10 ' TOE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN. PORTLAND, APRIL 4, 191. FOB SALK. FOHtALB. ; KORAl -I Tst " Aut.ol.il.-. Uycl. ' M.Un tinnm flrvUU 1111(1 M1-,I1 Instrument. 'On SALK cheap, a beautiful Vnt Sons' piano, only eilghtly used. In first-class con dition: this piano Is owned by an i-astera , Jim and must be Bold Monday or Tuesday while their repreentatlve la In the city, rather than hip It back to tbe factory, terms If desired. i Address J 614. Oregon! BITS splendid player piano and music; tt!EH. HOLT IANO COMP ANT, j-ij Mnn-imnn Sr.. Northwestern Bank Block. I'J.VE Estev organ, sells new for ..; per fect condition; took this in on a traas and will sacrifice for : COVELL FURNITURE CO. 1'04 First St., .Near iajiw TIHT buy old. worn, lost-motion action pi.no? when yon can buy a 30u with int. .2U elsewhere) 4H piano for .Sj at . Schwan Piano Co. without interest? 1" ; cash. 3T.5U monthly. atlll4ta8t. BEAUTIFUL upright niaho;an.!;n?a.rpi,V10 like new. fully guaranteed ; 16.,, .terms. JS. it. il 1 '1-1 riA.w v . HiS Morrison St.. Northwestern Bank BlocK. LATMT modePplayer piano for sale at sacrifice; am remodeling home and nee a liLle cash; terms. Inquire Madison St.. near b;n. VSED UPRIGHTS $143 up. EH. HOLT PIANU COMPANY. Northwestern Bank Block. V'L rent vou Edison phonograph and. Indestructaoie records for f?ntB Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. ooO Aioer. Doits, Birds.JPettock. roB expert treatment of all diseases of dog. see Ed Dixon. 154 16th at. l1"": Nurs-hall 2:.i -O years' experience. We cure salmon .ickness. PERSIAN kittens, orange, pedigreed beau tie.. fT..V females. 411 E. Ulh N. i-ast 111. C ;J1B4 ONE nice hunting dog for sale. ,r'ur b,ro"',n with white face, i montns old. Call uui N. 21st, Portland. Or. THO'ROUOHBrtElJ French poodle. rna'e. nicely trained, pure white, cheap. Tabor lQl'S. . . THOROUGHBRED while spitz. chiWreiVs pet. .ell for 1 or exchange for bicjcle. Vhone Tabor t SV ANTED Irish setter pup. not oter .1 month, old. Phone Benjamin Boone, Main FKDHJREiSD Boston terrier puppies, three months old, for sale cheap. Phone Mar shall 4i0. lUR SM,E A beautiful black Great Dane dog. years old; kind and gentle. Mrs. U. s. Miiaaon, reeim. v.-,. VOH .SAL.E Chinese Chow remalc dog, u months old. Oil Going St. Woodtawn Wis. WANTED Irish or English setter, ab six months old. AC TU'.'. Oregonlan. V.H R RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. J-ADDIX KENNELS, ESTACADA. OR. PITT bull collie, bull terrier. English bull. E. Broadway. lOR SALE Airedale dog, female, age 8 mo... cash $1". 4: r.th St. N. THOROUGH ER EI English bulldog, pure while, for sale cheap. AK 7J4. Oregonlan. GOOD home" in country for Airedale dog. In3 Oberlin. HOMER PIGEONS for .ale at a bargain. Call Hu-.iday. ros Kearney at- Poultry. WE SELL 100 White Leghorn baby cbt ' from best utllHv atock and our firelesi brooder for S..iu. April and May oellv ry; e guarantee Ufa delivery. T.b Pioneer Hatchery. Petaiuma. Cal. VHITE"TANrK5TTE EGGS from heavy laving strain. 2 per 15: .".0 per cent hatch guaranteed or order duplicated half price. Phone Main Souo. Thoa, J. Keenan, 34S B. lh t. X. i 6. c. WHITE Leghorn hatching egg. 11.00 per setting of 15. Guaranteed S per ' rent tv-rtlle. From heavy laying stock. Investigate. Phone Woodlawn i35. BUFF Orpington egs from prive-wlnnlng. Winter lavers. l per 15; also choice stocK at ' bargain prices. Mrs. li. M. Ackley, sirappoose, vr. USTEN' Guaranteed tested formula tor preserving eggs, with other valuable recipe.. l' Shaffer, 152 West Sod. Se attle. Vas fcETTINGS from prize stock. White Leg horns. Orpingtons and Wyandottes. fl de livered Ideal Poultry Ranch. Milwaukle. It. 1. box ml. 1"INE lot White Leghorns and White Ply mouth Rock hens, pullets and cockerels, three Incubators. McCoy, 3U2 Chamber commerce, jiaranmi omj. 1 DESIRE to obtain settings of eggs of good Huff Leghorn slock; would also consider purchasing few good hens providing price In ri.ht. V .zt. Oregonian. It ED-TO-LA Y White Leghorns, A yearling Wens and cockerel. 10: eggs l for 15. Fertility guaranteed. Tabor .1411. Ill Hawthorne ave. THE great Winter layers. "Ringhouse While Wvandoltes": egss. $3 lo; 12.o0 llMl. Baby chicks Just double egg prices. H. Ringhouse. clackama.. Or. i. i: L L K R S T K A S S White Orpingtons, 1 $1.50 and JJ.50 a setting. Crystal Poultry Yard, 4-,l,.l 4Mh ave.. S. E. Foil SALE-P.easonable; . 25 tlioroughbred . Rhode Irland Red : hens and 4 cocks. l'hone Scilwuo-l 10S. - 5X)K SALE, cheap, thoroughbred "White C)r- pmgton chickcnp five hens, one rooster. 5 15 Powell Valley road. THOROUGH HRED Plack Minorca. Brown Leghorn. Barred Rock, per setting uc. Wooiilawn lo4. yvii SALE "White Bronze" turkey eggs for hatching. Phone Main 80u4. THOROUGH BKEH dark Barred Rock cggB for hitlching. Wooillawn 2112 ill' A RAN T EED brown Leghorn settings. 1 172 East 22d North. FINE barred rock cockerel. $2. Woodlawn 4I7H. . Livestock. ONE cow, fresh soon, team of horses, har ness and covered wagon, all In good con dition; must sell soon. J. Sellers. R. 1). 1, Portland. Or. Mt. Tabor car to E. OSlh. and inquire at store. lOll S1.E Registered Jersey cow. gives 6 gal when fresh, and Jersey-Holsteln heifer nearly vear old, and thoroughbred poultry cheap at Herrln s. Gilbert Station, o. . p. So DAIRY and family cows. Holsteln. Jersev and Guernsey, fresh and Spring ers; a blocks north, one west of Kenton Hank. Woodlawn 40ll; SO HEAD of good dairy cows. Guernsey. Durham. Jersev. 1 lo 5 gallons per day. s.sn up; take Woodstock car to 60th ave.. walk 4 bliKKS west. inoriH. V'tfLL-BRF.D. registered Duroc-Jersey boar, ill months o'rt: will sell at a bargain or vvouUl trade for heifer calves. John 1. Whflllev. 512 McKay Bldg. TOl'XG PIGS. PHONE MII.WAUK1E W M. 52 mD ST. - nice, young, milch cows; have to sell, owner sick. These ara very fine cows. I , : : 1 . Y , ow. richest milk for sale cheap. Tabor 4SW2. FOR SALE Good jersey cow. J. D. Stew art. Harborton sta.. Linnton. FOR tALE l--iow dairy: place for rent, close In. good route. P 712. Oregonlan. FOR SAI.E"cheap. good fresh cow and calf. Phone East ."4M5. 