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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 11, 1915)
15 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIA2T, FOBTIAJrP APRIE 11, 1915. limn mil i -cmw BEAUTY IS PUT FIRST Age Limit Urged by Many in ' Picking Festival Queen. LETTERS POURING IN FAST Selection by Photograph Is Plan Advanced by Most, While One Seeks Popular Vote Ban Is Pnt on Cbo of Artifices. ALL. MAY ADVISE FESTIVAL BOARD ABOtT QIUK-N. Every citizen of Portland is to have an opportunity to assist the Rose Festival Board in planning for the election of the queen and princesses who are to reign over the coming Festival. At the request of the, directors The Oregonian will receive writ- ten suggestions as to the best method by which a queen may be chosen. The most meritorious of these plans will be published and all the letters will be turned over to the Rose Festival Association for a final decision. Letters may be addressed to Queen Contest Editor. The Oregonian. The announcement that the board of directors of the Rose Festival is seek ing advice and assistance from the general public as to methods of select ing a queen and six princesses for the Rose Festival has attracted wide inter est, as is evidenced by the receipt of scores of letters addressed to the queen contest manager in care of The Ore gonian, within a day after the an nouncement of the board was published. The letters continue to be received by The Oregonian in increasing num bers and it seems apparent that the Festival board is to receive advice in great abundance. Nearly all of the writers suggest the selection of the queen and princesses from photographs. Some urge that the photographs bo published in the papers and others suggest that they be merely displayed in some prominent place in the city. Suggestions as to methods of selecting the winner vary between suggestions for selection by a commit tee ami selection by popular vote. Seven Most Beautiful Sought. "We must secure seven of the most beautiful girls in Portland." writes H. K. Mcintosh. "All that is required is a picture of each girl entering the contest, from which seven of the most beautiful may be selected. Then their names- may be put into a box, from which one shall be drawn, and then you have your Rose Festival queen." Mrs. B. P. Boland, 1300 Campbell street, suggests that In the papers .protographs of girls be published and the public be asked to vote their choice, at some stated time, from coupons in the papers. The highest number of votes would elect the queen and the six next highest the princesses. "The queen must be a resident of Portland." says the writer, and then adds naively, "there might be an age limit." Artificial Beauty Gets Taboo. "I think a good plan would be to request the photographs of really beau tiful girls not artificial beauty, how ever," suggests another. "Choose a committee of several people to select possibly the 20 best, exhibit these in some prominent place, such as the win dow on the first floor of the Yeon building, where a publio voting booth should be placed, and let those who wish to, vote. This surely would de cide the question of beauty, which should be the only consideration, un derstood, of course, that it is the fresh, sweet bloom of beauty and not artl ficed." E. E. McClaran suggests a com mittee of three with directions not to regard popularity of the candidates and to select from photographs on the basis of beauty. From the photographs the commitee could pick out the ones who appear most eligible and request them to appear before the committee in person. "Action and manners are big fac tors." explains the writer. KLORAIj center plans ready Community Representatives to Fix Details at Sleeting Tomorrow. Sixteen communities of Portland will have representatives at the New Chamber of Commerce tomorrow night when the final details of the magnifi cent floral center, a feature of the ninth annual Rose Festival, will be l : . Blue prints covering every detail of the Festival center nave oeen pre pared by experienced landscape artists. Booths to be occupied at the center dim! flnnvr prnW- D' tno suiawui " " crs of the city, represented by the various communities will be arranged attractively and uniform in architec tural design. No preference will be shown as to the location of any com munity and the choice, according to Chairman Carroll, will be awarded by lot. Community exhibits will be the only ones that will compete for the prizes to be offered by the festival center committee. Judges will adhere strictly to a schedule of points as follows: Distinctiveness, 15 points: general ar rangement, . 