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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1915)
THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAKD. MARCH 28, 1915. lO FOR SALI Aato mobiles. . KEBCII.T FEDERAL. TRUCKS. I" A Safe Vaed Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL. Is as good value for the money as a oe truck. By re built we mean that the truck is entlrciy taken apart, each part examined and if .ii:cary replaced by a new part made at tie Federal factory, the entire truck ivpaiuted and refinisi.ed and everything OKttMry done to make the truck prac tically aa aood ait new in every detail. When you buy a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the aame policy and interest that we slvo to all Federal own era We operate a repair department. In which the workmen are apecia.iata on Federals; our supply of Federal parts Is complete and the stockroom organization liiKh-class, which insure, the prompt fih lnic of all parts orders. We also operate . whet, is niwtn daV a Wn"B uriaiuumi, ......... -r- ,.h ni.hi - uiuacj at your call. The . Federal belli a good truck in the flrat ulin and orotected by a company which I Is equipped and has the disposition to live you service, l consequent A SAFE TRUCK TO BUY. ' If you are In the market for a truck Irom Siwv to uisc jv . , pare used Federals with new trucks com- t ince similar prices. ve luiuii -"" - yOU OI ineir superior aiui, GERI.I.VGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, King and Washington Streeta. tW YOU ARE GOING TO BUT A USED CAR. IT WILL, PAT YOU TO SEE U3 BEFORE YOU BUY. WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY. ALL. CARS COMPLETELY OVER HAULED, REPAINTED AND NEW TIRES. WINTOX MOTOR CAR CO. . J3D AND WASHINGTON STS. MAIN 4244. ORHOOV MOTOR CAR COMPANY. USED-CAR DEPARTMENT. 'l WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 CHALMERS "JO." 4-passenger tour In? cur, overhauled and repainted . -14 10 STf DLBAKEK v"30." 4-pass. tour ing car. Just overhauled. tarter, etc ,"'6 1 STODDARD-DAYTON roadster, l fine condition .-J" J OVERLAND tounnB car, in Booo condition, all new tires ! 3 M iXWKLL .".-pays, turning car iJw 1 STl DKBAKER "30," f lve-passenBer touring car 'm 1 STL'DKBAKKR "SIX, 7-passenger. electric starter and lights, extra tire, etc.. great bargain 1 STUDEBAKER "FOL R 'our'" car mi model, electric starter and llKhts. perfect condition U'V 1 OVERLAND touring car. 191 model practically new: a great bargain 1 HL'I'MOBILE Runabout. in fine condition, repainted 1 STI DBHAKER "30," roadster, over hauled and repainted ! See us for jitney buses. ' OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Ktudebaker Building, Comer Chapman and Alder streets. Phone Main 9102. A .. CADILLAC. We have several good cars listed at ths foliowin bargain prices: Cadillac, a serviceable car Cadlliac. fine condition Cadillac, roomy touring car c adlliac. late model - Cadillac, 1914 roadster, new Sl-uu These cars will uphold ths Cadillac repu tation for service. COVEY MOTORCAR CO., :1st . Wash. we will pay cash for econ Vem" oirs i-iK-; or trade new ones for them, t ars sotPon teAnsT Agents for Gray & Davis lord smarting and -iightms ajstem. BEXJ. E. BOONE & CO.. S14 Alder St. Phone Main S9St. ANY PARTS FOR YOLK CAR. WE IS ELL FOR L.ESo. BUHNS1PE STKfc.h.1. T.Ue-for elt of t!. best materials, artistic dmn-. ? ere ted complete, with lock and key. ini i ia?e dol.ver : also Potable houses. TAKB-DuftS MFG. CO.. Vot of Harrison fc-'t- Main 1.6.. liuoD 20 touring car. repainted: Hudson roidiiir. litfht and economical; Overland pal. $225; Pope-Hartford, a roomy car. Your Inspection Invited COVEY MOTOR CAR CO., 21 at and Washington fete. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE, lul. best materials, erected on your lot. complete tU2 up Any other style you want at prices that can t be beat. B. T. AUyn tsarag.. Specialist. 1101 13. Salmon tt. Tabor t4. PECKLESS fl-cyl. 7-pass.. txxWy equipped with electric self-starter, electric lights, etc ; everything right up to the minute; misht consider late model small car as itart payment. Phone Main 3t!S. .,..