THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX PORTLAND, APRIL 4, 1915. 8 RE A I, ESTATE. For fcade Acreage. rnriP TVPRnvTl ACREAGE. r.7 airtsa. AY miles from Portland, on railroad, 1 mile from good, town and best auto road to ioriiana; acr hub land, black luam soil, several acrea ur.dtjr cultivation, fruit trees, berries, etc., sood house, barn and outbuildings; price 4 tVir. terms $t;w cash and very easy terms on. balance. J.L'KDDEMANN' COMPANY. Ul'i Chamber of Commerce. Homesteads. it jtvp v- n Finn V HOMESTEADS. i good 320-acre homesteads 12 miles from county seat; 5 from railroad; mostly level, rich, sagebrush land; no rocks or a. Kail ; location ice surveying; act quickly; also have some cian.iy relinquishments. jUHXSUN a TKEGaSKIS, Surveyors, vaie, or. WANT Three men, to locate on timbered l umesitads close to railroad, school,, store, etc ; wa;er on each claim and the land will raise ail kinds of grain, fruit and veKau!ei; timber will cut a million feet, worth $4 per thousand; fine range for etock" plenty of work near by if you want employment, u, eg, HOMESTEADS. A blue orint map, -airxoo men Cor rected every month, showing; ail vacant lands In S. W. Oregon, six u and parts of four others; price $. For DOLGLAiS CO. INVESTMENT CO.. Ropeburg. Or. RELINQUISHMENT for sale or trade; desert c a m of b acres in rii " " i --.a, half from laree bearing orchard two miles from school, three miles from Arcadia station. This land is under n-arm Snrina- irrigation project. v rite Milwaukie, Or.. K. F. D. No. 3, box 4o Fnone Milwaukie 50 M. "" urc ivniiV RF.KFRVATION TO OPEN. t-.a nrui rpi fruit, timber, stoca. farm, mineral lands. Send 25c with this ad for reliable data about this great region. Dally World, Dept. XVV, ttenau-nee, t o.-n. a vtrxv vnivri hnmpAtARda near the Coast. from 50 to J 20 acres, fine agricultural land each and easily cleared. 60& Worcester bldg. E.NaKE River irrigated lands and dry farm II lawreiicu in joniio., " ner, jiountain nonm, n rt vjjtrad relinuuishment cheap: 40 acres wheat. Box 34, K. F. D. Ho, L Cul ver, ur. VALUABLE homestead location, near trans portatton. Room 1 Alnsworth bldg. GOOD homestead relinquishment. Sell or trade for lot. au tio, uresuman. HOMfcibTEAD in Tillamook County. For particulars can a ojx.., f or bale Fruit Lands. Fine, paying orchard In Hood River, close in; owner must sea irom. uionuuuj. tjD, Oregonian. CHOICEST of Oregon orchard and farm i.n aratrf from 5 nn Terms. Property Joins city limits. Address H. A. Wood, Dallas, Or. For Kale- -Farms. TVE ARE GOING TO SELL THIS ONE THIS WEEK. 39 '4 acres. 3 miles from railway and river town; 2S acres under cultivation : nne spring, well and running stream. Plenty of fruit, berries, etc. AU fine soil, all tillable. 6-room house, big barn, all kinds of out buildings. 14 he:id of cattle, including 4 milk cows, team of mules worth $300, team of mares, colt, 2 brood sows, 2 pigs. 75 chickens. HKons, mower, rake, plows, harrows, cream separator, cider mill and large lot .f nthnr useful thlniTd. Everything will be included at $4600. Terms uuu casn, Daiance o per teui. ST. CHAKLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, 2o4 Morripon St. EEACOAST BOULEVARD RANCH. 10 ACRES. Only two miles from best town on Co- Tn..ihf.i River. Railway and steamer town. .Beautiful view, running stream, all kinds of fruits, berries, all gooa son. New 5-room house, barn, chicken pens, di:y house, etc. 4 milk cows, horse, wagon, harness. tfiolx Implements, etc. Price, everything included. $2200. Terms 11100 cash, balance o per cent. ST. CHAKLES LAND CO.. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison St. WESTERN STOCK RANCH. -00 Acres 4I Head of Cattle 2 milk cows. Horses, hogs, sheep, tools, implements, tnuchiiierv, etc., etc. Plenty of good build ings, water. 31- miles from railroad town, st of mountain!. Absolutely the biggest bargain in the West. All Block, etc included at $S000. Terms $3oli0 rash, balance easy. ST. CHAKLES LAND CO., St. Charles Hotel, 204 -Morrison St. j PERFECT farm and homo in Rogue River aiiey I'T general iMercnanaise, grocwj or furnish lnK. all mdse. or part cash or trnis. or small close-in farm or tracts to JsO'0 (eiKht thousand dollars); very high ly impioved, rich, black bottom land. 6 rliiUs fr-jm town. 100 a. in crop, well equipped with stock und machinery with unlimited free range fur stock: ail goes at .".(h4J twenty -five thousand J. Deal only with owner on straight cash values. Herer to any bank at Urania Pass or Rogue Kivf r. Address O. U. S.. box 77, H K. No. 1. Rigue River. Or. DOWN COLUMBIA RIVER. 2tf acres, 20 acres under cultivation, all high-class land, no waste. 3 acres family orchard, rherries, plums, walnuts, grapes, berr'es. flower., etc.; G-room house, big lam. m w chicken-houses, only 4 miles from bet town on Columbia River. Rock road. $2tI0. Terms $'500 down, bal. 0f,i. ST. CHARLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel. 24 Morrison St. LOG CABIN RANCH. 40 mil- from Portland up the Columbia River. acres. 7-room lo;r house, water supplied from mountain spring, a beautiful wt-unail on place mo it charming roun try h-.ue property on the Coast, and a creat bargain at $ I'jr.o ST. CHAKLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison St. 2" MINUTES FROM VANCOUVER. 27 V -no re farm, the finest soil, all level, welt cleared, ready for crop, garden, bar lies,' fruit, 4-roum house, out sheds, barn, tc. A dandy convenient little farm, in well-settled neighborhood. Very cheap at $.1150. $iuin cash. ST. CHAKLES LAND CO. St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison St. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. 10 acres or more or line level ground; Rood soil, no rock or gravel, on county road, close to chool; this ground will srow anything tliut can be grown in this i innate, good markets and shipping fa tigues. I 'rue $:0 per acre; $5 Pr acre down; wi:i give terms on balance that any lnuustrini:s man can meet. No interest. F. L. GORDON. t'LATSKAME, Pit. WHEAT LANDS. 4300 acres splendid wheat land, Whlt N man County, Vashinton, comprising sev eral ranches well improved: good springs; shout l: in crop, balance Summer fallow; l to Lae-h, balance terms; strictly de sirao'.e ranches. 1. L. Yoke. 1136 North western Knnk bldg ::;.".-KV I'NpEIi CASH PRICE. 11 'acres, at cultivation. S-room house. an tiOxlod, near Mcit innvlUe; 10 head horses. 13 cattle, hogs, chickens, farm machinery, all kinds; easily $2500 worth p rs.mal property. Trice $1000. Epton, 4"-j el am ber of Commerce. ' " 4t ACHES CHEAP. Partly Improved, sto-k and crops m cludcd: closrt to railroad, ;ts miles, from Portland: price only $2.'0l, terms. A. K. HILL, 4t! Henry B'.K- $ j.iio 20 ACIiES in Clarke County, near Vancouver; good 7-room houpe and other improvements on place; about three acres cleared ; $."00 or more cash, balance to suit. Ta:fc--rt, 416 Cham, of Com. Fl N K c!.--in dairy and hon equipped 5 acre ranch with stock at a barjcaln, easy terms; might take some trad, balance time. low interest. Vanduyn A Walton. M5 t .inmber of Commerce. COMPLETE FARM NEWFERG. Thu is best 20 a. to be found any n. her. Close to town and a snap at $ .". ." 