10 points: color harmony, 10 points: number of varieties, five points; neatness of five points. The prizes, 16 in number, will range from 100, the grand prize, to $10. In the official statement issued yes terday afternoon Chairman Carroll aid: ' "All exhibits In tho amateur class will be known as community exhibits. No commercial grower will be allowed to exhibit Individually in this class. "All booths shall be complete and placed in the hands of the judges at 13 o'clock noon of the opening day and shall remain in their original ar rangement for that day. Changes and additions may be made not later than 10:30 A- SI. each succeeding day. Judg ing of exhibits will begin promptly at 1 o'clock on opening day and con tinue each day of the exhibition. No member of the committee of judges shall have any interest of any nature whatever in any community exhibit." pictures, which will be shown later In one of the showhouses of the city. On .i i. . K-nrthwstern.Bank building again the children all were taken to the observatory at the top for a view before lunch was served. - Among those who assisted the mem bers of the committee in caring for the children on the hike were: Miss Harriett Monroe. J. Claude Sparks, fcd ward Towne and Frank Riley. Among the children in the party were: Leroy Ayer. Genevieve Kruse. Florence Kruse, Joseph Warner. Charles Warner. Lu Trelle Fenn. Trudel Warner. Elizabeth Plummer. Rhoda Gantenbein, Yerry Sheldon, Peggy Riley. Marjorie Foyey, Doris GillUan. Frances Barnard. Rich ard Atkinson. Allan Sparks. Francis Soarks. Marv Umbdenstock, Bruce ... t-i : TTmhil.n. Price. Mary sronn. vns-n - stock. William Riley, George Bron augh and Lucile Umbdenstock. DWIGHT EDWARDS AT REST Funeral Scirices Held for Promi nent Portland Business Man. Tt, funeral of Dwight Edwards, prominent Portland business man. who died at his home. 1153 Thurman street, early Thursday morning, was held at .u- imii.ptalriiu narlora of J. Finley & Sons, Fifth and Montgomery streets. yesterday afternoon at 1 o cioca. iue body was cremated at the Portland m Th services at the rcuiaLU""". chapel were under the auspices of the Christian Science unurcn. ruui a. officiating. "Abide With Me" was sung by S. McQuire. The Shriners were in charge at the crematorium. The pallDearers were: r w". W. B. Glafke, A. W. Whitmer, Jacob SDeier. Edward Ehrman and L. W. Lewis. ' Mr. Edwards had Deen in ior some t.a . is v rs nlrl and had. been L 111 1C J . " - J a resident of Portland for about 10 years. SCHOOL HEAD EXPERIENCED E. .F. Goodwin, Principal at Gresh- am High, Educator lor 20 Years. . . j ...l .Kn.nn nrineinal .Earner . . uwwwiu, "" " ,. , , of the Gresham Union High School, comes from crownsviue, w, established the student government system. He has had 20 years' experi ence as an eaucaior. Mr. Goodwin is a graduate of Bridge port High School. Fairmont State Nor mal School and the West Virginia Uni versity, and did post-graduate work in West Virginia University and the Uni versity of Oregon. He has written "What was snaKespeares csi. and "Goodwin Families in America." Professor Goodwin will take charge when the Union High School opens this FalL Work on the building is now under way. TUBERCULAR CHICKS DIE Health Bureau Gives Warning on Symptoms to Pip. t ...... Viiokena sneeze, lose weight suddenly or appear to be down hearted, do not lase it ior (ruua ;i .i. ntn Uuva thA bird examined is the advice of the City Health Bureau. A woman living at 640 Lexington avenue saw the symptoms of pip some time ago In two of her chickens. She let It run and It spread to the other chickens. Finally she took one of the birds to the city laboratories for ex amination. A test showed the disease to be tuberculosis. She had to kill all her chickens yesteruay. EAST SIDE MART TO OPEN Business Men's Club to Have Charge With J- B. Meserve Market Master. ws. 1 - w. jtaAirtaVrl trt rP-finPH the it iia-a yet" wvmuvs - - r - -t ciria mihiif mnrkpt on East V asn- ington street, between Grand avenue and East sixtn street -ua . i. i , Vin v.n st Washinsrton- ue iviiv"" Street Public Market. It will be under V-J vU.T eeasaaaal The Carpenters Are Coining Thursday! Simon Must Move His Entire Stock Within 3 Days at Any Price Kead tne racrs - . - i ,i - . i -r.;Tr r.TiTm fVnt pvpr otpw in Portland. The insur- SSfhTe S-TTfiWOi stock of THE JONES CASH ance aajusiers. iuc J"" , , , rAL-s acn. Tn order to make the handling of this.stocK easy, we are lurceu iu C1U"1UI" , ' , Sngs and counters. The carpenters are coming Thursday and we must make a clean sweep 01 our present owa w 6s r SO HERE GOES THE BIGGEST PRICE SLAUGHTER EVER ATTEMPTED Groceries 15e Solid Pack Tomatoes, an extra nn j . ..f. Hut a liuica cans OCm at this price, three mm Potatoes In sacks sold c 