2 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 4, 1913. Mesd Mounf Sf. Sepierdffilderiici t5' J fc. &t&&3ap?i l C-- ' I. y vT n'fTTO;"1 Auf -V H Hi . liH- VByWV rail rSti. Then follows the ceremony of the wash, burns at all services from blaster eve ing of the feet, which Is the "manda- until Ascension Thursday, emblematlo ' turn" for the day, and gives the name of our Lord's life on earth from the of "Maundy" Thursday. The celebrant resurrection to the ascension. After of this ceremony, accompanied by his blessing: and lighting the paschal can ministers, goes to the place In the die, the 12 prophecies from the Old Tis church assigned. There he is awaited tament are sung. After this the mlnls by 13 persons. Assisted by his min- ters change the violet-colored vet t tsters, he washes the right foot of menta to those of white ami the veils each of his subjects, dries and kisses and hangings of mourning purple It, which completes the rite, conducted throughout the church are exchanRod in memory of Christ's washing of his for the white of Easter and ornaments Disciples' feet. are returned to the altars. Good Friday at the Church of the The first mass of Easter is then sung Holy Sepulcher is observed with rites and the whole service breathes the all ot unique solemnity. At the morning ticipatlon of thj morrow. When the service of this day no one save the service reaches the point at whloh the celebrant receives the holy communion. Gloria Is sung the church bells and or No mus is celebrated in any Catholic gan, silent since Holy Thursday, peal church on this day. In black vest- forth In joyful notes the tidings of the ments; accompanied by his ministers, coming resurrection. On the evening of Holy Saturday th church Is beautifully decorated with Easter flowers and greens, and there Is held the "servlcs of resurrection." Tho time for this pilgrimage make It at Easter, that they may participate In or witness the wonderful series of serv ices which take place at the actual Christ. No one who has attended the services of holy week and Easter at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher In lar" niche between the two stairways, in the Church of the Nativity at Beth lehem, known as the Latin and Greek stairways, one sees the birthplace of WASHINGTON, April t. For many because the angel was found seated originals from aaeh other in Jerusalem, centuries past It has been the hereon the morning of the first Easter, and the height Is the same as Mount custom of Christiana of al de- And the Inner chamber, which is the Calvary, nominations who could accomplish the tomb. The chapel of the angel is en- Beneath the Church of the HolySep Journey to visit the spots In the Holy tered by a low arched doorway, sur- ulchor Is a series of underground Land made sacred by connection with mounted by a large relief panel repre- chambers which are true copies of sev our Lord. At the present time ptl- sentlng Christ rising from the tomb.. A eral of the sacred spots In Palestine, grlms to the number of about 30.000 casket of stone In the center of the The Grotto of the Nativity, as It exists annually visit Palestine. They go at all chamber contains a fragment of stone today in Bethlehem, Is faithfully rep seasons, but such as can choose their from Jerusalem. resented In the crypt In a seml-olrcu- Through an archway so low that one must stoop far to enter It Is the sep ulcher of Christ. It Is a replica of the bare, rock-hewn cell, the tomb of Jo- scenes of the death and resurrection of ePa of Arimathea, In which Christ wan the Saviori indicated by a silver star iaia aiter nis crucmxion. in me onB- under the altar. To the right, In a lit inal sepulcher a slab of marble has tje recess In the grotto, where of old been laid over the tomb to cover It from tne Bhepherds were wont to feed their ,-,. .n v.. ..ni. desecrating nanus, norn mow animals. IS the manerer. lined with Impressed by the services. reproduced, and on It lies a figure of traw. and In It lies the Image of the And yet but comparatively few peo- ch,st; after the anointing of Dlvlne Infant. pie know that the unique services 5," ,bo5y' U.y h"e ,n Jth from Good At the other 8,de of tft- orypt ,B th) preparatory to and culminating In until hU Tesnrrtctloa Easter QroUo of Nalareth It ft copy of the Easter which take place in Jerusalem morn- home where Jesus was subject to his are reproduced as faithfully as olr- Above the tomb is a fao simile of the parents and learned his trade of a car- cumstances will permit in one spot In ver relief panel of Raphael's "Resur- penter. According to tradition the our own land at the Franciscan rectlon," which Cardinal Antonelli do- hOUae in which the holy family lived monastery on the outskirts of Wash- ted to the holy sepuloher. In Jeru- consisted of one room. It was built lngton. salem the soft lamps which dimly light against a natural cave, which thus : The Franciscan order of friars has th chamber are of gold, silver formed an apartment for domestic pur- had charge of the holy nlaces of