- t--vt TIIt Hudson six. right up to the minute, extra equipment. line condition all around; I great Jcrifice at $700. Covey Motorcar Co.. "l?t ana w wsrd. aocoraiusT to the worlt. FOR S LE 7-passenger Garford car. flrst r.aSs 'condition, cash or trad; can be seen in Multnomah Carafe, tiixth aud j Madison- ta number yao. Address X Neischl, care of Itof brau. city. fr-OK WALE FOR CASH ONLY -A. n. PJ14 Cote, five-passenger, all modern, euulpped auto. Write to P. O. box 2ub or phone Main lo7. Oregon City. Or. FOR HIRE, $1.50 PER HOUR. S-passenter lttH Ford; rate lor trip of 4y work; good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5eo9. a 5-ton truck, good shape. one ion truck. $-ot; two-ton truck, ?Suu; Gar ford touring cur. 1T5. Laurelroaa Garage, E. -;tli and Burtsidc. B East 40t6. """" $400. Chalmers foreooor, repainted and in flrtfi-c.aas condition: 5-paenger; good tar tor jitney. AN oregonian JLUTOMOB11.E for ami e. H00 cash; Flanders "0 iour-door, in fine shape. Call morn ings. 672 E. 15th at. -N. Take lrviugton car. VAN TED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price pS 'd. J- Leve, lo tuiuiUDiu. .warn oik. i V & KV1S generator for ale at a bar gaiu. Gibson Storage Battery Co.. 12 til and AMr "t" JiEGAI. -passenger; Dayton airless tires; new'y pointed and a bargain at SoOU. Phone Mam 568. 6TUAK.NS SHent Knight, late model, nearly new ; a bargain if taken this week, '2b t Kaet" Morrison st V 1 1 j trade f Ir.e 1 000 lot, unincumbered, ror good late mouel touring car. Call Mar shall -44. Monday. 1'KD 1U14 touring car. very first-class con dition; must be sold. Turn Halle FUh Mar-k-t. "7- amhlU st. J-PASSKNGER Carford body cheap, also 3 sets of Ford tveat covers at Taotory coat. Auto Top Co.. o5 Alder st. yoRD car; has master vibrator, shock ab sorbers; reaaonabie. AJ 874. Oregonian. J iR HIRE. $1.25 per hour. 5-passeuger 1914 Ford. Phone Wood lawn 140. .PASS. Regal, fine condition, new tires, bargain. Acme Auto Co.. 531 Alder. fcLKiHTl.Y used tires from $3 to $10 each; vu:cmzed repairing. 207 Madison. C E Vope- Hartford automobile, with extra "delivery bed. Sell. 174. yuKI for ale b owner, just overhauled and In A -1 condition. Phone TaSor K1. 3tfOUTGAiE to trade for automobile. 21 Abtngt'j-i MO V ANTED 'J or s-epeed twin motorcycle; ' must be cheap: caaa. Phone G FOR SALE. AatomobiW. SNAPS IX USED CARS. Hupp 5 passenger, 1911 model, a little dandy. Must be eeen to be appreci ated ..$325 $3000 Oldsmoblle, 5-passenger, in good shape, for 10c on the dollar $300 3912 Reo 5th, 5-paasenger, in grood shape: tires good. A dandy for jit ney service $450 4- paasenger Maxwell; a great buy $400 5- passenger Michigan 33. electric light ed. A little dandy $450 Reo 2-ton truck, like new, used in light freight service only 7 months, and Is a bargain. One 19J4 6-54 Hudson, 7-passenger. "Won derfully good buy. Toe best of the season. C. L. BOSS & CO 615-17 Washington at., Portland. Or. USED AUTO SNAPS. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN We offer you the following list to e lect from. Free service given on all used cars. Ford 5 -pass., nearly new .with extra equipment. R. :. H.. C-pass., four door. Chalmer'a 5-pasa. 30 h. p. Col 5-pass., o0 h. p. Oarford, 4 pasts.. 40 h. p. Hupp, 5-pass h. p. Apperson. 5-pasa., 40 h. p. Cole. 4 -pass., 40 h. p. Michigan. 5-pass., 33 h. p Reo. L'-pass. roadster. 30 tt. p. Several others to select from. Call and look at them. Remember we give you free service. Invtstigate our selling plan before you bv; it means money to you. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sin. A 4959. Main 8S87. USED QUALITY CARS. POPULAR PRICES. If you are contemplating a tour to the exposition you can tour in style, safety and comfort in any one of these snaps. Packard 18, 5-passenger. Packard 30, 2-passenger. Packard 30, 5-passenger. Packard 4, 7-passenger. We also have for quick sale Chal mers 1911 5-passenger $400 FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, S3d and Washington Sta. Phone Main 4542. ELECTRIC LIGHTED AND STARTED CARS. Bulck. S5 h. p. roadster, all clasa. .$ S50 Bulck roadster, thoroughly over hauled 220 Buick 1912 5-passenger, 25 h. p.... 400 Plerce-Arrow 7 -pass, excellent con dition mechanically, good tires .... 1000 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY. OLD OR NEW. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO., BUICK DISTRIBUTORS, 14th and Davis Sta. Main 4555 X 2550 FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. FORDS. 1914 FORD, 5-pass $375 lin.'i FOKD. 5-pass. $.".5 l!i;i FORD, 5-pasH. ;iol l.t4 FORD. 5-pass. $425 1913 FOKD, roadster S:25 1014 FORD, roadster . . .'. $:is5 1!11 CHALMERS, 30, 5-pass $4U5 19J1 MO LINE, 30, 5-pass. 2 lu 1S1 1 MAXWELL, delivery $2V." 1012 AMERICAN, 30, 4-pass $tS5 WORDS CAN NOT PROPERLY DE SCRIBE THESE CARS: YOU MUST SE.E THEM TO APPRECIATE THEM. THEY ARE ALL IN FINEST CONDITION AND YOU ARE WELCOME TO HAVE ANY ONE YOU WISH EXAMINE THEM. WILL MAKE REASONABLE TERMS IF DESIRED. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EX. