THE MORNING OREGONIAN. SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1915. 11 FROCK FOR LITTLE GIRL EASY TO CUT AND MAKE Fine W hite Linen Is Used For Suit and Embroidery Is Done With White and Bine Mercerized Cotton Some Pointers Are Given. 1 ' ? . . " - -V S ' " X ' - ' 5- " ,s y 2 i z - t ? " ' I ?, ' - I : ' . ! r " x " v N ; ; J , " V f r " : ' - r 4 - J i k h s ' i I L-Jr ' , " I ' r " TV I, i ,. i. . , Ssat--' . jnvrini.Yi fiir-m i fii, rf -rf , rl ml n.i i mm 11V f-i'i,iTinnTitriW fimiiTiiJhtfMimimitiriW-triirMiTi)ii-ff - Lll'lXK Kli.Cii fr'KUClw 1UU BAli 1 THERE is a distinction about th baodmade frock which no amount of elaboration accomplished on the sewing machine can hope to etiuaL A charming little costume for the wee girl, or even the wee boy, is so easy to cut and the making so exceedingly simple' that even the mother who has not much skill at needlework should be able to manage ic Fine white linen is the material, and the embroidery is done with white and blue mercerized cotton. Tile scalloping is in blue and the flowers in white, outlined with blue. The dots are blue. The only opening is at the front of the neck, where eyelets, worked with white, are laced up with narrow blue ribbon matching the color of the blue embroidery. Pink embroidery would be equally dainty, or brown and white might be used for the embroidered de sign on a ground of yellow linen. Vari ous color schemes will suggest them selves to the needleworker. The frock is cut on kimono lines, from a double length of yard-wide linen. Do not cut a straight line down from arm pit to hem. but a little lower than midway, leave a section of the linen Jutting out from the seam. This sec tion is to be plaited into the seam to give fullness to the little skirt. The belt Is separate, also the piece of em broidered linen which forms the buckle. A long slash, buttonholed at the edges, is made in the buckle piece and half of the ellipse ie appliqued to the frock, the loose end of the belt passing through the slash. A few snap fasteners under the belt will hold it neatly against the frock and give a trimmer effect. MONTANA DIVISION LIKED Glendive Business Men Expected to Petition lor New State. GLENDIVE. Mont, March 30. That petitions which, it is believed, will be circulated here for the division of Mon tana and the creation of a new state will be generally signed is the declara tion of local business men- f Not only the city men, but farmers and stockmen generally, are in favor of the division. "Twilight Sleep" Aids Caesarian. CHICAGO. March 29. Another ad vance in the use of the "twilight tleep has been recorded in the annala of medicine. Armed with the newest discovery medical science was victori ous in the great peril to motherhood the Caesarian operation. Dr. Daniel A. Orth, attending surgeon at St. Mary's Hospital, performed the operation on Mrs. M. J. Detzner, of 1905 North Wa bansia avenue. The Caesarian sec tional operation was decided on as the only means of saving the patient's ! , ' A II "tf Lvd a E. P m Vegetable C If OWING to happy recovery of health by the timely use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound thou-) sands of women throughout the world once more enjoy the, reflection they see in their mirrors. Nothing is so pleasing to the eye as a happy, robust,' healthy woman, but owing to some curable disorder peculiar to their sex many women suffer week after week and month after month. Without complaining, they do their duty like soldiers until all beauty and freshness of features are gone ; premature old age appears and their mirrors tell a sad and disheartening tale. Many women owe their health to inkbam's ompouii three out of tens of thousands of Genuine Testimonials: An Operation Avoided. "I suffered from female troubles so badly that I bad a great deal of pain, awl If 1 slipped on a stone in walking, or got the leiwt jar, it would hurt me terribly I continued to set worse until I had spasms, and was advised tht I would have to go to the hospital for an operation I objected to that, and one day a friend called and advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for