The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, Section One, Page 14, Image 14

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Building Inspector Proposes
Changes in Code. -
2000 More Prospects in
Sight for Chamber of Com
merce Membership. ,
Consolidation Committee to Hear
Jtcport Tomorrow- and on Thurs
day Nine Bureaus of New
. Chamber Will Organize.
TV. J. Holmann, chairman of the
membership committee of the new
Chamber of Commerce for April, will
assemble his committee of 100 at a
luncheon in the Rosarian room in the
Commercial Club building tomorrow
noon to launch the membership cam
paign. The -work la to be carried on under
alinllar methods to those followed in
the great campaign of avfew weeks
ti. which raised the total of appli
cations for membership in the new
chamber to 4500. A blackboard -will
be set up In the Rosarlan room -and
the SO subcommittees into which the
committee of 100 has been divided will
make reports of progress each Monday
at a luncheon meeting.
Interest In the work was so strong
that many of the workers on the big
committee that handled the first cam
paign volunteered their services again
oil Mr. Hofmann's committee. These
workers will be organized Into a spe
cial committee independent of the sub
committees. Among those who offered
to serve on this committee are: Nathan
Mtrausa, C L. Brunn, K. L. Thompson,
chairman of the original committee on
membership; A. H. Uevers. George
Lawrence. Jr.. J. C Alnaworth. Paul
Wesslnger, Mill Metscban. Jr.. J. Fred
larwn, I A. Ross. K. O. Crawford and
ir. w. mid.
aooo Pwapecta Listed.
About uoo prospects have been list
ed, and In the uomlng three weeks'
campaign It is hoped that the total
membership of the chamber can be run
Up to nearly 6000.
The bylaws and constitution com
mit ue has completed Its work and will
report to the consolidation committee
tomorrow, and Thursday night a gen
eral meeting will be held to effect the
organisation of the nine bureaus of the
new chamber. After that the comple
tion of the organisation will move
The membership committee was ap
pointed for April by the 20 sub-committee
chairmen named by Mr. Mofmann.
i-a-h of these chairmen selected his
own list of four co-workers, thus in
suring a congenial and effective body.
The list of the members on the April
committee follows:
Committee 1 Roy W. Edwards,
chairman; Don Prentiss, C. D. Chllson
and Dr. E. A. Pierce.
Committee 1 Dr. J. P. Taiuiesle,
chairman; Dean Vincent, A B. Steln
bach, C. E. Haak and H. K. Haak.
Committee 8 Tom Leonnard, E. T.
Car. well and A. C McMlcken.
Committee 4 Q. F. Peek, chairman;
J. H. Dundore, Howard Bennett and
l: H. Kneeland.
Committee 8 S. C Bratton. chair
nan; C, 1. Orelle, James K. Appleby,
William Young, 6am Archer and Ray
Committee 8 H. E. Carr chairman;
It. P. Meyer, L. K. Moore, w. H. True
and V. J. Roope.
Committee 7 John Pauer, chairman;
It. K. Watt, E. A. Muncey, C E. Yeaget
and Ross Mclntyre.
Committee 8 H. J. Blaeslng. chair
man; 11. S. Tuthill. Herbert Gordon and
1L C. Hulbert,
Committee 9 W. B. Shlvely. chair
man; J. E. Werlein and Frank Case.
Committee 10 Jacob Kannler, chair
man, Frank Barrlnger, Burt W. Rich
ards and B. I Boynton.
Committee 11 David X. Mosessohn,
chairman; a. Ii. Gray, Morris Binford
and O. M. Plummer.
Committee 12 J. A Currey. chair
.man; E. D. Ttmms, W. H. Cullers and
Phillip H. Dater.
Comniitteo 13 A C Jackson, chair
man; Plilllp S. Bates, K. H. James,
George M. Weister and A. M. Prentiss.
Committee 14 R. G. E. Cornish,
chairman: Dr. H. SI. Hendershott, A. C
Marsh. James A Ormandy and I A.
Committee 1" J. E. Bronaugh. chair
man: G. X. Versteeg and Frank B.
Committee 16 John E. Cronan,
chairman; M. H. Insley and C. C.