Pal- na Precious eiones. xiere in a poses. estine since early In the thirteenth century. St. Francis of Asslsl. the founr of the order, was granted their custody . by the Mohammedans. In Washington a body of devout monks has created an establishment which is a memorial of all the holy shrines of Palestine and reproduces the services taking place there. ductions are of simpler materials, but produce the same effect upon the hal lowed spot It is at the holy sepulcher that the holy eucharlst is administered to the throngs who come to this most sacred shrine Easter Sunday morning. Above the holy sepulcher and reached by two flights of marble steps is -the The Grotto of Nazareth is connected with the Grotto of Bethlehem by a semi-circular passage, bunt In sem blance of a section 'of the catacombs at Rome. In the center ot this dimly lighted subterranean gallery la the martyr's crpt, which contains the ac tual relics of St. Benlgnus, brought from the Roman catacombs to And a final resting plaoe beneath the main the celebrant goes to the altar, which is bare but for the candlesticks and crucifix covered with a purple cloth. The officiant and ministers prostrate themselves before the altar during the friars go to the part of the church In singing of part of the scriptures. Then front of the holy sepulcher and then while kneeling a plain white linen cloth chant the solemn matins of the resur is spread upon the bare altar, which rection. At the conclusion of this office Is now in darkness. the celebrant and his ministers proceed The passion, according to Bt. John's to the holy sepulcher and the blessed gospel, is then sung by three deacons, sacrament is brought out in triumph, as on Palm Sunday, after which the In gorgeous procession, amid hymns crucifix on the main altar is unveiled and the pealing of the organ, it is car "and brought down to the altar steps, ried round through the various chapels, where clergy and people venerate it. a. id finally to the high altar, where the During this ceremony all the crucifixes solemn benediction is bestowed, and the In the church have been unveiled. flVt service of Easter Is over. After the veneration of the crucifix The Easter Sunday masses, following the friars form in procession and pro- the custom of those in Jerusalem, are ceed to the holy sepulcher, when the said In the holy sepulcher every half sacrament is brought back in solemn hour from B:30 In the morning. At state to the central altar. The officiant ociock a solemn high mass Is snid at then consumes the sacred species and the central altar, when the gorgeous the clergy leave the altar In silence. Easter music is beautifully rendered The Good Friday evening, service at by the monastery choir before a con the Church of the Holy Sepulcher is F.regation which crowds the great edl unique in this country, and represents flee. A custom of several years' stand - the burial of our Lord, following close- liitf at the first service of Easter Sun ly that performed at Jerusalem. The day -is the attendance In a body of a church is in comparative darkness and large number of Howard University the scenes in this dim light take on an students, who walk out to the monas added solemnity. Previous to this serv- tcry church to partake of the early ice the figure of Christ has been taken Easter sacrament. At the 3:30 service from its year-long resting place In the In tne afternoon the chanting of the holy sepulcher and is now reclining on effire of compline is followed by the a bier In front of the representation ot solemn benediction of the blessed sac Mount Calvary. The figure is incensed: r.imenl. ... prayers are said. and, following the ........ customary service In Jerusalem, the " e b-'K"t " . customary service " various uch of the grounds of the church and first of . series of rm n. In montery .J may be pIore, by language. I. prea hedjrom the spot BlKnter. after Then the solemn P"8i0" ' th ,ong ,ervlce. Tn9y wander tnrouKll The dead Christ on th ' b1"' the well-kept ground, and . general! ered by a pall. Is borne by the monks u,u-de. Preceding this, at the cor" 1ing , a mtl. valley to th. south ..f lege, are carried representation ' th, ,,,,, This I. a facsimile crown of thorns, of the r.prodUction of th. famous .hrin. of which pierced hands and feet of th. p cre.te(1 tne Kr.neU. spear athJ" Ich ' of those the sponge filled with vinegar which pjlgrlmi whQ cnnot iee tne famou, they gave him to drinkj grotto of miraculous healing In Its na- This awe-inspiring Pr0"'n bltS" tlv. horn. In th. south of France, monk, in th.tr coarse brown habits occasion, that with sanaaiea i - ---- on may penetrat. the seclusion of th. bodv" of their Savior through the church, preceded by th. weird tokens beautiful cloisters and courtyard of th. monastery, th. great, severely plain altar of Thabor, representing the com- ' Th. Church of th. Holy Sepulcher. "only known Mffcnt .Tabor, where th. aUar ot tne Cnurcn of the Holy Sepul- tranaf iffur&tlon of Christ took Dlace in A a wa.v nvu t named after the famous basilica In jne presence of Mo.es and Ellas. ar chapel, wr T a. ,h. martyr'. ' Jerusalem, and its attached monastery To the left of the holy sepulcher. and crypt, is decorated with replicas of the oustodian-in-chlef of the holy angle Is taken away, emblematlo of ""TwiT.Jtnn tVrl mii f" Th0T 'e T' ,"1 et,yenl ot the Pain" frescoes shrines, named the custos. to go In the period when th. Lord was lost to northeast of Wash ngton, three mile. Francis. Th. "Sweet Saint or Assist" is ln the catacomb, at Rome. procession from th. Mount of Olives ,or . tlm(1 Th. ohurph no? from the Umted States Treasury re- her. represented In th. figure above The chapel ot Purgatory, in this re- .crp.s th. brook Kedron and through ! ' 5!" 