The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 11, 1915, Section One, Page 10, Image 10

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State Board Declares Preva
lence of Rabies Demands
v Special Precautions.
Disease "ow Confined to Central
and Eastern Sections of State but
Spread Is Feared Unless
Resistance Is Active,
SALEM. Or, April 10. (Special.)
To prevent the spreading of rabies, the
6tte Livestock Sanitary Board, at a
meeting held here today. Issued an
order placing 11 counties under quar
antine. It was announced that the dis
ease had been communicated by coy
otes to horses, dogs, cats and other
animals in eight counties in the east
ern part of the state. The counties
Included In the quarantine are Lake,
Harnev. Crook, Baker, Umatilla. Mal
heur. Wheeler and Union, where rabies
prevails, and Multnomah, Clackamas
and Jackson, to which it is feared the
disease may spread.
The order requires that all dogs, un
less used in herding livestock, be muz
xled. State Veterinarian Lytle. who at
tended the meeting, eaid that all
violators of the quarantine would be
punished to the fullest extent of the
law. the penalties being fines from 150
to $100 tor each offense. Mr. Lytle an
Bonnced that all peace officers would
be called upon for assistance in en
orcing the order. The veterinarian
declared that conditions were especially
alarming in Lake County, rabid coy
otes and dogs running the range in
large numbers. He said that many
cattle and a number of persons had
keen bitten there.
"We shall try to get the city author
ities of Portland to enforce the order
there," continued Dr. Lytle. "It will re
quire that dogs be muzzled, and, when
on the street, in leash. The board will
sea that it is enforced in Multnomah
County outside the city.
"Stock owners have suffered severely
in eastern counties. The situation is
specially hard for the poor homestead
ers, where some of them have lost their
only cow through being bitten by a
hydrophobic coyote or dog. Even cats
are becoming afflicted with the dis
ease and they are being killed by fear
etrlcken owners."
Kverett Goodman was appointed
special agent to investigate sheep scab
reported in Douglas County. Mr. Lytle
said that he has no fear that the dis
ease is of serious proportions.
The board made arrangements for
payment to the owners for horses and
mules it may be found necessary to
kill because of glanders. Animals un
der 1000 pounds will be paid for at
the rate of $:!5 a head, and animals
weighing more than 1000 $35 a bead.
Father Buck Invites Xon-Catholics
to Cornelius Meetings.
CORNELIUS. Or., Aprif 10. (Spe
cial.) A series of lectures will be
given at the Catholic Church here dur
ing the month by Father Buck, on the
Catholic faith. Non-Catholics are re
dueled to attend and will be given the
privilege of asking any questions con
cerning the religion they wish.
The first lecture. "Is the Ground for
Protestant Religion a Sound Oner'
will be given. Sunday evening. The
second number, "We Are All Bound for
Heaven. Why Cannot the Catholic
Church Join Forces With Protestant
Churches?" will be April 18. The last
one. April 15, will be on, "Will Con
fession to a Priest Save a Man's
Jacob F. Pence, or Portland, Buried
at Old Home.
DUNDEE. Or., April 10. (Special.)
The late Jacob F. Pence, of Portland,
whose funeral was conducted by Rev.
J. G. Alford from the Methodist Epis
copal Church here last Sunday, was
horn in Preble County, Ohio, in 1844.
He came to Oregon In 1874 and was
married to Miss Nellie Robertson the
aft m vcir.
Mr. "Pence is survived by this widow
and five children. Glen Pence. -Mrs.
Weona Monish and Miss Bessie Pence,
of Portland, and Ross Pence, of Oak
land. Cal.
The funeral was attended by numer
ous relatives and friends from Port
land, t-alem and various parts of the
Physician Who Died In Portland
Had Ticsided in TIainler 2 1 Years.
ST HELENS. Or.. April 10. (Spe
cial.) Dr. A. P. McLaren, of Rainier,
who died at Good Samaritan Hospital.
Portland, was a resident of Columbia
County for 24 years, having located at
Kamier in October. 1891, where he was
engaged in the practice of his profes
sion and in the retail drug business.
Tr. McLaren would have been 46 years
old this month. Tie leaves a widow
snd one Fister. Mrs. Frank Roth, 'of
Rainier, two other sisters, Mrs. Dun
can McTavish. Vancouver. B. C: Mrs.
