THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, APRIL 4. 1915. 11 won SAXK. THE ALASKA JUNK CO 201-203 Front tit- Telephone Main 411U. After 4 heartbreaking weeks of mov injc wo are now located in our new home. iui-lKi Front street, cor Taylor. Here we wlil be pleased to meet our old cus tomers and all others are invited to call. Investigate our stock, get our Q""0" upon material you need and we know you win then buy. We are not confined to any single line. We handle any and everything Ath-ln is too email nor too big lor u If it la good, salable material. We can sell you a boa with which to make your summer garden. Or you prefer we will sell you the equipment lor a sawmill. At all time we nave on hand a large supply of contractors' tool and supplies. Also: Wheelbarrows, car wheels, ropes, tackles, sheaves, gears, chain blocus. ...nriia fainwfcra. Dumos. bailers, en- i'n Alio: Tents, flies, tarpaulins, TnnvA belt in a:, packing, hose, harness. a - haneen. ahaf tins! col lara, pulleys, pipe,' cable, drums, Xrlctlons, tC ! We deiire especially to call attention to eur line 01 seuouu-uauu .... TT nZ 'Z. harness galore, single or double, light or heavy, anv kind you want and at prices that wlil agreeably surprise you. Also In pipe we carry the largest and moat complete stock. Buy our pipe and with It secure guaranteed satisfaction. Ail sixes at low prices. -in. black pipe, 2c. 4k-lu. black pipe, 2c. 1- lu. black pipe. Site. IH-Ib- black pipe. 4c. lb -m. black pipe. ofce. 2 - in. black pipe, 7c Prices on all articles correspondingly low. call at our store and allow ua to show you. Further: We are assiclated with some of tht largest distributing nouses in mo v mi. - We are in a position to complete or fill ' your orders with new stock at prices you cannot aupucaie euewoctc THE ALASKA JUNK CO.. XO 1203 Front ttL Telephone Main 4110. MISH FURNITURE CO 1S4 First St. New and iiecond-iHand Furniture. $00 Majestic Malleable Range, fitted with hot water front; In beat of condition $22.50 185 No. 8-18 South Bend Malleable Range, fitted with hot water front; perfect condition 141.00 $03 Buck Steel Range, practically new; snap at 145 Reliable Gas Range, equipped with high oven, broiler and veg- etable cooker; perfect condition. . $ 18.50 New Sturgls Go -Cart 3, regular $10 and 15; special at, each. .45.03 and 17.85 Good heavy grade of Print Lino leum, regular 75c quality; spe cial at, square yard S9c Extra heavy Inlaid Linoleum, reg- ular 91.25; special at, square yard.. 75c One 48-in. Quarter-sawed Fumed Oak j Extension Table, good as new; I rea ular $35; special now at J 18.00 64-inch Quarter-sawed Fumed Oak n.frrt KvtAnsion Table, hardly uaed, cost new $47.50; bargain at.. $22.50 ft. Tawsl nalr rtntlHle TvnewHter Desk, coat new $10; bargain at $18.00 1? rui rtna--tee-xweri Oak Buffet. used only four weeks; bargain at.. $21.00 New 50-pound Cotton Felt Mat tresses, guaranteed not to lump, regular $10; special at $.. MISH FURNITURE CO., 184 First fit. New and Second-Hand Furniture.' ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER 30c per square while U lasts. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON $2.20 per square. GALVANIZED WIRE, ALL GAUGES $1.60 per 100. WHE KLBARROW3 WHEELBARROWS $1.60 each. 10,000 GRAIN AND POTATO SACKS at a bargain pipe pipe: PIPE H-inch pipe, 2c foot. i-lnch pipe. 2Hc foot. 1-inch pipe, 3 c foot. l4-inch pipe. 44c foot. lH-lnoh Pipe. foot. 9-lnch pipe, 6Hc foot. 2 H -Inch pipe. l.c foot. S-inch pipe, 10c foot. AH guaranteed first-class condition, having new threads and couplings. J. SIMON A BRO., Main 2002. Front and Grant sts. A 2002 PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HELPS US FIGHT THE TRUST. WE SELL TO ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. PLUMBERS FURNISHED, $4 PER DAT. J. SIMON & BRO.. FRONT AND GRANT STS. Main 2002. A 2002. FOR SALE or trade, gasoline launch, 38 ft long, 6 H -ft. beam ; port-of fard seat In hull; oak ribbed, full glass cabin; equipped with 24 -horsepower, 4-cy Under, 4-cycIe Lamb engine; boat fully equipped; suitable for passenger or brldgetender; price $luoo. Including 20 boathouse. E. S. Bleeecker, Vancouver. Wash. Call Sheriff's office. Courthouse. $ft0 THIRD of cost, takes gentleman's new full dress outfit, finest quality and work manship, size 40, coat, vest, tuxedo, Inver ness; never worn. AL 713, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Good second-hand fly to cover 14x10 tent; must be cheap; give full par ticulars. AL 724, Oregonian. WANTED Mahogany rolltop desk, must be reasonable. Inquire 20? 6tock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. Mar. 205. A 4144. tU-HAND FURNITURE, ETC., WANTED. Don't gi-e it away. Get our figures first. Standard Fur. Co., 182 1st. Main 4773. WANTED Reclining oriole go-basket, good condition, price reasonable. Phone C 3-04 or M 70S. Oregonian. NATIONAL cash registers for world's fair at Pan Francisco, highest prices. S. Gold stein. 12i Broadway at., San Francisco, Cal. MOTOR BOAT flna piete, with boat 4071. condition. 8 H. P.. com bouse, $250. Woodlawn FREE household furniture storage; good care; own home; investigate. BC 724, Oregonian. DO NOT sell or give away any of your fur niture before you call the Bell Auction House, ii4 2d st. Marshall 47NJ. 1 BUT men's aecond-hand and ladiea fancy clothes. I pay the highest prices. Call Marshall 3t32. COLLECTION of old itamps und inanu cripts bought. D. Fabjiiu, book store. 2S9 First st. TES. WE BUT SECOND-HAND Furniture, pay beat prices. Owl Furniture Co., 231 1st st. Phone Main . WOULD like to buy an Autographic cah register, about IS Inches square. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3S Alder. W A XTKD To buy for cash a used pool table and equipment; state size and price. Address P 70. Oregonian. MON r A VILLA electric vacuum carpet cleaners, very reasonable rates. Phone Tabor 1S3. WANTED To rent grand piano, reasonable, excellent care. W 709, Oreponlan. WANTED Good regulator, also clock sign; give full particulars. W 714. Oregonian. WANTED Bath and cement laundry tubs. East 45. WANTED Canoe, standard make, good con dition: state price. J 711. Oregonian. WANTED Spotlight, grood condition, set Theater. Astoria, Or. ETVINtlL'DE nr!ne and flat-bottom, 3 8-ft. bat. AC 70S. Oregonian. CD-HAND rifle wanted. Give description and price. AH 70S. Oregonian. WANT tock of furniture and men's cloth inar: highest cash price. Marshall 687. WANTED A pointer dog. 4 mo. old. R. K. T ra cy. Turner, Or. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. WANTED Excavating and I 'hone fast 4S04, C 1471. WL WANT FCHNITLRK. Get our estimates bexore sUing your furniture. We pay you cash and the higneat price. prompt attention givea to MISH FURNITURE CO.. MAIN STtiS. 1S4 flRSS ST. MAIN 5TCa. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHINO. We pay bigheat cash, prices for ladies' and gent's caatoff clothing, bicyclea and everything in merchandise. Call us up. We neea It and will pay lor it. GLOBE hiXOKi-, 2sa First St. Main 2eaa. Mala 3030, WANT 2D All kinds scrap iron, metals and rubber, old and bent machinery, rails. etc.: snot cash naid for any large auan tUy. i possess the only large iron yard with private trackage In the state. H. B. Da via, 391 Water at. Marshall 24to or Main 2-121. WANTED Camping parties for Spring and bummer, bine location on Upper Willam ette, mile from Eugene. Train serv ice, good accommodations, good namng and bear hunting. Audresa Jtui xteid, Liake- leyville. Or. