The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, Section One, Page 12, Image 12

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    jjj - ' - JL-tUii BUjUAI. VJJCkJ&KTKJxt J-a-Xlt mtmii
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Line From Grants Pass to
Crescent City to Tap
Rich District.
Valuable Copper and Gold Mining
Properties, Grave!, Soft Woods
and Hard Woods Are Chief
Supplies to Be Obtained.
Natural resources of inestimable vol-
' and value are contained in the ter
Xry to be served by the new Oregon
A California railroad to be built by
Twohy Brothers of Portland, between
Grants Pass and Crescent City.
Some of this virgin wealth has been
prospected, but no real developme t has
taken place. ut. """""TV." " ,
cilities prevented it. A partial Idea of
the possibilities posae ---ritory
Is contained in the wort on the
proposed raUroad recently made by C.
A Coolidge. of Portland, who made an
cipert examination of it for the people
of Grants Pass who have been largely
instrumental In prosecuting the new
Pine Lumber Abounds
The district around Grants Pass Is
noted lor its quality of pine lumber.
?!Unois and some of the lT
leys in this district make up about
60 000 acres of almost level land most
of which, however, is heavily timbered
wKh the very best quality of sugar pine.
?: "L"d rcfive.
when cleared, and In open places there
is now consmeraDie ui""6 -
1 Kerby would be the receiving point
for a large portion oi m
tributary to the Illinois Valley. This
. .. . . i mnB artlva station
Is me largest -
along the entire route. It Is now the
eh pping ana supply um" -
rich territory, and In which are some
valuable quarts and copper mines, ex
cellent water power is available In this
Waldo Mines Valuable.
At Waldo. S8 miles from Grants Pass.
. i .. nMinBriiM are in
aome laieo pi""' --- -
operation. They have been operated for
the last &u years anu V
enough In sight to keep them going for
another 100 years. This entire territory
is heavily timbered. Here are the most
extensively developed copper properties
along the route. Two miles from Wal
do is the Takilma Smelter, and mines
which have been In operation for sev
eral years.
The famous Josephine Caves are near
the route and are expected to attract
an enormous passenger traffic.
Copper and Timber Promising.
The California boundary Is about six
miles from Waldo, and for most of this
distance the route of the railway Is
along Elk Creek and through a copper
district possessing an unusually promis
ing outlook.
At no point along the line from
Grants Pass to the California boundary
is there a better showing of timber.
The route of the railway from the
California line is along the middle
fork of the Smith River, and traverses
the same extensive timber belt as that
from Waldo to the line. All this ter
ritory Is rich, promising copper prop
erties, development of which will be
Immediately commenced upon comple
tion of this road. On the west is the
great Preston Peak, which is honey
combed with rich copper prospects,
and at this point a large tonnage of
copper ore Is awaiting rail transpor
tation. The route for the succeeding
30 miles to Gasquet station is along the
pmith River, and all heavily timbered.
Smith River and Its tributaries drain
the entire country north and south.
Timber Wealth Continues.
This same timbered territory con
tinues to within about 15 miles from
Crescent City, at which point the
lamous redwood belt is entered.
Conservative estimates of the red
wood timber tributary to the proposed
road show feet. In Del
Torte County there are 151.875 acres of
redwood timber averaging over 75.000
feet per acre.
Party of 45 Taken for Auto Ride
and Entertained in Country.
k '
An outing for women to whom an
automobile ride was a genuine treat
was arranged and given on Friday by
a committee of workers from the As
sociated Charities. A party of 45 went
out in machines to the William M.
Ladd place on the river and later to
the A. El Rockey home.
At the former place a stop was made
and the guests went through the
gardens and rested. They were cor
dially received by Mrs. Ladd and her
mother. Mrs. Andrews. At Mrs. Rockey's
tea was served to the entire party and
a pleasant visit enjoyed. A number
of young society matrons assisted in
serving tea. The automobiles were pro
vided by the members of the Junior
league. Cars were loaned by Miss
Katherlne Hart, Mrs. Max Houser. Mrs.