Committee 17 E. A. Clark, chair
man: W. M. Knight, C. J. Mathis and
C. B. Hurtt.
Committee lSGeorge E. Waggoner,
chairman; P. E. Arlett , and F. W.
Committee 19 Harry Richer. O. C.
Bortzmo er and Thomas J. Swivel.
Committee 20 C. T. Haas, chairman:
R. 1. Bracket!. J. R. Tomlinson and
V. A. Applccren.
air. Alma 1-Yancis Offers Exhibit in
Suit Agaiust Dr. Parker.
A piece of bone little bigger than a
grain o wheat is the star exhibit in
a suit for $10,000 damages which
started in Circuit Judge Morrow's court
' vestcrdav morning. The suit was
brought against Dr. E. R. ("Painless")
Parker by Alma Francis.
Mrs. Francis avers that when one of
Dr. Parker's dentists pulled one of her
teeth, he broke the little piece from
her jaw bone. Yesterday morning she
sat on the witness stand and enumer
ated her ills. She said that following
her tooth trouble, her heart became af
fected, she had kidney trouble, it made
her dizzy to sit up and dizzy to lie
down. Also, she declared, her eye
sight had become affected.
"Did you sign this complaint?" asked
.Attorney Fitzgerald, handing Mrs.
Francis a copy of the complaint.
"Don t ask me: I can't see it." re
plied Mrs. Francis, waving the paper
Dr. Parker's defense Is based on the
contention that the roots of the tooth
had become enlarged, and that the
chipping off of a piece of bone was a
natural consequence of extracting the
March Circulation in County Gains
6 Tcr Cent Over Last Year.
The Library reports for March show
a total circulation through the entire
. ountv of 104.632 volumes. This Is 6633
more "than circulated in March. 1314, a
pMn of 6 per cent.
The use of the Central Library and its
branches for reference increases corre
spondingly. Dr. Morgan, of Reed College, will give
his fourth, lecture Tuesday in Library
; M litr-Yix If i LIK '
- f--Hf - &rf- ";t. . f-7i- i
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1 (5)" '
(1) Mother Church and Little- I'ilsrlm.. UuIh Plcken (Crater), Estelle Kan
and Willie Poy. ia Christopher. Servant to Mather Church, Dore Doane.
(3k Requiem and the Song of the Harvest Home, Fern JMowrey and (in
brielle Sewall.
The Little Pilerims and the Book Beloved,
Marie J. Hobart, will be presented a t 4 o'clock today at Saint David's parish tjon to oe' given out joseph H. Smith
nouse witn aoout nine cniiaren oi ine parisn in me cau mio. xaemjf avmo- i wijj KjVe it. It is said that the will
Many Friends Reported -to Be Men
' tloned as Benef icarles of Late
Dr. Victor H. Smith.
A persistent rumor that a will left
by the late Dr. Victor H. Smith had
been found was followed yesterday by
the postponement of the appointment
of an administrator to Dr. Smith's es
tate, which is valued at more than
60,000. Relatives yesterday denied
IrnnwlpcA nf tht pviste.nce nf a Will.
a mystery piay MT ."'J but added: "If there is any lntorma
sell Talbot is directing the play and Mrs. W. H. Hallam is her assistant.
The story of the little pilgrims and their wanderings and the way in
which they find their work to do in the world is beautifully told and the plot
unfolded Is one with a strong appeal. The various phases of church work
are shown and all the little children are finally bound into one great book
and sent out into the world to carry the good tidings of Christ's word.
Beautiful and appropriate music w ill add to the effect. The cast of char
acters will include: "
Christopher. Dore Doane; First Little Pilgrim, Wiliie Poy: Second 1-ittle Pilgrim,
Estelle Kan; Mother Church. Louise Pickin; Matins, - Viola Banks; F.vensong. Gladys
Strickland: Litany, Nija Merrick; Baptism. Mary E. Hallam; Lady Catechism. Helen
Winter; Confirmation. Gladvs Kattilmann; Psalter, Benjamen Asher; Matrimony,
Geneva Delurv; Visitation ot fick, Ethel Chandler; Requiem, Fern Mowrey; Churching
of Women. Barbara Evans: Maris Stella, Virginia Mead; Visitation of Prisoners,
Edward Winter; Song of Harvest Home. Gabrielle Sewall: Family Prayer, Mary Wist:
Ordinal James Kincaid: Articles of Religion. Howard Hall; The Book Binders. Robert
Burrell- Page Robert Miller: Lectlonary. Rieley Stephens; Calendar, Robert Bernia:
Preface'. Louis Dammash; Ratification. Ellen Rosenburg: Flower Girl Mariam Jones;
Flower Girl, Eva Emery Miller; Accolyte, Fred Xattalinan. and Child of St. David,
Katharine Wist.