'K SSH Ci W for sale. Sellwood 527 Fumllure (or Sal. FINE Charier Oak malleable range with reservoir: this range is in first-class con dition; sells new for S5: will take tl'9.50 for It: ;o other good ranges of well-known makes from $12 up: also big line of gas range's. COVEU. FrRN'ITtRB CO.. 15-INCH solid oak round, extennon table, wlib large pedistal. and five quartered oak dining chairs to match: these pieces are s icood ai ne : cot $:ti.3i, Sis.r.n cash akes the set. 1st si., alter toaay. V 1 KSTlTaS furniture- carpets, picture., j household goods. 5 rooms, will ell alto- : jethrr ot by piece, cheap; leaving city. 7-'tt Kearney street. I'RIVATE party wishes to sell furnishings j f 4-room riac. rurnuure mnnoititii ; beautiful French "llton and Oriental rugs, pK-ture. china, etc. AJ 7J4. Oregonlan. 7ti barfrnin: splendid rtattop tiesk. 34 by i inches. $H; smaller one, tl..W. quarter Klwud oak bookrttse and writing desk, cost ytC. for !'. aQ Oak St. I'iNa. quarter-saw ed oak dresser, w ith C ovil I-rench plate mirror and swell front; thts dresser cost will sell for li.it. aos Is ' Jl BEAUTTFUI mahoffany dining-room set, usei only a short time, reasonable. N 711, Ore soman. ll'RN'ITL'RKxof a 6-room cottage, com pletely furnished. cheap. 472 South Broadway. EXAP Furniture -room fiat, very central rooms rented more than pay rent. Phone Main 837. f PLL'NDID oak furniture in beautiful flat, arranged for two small families. In lot only, rent rasonaoie. r-aai KLRNITL'P-E (including piano of a 5-room .A. W. GAS range. gxd as new, $15. Tabor 4741. HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale; clean, close In location. 2V Jerferaon, imutBre lor twc i i 1 SLIGHTLY USED BEDROOM FURNITURE Two $18 hardwood dressers with large plate mirrors, each $ 7.o0 Two ash commodes, each ,?r8 One $45 brass bed li.aU One s;7.5l mahogany Napoleon bed for 16., One $25 oak Napoieon bed 11-30 One eatin walnut chiffonier 1., CARPETS, RUGS AND CURTAINS. 120 yards of green Buzorrah Axmin- ster, 3U yds. of ooraer, .-o iiui lty. in Al condition, per yara.... One 9x12 tapestry Brussels rug 55 yards of light two-toned green W liittairs boay Brussels, used only a few months, per yard 21 j-ards Whittall's body Brussel and lo yds. of border to match good aa new. Oriental pattern, per yard 23 vards of best quality body Brus sels, oniy slightly used, came from beautiful home; an ideal bedroom or dining-room pattern, per yard.. One 91 2 red Brussels carpet; re versible .98 9.50 .95 3.95 Slightly used laca curtaine, per pair a0c to -1-25 OFFICE FURNITURE One flat top office desk. ........ .... J" One fiat top solid oak office desk... 9.9o T.vo revolving typewriter chairs.... Two revolving office chairs, each.. STOVES AND REFRIGERATORS. One 4-burner New Method gas rang with good oven and broiler, worth $24 new One $40 -New Process gas range witn high oven, connected One 4-burner Reliable gas range.. One 60-lb. capacity white enamel re frigerator -'."'""'.v. Indiana white enamel refrigerator, good size One Wisconsin Peerless, white enamel One Badger refrigerator one refrigerator 1115 combination wood, coal and gas range, 2 ovens MISCELLANEOUS. 17.50 S.9i 10.50 13.50 H.tHI 11.75 8.50 49.00 7-piece aluminum set, only slightly .75 .50 USKU sen ' s bed P"ngs for e,... . . $3 r.o BUPPOI " - cable "'edge" "supported bed 1.95 14.50 3.95 27.50 lti.75 5.83 3.95 4.95 7.50 1.65 sorings. for - .'; One washing machine, guaraniecu good ' as new $8 50 green velour couch ....... .... One $0 biack No. 1 leather tufted One UCC3 black' 'leather ' couch". ' tufted One $12.50 white enamel folding Oneh',f white enamel chiid.-" bed" and One ruhtiy' used co'liapsi'ble fid'ng One "olid" oak dining "table Two arm rockers, each ... One solid oak. large size, library table, dull finish EDWARDS & CO.. 185-191 First StreeL first, at 5th and si, hirabod dressers room furniture: tw-o 1 ""JSJ "ach: ash Sltf.75; $25 ".rl,,V,-r'riri,et satin walnut cniiioi".. ',d ot -reen tail's bodv Brussels, used only a i monthsV ..6c per yard: 24 rds of W "U tall s body Brussels and 1j 5ds. of oor ,lcr to match, good as new. Oriental pat- Sgrkm'fpa, S, T red Brussel.fctte carpet, rev ersioie fa 'aCc!fra'nfSurn'!!!ure? Fl! -Top "office 'desk. S.75:. Flat-top solid oak office desk. f2-?-- . volving tvpewriter chairs. $3.l-. rv"v- Sfon-bur sAVKS fa-ngenwl'thhigh oven. connected, $l..o0: . 4-burner reliable . gas range. $S.... 0 0; caoacitv white enamel relrigerator. $10..u InSfana' wnlte enamel refrigerator, gooo size. $13 50: Wisconsin Peerless nl .narnel $14.50: Badger refrigerator. $H-7-', rSfr7gerat!.r. $i.5o; $U5 combination wood, coal and gas range, 2 ovens. $40. Miscel laneous: Seven-piece aluminum set on) slightlv used. $i;.T5; $2 bedsprings for c Men- $3.5" supported bed springs full size 75c; S4.5U cable edge supported beu springs. $1.05; motor washing machine guaranteed oort as new, 14.-0; $S.J0 ree,anve!ur" couch. 3.05:.np black No. 1 leather tufted coucli ,. a-J.oO: blai leather couch tufted. .$lb...: JlfoO wh te enamel child's folding bed. .i.8.i, , $S white enamel child's bed and springs S3. J. . slightly used rnllapslbla folding cart, 4..,. lllud oak dining table. $7.50: arm rock era $165 each: solid oak, large size li brary table, dull finish. $s.75 Edward. Co.. 1S5-101 First st. A good place to trade. WE hav just taken in the complete fur nishings of a K-roora house: we v-111 dis pose of these at the following prices (no iraah): Bed springs and mattresses, complete $3 to $4.50; dressers, $3 up; cen er tables. SOc; we will sell the rest a. correspondingly low prices; we will sell al or any part; don't delay; these are real brSaVELL FURNITURE CO. Main S022. 204 First St. Main 3022. We Buy. Sell and Exchange. CIGARMEN, 1 A tv c .voah-h,. A very fine white porcelain nickel-bound ' humldory or cigar container; cost over $100 new and you can hardly tell It from new: this Is an exceptionally. fine oppor tunity to secure one: price $3a. COVELL FURNITURE CO.. 204 First St. FOR SLE Enamel-lined Ice box. round SurrnbBI-uea-bf'.earedo,1 ZU WOOU11MII c. n-.HTLY used berch-mahogany library Tab" with French legs. 27x46-lnch top and wide lower shelf: this table cost new $20 can be Had for $0.50. 