5C ' n here at ai.a i '," " it Heeular 7c Prunes bow going OE q at six pounds for Reeular 5c Naptha Soap otnJ OC- at eiBht bar lor. - ' Best tirade of 25c Frean Candies ex tra special for thla great "Je'1 Qc the pound ' Beana X.lma, Pink. White and Nary and, all other kinds, special, OfjC Ive pounds for Beat Grade of Flouiw-Wnole "Wheat, Hard Wlieat an StUnaOC Flour. A big sack for only.. 15c Best Grade of Spices, all kinds. Take It during this great C laughter sale at. the package Famous Roman Meal, never sells for less than 'twice thia price In mogt stores, special r . Q all hnr. kinds ol naor. Wi Ina it at this price TWELVE Cn. CANS - 35c Coffee, freah. whole roaat or ground. Special during thla CQ c great aale, three ponnda for.. w Dry Goods VI Beat Grade of Cotton Blanketa. all eol oraT extra full alxe. Special for thisQQc ale, the pair Big Capture of Clsara all kinda of 5e aell erS; 50 in a box. Our price during 1 QQ thla great aale, the box Extra Good Shoe tacea. Supply yourelffo mouth, to come at thla price, one for. . To r-i Umbrellas, styles fV both men and womn. An extra .pedal, as long as Qq A "veiy" G"dhGrade of ilirti,' ''iV" neat patterns. Just think of It, S1 QQ FOIBTBEN YARDS FOR Flelsher's Famous All-Wool Yarn, In any C color yon want.. Special, the akein Popular Song Hits Popular song hits of today, yesterday and days a-gone, sold reg ularly at 15c and 20c the copy. Choose J now at only. . . . .O C Paints, Etc. $2 Best Grade of House Paint, in all colors. Begin to paint up your house for J" 11 Spring, special, gal. P vF Best Grade of Fine Varnish. Special for this great cut-price sale, a gallon ean tot QQq 10c Cork Insoles. Keep your feet dry this rainy weath- O er. Special at, each ..I. . .wn uekiCM. ,, Famous Campbell's Soups, in kinds of f la-vors. Just th'nfcof b EXTRA SPECIAL ROYAL BAKING POW DER Reg. 25c can of Royal Baking Powder, while they f J 1 An. last, at 1 V2C Watch for Fire Sale Announcement of JONES CASH STORE $150,000 Stock of Wanted Merchandise to Be Sold Direct to the Consumers at Less Than Wholesale Prices. It Will Be the Biggest Sale That Ever Happened. 'SSA Men's Furnishings U Men's Hats 55f loc New Arrow Shirts. . $2 Arrow Shirts 25c 25c Men's Socks i)c $1 Men's Underwear... 25d Famous Boston Garters, for men, never aell less than -5c pslr. Q, Special fer thla aale, the pair.. Pt3 Men's Fine 1 nloa Suits, be.t grade of weol and cotton, all f (Q siaes, extra special I1.UJ 92JSO Men's Soft Sllkollne fhtrta. In nil tne newest coiurs wrci (111 this Spring, all, ra. 1V 50c Men's AH-Sllk IVeekwear. all kinds of pretty patterns l iq pick from, each Beat Grade of Working and Dress (.loves, all famoua makes,. npjpa special for this ssle. Just Z r" '" 50e Men's Suspenders, all kinds of makes, lots of colors to chooseO C from, special for thla sale.... - J. Simon & Bro. 1 3 1 -1 33 FIRST ST. NEAR ALDER VERY SPECIAL CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP The same Soap you're used to paying 5c the bar, now go- t H ing at 8 bars for.JJC I IE II . " 1 ... . i . r th East Side Business me i uapiLu. v- Men's Club. Dut In charge of Joseph B Meserve. marketmaster. Mr. Meserve will undertake to interest the farmers and secure their attendance from sur rounding .counties. Also he will Interest the consumers residing in Central fcast Portland in the market. At the beginning-, the market will be opened every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, but it is hoped later to have it opene'd every day of the week, pro vided it is found there is call for every day market. Penumbra Kelly Seriously III. Penumbra Kelly, the oldest Deputy Sheriff in- Multnomah County, is in a serious condition ai tne uuu" d.... . tan Hospital, following an abdominal operation, which, was performed yes terday morning. Mr. Kelly is 70 years old He served as Sheriff of Mult nomah County from 1886 to 1892. Since then, with the exception of two years, he has been a deputy under each suc cessive Sheriff. Francis H. GUI Alleges Bankruptcy. A petition in bankruptcy was filed yesterday ly Francis H. Gill, real, estate 1 4- v, TTnftort State District Court. He says his liabilities amount to $9,000 Wltn assets ot mm m. INTEREST CENTERING IN COTTON BALL FOR BENEFIT OF SCADDING HOUSE Cards and Dancing to Be Big Features at Hotel Multnomah Wednesday Night-No Invitations Issued, but All Interested Are Welcome-Men to Wear Business Suit, or Flannels, and Women Cotton Frocks. MAZAMA CHILDREN ON HIKE Tots, Aged 4 to IS, Are Filmed on Trip (Her Marquam HilL About SO children between tbe ages of and. 12. sons and daughters of members of the Mazamaa. were taken on a hike yesterday afternoon by the rotating house commitee of that or