00 ; no trad es. WS Pekum bldg. MY fr.rm, 50 acres cleared land, seven miles south of aiem: fine spring water; $125 per acre; liberal terms; no agents. AM 713. Oreonian. INVESTIGATE 240 acre, in famous dairy ing country, 2 miles from Skamokawa on county road, $12.50 per acre; terms. Some trade. 703 Lewis bldg. JVOR SALE or trade. 111 acre farm land. 40 miles from Minneapolis ; Rood buildings. Address AV 724. Oreponlan. WHEAT LAND. Wheat farm in Central Oregon: 160 acres or $1"". Call MS Dkum Mdg. ia-ACRE farm. 300 in cultivation, running water, good range. O river bottom. Owner, Fast 3731. 26 ACRES House; eight miles west city, $4000. C 714, Oregon;. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. - CHEAP "LAND. Including some Improved farms. YAMHILL COUNTY". 40 acres, 2H miles north of Sheridan, all been cleared; fine springs and creek; $1700. 60 acres. 1 mile northwest of Sheri dan, overlooking city and valley; about 35 acres h av been cult 1 vated ; springs, creek and city water; $2750. 92 acres, two miles west of Buell. II miles south of Sheridan; 35 acres best creek bottom, fine trout stream and spring. $25oO. 200 acres, 6 miles from Carlton, 9 miles from McMlnnville; b0 acres have been cleared; fine stream, with large water power; $5000. LINCOLN COUNTY. 97 acres, one mile from Norton Sta tion; 40 to 50 acres has been plowed; run ning water; $200. BENTON COUNTY. 160 acres. 1 miles from Blodgett Sta tion: 60 acres in fields and pasture, fine buildings, three streams, finest of soil, ideal dairy farm; Includes stock and Im plements, about $3000; all for $12,000. WASHINGTON COUNTY. 42 acres, 12 hk miles from Portland, 3 miles south of Reedville; part cleared, some good timber; per acre $50. 60 acres, Hi miles from Gaston Sta tion; about BO in cultivation; very best loam soil; large house and barn; 2 good wells; $750O. m 40 acres, 3 miles southwest of Tigard. 13H miles from Portland; about half cleared; good county road, poor build inmi: verv rood soil : $5000. CCil ,T'f hI A COUNTY. 160 acres, 4 miles south of Woods Landing Station, on Astoria R. R-; about 3 acres has been cleared, balance good timber; good creek, not lar irom i-oium-bia Highway; H&20. 160 acres, 1 mile northeast from Mist; about 30 acres In cultivation; house burned down: eood trout stream, good fir and cedar timber; Columbia Highway crosses one end; $2i00. MORROW COUNTY. 150 acres good wheat land, ail in cul tivation, now in wheat, rented this year; li miiea north of lone; wuuu. CROOK COUNTY. 120 acres. Agency Plains, between Gate way and Mecca; 2H miles from each;. all in cultivation, Diacs; son ; GODDARD A WIEDRICK, 243 Stark Street. 163 ACRES, 4 miles to good town and CIBCtriC XV. XV., ov m ic ouulu - - H-mile river frontage on Yamhill River. V-mile to school, cnurcn ana stores, uu main macadamized road; 82 sicres in Fall io It. Vinrtn t nfrP In bear! Tie urcilttru, OU awes omom-n, o- timber; new 7-room house, with bath, hot ana COla waier, pipeu irum iiuw o"'"b all buildings: bam 30x50, . stalls for M head, new roat bam maciuwc woodahed, smokehouse, hoghouse and gar age; 1 team of horses, weight 3200 pounds; 1 team mares with foal, 1 span yearling colts, 3 extra fine Jersey cows, 9 eteers, 43 goats, orooa sows, uuw, ,. buggy, wagon, separator, harness, and all Price for all $87 per acre, $4000 cash ance 5 or 6 years at 6 per cent Interest. l- - C.lnhAlilt wit 1 HARRY B. HUMPHRY. 213 Chamber of Commerce, $10 CASH PER ACRE. $10 CASH PER ACRE. $10 CASH PER ACRE. ARB YOU GAME? Have you any faith in Oregon? Would you buy 160 acres fine land. 4 acres cleared, more than one-half tillable after cleared, 4,000.000 feet of timber for ties and lumber; 6 mites from Columbia River and railroad and Columbia Highway; springs; fine streams; for $10 PER ACRE? If so, see. us at once. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. HOW IS THIS FOR A BARGAIN. , 40 to Ou acres near Carrollton, Wash.. IS nrren In cultivation. 10 acres in pasture. 7i,000 feet of timber, small house, barn and other Duildines, fine spring and creek, 3 acres now in crop; on R. F. D. and cream route, on main county road: with Dlace roes 4 year colt, 2 brood sows, 1 boar, all household goods, some feed and Sm n'amen r In work the nla.ce. JUSt think. $150 will buy this place; $750 cash and terms on balance. SO acres u miles from Molalla, 15 acres cultivated, 15 more siasnea ana p&siureu. hfllam-e timber: cheek and 3 sorings. water piped to house; small house and other ounaings; au ieaceu; pic, cash will handle. HOWARD & MAILLOUX, G0 Chamber of Commerce. 51 ACRES. ALL IN CULTIVATION. 5 -room house, large bam with shed, cement cellar, granary, hoghouse, chicken house, woodshed, place all fenced and cross-fenced, mostly all in crop, good well and running stream, no rock, deep red shot soil. 3 head of horses. 4 fine cows, 1 heifer. 12 head of hogs, 75 chickens, all kinds of farming implements that are reeded, on good county road. 5 miles from Oregon City: price $750; $4800 cash, balance terms. This is one of the best farms In the State of Oregon. mile from "lectric line, close to school and church. W. F. Schooley. 612 Main St., Oregon City. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 102 acres, fine stock or dairy proposi tion, 7 milei from Yamhill, 2 miles to railroad, 40 under plow, 40 acres more .almost clear, 70 acres of first-class piling timbers, no underbruoh. good house, two large barns, spring water to buildings, lots of fruit and berries, fine trout stream and many springs, 20 head of cows and heifprs, 7 fine horses. 3 hogs, chickens and a full outfit of machinery and tools all for $11.00ft. Owner will consider trade in clear Portland property. C. De YOUNG A CO.. M4 Chamber of Commerce. 2S0O A. SAFETY FIRST. 10. You cannot make a safer or better in vestment than in this ranch of 2t0 acres at $10 per acre. About 1000 acres or more of cultivable land, about 70tt in cultiva tion, 300 acres in wheat. Good substan tial Improvements, water piped to house and barn. Land lies rolling but good soil, fully stocked and equipped. Located in Gilliam County. It Is the best buy east of the mountains. B. S. COOK & CO., 05 Corbett Bldg. WHEAT FARM. CROP STOCK MACHINERY. 2'J10 acres, 1S0O In cultivation. 1000 in wheat: 200 mora can be plowed, balance in oajiture land, with running stream: good soil and land can be plowed In any direction; owner getting old and will seil the farm, stock and all machinery at the bargain price of $20 per acre, terms. W. D. MYERS. 703 Oregonian Bldg.' 0 ACRES near North Yamhill, 20 acres cleared; this Is fine walnut land, you can make money dairying until the walnuts bear. Want a 6 or 7-room home in Port land; will pay some cash or assume; price $50 per acre. SCOTT BEESLEY. 211-13 Abington Bldg. A CHANCE FOR YOU to own your own farm, only 13 miles to Portland, 5 to Sherwood. 10 or 20 acres, best of soil, lies ideal, no rock, county road. See this and you will own H; $i0 per acre. $151 per tract down, $100 per year, 6 per cent. W. H. SEITZ. 