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING WANTED. J Alt. IE. K. itikL XAlLUn. rAI3 lilti iilLrtl. E.ST PRICK FUR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTL r. THE KE LJ ABLE BUI LR. Main 7073: 247 Madison. FOR a thoroughly reliable house to buy or sell houaeao'd gooda or anything in the hardware line, call the Levin Hardware at Furniture Co., 221 Front. Phone A 7174, Main 072. WANTED Ca3u registers for San Francisco Fair. Phone Sunday and Monday only, C 2242, or aUdreba B. Secor, Mtio Thompson at., city. THE HIGHEST price paid for wool and mohair. Special attention given to pools. F. W. Williams. Jfct. i. D. L Junction Ciiy. Oregon. HIGHEST PR1CS PAID FOR FLRNT1LRK, CLOTHING OR OTH ER MERCxlANDiSE. I NEED IT; HIGH EST PKrCErf. MAIN 4317. FURNITURE WANTED WE PAT THE HIGHEST PRICES FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, KLINE'S, EAST 71ti. 87 GRAND AVE. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS; SEPARATE DEPARTMENTS FOR LADIES. ELBY CO., 320-26 LUMBER EXCHANGE, 2D AND STARK STS. WANT $10,000 uaed furniture; pay good prices; starling new store, senwood lots WANTED 2d-hand bakery tools for home oaKery. i-k:t t2. tstarK. WANT to buy safe; give price, size and ma kb. AN 70 1. Oregoman. HELP WANTED MALE. LEARN automobile repairing, driving, on ud-to-date cars; also electricity. toom and board while learning; many positions secured: satisfaction guaranteed; cata logue tree. National School of Engineer ing. 2110 W. 7th, Los Angeles. Estabiisnea lbUo. WANTED 20 men to co-operate with us In clearing jand near Ionian a. jew outiit provided. Each man invests $300 cash and $lu0 In labor, getting in return 10 acres of cleared land worth 12o0; worm investigation, ii. vvynn w aeon, cnam ber of Commerce. DO you want exclusive general agency for new nationally uuvertiEca e:ecmcai device to net you xuo nrst monta ii you can organize force agents, direct to consumer campaign, write today. Manufacturer, 440 mi no, bt. iouie, mo. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS. Postoffice, railway man. otner branches are gooa. Prepare "'exams" former U. S. Civil Serv ice Secretary-Examiner. Booklet H-85 free. Write today. Patterson Civil Serv ice School. Rochester. N. 1. ACTIVE middle-aged man of good appear ance, wuh restaurant experience, tor night work; must furnish beat of local refer ences. Aleves' Restaurant, 311 Washing ton St. WANTED Sober and reliable men to pre pare for interurban railway service paying $7o to 51U0 monthly. Experience unneces sary. Addresa American Electric Railways Bureau, Ottawa, ill. ANTED A first-class automobile repair man; don t answer unless you are able to handle starters and all kindd of ignition trouble; reference required. AV 7ol, Ore goman. WANT3D Live-wire house-to-house men for absolutely new 50c seller; big profits; also five states to sublet ; inducement to right parties. See Cram, Pacific Stor age, East 1st rod Madison. REPRESENTATIVES wanted everywhere to sell goods, make investigations, etc.; good pay; references required. Send stamped, addressed envelope, Arnold Serv ice Co., loS Broadway, Nw York. WANTED Live, temperate, gentlemanly realty salesman; office anu outside work; prefer Vniddle-aged auto owner; ground floor proposition. Address P. O. box 690, city. SECRET SERVICE Pacific Coast, American local points, traveling ana xoreign service. Reliable persons interested may aend per sonal particulars. Asiatic Pacific Agency, Lob Angeles, Cal. $1000 WILL put you direct In touch with all sawmia companies tnrougnout me entire South and West; UsO in all. Remit $1 and list will be sent you by return mail. Write direct- to Mack's, Little Rock, Ark. ARE you a hotel man 7 A position as clerk awaits the man who can also act as assistant manager and bring guests to the hotel witn him; omy experienced men conaidered. A 710, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with $2000 to lo. good real estate aecurity, cmi secui e pviBiuou, good salary and commission with live real estate nrm. investigate, jl t urego niasw PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE Expert instructor to teach you the barber trade in 8 weeks: tools free; position guaranteed; paid wluie learning. .a, near Main, WANTED Good, reliable man to take rhRrurt of Oreuon-made sroods mie. Plant. small amount money required. iiO Union ave. North. NOTICE Automobile owners, we cau at all .imes supply you with competent cnaur- fcur. mechanics. Employment Dept., Mar. 4060. Pacific Auto School, o-S 11th. PACIFIC AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL. Booklet free. iiO-GS 11th St. FREE TRIAL BEFORE ENROLLMENT. BE a detective, earn $."o to $100 weekly. travel all over world. Write Dept. 7, I'nited States Detective A Adjusting Agency. Railway Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. 4 PAPER HANGERS. 2 CARPET LAYERS. W:inted Monday morning. Hotel Alder, 4th and Alder sts. WANTED Man and wife, both milkers, and do general farm work, woman to help in house; steady . place. Call at Imperial Hotel Monday, room 638. WANTED Energetic man to take orders for new invention; needed in every office and home; 10 per cent profit. 559 N. Union avenue. WRITE moving-picture plays, $50 each; all or spare time; no correspondence course. Details froo. Atlas Pub. Co. M 42, Cin cinnati, O. WANTED Two young men who can sell specialty for men ; good money to right man. P 715, Oregonian. YOUNG man for our local Interests; $12 weekly to starL No canvassing. Fron tier Mfg. Co., Niagara Fans, N. Y. BE a detective, earn $110 to $o00 per month; travel over the world ; write Supt. Lud wig, 731 Westover blU., Kansas City, Mo. WANTED Reliable party with experience to clear laud near city by contract. J 714, Oregonian. WANTED Expert cheese-maker; must guar antee cheese and give godd references. Address Xumwalt Bros., Denmark, Or. WANTED Strong boy over 16 to work in paint factory. Apply H. Miles, 1000 E. Taylor. Sunday at 9 A. M. BIG Summer offer, best contract in city; $G0 bonus to ' salesman. Lupton & Owen, the Moore Studio. WANTED Man. or man nd wile, to work on a small farm near Portland. Apply 608 Medical building. BOY for housework on a farm, 17 years or over; wages $lo to good worker. BD 706", Oregon iun. MEN. women. $27 weekly collecting all kinds names and addresses. No canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co., X 210. Baltimore. Md TWO first -class house-to-house salesmen; good big commission paid ou fast selling article. 701 Swetland bldg. MIDDLE-AGED man care for invalid, drive auto, do chores, private home. Pioneer Employment Co.. 14 N. 2d. - FIRST-CLASS motorcycle repair man; give reference, salary expected, y 724. Ore gonian. LICENSED e'eotrician of sober habits. Northwest Repair Shop, 189 Madison. Mar shall 1183. Ft RST-CLAS3 machinist or locksmith to buy working Interest in good shop; A-l propositimi. Address Y Tl'li. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wanted on salary and share of profits. $162.50 cash required. C. S- preferred. Call 76 Williams ave. JAPANESE cook, experienced in private family, for country home. Phone Main MU2. MARRIED man for ranch. 