8 BEAL ESTATE. l or bale Acreage. 2V4 ACRES ALL 12J CULTIVATION. S-room bungalow, two largo tprchem. woodshed 14xi. "arn lSxil and .bed chicken-house loxiio and fA w til tion. 5 chiciten runs, small fruit, good well, force pump, and eii-house good view thirklv settled neignbomood, a Diocas lrnomtlya. Si. V"f tfom ''f K. K. 1 mile from city limit; Oregon City, it Fu: and phone, on the "e.t mcad n road In Clackamas County. Oldcouple ioTrTz Kast to live with children, wlU sol ?,Al"ovement tor $1250 and give uu the land. No trade, conquered, Bee W. r. Scr.ooley. 612 Mam t- Oregon City. $'.0 down and $5 a month buys 5 acres Ujgged-cff land, between Portland and Central!, on main line or 3 railroad 1 imles irom town of bOO popuultion; aaw m " .nll. mill, and 'f Sumo ot tnee tract, are and have a spring or running atreain n Price irom 3i to $75 per acre Many tract, of dlHerent size to cnooa. troin. Good .oil. He. well. tin. location, perteel tllU' BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 313 Railway jxenamtc . ilETZUi-it ZG AE TRACT Come out ana aee METIER ACRE TRACTS, which I am selling now at great bargain; concession maa to no? Iho contemplate buildm homes. Only minute from Jeferson-st station, on Ui Oregon Electric By. (Salem line) ; com mutation fare. 9c Call at my oXice ilU Oak St.. Portland, or at Metzger Station. iilNE acre. milea of Eatacada, 8 in cul tlvation, balance timber, good lence. county road on two sides, line view ot Kjtacada and surrounding country; price Swu. 30O down, 1. li and 3 years time on balance. J STAC ADA REALTY CO.. ' -iu CASH PUTS YOU ON 3 acres part ready for garden, rigbt close to city, total price ia way be low what other property la selling lor in this district; payments to suit. Ll'EDDE ALAN X COMPANY. 13 Chamber of Commerce. - 1 4CRES at Trece Station, Or.; new house, 7 rms. and all new outbldgs.; wire fences, well water and fore pump; family orcnaru and small fruit of various kinds; $HO cash, time on balance. M. A- Loehr, at -H ART M AN & THOMPSON (tin ana oii w t ACRES AT STATION, $j25 1 acre cleared, balance easy clearing, good soil, no rocks; terms Jfio casn, $12.39 monthly. I.L'EDDEMANX COMPANY, tli Chamber of Commerce. 6 and lu-acr tracts within one mile oi Newport, icbb niau iui.o , good aoil. iome cleared, no stumps; eas terms. See owner, L4 Stock Exchange DIC TEN acres at a bargain. 1 miles east or MontaviUa, near Base LJne and MU Hood electric, pan. cuiuiw, ---- - well, fruit trees; easy term. Owner, c x.-i v t- ,.,-. -;nK tn Rubv Junction, on Mount Hood line. Will take liiOou in fur nishing material and building a hour AO 14V, uregonian. V ACRES improved. 6-room bungalow, 1 acre fruit and berries; close In, ;i blocks tn tatinn: sood terms to right party. I 7 13. Qregontan. LOO Iv .' UIUK. : L,KJKjrk.: 40 acre at fto per acre; guuu wj.., title 3 miles from the Columbia, near Portland. O lie, Qregonian. jOR SALE 10-acre tract near Section Line road. 7 miles from Courtnouse; have Bull Run water; price lidt'G. Owner. 131 N. n:th st.' ONE of the best bargains in the city, two acres at Montavnia, pianicu in jiutanni :ar incumbrance, at 100i ner acre. Phone woodlawn 6V3 or 1202 E. 3d St. N. a pRKi close in. on O.-W. R. A N- be tween Bar and Sandy road; fine soil, part cultivated, good well, siaou; terms; worm fJOtKh Owner. Art t-n. uregonian. ft ACRES. Tigard; will sell cheap; price Chamber of Commerce, ft ACRES on electric line; 1H acres in fruit; price $a.iu. ror xurxner iniorraauou, lu BEAUTlf lTL acrfes, grain seeded, edge Hills boro. yui'o acre, terms. Tabor 1883. 15 ACRES on Salem Electric, near Portland; a snap. io ABinsvuoDiue. Homesteads. HOMESEEK.ERS. ATTENTION I T . Kiu )..( nnanln in V. H "J t Til Ore on. A aril 2ti. We can locate a few good 32u and ISO-acre homesteads that are ab solutely the best; good wheat land, good nnie; nave b iew from that section and will bo at St. i haries Hotel Tuesday, 13th. Your last C r. an Ce. Al K I or i ivgaar-ia. HOiiEsrEADS. a. hiu tirmt m.u. 4"i.66 Inches. Cor rected every month, showing all vacant i . n -t . in c W Arrnn rit full cOuntles, and parts -of four others; price 0. Jf'or lull Iniormjition. write DOLOLASS CO. INVESTMENT CO- Rosburg. Or LOOK A IftO-acre homestead relinquishment, 15 ra rmiv for cultivation. 80 acres can be put into cultivation, good soil, roads and Dunmngs, iimur iuu waier uu inv, price 4tH. hor particulars write E. E. ALLEN, Route - Goldendale. Wash. hi.' a IT1RI T. FERTILE. LEVEL LANDS. Homeoteads and cheap state lands, with many years to pay; send doc zor neauti iti a tins and reliable information de scribing and telling all about naid lands; your money back if not satisfied. Co-operative Land Colonisation Iept- Box ltS, Lewi st on, ldano. unuPSTEAD. 120 acres. Tillamook County, 4 miles from ocean, old road to place, 3 miles to sawmill, mail ana Buppnes; epnuv, creek! 1 acre cleared: old cabin; fine sml, no rock; good pi ace for stock; price $250, 411 Henry Diag. BIG INsDIAN RESERVATION TO OPEN. T.itolit acres fruit, timber, stock, farm, mineral lands, tens with tills ad lor reliable data about this great region. Daily World, Dept. IUtf. w enatence, vaia. WE can locate you on the choice of four different iiomesteaas, ucr a s"ju iw.., m riitirorf and an oDDortuuity for a position at good waged; l."0 miles from PortUUIU. .ID ADiDStua WANTED Homestead relinquishment In Tillamook County: some improvements. Address C. W. Woods, 681 i, Karl st Portland. Or. . W ANTED Relinquishment; give lowest price, improvements, distance from rail road and town. Give full particulars first letter. Address L 7J0. Qregonian. HOMESTEAD relinquishment. 8 miles to H. R house, barn, some land cleared. Main 8147. for Mu -Fruit Lands. CALIFORNIA olive orchard, 30 acres planted to olives and grapes; 1 miles from City of Sacramento; beautiful build ing site, among larse oak trees; J1500; terrrs. N 750, Qregonian. FOR SALE BY OWNER, Fine paying orchard In Hood River, close In; owner must sell from disability. AV tjsV. Qregonian. For Sale f arms. TO BE SOLD THIS WEEK. It will sell to first man who sees It. - 40 -acre farm near McMinnvlIle, SO rres under cultivation. 4-room house. S'wmI barn and o-.itbuIMincs, 4 acres of prunes 1 acre fami.y fruits, spring water p'pd 'to bulldintcs. 2 horses, 3 cows. tUifer chlrkenji. wagons, buKV. harnesses, toois implements, machinery, household, furniture all goes for $'Uu. Terms $it)00 cash, bnlanc i per cent ST CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles l-iotel, 2C Morr.son street. A LITTLE DANDY. ;6-Acrs Improved Farm. Only 4 miles from best town on the Co lumbia River; good roads, magnificent viw 0 a-res cleared, no waste, alt fine ma-' 3 acres in fru;t. nuts, berries, etc. house. 2 barns, poultry houses, fir water, price $2900; you can take poa sl'ion on rament of 0. baiance long time per cent. Charles Hotel. 304 MorrUon St. KVKM. STOCK. IMn.LMt.M5 3 ac-es, close to schools and rallroart, 4- miles from Portland: 'J6 acres cultl xated. rlentv Of gooj pasture family or obanl berris. good (.