310 Spalding Bids. Main 65 S 4. HAVE best money-making farm in Wil lamette Valley: 4."o acres; $ir..otn) in mod ern buildings. $13. MX) in high-class stock and implements; ideal location, water and rail trsnsportation ; will sell half interest for $5000 cash, balance on equirahle terms and give possession, or will seil or trade for good business; write me for particulars. Address AV 737. Oregonian. HOW IS THIS? Fine prune orchard paying $3S0O to $3500 a year, good dryer, good house. 2 good bams. S fine cows, goats, chickens, buggy, wagon, harness., farm implements, 74 acres, 19 acres finest prune on-hard, in Yamhill County, 20 acres fine beavertlam. XlOOrt". J409O cash, bal 5 per cent. M GOON REALTY CO., Yamhill. Or. LOOK THIS UP QllCK-:4 acres, ail in peacnes ana wsinuvs, in mu uwmig, gwwi 8-room house and outbuildings, good water, land is very rich and is only 4 mile from carline; good macadam road, close to store, R, F. D. and telephone. Price $2200. GOr.BETT, 203 7th St.. Oregon City. Or. 21 acres of choice land, all under culti vation and towed to oats and clover; price $100 per acre, sold on easy payments; a -bargain; near Portland, on Oregon Elec tric. LAURTTZEN LAND CO.. 300-2 Henry Bldg.. Portland. Or. FOR PALE bv owner, 10 acres, all clear; 5-room house, bam. 4 other buildings; ii acre good bearing orchard. 1 acre logan berries. This place is 11 miles west of Portland. 1 miles south of Reedsville. S P. station: price $3000. half cash. J. B. Mr Now. Bpaverton, Or. Route 4, box 24. FOR SALE cheap. 40 acres, partly cleared, two miles from Columbia Highway and high school, plenty wood, water, second growth timber, shack. Address Mrs. G. Bates. R. R. No. 2, Troutdale. Or. CHANCE FOR POOR MAN. 160 a near Medford, Or., water build ings timber. 3 miles R. R. ; good income; $15 'per - terms to suit. Owner, P. O. box S4 Granta Pass, Or. REAL ESTATE. STOCK RANCHES. 5700 acres, 32 ml. So. of Pendleton: 200 cultivated, 200 more tillable, 40 in alfalfa, all fenced, near forest reserve; access to Zuoo acres uov. ianu, large new ouns&uw, fine outbldgs., $10 per acre; $20,000 cash, xiiirmo trndp hi to suit 7 ner cent. 4000 acres in Grant County, Oregon, lies In forest reserve, 60 plowed, zowu tmaoie, 180O acres wild hay, 70l acres all level, fenced and cross-fenced; fine improve ments and water svstem: several creeks; miles open range; $12 per acre; $10,000 cash, $io,uuu trade, Dai. 'easy ieim. Ifl-ft Hi-ifK 7 miles from llOt Rock. 8 cultivated, 300 more tillable, 50 in alfalfa, liO more can be seeded to alfaifa; joins forest reserve: free water rignt, tair im provements; $15 per acre; $17,800 cash, baL easy terms. WHEAT FARMS. 475 acres, 1 mile to station and 18 from Pendleton: 250 cultivated, 35 alfalfa, bal. pasture; free water right; fine orcnard; place well fenced; 7-room house, 2 good barns; price $10,000, cash, bal. to suit. 4S0 acres, i ml. to station. 18 west of Pendleton; all in wheat, goes to pur chaser delivered in whse. ; no improve ments; per A., W cash, baL to 8Ul!-Q. 320 acres 2 ml. N. W. of Pendleton, 280 cultivated, all fenced and crosa fenced; good bidgs., $40 per acre; cash, bal to UWe have all sized stock and wheat ranches for sale and tade. PENDLETON EXCHANGE. Pendleton, Or. BARGAINS IN FARMS 60 acres, ciose in, in crop, good buildings, 3 horses, 12 cows, milking.; 40 hogs; all farming implements; terms. ' 400 acres. 10U in cultivation. 100 open pasture, troui stream through place, close to school, fair buildings; 3..oO per acre; terms. 45 acres, close to school, fair buildings, 12 Al in cultivation. 15 slashed; $10oo cash, $2000 mortgage. 67 acres close in. good building. 40 in crop, horses, cows, bogi. chicken; ail farming implements: $10,000; terms 114 acres, close to railroad station and schoolhouse, good buildings; equity $J350; 9 years to pay. 160 acres, 3,000.000 feet saw timber. srr. open? large bam, includes Baker Creek falls of SO feet, fine Summer resort. good road, close to, city power plant, only $40uo. Postoffice Box 212. McMinnville, Or. a UNIQUE SACRIFICE. US acres 1 miles from Dilley. 27 miles from ponland? on the Tualatin River, good aut? road, mail and milk route, gooa school' few minutes' wak; rich, Diai.15 Kll? all land clear and in fall gram and clover; 7-room house, large barn and out buildings, all new, young orchard, small fruits, shrubs, roses and flowers ; adorns lake, fine duck shooting; no better las out than this in the Willamette aLey at jlou an acre; land adjoining held at Irom S-W to S3u0 an acre; would divide, selling half with improvements, terms -H P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. CAN YOU BEAT THIS? OA a miles west of Portland, in Washington Co., 3 miles to lec"ica8ta!ioft close to school and church, 16 acres in cultivation, mostly in crop; 2o acres in ftnn nastnre: 1000 cords of wood; family orchard, 6-room house, barn 40x40. team h-nae Hiip-trv cart mower, har row, plow and 'all kinds of 'small tools; 2 doz. chickens. Price $4000. $1 sou cash. HOSTETLER & A.nucksu.n, 725 Cham, of Com. GOOD LAND GOOD LOCATJON. Low Price. , w-i vaii imnrnvcrt dairv and gen eral purpose farm, 3 miles on gravel road from Ry. town in Willamette Val ley 200 acres in cultivation, 11 acre T.Itn T-i.noa- r.rt acres fir timber, bal- iiKd for nasture; several fine .nr,r,, nined to buildings; modern bun galow, -fine 50x60 barn, $55 ai acre; terms. XJ. aiCLiancj, j. mo SCENIC 10-ACRE HOME. Located on North Bank Ry. and boat landing, with 4 acres in cultivation all tillable, family orchard, all kinds of ber ries good 4 -room uuub.iuw, o- j with beautiful lake and fir trees; barn 3 .i.;i.n',n.i!B woodshed. well: small tm too bucrv. plow, chickens; price $i:300. half cash, bal. terms. See Jos Gibson, 3o6 Gerlinger bldg. Main 6920. CHEAP STt)CK FARMS. .. 11 . r-mintv Wash., land Is well nativ ndanted for dairy pur poses, can" sell you 40 to 80 and up to 320 acres, priced at irom ?o to acre, some burnt-over lots of pasture lo cated on Kalttma River. to 8 miles from railroad station. Get full information at office. Jacob nasa, ucihe .p. A FINE RANCH. 775 acre good Willamette Valley land, a.. irpii halance timber; com fortable house. 2 large barns; 5 miles from railway station, on gravel road; all fenceu; o0 catye, 4 w oik M.OV.....-.J, - a rare chance; $4 an acre, iih. McChesney, Title & Trust bldg. D. ONLY HALF PRICE. 1W-ACRE FARM. $1200. Located 1 V miles from R. R. and town; "0 acres In culaivation, 100 more can be cultivated for 5 an acre, all fenced and on main road; house thrown In because must have cash at once; no trade. See S- HeW HARTMAN- & THOMPSON (4th and Htark.) COAST DAIRY FARM. y' 86 acres of which 60 is rich sandy loam, creek bottom; raises heavy crops; 40 acres now in cultivation, some slashed pasture: small new buildings and lumber for larger barn; 4'- miles to Ry. town with boat service; farm machinery included; $01 U. D McChesney. Title & Trust bldg. FORCED SALE OF A BEAUTIFUL J? A KM. One hour s riae irom rnuianu. " tric liner 70 acres of the choicest land in Oregon; all under cultivation; good house and barn and living spring; will be sold cheap and on easy payments. Don t over look this. Call at once. LAHRITZEN LAND CO.. 300-2 Henry Ijldg-, Portland, Or. - Mt'ST sell at once. 40 acres good upland; miiCS irom r . w. o.iu . about 10 acres seeded to grass. 