TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 11, 1915. ARELLANES IS EASY MARK FOR BEAVERS Portland Beats Salt Lake, 8 to 6, After Blanking, It Till Seventh Inning. FLYING START IS MADE Leonard Invincible For Six Periods, and When Bees Get to Him V Higginbotbam Is Sent in t. and Finishes Out Game. rcifl- Coast IcafU Standings. W. L. Pet. I W. L. Pet. Pan Fran. 8 3 .7271 Portland ...5 6 .454 1.. Angeles 7 5 .r.sU: Oakland... 5 6 .404 Fait Lake.. 4 4 -SOO.Venlce 2 T .222 Yesterday's Result. ' . At Salt T.aKe Portland 8. Salt Lake 8l At San Francisco San Francisco 7, Ven ice 6. At Los Angeles Oakland 3, Los Angeles 4 (IS inning). SALT LAKE CITY. April 10. (Spe cial.) Frank Arellanes proved an easy mark' for McCredie's Beavers today. The result was an 8 to 6 score favoring the Beavers, who outb.it Blankenship's men nearly two to one. Portland got a flying start in the first by registering one run. Derrick started it with a keystoner and scored on a long single by Stumpf. Disaster for the Bees came in the third, when the Beavers did a special stunt for Allan T. Baum. who occupied a box in the grandstand. Leonard planted a long single to the right garden; Doane ' singled; Speas hit, forcing Doane out, and both Speaa and Leonard scored on a long drive by Stumpf. Gregory Goes In. Gregory was then sent in to relieve Arrellanes. Fisher hit. advancing Stumpf. who scored on a passed ball. Fisher scored on a single by Lober. The Beavers scored again in the fourth, when Davis cane home on a long double by Speas, and again in the fifth, when Stumpf got around to third on errors and registered on a single by Lober, leaving the score 7 to 0 and every indication pointing to a shutout for the Mormons. Things were quiet in the sixth, but In the seventh the home team started what had every appearance of being a regular rally and netted two runs. Ten Bant Brings Pair In. Zacber landed at first when Davis fooled a grounder. Ryan hit to Leon ard, who threw wild and both runners advanced one. Tennant scored the pair with a beautiful double. I In the eighth frame Shi nil started a rally on a double, Orr flied out and Zacher .singled. Ryan walked and Tennant doubled, scoring Shinn and Ryan. Gedeon was hit by a pitched ball. Higginbotham relieved Leonard. Barbour singled, scoring Tennant and Gedeon. The net result was four runs, rnaking the score 7 to 6, so McCredie's men, Just to make things safe, scored another in the ninth, when Doane came home on a sacrifice by Stumpf. Salt Lake failed In its attempt at a Binth inning rally. The score: Portland- I Doane.r. . 4 peaa.m.. 1 Derrick. 1. 4 tumpf.2. 1'isher.c. I I.oher.l... Lmvis.3.. 2 roltrln.s. 4 Leonard, p 2 Higg'm.p 1 I Salt Lak II O AE! 5 0 U 0 Shinn, r... 2 4 1 0 Orr.s. 1 15 0 O'Zacher.m. 2 12 0 Kvan.l. . . 1 4 0 OTeunant.l 2 2 0 O.Gedeon.I.. B H O AE 5 2 5 0 0 5 O 1 1 2 4 110 0 3 0 1 01 4 S 7 20 2 1 B 40 3 0 2 0 0 110 0 0 2 0 2 30 2 0 1 00 O 0 ' 2 0 3 0 2 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 Halltnan.S 1 5 0 Barbour. J. O 3 l.Kohrer.c. . 0 0 0 Hannah. c. lAreU'nee.p fircsory.p. WV'amfi.p Lynn. ... Totals. .37 13 27 1 2 Totals... 33 7 27 12 3 Baited for Williams In ninth. Portland 10411000 1 8 bait Lake 00000024 0 6 Runs, Doane.Speas. Derrick, Stumpf 2, Fisher, Davis, Leonard, Siiinn. Zacher 2, Ryan 2. Tennant. Two-base hits. Derrick, Speas 2, Doan?. Tennant, Shinn. Three-base hit. Tennant. Sacrifice fly, Stumpf. Five runs, fi hits. 50 at bat, off Leonard In 7 1-3 in- iiinas; 1 run, 1 hit, 5 at bat, off Higgin botham in 1 2-3 Innings; 4 runs, 0 hits, 13 at bat, off Arellanes in 2 2-3 innings: 4 runs, 7 hits, 24 at bat, off Gregory In 6 tnnines: no runs, no hit. 1 at bat. off C. Williams in 1-3 inning. Rum responsible for, Leonard ff, Hikglnbotham O, Arellanes 3, Gregory 4, Williams 0. Credit victory to Leonard. t narge uereal to Arellanes. Struck out. hv Ionard 3. bv Higginbotham 1, by Arellanes 1, by Gregory 2, by Williams 1. liases on balls, orr Leonard 2. orr Greg ory 2. lft on bases, Portland 0.