Jj SECTION THREE Pages 1 to 12 EDITORIAL AND SOCIETY VOL,. XXXIV, A. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL. 4, 1915. NO. 14. Reduce Your Living Expenses by Saving Green Trading Stamps Over 4000 Beautiful Premiums to Choose From Without One Cent of Cost Meet Your Friends Here and Enjoy Luncheon in Our Beautiful Tea Room on the 4th Floor Public Phones and Rest Room on the nd Floor Home Journal Patterns for May Now In Main Floor Ladies' Home Journal Patterns for May now on sale at the Pattern Counter. Ask for your free copy of "Good Dressing." Illus trated Fashion Magazine for May containing latest style news OldSfWortman&King Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Pacific Phone Marshall 4800 Home Phone A 6231 Portland Agents for Burbank Seeds Grocery Department, Fourth Floor ' Bring the Burbank genius into your garden and make it "different." Booklet on "The Culture of Fruits, Flowers and Vegetables" free' with $1JD0 purchase of Burbank Seeds. Featuring New Evening Gowns, Dresses and Wraps Exquisite Models for Opera, Dancing and Party Wear Tomorrow and all this week we will feature a special showing of the new Gowns, Coats, Wraps and Dresses for evening wear undoubtedly the finest collection ever assembled in Portland. Women interested in the new fashions will find here correct and authoritative modes in all the most favored materials. Don't fail to see these lovely new creations. New Gowns $38.50 to $135 Department, Second Floor Beautiful Gowns for the opera models from celebrated designers in the season's newest fashions. Exquisite models of pussy willow taffetas in plain colors and dainty figured effects others of crepe de chine, Duchesse satins, French laces, silk nets and the very new embroidered voiles. Some emphasize the "hoop skirt" effects, with high waist; others in full flare skirts and pantalette modes. Elaborately trimmed with silk brocades, laces, nets, fancy buttons, buckles, etc. Complete range of the wanted shades, including lemon, rose, lilac, greens, putty, gray, etc. Also handsome models of black or f Off fifl white. Prices range from $38.50 up to P-- 3 JJ New Dancing Dresses $18.50 to $35 Department, Second, Floor Women's and Misses' New Dresses in models de signed for dancing and reception wear. Very latest models, showing the long double skirt effects, with shirred bottom and puff sleeves, and many other-dis-' tinctively new styles. Crepe dtf chine, crepe meteor, satins, pv.ssy willow silks, chiffons, etc Beautifully trimmed with silk laces, nets, flowers, etc. Shown in white and delicate shades for evening wear. The prices range P Q ff fCi from $18.50 on up to PJJ 11 DaintyNewWaists$3.95-$37.50 Silk Petticoats in All Latest Colorings Department, Second Floor Dainty new Waists for street and evening wear in a multitude of charming models the largest assortment we have ever shown. Crepe de chine, tub silk, taffetas, messalines, nets, silk laces, chiffons, etc. Prices range $3.95 to $37.50 Department, Second Floor New Silk Pet ticoats of taffeta, messaline and silk jer sey in new Fall styles. Complete showing of the newest colors to go with the Spring suits, dresses and gowns. Many in the new full-flare effects. Prices Qin ff I range from $2.79 up to pJLl.3J Evening Coats $25 to $87.50 Garment Salons, Second Floor A' representative showing of the smartest styles in Evening Coats and Wraps awaits you here tomorrow and the following days. Every garment has been selected with great care and we feel safe1n saying youH not find such distinctive styles elsewhere in Portland. Fashionable Coats of plain and fancy silk velvets--new mod els of bengalines, broadcloths, corduroys, etc. Some in shirred waist effects; others in fancy belted styles or with loose flare skirts. Shown in all the favored colors, including sand, putty, greens, rose, etc. Many have fancy linings. All sizes for women and misses. Prices St07 for these Coats range from $25 on up to pO.t .iJJ Smart New Suits $25 Others $12.50 to $87.50 Department, Second Floor Excess value and style in every one of these stylish new Suits we offer at ?25. You will see at a glance how far superior the fabrics and tailoring are in comparison with