10 of it easily cleared and nearly all under fence: some pole and plenty of wood timber and cood water; price $45 per acre and terms cah or mostly so; no trades considered. Address for further particulars, the owner, box 47. Winlock, Wash. A REAL SNAP. r. acres nice, level timber land near Moialla. Oregon, lies on two roads; 10 acres Is black, rich swale land, fine for onions; only $40 per acre; $1000 cash, bal. on time. Address P. O. box 183, Woodburn, Or. A REAL FARM BARGAIN. 160 acres, finest land in Willamette, 6 fine horses, registered Holstein cattle, full set of implements; this place has good buildings and Is very attractive, but owner Is unable to operate it: a bargain If sold soon. For -sale by Dudly. Archer & Co., 405 Northwestern Bank bldg. FARMERS. DO YOU HAVE $3000? If yoi have buy that 130-acre dairy and .stock ranch, ready to step in and make the easiest living in the world and money besides Situated at Alsea Bay, all stock and implements goes with; $3000 can re main at ti per cent as wanted. yt FI:C H ft. 4-U l nam oer 01 mmnren-c, ACRES. 1 mile of Scappoose, :0 culti houue 7 vated IS pasture, wire fencing rins , ' large barn and poultry-house and tark- 4 a. orchard, 1 a. small fruit of dlf- Sl" HARTMAN & THOMPSON . 10 ACRES ' locuted 6 miles from Rainier. 4 a. in cul tivation 3 a. grass, all tillable, good well, Kood barn, with 2 sheds, woodshed, 2 chicken-houses; price $1200. $700 cash; no trade. Jos. C. Gibson, 30G Gerlinger bldfe'. 10O ACRES. 4 miles from Yamhill, 50 acre in crops; 12 acres In prunes, family orchard, 5-room hous. stock and implements; $75 pr acre, 2oOM cash or email place, baL $ per CMAGOON REALTY CO., Yamhill, Or. ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. 4 2 acre, all cleared but 4 acres. 1 mile from good town; family orchard and berries; buildings; only $4000. D. Mc- Cheaney, Title & Trust bldg. i" WILL sell ltlO acres unimproved land, good soil, fine water, not over 6 miles from railroad, for $20 per acre. Ten years time. Security for first payment. 6 in terest, can locate 7 families In one body. W. D. Mixter, Albany, Or. 40 ACRES. . 7 miles from Yamhill. Vs mile from Carl ton Coast R, R-, 5-room house, fruit tree, berries, etc.. $1650; $M)0 cash, bal. 3 Vs vears 6 per cent. MAGOON REALTY CO.. Yamhill. Or. 7S-ACRE dairy farm, river bottom, all in cultivation. 12 fine young cows, 1 good team, 3 brood sows. 1 registered Berk shire boar, farm implements; price $12. 00, good terms- Owner, 623 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE lwo-acre darry farm in Southern Coos Co. on county road, near cheese fac torv and school new buildings, 23 Jersey cows and farming implements; $15.0ou, terms- no trades. W. S. Marshall, owner, Tigard, Or. FOR SALE. For Sale Farms. I.AXD ! ail YEARS TO PAY! Get your farm home from the Canadian Pacific. Most productive soil good cli mate ready markets fine transportation ail the comforts and ways of making money farming that you find in the best tannine- sections eveownere. LOW PRICES AND $2000 LOAN. This rich land only $11 to $30 per acre IrrigaLed land from $35. Twenty years to pay think of it. Long before your final payment is due your farm will have paid tor itself. We lend you up to $2000 for farm improvements, on certain conai- finn wfth nn riiritv but the land itself. Twenty years to repay it. Interest 6 per ,cnt. ir you want a iarm nome an rcauy to step into, gtft one of our ready made farms. v- Dairying. hogs and livestock make big incomes here. Lands Ideal for these pur poses. Present condition in Europe assure highest prices known lor everyinins raised. These offers based on good land finest or earth for mixed farming and grain ffnnrinir Tht. land will be taken first. so time's precious to you. Write today for nanauooK. and run particulars 10 S. V. THORNTON, Colonization Agent Canadian Pacific Railway, 11S W. Adorns st., Chicago. HI. SMAT.L FARM. ORENCO. 18 A., half in cultivation. baL pasture and woods, half this almost clear; good creek an d well : f rontlne county road mi. to station, board walk most of way, 17 in pfYrtiflniir rood 8-room house, barn, chicken-houses, chickens, registered Jer seyi cow and yearling heifer, horse, buggy ana harness, aman 1001s, muu m us state cuiticatlon and in crop; a fine coun try home very cheap at $5500, half cash mirht take eood little bungalow in Port- lanH ilnu in r.r Fnrpur tirove. Clear UD tO $'5o6,some cash, bal. time; this ia a goed proposition at actual casn vaiue, 00 uuu bother me with anything that oues not conform to above terms. Jos. C. Gibson, 30S Gerlinger piag. EQUIPPED DAIRY, DOWN COLUMBIA nw-T- or. nrr-es KO acres highly cultivated. ho I fin no hav and pasture, new lt)-room mnHirn hniisB. modern dairy barn, sepa rate house, outbulldlLgs, orchard, water piped to all buiicings, trout stream on place, 15 fine cows, 10 Jieifers, registered Jersv bull. hogs, chickens, , ducks, tine tnm and ail imDlements. nearly new barn 4ox-S0, patent swing stanchions; can sell most all produce to logging, company at nlnm-a 9lRn InElinr CCmDBIlV Dai'g 412S a venr for rieht of way privilege. This Is a money-maker; price $f3,500, terms on part. Jacob Mass, tjeriinger piug. A HOME FARM. This fine 45-acre farm Is located close to one of the best wmamette vaaey towns has an 8-room house and bam; first-class soil; 35 acres In cultivation, 10 pasture and timber, good spring in pas ture, well at house ; orchard and small fruit: matched team. 2 cows. 4 dozen hinnriVri hiekens. comnlete modern . ma chinerv and tools: $500. terms. D. Mc Chesney, Title & Trust bldg. BIG BARGAIN. WlT.HMRTTfc VALLEY FARM. 75 acres of land, all in cultivation; 63 acres in fine crop, wheat, oats, vetch and clover, land level, black loam soil; nev buildings, house, barn and garage, good work team, 2 fine Jersey cows, 60 laying hens, 17 setting, 7 ducka, 7 pigs, harness, rig, tools, grain and hay, new range and other furniture; mile river frontage; hog-tight fence; no overflow land ; all goes for $90 per acre, y cash, no trade. H. Graham farm. 11 arris our g, ur. 160 ACRES ON COLUMBIA, $2000. Only 40 miles from Portland; R. R. and river transportation, 0,000,000 teet 01 tim ber, about half bie old-growth fir. bal second growth; good soil and about half tillable when cleared, d-rra. nouse. Darn, other outbuildings: several acres cleared, some fruit trees, finely watered. See S. Hewey, 209 Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON FARM BARGAINS. 41 iA-ft era dalrv farm, with all stock and implements, 18 miles from Portland, good money-maker; price $5500; good terms. 825 -a ere dairy and stock farm. with r.4:ot worth of stock and ImDlements, making from $4000 to $5000 a year; price only $20,O0O, y cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. For farm bargains of any kind or size. and for a aquare deal, see F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. 137 ACRES, NEAR SALEM, and about 3 miles of Turner. 40 acres in cultivation, 40 acres second-growth fir, 3 acres young orchard. 