- Salt Lake a. Passed ball, Rohrer. Double play, Orr to teaeon to 'lennant. nit Dy pitcner, Gedeon by Leonard, Derrick by Gregory. Umpires, Finney and Williams. Time, 1:59. AXGELS BEAT OAKS IX 14TH Terry's Three-Base Hit and Ellis' Sacrifice Win 4-to-3 Victory. LOS ANGELES, April 10. Terry and Kills brought home the bacon for Los Angeles in the 14th inning today, and gave the home team a 4-to-3 victory over Oakland. Terry drove the first ball pitched to him up against the left field fence and stopped running when he reached third base. Then Ellis knocked a fly and Terry reached home. - McMullen and Wolter also did some star work. McMullen fielding 19 chances, several of them hard ones, in rerfect Style, and Wolter getting four hits out of five rimes at bat. Boyd, Trough and Hughes all pitched good ball, the latter being specially good irk the pinches. The series stands S to 2 in favor of the Angels. Score: Oakland I Los Angeles BKOAl: n a u a Mndorff.r 1 O 0 liWolter.r... 0 SVBoles.c 4 111' Minna.:., J'ihnstn.l.. Nees.l . Lindsay. 3. 1 a 2 ii 2 2 0 V 2 1 O Harrer.I... 11 1 0 Dillon.l... 2 O 4 0 vaggert.m 12 0 1 Moluiln.2. 0 4 1 1 0V 1 0 0 S 14 u Mddlin.m. 2 2 1 Al-tk . 1 0 2 aoTerry.s O V Kuhn.c. . r 1 ID ) V.Metzger.3. i so Ho (1. p. .. Gardner, l.lts.-M.., rruufcu,p. . & 1 1 so.Hiilies.p.. 0 3 1 2 1 1 . O O O 0 l'"Meek.y. . jO . l o i o "'tans. . o o 0 ou 1 0 0 2 0! Totals. 4 8 39 24 2, Totals.. 43 13 42 3: Nr.t out wh.'n wmnlngxrun was made. Hatred for A!,-ock in ninth. Kattert for Dillon In thirteenth.. Batted for Iclzger in fourteenth. Oakland o O 2 O o 0 0 O 1 o O O 0 & Hits 0 1 2101 lOlOOlO 1 Lo- Anceles. 1 00100 o loot) 00 1 4 Hits 1 112100211011 1 IS Runs. Johnston, Kuhn. Boyd. Wolter 2, Maesert. Terry. Three-base hits. Maggert. Terr,. Sacrlflve hits. Harper. Ness. Boies 4, Kilts. Struck out. by Bod S. by Hughes 4. Bases on bails, off Hoyd 2. off Hughes 1. off Tr ugh 2. Runs responsible for, Boa . Prough 1. Kleven hits, 3 r'ins. CO at bat off Boyd In 12 innings. Charge defeat lu ProusJi. Double plays. Manda to Kuhn. Meltger to McMullen to Dillon. Time, 2:0". Umi'ires, Fhyle and Toman. SEALS AGAIX BEAT VENICE Fifth Successive Game Is Won, 7 to S, With Patohed-rp Infield. SAN FRANCISCO. April 10 With a ratched-up infield San Francisco de feated Venice 7 to 6 here today, the game being the fifth successive one the Seals have won from the Vene tians. Pitcher Smith, for the Seals, allowed ne run. in the first inning and four in the second, but after tliat was almost PICTURES OF BEAVERS GETTING Doe Schmieden ! (Yl ' K . f I hitter in the eighth, when the Seals staged their, rally which netted four runs. Carlisle tied the score with home run in the nin.h. Score: Venice I fian Francisco B H n i Gi u a. o A B Carlisle,,! Kane.m. . Berger.a. Bayless,r. Gl'lsch'n.l Hetllng.J Hosp,3. . . Mitze.c. . D'o'nier.p Henley.p. Wilhoit" Purtell,2. 4 110 0IFiUger-d,r 1 2 0 QSchaler,l. 2 olBodle.m.. 0 0 lones.s 1 0 Downs.1-. 8 0 Leard,2. . 2 l'Charlea.s. 1 0jSchmidt,o 3 OiSraith.p.. 1 OjB'rw'd'" 0 Oi rtarham.p 1 2 2 1 13 1 0 1 3 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OOlBaum.p Total. .34 1025 13 l Total. .17 13 27 13 2 One out when winning run was scored; batted for Hoso in ninth inning: batted tor bmitn in eigntn inning. Venice 1 4 0 0 00 0 0 1 f Hits 3 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 10 San Francisco .0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 7 Hits 1 3 1 1 0 0 0 4 3 13 Runs, Carlisle 3, Kane, Berger, Bayleas, Bodle, Jones, Leard 2, Charles, Schmidt. Five runs, 8 hits off Smith, 31 at bat in t Innings. Six runs, 10 hits off Decannler, 30 at bat in 7 2-3 innings, 2 on, 2 out. One run, 1 hit, off Barham. 