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. Phone E 1199. USED CAR BARGAINS. Hupp "10" touring car $"75 Hudson roadster IZoO Pope Hartford, good jitney $t50 Also Others at Attractive Prices. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st & Washington. look: snap: reo truck. Two ton. with van body, in first-class condition. Will sacrifice for quick sale. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sis. WANTED Automobile: will exchange pine timber claim in Crook Co.. Or., containing Ifit) 'res. estimated at 1 t 2 million feet white pine timber; unincumbered, 4 to 5-passenfCr standard make of auto, 1915 model. Box ST. Jefferson. Or. HUPP fore-door roadster $rwO Plerce-Arrow. newly painted $tiiwt Auburn touring $400 DULMAGE-MANLEY AUTO CO., 46-4 N. 20th St. 5-PASSENGER Haynes. 1914, cost $2150; electric lights and starter; will trade for first mortgage on improved property. M. tS3, Oregoniaru . FOR SALE Warren Detroit 7-passenger au to. 4 cylinder, 30 h.p.. cost new 2,5i3; in perfect condition, new tires.. Presto tank, etc., price $600. a bargain. Call Col. 66S. FORD, 191 2 touring, nickeled trimmings, hock absorbers, foot throttle, speedometer, top. windshield, etc., $320 cash. Marshall 550S. . Monday. LIGHT 40-h. p., 7-passenger car. run only bv owner and kept in perfect condition; electric lights and extras; $700; terms. E BS6. Oregonlan. FIVE -PASSENGER body and top for sale, both in good condition. Changing car to roadster. Call Main 8158. CHALMERS "30," .Vpass., fully equipped and In A-l condition; tires like new; would make fine jitney. Phone Main 53tJ$. WILL trade 3-passenger Durean runabout for generator or motors. Sheen Electric Works. 4X- Gtinan. WILL buy late model, for cash. Ford ma chloe. Runabout preferred. 55 N. Front St., Monday. FOR SALE Seven-passenper Wlnton Six, 1912 model. In A-l condition; no Junk. 1 40R Oatraan st. Phone Wood lawn 1P2. GARFORD 7-passenger, in very fine condi tion; tires are practically new; dandy car for stage or jitney. Phone Main 53S. WANTED Late model small auto for caa. -u :n jewv si.. -i. M XV ELL roadster. Mercury model, fur Ford. Larg. Jonpg Co.. 27 N. 5th St. sMALL runabout, good condition, new tire , $150. M arsh all 171 OWNER will sell cheap, good 5-passenger Studebaker. Main 5015. WTO In fine shape, cash or real estate. Tabor 759. 1315 E. Stark. PACKARD truck, 1912. cheap buy; excel lent fhape;. O 6S4. Oregonlan. EXCELLENT auto, seats 8 people, musi sell very chap. 321 Eugene st. 5Tp ASSENGER Overland, fine condition, good tfVf. etc: $450. Call 702 E. 64th at. N. FOR SALE Cudiiiao. 5-passenger car, cheap tor caab. haa iJellwood, 2 FOR SALE Aui oEDobile. n. G. HUNTER A CO., 507 East Bumaide St. East 9S0. East 69S0. 1 have been unable to place on my sales floor as many cars aa I would like to have, but the difficulty Ilea In the fact that I have from five to ten cars brought here every day for me to sell, and the owners alwavs say that the car is in PERFECT CONDITION, iu fuct, there has not been a single second-hand car brought to me but what wai just as good as NEW. Now. I appraise their value NOT ON WHAT the owner tells, but by my CHART sys tem. The owner of said car told me what his lowest price would be before I com menced this appraisement, but I go into it just the same to see if he really knows what he 13 talking about or if he is at tempting to make me the medium for selling off a pile of junk. When he re turns after the CHART is prepared he finds that his price has "DROPPED' con siderably, as he was trying to sell me the car from an explanation and I was show ing him such facts as he could look on and see for HIMSELF that hia machine was NOT WORTH what he wanted for it. The moat of them have ADMITTED this to be TRUE, but they took their wreck and went on their way, saying as they left THAT THEY COULD SLIP IT TO SOMEONE FOR THEIR PRICE." I can only see them go, as they are not in the used-car business and they have nothing to lose in a business wuy IF THEY DO SOAK SOMEONE WITH AN OVER PRICED CAR. but with me, I must re main in business aud make my living by selling used cars, so I devised this method of mine to sell used cars, so that I would be a permanent concern iu this line. I prevent prospects irom stepping into a bad deal and can make money , doinx -t. I have some uew one-ton trucks of stand ard make at used-truck pi ices, a six-cyl-luder Pierce -Arrow. Peerless, Auburn, American, Maxwell roadster, Jackson, Overland, Overland roadster,- fc'teams, Velies, Parry-Arrow (Buick motor) and a two-ton Keo. Open today. "NO TALK, PROOF. Automobiles Wanted. WANTED. Best