20S First St.. after Sunday. . for SALE Range. 2 beds. 2 rugs, buffet, "u-.- bargain? owner leaving city. ApplJ 700 E. 41st North. . Automobile. 1P14 FORD touring car. new last May. shock absorber. Presto tank. Can be seen today at e! linn and Klickitat. No terms or trade. WE make out your motorcycle and auto license applications complete with notary work for 40c. Hyatt Talking Machine FOR SALE at a bargain for cash only. 4 ras.er.ger White touring car. Apply for flf'orillon. Blumauer-Frank Drug Com pan FOR SALE 7-passenger Winton; this js no iuiik or no sacrifice, the price is right My reasons for selling going East. Call wooaiuwn u.. von calE TiO-70 horsepower roadster in elegant condition at a bargain; cash or terms; no trades or real estate considered. n ti$. . ijetrott electric Almost new: wy sell for cash only at a reduced price. K K 711. ureKom.ni 1 V TV mimii CHALMERS. 30 H. P- 5-pass car. $2.j lust the thing for racing chassis. Mr. Sillier. Alain 04'VJ. lOI-i OVERI'ANn, No. 80. 5-pass. for sale; new- car at a bargain; no trade accepted; ttrm it nwrrm. i v ... $"r,0 TAKKS my Rto five-passenger automo bile, new tires, recently overhauled, bee FLANDERS 20 roadster, equinped and tn pood condition; given away for 150. Main x tall five-pass. Ford, fine condition, snap a t ion. one-half cash. BD Ore- a. TO in aood condition, even for building Aa privteRrase. W. H. Rossf 213 Mohawk rHALMERS GO. 5-pass., very fine condition: f-r equipped; Suitable for Jitney. Main 53 li? OWNER wi.l sell or trade (rood 5-passenger NEW 1014 Ford car. good as new. $100 less than cost. UOOD roadter cheap for cash. Call 605 Wash. st. Phone M. 21t. luTs-FORD for sale, casings new. Master vturstor. IPnm vpo... . . ..p FOR S-ton Packard truck. Will maka attractive price. H 711. Oregonlan. 5-PASSEXOER 191S, good as new. Phone Main 9iif. KEOAU .11, n-paia. at a saerldce; worth twice tun p"r" -" " i - - KOK 0vl,E B-pasa, PtudpbaUei body and top. Hemingtan, M, ZMH weekdays. 5-PAS!sENf RR automobile: give uie an of- f --, Margna;i on..i. ML ST sell I'H-paaenger auto bu. "Whit. Shasta, uric .-ow. . (ww. l - - l - l R. G. HUNTER at CO.. 507 E.Burnslde St, Hast 6USU. East 6980. Here Is what the above firm does for the prospective buyer: A PREPARED CHART OF ITS CO.N. D1TIOX. STRIP IT DOWN TO PROVE IT. SHOW DEFECTIVE AND BROK.ETS ONE raCE-XO FLOATING PRICES. ONLY SELL THE CARS FOR THEIR PROVEN VALUE. . NO DEPOSITS UNTIL YOU 1NVE3- TIG TE NO CHARGES FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF SEEING WHAT YOU BUY. FACTS SELL CARS HERE. NOT TALK. You are Invited to visit my place and learn for yourself the proper way to buy a used car. If you know nothing about one, we will gladly explain to you the different parts and the functions they are expected to perform. If you know a machine my system will readily appeal to you. Pierce-Arrow eix-cyiinder, Locomo bile. Overland five-passenger. Overland roadster. Peerless, American roadster. Maxwell roadster, two Auburns. and 1 have brand new standard one-ton trucks, less the dealer's commission. t ' THERE ARE MANY FEATURES PROMISED O.Y THE SALE OF SECOND HAND CARS SOLD BY OTHER CON CERNS THAT I DO NOT GIVE BUT I WILL GIVE PROVEN VALUE AND DEFY ANY ONE TO PROVE THAT I DO NOT. OPEN TODAY. SNAPS IN USED CARS. $3000 Oldsmoblle, 5-passenger, in good shape, for 10c on the dollar p$30C 1912 Reo ftth, 5-passenger, in good shape: tires good. A dandy for Ju" ney service $450 4- passenger Maxwell; a great buy $400 5- passengcr M'chigan 33; electric lighted. A little dandy ,$400 lteo 2-ton truck, like new, used In light freight service only 1 months, and is a bargain. One 1914 d-54 Hudson, 7-passenger. Won derfully good buy. The best of the season. C. I. BOSS & CO. 615-17 Washington St. Portland, Or. USED QUALITY CARS. POPULAR PRICES. If vou are contemplating a tour "to the exposition, you can tour in style, safety ajid comfort in any one of these snaps. Packard 18. 5-passengei. Packard 30, 2-passenger. Packard 30, 5-passenger. Packard 4S, 7-passenger. We also have for quick sale Chal mers 1111 i-paesenger 0tt FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, 23d and Washington Sta I hone Main 4542. Maxwell Roadster, full equipment. .$200 Bulck Roadster, overhauled, new tires -M Studebaker Chassis Bulck 1012. 4-passenger 375 Bulck 1912 Roadster 400 1914 Bulck, B-passenger, electric lights and starter 700 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY. OLD OR NEW. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., 14th and Davis Sis. Main 4555 - 355 STEVENS-DURYBA. READ THIS. Yoa who desire a car of Individuality and refinement. A 3914 Stevens-Duryea, com plete In every detail, practically a new car. Is to be offered at a great sacrifice. "A THING OF BEAUTY." Designed not only for speed and safety, but for comfort and ease. . Investigate at once. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., 1'lst and Washington. FORDS FOKDS FORDS FORDS REAL BARGAINS IN" I7KED CARS. ' ' 1914 FORD, 5-passenger, practically new. price, IJ9.J. 1913 FORD, 5-passenger. $365. 1914 FORD, 5-pasaeneer, shock absorb r. electric liehts. seat covers, clock. Klaxon horn and Yale lock switch key; car Is practically new, 4i:.. 1913 Overland roadster, in finest con Hit inn l.-.r.o. 3914 Mitchell six, 7-passenger, brand new. - - 3911 CHALMERS 30. $495. 191 Havers six. $450. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 1199. CASH . . and CASH ONLY. BIG SACRIFICE FOR CASH. $1750 WINTON SIX Main S345. Main 1254 PARTS FOR 20 DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PARTS FOR YOUR CAR. WE SELL FOR LESS. PACIFIC TIRE AUTO SUPPLY CO., G. N. SMITH. MGR. 325-027 BURNSIDE STREET. KfiT RTTRN'SIDR GARAGE. E.'lOth and Burnstde. East 4366. For sale. 1 Flanders delivery, ,r,, m nrsi claas condition; 1 Warren roadster, $4;,0, just overhauled; 1 Schacht's roadster, $650, rebuilt; 1 1911 model T Mitchell, 5-paaa., $400; 1 2912 Overland 40, 5-pass.. $450. A JITN'EY or stage bargain, large. 