2 at bat, talten out In Oth, 1 on, none out. Home runs, Car lisle. Two-base hits, Charlea. Sacrifice hits. Schaller. Downs. Bases on bails. De cannler &, Smith fi, Henley 1, Barham 1, Baum L Struck out. Decannler 4, Smith 2. Hit by pitcher, Jones. Double plays. Hosp to Ulelscnman, jones to leara to uayiess. Stolen bases. Carlisle. Kane. Bavless. Gleischman. Fitzgerald, Bodie. Jones, Leard 2, Schmidt 2. Credit victory to Baum; charge defeat to Henley. Passed balls, Schmidt, Mitze. Runs responsible for, De cannler 3, birnam l. smun , neniey r. Left on bases. Venice 10: San Francisco. 11. Time of game, 2:10. Umpires, Guthrie and Held. 2C0-YAKD CHAMPIOX LOSES Applegarth Wins Professional Title From Donaldson at Salford. SALFORD, England, April 10. W. R. Applegarth today defeated Jack Don aldson, of Australia, in a 220-yard race here for the world's professional chain. plonship for that distance, held by Don aldson. Applegarth s time was 22 seconds. Donaldson got the best start, but Applegarth pushed to the front when half the distance had been covered and won handsomely by a yard. Oregon Defeats Willamette. SALEM. Or., April 10. The Univer sity of Oregon baseball team defeated Willamette University here today by a score of 12 to 2. Baseball Statistics STANDINGS OF THE TEAMS. Federal League. W. L. Pct.!St. Louis... 0 1 .000 J 0 1.0(10, Buffalo o 1.000 1 0 1.000 Baltimore. . 0 1.01X1 1 0 l.ooo 'Kansas City 0 1.000 1 Ol.oOOi Brooklyn. Newark. . . Chicago. . . Pittsburg.. Beaver Batting Averages. Ab. H. Ave.i v AB.H.Ave. Lober 30 13 .433'Doane. .-. . . 42 10.238 Kircher. .. 6 S .400Krause S 1.200 Carlsch 17 .353; Leonard. . . I 16 Derrick 43 14 .S28IDavis 40 S.lii Stumpf 43 14 .3:8 Murphy... 11 1.091 Speas 43 13 .302)MartinonU . 1 0.000 Higg 7 2.2S6,Eans X 0.000 Fisher 29 8 .27'CoveleskIe. 6 0 .000 Coltrln.... 29 8 .27 C'llah'n... 4 1.250! Totals .367 98 .233 How the Series Stand. Salt Lake 2 games, Portland 3 games; San Francisco 5 games, Venice no game; Los Angeles 3 games, Oakland 2 games. Where They Play Today. Portland at Salt Lake. Venice at San Francisco (double-header), Oakland at Los Angeles. FAIR BEAVER BOOSTERS HEAR CALL OF THE DIAMOND AND JUST CAN'T WAIT FOR ;f . V:-; fc ;. "' ' IN SHAPE YESTERDAY AT VAUGHN-STREET PARK, SHOWING DOC SCHMIEDER INFUSING SOME PEP INTO I TLA ' -.C5lr Rf t-.SS'.K 10 10 9 t '.' "i 3 4 2 110 lU" 4 111 II V I, f 5 2' 3 3 1 VA VS 5! J1.? CELLAR NINE IS FEARED RUPERT'S WEST SIDE MONARCHS STRONGER FOR TODAY'S GAME. City League to Stage Two Contests at Vaughn Street . This Afternoon. Increasing "Pep" Is Noted. East Side and the West Side will go to bat at Recreation Park this after noon. Those two teams will meet in the second game of the double-header between the City League squads. Pied mont and Sellwood will hook up in ths first encounter. Much interest is cen tered in the West Side-East Side game. The West SIders are in the cellar, while the Sellwoods and East Side are tied for second place. However, President Rupert, of the West Siders, says his team is beginning to hit its gait, and as the squad is made up of veterans, the Monarch boys will have to be reckoned with ere the final curtain is rung down. It will be remembered Rupert's bunch dropped the first five games in the old Tri-City League and then stepped. right up to the front when the season had gotten under way. , A new battery also will do in the Monarch lineup. Pitcher Osborne and Catcher Bleeg will make their initial bows this afternoon in City League cir cles. Osborne played last season in the Western Tri-State League and Bleeg received the twlrlers' offerings for the champion Bradford squad last year. Umpires Cheyne and Drennen will work together this afternoon, it being Red Rankin's turn to take a vacation. 