five-passenger auto worth $600 to $SOO; $300 cash. Give full particular .'list letter. M 700, Oregonlan WILL accept good second-hand auto as part payment on tract of land in Lane County, balance cash aud long time; what have you got to otfer? G. M. J ackson. J unction City, Or. WILL exchange for automobile an abso lutely new high-grade p:ayer piano, still undeiivered to me from one of Portland's most reliable piano dealers. S 704, Ore gonlan. WANTED Automobile in exchange for a0 acies of land in Lincoln Co., Wisconsin; good farm land, 3p miles to town on St. P. R. R. ; good roads, well settled district-. Box 173 Hood River, Or. WANTED To hire 7-passeiicr automobile. Services of chauffeur and all expenses in cluded. Will want machine for three or four months. Address F 681, Oregonian, stating make of machine, terms, etc. WANTED Five-passenger auto, not over $s00. Pay $-100 cash, balance six months. Marshall o'OJ. WANT 1914 or 3915 model. Buick preferred; will g'.ve E. 9th and Rhone sts. corner lot. or 15 shares Monarcn Coal; caah difference with either; read Busiaes Chances." 459 Morgan bldg. WANTED Late model, light, 4 or .".-passenger car; must be in good condition; give full particulars first letter and west cash price. M ti7, Qregonian. FOKD C BASIS Twu model T Ford chasis wanted. condition no object ; must be cheap for cash; state year, condition aud price in letter. AH 6i.S, Qregonian. WILL take 4 or 5-passenger Ford or Reo preferred as tirst payment on house and lot In ML Scott district. AB Obli, Ore gonlan. WANTED A second-hand car; must be in good condition; have acreage, value $1000, to trade, or will pay cash. Main 22tS7. AP Oia. Oregonian. WILL take up-to-date 5-passenger automo bile as two-thirds payment on 55 acres of good unencumbered larra laud near Oak land. Or. Woodlawn 704. WANT 1914 Cadillac or Buick 5-passenger; will give 5 building sites closo in. con taining 5 lots, incumbrance $13.0, ? years, 7 per cent. Phone Sell wood 470, owner. WILL pay cash for 5-pass. Cadillac or other make equal quality, not earlier than 1913 model; give make, state price. M UftU, Oregoniau. ROSE CITY" clear lot to trade for 5-passenger auio; no junk; give full particulars In first letter; Buick preferred. AE 727, Ore gonian. 50x100 AT University Park, value $S0U, to trade for automobile. Ceo. R. Flora, 116S East Couch st. Tabor 5utf4. TO TRADE We'l Iccaied lot in Minne apolis, exchange for automobile. ' S &&4, Or jjjonian. WILL take auto ta $MJ0 as part payment on 0-room cottage, Hawthorne disL, $2000. M 691, Oregonian TWO close-in lots in Joseph, worth $500, for trade lor good second-hand auio, late model, of equal value. Box ti, Joseph, Or. WANTED, for cash, late model roadster n good condition; must be a bargain; state , rice. D Oregonian. LATE model 5 or 7-paesenger car for $600 equity in a tine $12u0 lot close to car. M 6a 4, Oregonian FIRST-CLASS automobile wanted for 3 lots at Kenton-Swinton Addition. AM 690 Ore gonian. WANTED A 1915 Buick roadster in trade for lots at Flavel, Or. J. D. Cough, 470 E. 37th N. WANTED Ford Runabout for light deliv ery; state price and particulars. W 68J, Oregonian. 7-PASS auto, must be a bargain aud easy terms, for jitney. Address R 095, Orego nian. TEN acres, k mile of Mosier. Or., Columbia Highway, tJ trade for roadster; value $SU(. O. V. Gambl, 72 Broadway. WANT late model auto, .have clear land or first mortgage, good as cash. K 697, Ore gonian. WILL pay cash for Ford car; condition no object if price is right. Tabor 5929. 170 Union eve. south. SECOND-HAND chain drive, must have goou engine and running gear. O 696. Orego nian. WANTED Used auto truck. White or Packard. Royer Implement Co., 208 Front street. 3 ACRES improved laud, only 30 minutes out; will take 5-passenger Ford as part payment. C. J. Rose, Beaverton, Or.. R. 2. WANTED White Steamer 5 or 7-passenger: must be in good condition and cheap. AP 6&6. Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 7-passenger auto lor acres, Multnomah A., 7 m. of courthouse; some cash. M 705, Oregonian. AUTO WANTED Client has second mort gage, $1500. wants auto, good repair, no junk. 204 Railway Exchange bldg. DANDY twin motorcycle as part payment for light auto. Address box 326, route 2, Mil waukie. WANTED 7-pass. auto, aome real estate, some cash. 434 Wash. WANTED, second-hand roadster; state make and price. B 6SH, Oregonian. REAL estate to trade for Jitney bus and small car. Phone East 2149, A. M. WANTED 5-passenger auto, $100 cash, bal ance payments. Call M. 2030 week days. WANTED Small car for V, acres just ouL side Oregon City. AB 6;5, Oregonian. WILL pay $250 or $300 cash for roadster; state year and make. A 6S2. Oregonir.n. GOOD 5-passenger Ford cheap for cash. No junk. East SSC3. WANTED Second-hand Ford. Phone even ings between 5 and S. Marshall 3Hi4. 