-room house, barn 4.VE other rood cutbutldlngi. flr.a prlngj. n-mdmi-L running stream; I cow. 1 J-alf. plSw. cultivator harrow dic rake tool a'l no for .V00. easy terms. D. Mc Chesney. Title S Trust Mdg. 40 ACRES. Located In Lane Count. lO miles from fnttax Grove. T acres card. some or ihird! ood "mber orth ; old .hack lo birrilc. -prlns. creek, plenty of jram. ani fish, abundant outrange. Prir. 100O. half ca.h. ba:.nc a, you make It. No trade. Jo C. GlSaon. 3'- Gerllng.r . . - . ..T.i...,lnn in rlnV.r! no aint. l.ar WlLonvllle. Or.. SS per daily mall, .chool. .ml-wjk:y cn-am rout. 1 mil, from gravel road. R 3. Boi 4 7 STierwotm, ur. tAORinCE S00 mortnaire on M'aier apple orchard, worth for 3K'0. I ptoo REAL ESTATE. For Sale- -Farms. CHEAP LAND, Including some improved farms. YAMHILL COUNTY. 40 acres. 2fe miles north of Sheridan, all been cleared; tine, springs and creek; 1tfJ'acres, 1 mile n oath west of Sheridan, overlooking city and valley; about 35 acres have been cultivated; springs, creek and city water; $27oO. 12 acres. 2 miles west of Buell, 9 miles south of Sheridan; 35 acres best creek bottom, fine trout stream and spring; joo acres, 6 miles from Carlton, 9 miles from McMinnvilie; Mi acres hava been cleared; fine stream, with large water power; $5000. LINCOLN COUNTY 97 $4 acres, one mile from Norton. Sta tion; 40 to 50 acres has been plowed, run ning water; $2wQ. BENTON COUNTY 160 acres, 1 miles from Blodgett Sta tion; 00 acres in fieids and pasture, fine buildings, 3 streams, finest of soil, ideal dairy Lirm; includes stock and imple ments, about $:iJ00; all for $12,000. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 42 acres, 12 miles from Portland, 3 miles south of Reedvllle; part cleared, some good timber; per acre $50. GO acres, 1 miles from lias ton Station; about 50 in cultivation ; very best loam soil; large house and barn; 2 good wells; $7500. 40 acres. 3 miles southwest of Tigard, 33 r miles from Portland; about half cleared; good county road, poor buildings; very good soil; JSuoO. COLUMBIA COUNTY. 160 acres, 414 miles south of Woods Landing Station, on Astoria R. R.; about 8 acres has been cleared, balance good bia Highway; $1920. timber; good creek, not far from Colum 16o acres, 1 mile northeast from Mist: about 3o acres In cultivation; house burned down; good trout stream; good fir and cedar timber; Columbia Highway crosses one end; $2700. MORROW COUNTY. 150 acres good wheat land, all In cul tivation; now in wheat, rented this year; 1 miles north of lone; $3000. CROOK COUNTY. 120 acres. Agency plains, between Gate way and Mecca; 2 miles from each; all in cultivation, black soli; $2400. GODDARD ft WIEDR1CK, 243 Stark Street. CALIFORNIA. FOOTHILLS OF SACRAMENTO VALLEY. The finest dairy and hog ranch la California, 1200 acres, fenced and cross-fenced, 350 acres in alfalfa and 150 acres fine bottom land that can be seeded to alt alia. This would make a total of 500 acres in alfalfa with an absolute free water right, balance of land fine for grain and pasture. There are 05 head of dairy cows, 25 bead of stock cattle. loO head of calves up to one and one-half years old, 6 horses, 50 head of hogs, farming implements, threshing machine, houses barns, creamery and everything complete for a big money-maker. Will take clear property up to $25,000 and $20.- -000 in cash, balance ti years, 6 per cent; price $75,000. Tb ranch is a paying proposition, clearing now over $10,000 yearly; the 000 acres of creek bottom silt soil 'is worth over $100,000 alone. This is absolutely one of the best buys In California. Owner getting old, wants to retire. Fine trout fishing and hunting. This will not stay on the market very long, so get busy. We will pay all of your expenses if this ranch is not as represented. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NICE HOP FARM. 320 acres, all In crop, fine buildings, all wire fencing, modern house and barn, 10 miles Salem, 90 acres fine hops sold for $12,000 last year; hay meadows and pas ture; all level black loam, 2 county roads; will sell cheap and good terms. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Qregonian Bldg. A PERFECT farm and home in Rogue River Valley for general merchandise, grocery or furnishings, all mdse. or part cash or terms, or small close-in farm or tracts to SbOOO (eight thousand dollars), very high ly improved, rich, black bottom land. 5 miles from town; 100 a. in crop, well equipped with stock and machinery, with unlimited free range for stock; all goes at $25,000 twenty-five thousand). Deal only with owner on straight cash values. Reier to any bank at Grants pass or Rogue River. Address O. B. d. box 77, R. H, No. 1, Rogue River. Or. TALK ABOUT BUYS, LOOK THIS OVER AND THEN GET BUSY. 40 to 0O acres near Carroll ton. Wash.; 5 acres now in crop, 10 acres pasture, only 8 acres too steep to plow. Fine springs and creek. Small houee. barn and other outbuildings. With piace goes 4-year-old horse, 2 brood sows. 1 hoar, all household nntnns. notatoes and hog feed, all farming implements. For quick sale the price will be $1350; $750 cash will handle. MUW AKU at .tiAiuuuuA, 309 Chamber of Commerce. LADY, having recently lost husband, will sell nice farm of 45 acres, all in crops, 1 . crM .rood DTune orchard. family orchard and small fruits, good 6-room houne, good barn, 4 wells, good team horses, 4 cows. 2 hogs. 75 chickens, all kinds of implements and some furniture, $7000, half cash or will take $1000 down and $1000 per year; prunes will more than pay for place. MA GOON REALTY CO.. Yamhill, Or. MODERN DAIRY RANCH. 140 acres two miles from town, good road. 110 acres in cultivation. Modern Li room house, hot and cold water, 3 barn?, prune dryer, granary, outbuildings, 500 prune trees. 46 bead cattle, part fine Jer seys. 4 horses, registered Jersey bull, tools and implements and small stock. Price $18,000. Terms. L. R. Qui lien. Win lock. Wash. - $10 AN ACRE FOR 400 ACRES. Short distance from Kalama, Wash., R. R. touches the land. Can be sold in 3 separate tracts; 7 V million feet fine saw timber. About half of land suitable for cultiv. when cleared. S. Hewey, 263 Stark St., at HARTMAN & THUMf&uis CLEARED LAND, 7 AN ACRE. We have for sale a few more 10-acre tracts near Goble. worth J123 an acre, for J70; terms are 300 cash and $400 in light labor; no mortgage, no Imprest; land will ba cleared, readv for plow before belnrf deeded. May be occupied now. Very limited number available. G. Wynn Wilson, 003 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. 