'The race will start in earnest with this afternoon's double bill, said Sec retary Harry Grayson yesterday. "While -the Monarchs have dropped two games, that is no sign that they will continue to lose throughout the season. The Redmen will have to hustle to adminis ter a defeat to the West Side boys. Sell, wood is also in much better trim than in the other two games, and it will be no walkaway for the Piedmont team." The first game will start at 1:30 o'clock and both games will be rushed through, according to Grayson. The first Sunday the boys were a bit slow in I MARTY'S ARM. coming off the field and getting up to bat. Last Sunday, however, a change was noted. More "pep" had been in stilled, following President Whitehead' letter to the munagers,(requesting them to keep the players oh the hump and not to take up unnecessary time in stalling. The lineups were announced yesterday as follows: Piedmont Stepp, right field; Sigsbee, second base; Henderson, left field: Bo gart, third base; Hargreaves, center field; Doty,, first base; Hornby, short stop; Bartbolemy, catcher, Webb and Laxe, pitcners. Sellwood McHale, right Held: Cohen third base; Hoyt, second base; Nelson, left field; Ingles, shortstop; J. Dixon, center field; C. Dixon, first base: New man, catcher; Hieman and O'Dell, pitch ers. East Side Pritchard, shortstop Tauscher, shortstop; Kennedy, center field; Hinkie, left field; Luckey, right neia; nugnes, second Dase; Brown, third base; currigan, first base; Thirion catcher; Grady, pitcher. West Side Lind. left field; Watts, snortstop; lett, second base; McKeen, first base; Childers, third base; Murray, right field; Briggs, center field; Bleeg, catcner; usDorne, pitcher. TROTTIXG RECORD BOOK OUT Herman Tyson Gets High Hating Jn Association Publication. Herman Tyson, of Newark, Del., is accorded stellar honors in the National Trotting Association's new record book just published. He is placed ahead of Ed Geers, Tommy Murphy, Walter Cox and other Grand Circuit drivers. He is credited with winning 46 races in 1914. Tyson is the young man who brought out Charley Mitchell, 2:04, and other last nor-ses. A remarkable showing for trotters was made last year, despite the fact that sporting events of all kinds were hard hit on account of the war. The new book contains record performances or la.ova norses at 1400 meetings in 1914. The book is a monument to the industry of Secretary W. H. Gocher and an eyaopener as to the strength of trotung-norse Interest. Amateur Baseball Bookings for Today, Oregon Law School vs. Garden Borne, at LI ,'14 flUIUO, A IT. jn. Portland Heights vs. Newsboys, at South jrortiana cuuuais, x sr. Al. Gresham vs. Celro Kolas, at Gresham. 2:30 P. M. Waverly Cubs vs. Woodstock, at Sellwood, 1 P. M. Molalla vs. Oregon City, at Molalla, 2:30. xwftvenuu vs. American x.aunary Company at Beaverton, 2:30 P. M. Vancouver Grays vs. Lang A Co., at Van couver, 2:30 P. M. MontaVilla vs. Peninsula Park, at Monta villa. 2:30 P. M. Oswego vs. Colored Giants, at Oswego. 2:30 P. M. John 8. Beals vs. Log Cabin Bakary, at South Portland Bottoms, 1 P. M. Company M, Twenty-first Invantry, vs. Columbia Park, at Vancouver Barracks. 1:S0 P. M. - St. Andrews vs. Maccabees, at Sellwood. 3 P. M. Kenton Club vs. Union 'Dentist, at Co lumbia Park, 3 P. M. Piedmont Indians vs. Olds. Wortman A King, at Peninsula Park. 10 A. M. . Overlook vs. Piedmont M&rooa Juniors, at Peninsula Park, 12 Villa Grays vs. Columbia Park Juniors, at Columbia Park. 1 P. M. Bast Side Juniors vs. Electrics, at Bast Twenty-fourth and Davis, 2 P. M. Golden Rods vs. Randal's Grays, at Mont gomery Flats, 2 P. M. Chinese Team vs. Broadway Stars, at West End Grounds, 2 P. M. Hood Klver vs. White Salmon, at White Salmon, 2:30 P. M. Oswego Juniors vs. Newsboys, at Oswego 10 A- M. Sellwood Swastikas vs. Waverly, at Sell wood, 10:30 A. M. PORTLAND WAITS COAST CHAMPIONS Beavers' Homecoming Likely to Bring Out Greatest Army of Fans. PROCLAMATIONS PUT OUT Mayor Albee Calls on All "Able- Bodied" Citizens to Forget Work for Tuesday Afternoon and Take on Pleasure at Game. . BT ROSCOB FAWCBTT. ' Just two days more -and Portland bair fans will see their beloved Coast champions again. And the