7-pass. Gnrford. iust overhauled and repainted, new top and new tires. See It before you buy. WTNTON MOTOR CAR CO., 23d and Washington Sts. A TWO-CYLINDER Maxwell that has been through a Are for sale by the insurance company that paid the loss, for $60 just as It stands. East 69S0. R. G. Hunter & Co.. .",07 East Burnside St. 181K AMERICAN 30. like new $950 1914 Maxwell, 2.,-H. P., new -.i" 1913 Michigan. 40-H. P., terms.., $425 EAST SIDE AUTO REPAIR CO., 717 Hawthorne. 7-PASSENGER Peerless. thoroughly over hauled and newly painted, S new non-skid tires; this car can be purchased on easy terms by responsible party. Braly Auto Co.. Main 41-S'i. hi in. itn . tms CHALMERS 30. .in first class mechan ical shae, must sell and will make right ' terms to responsible party: price 650. Phone Main 4880. Sunday or Monday morn ing. H. W. Lyon. WARREN Detroit car. cost new $2250. in first-class shape, new tires, presto tank, etc.; price $100: a snap. E. K. Sully. St. Johns. Col. 663. ALARGE, roomy. 5-pass. Stearns, suitable for stage or Jitney work; part cash, with good terms on balance: cannot use real estate. AH 7?2, Oregonlan. 7-PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow, nswly painted, new seat covers and top: good condition; wouid consider light car as part payment. Winton Motor Car Co.. 23d and Wash, sts. WHAT have you to trade for good Winton six. 7-passenger. 1911 model, fore-door, newly painted and overhauled? Good tires. Kern. 1st and Salmon sts. HIGH-CLASS car. seat 8 people, splendid condition; a snap $500. 321 Eugene st. E OVERLAND. In good shape; seif-starter. eleclrlo lights: small amount cash. bal. on payments." 45 X. 14th st. Main 1S44. Ifil4 OVERLAND, first-class condition, some cash, balance on terms. AF 706, Orego REBUILT FEDERAL TRUCKS. A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL is as good value for tha money as a new truck. By re built we mean that the truck is entirely taken apart, each part examined and if necessary replaced Dy a new part made at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and refinished and everything necessary none to make tha truck prac- , tlcaily as good as new in every detail. When you buy a - rebuilt i ederal you are protected by the same policy and Interest that we give to all Federal own ers. We operate a repair department, in which the workmen are specialists on Federals; our supply of Feoeral parts is complete and the stockroom organisation high-class, which insures the prompt fill ing of ail parts orders. We also operate a Bervice department, which is open day and night, "alwas at your calL" The Federal being a good truck in the .trrst place and protected by a company which Is equipped and has the disposition to give you service, is consequently A SAFE TRUCK TO BUY. If you are In the market for a truck from $1000 to $14oo. we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior va!ue. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. King and Washington Streets. USED AUTO SNAPS. . LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. We offer you the following list to select from. Free service given on all UBed cars. FORD. 5-pass., nearly new, with extra equipment, CHALMERS, 5-passenger, 30 H. P. COLE, 5-passenger, 30 H. P. GARFORD, 4-pasaenger, 40 H. P. HUPP. 6-passenger, 32 H. P. APPKRSON, 5-passenger, 40 H. P. MICHIGAN, o-passenger, 33 H. P. COLE, 4-passenger, 40 H. P. REO, 2-passenger roadster, 30 H. P. Several others to select from. Call and look them over. Remember, we give you free service. Investigate our selling plan before you buy It means money to you. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch St. 'Main HSH7. A 49o0. OREGON' MOTOR CAR COMPANi". USED-CAR DEPARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. . 1 CHALMERS "30." 4-passenger tour ing car, overhauled and repainted. .$476 STUDEBAKER "30." 4-pass. tour ing car. just overhauled; ei- . starter, etc J"?0 1 MAXWKl.L 5-pass., touring car. ..$li.O 1 STUDEBAKER "30," 5-passenger touring car .,..$00 1 STUDEBAKER "FOUR, touring car, 1914 model, electric starter and lights, perfect condition 11775 1 OVERLAND touring car. 1915 model practically newl; a great bargain. 1 STUDEBAKER "30." roadster, over hauled and repainted .$4o 1 OVERLAND touring car . In good condition ....0 Sc us for jitney buses. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Studebaker Building. Corner Chapman and Alder Streets. Phone Main 9402, A 7056. WE will pay cash for second-hand l'ORD CARS, or trade new ones for them, cars sold on. terms. Agents for Gray- Davis Ford starting and lighting system. BEN'J. E. BOONE A CO. Ford Agents. 514 Alder SU Phone Main 3966. Portland. Hilliboro. 1 CADILLAC. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED, CADILLAC. Flectrle lights, self-starter, Kellogg power tire pimp, all tires are practically new and the entire car Is in exceptlon afly" fine shape; the price $800 is low for this high-grade car. Investigate. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Washington. LOOK! SNAP! REO TRUCK. 1 Two ton, with van body, In first-class condition. ' Will sacrifice lor quick sale. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch st. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. LIGHT SIX BARGAIN. Late model FRANKLIN touring car. electric lights and starter and full equipment- absolutely Ilrst-clasa condition Uiroughouirmust be seen to ba appra- ciale1- COVEY MOTORCAR CO.. 2 1SI UU M. ...... W1NTUN SIXES, thoroughly overhauled and rebuilt in 4 and 7-pass. models; cars are fully equipped and carry standard guaran tee of the Winton Company for one year be sure and see us before you buy a used car. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., Co. 23d and Washington Sts. I have a new auto truck, capacity 2H to 3 tons; will contract to do your , haul-in- oy tho toa or by ths day. or will con &c,DwI?h a rellabll- firm and carry firm name on truck U desired. A 0l,. Ore gonlan. Take-down garaas, built of the jest mJHal artifuc designs 10x16 $36 up. S'-ted complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO.. ni of Harrison St. Main 1167. BARGAINS l.