63 ACRES, 25 miles west of Portland, in Wash. Co.. close to good business town on electric line, on county road; all good soil and tillable, 15 acres in cultivation, bal. pasture; 5-room house, well and small or chard. Price ri0 per acre; easy terms. HOSTETLEK A ANDERSON, 725 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRES NEAR GRESHAM. on gravel road, all in cult.; good house, big barn, 2 wells, 4 acres bearing orchard, 7 acres strawberries; rich soil, no gravel. Price $StKto, 200-i cash, bal. can run at 6 per cent. J. B. BULET CO. 928 Chamber of Commerce. J6 ACRES. S miles from Saiem; 0 acre. In high state of cultivation, on Willamette River; on macadam road; good farm build ings: all horses, cattle, hogs, chickens, farming implements and everything else for 10 00t; cash, balance long time, (. per cent. G. S. Smith & Company. 432 Chamber of Commerce. FOR-SU-E CHEAP BY OWNER 42-acre ranch, all in cultivation, soil first-class, fair buildings. 5-acre orchard Imosiiy prunesi. on main county road. K. F. D. and telephone, four miles from good town. In Clarke County. Washington; price JyOOO; terms If necessary. Apply 710 Lewis bids.. Portland. OrJ . BICOEST FARM SNAP IN OREGON. 545 acres: the best land under the sun; fine improvements, all the stock and im plements, worth 70.0i0. goes at 100 per acre- 15.0OO cash, balance 10 years at 6 Der cent Has to be seen to be appreciated. F FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. S3 ACRES, fl miles from Beaver Creek sta t'on. house, barn, oullulldings. all etotk. farm Implements and cream separator iu " now, ill tor 00. 2.-.00 casn, balance to suit buyer at 5 per cent Interest Inquire owner, Fred Vollinan, Estacaca, Or. ABSOLUTELY A BARGAIN. 10 a. 1 miles from a good town, on the Astoria P.. K., small house, new barn and outbuildings, stock and equipment; PrCAI?LAX KASER. 722 Yeon bldg. 40 ACRES CHEAP. Improved, .lock and crops Included: elr.e to railroad. 38 miles from Portland; price only 2..illo terms. A. K. HIIX. 419 Henry BUt; 10 acres of good level land. 12 miles from Portland, near Tualatin station, on main countv road: price S125U; easy terms. E J C.E1SER. 417 Chamber of Commerce. CUJlrlitio c ., c..v. . . This is beet 20 acre, to be found any where: close to town and a snap at 15500; trauc. . ... ....... .. THREE ACRES Out from Oregon City. . imil., fiilHvatinn- well near , v, . ... ...... - - 0 fenced, good house. Owner, Tabor 60U8. ?IIE SUNDAY QREGONIAN, PORTLAND, BE.iL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. LAND I 20 YEARS TO PAY! Get your Xarm home from the Canadian Pacific. Most productive soil good cli rnate ready markets fine transportation ail the comforts and ways of making money farming that you find in tb. best farming sections everywhere. LOW PRICES AND $2000 LOAN. This rich land only $11 to $30 per acre irrigated land from $35. Twenty years to pay think of lu Long before your final payment is due your farm will have paid for itself. Wo lend you up to $2000 for farm Improvements, on certain condi tions, with no security but the land Itself. Twenty years to repay it. Interest 6 per Uiit. If you want a farm home all ready to step into, get one of our ready made farms. , . , Dairying, hogs and livestock make b.g Incomes here. Lands Ideal for these pur posea Present condition in Europe assure highest prices known for everything raised. . N Thse offers based on good land finest on. earth for mixed farming and grain growing.- Tho best land will be taken first, so time's precious to you. Write today for handbook and full particulars to S. V. THORNTON, Colonization Agent Canadian pacific Railway, 112 W. Adams 6t Chicago, 111. 320 ACRES, 2TT0 cultivated, 20 alfalfa, baL , pasture; 100 in crop this year. 7 miles to .Pilot Rock, 4 miles to warehouse. Modern 9-room house, acetylene lights, 2 horse barns, large granary and other outbuild ings. Spring water piped to house and barn. Fenced and cross-fenced, 3 aides hog-tight. 6 good workhorses and har ness ; 2 cows, about 75 chickens and 15 pigs go; also all machinery to run place and enough feed to run until next crop. Price $18,000, $i.z,uuu casn, oai. 157 acres, 60 tillable, 34 cultivated, bal. pasture. 18 in wheat this year, 1 acre clover, 1 acre garden. 00 acres com. tim ber, 20 miles to Pilot Rock, 3 to more, school and P. O., fenced and cross-fenced. 4-room house, furnished, small horse barn, cow barn for 20 head, running water; 3 horses and harness, bees, 2 wagons, hucic board and implements to run place. 20 tons hay; near forest reserve, iine hog ranch. $2500 cash. We have all-sixed stock ranches and wheat farms for sale and trade. PENDLETON EXCHANGE, PENDLETON, OR. 180 ACRES IX KLICKITAT C0UNTT FOR A SONG! I have to let my fine property go to meet a tiuuu muite&.w " The 160-acre Park ranch is located 6 miles northwest of Lyle. on fine county road. Has 10 acres of 12-year commercial apple orchard. 30 acres leticed with o-lt poultry and stock fence. Substantial 3-room house, barn, chicken-house, two good wells, etc. Sawmill now operating on Dlace, sawing timber and paying stumpage at 1 per thousand. Over SoO of standing timber left. Enormous spring at mill. A small amount of cash will swing the deal. I need Just enougn to m anS 'af.fS;. ,o .h. hiahest bidder. Auction in front of Riverside Hotel, Lyle. . Washington. Saturday, April 17, at l- o'clock. Submit sealed oias now 10 F. O. PARKS. 1029 East Washington su, Portland. A t.N .yLK SALiiirii. 118 acres 1 4 miles from Dilley. 27 miles from Portland, on the Tualatin River, good auto road, mail and milk route, good Scnooi, lew uiiiiui.es soil, all land clear and In Fall grain and clover; 7-room nouse. buildings, all new, young orchard, ma" irults, snruos. rwca .u ..-..., lake, fine duck shooting: no better layout .. . . . . i - n-ni.n..,,. 17alleV at 1 I.HI tnan mis in iue . , -nn an acre; land adjoining held at from -00 ..-. . .ituil. .elliriv hall lo swauwcic, u... , wlta impro euieiiio. li H. P. PALMER-JONES CO.. 40 W 11CPX U1UE. FARM BARGAINS. 41H-acre dairy ranch, -with stock and Implements, 18 miles south of Portland, for only 5500. on good terms. !u00 for 00 acres with large outrange. stock ana implement. "r.,.;,n maker and a sportsman's paradise, Jiooo ca" ..nf with sju.uuu ror MJ-ft". """J , ...,7,7; $5000 worth of stock, making from $4000 to $5000 a year; 4 cash, balance 5 years For sma'll or large farm bargains see F. FUCHS, 40 Chamber of Commerce. iNlt-C Ull u - J acres right on electric line, close to Vancouver; good house and barn; all kinos .. - . . ... . Tar a11 a n n rhlfiTfiil xruii in oe.ii(i. " house; will sell cheap on terms of $i00 oowalLacb INVESTMENT CO., -Oregonlan Bldg. D A I R Y. . ... . e. ..,.. T.l.rtrf 1ft S00 A. dairy larm on - ml. from Portland. 26 "d"ttlI?;1(i horses, farm implements, motorboau Price 87 H AR TM AN THOMPSON- (4th and Starko . ...-r IT7 i-rT-VT V CHKAP LAND. . l- ar-raa rltnrffi. fair SCt buifdrngs. fruit "trees, 80 acres plow land on this; price lso, lane some u'. bargain. Have other larger and smaller from !0 to $15 an acre; well watered hv creeks. JACOB HAAS. Gerllnger bldg. FOR SALE OR RENT 1 acres, 6 clear. 4 in plow 10 acres fine onion land, creek, spring, house, barn, tools, no rock, some beaverdam; win sen n vre ....j,.. ..t. nr. th. lu. .mall Davment down, balance long time: one hour from Port land; 1 mile to station. mile to boat. :itio Vancouver ave. c 14 1 8. 