Moore, of Chicago; two brothers. F.di-
on. of Chicago, and Gibson, of Port
Klein. Ontario, where his fatheralso
resides. .
Funeral services were held at Rai
rtier April 3.
Kight-of-Vay Sought for Koad to
Cascade Forest Reserve.
ROSKBl'RG. Or.. , April 10. (Spe
cial.) With sentiment almost unani
mous in favor of issuing $300,000
liotxis to assist Kendall Brothers, of
Pittsburg, construct a railroad from
this city to the Cascade Forest Re
serve on the North Umpqua River,
those interested in the project are
bending 'their efforts toward securing
tn necessary right-of-way.
Meetings have been called for next
week along the line of the proposed
route when the farmers and timber
owners will be asked to contribute a
right-of-way o fect wide. It has been
practically decided that the mill will
he located on the fair ground site,
about a mile east of Roseburg.
Wilbur Man Waives K.vaniination.
ROSEBURG. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
Upon being arraigned here yester
day on a charge of contributing to the
delinquency of a minor girl, Russell
HogaD. of Wilbur, waived preliminary
examination and was held to appear
before the grand Jury in May. Bonds
were fixed in the sum of $500. Hogan
was arrested by the Portland officers
Tuesday and was returned here yester
Washington Official Returns From
Investigating Commissions.
OLYMPIA. Wash., April 10. (Spe
cial.) C. W. Siausen. State Auditor,
who has returned from a trip of in--estisratinn
to California, taken at the
direction of the recent Legislature, to
probe the affairs of Governor Lister s
Exposition Commission, declares that
Washington has "splendid exhibits" at
San Francisco. He will not make his
formal report for some time, he said.
William Adams.
William Adams, City Treasurer,
yesterday announced his candi
dacy for Commissioner in the
June election. He has arranged
to conduct an active campaign
with economy, patronage of home
industries and impartial enforce
ment of civil service as his plat
form. Mr. Adams has been City Treas
urer since 1911, when he was
elected by the voters under the
old Councilmanlc form of gov
ernment. He was elected again
In 191 S and when the Commis
sion form of government was
adopted he received the appoint
ment to the position by the Coun
cil. During his terms he esti
mates that he has handled about
$100,000,000. Mr. Adams has lived
In Portland 26 years. He Is the
seventh candidate to join in the
race for Commissionership. The
others who have announced so
far are Commissioners Blgelow
and Brewster. George L. Baker,
Dr. George Parrlsh. George W.
Caldwell and C. V. Cooper. Others
are planning announcement in the
near future.
This, It is expected, will deal prin
cipally wiin an juieKo.
exhibit was overshadowing everything
else at tne xair, out xnai n neniiisiuii
and Oregon both had creditable build
ings and displays.
Gwin Hicks, who waa deposed as
resident Commissioner at San Diego.
Commission, resulting in the investiga-
. ; 1 i . . I ,J u.
lion, la uriviu UUiua utdiiahu, .
Clausen said.
Work on Pacific Highway in Clarke
County May Be Delayed.
VANCOUVER, Wash., April 10. (Spe
cial.) Slides on the Pacific Highway
between La Center and Woodland are
to be removed by the state, under the
supervision of tne Clarke County road
supervisors. W. A. Schwarz, County
Engineer, and William S. Lindsey.
County Commissioner, returned today
from visiting the road, where the slides
occurred recently following the heavy
The survey of the Pacific Highway
from Salmon Creek to La Center, where
a large amount of work is to be done
this year, has been made, but bids
cannot be advertised for at this time,
and it is possible that the work must
remain until the law goes into effect,
June 10.
Progress Made on Small Salary Dur
ing Long Courthouse Service.
ALB ANT, Or., April 10. (Special.)
What a man can accomplish who at
tends strictly to business and works
steadily, even on a small salary, is il
lustrated in the case of M. E. Bilyeu,
Janitor at the Linn County Courthouse,
who has attained a record of ten years'
continuous service in that position.
Ten years ago Bilyeu, a widower
with five small children to support,
began work at the Courthouse. His
salary was $40 a month and during all
of this time it has not averaged more
than $50 a month. Besides performing
his other duties, he has taken great
pride in developing the Courthouse
lawn, the splendid appearance of which
always attracts favorable comment
from visitors.
Fred It. Mollis, in Charge or Oregon
Display at Fuir, Is Kcady.
BAKER, Or., April 10. (Special.)