70 miles from Portland; wages $2. BC 723. Oregonian. SOLICITORS Extra commission to good live man. Vasser Studio. Abingtop bldg. MAN or boy wanted for a rood country . hom1: write description. AV 7U5 Oregonian WANTED Man to build house for 40 acres, close to HMlsboro. Main 83m 50 TO man who wlil seil 10 out-of-town EARN $4 dally silvering mirrors: plans free. Iota AN TIP. Oregonian. J Write Abell. box "SO, South Bend. Ind. AD SOLICITORS Special edition or weekly 1 WANTED To sell umbrella store and re papere; commission. Clyde, 207 Stock Ex. 1 pair shop. $luo required. luO Grand ave. HELP WANUD GENERAL AGENTS LIVING NEa'R WATER wanted each locality to demonstrate and sen h erro rowooat ana canoe motor makes any rowboat real motorboat in three minutes; full-page ad In Saturday Even ing Post, April lt, starts National advertising camnairn which will run 10 magazines all season; If you can show by references that you are a hustler, we want you; write or wire today lor com piete aetaiis. FERRO, 473 Hubard ave., Cleveland. EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT 1. M. C. A. Record 1914; Calls for men from employers ..1702 Positions filled 11 The service of this Department is free to all members of the Association. To nan-members a special Employment Mem- bershln is issued, cos tins So Der annum, giving the service of the Department for a year, two monies- sua privileges tuiu i refund of the membership fee if satisfac tory Amnio vment is not secured. All sounc men seektna emolo vment in Clerical, Technical or Commercial lines or aemring .counsel or aavice axe coraiaiiy m vited to consult the Advisory and Employ luenttoecre tary . Y. M. C. A. AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL. Day and night instruction in repairing, in vine, selling ana machine worn, mciua lng forge, lathe, shape r, drlllpreas. eta Moderate charges. Fair dealing and x- yci i iim nii.ig, a lute uuiiiuiicu. 'i Before enrollinc elsewhere call at edu cational office, y. M. C. A. bldg., and secure pass entitling you to inspect our shod ana met nous. WANTED A hat man for a big local store must be a winner with a record. A thor ough knowledge of buylug and selling various brands Is absolutely essential, if you can qualify you'll please grasp this chance quickly . Repiy to dox w t w, Ore son Ian. 500 MEN WANTED who wish to save money on their clothing bills. Jimmy Dunn's upstairs clothing store saves you the high rent profits. Men's $0 value suns at fii. id. jaen s ao vaiue suits ml $18.75. 313-16-17 Oregonian bldg. Ele vator to 3d floor. DETROIT AUTO SCHOOL OF PORTLAND, EAST ZZV ANL MUltKl&UN. A complete course of automobile in struction, including machine shop work. by expert instructors. LOOK. US UP BEFORE ENROLLING ELSEWHERE. Take ML Tabor or "Hi" car to 23d st, WE teach electrical, gas and steam engi neering witn commercial mscninery ii operation, building and repairing gas en gines, automobiles, dynamos, moiore and steam engines is part of instruction given students in our 3 months practical courses. trend for particulars. Seattle Engineering tscnooi, iiu west oy at., beattie. GO INTO business for yourself, manufacture toilet preparations, veterinary remedies, family meaicines. beverages, fruit products, etc. We furnish guaranteed, tested formu las. These are money-makers and easy to manufacture. Addresa Formula Co., Parish, IS. x. A LARGE department store In the city reouixes a man for delivery department; must have 'department store experience and know the city thoroughly; state full particulars, giving references in first let ter if you want your application consid ered. AP 714, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE RETAIL SALES MANAGER Must be experienced anu Know now to produce results witn popuiar-pnceu cr aive are. whether now em ployed,' phone number. All communications contidentiai. x iu. uregonian. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Owner will giva contract for improve ments to Dusiuess diock, providing con tractor will lease office space iu said building as part payment. Main 3644. WANTED A few more live agents for the best auto loca on tne xnaraet; iuvu re ward given anyone operating car on its own power with this lock in service. Pen- dieton, oaKer, aaiem territory not. laneu. See Mason, o03 corbett bldg. WANTED Manager for fire insurance de partment, large local agency. Must be highly recommended and a producer; ex cellent opportunity ior rignt party, au dress Lock Box 4. PROFITABLE, healthful business opportu nity zor a man witn tow to a-ouu; you cannot only draw a salary out of its busi ness, but big profits as well; investigate. AN 70S, Oregonian WANTED At once, young men for automo bile bueineaa; oigr pay; we tnaite you ex pert in ten weeks uy mail; pay us after we secure you position. Centur Automo bile Institute, Los Angeles, Cal. CiSB spare time to build up mall order ousiness of own ; we help you start tor share in profits. 27 opportunities. Par ticulars free. Opportunities Exchange, Buffalo, N. Y. ' MAKE $3 to $10 day reflnlshing lighting fixtures, brass beds, etc.; experience un necessary; write for free samples showing finishes. Gun Metal Co., DepL 47, De catur, IlL QUALIFIED men always in demand; profit able, steady, agreeable work; many open ings, positions guaranteed. Watchmaking, Engraving. Optical School, 218 Common wealth bldg., 0th and Ankeny, Portland. WANTED Reliable men in all part of Ore gun and Washington to sell our old line health and accident policies. No previous experience required. Call or write today. I. C. Cunningham. COW Journal bldg. ENERGETIC man with small amount money and services cn secure steady, healthful employment with profitable returns; ex perience not necessary. -Reply, giving ad dress, phone number. N 7u3, Oregonian. $50 MONTHLY and expenses; travel, dis tribute samples, take orders or appoint agents; permanent. Jatp-American Co., Chicago. s $8 DAY easily made; have proposition that will interest you; big profits; positive necessity. Royal, 418 W. 11th, Newport, Kentucky. WILL pay honest men up to $50 monthly snare time, home work ; no canvassing no capital; mail order business. Voorhies, $ot WEEKLY", evenings, home; everything lurmsnea, no experience, no canvassing; , don't worry about capital. Boyd H. Brown. Omaha, Neb. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE btEins Sept, 13. No profession offers equal opportunity. catalogue Tree. jveana, pres. isxa mar ket St.. Son Francisco. WANTED Two well appearing young men for circulating department, collier s Week ly, 418 Oregonian bldg. Call 3 P. M. Sun day. FOR SALE Half interest In a good-paying advertising dental oitice in a good town witn gooa luture; neea a man, not mi money. X 709, Oregonian. CASH advanced you weekly selling my hardy guaranteed stock; excellent terri tory; hustlers make money. Washington Nursery Co.. Toppenlsh. V ash, WANTED Salesmen to carry as sideline a very attractive and good-seinng specialty; state experience, present line ana territory. AP 710. Oregonian. WANTED Write motion-picture plays, all or spare time; good pay; no correspond ence course; details free. Geo. A. Posner, Box T7. Los Angeles, cal. ABLE-BODIED men to prepare for firemen. braKemen; aizu mommy; positions oo- talned free. Railway Association, Orego nian. MAN wanted In solid cash business; easy duties; make siuu montn; x-ioif required, which is secured in stock. Call room 333, Chamber of Commerce. MAKE $10 to $75 weekly growing mush rooms in cellars, sneas, etc. uookigl iree. North Shore Mushroom Farm, Hubbard Woods, III. WANTED Several first-class shinglers, steady work guaranteed. AV 7Zo, orego nian. WILL give good auto tor house painting or ouiiams or invi garage, w. tt. itosa, 212 Mohawk bldg. WANTED At once, man to learn auto re pairing and driving. Call at Hawthorne s Garage, 445 Hawthorne ave., cor. 7th. EARN a weokly income addressing, mailing circulars, samples institutions 10c. Direct Sup ply Co., box 50, Spo k ane. Wash. MAKE money writing stories or articles; big pay; fre booklet tells how. Address United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. BUSY office requires 2 good salesmen for selling business chances, $25 Investment required. 519 Lumber Exchange. TRAVELING SOLICITORS FOR EASY SIDE LINE, ON COMMISSION. 43S WORCES TER BLDG. MAN to take interest In company who will sell goods on the road. Must have cash. Main 3517. A SMALL manufacturing concern wants man with some money, and services. Permanent position. Main 3517. ' CHANCE for two men to learn moving-pic-ture operating, in theater. 226 2d st. BOY wanted with $200, to learn the printing business. Main 6447. 10 CITT salesmen, commissions large, only live wires wanted. 421 Ablngton bldg. PHOTO agents, something new; extra com mission paid. Barony F.tudlo, Royal bids;. HELP WANTED MALE. LEARNT to be a movie actor. No other busi- ness offers greater opportunity or -arg-e salary and National reputation School under direction -f competent teachers with years rf experience in the largest movi.ig picture studios in America. Students will taKe part in pnoto piays wniie teaming. Films will be produced right here In Fort land. School now open to a limited num ber of Duoils. City Studio. 11th and Mor rison, formerly the Baker Theater. Hours iu to a. WANTED Eatablished advertising service solicitors to represent complete Advertising J counsel & Service Association, it s pos ter, streetcar, outdoor, lithographic, print ing and other advertising manufacturing j connections. Extraordinary opportunity for J strong men or broad experience ana suo- i stantial connections to become interested in practically the only complete "Clearing- House Association" of Its kind, presenting unlimited possibilities. Address, principal, I AV 36, Oregon mn. VENEER CUTTER, sash and door men. benchman, flooring grader, cabinet man, box millwright, oifice man-stenographer, traveling salesman, sawyers, filer, car re. piirer-blacksmith. We place men of every skilled occupation around woodworking plants. Get with us for present and ru- tura openings. Mack's, uttie rtocn, atk.. WANTED Ambitious workmen; your workJ on actual jobs paya for teaching trade or automobiles, plumbing, bricklaying; only few months required; 700 students last four years. Write for information. Brans , Contracting Trade School, 234 Aliso, Lo& I Angeies. . LEARN AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING AND DRIVING AT THE BEST EQUIPPED, THE ONLY PRACTICAL AND UP-TO- DATE AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL IN PORT- LASU. L., Sr. M. AUTO RlfiPAlK. CO., 203 HAWTHORNE. Al PIANO PLAYER for dance work. AD 711, oregonian. Help Wanted Agents. ' GENERAL AGENT. Wanted in each cityl for exclusive con trol of the Safetylight electric automobile signal onlv practical rear signal that does away with costly accidents and loss of life. Its low price means quick and protitaoie aaies. An opportunity xor man with ability to establish a business of his own. He can also add from $150 to $uoo a month to hiB income by employ ing sub-agents. If you can show by references that you measure up we will put you on the road 10 permanent -prosperity. Aaaress AUTO SIGNAL CO., 406 Electric bldg., Cleveland. AGENTS WANTED Roal live representa tives to sell patented articles of merit. backed by iron-clad guarantee. Household necessities that have never been offered before; defer field open; big profits. Write at once. xserg er iseara diig. to., oi Fleet Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. WE start you in business, furnish in every- tning, men ana women, sao to soo weekly operating our "now system specialty candy factoriea." home or small room anywhere; no canvassing. Opportunity lifetime; book let free. Ragsdale Co., box S. East Orange, NEW Invention; sets any wash boiler, turn ing it into wasning macnine; generate own power automatically forcing 20 streams boiling suds through clothing. cleaning without rubbing. Sells $1.50. Free sample. Geyser Washing Machine Works, unicago. BILLY SUNDAY'S MESSAGE, authorized. we will pay you siliO to distribute it in your neighborhood. 60 days' work. Great opportunity for man or woman. Spare time may -be used. Particulars and sample free. Universal Bible House, 728 Winston bldg.,Philadelphia. CAN you sell 3 dozen eggs for a Quarter? exclusive territory givn reliable repre sentative for pure foocr product; tons be ing used; 100 per cent profit; store orders coming airect creuitea to you; siu aaiiy easily earnea ; write toaay. wocran co., sMl-x ave.. N. v . AGENTS If I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to S50 weekly. Great est seller In years. Over 700.000 so'd in SiVvTtpu-p BTon"e1w, 5IUJ BUY ON SIGHT. Postal brings liberal proposition ana tree samples. Address, Manufacturer, 1 Union Square. New York. MEXICAN diamonds, exactly resemble gen uine; same rain oow lire; stana tests; sen on sight; live agents wanted; profits $50 weekly, ud. Write auick sample case offer free. Mex. Diamond Importing Co., box A, 25 FREE demonstrating sets Evergrlo cas ters with order 100 sets, $3.00. sell fH); selling better than ever. Homes buy doz- ens. Sale guaranteed other new, great and 1 proritaDie aeners ior agents. . aiig. :o.. 41 Warren, N. x ., dept. 454. MEN or women, in and out of city, to sell touet line, iace powders, shampoo, creams, etc; 50 per cent commission allowed. W. 8. Farris. 41$ South 11th, room 308, Aiarsnaii lifii. SOMETHING new, very attractive, out of tne ordinary; respectable, reliable people, male or fefmale, to represent us every- wnere; territorial rignta given; qulcK ac tion; sample oc; Dig proms, vonarann. o44w. i4tn su. New iora. WHY not have agents working for you? .o oeiter line man touet articles; have five best formulas on market; yours with full particulars for 23 cents. Answer by man only, j. b. u., lou urand ave., Port land, ur. EXCLUSIVE reoresentatives. Buffalo Self- Starter, for Ford cars; operates from seat, simply pushing foot pedal, eliminating aanger oreaKing arm; special price, sio. i raaerr & rroaucers supply co., .tmiiaio. DON'T be an agent; make $50 weekly: co operate with me evenings, home; others I are growing ricn; i win neip you, rurnisn everything ; don t worry about capital. Koyq ri. -jjrown. JJept. iv, umana. Neb. ST. MEN and agts.; lig-ht quick sell ers, itijc arucies, ;oc per a oxen postpaid; nronts ow oer cent sena sue two samples. Berg Mfg.eCo., 536 Market St.,: ran 'ran Cisco, cai. 15x11 GOLD-FRAMED SIGNS for all mer