ordinary Suits sold elsewhere at this price. Among the new styles shown are tailored and belted effects, military cuts, high waistline and novelty styles in splendid assortment. Materials are serges,' gabardines, pop lins, repps, coverts, etc. Many handsome styles in stripes and checks. High-grade silk linings. Shown fitOff in all the leading colors. All sizes. Priced at - " J New Spring Coats $25 Others $7.95 to $67.50 Department, Second Floor These Coats we show at $25 are unusually smart. They carry out the vers new fashions in a way that makes them distinctively different. Especially strong line of the new full-flare models and back orside plaited effects. Some have patch pockets and deep collars ind cuffs. Shown in all the newest shades. GJO-a fif All the wanted sizes. Moderately priced at P&3.J9 Splendid showing of women's and misses' new Spring Coats ranging in price $7.95 up to $67.50. $2 Wool Voiles At 98c Main Floor Beautiful light-weight fabrics for Spring and Summer dresses. The in creasing demand for sheer, transparent ma terials makes this a remarkable bargain. The assortment is made up of special lines from our regular stock in plain, flaked and novelty effects. Shown in navy, tan, gray, rose, reseda, brown, Copenhagen and lav ender. 42 to 44 inches wide. Beg-QQi ular $1.50 to $2.00 Voiles at, yardfOC Superb Showing of the New Silks Exceedingly beautiful in texture and col oring are the new Silks for Spring and Summer. Our showing embraces the sea son's newest creations. New black-and-white Silks in checks, stripes and plaids. New Pussy Willow Taffetas in beautiful designs and colorings. Extensive showing of New Tub Silks in all desirable colors. Splendid showing of Black Taffetas and Messalines in dependable grades. Women's Coverall Aprons at 89c Style Just Like This Illustration Bargain Circle, Main Floor These excellent Aprons are made from best quality ginghams and percales. Shown in neat stripes, trimmed with Belf-material, open side-front, with shirred waistline checked ginghams, trimmed with plain material, or dark percales trimmed with bias folds of plain colors. Some with belt across back; OQ others will belt all around. Sizes 36 to 46. Priced special 0' Women's Kimono Aprons 39c New Kimono Aprons at 59c Bargain Circle Women's Kimono Aprons of plain blue chambray, piped with white on pockets, straps and cuffs. Extra well made and good large OQ. sizes. Priced special at Wiw Bargain' Circle Kimono Aprons in light and dark colors. Shirred elastic belts or plain, full styles, with strap across back. Also styles with bibs. On spe cial sale tomorrow at 59c Dainty New Wash Materials Choicest Productions of the World's Best Looms Here for Your Choosing Main Floor Exquisitely beautiful . weaves and patterns for Spring and Summer dresses in assortments to please every fancy. New Linens in fancy weaves all the wanted colors 50c to $1.00 yard. New Canton Bengalines in large assort ment of leading colors. New shipment of Silk Mulls just received. 36 inches wide. Very dainty for Summer waists and dresses. 25c yard. New Efleure Voiles the queen of Sum mer dress fabrics. Great variety of de signs in latest colorings. Embroidered Marquisettes one of the season's best sellers white grounds, with; colored designs. 27 to 40 inches wide. New Wheel Goods on the 4th Floor Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Sulkies, Perambulators, etc new 1915 styles in best makes. Standard lines Bicycles, Tricycles, Express Wagons at lowest prices. We are now showing our new Spring stock of Porch and Lawn Swings, Hammocks, etc Get our prices before you buy. Headquarters for Baseball, Golf and Tennis Supplies of all kinds. April Sale of Dinnerware Starts Tomorrow Wonderful Opportunities to Save! Department, Third Floor Beginning tomorrow morning we inaugurate a VERY IM PORTANT SALE of high-grade Dinnerware that should be taken advantage of by every woman who needs new dishes. Entire Stock Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets Now on Sale at Reduced Prices Entire Stock German China Dinner Sets Now on Sale at Reduced Prices Scipif Entire Stock of Haviland China Dinner Sets on Sale at Reduced Prices Entire Stock English China