7-PASSENGER Must be in good condition. ilve- full particulars. N S4. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Good confectionery and grocery mi rum- jj i"n -n WANTED To rent, for a few,. days; any old car will Uo. 73S E. Main gt. Eaat G954. WANT roomv 5-passenper auto ln good or der. R. W. Wood, 101 Sixth. Motorcycles. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE Twin cylinder Harley-Davidson. Terms to suit. Main 679. ""TWO UNREDEEMED MOTORCYCLES. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 26 N. 6ti St I MUST sell 1914 twin Merkel, fully equipped: cost $300; $140 if taken this week. AK 704, Oregonian. LATE 1913 Excelsior motorcycle, fully equipped, in first-class condition, $125. Fire In. use. 273 1st sL TWIN POPF Like new. 2-speed tandem, electric lights, take diamond, part trade. 37 Stark st. MERKEL twin equipments. Al condition; cost $427; must sell. East 6417. FOR "TRADE 50x150 lot in Eastern town for good motorcycle. Call Sell wood 33M. TWIN MERKLE Equipped. Al condition; a bargain if taken at once. 402 Row st MOTORCYCLE for sale or exchange. Main fl'6 Sunday morning. EMBLEM singie, tandem, equipped. 7.. 645 Tuning ave, beUwooa. A-l condition. FOB SALE. Motorcycle. SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLES. One Twin Excelsior, fully equ p.. . One Twin Thor, fully equipped $12i, One Twin Excelsior, like new $150 One Thor, 4 singie. 1913 $05 Three Thor, 4 single each $50 One Twin Indian $10U Second-hand bicycles from $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-335 12th St. Phones Main 2H56, A 3306. ' USED MOTORCYCLES. 1914 two-speed Dayton, U H. P. equipped and cOCl as new $250 1914 two-speed Excelsior, equipped... 1.5 3914 Twin Excelsior, almost new 140 1913 Reading Standard 350 1913 4 H. P. Ex:eislor, fine condiilon. 100 1913 8 II. p. Emblem 100 Several other machines at various prices. Terms given. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadway. 1914 7 H. P. Flying Merkel. Presto tank lamp, tandem aud exhaust horn, $175. One 5 H. P. 1913 Yale for $75. We also have a large assortment of used machines of all makes, from $25 up. On Easy Terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO., 44 Grand Avenue. Agents for the Flying Merkel. BICYCLES fiold and Repaired. 10S 13th St.. Cor. ICth ond Washington. WE HAVE A FEW BARGAINS LEFT in used machines of various makes. Call and see us before buying. Try our re pairing. 15 year: experience. JEFFERSCN CYCLE CO- WANT l-cylluder, 2-speed magneto, chain drive, M. C. , also 2 light, cheap M. C. and one side car or fittings, old or new. Box 332. Tillamook, Or. We deal ln Motorcycles and Bicycles. Repair woik of all kinds Neativ and promptly done. All work guaranteed. H. Flack, 265 Salmon. MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. 7-H. P. Indian, fully equipped; bargain at $145. Call Sunday morning. Hii Graud ave. FOR SALE 1933 twin Excelsior motorcycle equipped and in A-l condition. J 140. Phone Tabor 2156 Sunday or see week days, '26 Broadway. ONLY $75. Indian twin, fine condition, cash or terms. See Mr. Logan, 1417 Sandy blvd. at 52d st., Monday, phone , Tabor 5475. $50 CASH New Era motorcycle; good con dition. Call at . Stewart Bros. Co., 29 1st st. b OK SALE Two-speed Indian motorcycle , with side car; cash, or will trade for nut?.' B 68(1. Oregonian. 1914 INDIAN. 2 -speed, fully equipped. In A-l condition; $200. 514 Alder st. Auto Tires and Acceitsoriea. AUTO REFiNISHER Old cars made new $5 up; scratches and stains removed while you wait; tops renewed. Wm. Mehegan, 530 Alder st. Phone Main 4S7S. WANTED To exchange, runabout for 5 passenger Ford body. 13 N. tttb St. Northup Studio. VVANTED To trade or buy a front axel, any make. East 5356. Machinery. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR SALE. Donkey engines, piledrivers, derricks, transits, levels, concrete mixers, etc. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main 07o5. ELECTRIC MOTORS Boi'ght, sold, rented, repaired. - La--ge stock; all guaranteed. ... E. DAVIS & CO.. 1C3 E. Wei?r St. East 3146, B 2236. PUMPING station, with gasoline engine, which I am dismantling. Will sell tank, tower, pump, engine or any part of the outfit at one-third of the original cost. See owner at 512 Piatt bldg. REEVES Cross compound automatic engine, 75-horsepower, direct connected with five K. W. Northern generator, weight 16,500 lbs. Yale Laundry, 500 E. Morrison. Typewriter ALL MAKES FACTORY REBUILT. LARGEST STOCK. , LOWEST PRICES TERMS $5 DOWN, $5 A MONTH. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST, RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Washington St., Portland, Or. Stores in all Pacific Coast Cities. LEAVING town; my Underwood No. 6 (.splendid condition is too heavy to carry; will sacrifice cheap; would consider a "Corona folding typewriter" in exchange. Nor worth. Marshall 4tZ4 we save you troni 5u to 75 per cent on an makes of typewriters; send for our illus- IrKLVu lumci. Ation vs".. SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rent applied on pur chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, 86 Broadway. Portland, Or. SLIGHTLY used visible " Emerson Type writer; cost $100. Bargain at $25. 1S4 1st st. - . WILL exchange first-class talking machine for typewriter. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3.i0 Aluer, TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co.. 262 Stark st Main 552S. MONARCH No. 2 Typewriter at a bargain. As good as new; been used very little. AE Oregonian. UNDERWOOD Late model. No. 3; fine con- ,la a hapln TaIIp-V 1 r.O.'s Y eon bid g. PiiMINTrON typewriter, used 3 months, for , i i ("!! ilain TO-.:, NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. Main 140.. Miscellaneous. THE ALASKA JUNK COMPANY is moved at last into our new home. 201 203 Front st. Here we shall be pleased to meet and serve all eur old customers, and to all others we proclaim, if you are in the market for anything in our line, you will not be taking advantage of your best op portunities if you fail to Investigate our stock and prices. We said moved, but not settled. How ever, we are arranging our immense stock as fast as men and mechanics can do the work. . . We will only enumerate a few of the bargains you can find by visiting us. We have for the woodsmen: Saws, axes, sledges, wedges, peavies, etc. For millmen; Boxes, hangers, shafting, collars, pulleys, pipe, cable, blocks, drums, frictions, belting, etc For the builder Soil pipe, sinks, lava tories, toilets, bath tubs, nails, bolts, angles, channels, I-beams, galvanized cor rugated roofing, etc. For the farmers: Picks, mattocks, shov els, whiff letrees, eveners. neckyokes, har ness, etc. Also wheelbarrows, car wheels, ropes, sheaves, tackles, gears, chain, blocks, man drels, packing all kinds, hose, blowers, pumps, boilers, blacksmith and mechanics' tools, etc. We speclaliie on leather belt. Our stock Is large and complete and we can furnish either new or second-hand. Also In the pipe line we are able to out class all competition. Buy our pipe and avoid trouble. It is absolutely guaranteed first-class in every respect. AH sizes at low prices. -inch pipe, IHc 'zi-inch pipe, 2 c -lnch pipe, 2Ac 1 -inch pipe, 3 !c 1 H-inch pipe, 4c Ift-inch pipe, 5bc 2 -inch pipe, 7 c Prices on all articles correspondingly low. Call at our store and allow us to show you. ALASKA JUNK CO.. 201-203 Front St. PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES HELPS US FIGHT THE TRUST. WE SELL TO ALL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. WRITE FOR PRICE LIST. PLUMBERS FURNISHED. $4 PER DAY. J. SIMON & BRO., FRONT AND GRANT STS. Main 2002. A 2002. WILL accept .'i0 worth of dental work on brand new $100 talking .machine of any make. You select the instrument. Balance payable $10 a month. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 350 Alder. WILL exchange elegant talking machine, Viotrola. Grafanola or Edison for piano. Hvntt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE AH or part complete equipment for movinir picture show; call ar address Walter O'Neill. 940$ 67th ave.. g. E.. Lents. FIRST-CLASS Edison phonograph and 50 records. 51rt.."i0: $5 down, $2 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co 330 Alder. UNREDEEMED bicycles $7.50, $10, $12. Stein's Loan Office. 26 North 6th. NATIONAL cah register for sale cheap. 272 Wash lngton st. FOR SALK 2 tents: 1 12x14. 1 14XJU; usea one season. 527 E. 7th N. GLOBE REGISTER Good as new. Coast Steel & niacn. io.. io"g ivm utuK. $125 V ACTUM CLEANER, good as new, $50. Me re -in II 4469. j A KODAK, like new, $25 grade, $15. Phone M" 8464. . v. . . FOR 6? ALB. Micel bin eo us. SPECIAL NOTICE! MILLM EN FACTORIES. WE HAVE DECIDED TO GIVE VV THE S E C O N L - HAND MACHINERY BUSINESS AND WILL SELL GOODS Al A FRK'E NEVER BEi'OKE MtAKU OF. BELOW ARE A FEW OF 'in PRICES 'i. 1 AT Wi. SELL GOODS OR: Castlron pulleys, while they last, 2c lb. Castiron boxes, while they last, lc 1". Steel shafting, any size, lic lb. Five-eighths cable, per foot. 2c. One-half inch cable, per foot, lfcc. GalvaMxed, corrugated iron, sq , $2.20. Han art rs, all kinds, 2c lb. 1 mx1H boiler. $350. 