chants, oc; sell 20c; big hit; 24x28 gold-I rrameu art pictures, i.c: sen ouc: nor- traits, pillow tops, convex work; low l prices. Peoples Portrait. Dept. 01, Chicago. KOKO-WHEAT CRISP: 10 daily profit: beats popcorn; 5c package, costs lic; can sample juc. particulars rree. Macnine in structions $12 prepaid. Corneau Co., 601 Parkside, Chicago. AGENTS There is an opening In your town as representatives selling Kleanol Sani tary brushes; it will pay to investigate and get agency at once. Kleanol Co., til 3 De kum LldS. PATENTS granted: customers all ages wild ly enthusiastic; buy on sight; agents with ear for music becoming financially inde pendent. Osborne Mfg. Co., Masonic Tem ple, Chicago. EE one of our enthusiastic agents, new and attractive line; demand enormous; profits $25 to $50 a week; write today; delay means money lost, i ne Aiueon-unver Co., Box 138, Seattle, wasn. "MONTHLY FORMULARY : each number contains 100 valuable formulas, m fg. cipes; also 1 complete $5 working plant . sample copy 10c, $1 per year. Lock box 1242B, San Francisco. , AGENTS WANTED 'Marvelous electric lan tern, sells like bread in a famine: re tails at $1.50; agents make big money; guaranteed article. Jveveney, lo N. Dearborn st., Chicago. NEWEST, latest, greatest repeat seller on earth; wonderful premium plan forces en es Men and women agents everywhere. Panalein Co., 1316 Fullerton bldg., St. Louis, Mo. USE spare time to build up a mail order business of your own. We, help you start for share in nrofits. 27 opportunities.. Par ticulars free. Mutual Opportunities Ex change. Buffalo. iN. Y. AGENTS make big money, become sales ms?r. for our goods; fast office seller, fine profits; particulars, sample free. One Dio pea Co., 731 Daily Record, Baltimore, Md. AGEN rs 500 profit, free samples; gold sign letters for stores ana ortice windows; anyone can put on. Metallic Letter Co., 437 N. Clark, Chicago. $00.00 WEEKLY Sell 115 needles In case for 10c Large profits; easy sellers. Our "NEW PLAN" does the work. Write National Needle Co.. fet. Louis, Mo. STATE or county, for invisible self-starter, Ford cars, fcells on sight. Large commis sion. Protected territory. Industrial Mfg. Co., 7H Jackson plvo., Lhicago. AGENTS New game for cigar stores, easy seller; big rtpeater; particulars free. United Sales Co., H 205 Walnut PI., Phila delphia, pa. BOTH sexes: we manufacture and control latest selling household article invented: exclusive territory.. Connolly, 123 Liberty et., New York. WRITE sample Holladay's new waterproof J shoe polish, an coiora. retails iuc, .ac; 10O per cent profit; quick sales. Hoi la da I Job w. 3Utn, rv. r. $5 TO $7 daily, selling new fiber brooms; every woman win du;. ramiiie paici pj-. 3t cents. Wynne Broom Co., -Elmira, N. Y. NEW electric pocket penlights and electric punchboards. Standard, 10 N. Desplainea, Chicago. AGENTS, learn about profits made supply- A - Ce TndianaooliB. Ind. PATENTED new Invention, needed In every of ice, home ann ractory; sample Z'tc. Mr. Rasrnussen. 7 Washington bldg., Portland. PRINTS and finished portraits shipped In 24 hours: write for catalogue. Roberts, 14"-0 McGee. Kansas City. Mo. AGENTS tS to $10 a day selling 1915 Spe claL Van Dyke Studio. D4 Wash. SL HELP WANTED MALE. Help Wanted Agents. . housenold invention, just ready; a aale every house; low priced, perfect, sheer d kJfcnen knife sharpenef ; needed in every home, every day; nothing else like it; 150 per cent prom; grinas periect fuse in 10 seconds ; works like magic ; child can use it women buy on sight; no talk ing, $400 a month; territory now open; county free; business supplies capital; big. gest opportunity ever offered to agents, general agents and managers; write today. Send postal with name and address tor complete information. Quickedge Sharp oner Co., dept. 007. at 215 West Schiller st., Chicago, 111. NEW. MIGHTY MONEY-MAKING Marvel ; world startled ; new marvelous clothes washing crystal: clothes washln ideas revolutionized, positively abolishes rubbing, washboards, washing machines women astounded, wild over it; absolutely harmless. 11000 guarantee with it; make $SU to (100 weekly easy; exclusive terri tory; no experience necessary; credi granted; -awn business, supply customers pocket big profits: nature a mignty ele ments do work; hurry. Write today; over whelming proof tree, n-quitaoie corpora tioD, dept. 66, 215-217 W. superior. Chi cago, MAKE $21 next Saturday; brand new prop oeition paten tea January, jsn;. mnMius invention, compressed air washing ma chine; weighs but two pounds; excels work of high-priced machines; customers excited; agents coining money; a sale at vprv hnitsft : nric onlv ST. AO: 200 Per cent profit; does family washing In 8 to 6 minuteB; works like -magic; F. Hughes made $21 first eight 'hours; no charge for territory; beware of imitations; write now. Wendell Co., 7&1 Date St., ieipsic, Ohio. MANUFACTURING company wants agents to sell tneir product; tne oesc gomia maoe. used -in every nome; everyooay a cus tomer; large repeat orders, permanent in come. Pig commissions. sen on signc write for particulars and catalogue; Ulus trated in colors. Adason Manufacturing Co.. 1031-3 Chestnut at., Philadelphia, Pa. RESPONSIBLE representative, each county new combination. 12 tools in l. sens at sia-ht. farmers, teamsters, contractors, etc. weight 25 lbs., lifts 3 tons, hoists, atretches wiro, pulls posts, many other uses; free sample to active agents; easy worn, bib profits. One acent s profit 4j.oo one day. Another 1000. Dec. 114. We start you. Write today big color plate. Quick action secures exclusive sale. Harran Mig. CO. Box H-20, Bloomfleld. Ind. I STARTED as canvassing agent, now big manufacturer; l want some worxmg part ners, . ambitious agents to establish sales agencies; here Is opportunity to have in dependent, money-making business of your own: experience unnecessary; w. atart you, give advice, counsel free; write today Tor details ana exclusive territory. C. E. Swartzbaugh, West Bancroft, To- leao, jmo. OWN A BUSINESS 1000 per cent profit manufacturing inks home spare time ; capital and experience unnecessary; enor mous commercial demand: our secret for mulas and sure-selling plans insure lucra tive, steadily Increasing business; no can vassing; investigate immediately; particu lars iree. i . A. covert, secretary, owo 6ia9 Kenwood ave., Chicago, 111. GOOD live men or firms to take exclusive state agencies for our O. K. Headiignt Pilot, a contrivance for automatically turn ing tho Inside headlight only, with the steering wheel; something new and a guar anteed success ; big money for the righ t party. Get particulars. O. K. Auto Parts Co., 504 JamTeson blk., Spokane. Wash. GROW rich in business of your own; get out of wage-earners class; your co-operation with our factory starts you with lit tle capital during spare time in your own home; we manufacture exclusive articles; no canvassing; experience unnecessary; write for booklet and proposition. Address Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-5S. 68 Broad way. Buffalo, N, Y. YOU'LL never get rich working for others. Why not start a cleaning ana ueiu business? We start you right. No pre vious experience necessary; but small cap ital required. Big profits in this great re order business. Full details free. White