Dinner Sets Now on Sale at Reduced Prices Over 100 .Open-Stock Patterns in these beautiful Sets from which to Choose Rare Bargains in Decorated China 20c Fruit Saucers, assorted decora- t fn tions, worth to $3 dozen, each J- "C Fruit Saucers, assorted decora- J ff tions, worth to $6 dozen, each lJl Fruit Saucers, assorted decora tions, worth to $12 dozen, each Oatmeal Saucers or Bowls, worth T ff to $4.50 dozen, on sale at, each--JC Oatmeal Saucers or Bowls, as- O flfm sorted designs, worth to $9 doz."1" Plates, assorted decorations, t ff. worth up to $3 dozen, at, each - " Plates, assorted decorations, t CZg worth up to $6 dozen, at, each - Plates, assorted decorations, O fg worth S6 to S9 dozen, at. each vC Chocolate Cups and Saucers, 10c Chocolate Cups and Saucers, "1 CZf worth up to $6 dozen, at, each Chocolate Cups and Saucers, Ol. worth up to $9 dozen, at, each"'"' Chocolate Cups and Saucers, O ff worth $9 to $12 dozen, at, each"''' Sugars and Creams, assorted O ff decorations, worth to 50c pairf Sugars and Creams, assorted ff ff designs, worth to $1 pair, now" Bouillon Cups and Saucers, 9) worth to 6 dozen, at, each Chocolate Pots, asstd. dec- J f ff orations, worth to $2.75, ea. V " W Haviland China Tea, Cotfee and Bouillon Cups and Saucers now at one-half price' Fancy Decorated Comb and Brush Trays on sale tomorrow at one-half regular price Fancy Decorated Chop Dishes, in various styles, on sale now at one-half price Fancy Decorated Berry Seta in neat patterns on sale tomorrow at one-half price AllDinnerSets Reduced Third Floor English Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets in neat gold band designs and gold trimming at following prices: $ 5.15 set of 42 pieces, special, $ 4.10 $ 7.52 set of 50 pieces, special, $ 6.00 $ 9.00 set of 60 pieces, special, $ 7.65 $14.90 set of 100 pieces, special, $11.00 Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets, with green border, lace effect inside border and gold line. Very attractive pattern. $ 5.60 set of 42 pieces, special, $ 4.48 $ 7.85 set of 50 pieces, special, $ 6.28 $10.50 set of 60 pieces, special, $ 848 $15.50 set of 100 pieces, special, $12.40 April Sale of Garden Tools Dept. Third Floor Guaranteed Lawn Mowers, 4PO priced special at only, each m J Guaranteed Ball - bearing f ff Lawn Mowers on sale a.tPt.Ji3 Grass Catchers, galvanized bottom, 670 Good quality Grass Shears now at 50 Extra quality Grass Shears now 680 Grass Hooks, priced special, each, 450 Garden Rakes, priced special at 220 Full-size Lawn Rakes on sale at 350 Long Handle Shovels on sale at 680 Long or Short Handle Spades now 680 Long-Handle Cultivators now at- 680 Pruning Shears on special sale at 900 Ladies' Garden Hoes on sale 'now 350 Boys' Garden Spades on sale at 450 50-FT. GARDEN HOSE Cotton or rub ber complete with coup- O ff lira's and nozzle. Special p'.iJ Poultry Wire, black and galvanized Wire Window Cloth reduced. Gas Hot Plates and Ovens reduced. Full line Sherwin-Williams Paints. Great sale of Brooms continues all this week. Fishing Outfit SPECIAL $5.00 t'S Fourth Floor FISHING OUTFIT, con sisting of one basket with strap, one split bamboo rod and 80-yard reel with click, one 25-yard oiled silk line, one dozen snelled hooks, one box split shot, one can salmon eggs, three single leaders and one dozen silk-body flies LICENSE also included. Priced special 2Jff Cifi for the entire outfit, only pJUKJ The Correct Corset for the Correct Gown No gown, no matter how nandsome or how beautifully made. Call bUUW UH ttl I to UCO U umcao c vv 1, vw o "vj a Corset that is best adapted for the particular figure, as well as a model that lends itself to the proper draping of the gown. . Any woman striving for fashionableness in her figure -, i . f e t : 1 1 r: 1 1 : A 1 : wi tnout sacrificing comiurv win iuiu uci iucai viiacb m BON TON. Mrs. Beldon, Expert Corsetiere from the Royal Worcester Corset Company will be with us for a short time and will be glad to give you any information you may desire about your new Corsets the proper models to select and how to wear them. Mrs. Beldon has had years of experience and will be able to give you much important advice. Special arrangements may be made