7. L the rard.d as the center of the city. Th. the altar a. receiving the embrace of Klon, Is a BOmber funeral cha , whog9 the goIden u to the temple lace in reduced tb sem -darkness, suggests th. holy brothers were wise in their se- our Lord, according to the conception black draperies, funeral candelabra, Jerusalem. Just Inside the city wall loom ot a Christless world. The Christ lection of their site, when some 15 of Murlllo. A relief panel on either the skulls on th. capital, of the pllas- be was met by the rest ot th. clergy candle ls Presently restored, typifying year, ago they chose th. glorious ,d. of th. figur. represents, on the ters and th. wlerdly lighted panels, all nd th. people and conducted to the the resurrection, and the servlo. is wooded eminence now known as Mount right. St Francis blessing St Louis, brine: to ren,emhrnr h. Bashw of th. nm. Rn,.ir.h-r .h.r. completed. St Sepulcher. overlooking miles upon King of France, and St Elisabeth. Solomon. "Vanitv nf vm.. ., .n i. he eelehmted nntiflMl m. Th.r. Holy Thursday, or Maundy Thursday. mnes ot veraant ariana on one siae yueen of Hungary, and on th. left nis vanity." At the altar her. ls offered "till the open-air processional Palm ni uu iue uuiw mg "i i lusmaiuiiion. the mn tnr lhit wkn A. in k. .v.. The three other chapels composing joining monastery, th. corner, of the great cross-shaped The Easter services at Mount Bt. Sep church are th. chapel of the Virgin, uicher actuany commence a week be- tne cnapei or ou Antony and in. cnapei tar fnr th. ,1.,, nr i mi.k.. . of St. Joseph. In the center of the hut nn.tin. f .h. i... t th. a, vr.f.,., rnunlty receives holy communion, priests I. V, , I, J . uu. i... .i ma.na.iar Oration of Easter. They are carried The singing of the passion service tne five-foTd cross, which was the coat- used for th. ordinary publio services of out wiu, ful, and llturf;,cal peculiar to holy week. Three of-arms of the Latin kingdom of Je- the church. splendor and after th. manner of those deacons sing it on four different day. rusalem. are nibied faithful repro- The altar of Calvary, set high abov. at jeru8alem. the seat of the actual -Palm Sunday. Tuesday, Wednesda, ductions of th. holy shrines of Pales- the main entrance -to th. church, ls a hrln. of r-hn.t , nx anna e-mo-.! t th. i.. ciihi. iui uin .lr ai Jtni- rnn frlor. h.v. h..n th United States. It is a gracious spot and a fitting place for the reproduc tion of the most sacred places of earth. In the great church, built upon By rantine lines, restrained by the rule of Sunday at Jerusalem, but It is not car ried out as it was of old. After the procession round the mon astery church at Washington, high Is a day of festival becaus. it ls th. anniversary of the institution Of the Lord's supper. For the first time In holy week white vestments are worn, and only one mass is celebrated. At this mass the entire monastic com as well as brothers, ln one kind, as do the laity. At this mass two par ticles of bread are consecrated and one ls reserved for the Good Friday service. combined ln a beautiful and harmonl- salem, which covers the "place of the cus whole. skull," where the Savior of the world The chief feature of th. church, as gar. up his life for mankind. Behind of the whole establishment, ls th. holy the altar ls an impressive group of the Aft th. -. IV. : ... . t have been th. custodians four evangelists. The three parts are i. . . I lnr. 1S-J3 rh. th. f.... 1 . . li h .h whn w " '" '- lioao OI a of St Francis won this right for him- take the words, respectively, of the self and his followers. evangelist of our Lord and the the The first service of holy week takes people. solemn and beautiful procession to th. holy sepulcher, which, elaborately dec orated with plants and candles, be- sepulcher which is aa exact reproduc- crucifixlor '.consisting of the figure of p,ace Palm Sunday with the K o'clock Late' on Wednesday afternoon the "J"0.'7 ?n hat i"""'"o " "" l" irSin Alary .hn th. .l.hr.nt hi..... tv,..x. - iu. uu.lo.iis in Jerusalem as the holy of holies and and ot. John on either side. Beyond cheltered by th. magnificent Church of these figures are, on either side, two the Holy Sepulcher, th. mecca. of all monuments, one of Mary Magdalene; Christians. It was to preserve the th. other known as the "Pleta" and tomb of Christ that many of the cru- representing the lifeless body of sader. of old from various parts of the Christ in the arms of his mother after world laid down their lives. the descent from the cross. Th. holy sepulcher in th. monastery The distance from this representa- m0t hH.ly hur. commonly Jerusalem. 