Oregon's exhibit at the Panama-Pacific
Exposition at San Francisco will be
started on its way next week and in
stalled probably the week after, says
Fred R. Mellis. who has charge of the
exhibit, lie is now gathering specimens
rnm nnrt or tne state anil win
include his own private collection.
which is valued at many nunareas oi
Mr. Mellis has Just returned from
o ni-ti . nil n.-hire he r niifprrpii with Pro
fessor H. M. Parks, head of the Ore
gon Bureau of Mines and Ideology, ana
made plans for assembling the Eastern
Oregon minerals with those from other
parts of the state.
Seven Cougars Slain in Hunt.
GRAXGEVILLE. Idaho. April 10.
(Special.) Tom Allison has returned
from the Sol way country with seven
cougar hides. The county pays a
bounty of 25 for each cougar killed
and the hides are worth from 110 to
J15. Mr. Allison reports deer plentiful
in the Selway section and all kinds
f game are doing well there. He says
the war against cougar by hunters and
trappers is doing much to protect the
deer and other game.
i st hi--.- I
f - t v - I
s " ' j
! ' &it I I
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Polk County Growers Plant
Italian Variety.
Trade With Foreign Countries Is
Growing and Results in Main
tenance " of Good Profits
Throughout Season.
TT-x.-ri7 AT.T. nr . ADril . 10. (Spe-
Tr-,,if growers and farmers in
many districts of Polk County are set
ting out young prune trees. ur.
who have had much experience In pro
ducing the fruit express much confi
dence in the crop as a permanent one
for profit in this county.
, . . . -irnii nniA, to the leading
nurseries of the state have been noted
from Polk County, r armor
advocates of Fall planting added to the
. ...ii 1.... V, rraatAI Tllim-
acreage last ran, .
ber of the new trees are being planted
this spring
i ne imuau . n . ....... - -
.. i v. Mlmtv o n with the
iniougiwut Luc v. j , -
exception of a few of the smaller varie
ties for special purposes, n
constitutes the entire acreage. .
Polk County's largest percentage or
prunes each year come from the sec
tions where the red soil is prevalent.
, ; 1 -tl ha a hAn fnllnd UH"
1 111 fciim wi ov ----- -----
profitable for grain growing, but pro-
.. . t i t anil flllHII-
duces an exceueui -
tity of fruit. ,,
The country surrounding Rickreall
has one of the largest acreages in
young trees of any section of the
,vwi- hove been
county. octcmi - - - .
yielding prunes for years, but extensive
acreages contain ireea "
ready to enter the bearing period with
in three or four years.
rm-- ta In lh hill h Hck Of MOU-
1AC TCBlwi'a "
mouth and Dallas, where the industry
first started, still lurnisn me u"6"
. . . , ... ..IaIH Tn theaa HlS-
pari oi in j"- - - -
tricts individual driers are few and the
crop is hauled to Dallas, where a spe
cial packing company prepares the
jor tne past two cmo n
L. -r nn, nrnnpa hHVl been
menia ui rum r
. n . . .1 narmanV lARt
made to r raiito " j
year particularly shipments to foreign
markets were neavj, mm
part of the season growers were as
sured of good figures.
With the advance oi aairyiB
farming sections, prunes are grown
more exiciiaivcij -
dual system from which to derive their
Invitation Kxtended to Officiala Hav
ing to Do With Island's Affairs
Accepted by Many.
Ar-nf Anrll 10. (Special.) A
list of those Senators and Represen
tatives who expect to mane m- ii'p
the Hawaiian Islands, leaving San
Francisco on April 28, follows.
The list was made up on March lo
and is subject to change.
Tn..i; vara pvtended bv the peo
ple of Hawaii to those Representatives
and Senators wno were ku uiun.
having to do with Hawaiian affairs.
The citizens of Hawaii provided steam
ship and other expenses of the mem
bers. The party will assemble in Chi
cago except those living in the West
ern states, and all will meet at the
Palace Hotel in Ban Francisco prior to
Senator and Mrs. Albert B. Cummins,
Des Moines, la.; Senator and Mrs. Will
iam Hughes. Paterson, N. J.; Senator
T. W. Hardwick and daughter. Sandere
ville. Ga.; Senator and Mrs. Ollie James,
arion. Ky.; Senator and Mrs. james .
luai 1V1I, -I--' , . .