Wonder Company, 228 National Safety Vault bldg., Denver, Colo. JtAKB $30 to $60 weekly selling our new aoo-eandlpower gasoline lantern. Also table and hanging lamps for homes, stores, nans, cnurcnes; no wicit, no tiuni.iej. Costs lc per night. Exclusive territory. We loan you sample. sunsnine eareiy Lamp Co., A24 Factory bldg.. Kansas t lty, mo. AMBITIOUS men with jobs and others; op- portunity offered bv loading Kansas cor poration; make $3000 annually; unique selling plan: an hour or two a day at home is the magnet that draws the brg pay; experience unnecessary. j. w. Eyestone, president, ii43 Fifth st.. Pitta burg, Kan. "THE scream of the year" Is here; every body excited; most wonaeinui agency proposition out: Davis agents make big profits, S10 daily up; write quick, free colored circulars, immediate appointment. Davis Co.. 3 JJavm bldg.. enicago. II rip Wanted Salesmen. SELL REAL, HARD TIMES NECESSITY. Our- quickly changeable metal window slens. over 2i stvles. sizes. Also new elec trie changeable word signs, 8 and 3-Inch letters m combinations, iiasmng coior ei- fects, 8 sizes, styles. Sure money-making combination. You suit every customer, 100 per cent profit. Samples to real pro ducers. MULTI-CO., 300 Manhattan bldg., Chicago. WANTED Salesman, experienced in any line, to eell general trsoe in sman country towns of Oregon; unexcelled specialty proposition ; commission contracts, oo weekly for expenses. Crown Cider Com pany, 207 S. Commercial at., oi. i-ouis, Mo., dept. 'W." WANTED A areas! ve live wire salesman, full time or side line, to sen our weii known line of temperance drinks in the small country towns; permanent position; 2& per cent commission; $35 weekly draw ing account. Red Cross Company, 206 South Main St., St, Louis, Mo., dept Z. EXPERIENCE unnecessary; easy work, big pay; write now, large list or. openings offering opportunities to earn irom eiuu to ow a montn wniie you learn. Aonress neajest office. DTt. 31. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San r rancisco. EXPERIENCED salesman wanted to carry my popular line of furs as a side line. salesman with office, now carrying cloaks. Bults or waists; apply, giving references and full particulars, to A. Ratkowsky, 34 W est 34th St.. wew x orn. SALESMAN Single young man to call on drug and stationery stores with high- grade line writing paper, uive age, ex perience and references in first letter. Excellent opening for right man. Ad dresa AV 781. Oregonian. SALESMAN Experienced any line to sell gei.erai trade, factric territory: unexceuea specialty proposition; commission contract. $33 weekly for expenses. Continental Jewelry Co., 74-14 Continental bldg., Cleveland, Ohio. SALESMAN with up-to-date ability calling on physicians to ruinate a new specialty as side line, strictly ethical; large terri tory to be covered, liberal rmmi7sion. Oytamp Pharmacal Co., 4447 N. 17th St., Pnlia., t'&. - ( SALESMAN of culture and refinement to sell educational feature oi nign merit; city work; must have neat personal appearance and be 'able to show results. 612 Eilers bldg., 1 to 5 P. M. EXPERIENCED, capable salesman, travel. old established house, line tnat sens to practically all classes merchants. High commissions, weemy aavance io ngm man. D. W. B arrow?. Detroit, Michigan. LARGEST manufacturer of kind has new specialty badly needed oy every mercnani; reetHc tert territorv: tremendous seller; enormous profit: write quickly. Minimal Factories. Chicago. 6ALESMEN for leading lace and embroid ery importers; territory not reitncieu; no objections to side lines; weekly drawing a ..omi n t nmtles 20 oounds. Address P. O. box 317, Madigon Square Station, N. Y. SALESMEN visiting general stores to sell our Fall dress gooas specialties, Dianxets nn finnne1a. Excellent side line; commis- Flon basis. The Lakewood Company, box 414. Philadelphia, r"a. RATRHMAN This territory, for our guar anteed line paints, varnienes, soaps, rooi cement, etc.; experience unnecessary; write for details. Sun Paint ft Varnish Co.. Cleveland. Ohlo WE WANT 2 tirst class men with selling ability not errata to wont; n you are the ripht man you canwenake money fast, Call 208 Lumber Exchange bldg., Monday, from 10 to 2 A. M. w a Ti?n Two salesmen for rural com munities of Eastern uregon; motorcycle furnished: bond required, oio common wealth bldg. WANTED Sales agent for U. S. Valveless Wonder Pump for curomia irrigatea iana district. See salesmanager, 510 Lumber Exchange. SALESMAN with auto can connect with good paying position, Btarting Monday. Call between 11 and 1 Sunday. Room SOU Congress Hotel. . WHOLE time or side line; 10 minutes tima pava 1; pocaet samples; prompt com missions; state territory covered. Elwood Mfg Co-. Inc., 1118 Michigan ave., Chicago. CITT and untry .7bldj7; sitjon. Call o26 Ablngton bldg., 11 to l REAL live "nIccnr "" western BanK. FAMILIAR with mechanical, rubber gooOv give age, experience ana rexerencea. 719, Oregonian. SIDELINE salesman wanted. Call Monday. Coast Chemical -0., ooi c. ornun. riiuue Eatt TUBo. SALESMEN to sell pianos, part salary. part commission, a. 7-D. uregonian. HELP WAXTKU MALE. Help anted Sale SIDE LINE and regular salesman; let submit to you our 1916 special saira propositions now ready for immediate shipment, open stock and packs aes. alumi num ware, crockery i plain white and deco rated), gray, blue and white, white and wniie, rain oow Diue eiutmcieu wrc strictlv first oualitv: best staple propo sition on the market today; staple sellers; pocket samples; no trouble to carry; long terms; liberal credits; good commissions paid weekly on accepted orders; write at ones ior territory, giving your noma mu dress. Mercantile Sales Co., general factories-offices. 1113 Walnut ave. N. E. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED High-class land salesman company to represent a large, established and responsible company handling non Irrigated fruit lands in White Salmon Valley. Washington, which is a well-known proven district. A man who his con fidence In his own ability to sell on the commission basis: one man sold $.16.00 wortn in the iat uo days; ngnt man should clear $1n,ooO yearly; the proposi tion Is so framed that It Is an ensy seller; in fact it is in a class by Itself ; only men of experience ud ability are sollcted. Address &i0 Security Bank bldg., Mlnne a polls. M Inn. SEVERAL YOUNG MEN WITH GET-UP and intelligence, preferable to expe rience. Responsible aud permanent positions If right caliber. Apply between 11 and 12 Monday. THE OREGON HOME BUILDERS. 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg. ENERGETIC salesman over .25 who can make $50 to 100 weekly selling our own line of copyright exclusive calendars, fans, nov-slties and cloth specialties direct to the trade for advertising purposes in Western Oregon, to begin work at once. Line good the year round; protected ter ritory assigned, We are calendar manufac turers (not Jobbers). No better line In America for the hustling ambitious sales man who will cover his territory thor oughly. If you mean business write Sales Manager. Merchants Publishing Co., Kala mazoo, Mich. WE desire to secure for choice territory services of aeveral reliable, ambitious salesmen. Men who possess ability to sell gooda. To thoae who are not Already ac quainted with our line, let us say that It is a guaranteed line of art and busineaa calendars, fans, pencils and specialties in leather, celluloid, cloth and metal too numerous to mention, all for advertising purposes. It In line with merit, and worthy of best efforts or the most capable sales men. If you mean business, address The Shaw Advertising Company, Kansas City, M o. SALESMAN wanted. Manufacturers of great specialty desire a roud man on sal ary and commission. No has-beens need apply; want a young man who desires to better condition, unmarried ana at pre sent employed. Tell all about yourself give references and telephone number and answer toaay. t 7ii, uregonisn. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LEARN to be a movie actor. No other bust ness offers greater opportunity for large salary and National reputation, school under direction of competent teachers with years of experience In the largest moving picture stuuios in America, stuaenis win tnke part in photo plays while learning. Films will be produced right here in Port land. School now open to a limited num ber of pupils. City Studio, 11th and Mor rison, formerly the Baker Theater. Hours 10 to S. WANTED Teachers to prepare for the next state teachers examinations, i ou win not fear the examination after attending the Portland Normal School. For particulars call Mrs. E. H. Tape art. Main olH, A U554, or in person at Holmes Bu alliens College. Special classes. Instruction begins Monday. WANTED Thoroughly competent girl for general house worn in uena, ur, ; moaern house, all conveniences; good wages and permanent position to right party; for eigner preferred: references required. Mrs. kj. S. Hudson, Bend, Or. WANTED Cultured teacher of executive ability for responsible position ; good ap pearance necessary; references, .for ap pointment, telephone room 705 Hotel Ben son. Monday morning. EXPERIENCED agents, ladies, preferably with social acquaintance, to sell highest grade perfumery; large profits. Vallauris Perfumery Co., 8684 Moneta ave., Los Angeles, Cal. O-l. WANTED A lady maid who la a compe tent sewer, and able to help with other work when necessary. 164 N. 20th. Phone Main 25JI7. EXPERIENCED cook for general home work. 3 adults In family. Apply Monday morning, 1C1 14th St., corner Morrison. FIVE good canvassers, pleasant work, good pay, enclose stamp, riaussier Co., iox iij. Dayton, MRS. HINSDALE'S BUSINESS SCHOOL, 502 impress bldg. Personal instruction; po sitions when competent. GIRLS to learn beauty culture; commission while learning. Geneva E. Keilly, 514 AD Ington bldg. 6 LADIES to eell 10-piece pure sets. Call for samples. N. Agts., 421 Abington bldg. alumfnum W. Mfg. PROGRESSIVE BUSINESS COLLEGE. All modern business courses $5 mo. Positions when competent. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. CAPABLE woman for general housework; desirable home and good wages to right person. Phone Marshall 3407. WANTED A competent girl for general housework and cooking; Swiss or German preferred. 5tI2 Myrtle st. Main S6fl5. AN ofd business firm needs a mature woman for a position of trust, no clerical work; references. N 70tf, Oregonian. WAITRESS wanted. Must be young ana" good looking. Apply Jim Melt, Woodburn. Or. GIRL for general houaework; one who can cook; German preferred. Call after 9 Sun day morning. 704 Northrup st. WANTED Woman to do baby's washing, 2 hours twice a week. Wood lawn 1838, 10 to 12. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer; i tate 705, salary, references and experience. S Oregonian. WANT an agreeable lady to share apartment for summer, can ftiarsnan iii l today or evenings. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Company 421 Plttock block, SS5 Washington at. CLEVER, attractive young lady for vaude ville; state size, age and experience; tell all you can do. T 715, Oregonian. EXPERT cook with good references; none other need apply. Call Monday between 11 and 12. 6T3 Johnson st. EASY to make money at home. We tell you' how. Northwestern Commercial Agency, Crookston, Minn. WANT Girl to assist with housework In family of three; give phone number. AL 711. Oregonian. MAKE money writing stories or articles; big fay; iree DOOKiet tens now. Anurea nlted Press Syndicate, San Francisco. COMPETENT maid to do cooking and gen eral nouseworK. can juonaay ou weiaicr st. CONGENIAL girl to share well-furnished apartment, privileges oi home. Mar. 3uvu, WANTED Girl for general housework, mod erate wages. Apply 24 college, cor. 5th. GIRL for general housework, good, plain coos ; reierentei. can xiiu. GIRL for general housework; apply Sunday afternoon or Monday, Love Joy at. WANTED Ladles to demonstrate residential work, city and road, $2 day and up. Room boo coiumDia Diag. GIRL to assist general housework; $1o. Tabor l.vio. WANTED A ladles' hair dresser. Call room SO.i Columbia biug. SOMEONE to board gentleman In exchange for furnished apartment, war. son. FIVE girls to learn beauty culture, ill Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlora. EXPERIENCED girl for general work, rrf erence required. 705 Davis st., apart. 3, BOOKKEEPER, stenographers and dicta- phone operators, 201 N. W. Bank bldg. COMPETENT girl for general hoaHwort Marshall 4653. GIRL for general housework, family of 4. Tabor 4422. WANTED A girl for general housework. Apply to fe"2 E. Hancock St., Monday. MIfS MATTING LY'S SCHOOL Shorthand, Typewriting. 269 14h. n. Jeff. Mn. XKt. WANTED Experienced nursemaid, city reference. 307 llth. Apt. E. SCHOOLGIRL or girl employed to work for room and board. Wood lawn 1703. TWO neat-appearing ladles, $.".0 month. 340 Morgan bldg., 9 to 12 Monday. OPERATORS on pants. 2or. Jffferson. experienced only. WANTED Girl for general housework. Phone East l!4;t6. Call 442 K. 37th at. N. WANTED Partner In dressmaking shop. Phone Tabor 3h24. WANTED Home for 9-year-old girl near Shattuck School preferred. Call Main 61iK. GIRL for general housework; phone East 3121. 100 RECIPES. $1; for candy, fruits, vegeta bles, etc. East .1037. 24ft Adams St. GIRL for generel housework. 4 Phone East 33.1, 072 Halsy st. In family. EXPERIENCED trimmer wanted. The Won der Millinery. GIRL to mork in hoube. 