1 30-H. P. economical boiler, $200. 1 20-H. P. upright boiler. $iuO. Steel rails, all sizes, lc lb. I-beams, all sizes, lc lb. Gears, all sizes, 2c lb. WE ALSO HAVE ALL KINDS Ob PIPE, WIRE. FENCING, CONTRACTORS' JTOOL3, PLUMBING, ' BELTING, MO TORS, PUMPS. DYNAMOS. HOOFING PAPER AT CORRESPONDING PRICES. J. SIMON & BRO., FRONT AND GRANT STS., MAIN 2U02. A 2V02. SEWING MACHINE BARGAINS. $90 White $43.00 $64 Singer 42.Su $73 Eidredge 45.00 $30 New Royal 25.00 $23 Singer 10.00 $22.50 Domestic 20.O0 $19 White 16.00 $17 Queen 14.50 $16.50 New Home 13.00 $14 Windsor , 12.00 $12 New Royal 10.00 $ 9 Climax 7.O0 $ 7 Singer 6.00 Also 50 other machines at reduced price. Terms, and delivered. Sewing Machine Eporium, 190 3d, near Taylor. Main 9431, A 3626. PIPE PIPE. PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES Just received several carloads of pipe and plumbing supplies. Come and get our prices before you buy. as we hate any thing you need at lowest prices. If you don't come and see us you are losing money. Free estimate given on all plumb ing jobs. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO., 187 Front st., between Yamhill and Taylor. PIPE. PIPE, PIPE. No second-hand and galvanized and black; all kinds fittings, from ? to 6 inch. -ln. pipe, lc ; 4 -in.. 2c ; . -in., 2fcc; 1-in., 3c; lVi-ln.. 4c; li-ln., 6c; 2-in.. 7-c; 3-In., 14c; 4-ln., 16c. All kinds of plumbing supplies. 269 Front st. Main 6325. WILL sell or trade 28x0-ft. launch, having auto top and curtains, costing $600; also boat house costing $175, all for $475; no better hull on river; can furnish any en gine and complete, equipment at special price. Tabor 3119. PAiR chestnut mares, weight 2500, with har ness, $150; pair brown mares, weight 2iiu0. with harness, $135. Pair geldings, weight 200, and harness, $250. Gooseneck double and single express, 2 farm vagona. 22 14th st. N., near Marshall. UNREDEEMED bargains for sale or ex change. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 26 N. 6uh St." FOR SALE or trade for an automobile, a motorboat, will carry 32 passengers, speed 9 miles per hour; 14-H. P. engine, just from the shop, in first-class condition. Ad dress AV oyti, Oregonian. .a.cGON JEWELRY CO., 114 Third St., nr. Washington., positively closing out dia monds, watches, rings, silverware, etc., for anything it will bring. Call and see immense siock. MOST remarkable calendar ever invented. Jb'iO to 1929, all in view any day, IN STANTLY, In colors; cardboard, 50c; pa per, 25c; agents wanted, 1U0 per cent profit. 559 N. Union ave. ATTRACTIVE library, reference, history and fiction, about 400 volumes. Will sell all or any selections, with -or without sectional ca.e. R 6io, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 d 1 6-ft. floor case ii. good condition, both for $25; also one large National cash register cheap. 5US E. Clay. 1 HUBERT meat grinder, equal to new $100; 1 cheese cutter with case, $12.50. Call Monday, 507 Milwaukie ave., or phone Sellwood 593. LAUNCH, 1$ feet, 4-H. P., fully equipped, electric lights. Standard Boat house, west approach Hawthorne bridge. Phone Mar shall 759, ask for Dlehl. FOR SALE 10-gauge L. C. Smith hammer less in perfect condition; cost $125. Will sell for $4l. Phone Tabor 6l5S. LARGE gas heater (good for bathhouse), perfect condition; will sell cheap. 200 Flanders st. N. BICYCLE, excellent condition, new tires, $7: vise, big swivel base, $3. Dantzig, 1024 K. 37th et.. Woodstock. WANTED Canoe, standard manufacture and good condition; state price. D 700, Oregonian. DIAMOND. K., absolutely perfect, excep tionally fine diamond, at sacrifice. C 689, Oregonian. WE WILL dispose a lot of used sewing machines. $5 each; all guaranteed. Do not miss this sale. 349 Morrison. ELECTRIC WALL PLATE CHEAP. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 20 N. 6th St. :00 YARDS linoleum, 3 counters, cigar, shoe case, 12 stools. 170 Killings worth. Wood lawn 3493. FOR SALE No. 1 cord wood by the car load or upward to 1000 cords. Call Tabor 3 823. A GOOD millinery stock, or will exchange for something we can use, auto, lot, etc. Woodlawn 71. LAUNCH Bargain, $200 newly painted and overhauled; fine condition. 623 Worcea- tar bldg. GAS lamp fixtures and plate for sale very reasonable if taken Sunday or Monday. 