Martine, Plainfield. N. J.; Senator Lee
S. Overman and Misses Grace and
Kathryn Overman and Miss Mildred
... i . c i, .1 .1 nr.. VI iloc T'nin-
lijoraen, otsimiw " ' -n ' '
J dexter, Spokane. Wash.; Senator and
Mrs. J. T. KoDinson ana juim ai
King, Lonoke, Ark.; Senator and Mrs.
Willard Saulsbury, Wilmington, Del.;
Senator and Airs, jonn r. ouMrum,
Denver, Colo.; Senator and Mrs. Reed
c.n. Gal T.nira fitv. Utah: Senator
and Mrs. William J. Stone and daugh
ter. Jefferson city, mo.; oenaiur mm
Mrs. C. K. Townsend. Jackson, Mich.;
canntn anA lira w V. Warren. Chey
enne. Wyo.; Representative and Mrs.
J. W. Alexander, Gallatin, Mo.; Repre
sentative and airs. u. n. aihuuhj,
t ..nnn.n-h Van 7?Anrestnta.tivA and
Mrs. R. W. Austin and daughter. Knox
ville. Tenn.: Representative and Mrs.
A. J. Barchfleld and daughter. Mr. and
Mrs. William Gearing. Mrs. Myra Da-
Charles H. Stonghton.
DUFUR, Or., April 10. (Spe--cial.)
Charles H. Stoughton was
elected Mayor of Dufur at the
annual election April 5 by .the
largest vote ever polled by a
Mayoralty candidate.
Mr. Stoughton was born in Illi
nois and passed the early years
of his life in that state and in
Wisconsin, coming to Oregon via
California in 1869 and settling
first in Multnomah ' County, on
the Columbia Slough, where he
operated a dairy for about three
years. He located in Wasco
County in 1875.
He has served eight and one
half years as County Commis
sioner of Wasco County. 12 years
as Director of School District 29
and four years a Councilman and
two years as Treasurer of Dufur.
h Ms
tH'V - f
, !
vis and F. P. Kraus; Representative
William P. Borland ana wue ana airs.
K. P. Fullerton. Kansas City, Mo.; Rep
resentative William G. Brown, jr., ana
wife, Kingwood. W. Va.; Representa
tive and Mrs. C- Brumbaugh. Colum-
UUD. W - . J'Cl'l V. 11 .
t. nn,Ttt fioHnn Ain Renresenta-
tive and Mrs. Philip Campbel and
daugnter, jfiitaourg, jvan.; ivetiicociua
tive Joseph G. Cannon, Danville, Hi.;
t, i . ; J William T
nctrcuuiua hiiu -J- - - -
Cary and son. Milwaukee, Wis.; Rep
resentative and Mrs. ir wwi
A.inwa Til - RonrA'ntntiv HnH MfS.
W. A. Cullo'p and Mrs. Robert Harper.
Vincennes. Ind.; Representative and
. . i". TT- t VltJ tAnnta X V
I JUrS. IV - ramuim, uuwuio, -
fRepresentative and Mre. James S. Dav
enport and Mrs. parKer, vinita, uma.;
Representative and Mrs. Scott Ferris,
Lawton. Okla.; Representative and Mrs.
J. A. Frear. Hudson, Wis.; Represen
tative and Mrs. Warren Gard. Hamil-
. i"l . D.n.,BAnl.tva an f r tl Cftrtflf
L 1 1 1 1 , I I . , 1 1 L J' 1 o.ll".. - ill - - - -
Glass and Mrs. G. F. Lucado, Lynch
burg, va.; itepresentative ana -r.
Alexander Miller.
MMINNVILLB. Or., April 10.
In the passing of Alexander Mil
ler, who was buried this week,
Yamhill County lost another
pioneer. Mr. Miller was born
April 2, 1829, In Greene County,
New York, and twice during his
life he crossed the plains as cap
tain of an emigrant train,
coming as far as California in
1848 and to Oregon in 1849. He,
married Miss Emily Bixby in
Wisconsin October 12, 1859. With
his family he came west to Idaho
in 1864, and the following year
to Salem. In 1871 he came to
Yamhill County.
Alexander Miller is survived by
five children Mrs. Adelia Morris,
of Yamhill; Frank J. Miller, of
Forest Grove: Walter C. Miller,
of McMinnville: Mrs. Lottie
Stewart, of Hover, Wash., and
Carl D. Miller, of Los Angeles,
J. Griffin. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; Representa
tive and Mrs. Albert Johnson. Hoqulam,
Wash.; Representative and Mrs. Will-
am Kettner. San Diego, cal.; repre
sentative and Mrs. Gordon Lee. Cliick
amauga. Ga.; Representative and Mrs.