for fittings by apply ing at Corset Department, Second Floor. Boys' $6.50 Norfolk At $4.95 Main Floor These sturdy Suits are hand-tailored throughout and the fabrics are such as you would personally select if you were to have them made. .Popular Norfolk models with stitched-down belt and patch pockets. . Two pairs pants, full lined and double taped, go Q? with these splendid Suits at Carter Union Suits forMen--$l to $5 Main' Floor Our new Spring 'stock of the famous 'Carter" Union Suits for men is now complete. Cotton in white and ecru, white lisle, all wool, wool mixtures and silk and wool. Closed-crotch style and beautifully fin ished. -Shown in all sizes from .34 up to 48. - Long or short sleeves, knee or ankle length. Priced $1 to $5. Sale Women's Knit Underwear Center Circle 1st Floor Summer-response, Here's a timely sale of Women's Spring and weight Underwear that should bring quick Women's 65c Lisle Union Suits in a 'good range of sizes. Priced special' tomorrow at Women's 75c Lisle Union Suits in a full assortment of sizes. Priced special Monday Women's Fine Lisle and Cotton Vests in dainty lace-trimmed styles, Priced special at Women's "Sleeveless -an- Wing Sleeve Sum mer Vests in several new styles. Priced special Women's Sleeveless Summer Vests in reg ular and outsizes. Priced special Monday at Women's regular 75c Knit Bloomers priced very special for Monday's selling, the pair Women's regular $1.00 Knit Bloomers priced very special for Monday's selling at, the pair Portland Agents for Merode Hand-Finished Underwear 49c f s&sfca 59c uJis 35c l4sSw 19c SJM 59c NMy 79c Dress Accessories in Newest Effects NEW BELTS of suede and patent leather, in black and all the wanted colors. Widths range from 1 to 3 inches. Priced at 50c to 75c. V SILK BELTS of taffeta, moire and messaline.' Shown in black and the new est shades NEW LEATHER GOODS Women's Handbags in great variety of new shapes new Hand Purses, Vanity Cases, Music Rolls, etc., at reasonable prices. SILK UMBRELLAS in the new colorings and latest novelty handles. NEW SILK AND KID GLOVES in every desirable color, white and black, and in every style. NEW PLAIT INGS in dainty effects. Shown in nets, malines, chiffons and Ori cntal laces NEW VEILS AND VEILINGS in every conceivable color and mesh. Collar and Cuff Sets Worth Up to $1.75 Special 65c Main Floor Only a limited number of these Sets to go at this price, so it's ad visable to come early in the day. Beau tiful designs in rich Plauen laces. Sets consist of collar and cuffs to match. Ordinarily these would sell at $1.25 to $1.75. Your choice atO"C Saving jj&C Green Stamps Is Just Like Putting Money in the Bank! A sure, safe and satisfactory method of reducing your living expenses TRY IT. ABk for Book and Ten Free Stamps. Special Sale Grass Furniture To interest our customers in our magnificent line of new Summer Fur niture we quote the following specials: $7.60 Grass Rockers on 3JJ Q) special sale at only, ea. UeOLr $7.90 Grass Rockers on I?fS special sale at only, ea. P Regular $6.50 Grass Ta- CPfiT jfl bles priced special, each Regular $7.50 Grass Ta- Qf Off bles priced special, eachv"-" Regular $8.00 Grass Ta- Cfk bles priced special, eachP"J" $ 1.50 Grass Stools on sale at $1.24 $13.00 Grass Settees on sale at $9.95 $12.00 Steamer Chairs now at $7.50 $12.00 Grass Couches now at $7.85 Third Floor $12 Velour Couch Covers for $6.95 $6 Auto and Steamer Robes $3.95 Third Floor Extra special offering of high-grade Velour Couch Covers in plain colors, with fancy appliqued borders. Grades worth up to $12. flJJ CkCZ On special sale tomorrow '-' Third Floor Beautiful Woolen Auto and Steamer Robes in rich dark colorings. Grades in this assortment worth up to $6.00. Your choice JJO OCT tomorrow at only, each JJ 40c HemstitchedCurtainVoiles 24c yd 35c Art Cretonnes at 17c a Yard Third Floor 1500 yards of fino grade Hemstitched Voiles in white, cream and ecru, lirade usually selling at J Alf 40c. Special tomorrow, yard Wr4-C Don't Forget to Ask for Your S. & H. Green Trading Stamps. They Are FREE! Third Floor Practically one-half price for these handsome Art Cretonnes we offer tomorrow. Scores of pat- t 7g terns. 85c grades at, the yard