60-ACRE dairy and hog rancn; 30 acres in cultivation; well fenced and watered; part ly stocked: good buildings. Spring crops in 4 miles railroad and good town on good road, one-'3urth mile to ehurch and school; no commission, no Interest; one half casn, tialance terms. T. Kroenung. owner, wooaiajo. wau nc-nTTTIvrc REAVERDAM LAND. near Forest Grove, at the very ridiculous low price of $200 per acre. One crop of onions will more than pay for the land. Might take clear Portland property as part payment. F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Commerce. A VJITWK AND A LIVING. 40 acres, 15 in cult., buildings, running water, good land; on R. F. D. and phone, l!i miles to sctiool and 4 miles from town on railroad; price $2000; $150 cash, bal ance $15 a montn at I vvut., uu ti.i:t DeKUin ijiug. x scRirs 4 miles from electric station. good road, all In high state of cultivation- good buildings for the small sum of $7500; $1500 cash, balance long time 6 per cent; here is your chance to get back to the farm. ti. a. omim ot muiyuj, ChamDer oi ouiiuci. r THE NEW WAY. THE MODERN WAY. THE SQUARE DEAL WAY of buying land Are you interested r If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN 'JB Phelan bldg., San Francisco. C. M. WOOPSTER. Pres. FOR SALE 36 acres, 30 acres level, rich bottom iana, -o acre, m un iiui,., ono. in vrain and garden improvements for 25 per cent of actual value, one-third on time; am iorcea to sen, a. bio, v. gonian. 40 ACRES near Grants rsss. on j. Prairie; 10 fenced, under cultivation; ,5 ri-year-old fruit trees. R. F. D., . mile school, . nines ...... $11100. C. C. Case, 572 20th St.. Oakland, California. .-x:r.i- fi"!t Pfcfil ACRE. S-,0 acres good soil, improved, 8 miles from Hosier, or.; $2000 cash, balance terms. ill. A. x.oear, kl -HARTJ1AX & THOMPSON (4th and Stark.) FARM o2 acres, near Portland, on easy trwlred lr,n acres in prain. good past"; might take some trade If the property is weii io,.o..o,.. Weston Co., 630 Northwestern Bank bldg. Msin wrj. -.. ,,--Dt.- om. from Yamhill: fine riv- . Knt,nm Tnnn acres In crops, good 7-room house (new), new barn, no better land in Oregon, on good rock road, and Canton iossi naiuvwi. ...... MAGOON REALTY CO.. lamhlil. Or. ET OWNER. lrtO-acra- stock ranch, 1 miles from a good railway station; two good houses with running water, two barns and other buildings; large family orchard; can be bought in small tracts, u no. urenu. ULY irom Owners, enuer ui,B"'u farm lands, ih Southern Idaho, at low prices and reasonable terms; tracts from SO to 1000 acres. Address Phllbrick Greenwood. American r.iia, 7 NEAR North Plains, Or., house 10 rrris new barn, wire fence, family or chard, small fruit: $l50o caeh, time on bal. it. A. l.oenr, ui - . . . . . . . 0 . , , , , V UAxtl-lA- l nvJ" .j.. SO ACRES, partly irun "i." "r'. torn lano, cneap, ."ear wu-v..... Co Or. Address Mrs. H. L. James. 1330 -X-n trq cuet. oifc WELL-IMPROVED acres near Eugene. hart road; price rather high, but a good jrlso to live. Owner, Box 2"S. Eugene. Or. SNAKE River Irrigated lands and dry farm lanns in hills adjoining Summer range. If Interested In either, write W. H. Tur ner, Jloun;ain -mji... 160 ACRES wheat land In Morrow County. Oregon: small house and fair barn; on y two miles from R. R. station; price only $12.50 per- acre. AH 73S. oreioman. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. JUST LOOK; AT THE PRICE OF THIS Western ore go a ouca xvauwu. $BO acres. head of cattle. ' 25 milk cows, 3 good work horses, two dwelling houses, good barn, plenty of grass, outrange, running streams, only 9 miles from railway depot at county seat. Everything goes at $3000 cash down and $5000 long time at per cent on the YWve got tb be quick on the trigger to get this. It is going to sell, this week, to some live farmer ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 'se rhfiries Hotel. 204 Morrison street. ioACRES. 17 acre. et .tooi house and barn: 10 mile, from V.ncou erT 8 mile, from railway; price 4o00. tlluOO caah. 40 acre, 20 acres under cultivation, new 6-room bungalow large " 2 hor.es, piga, chickens and all farm ma chinery; price ?6000. 40 acres. 38 acres under cultivation-, 4 room house, large barn, chicken-house Eood family orchard; price J550U. lo"o cash, balance at 5 and 6 per cent: ail heavy, black lotm Boll: 10 mi.es from Vancouver, 1 mile to postoffice and store. HARRY T. HAYES. 112 West 6th St., Phone 618. Vancouver. VTaah. NOW WE'VE GOT YOU COMINO. Some live wire is going to get this be cause it is a real bargain. 43 acres, 3 miles from best town on Co lumbia River over a plank road, 22 acres under cultivation, family orchard, spring water piped to 5-room house, barn, chick en houses, machine sheds, running stream, school 1 mile. ' - K..n Price, including horses, cattle, bull, hogs 100 chickens, tools, implements and machinery $3000; half cash, balance ,6 C,ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison Street. " LOCATION. " Close to cannery and high ehol' Gresham. Land all cleared and in culti vation Rich, deep soil, level land; an cltv conveniences, and a market at me door for all the berries you can produce You can live and make your living on this land. We have three acre tracts at Vln n acre Terms, $30 down and $13 ler mSnfrf.on S acres. Adjoining land selllnT at no'thlng less than $550 per acr and tip to $1000 per acre. Come in and fet u convince you that fow is the time to buy, while this owner wants to sell. . BELL REAL ESTATE CO.. 818 Railway Exchange, . THE BEST DAIRY IN OREGON 50 cows, 20 2-year-old heifers, 40 calves of all ages. 30 1 ti 2-year-old steers. 15 horBes. 20O chlckei, all crops and small tools, all kinds of farm implements; its one of the best "equipped dairies in the state- 1300 acres. 2 sets buildings, nne location, only 1 mile from steam and elec tric line, boat landing on place, only 13 miles from the heart of Portland: price $12,600, $5000 cash and good terms on the balance, or would take $200 cash and good security on other property; rent very reasonable. ., E. F. GILBERT, 101 Washington St., Vancouver Wash. YAMHILL COUNTY. 45 acres located south of Amity, 4 acres plowed, garden, berries and orchard of young fruit planted. New 5-room house, not entirely completed. new barn, and chicken-house; fine view of valley; easy clearing. Price $1200 or will include two cows, horse and 50 chickens for $1400, $000 cash. Jos. C. Gibson, 306 Gerlmger D1US. THIS VALLEY FARM PAYS PROFITS. S3 acres, Willamette Valley, oo cleared. 20 rjasture, 13 fir and oak timber; fenced with woven wire; family orchard, good -room house with fireplace, good barn paint ed: other good outbuildings, another set of old buildings; drilled well, force pump; trout stream; 3 cows, 3 heifers. 8 calves, all grade Jerseys. 3 horses, 10 hogs, to chickens, somo geese, a lot of good farm implements, all go at $000, terms. D. Mc- tnesne, nun mn. 40 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED, $2200. 