Taul Wesslnger, Mrs. E. C. Shevlln.
Miss Corrxlia Cook. Mrs. Hazel
Blumauer Litt. Mrs. David Honeyman,
Miss Evelyn Carey and Mrs. E. L.
Big Kntertalnment Planned for Del
egates on Way to Convention.
Clerks of the Portland Postofflce are
making special plans to entertain
postal clerks from all parts of the
country who will pass through this city
cn route to San Francisco during the
Summer, as well as delegates who will
stop here en route to the National con
vention. At the regular' meeting of Branch
SI. United National Association of Post
office Clerks, a special committee was
named to entertain and plan for the
assistance and comfort of all postal
employes passing through Portland
during the remainder of the year. The
following delegates to the state con
vention were elected: G. W. Thatcher,
K. J. Nolan. J. B. Fairchild. E. I Perry,
Miss Julia Nash, John . Dawson. Ray
Iandon and Jerome Madden. Alter
natea are: James M. Leitch. J. T. Jones,
Val Bruegel and Rufus Misenheimer.
Press committee: William C. Dietz
and Battease L. McLoin.
Several Small Residences Besnn.
a E. Reed has begun the erection of
a bo00 dwelling at 4S21 Twenty-seventh
avenue Southeast In McMahon'i
addition. J. L. Karnopp has begun the
erection of a $2500 bungalow at 466
East Fifty-first street North, In Rose
City Park. Cleland Sc. Hubbell aro build
ing a one-story frame residence at 1215
East Burnside street, in Xurelhurat,
to ostl3500.
Revelation of Romantic Web Woven About American Miss to Come in New
. Film, Which Will Tell Secrete of Egyptian Harem.
j Vy& - y- r -V'i: . s-i
Y fovv .4 mm tv
a. r,v . r & 1V "SI
,.r .3 ? - .?- ts.a.ST
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&a .-J. i
ONE of the most romantic weos ever
woven about an American girl
nmeKhfd Ola. Humphry, the nret-
tv fniifnrnian who several years ago
contracted a marriage with Prince Has
san, heir to the Egyptian throne. Miss
Humphry later secured a legal sepa
ration from her Oriental husband and
is now preparing to tell the secrets of
an Egyptian harem through motion
ti TTtt TYi rhrv iran horn In California
and adopted the stage as a profession
when quite young, fane piayea in a
wide range of parts in America and
abroad, winning for herself consider
able distinction. She succeeded Mar
garet Anglin for three Australian
tours, winning individual honors. She
then toured the world in repertoire. It
j i,Ar Yoffe anH T.nnHnn sea-
was UUIlUfi - - - -
- that .ha wna nrsented to Prince
Hassan. After a tempestuous court
ship the American girl Became me no
of the Oriental nobleman. But the in
, . WoBtom-p rebelled
against the ways of the Eastern auto
crat and it was not ions i"
fled from the palace and came back to
her native soil
A j: wi t Vi the assist
ance of the Turkish 'Embassy in New
i. i V. n iTimriran KmbaSSV in
lurn auu wiv ....... fi i
Turkey, who are arranging her affairs
Miss Humphry nas agreea 10
: i . hgrm n q the fOUn-
experieiittss r .
datlon of numerous scenarios from
which to produce pictures in which she
will star. The productions will bo re
leased through the Universal pro
gramme. Miss Humphry is one of the most
striking women of the stage. She "be
came renowned for her beauty and ver
satility while on the stage and was a
social favorite whereveri she went be
cause of her natural charm and refine
ment. Her story is more interesting
than any tale ever invented by writers
4lAtnn nrA TTint inn-TNCturA fans"
no doubt will await with interest the
first release.