hall on "Riddles of the Universe." His
subject will be "How Is It Built?"
Professor Coleman will lecture In
room B on Friday night on "English
Poets tWilliam Morris)."
Miss Woodbury at Y. M. C. A. Today.
Miss Elizabeth Eugenia Woodbury
will interpret the "Witching Hour." by
Augustus Thomas, at the 3:15 o'clock
meeting of the Y. M. C. A. today. A
special musical programme has been
t - - JL ' I
I- n 4- w t
V- ' i
1 1 v ? 5
W. F. Turner, New Manager.
The importance of Portland as
an automobile distributing center
was recognized last week when
the White Company advanced the
Portland selling agency to the
dignity of a branch and promoted
W. F. Turner, who formerly op
erated as office manager under
ho direction of E. AV. 'Hill.
t branch manager at Seattle, to the
I branch managership. Prior to
f last week the Seattle branch ex-
ercised direct control over the
t Portland office, but now Man
J ager Turner will receive orders
I only on important business mat
I ters direct from the Western
4 branch at San Francisco. E. N.
Howe will continue, as sales
t manager of the Oregon Jurisdic
t tion. Mr. Turner, the new branch
T manager, has lived tn Portland
i for the past 18 years. He was In
4 the produce business on Front
! street from 1S9T until 1911. when
he retired. He became Identified
i with the White Company in Xo-
I vember, 1913.
Programme Committee Makes Arrange
ments for Novel Stunt on Special
Leaving at o'clock Sharp.
If it rains this morning that ie, be
fore S o'clock and if the downpour is
like unto a cloudburst, the Multnomah
Falls excursion of the Progressive
Business Men's Club and their friends
to the Larch Mountain country will be
nnstnnned one week. Otherwise the
special train will leave the Union depot
at 9 o'clock sharp and the party will
return from their junket in the late
afternoon, leaving the Falla at 4:30
P. M. and arriving in Portland at
5:45 P. M.
The programme committee, headed
bv Harold C. Jones, secretary of the
club, has left no stone unturned to
make the day one of the most pleasur
able from an excursion point of view
that ever has been held. The proceeds,
if there are any after paying for the
special train, will go into the Larch
Mountain trail fund, the club already
having several hundred dollars in the
treasury for this work.
. Though the details have not been
given out for publication, nor the
names of the individual or individuals
known yet, it is said that someone is
planning to leap over the falls in a
barrel, or a tightrope walk above the
falls, a la Blondy style, and other
stunts fully as hair-raising have been
talked about, but the committee "says
nothing" when urged for further in
formation. After visiting the many points of in
terest about the falls country. the
crowd will enjoy a basket picnic on
the banks of the Columbia River. Mem
bers from practically every club of the
citv will be represented on the excur
sion, and all are urged to be on hand
a few minutes before 9- at the cmon
Depot, as the train starts promptly at
9 o'clock.
The committee asks all to "bring
lunch, cup and spoon for each member
of vour party. Chets win provide coi.
fee, cream and sugar free, and coffee
will be served at Multnomah fans.
Lunch baskets will be checked by a
committee and placed in a special bag
gage car.- The fare is: Round trip,
adults, $1.25; children between 6 and 11
years, 65 cents.
Alberta Club Meeting Arranged.
The Alberta Woman's Improvement
Club will meet Tuesday evening at the
residence of Mrs. Alma J. Smith. 1175
East Nineteenth street North. A special
invitation has been extended to the
new members and thcs who wish to
join the club. . . ... .
has left the bulk of the estate outside
the family.