ganisation, which is composed of Miss Anne Dillinger and T. Raymond Con way. The younr hikers met at the club rooms at t o'clock and were taken In automobiles out Tarwllliger boulevard aa far as Bancroft avenue. Here they . M pjin and walked back over Marquam Hill. A moving-picture photograpiuss TO jrrae.m uu uua H- CELILO PLANS GO OH Enthusiasm Growing as Canal Dedication Approaches. BIG BANQUET DECIDED ON THESE GOWNS -1LV SERVE AS SU PLANS and arrangements ior uie big cotton ball benefiting Scad ding House are rapidly progress in. miirh Interest la being centered In the event. Card tables will be ar ranged for those who aeslre to play Instead of dancing, and tne committees. rmm tha different ' WIIU - I psxU of tho city, are endeavoring to Interest Awerjrone n. ' ' GEST!0.S FOR THOSE WHO HAVE SOT VET PREPARED KROCKS. have undertaken. It Is a splendid op portunity for everyone to participate with small expense in increasing the funda for the maintenance of the House, where needy and deserving men may obtain a clean bed. a bath and a plain, nourishing meal for small coot There are also qua-tities of mag azines and music to cheer the lonely wanderer and make him feel at home. ytitt in win take slace, in. the, .Hotel r 1 MultnomaU on Wednesday night and as there are no m"""""1 " - . . . ..riA tYint ftv.rv man and woman Interested from any part of tne city win b i"i business suit or Summer flannels, and the women Into a cotton frock. Elab orate gowns and evening clothes are . ... . . .i .mi itimt or tne aDBOiuieiy iui maids and matrons are making their own owiw m-wc " Notables to Be Invited to Celebra tion in Portland. Schools to Be Asked to Take Part and Vessels to Decorate. With the Celilo Canal practically com pleted and water slowly being let in since Friday nijrht, cities along the Columbia River are becoming more en thusiastic as the formal dedication May 3 to 8 draws near. Captain T. H. Dillon, corps of engi neers United States Army, in charge of the canal work under Colonel J. J. Morrow, returned to Portland Friday niEht after seeing the first water let into the canal. He said that the canal would be in condition probably for the admission of boats by next week. About 150 men are at work on the finishing touches. . . The committee appointed in fort land by the new Chamber of Commerce, to have charge of the celebration in this city May 6, met and organized yester dav. . iDr A. C. Smith is chairman a,nd organization of the committee was com pleted bv the election of C. S. Samuel as vice-chairman and Jacob Kanzler as secretary and treasurer. Wonea Sponsors to Be Imvited. The committee went fully into the matter of Portland's participation in the celebration. A great banquet in the Ice Hippodrome or some other large public building was decided upon when prominent visitors of the Nation and the Northwest will be entertained. r. i. iii invite ths vounar i lie cuiiuiut" , - - ..nrAMntinr the varl- womcn npuii...'. . ' -' - ous rivers of the Columbia basin to come to Portiana as guesio. u auxiliary committee of women of Port land will be requested to assist In their entertainment. Special invitations will be extended to Senator W. B. Borah, of Idaho; Sen . i.- T,,.mTi nf Knvaria.: Senator aior jvoj . - Thomas J. Walsh, of Montana, and Sen ator Miles Poindexter, of Washington; Governor Lister, of Washington; Gov ernor Alexander, oi laauo, an" v. ernor Withycombe, of Oregon, and other official representatives of the United States and the Northwest states. , . T3-. 1 1 i Jarfth v ft n 7.1 fir and rrcu ' . C. S. Samuel were designated as a spe cial committee to nave cnarge m me banquet arrangements. Vessels to Be Asked to Aid. jaCOLJ OHICI D - ... j -. . . ar.,1 waterfront decora. uaaaio oucs, ' . ttons. Vessele in the harbor and all docks and buildings on me wnrani will be requestea 10 uecuraie ew"- r,,- , V. -s . tTiA nnenlns of tne Oregon City locks will take place dur- . ... .annnn of Thiiradav. Mav 6. ins me will make sure the participation of a considerable neet oi ui.caoiuua.iB iram the Upper Willamette River. The time of arrival of these in Portland will, however, allow for their participation In the reception to the Upper Colum- blThe6jmbllo schools will be auked to participate. C. S. Samuel was appointed a committee of one to look Into the matter of bande and report to the com mittee at Its meeting Tuesday, April 13. It was decided to Invite the Great Northern Pacific. Steamsilip -Company, . j. .. nnA tta ntAAmshiDs In Port land harbor on May 6 to participate in the celebration. The offer of the Port land Rose Society to provide roses for distinguished visitors during the cele bration will De accepted. OKEGOX CITY PLAXS APPROVAL Committee