2 V. acres prunes, balance pasture; deep red-shot soil, 6-room house, barn and necessary outbuildings, two wells. Bpring and creek; mile to school; very cneap at oniy o per acre, $2000 cash, balance to suit. Jos, C. Gib son, 306 Gerlinger oldg.. 2d and Alder sea FINE TSO-ACRE WALLA WALLA VALLEY wheat and stock ranch. 600 acres wheat. 300 In Fall wheat, 100 irrigated alfalfa, 80 pasture, 50 good cattle. Including 20 milk ers; 25 big horses, 32 hogs, fully equipped with machinery and implements; good buildings; clear incumbrance; moderate price $15,000 cash, balance 15 years, 6 p. c; 12 miles southwest Walla Walla, Wn. R. Yoke, 1136 Northwestern Bank bldg. W5 ACRES, completely equipped farm, two miles from Daley, iis miies rrom roruanu. This place is more than half under culti vation, has a good house, three barns, two silos three gas engines and all needed - farm equipment; 11 head horses, 40 regis tered Jerseys. At the price asked, $175 an acre, this place will bear Investigation. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. 20 ACRES, 4 miles from Yamhill, all good land, $1000; $500 cash. 53 acres, 3 miles, small house and barn, fine spring branch, $1600; $800 cash, 'bal, to suit. 30 acres, 1 mile from Yamhill, all in crops, fine rioh land, an extra fine place; $3000, half caeh. MAGOON REALTY CO., Yamhill. Or. ONE of the best Clarke Co. farms, SO acres. 40 acres cultivated; H jersey cows, nne bull, registered boar, two sows, chickenb end team; good house, two barns, plenty of water. Price $000. Will take some trade, but must have $1500 cash. SCOTT & BEESLEY. 211-12 Abington Bldg. ll-ACRE farm, only $2730; located 85 mi. up the Columbia River, on R. R-. adjoin ing town of Klickitat Wash., just across Columbia River from The Dalles; 40 A. in cultiv., bal. pasture; 4-rm. house, other outbuildings, good well, water piped into "nouse; school at the door; no trade. See S. Hewey, 2 S-tark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON TRIP to Panama Exposition should include few days at Victoria, a. c, 1. anaaa, "on of England on Pacific"; splendid scenery; unrivalled climate; motorists paradise; equals a foreign tour; war makes no dif ference to American citizens; hotels rea sonable. Write publicity Commissioner, Victoria, free booklet. ' NEAR SHERWOOD. 40 acres rich land; 30 acres In cultiva tion. 10 pasture; main road and milk route; 5-room house, barn; $5200, terms. D. McChesney, Title & Truet bldg. CORVALLIS & EASTERN FARM of 69 acres with 14 acres utoder cultiva tion, balance rotten stumps, easy to clear, good sprlnss,. creek, no buildings, 3 miles from town on C. & E.; very cheap at $1S50. $1000 cash; no trade, Jos. C. Gib son. 306 Gerlinger bldg. WHEAT LAND. Only $17.50 per acre; must sell; NW. H, 32, 1 N. R. 25, E. W. M., Morrow Co., Or. See Mr. Lohr, 269 Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON SNAP 40 acres, 7 in cultivation. In clover. weekly cream route; no agents, one Wilsonville, Or., $85 per acre; $1800 down, bal. easy terms; dally mail, school, semi weeklv cream route; no agents; one mile from gravel road. R. 5, box 47, Sher wood, Or. FOR SALE 36 acres, oO acres level, ncn bottom land. 'JU acres to smaii iruits, oi ance In grain and garden Improvements; for 25 per cent of actual value, one-third on time; am forced to sell. AV 61J, Ore gonian. THE NEW WAY, THE MUUJSKW vyai, THE SQUArthi uaAb vax 01 ouj"b land Are you Interested? If so, write to MODERN HOMESTEAD ASSN., W Phelan bldg., San Francisco.' C. M. WOOPSTER, Pres. LIST your farm property witn us. we have brancn or rices in 01. j-bui, v-uwusu. Des Moines and Columbus. I.AURITZEN- LAND-' COMPANY, 300-2 Henry Bldg.. Portland, Or. 16o ACRES 30 miles south of Portland, on auto road; house, barn, good well. ' good springs, all fenced and some cleared; price $3300. no trade, easy terms. AB 695. Oregonian. "' 250-ACRE dairy ranch, best Columbia River bottom; water and rail transportation; 34 miles from Portland ; also some splendid duck lakes to rent. N. Merrill, Clatskanle, Or. . IF YOU WANT the best dairy, atock, hog and grain ranch and sporting man's re sort near the Coast, ready to move on to. write me W. D. Mixter, Albany. Or. $6500 INCOME RANCH. Half of my ranch, this lnclndes modern residence, has beautiful location and view: $10 000 cash required. AO 70S. Oregonian. FOR SALE 626 acres first-class land with over one-half mile of waterfront on Co lumbia River; $30 per acre. Ralph Smailea, 1523 L. C. Smith bldg.. Seattle. 160 ACRES fine land, N. W. 14. 3 N., Range 3 E W. M-, Clarke Co.. Wash., only $12.50 per 'a. See Mr. Loehr. 2m Stark St., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON KtvAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. 160 ACRES IN KLICKITAT COUNTY . FOR A SONOr I have to let my fine property, go to meet a $1000 mortgage. Do you want it? The 160-acre Park ranch Is located 6 miles northwest of Lyle, on fine county -roa-J. Has 10 acres of 12-year commercial apple orchard, .'to acres fenced with 5-ft. poultry and stock fence. Substantial 3-room house, barn, chicken-house, two good wells, etc. Sawmill now operating on place, sawing timber and paying stumpage at $1 per thousand. Over $M"H of standing timber left. Enormous spring at mill. A small amount of cash will swing the deal. I need Just enough to pay mortgage and taxes. My place goes to the, highest bidder. Auction in front of Riverside Hotel, Lyle, Washington, Saturday, April 17, at 12 o'clock. Submit sealed bids now to F. O. PARKS, 1029 East Washington st., Portland. OPPORTUNITY. FOR LIVE FARMER. 224 acres, three miles from Stelia, Wash., on the Lower Columbia, 80 acres in cultivation, fair house and bam, railroad through the place. One of the largest legging com panies on the river owns the rail road and this farm. The logging company uses on an average of 800 gallons of milk per month and from $200 to $250 worth of meat, vegetables and eggs per month. The logging company agrees to take all these supplies from the party pur chasing this place. THIS IS A WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY FOR THE RIGHT PARTI'. Will make term. (BL) DORR E. KEASEY A CO., N 2d Floor, Chamber of Commerce. .TTTfiT THE FARM YOU WANT. 42 acres. 2o miles from Portland, 1 mile to good business town, on electric line, on main county road, with all rural conven iences : 27 acres in cultivation, balance onen nasture: all fine soil. Dractically level. creek on one side; good 7-room house, with bath and toilet; windmill and tower; big barn, as good aa new. and all outbuildings; family orchard. This is a complete, first rinsa farm home, and is being sold to set tle an estate. Price $6000 ; half cash ; terms on balance. HOSTETLER & ANDERSON, - 725 Cham, of Com. MUST SELL AND WILL TAKE JUST HALF what I have been offered for this. 665 acres, all the. richest of bottom land and only miles to Oregon Electric station, in Marion County. This is the making of the best stock, dairy, hog-raising and gen eral farm proposition offered for the money. Owner will be In the city for a few days and will give full particulars to this bargain. Fisher & Harrington, 412- 413 Stock Exchange. GOOD BARGAIN. 