Dr. Smith died' suddenly of heart
trouble on April 2. He lived at 351
Third street, and was a son of the late
W. K. Smith, a well-known pioneer. On
April 6 Joseph H. Smith filed a pe
tition in County Clerk Coffey's office
asking for letters of administration in
his brother's estate. The petition
stated, as is the usual form, that a dili
gent search had been made and that
no will could be found. The mother,
Mrs. Debbie Harker Smith; two broth
ers, William K. Smith and Joseph H.
Smith, and one sister. Mrs. Eugenia S.
Bartlett, of Lewiston, Idaho, are named
in the petition as nearest relatives and
Since then it has been rumored per
sistently that a will, dividing the prop
erty among many friends about the
city, had been found. Inquiries have
been made at the County Clerk's office
by several persons, whose names were
not learned. One inquired whether any
will had yet been filed.
The names of the beneficaries under
the supposed will could not be learned,
but it was said that a large part of
the property was distributed in sums
ranging from $1000 to $5000 and that
a large residue was left to one per
son outside the Smith family.
Importance of Good Exhibit on Tour
ist Returning From San Fran
cisco la Urged.
Portland will have the largest dahlia
show ever held in the Northwest, in the
exhibits of the National Dahlia show
which will be held Jiere In September.
The definite date will be set in the near
R. Wr. Hill, secretary of the associa
tion and manager of the show, an
nounces that Seattle, Tacoma and other
cities are planning to bring great ex
hibits here and urges the dahlia fan
ciers of Portland to begin to get ready
for the show.
"The best Fall flowers can be grown
from dahlias by planting them from
May 1 to 20," he says, "and it is not
advisable to plant before that time un
less early Summer blooms are required."
More than 60 trophies will be of
fered, among which will be the silver
cup, by J. K. Alexander, of Massachu
setts, and several other cups put up by
Eastern dahlia fanciers. The Gill
Brothers Seed Company is offering a
cup for the six best blooms of the
Oregon beauty dahlia.
An especially large show is desired
because of the value of its effect upon
tourists, who will be passing through
Portland on their way home from San
Mrs. Baldwin's Auto Hits Youth.
Joe Yerkovich, aged 21, was knocked
down by an automobile driven by Mrs.
Lola G. Baldwin, superintendent of the
department of public safety for. wom
en, when he walked in front of the
car at Second and Oak streets yester
dav afternoon. He was taken to the
Emergency Hospital, but found to be
Men's Church Class to Hear Mayor.
Msvor Albee will speak at the meet
ing of the Men's Brotherhood of the
W oodstock Methodist Church tomorrow
night at 8 o clock. The meeting 16 open
to women.- . ...
Semi-Fireproof Construction De
' sired tor Three- and Four-Story
Workshops and Sprinkler Sys-
tent if Hazard Is Unusual.
If recommendations made by Mu
nicipal Building Inspector Plummer
are adopted by the City Council a num
ber of important changes will be made
in the city's building code to add more
fire and life safeguards. The recom
mendations have been eubmltted to
Commissioner Dieck and probably 'will
be presented by him to the Council in
the form of an ordinance. The need
of the changes as proposed are said
to have become apparent to the build
ing inspection bureau during the past
It is proposed to amend the code so
that three and four-story buildings
erected or altered for workshops or
factories shall be of semi-fireproof con
struction and that buildings of five
stories or more used for the same pur
pose shall be of fireproof construction.
Any factory or workshop employing
more than 25 persons, where the ma
terials used In manufacture are of a
highly combustible nature, would be
required to install automatic sprinkler
systems, according to the recommen
dations of Mr. Plummer.
-' Lighting Clause Proposed.
' Other changes in the code as pro
posed are as follows:
"That a provision be added to the
effect that the liveload of the mar
quise or skylight shall not be less
than 20 pounds and that the liveload
for a greenhouse roof shall not be
less than 12 pounds.
"That section 511 be amended so
that rooms in an office building may
be lighted by properly proportioned
windows opening on the lot line, pro
vided that the owner of such building
agrees to remove any partitions en
closing such room if the light from
the lot line is cut off for any reason
so that after removal of such parti
tions all rooms in the building are
properly lighted in accordance with
sections 510 and 511. Such agreement
by the owner must be a binding agree
ment made in writing.
