifles and shotguns want ed. Hochfeld's Camera Exchange, b5 3d st. 5 - -., UOUUie Ujrtlltui, vs & Co., nearly new. at half price. Write FOR SALE Australian onion sets, for large , . artv nunnttlv. 1 On nn 11 11(1. prepaid. Clark 'Aiuaworth, Hubbard. Or. FOR SALE cheap, pool table, as good as new; small sate in good order. 123 Grand DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; road; in Oregon, per frallon, $1.5 Portland paint Co.. 230 Front si. jaarn4i w. CHINA PAINTER notice; fine Hasberg kiln for lale cheap. Mrs. W. A, Nichols. 6411 4 let ave. o. . FOR SALE $200 automatic card printing press ana i m an oner. ito, w.,...,.-... vip SAFE 4 by a pool tabies; cook- ln outfit. Cheap for cash. 313 Washing- ton St., ancuuvci, vFW aewln machine for saie cheap, or trade for typewriter, Fulton gocart and tvperUerdeskcheap. Call 'labor 2lx. oTvnm 9-mlle motorboat, perfect con dition cheap. Phone Tahor flUS. or ad dress AB 717, Uregonian. I AI'NX'H 18 feet, H. P.. equipped. Stand ard Bokthouse, Hawthorne bridge. Mar shall u-enii SALE New 4-room houseboat, furn s"ed up W date, cheap. Call iSunday. Sell- woods BARGAIN National cash register; regis ters lc to $11) ; modern computing scales, one-nali price, .qp ! MISSION BOOKcase ana new ine.Lic Mwii.g machine, less than price. 71 Grand ave. a.. FOR SALE Teiltnouse in uou nuu.i.u .. Vith cock stove nnd heater, cheap; eaally moved. 348 JS.5idst:N: INDIAN mortar an4 pestle; perfect spec imens. o-- .. ... FOR SALE A first-class baby buggy and creeper. Main 2-.4. Eng : , ...mui. hnn.hi .,irt nn Vohanged.' The J. E. Martin Co., forllana. FLL -. . ...r.iiu. at wholesale Dricea .i.rV.vl CoT. -12 3d St. Main 7l7. -H reclsiers, nu.i. ...... .. v pe writer Ei.-hi.nKe. 3.M-4 Washington ft. T SAf The Mosler Safe Co..264 Stark St. SEB BAJ1DE FOU A-VVTHINQ. SAFES. ,i..'uii:i(Y IT.Tl KTEC1ALS. . Machinery bargains unheard uf before. Too much stock. , Must leduoe Immediately, 'lake advantage of our big stock now II you all! need anything In tha loilowtng '"several engines, all sliea, upright aud h0A1Z1a'e number of boilers, all slscs, steam or hot water. Thousands of pullos. gears, bolea an.l mlKccUaueous transmission paits, good aa ""Large and complete stork and leather beltlns. new and id-hand stock at very low prices. l'unips all klnda Bom of Ihesa ar. actuallv so reasonable. In prlca thsl yvu will wonder how do It. 7S tons shafting to li-in. diameter, ixa will cut to suit an.1 also do mail. In. work. Babbit ni.tals for all purposes, from So to 40c per ll. This material Is about half prlco of regular stock. CAULK: CAULK! prsctleajly very slso. and at prices lhat will aetoujeh you Ileal, genuine plow steel and also a lot of crucible cable. IIOOFINO PAI'EH. Don't he fooled on poor paper. Ours la tha highest grade, and look at tha prices for our genuine "F.UKAH" rubber roofing: lptv. Inc. nails and cement A .: , Inc. nails and cement 1 1J -piv. Inc. nails ad cement 1H Asphalted tar fell, roll of &0 so fU '"rhis'papcr Is In full length ptaoea ana A-1 stock. . a SO-11. P. F. M. Co. Induction motors, good as new, tl'J.'i each. u 5-H. 1". upright boilers for dairy aa. 1 upright shingle machlna. $lot). 1 17ou-lb. pita driving ha miner (naw. .-i0.00. 1 pipe-threading machlna, up !-.. 135.00. Wa also hava thousands of otnsr ma. chines, etc., of almost every kind and de scription at give-away prices. " FIFE! PIPE! PIPE! ' If you will investigate you wilt plara y vour pipe orders with us. Our pip. -a real stock, not scrap stock, but real. usable fnaterlal. In full lengths. New couplings and good threads. Lio yourself Justice and read: SPECIAL NOTICE. wo nave ai.out n. - 2d-hd. pip that wo will guaran . . . pyv.uWl . Bf In. to 4-hi. ih good aa new, u.'i.i ... ...... - 34 -in. Black lid-hand 1-ln. Bluck id-hand l-ln. IJlack i..hand l...-in. Hlack id-hand i-'fn Black id-hand iSi-ln. Black 2.1-hand a-in. Hlack :M-!mtii! 4-ln. Black ..1-hand r.-ln. Black Jd-hand a . "rf-h;inil '. J (IS cwt. . ;i.7Sct. 6.00 cwt, tl..Kcwt, 7.-'0 cwt. . tj :.o .-wt. . 11.00 cwt. . '." IK ca t. . 11.) 1KI cwt, . H.VOO cw t. 2-in. Black We also have r'o ft. new 1: pipe at .1.10 per it. And ft few thousand feet of 3-ln. ;alv., new -ln. Calv.. new 1-ln. Ualv.. new lW-iti. Galv., new 1-ln. calv., new i-ln. Ualv., new ... 