planets in dicate that there will be a lot doing on the occasion of the Beavers' home coming Tuesday afternoon. The parade planned by the Baseball Boosters' Club threatens to be the biggest sort of a turnout since Coxey's army invaded Washington, and, if the Portland attendance record of 16,126 doesn't sag a little in the middle it will be because the weather man wakes up with a grouch that morn ing. Two or three proclamations enlivened proceedings yesterday. Mayor Albee surprised the Boosters' Club by Issuing a masterpiece , fiat calling all able bodied folk into the army of the fans. E. S. Hlggins, president of the Boost ers, followed suit with an announce ment of the parade routing and for mations. Parade Moves at 1 P. M. The pageant will begin moving promptly at 1 o'clock and its route will be from Fifteenth and Morrison streets down Morrison to Third; north on Third to Stark; West on Stark to Sixth; South on Sixth to Aider; West on Alder to Nineteenth and disband. The Mounted Police, Police Band, Governor Withycombe and party; Mayor Albee' and party and Troop A, U. S. Cavalry, under Captain Frank Tebbetts, will constitute the First di vision. The complete programme follows: Ray Barkhurst, chairman of parade committee. W. T. Pangle, grand marshal. First division Line up on Lowns- dale (Fifteenth) facing MorriBon: George L. Baker Is Marshal. George L. Baker, marshal. Mounted police. Police Band, Gov ernor Withycombe and party. Mayor Albee and party. Troop A. U. 8. Cavalry, Frank Tebbetts, captain, escort to the Governor. Second division Line up on Four teenth facing north to Morrison: James J. Richardson, marshal. Prabst Band, Judge W. W. McCredie and party,. Venice ball club, Happy Hogan, manager; Portland ball club, Walter McCredie, manager; Baseball Booster Club officials. City League offi cials and teams, amateur baseball clubs. Third division Line up on Thirteenth facing north to Morrison: Clabs Get in Third Section. Dr. W. O. Spencer, marshal. McElroy's Band, Harriman club. Rotary Club, . Portland Ad Club, Trans portation Club, Realty Board, Muts, Progressive Business Men's Club, Mult nomah Athletic Club, Mazamas, East Side Business Men's Club, Automobile Club. All automobiles carrying club members must be bannered showing club represented. Fourth division Line up on Twelfth facing north to Morrison: Thomas Hislop, marshal. Brown's Band, G. A. R. veterans, Spanish American War veterans, mis cellaneous automobiles and floats. Fifth division Line up on Eleventh facing north to Morrison: William P. Strandborg. marshal. De Caprio's Band, Portland Hunt Club, Royal Rosarians. Women Fans Disappointed. Booster buttons entitling the wearer to a reserved seat in the boosterBection have been selling so rapidly that the membership committee was forced to disappoint the crowd of women fans who reported at the Portland Hotel at 10 o'clock yesterday forenoon to par ticipate in the proposed button con test. Ed Werlein explained the commit tee's predicament to the 30 or- 40 fan- ettes and then presented a button to each one of them with the committee's compliments. "Wo were much sur- rised at the enthusiasm with whlca the women greeted our selling scheme," said Mr. Werlein afterwards. Franklin T. Griffith, president of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Com pany, . has ordered all automobiles owned by the company at the disposal of the women employees for participa tion in the parade. The Realty Board also has jumped to the fore with a reservation for a spe OPENING DAY. cial section in the West wing of the grandstand beyond the Booster section. All realty men who desire identification cards can secure them by calling at the office of Frank McFarland, 309 Yeon building. The Portland team will not arrive from Bait Lake City until 12:15 Tues day noon. Automobiles will rush the, champions to the park where they will Jump into their uniforms for the