15 acres plowed; all fenced; fine or chard and berries; good 6 room house, 70x70 barn and outbuildings; pure spring water piped into house; rich soli; 6 miles to 2 towns: good main road; 1 mile school; phone. The buildings are worth all I'm asking; $1000 cash, balance to suit. For particulars write, W. V. Hyde, Caatle . .-., ,-,-TTM.-ATin?C 75 acres, 2Vi miles from good valley town. 36 miles from Portland; pretty 6 room cottagu, fine water, new hip-root barn, new outbuildings: a fine clover ancl vetch proposition; will carry a large herd and yield big profits, rightly man aged; S7500 on very easy terms; you can make this farm pay for itself. See photos. D McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. 20 AUKLS A 1 A oahuau,. Almost all plowed, now ready to plant ; lies level, good soil, no rocks or gravel, neighbors all around; thjs is about 1 miles from Alpine on S. P. Ry.; price $2000, on very easy terms, and will take lot as first payment up to $o00 if pn a cash basis. Owner. 506 Spalding bldg. Main SS1M. FOUR miles from town, 187 acres, 53 eIer land, balance pasture; V i,a house, furnace- heated, new barn. 40xo0, family orchard 30 or 40 trees, 18 head cows. 1 horse, d mules, well equipped with farm tools; price for all. l-.-"0; J4 cash balance long time at 6 per cent, w ill uke small city, property up to $2o00 as part paYment. England & Collier. Washington . . r, ,T X-lTTUCR 40 acres, 24 miles from Portland, on main road, mall and cream routes, near electric cars: 25 acres cleared, plenty of berries? family orchard, 4-room house, large barn.- frulthouse. chicken-house, granary, stock, etc.. goes with this farm It $5000. D. McChesney, Title & Trust DlClg TRIP to Panama Exposition should include of England on Pacific." Splendid scenery. Unrivalled climate. Motorists' paradise. Equals foreign tour. War makes no dif ference to American citizens. Hotels rea sonable. Publicity . Commissioner. Vic toria, for free booklet. , COLUMBIA RIVER FARM. 39 acres with 12 acres In cultivation, balance pasture, 2 acres Fall wheat; county road; no house, new barn, spring. Price $2100, half cash. No trade. Jos C. Gibson, apti .,erunger uius. SO ACRES in Linn county, impro.eu, $S00 cash. Several bargains i at Sheridan - ..i u.-iiiamlnn from SO an .acre up. 20- acro aople orchard at Dufur for $2500 cash, worth $6ri00. Fine Valley bargains. Gill & Durur, Ali Aoinciou oius- I HAVE some fine acreage close to Port land to traue iui have city property clear of incumbrance that you wish to pi i" ,w"" on acreage or farms It will pay you to at t r,o..i. r.nr. Pnrhett hldg. R2n acres good soil, Improved, a miles . , . ctnnn .ach halance irom jjiofriei, . , terms. - HARTMAN & THOMPSON (.itn nu omi it., r 1175 ACRES Whitman County wheat land; 650 acres in wheat, balance being Summer . ,. . I h.illrlincB wall WfirATPii: laiioweu. guuu uuiimi.-b". price $40 per acre; terms; 40-bu. wheat land. xv. 1j. xoae, noo miuCOiu . bldg. For sale or trade, 70 acres of land In Michigan, gooa pasture, nouae, uuiuunu . i .. nnA otr A41 arr-fti rlear balance small timber and pasture. Ad dress 1 JMac'iiuain at. FOR HAW-, o ')i-Buie hwwb years old, Spltzenberg apples, ciose to school, aooa gamen ""V" rr RAiftTTv on Oreizon Electric. Write for terms. H. A- Joy, Sheridan, Wyo., 509 N Main St., 78-ACRE dairy farm, river bottom, all in Cultivation, it line yuuiis team, 3 brooa SOWS. 1 regmiercu e" iv- shire boar, farm implements; price $12,000 gooa icriiia. v"''. w-J 40 ACRES Good farm land, one-half mile acres 10 miles out; buildings, garden, etc; price $1250; $100 down, $10 per month. I n a u ' ii n to" ""'B' ESTACADA BARGAIN 160 acres, near county roaa. , , :, chance to make good: small clearing fine creek; some alder, cedar, fir. 703 Lewis g2S00 20 ACRKS in Ciark County, near Vancouver; good 7-room house and other "improvements on place; about three acre strut., or more cash, balance to suit. Tacgart, 416 Chamber of Commerce. FREE GOVERNMENT LAND for farmers in prosperous Colorado. Where and how to get it. Official descriptions and home stead laws free. Immigration Dept., lolo Tremont. uenver, coiu. 5 ACRES, all in cultivation, house, orchard. J5 per TTion'.'a. Epton, 432 Chamber of commerce. STOCK RANCH . in Southern Oregon for IF you want a homestead ol 160 acres, call St .19 APHIS W -'" FOR SALE Eastern Oregon Btock ranch jMM acres. f" ui-n-s in ""'"vi, , Vruildinss and improvements. For Informa. tion write u -- WI zl : - TiDonrin PI ifE! rln to Npw berg for $4500: $1500 cash.- Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 934. ' APRIL 11, 1915. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. SMALL FARM. ORENCO. 18 acres, half In cultivation, bal. pasture and woods, half this almost clear; good creek and well; fronting county road. 1 mi to station, board w alk most of way. 17 to Portland; good 8-room house, barn, chicken-house, chickens, registered Jer sey cow and yearling heifer, horse "nssj and harness, small tools, land in high state cultivation and in crop, family or chard and all kinds of berries, a fine country home very cheap at $o500, halt cash: might take good little bungalow In Portland, close in. or Forest Grove clear up to $2500, some cash. bal. time; this ts a good proposition at actual cash value, so don't bother me with anything that does not conform to above terms. Jos. C. GlD son, 306 Gerllnger bldg. ' PANORAMA RANCH. The prettiest farm home In Oregon. Magnificent view of Columbia River and snow-capped mountains. 32 acres, half under cultivation, fin, barn, well, windmill, water piped to build ings, 4 miles from town, quarter ml ; from Seacoast boulevard. Must be sold this week. Price. Including fine team of matched horses, cows, Plymouth Roc tools, implements. machinery, $2000. terms. $1100 cash, balance 6 per oent. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles HoteL 204 Morrison street. BANNER FARM. 28 miles southwest of Portland. 257 acres, 150 acres In crop, balance open pasture, good buildings, run ning stream, spring water piped. Will sell my $26,000 equity for $17, 500 or exchange for city or Eastern Oregon. This farm is fenced and cross fenced and will stand the most rigid investigation. For further particulars see C) DORR E. KEASEY CO., 232 Chamber of Commerce. VERY RARE OFER, beautiful proposition Hit acres, on the Willamette River, finely improved, sightly view property, all in cultivation: good buildings all kinds, spring water piped, fine bearing orchard, almonds, filberts, berries, etc. ; fine stream, shrubbery, flowers, boat landing on place, gasoline launch. R. F. D., county road, ail conveniences, stores, etc., close board walk electric depot; very rare offer: beau tiful place; offered for $4000, $1000 cash. Get full description, Becker, 225 Lumber Exchange. BY OWNER. 