-v , 1 1:- ',' 191" Regal Roadster. $3:.; 5-passenger Regal, engine overhauled. $2S5; 1911 W In to.. Six, run very little, splendid shape, $5b5; Maxwell Roadster, a dandy, $185. r.31 Aider st.. bet. 16th and 17th sts 1914 CADILLAC 114 . YOUR CtlANcn. To own- a high-grade car at a saving of many hundred dollars; this is a most ex- 00PVEYaMOTORCAR CO.. 21st tad Wash. lllrr.UV CIO ruKJJj,uo u........". - 10x16 best materials, erected on your tot. complete 132 up Any other style you want at prices that can t be beat. B. T. AUn. Garage Specialist. Hal E. Salmon st. laoor iw FOR SALE $450, large 7-passenger white steamer just been overhauled. In first class condition; equipped with Dayton air less solid tires, cost $375 alone, would make an ideal jitney or stage run: cash or terms; must sell. Phone Woodlawn 1Q39 STUDEBAKE R-GARFORD 7-pass., very strong and durable car for stage line or Jit ney tires practically new; demountaoie rims etc.: could be easily converted Into delivery. Main a,w. -. - . - . 1 rn 1,1.1) 111" 1 1 " I'J 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or Jast aa.jtf. A FEW GOOD BUYS IN USED HupmoDlles rnceo. vik"v- DULMAGE-MANLEY AUTO CO. 46-48 N. 20th St. A CASH. Bal. on terms. 5-passenger. fore-door, tor pedo body. 1913, $550 if taken this week. Main 1242. PIERCE-ARROW S-48. .-pass.. new y painted, good tires, seat covers; would consider small ear as part payment, but no rca. cam.. m- - - OVERLAND foredoor. 5-pass. 1912 model in good condition; fully equipped with power tire pump, etc; fine for jitney. FOR SALE at a real bargain. 3 pass. Stude haker in good condition. Must have cash at once! Phone E- S. Wilkey. Sellwood AUTOMOBILE for sale. $400 cash: Flanders 20 four-dcor. in line shape. Call morn Inge, 672 E. 15th ec N. Take Irvlngton 5"-PASSENGER Marion. 4-door. just oyer hauled, good conditlon; party leaving: cheap ror casn. ca... WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market prie paid. J Leva. ioo .-o.un, -a-... r-w a I MKRS 5-passenger. with fore-door. C" ecfrlf lights. For quick sale. $300. Main 5451. 1914 CHALMERS MASTER SIX 5-pass.; A-l COnQlUOli, jut i. "v SLIGHTLY used tire. from3 to $10 each; vuicamzeu wn, .....-.--.. STUDEBAKER ELECTRIC COUPE offered at a sacrmce. .-nai' ...."p. j.TON del. truck for sale cheap; hurry. 530' Alder. STODDARD racy roadster; tires like new; may At rgl. Main 5368. TJSED CARS. LIBERAL TERMS.. Let us show yon our line of high-grade, up-to-date, electric lighted and started, high-powered cars al exceptional values. Also a few others. Hupmoblle roadster $400 Buick light delivery $250 Flanders roadster $250 , Ford roadster 25 Rambler, five-passenger MS5 Mitchell, elec, starter and lights, al most new r -. f...lloo MITCHELL. LEWIS ft STAYER CO.. East Morrison and East First Sts. East 2177. B 148. CLOSING OUT. CLOSING OUT. CLOSING OUT. Vnheard-of low prices. We are going Into new car business. Select car from this list. Compare with prices elsewhere: Studebaker "25." 1913 model, 5-pass.. .$390 Studebuker "30." five-pass., electric horn, bumper, demountable rims, Ave tires' . 35 Mitchell 1913, five-pass., electric lights, starter, newly painted tor pedo 490 Michigan, like new. electric lights. starter, five-pass, demonstrator $590 Overland panel delivery, 1500 lbs. like new, snap at $723 Reo two-ton truck, used six months, with new tires, body and top. Terms $l-2o Here is a snap 1500-lb. Studebaker panel top delivery; cost $1400: fine condition, with extra 5-pass. body.. $325 Seeing is believing. Look them over. OPEN SUNDAY. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY. 523 Alder St. Main 2481. MR. JITNEY We guarantee to save you money on repair work. Call and we will prove it. Fireproof storage. Low rates. FORD SPECIALTIES CO., E. Madison and 1st st. Phone East 193. PEERLESS 6-48. 7-pass., fully equipped with electric self-starter and lights, $14o Warner auto-meter, power tire pump. etc. Here is an .opportunity to get. a really high-class automobile at a very low price. Main .308, PACKARD 3 passenger; extra tries, seat covers, speedometer, demountable rims, one-man top; just overhauled; In A-l condition; a bargain for cash; no real estate or mortgages considered; may take HAVE your auto painted ana your trimming nickel-plated at Portland Plating Auto Painting Co.; also upholstering. 22d and Thurman. Main S43, A 52S2. 20 and up ward, according to the work. CHALMERSES passenger. Just painted; good tires; this is the best buy in the city: $400 cash or In tnree payments; will take Ford as part payment. K 714, Ore- goman. 1913 MITCHELL, 5-passenger, electric HcrhtH and starter, in first-class condition. $.00; will take diamonds or roadster as part pay. Oliver, oo a.uc. pl. LOT. Portland Heights; want best car lot will bring. Epton, 432 Chamber of Com. Automobiles Wonted. WILL trade unincumbered lot 50x105 in Rose City Park, 1 block from Sandy blvd., for late model light 4 or 5-passenger auto; no junk. Phone C 126S alter 11 A. "M. EQUITY in S-room house, large lot. Wil lamette boulevard, for good automobile. Write M. K. 721 Emerson ave., Hoquiam, Wash. .ANTED Light Spassenger automobile, 1914 or 1915 model Buick preferred; ex change lot 2id and Killtngsworth ave. and cah difference. Phone Marshall 498j. WANTED Late model automobile in ex change for a fine corner lot on the Rose City carline. Price $1500. E. J. tielser. 41 i Chamber ot commerce. HAVE lot 50x100, Rose City car; cash valuo 450. 'Want light car. Ford preferred Mlgnt put in some taau. . vi. .w... htars hi WILL exchange c.ly lots for 3-tou truck In good order Also 5 light autos to exchange-. Call 216 Panama blag., N.E. cor. jru ana aiuci. d. ... ' j " " WANTED Late model 4 or 6-passenger .... nt..n K., ,..,), nrica and full DSX- ticulars first letter. f 07, Oregonian. WANTED Used light car. body no object. t ora preierieu, muoi .t-f. 10 to 1 o'clock, or ADTOC. Oregonian. WANTED Roadster; must be cheap and in good condition; will trade diamonds as part payment. S 721, Oregonian. WILL exchange'fine unincumbered lot, 60x 100. worth $10 0. some cash, lor late model light 0-passenger cm... .