John W. Langley and Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Gudger, Ashville. N. C; Rep
resentative and Mrs. James T. Lloyd,
Shelbvvile. Mo.: Representative and
Mrs. James R. Mann., Chicago, 111.; Rep
resentative and Mrs. C B. Miller, Du
luth. Minn.; Representative . and Mrs.
J. H. Moore, Philadelphia. Pa.; Repre
sentative and Mrs. E. W. Pou and
daughter, Smithville, N. C; Represen
tative and Mrs. J. E. Baker and Mrs.
G. M. Burroughs and Mr. and Mrs. B.
F. Lyni, Representative W. Rauch,
Marion. Ind.; Representative and Mrs.
D. J. Riordan and daughter. New York
City; Representative and Mrs. W. A.
Rodenbei-g. East St. Louis, III.; Repre
sentative and Mrs. Henry T. Rainy,
Carrollton, 111.; Representative and
Mrs. John J. Rogers. Lowell, Mass.;
Representative and Mrs. D. Shackle
ford and daughter. Jefferson City, Mo.;
Representative and Mrs. Swager Shir
ley, Louisville, Ky.; Representative and
Mrs. J. L. Slayden. San Antonio, Tex.;
Representative C. B. Slemp and sister,
Bie Stone Gap. Va.; Representative W.
H. Stafford, Milwaukee, Wis.; Repre
sentative E. P. Woods, Esthervilie, la-
Distinguished guests Byron Newton,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
and Mrs. Newton: Frank B. Lord, pres
ident National Press Club;- John K.
Desha; Mrs. James Hamilton Lewis; E.
E. Dennison. Marion, 111., new Repre
sentative in Congress; H. M. Goldfogle
and nephew. New York; Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Knowland and daughter, Oak
land, Cal.
Youngest Official City Has Had
Head of Commercial CInb.
CORNELIUS. Or.. April 10. Frank
Sholes. nominee on the Citizens' ticket.
who was elected Mayor this week, nas
lived here for the past five years and
has been cashier of the Cornelius State
Bank for the past nine years. Although
a young man, Mayor Sholes is in a
position to do a great deal lor tne
town. That he will have the support
of the citizens has been shown by the
laree vcfte he drew.
A short time ago he was elected
president of the new Commercial Club,
and has been chief or. tne volunteer
fire department since its organization.
A great deal of interest is being taken,
for he is the youngest Mayor the city
has ever had. Most of the other city
offices are filled with young men. The
administration is known as the "Young
Men's Administration."
General White and Other Officers
Look Over Eugene Tract.
EUGENE, Or.. April 10. (Special.)
The proposed 20-acre site for a new
13500 Government rifle range in Eugene,
as announced several weeks ago, was
viewed this afternoon by Adjutant
General White, of the Oregon National
Guard, In company with local Army
and militia officers. The site in ques
tion is located on the H. D. Christensen
place, two and a half miles south of
the city, at the foot of spencer s butte.
It is the plan of the National Gov
ernment to build a rifle range with
six targets. It will receive the classi
fication of a "small" army rifle range,
but there are two "large" ranges on
the Pacific Coast, oTie of which is at
Clackamas and the other at Monterey,
Secretary of Slate Divides $5836 for
Hoads and Bridges.
SALEM. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
Secretary of State Olcott yesterday ap
portioned among the various counties
$5838.42, the state's share of receipts
for the sale of Federal lands. Under
the -law the state receives 5 per cent
of the money received for Government
land to ba used by the counties in
- o S :
The sort you're looking for.
You can depend upon your new
Spring; clothes being: absolutely
correct if they are tailored by
The Satisfactory Nicoll System
Each garment is
planned to exactly
fit the one man
who is to wear
The shape and style are hand
tailored into the fabric by ex
perts in the tailor's art.
The cream of the Spring and
Summer styles is here, in a
variety to satisfy the most ex
acting taste.