2&vi -d. HELP WANTr.l t KM A IK. OIK lar((e and permunetit orrnliiWn ( elucud women are averaging mure than S4U Meekly. A vncamy invites the In es timation of an aaareeaire, cuttnrert wom an. h (tesirea dignified emplnynn-nt end a.urd income. lnrirm rf erenres vhti rltinif. Lecture Dept. Monad not k blrlg.. Son Francisco. WOMEN make $ i to $M weekly selling guaranteed hotieiy. Ekperienoa unnece awxy. Part or full time, i'air beautiful tk hose free to first person accepting iffmy iu your town. Write intrrnatlonal Mill. SU-'iS Chestnut, Philadelphia Pa. TWENTY ladles wanted in dlTfeient parts of the city to represent us; oik's who need ihe money; have an article aanted by all families: we pre for married women win can spare at lrat 2 hours a day. X fli. PrgonUn. LADIES, earn $3, to $75 monthly "copyi'ig letters, pen, pencil or t) p-writer; hnm work ; experience unnitfMdry; we fiiruieN samples: stamped, aduresaed envelop? brings particulars. luot Souud Copy Co.. box l.s.f. Seattle. Wa-h. WANT you to investigate the New York School Designs, (SO Liia at. Coura $3 per month. Vt e cut and fit your gowu, re model your old gown, make your new gown at hard-time prices. Phone us. Mai ehall 2745. LAlHKti Address envelopes; S. HH; no canvassing; llrht, agreeable work- prv manent businks; commence work im mediately. Instructions, copy materiHi, I.e. Money refunded if not satlflfted. Na tlonal Copying Co., p.o Hi'S, Ch lea go. WANTED Motion picture pla a; to $mi palj for good jueaa. Complete lnairuc- tlma furnished new beg itinera. Addresa Pyramid Motion Picture Cu, Los Angeles. Cal. MUNICIPAL Bureau for Protection of Wo men is now located at room 'AOS naw Po lice Headquartere. Information, protection or assistance givan to women avud girls. Interviews confidential. WANTKD r.irl for general houaework In family three adults, no washiug. Apply Saturday, April 3, between 2 and -4 (' V. M., room 62 Spalding bldg. 3d and Washington. DO you want another $2 dally? No experi ence, constant spare time work, knitting hosiery, machines furnished contract. e take product, llleason Wheeler Co. line., :t:7 Madison. Chicago. REPRESENTATIVES wanted everywhere io sell goods, niake lnveUtfnna, etc.; goo.l pay; ret ere n oca required, send atampd ad dressed envelop Arnold fiervic Co., 1SUK Broadway, New York. LADIES Immedlately home work evaa- eic : Inga. addressing, folding circulars. $."V per 10w; no arheme; bo i-anvaaslna ; excellent opportunity; enclo stamp. Krlna specialty Co., Toronto, Oni. LADIES 2B weekly eaay; elmple work, no canvassing, evenings at home, fnaclnatlna. everything furoUhed: no experience; don i. worry about capital. Boyd C. Brown. Omaha, Neb. COPT LETTER Persons writing and onpr Ing letter make $10 to S2 weekly rot lowing directions; stamped envelope, par ticular. Liner Copying Co., Box 7M2, Chicago. WOMEN make $s weekly addressing en -veluyes and mailing clrciHaxa, at hem', spare time. Partlculara for stamp! en -velope. Huccess Supply Co, 410 Belmont ave.. Chirago. III. LADIES Make shields at home, $10 per 110; no canvassing required; send tanrpd-acldrwsr-d envelope for nartlcuiara. Eureka Co.. Dept. 1H-It. Kalametoo, Mich. GOVERNMENT Jobs for women, $70 month; lift positions obtainable, free. Write Im mediately. Prankllo Institute, dcpL Tet C, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Housekeeper, widower and grown sons, on farm. $.1 per week durln Summer; a permanent home; houae clean ing done J. R. Oanible, Brownsville, Oi. COMPETENT slrl, general huewotk; n children; family t three. Call at "7 Bamblet ave., corner L'li h at., Alameda Park, Sunday, between a and h o'chM-k. GOOD home with email wages to mMdle aged woman to assist with light house work end care for child. Call at 447 i.rand ave., N. LADY solicitors. M aao corporation, manu facturing ladies' specialties. Mig money live solicitors, Consutn'ra Chemical Cor poration. Consumers' bldg., t'hlt ago. WANTED Write motion-picture pla a, all or apare time: good pay; no correspond ence course; details free. Cieo. A. Poanct, Box !"", Los Angeles. Cal. GIRL wanted ; general housework ; must ba a good cook ; sman lamny, . r" month; phone Main HH0 betwten lu and 'i o'clock. FIVE bright, capuble Indira to tiavel, dem onstrate and aHl deslets. $-'. M per week Railroad fare paid. Goodrich Drug Co., Dept. Ml. Omaha. N'-b. WRITB moving picture pl. K es h. nil or spare time; no crrocpnnucnce cuw. Details free. Atlas Pub. Co., M 42, i in clnnati, O. WANTED Colored lady f"r Unlit house keeping on ranch for family or 11, ' $12 prr month, room and board, Charles Mouncer, Sntsop, Wash. WANTED Ladies to have tlieir old ha;a made new; reblorklng r.dc; trimming up; flrst-clasa work. Marks Milliner), 4u Lnlon ave. N. East MM. GIRL to go to Hood River Valley; must ba good cook; no upstairs work. Call Ches terbury Hotel, 20lh and Kearney ats, room 401. any morning before 11 A. M. COMPETENT girl for general houseworU. five in family; wages $20; references re quired. Address Mrs. Paul Fundmaii, Wll lamina. Or. WANTED Thoroughly experienced tailored, also shirt and w.-tlnt help; no others need apply. 205 Columbia blag. HELP W A N T II D M A LB OR FEM MEN and WOMEN to le;irn the barber trade, earn from $15 to $2.' per week; tui tion reduced, paid while learning; posltiun secured; write for free catalogue. The M oler System of Colleges. A 4. N. 2d. FREE CoLRsE In card priuting to anyone purchasing our $: outfits. Srhwarti Card printing School. Hit! Lownsdale st. Apply mornings P to 12. $S 00 "HUNDRED paid fur names and ad dresses; steady work ; stamp lor par'.lu ulara. Box 200-9", blatlon N, Baltimore. Md. ... WANTED Demonstrators, men and women, for city aud country." Call ttli-lU ttwei land bldg. GREGG shorthand, private Instruction, nis.if or day classes. J per nionwi. w.--gonlan. 1U-XP WANTED MISCKLLANKOW. LEARN ALTOMoWlLK ItEHA I It ING, driv ing on up-to-aate van, '- n gineerlng, surveying: methods uumi prac tical: room and board while Ifarniug; many positions secured; satisfaction guaranteed- catalogue free. National Hfhool vt K n K ineerlng. Hiiu w. Mn. iah Amir., THOUSANDS Government life Jobs now ob tainable io awu intmi.ii; tu""""" www- cation aurilcient; Portland exainliiauions soon. Write immediately free sampie ques tions and full description. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. a4H-C, Rochester, N. Y. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE wants men and women to ivarn mi ui ur " - Weeks: positions suaraniw" iwni . . paid while learning; scalp and lae mas sage a specialty; modern mat hod teaching ued; tuition rduued. Madison. RAILWAY mall clerka. P. O. clerks, car riers exam, soon; parcel post demands many more clerka; act at once. laiL Btate Schools. McKay bldg., city. NEW IDBASphotoplnys, $10 to 1W each; happy inougms wumi free bnok showing how. B'X 77-. N3. Chicago. cash. Gt mr Elbert Moot, GOV EKNMkDNT wants clarka. $10 ineiuiti Portland exarainauuu iooh; common edu cation sufficient; particulars tree. Appi Immediately. AV tT, im-gonlan. cfOVEKNM EST positions are eay io gri. My free booklet Y-3iil lelis h-w. Write tod. now. Earl llupklna. Warning'"". 1. WATCHES cleaned, "uc ; mainspring, 7.V . work guaranteed. 218 Cunwuoii talUi bldg.. th and Ankeny. INTERNA tT6 N A L Currespoudence arbot'is tench Bileamaiirtlilp. ul oi her cuui ac. I- r.'e catalog. tf'2 -M' M b.dg. GIRLS betwut n If and 2."i to lm cumptu meter calculating uiaciiii-. When couno conipleied. Morgan HlTt'ATIONN W'ANTs'l-M I-E. BoukkrrperauiC'lrrks. MAN In country bank wants clly posltlo (himpetent at. nographer. aurountunt, a st racier, lawyer; leasonabie sa.ary. U AV 72i. Oregoalan. mi bUOKKKKMK llwl'r. comH-ljnl, timt'iilijua youua man, l"al sltalnr. bt oC ratereucea. bond if ncear. Wood- lawn 4011. POtoiTION by young mr.n, experienced su- burbuu place, g"". un-, ..... shopa. steam and gas operator, raliroad and city. G (rK"" ": I DRCG CLERK, unrsslere.i. oun(t rnn, perlencea, inciuunm , AO TQM. QH'itoni'"'. YOU NG man wlhee posiuon ss stenoi .,11 Km.u ueeuar. 11. Livunftru v rite cars Hotel Franklin YOITNG man, expenenceo i""mcp. deslrea position. e.i w. I. Monday. Main 7M. A l!T. VOI'NG law and commercial si uoent am place to earn m' M. r. A. AMBITIOI'H ateniK r. 2" ycatu of a". rk of anv kind; try i.j wan i a oni'-' object. A K 7'1'JL. ( re'in Inn. COLLECTING, lV mUlrtle-asd man; ro- i;auit; 9iiy v jj;.w