-,.- - KOSB CITY Clear lot or cash for .5-pas auto; give iuii iii .".-"-" man WANTED A Ford car lor delivery pur posesT niust be in good condition and price right. 2s Grand ave. B !)) WANTED to trade for a 1910 or later 7-passenger, clear real estate and mtgs. r-ll 4011 McKay bids. Main 934. CARPENTER-CONTRACTOR would like to build for you ana taae m. u r - oavmem. bj ...an. WANT to exchange clear property, cash and securities, for auto ana piano. 430 Wor cester bids. WANTED Auto, Stud baker or ru good city lot or house and lot. 3o4 East ,-.u xrik T.W 4741. TO trade $200 diamond for light roadster. Overland or .ouica gonlan WANTED to trade good classy roadster for good 5-passenger car; will pay some cash difference. Y 705. Oregonlan. vTll" trade fine $1000 lot, unincumbered, for good late model touring car. Call Mar shall 2448, aionua 1 WILL pay you spot cash i0- Francis Motor Car Exchange. E. 13th and . Hawthorneaye. HAVE "cash for Ford touring if bargain. 1H1 or later. w.-o WILL buy or trade for good two-ton truck, i.- Til? nr.mnlnn RUNABOUT or light 4-passenger car; must be cneap. Jy i.", ' -e-- WANT 1914 Ford touring car. R. W. Wood 101 tn GOOD light touring car. for clear lot and cash, v IP, Ijrego.uaM. $5U0 F IRST mortgage to trade for auto; will pay qtlterepc-. jm.u GOOD lot to trade for good, light touring car or roausie. . . . $600 FIRST mortgage, unincumbered; lots ana acreage i". DANDY twill motorcycle as part payment on rora. ru -.-q. ."m WANTED for cash, light auto, apply with r. 844 N. jersey, ci. uuna. S150 CASH for a 1910 or '11 Ford. chassis v , , ... i.-- air1) m running . EQUITY in business lot for cheap automo- Motorcycles. EXTRA BARGAINS IN USED MACHINES. 1 1914, two-speed Dayton, 0 H. P. 2 1913 twin Excelsiors, 7 H. P. 1 1914 twin Excelsior, 7 H. P. 2 1913 twin Indians, 7 H. P. 1 1913 twin Dayton, 9 H. P. 1 1913 twin Reading, standard B H. r. 1 1913 twin Eagle. 9 H. P. 1 1933 twin Emblem, 8 H. P. 1 4 H. P- ThorT-- 2 7 H. P. 1912 Merkles. 1 5 H. f. mourn. All these machines have been put in A-l condition and many are equipped. The prices are the lowest. Liberal terms. . D YTON CYCLE CO.. 210 Broadway. MOTORCYCLE SALE 1 1914 Indian, electrical, $165. 1 3913 Indian, a dandy, $125. 1 1912 Indian. 2-speed. $100. 1 191S X., equipped, $125. And many other bargains. JEFFERSON CYCLE CO., 287 Third St. BICYCLES SOLD AND REPAIRED. 108 13TH ST. COP. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. MOTORCYCLE! WANTED Good two-speed twin, by youg man 'experienced in deliv ering, carpentry, painting or farming, who wishes to work till May 1 and apply serv ices on the purchase of a machine, it, ios. ureBui.mu. 1914 POPE 2-speed. tandem, electric llgh t s condition like new, $200; 1914 2-speed English Chaterlea and side car. lots or spare parts and tires, cost $S00: exchange both for a good roadster; no rubbish want- ea. nt. PU.1B. yj;AP 1912 4 H P. Thor motorcycle in A-l condition $75 cash or $S5 on terms. Phone Woodlawn 3912. P. M. Williams. FOR SALE Tw In Merkle 7 14 -H. P. and Twin Eagle. 914-H. P., cheap. 033 Wash !neton. ' rNDY single Indian motorcycle; magrneto. chain drive; Just overhauled; price omy $60; $25 dorn. flO monthly, aou Aiaer, HARLEY single, fine condition, easy terms. WANT lm-i two-apeed motorcycle, to peer, East 4048. FOR SALE Sc-hebler motorcycle carburetor, almost new. Aaaress a ' FOR TRADE snj.150 lot in Eastern town for good motorcycle. Call Sellwood Sool. ONE 8 H. P., 1913 Harley-Davldaon. equipped, presto tank, tandem, lamp anu exhaust horn; Al condition; 1150. We also have a large assortment or used macnines of all makes, from K5 up On Easy Terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand Avenue. Agents tor the Flying Mcrkel. FOR SALE Four-cylinder 7-h- p. Flying Juerkle. $S3: fully equipped. Tabor jlJii. Auto Tires and Accessories 1 GASOLINE TANK 3-0-.,,.. 1 REM Y MAGNETO AND COIL. $22.50. 1 BUICK RADIATOR. $20. 1 PAIR 10-INCH BRASS HbAD- Call 34S COUCH ST.. NEAR BROADWAY. FOR SALE $25 Presto tank for $15. in quire 783 Vi Kenllworth ave. Machinery. 1 loo K. W. 600 R. P. .M. 500-Volt Generator. 1 5 H. P. Climax e.ibo. 1 No. 4 IS H. Pv Jewel Engine. 1 14x18 Engine. 1 60 K. W. 133-Cycle Single-rhase Gen- "i'Ss H. P 220-Volt Three-Phase Motors 1 5 H. P. Wagner Single-Pliasa Motor. 1 30 H. P. Wagner Single-Phase Motor. 3 75 H P. 220-Volt 3-Phnse Motors. 2 35 H. P. 220-Volt Three-Phase Motors. ' 1 50 H P. 220-Volt Three-phase Molor. ' 20 H P. 220-Volt Three-Pliase Mutors. 1 15 H P. 220-Volt Tbree-Phase Motor. 8 1-15 H. P. 110-Volt General Electric D. C. Motors. 1 214 H. P. Bull Dog Gasoline Engine. 1 lii H. P. Bull Dog Gasoline Engine. 1 10 H. P. 220-Volt Edison Motor, i i. it p no. Volt standard Motor. 1 1-6 H.'P. 110-Volt A. C. Holtxer Cabot Motor. ' 1 j, H. P. 110-Volt D. C. Westlnghouse Motor. . , 1 y. H. P. 110-Volt single-Phase 83-Cycle Wagner Motor. I M H. P. Holtser Cabot Motor. 1 American Blower. 1 No 6 Western Blower. 1 i-lnch Centrifugal Pump. 1 5-inch Gould Pump. 1 Ames Boiler Feed Pump. 1 Cameron Boiler Feed Pump. 1 6 H. I'. Tiger Engine. 6ee ua for all kinds-of new and second hand machinery, repairing and rewinding. Ali work guaranteed. H. M. H. ELECTRIC CO. 31 North First Street. Phone Main 9210. KQU1PMKNT FOH KKNT OR Donkey engines. pileiri ers. drricka, transits, levels, cnncrcie mixers, etc. COAtiT 8TKEI. & MACHINKRV CO., 1305 Yeon Bldg. Main ,70.'. llpewnter ALL MAKES FACTORY REBUILT. LARGEST STOrK. LOW EST PRICES. TERMS $5 DO W.N, A MONTH. SEND KOR Il.U'ST RATED PRICE LIST, RETAIL DEPA RTMKXT, THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. K21 Washington St., Portland, Or. Stores in ail Pacific Coast Cities. We aave you rrora Co to 7. per cent on ali makes of typewriters; cend for our illus trated foldtr. Retail department WHOLHJ BALE TYPCWR1TI-R CO., 321 Wash, at. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 month !or $& and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Kemington Typewriter Com pany. Stt Broadway. Portland, Or. TYPEWRITERS, all makei, $10 to $ttt. The Northweat Tjpewriter Co.. 6 Siarlt at. Main 558. VISIBLE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for 4. delivered. 