While Miss Humphry has never posed
before the camera, her long stage ex
perience has given her the confidence
and poise of the most talented screen
artist. She has much of her dignity of
a Princess, to say nothing of the beauty
of one. Her clothes, too. are many and
wonderful. Some of the gowns she
wore while the Crown Princess to the
Egyptian throne will be worn in the
Apropos of the present Oriental dis
.J u .,nBotlnf of the Khedive
and the placing of the British choice
upon the Egyptian tnrone, cuupieu
the fact that Prince Hassan Is next in
line it is surmised that there is a bare
possibility, by some trick of fate, that
an American girl yet may sit upon the
throne of Cleopatra.
Miss Humphry has some snapshots
which she secretly took while the
Crown Princess, and these, too, will be
used in the films.
Business During Last 10 Tears Is Es
timated at lr500.000 In Plea
As-ainst Chans-e.
The East Side Business Mens Club
yesterday finished its campaign to re
tain Station "A" In Central East Port
land and have it moved to a more
central point on Grand avenue. Peti
tions signed by practically every Im
plement house, business firm and citi
zen in that portion of the city have
i i .... I anA fippriitarT T.. M.
Lepper will furnish Representative C.
Jr. McArthur and senators v-namuci-
lain and Lane with copies.
xr. f,. i ,-fViii?. tlpcrranhed the Post-
master-General to hold up the recom
mendation of Inspector Morse to aban
don Station "A." on Union avenue, and
have the business transferred to Sta
tion "E", on the West Side, until he
can present all the facts bearing on
the situation.
The petition follows:
"The Postoff ice Inspector- is recom-
A,rr the nhttnrinnment of OUT East
Side Station "A" branch postoffice. the
tA knino- in Tnnve carriers and clerks
all to Station E. the sorting station
at Fifth and Uiisan sireeus, auu
it all from the West Side. The con
venience and prompt service being
sidetracked, as we view it. for alleged
economy, which we feel will work
against a desired eiiicieni s;rvi:j
the East Side general public and espe
cially to the large Implement and ma
chinery houses, which need prompt
..ii AMrioA in thn more than 150
manufacturers, to say nothing of the
large numoer oi mercuams "
shippers of Central East Portland, now
w.i A fr-nm KtnHriTI A. Which it
is estimated handles more business
than all other East sme Drancn omce
i W l.att fnal var. endlnfcT
Juno 10, 1914, Station A. handled buei-
nes as iouows: eiamp vilv..-.
domestic money orders. 57,57S.97;
. -Aa si nR3.71: money
XSSdT8Bri:i5;7.-iali 116. 004.08
in business, handling total of 11.304
money orders: making total of more
.i ti Knn nnn business handled at
Station 'a during past ten years."
D. X. Mecklem Chosen President of
Thirteenth Division.
X N Mecklem has just been re
fnr thp Thirteenth
Division by the Railway Mail Service
Mutual Benerit Association i
ular election of officers, and L. W.
n 1 ..... .) a a ilnloirolP frnm the
urm wan ocicvcu .. . . . - - -
Thirteenth Division to the National
Convention at an rrancisuo uu
"president Mecklem has been In the
railway mail service ror more man in
years, at present running between
Portland and Pocatello, Idaho.
L. W. Oren has been in the service
for the past 13 years, being at present
assigned to. duty in the office of the
chief clerk, Portland.
Home to Cost S60O0.
The Royal Building Company is
erectinsr a two-story residence on ail
lamook between East Twenty-seventh
and East Twenty-eighth streets, to
cost $6000. W. J. Reynolds will erect
a one-story dwelling on Mall street be
tween East Ninth and East Twelfth
streets, the cost to be 2000. The First
German Congregational Church, on
Stanton street, between East Sixth and
East Seventh streets, is being repaired.
at a cost of $350. Edith R. Reeves Is
repairing a one-story dwelling on East
Glisan street, near East Sixty-first
street, the cost to be 250.
Residence to Coat S4230 Started.
The Mautz Building A Investment
Company has started the erection of
a two-story frame dwelling on jsasi
Eighteenth between Stanton and Sis
kiyou streets, costing 14250. Addle
Stout Is building a one-story frame
dwelling on Haight between Going and
Prescott streets. The estimated cost
la. 11250, . .