$25, $30, $35 and up
108 Third St.
F. F. Boody, Jr., Mgr.
building roads and bridges. The ap
portionment is asfollows:
Baker. 8186.80: Benton. 141.99: Clacka
mas. $113.79; Clatsop, $50.12; Columbia,
$40.41; Coos. $99.38; Crook. $366.38;
Currv, $91.45; Douglas, $30X47; Gilliam,
$73.32; Grant, $275.93; Harney, ouo.oi;
Hood River. $33.15: Jackson, $173.13:
Jefferson, $108.14; Josephine, $106.89;
Klamath, $366.21; Lake, 4S3.4S; lme,
$281.64; Lincoln. $61.53; Linn. $136.93;
Malheur, $603.32; Marlon, $72.89; Mor
row, $123.62; Multnomah. $27.53; Polk,
$43.28; Sherman. $51.03: Tillamook,
$66.68; Umatilla, $1S3.iu: union, isy.i;
Wallowa. $191.99; Wasco. $143.03;
Washington. $44.63; Wheeler, $104.02;
Yamhill, $43.59.
Farmers Say They Have All Heard of
Misa Hofcbs' Visit, but Those
Without Opinion Accepted.
tjatcer. Or.. April 10. (Special.)
After a day's search not a person was
found who did not know about Miss
Fern Hobbs' famous visit to Copperfield
in January, 1914. and three venieres
were exhausted Dcfore a jury was com-nUaa-it
K:4S o-clock tonieht in the
first of the damage suits against ex-
Governor West, Colonel a. jawson.
then head of the militia force, ana
The first case is that or William
Wiegand, whose saloon was closed and
his liquor and fixtures confiscated by
the militia after Miss Hobbs' visit. He
asks $4500 for loss of material things
and for damages to his business. Not
- . .1 . , . , ; n ... n n 1- .1 I.I 1 1 111 Wflfl
une ui cuii.iuch .......... i- .-
ignorant of the- case, but the defense.
with only one exception, acceptea moss
.1. n Bui. th.v hnH i nnininn on the
matter, while the prosecution exhausted
its challenges on different grounds.
Mr. west was an initniaviy iiiLcicawu
spectator as he st with his attorneys,
Frank Collier and Claude McColloch. of
Portland, McColloch being Mr. West's
partner. He frequently talked with his
...nxnotra anil WQQ nerVOUS afl hti tOOk
notes, but he did not take active part
in the proceedings, ne reiuseu iu
hazard an opinion concerning the out-
- -i , . n ,. .. i-n "1 Hid mv dutv as
I saw it." he said, "and now I am will
ing to leave the decision as to tne nem.
or wrong of it in the hands of people
. .1 TT ia viattinr with C H.
Oi I.lttV' I - i i V. i . ... i ... ..
McColloch and others here. The court
room was well filled all day.
Colonel Lawson and Vern N. Walton,
- tn.;nman dt n Un hprp. James H.
Nichols, of 'Baker, is attorney for
The jury is composed mostly of farm-
.ii:i- 1,, mmliiirii ara frnm this
eris, wniic ii.i- in., ..I -1... -
city, but only one lives within 40 miles
of Copperfield. .Opening arguments will
be made before judge tiusiav Araiei
at 9 o'clock Monday morning.
s "
petition Filed at Roseburg to Break
Last Testament of W. C. Hughes.
rtcif oTTDn Anrll in fSnecial.)
Acting for Mrs. Elizabeth F. Smith,
of Kentucky. Attorney r. J. x-uu,
ir.n..av fliori a nptltion in the Pro
bate Court here asking that the will of
the late W. G. iugnes, ex-owuei
much Douglas County property, be re-
. l 1 Ba fa. aa ft nnnlied tO Oregon.
Mr. Hughes died in Los Angeles last
April and lert an estate vaiucu -t.
proximately $900,000. Of that amount
$100,000 worth of the property was lo
cated in Douglas County. Oregon. In
his will he bequeathed his property to
several heirs and religious organiza
tions, but omitted to mention Mrs.
Attorney Eddy says that the will was
executed without witnesses, and, conse
quently, is void under the Oregon laws.
Mrs. Smith says there are onty live legal
heirs to the property, and that shu is
entitled to a one-fifth Interest in the
Lumber Company Keeps Tab on
Scientific Logging Methods.
MORTON, Wash., April 10. (Special.)
Much interest is shown here in the
experiments Dein& maae uj mo -haeuser
Timber Company in clearing
360 acres of logged-off land about three
miles from Ashford. The work 1b be
ing done along the most scientific lines
known at this time. An exact expense
account is being kept of the cost, and
when the land is ready for the plow
these expense statistics will be com
piled and published for the benefit of
others who have such land to clear.