parade. SEASIDE TO COME 50 STRONG Call for Booster Button Heard and Special Car Ordered. SEASIDE, Or., April 10. (Special.) The baseball booster eras has extended to Seaside, where Will G. MacRae, for mer sporting writer, has Incubated I lively boom. On behalf of the Seasiders, Mr. Mac Rae has already ordered 30 baseball booster buttons and promises to have a delegation of approximately 50 on hand for the opening game. The Seaside Commercial Club will be represented officially by the delega e HEAD OF BOSTON BRAVES ONCE WORE MUSTACHE 1 WHEN HE PLATED MITH I OAKLAND. George Stalllngs la 1888. Louis Conn, representative of Garcia & Vega, cigar manufac turers, of New York, at the Mult nomah Hotel, has a picture of the championship Oakland team of 1890 in which is George Stallings, now pilot of the Boston cham pions. Stallings appeared some what different then than he does now. It will be noticed that he also had a mustache whtch was quite the effete for ballplayers in those days, Stallings was first catcher on the Oakland squad at the time - this photograph was taken. tlon. That they intend to pull off some unique stunt in the parade may be gathered from the fact that the delega tion has ordered 2000 clam shells from the new Seaside clam cannery; but as to what use these shells are to be put they decline to say. The Seasiders have chartered auto mobiles and at least three of the dele gation have had their machines shipped to Portland so they can participate fit tingly in the big day's doings. They will arrive Monday night and Tuesday morning. Among the Seaside residents who will make the trip and who already have chartered a special car on the Spokane, Portland & Seattle Railroad, are: Dan J. Moore, ex-Mayor; City Marshal George Shaver, Will G. MacRae, Bill Dresser, Howard Laightpn, Clark Strat tin. The Oregonlan agent; Mitt Brown, Dick Brown, Payton Randolph, presi dent of the Seaside Commercial Club E. M. Hurd, editor of the Seaside Signal; J. E. Oates, capitalist and ex-Mayor; L. L. Paget. W. M. Surgeon, Dr. G. N. Moss, .Lionel Parish, Dr. A. F. Poley. W. J. Montag, Harlow Moore, R, P, Smith, A. L. Merrill and R. P. ("Dad") Stewart, as well as every member of the City council. Mr. Stewart, one of the delegation has never missed an opening day game in Portland, nor a world's series since the first one was held. LOWEXIi HIGH COAST CHAMPION Hard-Fought Track Contest Taken , When Last .Event Decided, SAN FRANCISCO, April 10. The Lowell High School of this city won today the Pacific Coast Interscholastic championship at the track and field meet begun yesterday on the Exposi tion athletic arena. The Lowell ath letes scored 87 points. Throughout the afternoon it was nip and tuck between the San Francisco and the San Jose High School, first one and then the other leading. It was not until the last event had been decided that Lowell was awarded the honors. San Jose scored 34 points. The next three highest scorers were Palo Alto High School 18 points, Polytechnic High School, of San Francisco IB points, and Riverside Polytechnic High School, of Southern California, IS points. Thirty-sls Institutions were repre sented by one or more athletes. Battle Itages in Snow (. Vosges. BASEL, via Paris, April JJ. Violent snow storms are raging in the Vosges Mountains, but ths fighting continues. Two hundred railroad cars filled with German wounded passed through Leopoldshoehe, near BaS'S on Tuesday. WAKEUP,OLDCHAP! AND KEEP YOUR EYE ON OREGONIAN BUILDING That's where Jimmy Dunn is handing out the BIG VALUES in rnen't high-grade READY-TO-WEAR CLOTHES Jimmy means it, when he says BIG VALUES. The money HE SAVES on high rent, electric signs and swell fixtures means BIG VALUE to you when you buy your new suit, Mr. Man. $20 Value Suits fox $14.75! ALTERATIONS FREE JIMMY THE UPSTAIRS 313-16-17 Oregonian Building. FEOS OPEN SEASON. WITH BIG CROWDS Notables Participate in Cere monies Marking