23 acres, near Bae Line', road, $150 oer acre. 10 acres, near Base Line road,- $175 Der acre. 20 acres, near Clackamas. . Or., on new Electric Line. t0 per acre. 10 acres, all cleared, near Clackamas. Or., on new Electric Line ; fine building site: snring water. iut per acre. 1 to 10-acre tracts, unimproved on good gravel road, near .Boring, or. WILLIAM A. MO RAND, Boring, Or. IDEAL DAIRY PROPOSITION. 75 acres fine bottom ranch, fronting on Vancouver Lake and in the famous Fruit Valley; all good rich land, about 65 acres cultivated, balance brush land; ideal dairy proposition and hunter's and fisherman's paradise; 3 miles from Courthouse, dandy roads, fair house, small barn, 2 acres or chard; only $1-000, i cash or good city property at casn valuation. THOMPSON & SWAN, Sixth and Main Sta. Vancouver, Wash. 53 ACRES. a miles from Oreson City, on good macadamized road. 3o acres under culti vation, balance In timber and pasture, good barn, old house; price $7500; land adjoining this place is held for $250 per acre. $2000 cash, balance terms. See S. O. Dillman, 8th and Main sts., Oregon City. BY OWNER 30 acres 1 miles N. K. Bea ver Creek, on Willamette valley soutnern; 25 acres under cultivation; good bearing orchard, small fruit, berries, 2 wells, spring; buildings fair; team. 0 head cattle, 15 hogs. White Orpington chickens, 200 chicks; on R. F. D. and cream route, tele phone; fine growing crops and garden; no rock: nne soil; $5000, terms. "Phone E. 3245 or write D. F. Bennett. 'Oregon City, R. D. 3. box 99. DAIRY RANCH 1060 acres; 500 under ditch, btg spring. 1 nouse, - Dig oarns. water to house and barn; a snap at $35 per acre; one-third cash.: balance long time. Also 680 acres, all under fence. 400 acres can be irrigated, all on good roads, near town in Northern California. Postoffice Box 385 Yreka, CaJ., or cigar store, comer west jartc ana itarK. GROVELAND ACRES. Situated on United Electric. 19 miles from Portland, platted into small tracts, nearly all under cultivation: will be sold cheap and on small payments; the best buy m uregon. aena ior utucnpum in erature. LAURITZEN LAND CO., 300-2 Henry Bldg., Portland. Or. TUCSON, ARIZ., FARMS. Delightful climate, crops grow all the time; from 2 to 4 harvests each year from same field. Buy now and harvest a crop in May. High-priced home market; easiest terms; one-tenth down, balance over eight years. Do not delay. Come in and get free litertiture. 724 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. 15 YEARS' TIME, 400 ac, CAMAS PRAIRIE, 240 cultivated, hog tight, riems, gooa buildings, well watered; with 8 horses, 30 cattle, 75 hogs, 40 sheep, combined har vester, binder, drills, harrows. A BAR GAIN. $10,000 cash, balance 15 years. 6 per cent. GREAT OPPORTUNITY. No trade. Geo. M. Reed. Graiigeville, Jdaho. 60-ACRE dairy and hog ranch; 30 acres in cultivation; well rencea ana waierea; part ly stocked; good buildings. Spring crops in. 4 miles railroad and good town on good road, one-:urth mile to church and school : no ccnmlssion, no Interest ; one half casn, balance terms. T. Kroenung, owner, Woodland, Wash. - DAIRY farm of 120 acres at Nehalem Junction, near uooie, iron ting on toiun. bia River, 70 acres meadow, remainder rich bench land, 17 cattle, mostly Jersey milkers, 2 horses, 200 poultry, implements, all included, $1500, terms, some trade. For particulars 546 East 6th st., Portland, A HOME AND A LIVING. . . 40 A., 13 in cultivation; buildings, run ning water, good land: on R. F. D. and phone 1 4 1 miles to school and 4 miles from town on railroad. Price, $2000, $150 cash, balance $15 a month at 7 per cent. No trade. 603 Dekum bldg. A GOOD 73 ACRES. 65 acres In cultivation, good buildings, 2 miles from R. R., one mile from graded and high school; price $65 " per acre; terms. F. B. Madison, 21ii 7th. Oregon City. . - 80 ACRES, five cleared. 3-room house, on county road near (ioiaenuaia, vvusa. uv, . 000 yellow pine, 300 feet to sawmill, $25 , n acre, l umj win nanuie 1 l. GILBERT JOHNSON. Box 57. Gwinn, Mich. t WHEAT RANCH FOR SALE OR TRADE. 120 acres, not lar irom pai -ny, do acres In cultivation now. A snap at 25 per acre. Might take good house, clear of incumbrance, in exchange. 603 Dekum bldg. READ THIS OVER. 11 acres good level land, easy to clear, 12 miles from Portland, near Tualatin Sta tion, main county road. This is a snap at $1250; easy terms. E. J. GEISER, 417 Cham, of Com. MY 1200-acre highly Improved wheat ranch, 500 acres in bluestem, o nusnei lana. urop. . stock and Implements at $28 per acre. Will be at notel until vveanesaay. aj gonian. 40 ACRES, some cleared; house and other buildings; running water, urcoaiu. cuuu trv road school. Zy miles from Rainier; $2500, half cash. J. H. Collins, Rainier, Or. HAVE, client who wishes to lease or buy FIRST-CLASS WHEAT LAiNU. WO. JU. Reed, PIttock block. Portland, Or WANTED RE A?. ESTATE. WANTED. ON POWDER OR JOHN DAY Kl V L'JK, L r 111 .tirjv j , r. a .iiiaiiu LAND. J. E. SHEARS. 301 M'KAY. WANT modern 6-room house. Piedmont or I WANT a small bungalow on very easy terms in suoaros 01 city. g oni an. WANTED 2 lots close to car; give phone. A 713. Oregonian WANTED Two good beach lots; give phone. . 714. Oregonian. WANTED Clear lots for furniture. Beach, 605 Yeon bldg. Main wi.i. WANTED 5 or 6-room house from owner; give pnone. . p 1 1 u, cfemumi. APARTMENT-HOUSE site: F 711, state price. Oregonian. terms ana location. WANT Lot, Oregon. City line, bet. Mil waukee and oak" urove. , hj. urggnnun. WANTED Close-in acreage near carline; give phone. A. xs, (jregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. CALIFORNIA ALFALFA FARM. I want a good alfalfa farm up to $16, 000 to $20,0i0. with water right, in vi cinity of Hollister, Modesto or Davis, Cal-. in exchange for a fine Willamette Valley farm of 377 acres, fully equipped wittt machinery, but no stock, value $21,500, incumbered for $o500. My price Is cash, yours must be also. Address Jos. C. Gib son. 306 Gerlinger bldg., Portland. Or. WANTED BUNGALOW. Preferred between Prescott and Alberta or Irvington Park; will give 8 business lots, worth $2500. In good Eastern Ore gon town, free of debt, and assume If worth the money. D. M. Rohrbougn, 209 Stark st., at HARTMAN & THOMPSON 5 OK 6-room bungalow. Rose City Park carline or the Ml. Scott carline, not over $;iooo; in payment for same will exchange nice, modern 7-room house, good location: present house is too large for us is the only reason we wish to dispose of same. G. S. SMITH & CO.. 4:12 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED From 10 to 20 across Improved, prefer some stock and Implements, six or seven-room house, barn and outbuildings. If bargain will pay cash. Close to station and not over 30 miles out. FISHER & HARRINGTON. ' 412 Stock Ex. Bldg. PASADENA FOR PORTLAND. 30x1. S5. with modern bungalow, in Pasa dena, to trade for similar one in Mt. Tabor, Sunnyeide or Hawthorne district: cash value $3500. B. S. COOK & CO jbU5 Corbett Bldg. WANTED Modern apartmeut-bouse, 30 to 4o apartments, 2 and 3, rent must be right; also price on a good wheat ranch, 300 to 040 acres, h In crop ; have fin - bungalow; A-l mortgage and cash; deal wit h owner only. AP 713. Ore g or 1 1 a n . WANTED 5 or 6-room bungalow, all roomi on one floor, not over 17 minutes' ride, not over $3000. Has to be a bargain and $500 cash to handle it, balance monthly; 2 lots preferred. F. FUCHS. 