It will work out something like this:
A owns 40 acres of improved land.
B owns 40 acres of logged-off land
adjacent or near that of A. The mar
ket price of A's land is $t an acre. B
paid 30 cents an acre far his land. By
reference -to the figures on clearing
land which will be compiled. B will
know whether or not he can clear his
land for the 70 cents' difference. If
he can, it will pay him to do it.
The advantage of accurate informa-
Cor. Sixth and
Complete brand new,
up to the minute
stock of
High-Grade Clothing
This Sale Will Last
12 Days Only
Owing to the recent fire in our
present location, we were en
abled through the consideration
of our landlords to cancel our
present lease, and we will open
May 1 in our new location at the
northeast cor. 4th and Morrison
On March 27 we reopened our
store with a very large stock
of goods and in order to reduce
same prior to removal we offer
these splendid 1915 clothes at sacrifice prices
$35 Suits at Removal Price $26.35
$30 Suits at Removal Price $22.50
$25 Suits at Removal Price $18.75
20 Suits at Removal Price $15.00
Sale Starts Tomorrow
tion on this subject, which can be had
by reference to the Weyerhaeuser sta
tistics, is thus apparent.
Man, Accused by Wife, on Ball.
ROSEBURG. Or., April 10. (Spe
cial.) D. U Keeler, who surrendered
to the officers here Wednesday, when
he learned that he was wanted on a
charge of wife desertion in Coos Coun
tv, yesterday posted $1000 cash ball
to assure his appearance In court when
wanted. Keeler says that he and his
wife separated by mutual consent and
he denies that he is guilty of wilful
Sheridan Voles for Xew City Hall.
SHERIDAN, Or.. April 10. (Special.)
A few days ago this city voted to
build a new City Hall, to cost not less
than $6000 and on April 24 will vote
on building a new High School to cost
$19,000 in order to make room for the
increase in number of students.
Nobody Can Tell When You
Darken Gray, Faded Hair
With Sage Tea.
Grandmother kept her hair beauti
fully darkened, glossy and abundant
with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur.
Whenever her hair fell out or took
on that dull, faded or streaked ap
pearance, this simple mixture was ap
plied with wonderful effect. By asking
at any drugstore for "Wyeth's Sage
and Sulphur Compound," you will get
a large bottle of this old-time reclije,
ready to use. for about 60 cents. This
simple mixture can be depended upon
to restore natural color and beauty to
the hair and is splendid for dandruff,
dry, itchy scalp and falling hair.
A well-known downtown druggist
says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur. bec,.use it darkens so nat
urally and evenly that nobody can tell
U has been applied It's so eaay to
use , too. lou simply dampen a coinb
or 'soft brush nd draw It through
your hair, taking one strand fct a
time. By niornjiig the gray hair disap
pears; after another application or
two, it is restored to Its natural color
and looks glossy, soft and abundant
& Porges
Washington Sts.
at 9 A. M. Be There
Here Is Good News
for Stomach Victims
Some very remarkable results ar
being "obtained by treating stomach,
liver and intestinal troubles with purs
vegetable oils, which tzert a cleansing,
soothing and purifying action upon the
lower bowels, removing the obstruc
tions of poisonous fecal matter and
gases and preventing their absorption
by the blood. This done, tha food la
allowed free passage from the stomach,
fermentation ceases and stomach
troubles quickly disappear.
Oeorg. II. Mayr. for 20 years a lead
ing Chicago druggist, cured himself
and many of his friends of stomach,
liver and intestinal troubles of years'
standing by this treatment, and so suc
cessful was the remedy he devised that
It has since been placed in the hands of
druggists all over the country, who
have sold thousands of bottles.
Though absolutely harmless the ef
fect of the medicine is sufficient to
convince any one of Ha remarkable
effectiveness, and within !4 hours the
sufferer feels like a new person. Mayr's
Wonderful Remedy is sold by leading
druggists everywhere with the positive
understanding that your money will b
refunded without question or quibble If
ON ill bottle falls to give you absolute
satisfaction. Adv.
, piCiXET.
W4-Lar- Bits.
Ald.r ttreet at Weal Park.
Part lama, Ua,
Qf Kill CI 1-7 iws -j -" -
tmm .iih any Lutd ot vok. Ciraular Mot Ir