Start of Major League Ball. KANSA CITY HAS HOLIDAY Gaines Are Four Days in Advance of Those of Americans and Nation als, and Events Are as Aus picious as Hoped For. Federal League teams opened the season today with games in ivansss City, Baltimore, Chicago and Brooklyn. Big crowds were present at all games and city and state officials participated In the ceremonies, which marked the formal beginning; of 1911 major league baseball. The weather was favorable and t li aunchlng of the outlaws into another year of play was as auspicious as their officials could have hoped for when they set their opening-day games four days ahead of those of, ths American and National leagues. In Chicago. William Hale Thompson, Mayor-elect, pitched the first bail and Mayor Harrison, Governor Dunne, of Illinois, and other notables took part in the ceremonies. Governor Goldsborough made the opening delivery at Baltimore, where Newark made its formal entry Into ths league. Kansas City had a great celebration of the retention of its franchise. The City Council proclaimed a holiday, many business places closed tor the day and the city went to the game. President Gilmore, of the league, was present. In Brooklyn a big crowd turned out. and the usual formalities were ob served. Chicago trimmed the St. Louis team to 1, thereby crediting a defeat to Eddie Plank in Ills first game as an outlaw pitcher. Newark won from Baltimore 7 to i and Brooklyn beat Buffalo 13 to . PHts- burg shut out Kansas City 8 to 0. CHICAGO BEATS ST. LOUIS Eddie Plank Loses First Game as Fed Pitcher by 1 To 3. CHICAGO, April 10. Edtlie Plank, making his debut as a Federal Leaguer, was the victim of an eighth-inning bat ting rally which gave a cluster of three runs and a 3-to-l victory to Chicago over St. Louis in the opening game of the season here today. Pitcher liendrlx opened the eighth with a two-bagKer and Plank fielded Hanford's bunt too ate to catch Hendrix at third. Mann singled, scoring Hendrix, and after Zwllling. who twice "previously had doubled, struck out, a hit by Wil son and a squeeze play by Zelder counted lianford and Mann. Mayor-elect William Hale Thompson threw the first ball. Speeches by Mayor Harrison. Governor Edward F. Dunne, of Illinois, and other notables were a part of the ceremonies. Score: R. H. IS. R. H. E. Chicago 3 7 list. Leuts...'.l 4 t Batteries Hendrix and Wilson; Plank and Hartley. KANSAS CITV IS SHUT OUT Allen Keeps lUls Scattered and Pittsburg Feds Win, 8 To 0. KANSAS CITY, Mo., April 10. Allen, pitching for Pittsburg, kept his hits well scattered, tightening In the pinches, and the Kansas City Federals lost the first game of the season S to 0. James A. Gilmore, of Chicago, presi dent of the Federal Lcngue, and G. W. Gwinner, president of the Pitts burg club, received an ovation from the largest crowd that has ever at tended a Federal game here. The City Coimcll proclaimed a holi day to celebrate the retention of the Federal League team here and many business men closed their offices. R. H. E. Pittsburg 000060111 8 9i0 Kansas City 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 7 S Batteries Allen and O'Connor; Main, Packard and KaMerloy. XEWAHK DEFEATS BALTIMORE Ten Hita Made Off Quliin and Game Is Won by I -to-5 Score. BALTIMORE. Md April 10. Newark signalised its entry into the Federal League by defeating Baltimore here today, 7 to 5. Ten hits were made orr Quinn, who was lelleved by Smith in the eighth Inning. Falkrnberg was effective excepting In the lirat and seventh Innings, though none of Bal timore's runs was earned. " Governor Goldsborough threw the first ball. Score: R. H. E l R. H. K Newark.... 7 13 Baltimore.. IIS Batteries Falkenberg and Huhn; Quinn, Smith and Owens. "Seven eltles claimed old man Homer. "That's nothing," said the swindler, "Seven itates want m." THE Ste $18.75 DUNN CLOTHIER, Elevator to Third Floor. invinlible. He made way for a pinch- i