4 . . . B M ... v ... 11. -o ... 14. "O n.KMRINO SI-PPLIKS. HEHE IS SOME STRAIGHT TALK. DO VOI! NEED SOME 1LI MB1NU SLP PI.1KS. OH WILL YOU NEED SOME PLl'MBINO SLPPL1ES7 IF YOU WILL. THEN LOOK. WHITE PORCELAIN BATHTUBS tha famous F.PHAH." ... 1AJW liOWX. OCR WONDERFUL. "B E NT WOOD." nt li. WHITE I'ORECLAIN LAVATORIES with nickeled, trap, faucets, supply pipes, Tiuts ami flanges, st Slj.MI. WHITE PORCELAIN SINKS at 3.2r. 3u-ijALLON RANGE BOJLEUS iuu-lb. TEST. li-PART CEMENT TRAYS, with LEGS, at S8.:.o. W-1N GALVANIZED KI.LR. 4e each. We furnish reliable plumbers who work at a living wage scaie Instead of out rageous prices, as demanded by Master Plumbers. Do not stop to think how we can buck the Big Interests or sell at such low prices. ' Come 10 our warerooms. Inspect our stock aud see for yourself If we are using hot air or giving straight facta. One of Our Guarantees: Don't pay us one cent until yon get tha goods and are thoroughly satisfied that they are fully as represented. HOW does that sound? M. BARDE SONS. Tears In Business In Portland. '-MO-2I2 Front. Cor. Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION HARClAINd. UNUSUAL BARGAINS. SECOND-HAND AND REBUILT MACHINERY. Plants bought and dismantled. We have recently tought the machinery stocks of lirma like WILLAMETTE IRON A STEEL WKS. SEASIDE DOOR & I.I MUEIi CO NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC CO. S. P. & S. KV. CO. PORTLAND HT I.IOHT TOWER CO. (ioLDENRoD MT1.L1NU CO. CARMAN .MFC. CO. GI.OHK SEPARATOR CO. AJAX TRACTION F.NOINE CO. AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER STOCKS. LARGEST 2D-HAND MACHINERY COM PANY ON COAST. WE DEFY COMPETITION. Do not stop to think how we can buck the Big Interests or eel at such low prices. Come to our warerooms. inspect our stock and see for yourself If we are using hot air or giving straight facts. One of Our Guarantees: Don't pay us one cent until you got the goods and are thoroughly satutticd that they are fully as represented. HOW does that sound? M. BARDE A SONS. 2- Vein's In Business In Portland. LMo-242 Front St.. Cor. M h In . THE HOUSE OF A .MILLION BARGAINS. WHEELBARROWS, PICKS AND SHOVELS. CABLE, ROPES. n LOCKS, 8HEAVES, DRILL STEEL. TOOL STEEL, CKOWBAH3. ENGINES, BOILERS. DONKEYS. RAILS. CARS, AXLES. PIPE FITTING, PLUMBING SUPPLIES. LOCOMOTIVE3, CRANES. BLOWERS. FORGES, ANVILS. VI8K3. BARDE HAS EVERYTHING YOU NEED. FRONT AND MAIN STS. THE UNCHALLENGED LARGEST SECOND-HAND MACHINERY ' HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST, THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. STAPLE JEWELRY STOCK. (No natures.) DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC.. VALUE .-(HK; WILL CONSIDER EXCHANGE I1ESIRAIII.U REAL ESTATE IN OH NEAR POR I LA-VD I No bunk equities) AT FAIR PRICE. OK WILL SELL AT DIS COUNT: PA RT CASH. OH WHAT 1IAVK VOI; TO OFFER? ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX Tl. PORTLAND. OH. MOTORBOAT MUST BE SOLD. MAKE ME A CASH OFFER. 20-ft.. 8-H. P., Plerte-Budd engine, top. side curtains, col k linoleum. .". folding chair, electric horn and lights, everything complete aud reliable.' See King, foot of Madison St., this P. M. " FOR RENT OR SALE. Logging and hoisting engines, derricks, scrapers clam-shell buckets, concrete mix ers. PP-T.iRIC MOTORS. Alternating and direct-current motors, guaranteed In eery respect; all makes. STANDARD MACHINERY CO., Second St. We sill or rent. 40-FOOT CRUISER. most elegantly comolotely equipped with modern conven iences' o-cyl. Van Hler. k motor uliii se.l-starcr- one of the fasleKt emitters on til. river Here is your chance to set orne thlng really classy st a bargain. Main r.:iS or K o.'H, Oregonlan.. BIClTot of ito 43"hog wire, "brand new." on hnnd at -5 per cent leas than new prices. m BARDE HONS. The House of a Million Bargains, Front and Main Sts. WOODEN tankTTuItablc for water or elder, fium UiOO to Jliuu gallons : a. so one il In doul.le-scllng Vlher ammonia rompr; -eor. direct connected 10 a 1-xl'l Erie slid, ve.'ve engine with Gardner eulo govem-jr. Salem iliewerv .WUtlw, Halem. Or. SEeTbAUDE FOR ANYTHl.NU.