844 Stark ac Main 6:73. WILL exchange first-class talking machine for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., r0 Alder. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rate;. P. D. C. 231 Stark at. Main 1407. for fine $1-0 latest Remington No. 11. Marthall Si 81. Highland Courts L. C. SMITH, up-to-date, good condition, cheap for cash. Phone Woodlawn .'U78. Launch e and Boat, EVIXRtDB detachable rowboat motors for rowboats. canoes, motor-boats and fiah boats are in use by over 15 governments; the EvLnrude is world famous tor re markable power, apeed and wonderful waterproof magneto built within flywheel; in use by U. S. War Department, handling ;;0-foot pontoons; over 4nX) in use in Co lumbia River, Alaska, and Scandinavian fishing fleets; a motor you can carry by hand, will give as much speed as aver age 6 horsepower motorboat aul the price of $58 to 3 is so low anyone can own a motorboat; new special model 6-passenger boats aa low as $80; free catalogue. Address Evinrude Motor Co.. 1H6 Morrison. Miscellaneous, IT MAKES no difference what you are In need of, see us. We can save you money. We have opened up a salvage store at 1:11-13:1 First st., near Alder. Can supply your wants In anything in the line of merchan dise. We have soma special good bargains In paints, oils, brushes, mattresses, hardware, at our Firt street store. J. SIMON & BRO Front and Grant Sts. 200. A SEWING MACHINES SiiiKei", 15; White. $16; Oakland. $11 : New Royal. 510; Oevurtz Special, $1."'; New Home, !!: Domestic, $ti; Household. $.". Perfect stitchers and guaranteed. Terms If neces sary. Sewing Machine Kmporiutn. 1WJ od, near Taylor. Main "401. A 3rtV. WOODEN tanks suitable for water or elder, fiom loOO to 3600 gallons; also one Silti in. double-eettng Vilter ammonia compres sor, direct connected to a lxltl Erie slide valve engine with Gardner auto governor. Salem Brewery Association. Salem. Or. $165 BUYS LAUNCH WORTH OWN-NO. Good as new, fully equipped and reliable. See King, Standard Boathouae, foot Madi son, this P. M. WE have three standard makes of adding . machines that we will sell for ilOc on the dollar if sold this week. McN.be Photo Studio, 3M H Washington at., Portland. Phone A a0o6. A COMPLETE cigar store outfit at half cost. Solid oak. dark finish; fixtures can be used either straight or in a corner. Also high grade National cash register. Call .Pacific Storage Co., E. 1st and Madison. WE will dispose of a lot of used sewing ma chines. Drop-head, New Home, $12.50; drop-head. Singer. $l.f-0; drop-head. White, $10. All guaranteed. 340 Morrt- Bon st. MOST remarkable calendar ever invented, 18,10 to !, all in view, any day. IN STANTLY, in coi6rs; cardboard, ."0c, r per 25c; agents wanted, 100 per cent prom., uon " - IK you fox trot? Learn all the new dances with the new graanolaa and Vlctrola: and up; easy trms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3."0 Alder. too GETS EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN IN DINNER RING. lO DIAMONDS. SKT IN PLATINUM. AND 1 SAPPHIRE. AB 900. OREGONIAN. MEMORIAL-. r'mmaUnn murhlp urns. Dnmintck FB 1 jan. Importer, Harrison Hotel, Portland. 28-FOOT. 17-mlle motorboat, boathouse. with living room; fine outfit; $325, W new price. Main 4ai alter MEDIUM eijie Hall safe, very low price; also National cash register. Closing out. Bankrupt stock. Pho ne M a In u. 150 YARDS LINOLEUM. 12 hiah stools. cheap if taken at once. Call Monday. 17U KHlin gs wort h. Woodlawn ?.49A. $tl. COMBINATION dinner and card table, solid oak. early English finish, 45-inch top; $20. R 717. oregonlan. BARGAINS in card printing machines and handy typo cabinets, with good assortment f tvne "faces. 106 Lownsdale. 0 to 12 A. M. SANITARY typewriter desk tarv roll, chair, $32.oO; $13..-0; tables. Henry bldg. . 12-GAUGE Winchester shotgun. 25-35 Win chester riUp. 45 automatic Colt ; J ew auto accessories. Phone Woodlawn 317S. S CRIFICE New $40 Ithaca shotgun, new $25 Eastman kodak; bargain. Marshall BOAT, with 1' H. P. Evinrude motor. all. oars and cover, complete, Apply -lua Custom-House. FOR SALE; One pair diamond earrings, flrat quality one carat; will sacrifice for $1W0 if taken at once. L 708, Oregonian. WILL. THADE S-h. P- Evenrudt motor and hull for canoe and some cash. Houseboat 4i. Motorboat ClutK ; CUF r'EE GRINDER for Bakery, Lents. ale. Call Mt. Scott S-H P 23-foot launch. $150; n;-foot row boat. $15. MOgden. 23 N. Humboldt. LVTE model SA kodak, fine condition, com "plete outfit, cheap. East 1307. INDIAN mortar and pestle; perfect speci men. 321 Worcester bldg. GASOLINE launch, fine condition ready to run; owner leaving city. East 430. RUUD HEATER for sale, bldg. Marshall 3050. 204 Mackleay FOR SALE or swap, view camera, GxSV.. AH 700, OregonhiiK I NEW 2-foot launch hull. Call and see It. O. P. Granam. r ortrittiiiiM-vii RUG and carpet weave stool, $3 per day can be earned at home. 0'3 Oberlin. DIAMOND, worth $2. perfect blue white, i Mpfn 7HO0. Call room 32.). PRACTICA MY new hunt ing shoes, size 7fc. Bargain. BD 72L Oregonian, STECIAL NOTICE! M I LLM EN r A CTO R I ES. WE HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE UP, THE SECOND - HAND MACHINERY BUSINESS AND WILL SELL GOODS AT A PRICE N EVEK H E E O R E 1 1 E A K D OF. BEI.OW A It E A FEW OK THE PRICES THAT E SELL GOODS FuKi Castlron pulleys, while they last, Jc lb. Casttron boxe, while they lust. ISc lo. Meet thafting. any si'. 1 ' c lb. KUe-elphths cable, per l.w.t 2 One-hai( inch chble, per fi.ot, ISC Ctlvanls-,, conuffited Iron, sq., $..2ll. Httn'Ts. ult klnuft. 2c lb. 1 t,Mi boiler, ;3.o. 1 3''-H. I. ccnnoniUHl hollT. $21)0. 1 W-H. 1. uprinht boiler, $IW. S:etl rails, atl ssrs, lc lb. J-beams, all Hikes, 2' lb. Gears, all SiKea. 