Instructed to Arrange Programme of Celebration. OREGON CITT. Or., April 10 (Spe cial.) The tentative plana for The Dalles-Celllo canai-Oregon City locks celebration, which were suggested yes terday by T. W. Sullivan, president of the Commercial Club, were approved to day at a meeting of the board of gov ernors of the club. Mr. Sullivan and M. D. Latourette, secretary of the or ganization, were named a committee to arrange for the celebration. Representatives from every town along the Willamette will be invited to come to Oregon City on the morning of May 6 to take part in the celebration here. A monster meeting will be held, when a number will speak. The visitors from other towns, with members of the local Commercial Club, will be taken to Portland on a river boat to meet the fleet that will complete its trip down the Columbia River that afternoon. Both Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Latourette are enthusiastic over the possibilities of the celebration, and are determined to make it as much a success as pos sible here. It is probable that within the next week tho detailed programme will be completed and the list of speak ers from other towns announced. 5 AUTO THEFTS LAID TO 1 Idccnses Changed on Hiffh-Power Cars, 3 of Which Are Recovered. The changing of license tags on sev eral high-powered automobiles recently stolen leads the police to believe that the same person has stolen five ma chines within the last five days for joy-riding. Three of the machines have been recovered with the license tag missing or changed. The seven-passenger car of S. Ben son, stolon April 8. was recovered with the tag of the machine owned by" J. H. Hill, of 821 Marshall street, in place of the correct one. Hill's marhine was stolen last Sunday and is still miss ing. The tags were missing from the ma chine of Dr. W. C. Shearer, which was recovered early yesterday morning. Dr. J. Allen Gilbert's automobile, which was stolen Friday night, was found several hours later with the magneto misting. The automobile of Guy T. Ketcheson, publisher of the Pa cific Drug Review, is Ktill missing. It was stolen Friday night. ORDER HAS OPEN' MEETING Hamilton Johnstone Is Principal Speaker Before Oddfellows. Hassalo Lodge, No. 15, Oddfellows, held one of its open meetings in the Oddfellows' Temple Friday evening with about 150 Oddfeiiows and their friends present Hamilton Johnstone spoke on the subject of "Oddfellow ship" and Fast Grand Channell. of Seattle, gave facts and figures relat ing to the order from its inception. D. M. Roth, memory expert, demonstrated that a perfect memory is merely a matter of application, and W. N. War die and his old-time fiddlers furnished the musical part of the programme. In the banquet-hall toasts were re sponded to by Dr. C. C Newcastle, Dr. W. S. Stryker. Fred Cousins and Henry S.Westbrook. grand warden for Ore gon. J. P. Coxon, noble grand of the lodge, presided at the meeting. Trontdale Ckarck Beins; Repaired. Extensive Tepalrs and improvements are being made on the Methodist Church property at Troutdale. The in- , i V. . riAn nestlv rena- pexe4 and repainted and a ana dining-room have been fitted up in the basement for aocial meetings. U Is planned to purchase new pews for the church, to take the place of the chairs now used. These repairs will co.t about $500. Alblna Buncalow Is Flaaned. Kmil Schacht ; Son. architects, have completed plans for a frame bungalow to be built for K. F. Michel at Albina avenue and Stafford street. Tho cost will be about tL'OOO. DANDRUFF HAKES ill FALL OUT 23-Cent Bottle of "Danderine" Keeps Hair Thick, Strong, Beautiful. Girls! Try Thisl Double Beauty, of Your Hair in Few Moments. V ' ? v.-1'- tot A', i. ... - . Within ten minutes after an appli cation of isaudenne you cau not tiud a single trace ot dandruff or tailing bair and your scalp will nut itch, but wnst will please you most will be after a few weeks use. when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but real ly new hair growing all" over Uie scalp. A litUe Danderlne Immediately dou bles the beauty of your hair. No dif ference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy. Just moiatuit a cloth wtto tanderine and carotully draw It through your hair, taalng one small strand at a time. The eftect is amas lng your hair will be light, fluffy and wavy, and have an appearance ot abundance; an incomparable lustre, softness and luxuriance. Get a 2i cent bottle of Knowltoo Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair la as pretty and soft as any that it has been neglected or Injured by care less treatment that's all you surely can have beautiful hair and lota of it If you will Juat try a little Danderiia, Adv. ... .