she said she had the same trouble dreadfully and could get no help until she took it, which cured her." Therefore 1 began taking it, and after the first bottle I was better, and foui bottle have entirely cured me of the trouble." Mrs. Ella F. Rick, 182 Friendship Street, Providence, H. L In a Short Time I Recovered. " I suffered from female trouble so that the best physicians advised me to go to the hospital for an operation, because they thought there was some thing growing in my left side which would have to be taken out I refused and instead sent to the drug store for a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and took it according to directions. In a short time I recovered enough to do my work, and later was able to make the trip to Decatur, I1L I know the Compound worked a miracle in my case, and I have recommended it to many persons arid told them what it haa done for me." Mrs. Latoa A. Gbiswold, 2300 Blk, E, Williams Street, Decatur, 111 A medicine that has restored so many women to health and can be proved resneet. This is the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which cine for women. LYDIA E. PIN Makes Change of Life Easier. ' " Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias done me a world of good, and I want to i-ecora-mend it to others who suffer as I did When I began to take it I was pausing through change of life. I was very nervous, could not sleep nights, and had a great deal of pain and soreness. I was advised to have an operation but they did not think I could live through it I took Lydia E. Puikhaiti'tf Vegetable Compound and have come out all right I think every woman in this condition should ivly on Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at this time of life, as it is such a gool remedy " Mrs. A. Bannigan, 57 Knickerbocker Avenue, Paterson, N. J to have done ft, must be regarded with cannot be equalled by any other niedi- KH AM MEDICINE CO LYNN, MASS. i--iiiiinii'iii;M J, life. Detzn Five other bablea bad died. Mrs. er was conscious through the 20 minutes needed. Questioned from time felt no pain. A few minutes later I room and announced to the waiting; to time by the surgeons, she said she , Dr. Orth strode from the operating- I husband that a healthy seven-pound girl had been safely ushered Into ths world, vyxxxxxxxxxxsrxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxx C XXXXXX X XXX XXX X XXXXJCX X XXX XXX X XXXXXX X XXX XXX X XXX ' exxxx XXXXXXXXVXXXXXX XX xxx x XXX XXX x xxxxxx x XXX xxx; xyy x xaa xxx x xxxxxx x xxx xxx: x xxxxx xxxxkxxR xxxkk xy.KXx xxxx . xxxxx x xx S8SSBR x 8$ xxxSS x5 $8088 yyyyy xx9vQ vxx w Xvwx yyvvxx XX . $X X X$ R Xxi X XXX K XX t XX I x5 x xxx . . Nxx x. x VXx ; . . . vx Hx ? x xxx B P s x J8 ; x x x x x gi p xxx xxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxv xxxxxx XXXX XXX X ." X . X X x . . XX ? xx $ x3 xx xxxX xxx xxxx x sg m xxx $ m x . xxx x X X xxx' XXXX gXX XXXXxX XXXXX V y X X X JC XAI X . . . X x xxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxx x xxxxxx x xxx xxx x- yyyyyx x xxx xxxXXX xxx x xxX xxxx XX X X XXir XX K XX) fxxxx XXXXXX x x xxxxx xxxxx X X XXXX X. XX X ;X X XXXX- xxxxxx V xxx xxxxx xxx : xxx xxxx vxxw x x XXX XXXX XxX X X XXX X XX xxxxx vxxx: e X XXXX K. X . . XXXX XX X ' XX xx. xxxxxx 1 xxxxx xxx xxx xxxxxT x5 I J xxxx xvxx I xS XXX X X xxx xxx xxxxxx 5 xxxxx xxx X XXX X Xxxxxx JScx X xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xx xxxxxxxxxxxx XXX XX CXX V X XXX xx x xx x XX X XXX xxxxx X X XX x XX v XX: xxx Xxx xx-5 X x x x x . xxx XX "xxx 'VXX xxx A A A Cross-Stitch Pattern of a Bor der for Table Covers, Scarfs, Etc. The accompanying; cross-stitch pat tern is an excellent design for borders for table covers, ' scarfs, bedspreads, bag's and pillows. The quarter section of the square forms a quarter of the ' border, which will also look well on collars and cuffs, as well as on children's dresses. To transfer this design take two sheets of writing paper, pin the pattern and paper together, lay on a blanket and punch a bole into four corners of each cross. 0 fZk'f ill ' va 'W ' :