"That section 588 be amended by
adding the provision that in calculat
ing the number of persons that will
probably occupy a hall with movable
seats the number shall not be less than
will be given by dividing the number
of square feet of floor area in the hall
by seven.
Measurement Basis Defined.
"That a section be added providing
that the measurement for the mate
rials entering into concrete shall be
made on the following basis: One sack
of cement equals a cubic foot of ce
ment, the sand and gravel to be meas
ured loose.
"That section 227 be amended Dy
adding that where a roof adjacent to
a parapet wall has a saddle, the height
of the wall may be measured from the
valley line where the main roof in
tersects the saddle, provided that at
no point shall the height of the wall
above the saddle at the Intersection of
the same with the .wall be less than
two feet.
. "That section 437 be amended to
provide that the enclosure of a stair
shall not include a corridor except
where in alteration work this provi
sion is not practical.
"That section 176 be amended to al
low eight-inch tile to be used for the
foundation of a frame dwelling, pro
vided that earth pressure is kept off
the wall until the frame is up and in
"That regulations for the proper con
trol of escalators (moving stairs) be
embodied in the code."
Loyal McCarthy Calls Ordinance
Unnecessary and Weak.
The grocers' Sunday closing ordi
nance was declared by Loyal McCarthy.
In his address before the Civic League
yesterday, to be unnecessary, ineffect
ive and probably unconstitutional.
Moreover, he said that there already
extsted a state law that covers the
points aimed to be covered by the ordi
nance. .
Mr. McCarthy asserted that the gro
cers' associations were using the ordi
nance as a means of attacking a special
case to which they objected and that,
in so doing, they were working a hard
ship on other grocers whom they really
did not especially desire to injure.
R. G. Duncan, of the Retail Grocers'
Association, spoke in favor of the ordi
nance and urged that when the referen
dum is brought against it, the people
should uphold the measure. C. C. Chap
man was chairman of the day. -
D. M. Roth, the memory expert, gave
a demonstration at the beginning and
close of the meeting.
Wife or Portland Businessman Dies
at Xorth Yakima.
a t.urrm rofpivpfl vesterdav by
George H. Pearson, manager of the
Pearson-Ryan company, irom i. c.
Ryan, at North Yakima, announced the
death of Mrs. Ryan at that place early
yesterday morning.
Mrs. Ryan had been an invalid for
the past two or three years. Her con
dition became worse on Friday and Mr.
Ryan was hurriedly summoned from
this city. The body will be taken to
Spokane, Mrs. Ryan's former home,
where the funeral will be held to
- i
Head of Railway Mail Service to
" Take Cincinnati Division.
Although no formal announcement
has been made yet by the Postal De
partment, news has been received of
the transfer just ordered of Alexander
H. Stephens, general superintendent of
the Railway Mail Service, with head-
, nr. ,inrr.n T C tn tP
quarters t , . , .... . - -
position of superintendent of the Cin
cinnati UIVIIUII.
1 hnAn fillori YiV 1h nn-
rilEt JldLQ M&o v . J r
pointment of Joe P. Johnston, former
cllier ot me raiuni inovct.uii de
partment, Washington, D. C. John C.
Koons. former chief in the division of
salaries and allowances in the First
Assistant Postmaster-General's office,
takes Mr. Johnston's place.
The change in the position of Mr.
Stephens is said to have been due to
unsatisfactory reforms attempted.
Mnrrymead Home Changes Hands.
Robert Smith has sold to R. P. Ef
flnger lot 1 and the north half ot lot 2,
Ice Skating in the
Arcadian Garden
Preparations are under way
to stage in the Arcadian
Garden, beginning: Monday,
April 19th, the most remark
able event ever produced on
the Pacific Coast R. Wal
tenberg, James Bourke and
Miss Kirkreith will intro
duce fancy and figure ICE
SKATING. The stage has
been greatly enlarged and
exhibitions of the famous
Apache and other dances
will be shown during dinner
and supper.
A similar sensation has ap
peared for a solid year in
the College Inn in Chicago;
however, the skaters who
will appear here arc prob
ably the finest in America.