2c lb. WE A L SO HAVE ALI- KIND." O riPE WIRE, FENCING, (UNTH ACTORS' TOOLS. I'l.rMlilMi, BELTING. MO TORS. PUMPS. DYNAMOS, ROOFING I'APER AT CORRESPONDING ltlCES. J. SIMON PRO.. FRONT AND UKANT ST?, MAIN 2UU2. A 2002. PLUMBING SLTrLIES I'LL HBING SUrrLIEfl Just received several carloads of pipe and plumbing luppllot. Come and get our prices before you buy, aa we have any thing you need at lowest prices. If you don't come and se us you are losing money. Free cellmate given on all plumb ing jobs. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO. 187 Front ec, between Yamhill and Taylor HOO FEED, $l25d PER TON. J. PIMON A PRO.. FRONT AND GRANT STS. MAIN 2002. TWO B. & W. 250-horsepower. 1 M-pound attain pissui-e water tube boilers. llk new ; 4 rtrtx 10 return tubular boilers; Jt Wx 1H- re-turn tubular boilers; 1 25-hors'-powcr stationary g.ie engine, with or with out compound pump, 1 5t-horsepower Russell automatic engine ; also pumps, dvnamos, all kinds of rails for any pur pbe. 1 buv sell and exchange. H. R Davis. 301 Water at. Maraha.1 240d or Alain 24-1. 50.000 BRICK. AT A BARGAIN. J. SIMON A BRO.. FRONT AND GRANT STS. MAIN 2002. A 202. FOH RENT OR SALE, logirlnjr and hoisting engines, derricks, scraper.1. clain-shell buckets, concrete mix er., pumps, etc, ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating and dlrtct-current motors, guaranteM In every renpect ; all makes. STANDARD MACHINERY CO.. 4H Second 5i. We sell or rent. EXPOSITION SONG WORDS AND MUSIC 10C PER COPY. Write for this big hit; you will like It: everyone will be singing and playing It; special prices to agwua and dealers, bend for v.ur copy today. TOM JUli NSUN, til Waterfront St. S:in Diego, cal. MOTORS AND GENERATORS Kitjht 10 H, P. Little Glunl marine en gliit), G!ooe register, act of 4 auto lights (jiHist, Wesco spark toil for boat, over motors in stock. B. E. lavls Co., luJ E. Water St. East 81 40. B 223 U. S isWlN GMA C H I N E 8 of all makes, new and second-band bargains, 5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly ; machines rented and rent applied on purchase- price. Phono for la tea. Main 1481. bewing Ma chine Empor.uui, d, near Taylor. A I G HGR A D E o r f I c e furniture. 5-ft. bsn ti er's roll-top dek, Underwood typewriter No. fi, practically new, type wrller desk, 3 office chair, quartered oak. 2u5 Cuucu bldg. FOR SALE Nut. cush n-Ktbter, cot $lti, now $7t; $75 Toledo scale, .H; $tt0 sate, $.u; i.iO coffee mill. 1J; 20-ft. counteis, 4iu; .helving, shoucusos, etc. i. K. bully, St. Johns. Col. titi.s. FO nTS A L TC HfJaP 3 H - h . p. KV I N Ht'UH detachable rowboat motor, 1 HI 4 model, ba.n used for deinonstrating only; s shHp. Address Victor luu Apartments, Apt. 34. Phone. Main 3H!t7. TRY concentrated extracts Tor making drinks at home; easily prepared, saves o per cent; send 25c lor sample bottle with full Instructions. Ernest Maker, 2'-7 East 1st st., Los Angeles, Cal. "For SALE 10U0 feet 10-inch No. 11 st-l double nvitcd water pipe, welifht 15 lbs per foot. Address P. O. Box 'L ilili--boro. Or- FOR PALE 'Beautiful cluter diamond, platinum brooch. Can ha made into a beautaul ring. Cost $:t00; will take $lou caah. Phono Main 5:l. EDISON'S rotary mimroaraph. No. 76, with writing board, slightly used; aso 2 type writers, fur sale cheap. Call at 731 toi St., Roue City car. ALL kinds of hifch-nrade kodmas, Anastlg mat lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles utid stiotguus wut ed. UochfeiU s Camera Exchange. & 5d St. A I TO graflex. 3x4U. plats hoUI. rs, piste mugasine, leather cne for holders; film pack adapter, cost $125, perfect order, smII tor $75. All 1 10. . Orcnonliin. LAI" NCI!. lh-ft., 4 h. p., Kod condition. You make the price. Standard Boat -house, Hawthorne Hrtuge. phuiie Marshall 750. Ask for Hit hi. ,uK SALE New and second-Hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. Ths Brunswick -Da I ke-Collender Co.. 40-48 5th. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, per gallon, $1.46. Portland paint Co., 230 Front st, Marshall 100. HOISEH'JAT. 011 terms, completely fur nished. Miles Stuudish, Oregon Yacht Clu b. Sellwood 233". SA FE Lai k'. double door, with burglar prof ch'Bi, ha.f price. Smith it Leh mann, 251 Alder st. Main 02il SAFE and 2-drawcr National cash register for snle cheap. 325 Everett, or call Ta bor 31. FOR SALE. $30 coal and wood ranita in f ?o!t $7U. H OreKonlan. in fair condition; FOR SALE clining; c -Invalid chair, rubber-tired, re in stut and, back. Call Tsbor FOR SALE Complete shoemakers outfit cheap. Party leaving town. Address 418 San Rafael vt. BANKRUPT'S fixtures cheap; modern com puting scale, Nutlonul rvgtstur, oil tank. tUJoE. Ankeny. ON K 41x0 bUllard table; 1 4xS pool labl. Suit a tile for privatu or publlu use. J 74 E. 35th st. A 14-FT. rowboat with an Evinrude ei.glne for sale, $35. Call at Madison bridge boat house. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. SUP PLIES, FILM SEKVIC-i. UNlT-i) FILM CO,, 2-3 I'D ST. . ONE second-hand motor. ,le. newly over hauled, Al condition; price fib; a bargain. Call 4:i N. th. phono Main -97. f OH SA LE Loyal cuf icu attached. Cost $.(50. Will ff-ct condition ;;3 HHimn 1 on 1 .r. lak- 'tu. it. East 'J FOR SALE U white enamel center thl-s at $1.45 each. Grand ave. Phone 70O0. t . POOL TABLE, modern, mahogany, com plete, new clot'if very reasonable. AG 711. oregonlan. . -FOOT launch. -ngine, cheap. Engines, boilers, sawmills, b-'ugni, sold rnd exchangid. The .1 E- Martin C portlsnu. PLUMBING SLPPLIES si wholehaie P'-as. Stark-Davis Co.. a1- 8d sL Main 7T. FOR SA LE New houseboat, terms. Call Tabor 502. CASH registers. National, slightly used. T pewnt-r E xchange. -51 H sshlngton St. SAFES. ' BAFiCS. The Mosler S-fs Co.. 2B4 Stark street. 1 net't ' RITkliXEFS CA1.D9 $1.'K. Ryder ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. FOR SALE Seed artichokes. $1.50 per lbs. Beaverton. Or.. R- No. 2. bog 1-2. ONE 4 and one C-foot floor showcase. I'hon Main 04-0. FOH SALE $4i', Rud buby carriage, good as new. phone Woodlawn 27frA. DAYTON miney weight scale and cash reg ister. 75tt Sandy bld. K. 3s.,. FOR SALE New MUsdon heating stoe, cheap Phone B DIAMOND H-k perfect very fin al bargainprlccANj MOreg fin diamond gonmn. LAUN'ir, 20-h. p.. 25 feet; Kperd 13 miles or over. Marshall 91. FOR SA LE 3079. -3 pool tables, chfeap. Tabor