21 acres, 12 miles due west of Portland on R. F. D., 1-3 cleared; small house and barn; $00 per acre; terms, c. J. Holzworth, R. R. No. 1. Hillsboro. Or. WANTED BEAT, ESTATE. Four or five room house close to Vancouver or Knott sts. Have clear house ML Tabor district, also lots at Rose City Park and Peninsula Park clear of incumbrance. Total value $3000. See Mr. Brown. Trrn a -T A PORK. 26D Washington St. WE have two customers for bungalowB with engagement to show property next Friday; one 5-room ar.d one 6-room, one floor only; price must be under $3000; will con sider Hawthorne district r.nd also Alberta. GODDARD &WIF.DRICK, 243 stark atreet. CLOSE-IN proper-.y, either Income or va cant, up to au,uuu. v.iicu. dise Invoicing about $12,000; give like amount in cash and assume balance, bee Mr. Persels, at . ' HARTMAN & THOMPSON (4th ana &tara..s WANTED RESIDENCE WANTED. Want a Portland residence in exchange for 27-acre improved farm near Van couver, Wash. Ail level, fine soil. 5-room house, barn and other good improvements. Cash value $4250. No incumbrance. St. Charles Land l-o.. Jul Murn.ua slictiv. WANT Portland residence to $5000 in ex- cnange lor guvu mUi.6.6s . . at 7 per cent on local property wortn three times amount of mortgage; even exchange, no equities: must have modern. up-to-aate piace. o i-i, yjicsmN. WANT first-class 7 or S-room residence. West Side, wltn garage in select neiguuoi liood; will assume liberal mortgage and give other property for the balance; state price, location and encumbrance. AC 728, Oregomian. WANTED 6-room modern bungalow, all on one floor, in the vicinity ot w asning ton or Jefferson High School, or Rose City Park; nothing but strictly up-to-date bungalow considered. S 738, Ore gontan. I WANT good house or bungalow on full lot in good residence aisii-ict. win give a.u acres free and clear of Incumbrance and will assume up to $1500. Give full descrip tion In first letter. L 602, Oregonlan. WE have client who wants 6-room house in good district; can .pay $2000 cash and turn In lots on East S7th st. for balance. GODDARD & WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. WILL PAY cash for lot, fractional acre or small house and lot not to exceed or house $."00 unincumbered, from owner; no agents: clve location, particulars, etc. ED 74:i. Oregonian. BRICK apartment bldg., price around $S0,- ooo, for casn. possiDiy some uaae; must be very cheap and good income payer. WEIST. 812 Yeon Bldg. Main 161. WANTED BUNGALOW WANTED. Best bungalow we can buy this week for J2500 spot cash. ST. CHARLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison street. WANT WHEAT RANCH. Want to buy wheat ranch, 1000 acres or more; must be good eoll; give full de scription and lowest price. Owner, K 71S, Oregonlan. RELIABLE builder wants lot. Rose City jfarK, irvington r nawinui ire uisuiLio, with second mortgage privilege; will fur nish bond. AP 728, Oregonlan . WANTED 5-room house, 50x100 lot.. ' in either Alberta or Piedmont districts; $1500 cash,. William G. Seckendorf, 315 Stock Exchange bldg. 1 TO 10-acre tracts improved on Oregon Chamber of Com. 1 live on the Oregon Electric and make a specialty of acreage VTE are now In position to handle listed properties; if you desire to sell and price is right, we eolicit listings. F. N- Clark & Co.. 202 Title & Trust bldg. WILL trade 3-pa.ssenger HtHi car, re cently overhauled, for clear lor, Irvington preferred, and pay cash difference; no equities considered. AD 741, Oregonlan. WANT clear lot in "Irvington to apply as first payment on new, modern 7-room Irvington house, best in district, for $6000. AD 1 41, uregonian WANT house equity on straight mortgage tor sinu casn, niiiance ciewi iuw add additional cash for unincumbered rebi- dence to $3oP0. iiione Manor -. TWO acres In cult,, house and other im provements, OU V. -Es. JrtJ., mm B" cash and 2 houses in Sunnyslde. AK (it. "jrtfKViiin.il WANTED Highly improved 2 to 6ftcJ"e Place, Wltn Itti pI liuunc, nco,. pay cash Avrs & Smith, 501 Northwest bldg. Main 72G WANT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Near Mississippl-ave. car, not more than $2000. that can be handled on reasonable terms. 603 Dekum Bldg. xx: a v 'pitt-s Arirn nr ta-n nnar Riverview drive; trees; fine view; cash ; must be cheap; deal wltn owners oniy. jh. in, gonian. WANTED Bungalow, about $4000. in re stricted Eaat Side district; will trade clear vacant lota and assume up to $2000. Give location. A(i .4., uregoniaa. HAVE clear lots in Astoria to give for equity in house In good district, not over $6000, Irvington preferred. AF 725, Ore go n ian. WANT Two or three-acre tract, near car line for choice unincumbered lot, well located; value $2500. H 748, Oregonlan. A MODERN 3-room bungalow, northeast side, $20 a month, location and price first letter. Owners only. AD 745, Oregonlan. WANTED Central city property, $5000 to $50,000, for Willamette farm. See owner, 720 N. W. Bank bldg. I WANT 10 or 15 acres on Sandy River, near railroad or good wagon road, not too far out; principals oniy. c. Lrrcguimm. WANTED Home in city or Seaview, Wash. Have ciioice young apple orchard in ex- ch an gc. Owner, rf.tH otn at. WANT house not too far out; will pay be tween $1300 and $1400 cash. AC 743. Ore gonlan WANTED 100.000 acres In Mexico, bargain .. v 711 0-oiy -t- inn. WANT Gearhart or Seaside cottage. State location mm y'" " . n WANTED Iot or fraction; must be walking distance, and bargain. AP 748, Qregonian. WANTED Bungalow for cash and lot, in ...-j iutfir.r fall Tshor 4036. reBiricicu u'" t-ROOM house; Btate price, terms, location. HALF acre with house. Tfle fare, under .- Ci I Itfi vitooni"" TO buy modern, 5-room bungalow, not tar ont. can cnai j-jt. I WANT to buy a lot with second mort- g&ge, easy lerma. -rv nr-', 'h""" WANT Irvington home: have caea and clear vacant, AH 725, Oreffonian, WANTED liKAL ESTATE. THE M. S. REALTY CO. WANTS A Hl'.V G A LOW, WHICH MEAN'S ALL MODEItX COXVEXIKNCW t'ONFINED ON ONE CHASE PRICE NOT TO EXCEED $6500. 410 STEARNS BLUU. IN the market for llrst-class investments; price must be right: sunn.lt pn positions by mail, giving lowest price, exact loca tion and terms. Oregon Investment 4 Mortgage Co.. Inc. Stock Lxch. bldg., Sd and Yamhill sis. FOB KENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 3"0 acres, ISO acres under cultivation, new 10-room house, large barn, 2 launi orhards. fine dalryhcuse and hoghouses. ail fenced and cress-fenced, fine running water, some timber and good pasture; 11 miles Vancouver on good road, all rural advantages and all good soil. Some iu meadow land, all lies good; close to school, church and transportation. Cheap rent to right party. THOMPSON SWAN, Phone 107. 