My Aeswer i the Deetal Trast
Inist Prices Cut One-Half
Beginning Tomorrow, April 1 2
Less Than Trust Dentistry
I am going to expose the extortioa practiced on the people of Oregon by the Dental
Trust. If this Trust can raise a slush fund of $6000 every month with which to carry on
a campaign against Painless Parker, I am. going to cut off its i source of pply, hich
is in the pockets of the people, by cutting in half the price of dentistry, and thereby
stop, if possible, the contributions to this slush fund.
I can do high-class, painless dentistry at half Trust prices and make money. As long as
this Tran raise money by charging two prices for what it sells the public, it can
afford to spend part of that money to fight Painless Parker.
I propose to protect myself by depriving the Trust of its sinews of war. At the same
time I will give every man, woman and child in Oregon the opportunity to get my dentistry
at 50 plr cfnt lLs than they have been forced to pay heretofore for old-style, inferior
Trust service "
Out of every dollar spent by the people of Oregon for Trust Dentistry, a certain pro
portion goes to keep up this Trust, so it can control the dental business in this state.
One way of controlling dentistry here has been to exterminate professionally any
dentist who might give the Trust hard competition.
I know how to compete with this Ethical Combine. That way is to give the public
better dentistry at less money. . ,
Hundreds of Oregon people who have bought my dentistry since I opened my Portland
office a year ago know my dentistry is superior to any ever obtained of Trust dentists at
twice my fees
I can buy high-grade dental material, except 22k gold, cheaper than Trust dentists,
because I buy it in large quantities for all my offices, including my Portland office. I can
give better service because of my painless methods.
Every one of my associated dentists in my Portland office are fully the equal of any
Trust dentist in the state, because all of them have been licensed to practice here by the
Trust's own hand-picked board of dental examiners. If an exammation before the Trust s
board is what the Trust claims it to be, then every dentist associated yfo0
land office is fully the equal in skill, training and education of any dentist belonging to the
Dental Combine. , .
If I can do Painless Parker dentistry at half the prices charged by members of the
Trust, and make money, then certainly it is nothing short of highway robbery of the public
pocketbook for Trust dentists to charge 100 per cent more for Trust dentistry.
I came to Portland to give the public a square deal in dentistry. And I know howto do
it I intend to give this Trust a run of competition so that when I get through it wiD not
be able to raise $6000 a month, or any other sum, for a slush fund fhwK
Painless Parker. If fur rugs are selling at 13 cents a gross the Trust will not be able to
buy one hair.
. i-v. i- i ! i j n
Sixth and Washington
Portland, Or.
San Francisco, Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Bakersfield, Brooklyn, New York
Author of "Seven Keys to Baldpate" Covers Violation of Dramatic Tech
nique by Sheer Cleverness as Satirical Humorist.
i : it
THE full enjoyment of George M.
Cohan's remarkaale farce, "Seven
Keys to Baldpate," which has
been making all America laugh. Is pos
sible only to those who take It apart
end .examine Its works. More than
any other of Cohan's output, this play
shows his boldness In flying In the face
of the most of the canons of the play
builders. One has to think hard to
remember a piece that deliberate
hoaxed Its audience and "got away
with If at the box office.
It has even been a cardinal rule
of successful dramatic writings that
the Joke be always on the characters
In the play and the audience be let
Into the secret of the author's Intent.
The reason, of course, is that the Joke
itself can be better appreciated If It
be anticipated and If those who sit
in the seats can be relieved of mysti
fication In the full enjoyment of it
The German commentator, Freytag,
long ago placed strong emphasis upon
this technical requirement of good
playwrlting and the fate of most plays
which have Ignored it has borne out
the truth of his contention.