420 Chamber of Commerce. IN the market for first-class investments; price must be right; submit propositions by mail, giving lowest price, exact loca tion and terms. Oregon Investment 4 Mortgage Co., Inc., Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts. WANT small house and lot in payment for 10 acres near Alpine, on S. P. ; half plowed, nice creek, some timber, about l-"0 fruit trees; easily worth $1500; will as sume verv little. Mine is rlear of debt. Owner. 506 Spalding bldg.. Main K7. HOUSES WANTED. Wa have client a who will exchange clear property for moderate priced housea and assume. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 606-607 Yeon Bldg. WANT 7-roora bungalow. Piedmont or Wal nut Park." not to exceed $55O0. Will give in exchange $3200 modern bungalow and pay or assume difference. Give street ad dress and phone. C 713, Oregonian. IF YOU have good, well-located acreage, improved or unimproved, and your price and terms are reasonable. I can turn it. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXPERIENCED man in colonization 01 land wishes to meet owner of large tract of land, not over 60 miles from Portland, for colonization purposes. AR 705, Ore gon ian. WANTED Strictly modern 7-room house, desirable location, up to $6000. Will give as first payment clear Nob Hill choice res idence lot. St. Charles Land Co., St. Charles Hotel. 204 Morrison jit. WANTED Homesite tract not loss than three-quarter acre; partly wooded ; near good carline, not more than 7-cent fare; price must be right; full particulars de sired. M 711. Oregonian. WANTED For spot cash, 1 to 3 acres cleared land: some improvements pre ferred; between Garden home and city; must be a bargafn. Main no97. WANT 3-ROOM BUNGALOW. - Near Misslssippi-ave. carline, not more than $2000. that can be handled on rea sonable terms. 603 Dekum bldg. MODERN home In Rose City; 3 bedrooma and bath, second floor; state cash price; a,lso terms. No agents. AB 603, Orego nian. - WANTED From owner, 5 or 6-room house, in Sunnyslde or Hawihorne district. Price not to exceed s-'m ; must oe a uargam. E. J. Getser, 417 1 Chamber of Commerce. WANT modern home in Irvington. If you desire to eell and your price is right, give full particulars. No agents. AB 68, Ore gonian. - WANTED Direct from OWNER, desirable Portland property, for $24,000 worth of A No. 1 land, clear of Incumbrance. Geo. M. Reed, PIttock block, ortiana. WANTS IRVINGTON HOME. U9v r-ionr lots in Astoria to Rive as pay ment on modern hjuue not over $0500. L 614, Oregonian. wn.!. hnv intn Tn Mintntil location for home. bond. State price and location. F 710, Oregonian WANT EH For spot cash, east or nortu iron l lot in rctsLi iuicu uiohii., i ' tion and price: must be genuine snap. Ad dress 1 J3. vreguuiau $1(MI0 CASH and 5-room cottage, close in, all clear, worth $1S50, for 6-room modern house, good district; might assume some. C 707, OregonianJ WILT, nav cash for lot In good district, suitable for good bungalow. Owner oniy. T 715. Oregonian. WANTED Best bargain in small house and lot; iOO down, eaiance iiko rem. Address tip H-'. oregonian, FURNISHED homes bought, sold and ex changed. BEACH, Wo teon Diug. wain 4013. WANTED An Improved half-acre place, outside of city limits: state price and terms. E 706, Oregonian. WALNUT PARK OR PIEDMONT. Will buy 100x100 in either place if pric Is right; no agents, i -o, urenunmu. WANTED To buy a house and lot on terms , A r flflll t-r. "rv. $1JU down, reaouuauie. au wuv, v -e nian. WILL pay cash for five-room modern bun galow in good location 11 price in ngui. Telephone Monday, Marshall 4744. WANTED Two lots in S. P. car shop dis trict, send price mfla particulars to a Oregoniam " WANTED 50 or more acres. Improved or unimproved; give pnone. n uregu nlan. ' 4 OR 5-ROOM house, not over $1200; $15 monthly including interest; reierences. State location. O 714. Oregonian. - FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT. 1 $30 PER MONTH. 20 acres, all clear; house, barn, some fruit, city water. Base Line road, neai car and citv limits. WHITMSR-KELLY COM PAN , 711 rittock Block. FARM for rent. 18 acres, 4 plowed laud. 3-room house, spring water, piemy woou. berries all kinds, stock and furniture for sale; 1 cow, 1 calf, 3 hogs, 200 chickens, gasoline drag saw on place, can be used on shares, 3 miles east Park Place, Oregon City carline'. Phone Woodlawn 799. FIFTY-ACRE farm to rent, about 20 acres in cultivation, fair Duuumga, one muo from orchards, no machinery or horses go with the place. Want good reliable tenant. J. O. Elrod, ovner, 515 Corbett bldg-. Portland, Or. OVER three hundred acres near Portland to rent on shares ior aairy. 1 warn, an ex perienced dairyman who can furnish 50 to 10O cows for a high-class proposition. John P. Weston Co.. 630 Northwestern Bank bldg. FO H RENT 25-aere place I mile east of Beaverton, on canyon roaa ; gooa huuhw and barn, spring water, LI A. clear; $5 per month. 203 Stock Exch. bldg., d and Yamhill. Marshall2u5, A144. 1 ACRES for rent at Beaverton. $125 per vear; tt-room nouse, i 1 o o- orchard. 1 acre iogan berries, 4 acres beaverdam land. C. H. McUin, Welis- Fargo bldg. 3o0-ACRE stock ranch for rent reasonable. immediately; no atorK. xiuum opiu, Wahkiacua. Wash., Klickitat County. ACRES rich foil, fine for trucking, 3 miles out. Call today. 537 Rex ave.. Sell wood. .- AM sick, must rent or sou my lu-acre rancn; aiso sen nome. - uu C. Bon ge; 147 Lo w nsd al e s t. 10-ACRE farm, 40 acres pasture. $40 a year In .worn, 4u aown cn, tu uuu. Tb r 464. FOR RENT 45 acrea near Tualatin. Jo acrea in orcnaru. i Woodlawn 2o"G. . THREE farms, two chicken ranches, near ;c canine, 10 rem. u u" y , s sale, $5.10. McCoy. 3 3? Chamber Commerce. STOCK and implements of 60-acre farm for sale or trade, farm for rent. At ii-, ore gonian. 300-ACRE dairy farm. 50 cows: mommy cash rent. Full particulars at iv oin iu Main 7223. ' . WANTED Fnrm on shares or would act as foreman; nave nimuy, r w S ACRES on Oregon City carline. St. Charles Land Co., l'04 jaorrieon. H5 ACRES for rent ior cultivating same. 720 Northwestern jjanK oiag. 55 ACRES, near city, 4 cultivated. $1.j. Owner, 7o onnwegiern nana mag. SMALL farm, close to city, for rent cheap. 2?.:i Worcester bin;;. BEAUTIFUL, S. trart, good hoii!e. electric car, cheap. J. v. .m. orris, wain oio, a tvoi. FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT. . 20 acres on Base Line road; house, barn, aheds, uue mllcu cow a. 18 acrea in small town. Seven-room house. Livery barn. Large scales. Cow barn. Chicken bouses. Fruit and berries. We can rent you EAST SIDE bouses, flats, stores. A. W. LAMBERT A SON, 404 East Alder at. Corner Grand Avs FINE LEASE. 