512 Main St., Vancouver, "Wash. WE have a 75-acre farm on tfle Clack amas River; 18 miles from Portland; 25 acres In cultivation; will take rent In labor on place; good placs for small dairy. IK.) DORR E. KEASEY at CO. 232 Chamber of Comemrce. BAIRY LOCATION Something new, all Investment in vour dairv. expensive farm unnecessary. I will make 10-year contract with responsible dairyman to fur nish alfalfa hay at $7 per ton, site lor yards nud buildings at nominal rental, or for sale cheap. Unexcelled climate, uo ex pensive buildings necessary; excellent market. Write Thomas Williamson, gal lon, Nevada. FOR RENT 57 acres, six miles from Ore gon City; 25 acres under cultivation, good family orchard, five-room house aim fair buildings, splendid mad, rent cheap. Stouter & Cameron, 110U Spalding bldg. TO rent for term of years. 250 acres, dairy ranch, best Columbia River bottom; water and rail transportation; 34 miles from Portland; aiao some splendid duck lake. . .nt Merrill. Clat.kanle, Or. 5-ROOM house, 5 acres land, 2 chicken- w , . ia.H Vancouver. ilOUSeS, laise micu, . - - Wash. Owner will rent or lease very cheap to reliable parties. Address "C, oil) ea- trai oiug., WILL sell crop, horses and Implements on 80-acre modern ranch, very reasonable. Call today or Monday, see pnotos. i.oi THREE farm., two chicken ranches, for rent, cash or shares; one dairy, stock and Implements. $520. McCoy, S32 chamber OI COIU1HC1 GOOD farm over 100 acres, near Portland on good road; cash rent preferred; might rent on share ot crop basis first year. 1'none main u.i WILL rent my farm near Gresham; b cow., good team, complete line larming Imple ments. Will leus to responsible party. H. C. Jorgensen, Phone 205 Oreaham. FOR RENT 3 acres of land, with 5-room house, barn and good orchard, farden seeded; 4 miles from Courthousu. Tabor OOU4. 10 ACRES, near city, on Section Line road, wiih 4-room house, chicken house and burn half under cultivation; low rent lo rlgnt party, iti m- FOR RENT 150-acre ranch. For partlcu lars address W. Thayer, Uastou, Or., R F. D. 2. FOR RENT Goat and hog ranch, timber, water, buildings; reasonable. Owner, sr. u. box 0S4. uiaiits r, v 50 ACRES. 30 cultivated, buildings, Oregon . . r.j.i W Honli hide. eieciric. oivuc'. ' " " WE can locate you on 160 acres of good farm land. 216 Abington bldg. FOB SALE TIMBER LANDS. 120 ACRES. Five million yellow fir, - on drlvlnc stream. Linn County, $2500. Land all till able when cleared, St. Charles Land Co., 204 Morrison st. 134 74 ACRES land, timber, sawmill, only 25 miles from Portland, at a bargain. John Brown, Gresham, Or. Phone Gresham ol.s. nlu 1;VU I.IVIIM BOC'jHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CKACKEN. SU4 M KAY BLDO. WANTED TIMBF.B LANPS. WANT good timber land, well located; must be cheap price, in ex. for fine East side nouse ta Holladay Add., close In, walking distance, corner lot, 3 blks. from Holla day Park. D. M. Rohrbough, 2UJ stark. HARTMAN & THOMPSON WANT, direct from owner, timber land for . , - ..i... nur,- vnlncH m SI. ,0.000. IP"1"" .A"'" Vr-nn, " FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED FOR CASH. Want 80 to 100 acres, part pas ture some improvements, within 50 miles of Portland; parly is here with car of stock and requires farm immediately; will pay not to ex ceed $j0 to $80 per acre. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Ground Floor Henry Bldg. FARM. S400O. We can use a farm of from 20 acres up between Canby and Molalla, upon which - 11 stlaai. hftllHA fUT hfi taketi AS UKVt payment; will go to $4000 if improved, or V. S. MORTGAGE & TNV. CO., FARM WANTED. Want 60 acre or more equipped for lipnt with $4000 city properly; $1.00 cash and will assume 51..i) to $Jiu. Fisher & Harrington. 412-413 Stock fcx- chaniie. WANTED From 20 to SO acres witn some improvements, stock and equipment, at a reasonable price, either to sell or to trade for city property. Client waiting t all on or address Jos. C. Gibson. 30U Gerllngei bldg.. Portiana. ur, nr.vTrn xvin huv for cah the best 10- arre improved place we can find not over 15 miles frrum rui nauu. ". y St Charles Lend Co., 204 Morrison street. WANTED 20 or 30 acres good land suitable for hoRS an". dairying; lmra eaulpped; give full particulars, price and terms ; no soiii. " to rnri-PSDond with owner aood farm or acreage for sale or exchange. C. C. Buck inghain, Housion, Texaw. WANTED TO REXT FARMS. vn i N-fi mar, u'iinta to rent farm on share, 5 years" experience; good reference. W 72.'.. uregonian. TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 1428-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located In good section of Eastern Oie- ron wneat oen. iww - - - pasture; 500 A. in Fall wheat, abundant ' . i i An u-.ii.. m,.w H-rm oe water, bijiihr. ........ - - house, new barn 4l'xU0; 'o an acre, no incumbrance; will lane pari in nuam"'' Valley farm, Hoi0 cash, bal. long time, u cer cPnt S Hewey. stark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 80 ACHES, 30 In cultivation, balance In open pisture; all bottom land; house and barn. 8 cows. calves. S pitta and other stock: irood machinery; l!i miles from station, store and school; permanent water o place- price tloOO; will accept bungalow up to :'00 as part payment. Apply It Max Meyer, Crawtord, Wash. WAIN l PArv-.i. Have fine 7-room house, lot 100x100: also 108xl80-foot lot on West Side: price $10,000; mortgage $1300: will exchange lor good farm with stock and assume. 8 H, A. DRIER, "The Acreage Man," 510 Lewis mug WE HAVE some highly improved farms in the Willamette Valley to exchange for Portland income property. E. J. Oelser, li v.nauiuei Kit. WHAT have vou for a fine 10 acres, all in cultivation (no buildings!, 10 minutes walk from high school at Hlilshoro .' C. D. Strow. inn aioc ,w..,p,w FOR SALE 20 acres, or trade fof 1014 or 1015 auto. AG 750, Oregonlan. WE advertise. If you want to trade or sell, see nation. ...... HAVE good rooming-house, no Incumbrance, lor acreage. om, n- ...... .-- LL--i. xg try to" match your exchanges. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. BEAUTIFUL home, close In, for lots or creagc. cuaej, .u," jjAVE diamonds for automobile. What have you 7 Mr. uavia. jh CLEAR Irvington Iot and $1.-.(10 cash for clear oungaiu". ' FOUR choice beach lots: will trade all or part for automobile. Kast 13S0. WILL trade $3."'0 equity In $700 lot lor piano or carpenter work. Tabor 107 CLEAR city property Tor ranch, equipped preferred; will assume. 30fl Stark su TO EXCHANGE BEAT, ESTATE. T" NOT NOW1 APARTMENT-HOUSE. " S35.000 and cash tor wheat farm. APARTMENT-HOISE. I.10.000. Nob Hill, for slocfc ranch. HOTEL. Jt.",0,0(M) for wheat ranch. $4o.uOO Valley farm, clear, for stork ranch, j.w.uoo Prune and stock farm, clear. Val ley, for city property. 9125.000 stock and wheat ranch fo, smaller farm or city property. $50,000 Klou:lnT mills and wheat land for other property. WANTED. Close-in farm for bu.lnees or vacant property from 1.IO.O00 upward. UJO-Acre wheat ranch, west of walla Walla. 110.000, for oloae-lo Valla farm and assume. 1UV1NGTON HOME. fS.000. for Crook County Improved ranch. FIFTH-STREET CORNER. S18.000, for apartments or flala. NOB HILL, LOT. $5,000, and assuma or pay oo lrvlnfftoa home. STOCK RANCH. 