7t the conclusion of this ceremony two friars kneel In adora- distributes the palms at the central called Tenebrae. are sung ln the church. nKn. .ft.. ht. th. .4 1 t n.. t . .,kt.h I- h... lln-h.. X2..f. . h . cession takes place, in representation altar lights is a triangular candelabra "! dy!",d "I" "tu ... I .... V 1 votional Jerusalem, wuen me mu.iiiuaes wavexi ana nis loiiowers. At aiiiereni pans watch is relieved hourly (hrntl irhnnt palm branches before him and shouted of the service the lights on this are ij,,., ... .... . . .. . . . . . Immediately after this ceremony the "Hosannah to th. Highest!" This extinguished one by one, and the altar . ' hK ..... . . urclm is similar tn that r,nn .!.. liirht. r irrndunll v nut nut. This ron- 'tars or tne cnurcn are Stripped ot Church here, as in Jerusalem, consists tion of Mount Calvary to the holy sep- brated in Jerusalem at the Church of resents the desertion, one bv one. of the ornaments, cloths and linens and the of two apartments. The outer apart- uicher, across the length of the great the Holy Sepulcher. Disciples. sanctuary lamp, which has remained lit ment is called th. chapel of th. angel, church, is about the same as are the In former days it was customary for Finally, the topmost candle in the tr,1- throughout the year, is extinguished. - . . ..n....4 v.t mni. or nis lurarms. . rc-ttangular building behind th. church, effective by it. fitful lighting up by The j.,,,, ord.r d0M not Mow of candles and torches, which "born. orn,ent , bul,dlng or , matei-l il by a body of young men from t ie city. Thu repr,ton seems to fin who consider It a special privilege to (,s ouUet (n th d,velopment of natart be permitted to take this part ln the whkb Bu Franc1 of old BO jovej ceremonial. fh. courtyard, with Its vine-covered The procession moves slowly round clgtern , th. centeri a apot ot r,Lh the church, stopping at intervals Be- beauty wntch ltBit additional charm fore the various .altars. The biei is t(J the pleh, ambulatory, wh.r. th. rested at each until a sermon in a dlf- trllLr, taka ,xrcls, and recreatlon In ferent language Is preached. The ng- inolem.nt weather. Nor may one. ex ure is finally rested upon the stone of cept by ,pecla, privuege, penetrate th. unction, which is In front of the holy beauUfu prVate grounds of tn. mon sepulcher, and the last sermon Is then aBtery an1 ,nJoy the exquisite. y-kept preached. After the sermon the figure Jtarder and grounda which the monl:s ls again incensed, prayers are recited nav ereated behlnd tnalr homa. and the dead Christ is laid to rest for Here th hoIy brothera lov, tt) wan another year ln the holy sepulcher. der of a balmy eveninr t0 tBmi tbelr Tho door Is closed in memory of th. flower, and nten to the songj of the sealed tomb and the clergy and people birds, for the birds com. to it in flocks, silently retire. a. they cam. of old to St Francis, ti e Th. stone of unction ls th. latest ac- beloved 0f th, birds. Here thj mock quisltlon of th. church and monast.ry, lng blrd tHlu her unrivaled sunn, and the gift of a woman, and used in this here tha thrush, "th. little brown service for the first time. It was mad. fr0CB;ed brother of th. loved Asslslan." In Jerusalem and. is a facsimile in ease, har neart in the peac. and qui every detail of the stone of unction in ,tude of thia holy ,poti thu bcautlful the Church of the Holy Sepulcher In memorial of the Holy Land, so far re Jerusalem. Like Its prototype, it Is of moved from aii things mundane, yet the native red marble of Palestine. In ao ui0B t0 th. very heart and center Jerusalem it covers the rock on which. of thii mogt modern republic of th. tradition holds. Christ was laid before wor)d. his burial to be anointed with spices by Nlcodemus. On Holy Saturday, or Easter eve, quit, a number ot old liturgical rites r observed at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Chief among them ls the Chugsforth ls an experienced motor blessing of the paschal candle at .the 1st?" 9 o'clock morning service. Before mas. "Yea When an accident happens he on that day the olergy go to tne portal always blames th. car." of the front door of the church and th. fire is blessed. From this fire are light- Had Their Plana Made. ed the candles for this service and the (Birmingham Age-Her.ld.) sanctuary lamp, extinguished on Good we were marrled, H,nfy, you Friday, is lighted for another year. Baid wouM ever ruff)e u The procession returns from the door to . . iiyes" before the central altar for the rite of reny r our "ves; blessing the paschal candle. "That's what I thought at th. time. This is a very large candle, which but your relatives knew better." Knows What to J)o. (Birmingham Age-Herald.) "Did I understand you to say that