Date Monday, April 19th
Place Arcadian Garden
R. Waltenberg
was Instructor ana
master of skating
in the largest rink
in Berlin. It was
he who directed
the great ballet of
1500 skaters.
Mr. Jas. Bourke
Is one of best
known fancy and
figure skaters.
Miss Kirkreith,
ska ter extraordi
nary, in classical
Hotel Multnomah
H. C. Bowers. Mgr.
L. 1'. Reynolds. Asst. Mgr.
Splendid singing and dancing entertainment going
on now during lunch, dinner and after-theater supper
S The 8
A deliglvtful place to l
Sttfe&JL. spend the day; sun parlor.
ISaWHi balconies, parlors and lobby in-
IpSpr'"' vite to rest and relaxation : : : 1
rlY Table cTHote Dinner I
will be served in the Main Dining-Room I
I from 5:30 to 8; the menu will be I
I one of surpassing deliciousness. I
1 Covers $1.00
j The Orchestra will render
special music , in the m
1 1 lobby during the fG
M evening -
i&stejv GriU Servi"sfc 1 A M vS '
in block 3, Murrymead, for $4600. The
P.idgemont Investment Company has
transferred lot 5, In block 6, Rldgemont,
to Irving J. Reed for 11000. Joseph A.
Strowbridge Company has transferred
lots 13 and 16, In block 3, Errel Heights,
to Frank A Coffin, the consideration
being B00.
Andreas Brieme has transferred lot
S2. In block 4, Reservoir Park, to At
tilio Galllgani for $1125.
Architect Sticks to $10,000 lemand
and Court Action Threatens.
Declaring that the cost of preparing
the original plans for the proposed
public auditorium amounted to more
than $10,000 J. H. Freedlander, architect,
of New York, yesterday telegraphed to
I D Hunt his Portland representative,
refusing flatly to consider the offer of
the City Council to settle the claim for
$8000. The Council will meet tomorrow
afternoon to consider ho proposition
The original plan was to erect an
auditorium building covering a block
and a half. Now the intention is to use
the Market Block, which is a much
smaller site. Mr. Freedlander recently
agreed to settle for $10.0 DO. Unless
the Council agrees to come to Mr.
Freedlander's terms the auditorium
proposition may get into the courts
again and suffer more delay.
Entire Proceeds ot Musical Festival
Will Go to Police Band Fund.
The entire proceeds of the musical
festival to be staged at the Armory
April 29-30 and May 1 by the PorUand
Police Band will be devoted to the
Eastern tour the band expects to make
this Summer to exploit Oregon.
The committee chosen by 22 commer
cial organizations Wednesday night,
composed of City Commissioner Bige
low. E. W. Moser, of the Ad Club, and
Will F. Spencer, manager of the Port
land Police Band, obtained the recom
mendation of County Commissioners
Holbrook, Holman and Lightner that
the Armory be donated without cost
Adjutant-General White and Colonel
MeLughlin. who are In charge of the
building, willingly approved of the plsn.
We wirit to extend our most situ-, re
thanks and appreciation to our ina-iy
friends for their kind sympathy a-:.!
acts of kindness during th tick:i
and death of my wife. June Calla Sim
mons, and also for the beautiful
of f er ngs. k5?Et?5t S: S l ? ' 'N
California Hotels
San Francisco
Hotel Sutter
The leading first-class hotel of
San FTanclsco which has not raised
Its rates.
Rooms from $1.D0 per day tip.
Direct earline to exposition. Send
for booklet and room chart showing
prices of every room.
Key Route electric trains arrive and de
part at door under rover every 1ft mln
utea fur l-anama-racifie r.xp.Klon. lioth
San Francisco
Bellevue Hotel
10 minutes to Exposition without
transfer. Built of concrete and
steel. Private bath to every room.
First class in every detail.
II. V. ll.l.f. laaer.
(Member of Official Kipoaliloa Hotel
li Entire tic
V: I 1 Newt-
J t hu-uUhed (
2v - i b
I 1
m Management.
decorated and la
, ft.MeorDafaaa'aB
tori. tl OOniat