But Mr. Cohan, in making the stags
verolon oCJIt Biggera' amu'ln Btory,
saw fit to discard this old rule, as
others before him brushed aside the
once Important but now obsolete uni
ties of time, place and action. His of
fense againBt the accepted law of
dramatic technique la flagrant, but
sheer cleverness waa sufficient to
shield him from his audiences' dis
favor. When one considers that Cohan
makes- his own laws of technique and
Is more successful in cutting new
paths than most playwrights are In
employing the accumulated wisdom of
centuries, the genius of the fellow be
comes apparent. More than any other
of our native writers of humorous
plays he possesses an unfailing sense of
the theater. He knows exactly the ef
fects he wishes to create and he seems
to have an unerring knowledge of th
means at his command to accomplish
them. His types are generally studies
of American character, unfailingly
true. -The traits he illustrates are
seldom the noblest In human nature,
but the tone of his plays improves as
one succeeds another.
For many years Charles H. Hoyt was
unrivaled as a satirical humorist In
our theaters. His f aroe comedy, - "A
Texs- .Steer." remains the best eatlre
at th finensi of American political
life in Washington that was ever
written. "The Mianigni nen revrm
that with all his propensities for fun
he also possesed a power of pathos.
In the' intervening years since nis
death no one has arisen to take nis
place. .
-.. m,r it hjicinH tn annear that
Cohan is destined to become Hoyt'
successor. He already nas mown nun
self to be a genius of a kind not often
encountered among playwrights anA
the rapidity of his development pro.
phesies that, although he is a jack of
all trades In the theater (he Is an ac
tor singer, dancer, composer, drama
tist, librettist, stage manager, propri
etor and skilled advertising agent) he
may also be the master of one.
Htue Bought for First Ml" of "The
Candy Shop" and Will Initiate
Comedian to Order.
Celebrating the close of a year at
big brothering the unfortunate and the
needy, the Muts are preparing for a
Spring opening, which will occur at
the Hellig Theater April 19.
For the occasion the officers of the
Muts have purchased the entire seat
ing capacity for the opening perform
ance of "The Candy Shop," the clever
musical comedy which made such a
tremendous hit at the Heilig last
August and which William Rock and
Maud Fulton have booked for a return
It is expected that Muts and their
friends will take every seat in the the
ater. Exchange tickets will be placed on
sale immediately, the purchaser being
allowed to surrender them at the box
office and select reserved seats.
Aside from the regular performance
of "The Candy Shop" the evening will
be crowded full of surprises. The
closing event will be the Initiation of
the comedian. William Rock. Into the
big brotherhood.
"I should like it to be understood
that our Spring opening will not be a
stag affair." said Chief Mut Strand
borg. "The stunt AprU 19 is for our
women friends as well."
After paying the management of
"The Candy Shop" for the use of their
performers and settling for the the
ater, any money left will be used for
arranging Mut features during the
Rose Festival.
The affair of April 19 will be the
first public appearance of the Muts
since the holiday season, when its
membership carried out a plan for
taking Christmas cheer to the homes
of hundreds of little children.
Albina Meeting Announced,
Albina Women's Christian Temper
ance Union will meet at the home of
Mrs. Chrlstensen, 888 Borthwlck street,
Tuesday at 3:30 o'clock.
Feel Fine! Remove the Winter's
1 Liver and Bowel Poison
While You Sleep.
Spend 10 Cents! Don't Stay Sick
Bilious, Headachy and
Tonight, sure! Take Cascarets and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and
bowel cleansing you ever experienced.
Cascarets will liven your liver and
clean your thirty feet of bowels with
out griping. You will wake up feeling
grand. Your head will be clear, breath
right, tongue clean, stomach sweet
Get a 10-cent box now at any drug
store. Best cathartic for i hlldren.
Safe Nervine
has a direct action on the nerve cen
ters. It allays Irritability, produces
healthful and refreshing sleep, and
leaves no unpleasant after effects.
Headaches, sleeplessness, neuralgia.
and natiessness rov-",
nervous ailments for
which Warner's Safel
Nsrvlne lsunsur-
nuud Trv it. when!
you're "all fagged
o u t."
Two sizes, 50o and
$1.00 at your druggist.
or direct poxtpald oni
receipt of price.
Write for booklet.
Co., Iept
K. Y.
Snfe Remedies
i5, Rochester,