4 SO acres, 40 acres In culti vation, 9 acrea in barlty. Iota of fine tim ber and lots of fine pasture, 2 large springs all year 'round, 4 -room bungaic. all kinds of bearing- fruit, one mile from station, ou fine road, can cut 2(0 cords wood, can be cut and sold on place at $4 per cord: 3 fine brood sows to ra!e on shares. For particulars, call at 5o5 Cor bett bldg. J. l. Robinson. WANTEDTIMBER LANDS. STUMPAGE, 13 M acres, lst-growth fir, an hard-surface county road mil from Ry siding; 7 miles south of Oregon City; will take auto as part pavmcnl. W. it. Radcllffe. 160S E. 8th at., Portland. THREE timber claims for sale at a bargain, yeilcw pine, on the Metollua River, In T. 11. R. 10. Box 244. Redmond. Or. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J, MCKACKEN. 304 M KAY BLDO 321-ACRE timber land, well located, worth double present asking price; cash, terms or trade. Call Qui Swetland bldg. WANTED To sell the cut of Western white pine mill from 2.000,000 to 3.000,000 feet. AS 721, Oregonian. FARMS WANTED. WANTED WHAT YOU DON'T WANT. List your property with me. Only bar gains wanted. Cash customers waiting. Quick results. MR. KUTINA HOTEL CLYDE. WANT to list a few pood reasonable-priced farms that can bo had for part cash and part trader in order to satisfy reliable cli ents who really want farms. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 North wee tern Bank Bldg. I WANT a big wheat ranch, stocked and -quipped, in Klickitat Co., Wasn.. on cash basis, in exchange for income property In Portland. John Hartog, 20U Stark, near Fourth st. WANT ?0 to 100 a. of farm land with house. 10 a. or more cleared, will assume small amount; have city property to exchange. Clarke, 515 Corbett bldg. WANT farms, with slock and machine- v. fro in 75 acrea to ISO acres. We have caeh buyers. J lurry B. Humphry, 113 Cham ber of Commorce. WANTED Fruit land for client, est particulars In first letter. 420 Chamber of Commerce. Give full F. Fucha, TO hear from owner of good farm for aala. C. C. Buckingham, Houston, Tex. WANTED TO RENT FARMS. WANTED To rent farm for my dairy stock; option to buy. Not over 30 nit lea from Portland, 2 milea from railway Mat ton ; 30 to 40 acre in cultivation, with good pasture and buildings. 122 Belmont at. Tabor 147. WANTED To rent from 20 to 40-acre farm; atale full particulars drat letter, cash Taut. AG 721, Oregonian. WANTED To rent farm; would buy stock. Implements, crop. AR 700, Oregonian. TO KXCIIAM.E KKAL ESTATE. BECKS SELECT EXCHANGES. Very fine $10,000 residence and cash for valley general farm. Fully equipped 30-aore farm. 21 milea out on electric ; good build in ga, plenty fruit, wator works, full equipment, 37 head extra fine stock ; pt ice $12,000. want good stock ranch to $15,000. fcTi-room brick hotel, completely fur. nished; also large new gnrage. well leaned; in an Oregon town of not 10; price $4s.o0O; clear; want stock ranch. Four choice parcels of real estate and $lo.ouo caaa for suitable income. Meat market, lea and cold storage plant netting over $doJO; 3 years' bunt uses open for Investigation: month trial given; prlca $10,0tMi; also beautiful residence at $-O0o; all clear; take farm to 20,000; owner obliged to get outside. 101 acres Phofr.e dyked t Id Aland with deep water frontage; good large houaft, fine 80-cow capacity dairy barn, 2 tiMa, etc.; absolutely complete dairy equipment; also 43 cows milking. U coining fresh. 10 heifers, fine bull. etc. ; place will carry 80 cows; price $:i0.oo0; mortgage $.'; on account cannot give pnrsoniil attaiulon will take suitable income property or property soon in the market. Money-mpfcing California apartment house, wrir J37,5'0, i hat nets $;1'mmi; aged owner wants to b' with nn here and will tako investment property lo $30,000. $!KH". for 43 acres, all cuMHated, very rich soil; 10 acres full-bearing commer cial orchard, tt acres timothy meadow, new modern bungalow, good outbuilding, water works, trout croek. R. F. I.. crm route and telephone; close to chool. fin road, choice neighborhood ; want housea or flats anywhere. NOTICE Give full particulars of offers in first letter, else no attention paid; many other very choice city und coun try properties from lio.otrft to ji.ouo.ono. :t01-:02 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. APPLES WILL rOMU BACK. LET US SHOW THIS M WITH 14 ACRES BEARING ORCHARD, A BARGAIN TO EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND PROPERTY. Will take good Portland property from $25. OJ0 to $ on one of the best located Hood Ri vnr p roper t is; has best drainage. Is sub-Irrigated, has beautiful view; will prove a big monev-maker ; prica 10.000; can Include lfi.000,000 fel of tim ber on larger proposition. CALL A N A KASER. 72: Yeon Bldg. WESTOVER LOT. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. For Exchange. If you desire one of the best located and prettiest view lots in this beautiful district, we cn take in your rhrapar lots or bungalow to $m0; price $io. CALLAN & KASER. Yeon Bldg. 20 BEAUTIFUL norm in cultivation, with fine orchard, n miles rrom 1 onmnu. good road, not far from ele-tri- line. Price $7oo. For mIc or trade for city property of snmo value. GEO. T. MO"KK CO., 5ts Abington Hldg. INCOME CITY PROPERTY to value $25.noo for good valley ranch, clear; stocked and equipped preferred; can add city to muke $40,000. Sea Cop- PCr V MORTGAGE INV, CO.. G Hi-07 Yeon Hldg. 40 ACRES. 17 miies south of ror am, on a Tt 1. luorric 1 in puiimhii'iii, and rich soil; Tair H-ruom house, barn and outbuildings; slocked and equipped Price gstKiu. mtg. 214I. Will trade for city property. Lueddemann company. Chamber of Com ma roe. U14 1U ACHES. tillUam Co.. no Incumbrance; 82 acers near Lyl Wash., no incumbrance. 40 acers Southern Oregoi. What have you In a house value $0i00? Epton, 42 Chamber of Commerce. NOR HILL LOT. $."000 and assume or pay different to wards Irvington home. OOLDSCli M IDT'K AGENCY, Stock Exchange, ;;d gnd Ynmhill. 5 ACREi and bungalow: fnmti on river roan between 1 curtnry ami i nw-, - trade clear for clear or even up and mortgage. What have yon? Prefer ranch or income. AH 71 H, Orrgorlan. 3 HOUSES and lots' lit Portland lo trade (ri a farm in v ninmetie aurr value prlre $S2"0; clear of Incumbrance. GEO. T. MOOKK CO, 51S Abington Bldg. IRVINGTON. $-j0O0rt homo at aac-rlflrr. Will conslfW vacant lots or business property In ex change, u 723, oregonian. FOR SALE or exchans-e, house 14x30, ground 12;jx200 reet. 111 h"wdih. r'1 trado .for land same y1u0 av '-2 Ore gonian. , , , THREE lots, i "ee and clear, to exchange for good ft-room House una v ecrc in riuuiin, will assume. McKausie A Co., 615 Ger linger bldw. 5Vi ACRES. Courtney Oregon City line, all Improved. Will consider rtty properly to value or $suw. bpion, o- vuuur w Commerce- ALFALFA farm. 140 acrta, cleared, fenced, buihiings, livestock aud Implements; per manent water, for income property. AJ Oregonian. WANT clear cottage In small town for 24'0 equity in choice suuuroan acrm, eK.. $1400. owner, P. O. ba 7. 4o ACRES closa in. ummprovea rira eon. no rotkS. easy cieareu. mr idioim ft erty. AM H", vrcnnimm. LOT. Portland Heights. Hum City par. FalrVieW. Will runsniei ,v' j.WKO. Epton, 432 Chamber of Commerce. Horse nd lot 'or beach property. Tabor 4741. VALLEY farms, pome stocked, for Portland property 512 Aljinetonhllg. ASTORlV for Portland or farm, 10 acrea, 'for lota EUxey. Main 1233.