125,000. near KaUma, for city property. WANTED. Stock ranch, jr,.ooo to 40.00n, prefer ably Wheeler County, for city property. NOB HILI, HOME. S12.000. on corner, for smaller bouse. ..) . Close-in East Bide home, clear, for so to 75-acre farm. VALLEY STOCK RANCH. $45,000, for smaller larm, wtieat ranch or aparlment-bouse. $50,000 Valiey farm, clear, for Improved property. $.-.0,000 stock ranch. Polk County, for smaller farm or a.iod lota 18 ACRES Near Beaverton. all in cultivation, $400. for larger place. NOD HILL CORNKR, $10,000, for lot. up to $0000. $20,000 Leased flats. S per cent net Income, for apanmenl-huuse. Height, home or lota COIJSCHMlDTS ACKNCr. Stock Exchange Rids-.. "Trade With L's." 52-ACHK FARM, ,i-mlle from N. P. R. R.. on rowllta River, near Kel.o. Wa.h.; 22 A. la cultr 10 uartlv cleared, balance heavy tlmDer. good faintly orchard; b-rm. hou... atr Piped Into It. sl.o well and P""np; Mi ham and other outbid.. ; 2 trout '"'" on farm. Price $5nwi. Will exch.ng. for close-In Portland property up to $so. bee S. Hewey, 2tf mark, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 20 ACRKS rUli r,.v itA.'ur.. This fine 20 acres, located l0 rods from electric station, 1 -i miles from good town, near Portland, all under cultivation; T acres onion land, balance chocolate loam soil, new bungalow, new barn, chicken house, good well and spring; all crops this year uow in; price. $4..oo, will ex change for good house aud lot in city or close-in reageA DRYER. 'The Acreage Man," 510 Lewis Bldg. 50 ACRES. 42 acres In cultivation, sown " r,ln' and planted to poiatoes; 3 '" ' ber 1 acres In pasture; all good. leal and; family orchard; ;-rmho bam and outbuildings; on electric rrlln at a lion at property; 12,500. mortgage J4W o Will exchanage for Portland vacant lots or house. 'V'''OWI,AND. gth and Main st.. Oreson City. Or- INCOME. I have a good piece of Income property, value $16,000; must raise some cash, at least $4iitu. and will accept some farm or other property lu exchange a. part; might assumi some. The Incumbrance on n property is $.".7T5. T per cent, long time. investigate. W 60S. Oregonlan. B.trrlA.vor.. 7 000 Modern 8-room re.ldence. close In East Klue. mtg $:l.vio. Went small farm In valley for equity $12.000 Business property. East "" ' w Income, mtg. $u0. Want, iinuroveii farm, stock and Imple Inenta In valley up to $10,000. or might trade both of above Into one farm. Apply Jos. C. Gibson, 30o Gt-rlinger bldg. SUN.NVSIDE HOUSE. rooms, tinted and ples.sntly .Ituated; good lot, with fruit anil berrle;. hard-surface street, bonded; house .old for but will sacrifice for less and take a clear lot first Davment. Call on Jos. v- (jihson. 30 Cerllnger bldg. . ..r.,.T,c,UT-v t.-nO TTttTlKL IMnwi; t-ii-c,"i ------- , IOOxlL'0 feet on corner of r. 0th ani Halsov; 3 modern 7-room houses. Incoma is per mo. PUce $15,000. clear. In ,rd.Pfor 5 or 10 acre tract. 1"?; close to city. McKcnile A Co., 615 Ger llnger bldg. HAVE a good valley farm with other high- .. ... ...... ..... . alnrk ranch. CIHHS properly nn. - . about J25.00O (possibly little more) east of mountains; prefer Southern Wheeler or Crook Co. on John Day; for self, and must have It; It's worth your time to Inquire. Wnnrllnwn 2704. 5-ROOM cottage, bath, new range, triangle . . . .. ..... I,,.., ,i.i .1 H.. near lor. ironi i- ,-,-.. - - end Brooklyn carllne; improvements paid, no iniuliihrance. $2000; will exchange for 6 or 7-room house, Irvington preferred, and Rjsume. AP "41. Oregonlan. 42 ACRES. 11 ml. from Portland, out Shoals Perry ito., rn-n nononi - and tiled. $10,500. Submit city exchange. R. G. Barton, at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 4in At niBmi. SE VLTLl-: property wanted for fine farm at .. . .. v. tTiUktl' minli auto TORll I'lacaaniaB, wo,,,. t - all the wav and only 30 minute, from Portland Postofrice. C. D. Strow. olo Stock Exchange bldg. jiAi.nA.u&. HAVE 10 aires highly Improved, closa In n-w bungalow, for Portland home; will suit you If looking for good land pnd gooq noine. n r, WANTED Ford auto or other small 6-Ps or a good rOK.Isler. In exchsnge for $ , " eoulty In a Hue large lot In Ho.. I Ity Park flirtrlct, bal. on lot $15 per month. Main 6;i20. AUTO WANTED flood roatlicr or small 5-psi. auto lor $looo equity In good "-roo"'.,hou" Kunnyslile district, balance $1S00. Phone Main Wjn. 00x100 REINFORCED CONCRETE l"'""'-. located in small thriving town In Or.n inc. me about lo per .no. 1 'rlc $Jo.i it .i, mortgage IMIM. To trade for go.,.1 ranc.i. McKnxleatjn.JU3Jrrllnrbldg; CITV LOTS ileur, to eMiiange lor $-tnn truck; also have ft light rata to txi-hetige; what have you? Call Marshall 4.3 1 4. of call 201-2 Panama bldg . N. E. cor. .Id and Alder. Ask for S. J. Brown, LUNG Usl farm., stock randies, city prop erties. buslnes.es. for .ale and exchange j nc stamps; fine bargains. Mcl-oy, J - l ha in tier oi oniinn 15 ACRES. Sheridan mile; prlc. $4ian. waiit good hou.e and will assume sin. II amiunt. Epton. 432 Chamber of com merce. 1-(I0 KUl'ITY In modern -ro,Mil house, well located, one block to Woodstock car; exchange for lots or automobile. A 7)i. t irccontn n . CNIVEHS1TY PARK A I IJl TIC-N I.ot 5"x on hard-surface street, to trade for automohiVe. Ceo. H. Flora, 118 K. Oouch St. Phone inoor oi'o.. HAVE 7-room muttern house In Vernon, four bedrooms, value f4.'.o.i; trade, for vacant lots ,r modern oungaiow. g'tiu in. 5 ACRES clear, or 2 acre. nd,,4'ro?, h0,V'" at Home rimiMu, v,. -,. --- "fianee for clear Portland property. 0 74. Lireaonian. WAVT clear cottaR. or house in eiiy ur small town for choice a. resg. clo.., to Portland and eloctrlc station, owner, I. o. box 377. Portland. WANTED A stock of groceries UP to $3"IMI In exchange for a house and J lots In the city of McMinnvlIle, Or., valued at $.'500. bal. ca.h. F. E. Sherw lnWil lamina.4.ir. RIGHT on Mt. Hood Electric Vj a., valued Jl '.-.o mtg. $11430 : will sell or take auto for my equity; extra choice location; ata tion on property. Davis. 114 3d. CLEAR city properly for acreage within 23 to 30 mile, of Portland; will assume. .KlH'j Mtara si. VM ACRES sugar pin. land to exchange or for sale; you can get a bargain, cail OH Kwctland biog. yVANT sinali dairy or stock farm lu ex change for good-paying cash buslnc.s. o 710, (iregnntiin "WILL take livestock, farm machinery or acreage fo' clear Westmoreland lot. Call Tabor 51101 or J 747. Oregonlan. HAVE equity of $25'J In $'5o house In Beaumont; trade for vacant lota or bun- gali.w. AC. 71.S Oregonlan. 10 ACRES, with buildings, close to Gresham, for city property. Call 406 McKay bldg. Main 034. LOT. Portland Heights. Rose City Fslr vlew; want house, not over $3000. Epton. 4:12 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Motorcycle as first payment on a large lot near l.aurelhurst, bal. $H Pff month. Inquire Main ;20. H vVE good Knit Side lots to exi hatiK' f"r nouae or Income property; will st-sutn.; give . particular.. A .T 741. Oregonien. fZ. i.oys good house, on Mississippi, neir Russell, sacrifice ror ca.h or would trad O'.vncr, Main l-i51. X1& Chamber of Cornxncrce. r