144 N. ISth st., near Hoyt. ENCYCLOPEDIA of Law, 13 volumes, less than price. Phone East 6164. FOR SALE Necklace Australian blue opals. Phone Marshall 350. BOAT and boathouse for sale. 5056 or G4&0. Price $:t00. Call Main CASH registers. National, slightly used. Typewriter Exchange. 351 Washington st. Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and oxi-hang id. The J. E. Martin Co., PortUnd. USE Basse tt s Nativs Herbs for rheumatism; 50 tablets fur 25c. All druggists. FOR SALE, furnished tenthouse, two blocks east steel bridge. BIRD cage, will hold 100 canaries. E. R. Chute, Two Rtvars, Wash. HOUSEBOATS J. L. Gilham. foot Spokane ave. Sellwood 814. B 2476. HOUSEBOATS -B 2476 -J. L. Gilham, Sell. 814, $25 WIRELESS telegraph set for sale. $12. 176 E. 74th st. N. Tabor 6045. NEW motorboat hull, 21x4U, V-bottom, auto-top model. 102 Hancock st. NEARLY new side oven, gas range, for sale, half price. B K7, Oregonian. BICYCLE, excellent condition, nearly new, coaster brake, very cheap. 332 Alder st. Y'OUNG burro harness and cart. New Grand Theater. 105 6tb st. TWO safes. o:io small and one large, for sale cheip. IF 6S1, Oregonian. FOR SALE cheap, collapsible baby buggy, neany i ev. Phone Tabor 60rS. SWELL diamond tie pin chtvap; elegantly mounted. Phone Marshall 709. FOR SALE Gents' $35 black euli for $10, size 36. 15 E. 80th St. N. $50 Stearns wheel, cheap, first-cUss condi tion, coaster break. BD 692, Oregonian. FOR SALE Desk and filing cabinet. Chamber of Commerce. INVALID wheel chair, rubber tires, cheap. Phone East 6022. LARGE Taylor wardrobe trunk for sale; sacrifice. Room 243 Ramapo Hotel. 21 6-EGG Petaluma Incubator, hovers ; half price. A B 687 4 Universal Oregonian. KOLL-TOP desk. In fine condition, at u bargain. See owner, 409 Oregonian bldg FOR SALE A new gas range, S-hole and oven, cheap. 612 Milwaukie. STORE fixtures for sale, 1675. Wood. awn 2-FOOT launch all equipment, cash. 307 Stark st. GIRL'S bicycle, good condition, $4. 321 W. Park ft. BABY carriage, cost $25: used 8 months, S1Q. Main 3991 or Apt 105. Carmelita Apts. SEED potatoes for sale, 35c sack. 1313 E. 19th N. Woodlawn 3588. STORAGE battery, 80 amp., $9. today. Good as new. Main 1463 . , tt- Aiinneu.iA v k.. v Qimnt 'rwlrn " Sfu " ENOUGH linoleum to cover good-s.zed kitch en, cheap. i.ast J.301. FOB SALE. M ittce Uaneous. ROOFING PAPER ROOFING PAPER 80c per square while it lasts. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON" $2.20 per square. GALVANIHED WIRE, ALL GAUGES $1.60 per 100. WHEELBARROWS WHEELBARROWS $1.5o each. 10.000 GRAIN AND POTATO SACKS at a bargain. PIPE PIPE PIPE j -inch pipe, 2c foot. -inch pipe. 2c foot. 1- inch pipe. S1 foot. 1 4 -inch pipe, 4fec foot. 1 Vx-inch pipe. 3c foot, 2- inch pipe. 6c foot. 2s-inch pipe. foot. 3- lnch pip, 10c foot. All guaranteed first -class condition, having new threads and couplings, J. SIMON & BRO., Main 2002. Front and Grant sts. A 2002. FURNITURE SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK. Oak combination desk and book case, $5; oak cheval dresser. $7.50; genuine ma nogany dresser, $15; genuine birds-eye maple dresser, $15 ; genuine mahogany dressing table, $9; hotel dressers. (J.-)U: genuine mahogany chiffonier, $14.50; fine Mission oak dining-room suite consisting of buffet, round extension table and 0 chairs, cost $150, for $50; hardwood ex tension tables, $3.50; common chairs, 50c; dining chairs, 75c; rockers, $1 up to $5, seamless bruise Is rug, new but sliKhtly damaged, 11 xl2 fL. for $13.50; 9x12; Crex rug, slightiy damaged, $5;; 9x12 Ax minster rug in fine condition, $13.5o; 9x12 art rugs, $2.50; 32x15 Ingrain rug, $S.5". white enamelled kitchen cabinet, cost $15, for $'.; gentleman's combination wardroh, cost $33, for $15; Eclipse steel range with water colls, $17.50; Majestic steel range with water colls, $24; No. 7 cook stove. $5.b5; No. 8 cook stove, $S.50; Jewel gas range, $0.50; Reliable gas range, $6.50; Quick-meal gas range. $9; refrigerators, $5 to $15. Houses furnished throughout with new or fine used furniture on In stallments. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 543-545-547 Washington, bet. 16th 4b 17th Sts. Both phones. Main 3109. A 3793. IT MAKES no difference what you are ln need of, see us. We can save you money. We have opened up a salvage store at 131-133 First st., near Alder. Can supply your wants In any t hint; in the line of merchan dise. We have some special good bargains In paints, oils, brushes, mattresses, hardware, at our First street store. J. SIMON it- BRO , Front and Grant Sts. Main 2u02. A 3A EASTMAN post card, $14; 3A Eastman post cara, witn pianatugrapn lens r . a. focus, 0't-ln., $22.50; 3A Eastman postcard with Zeiss anastlgmat lens F. 6.3 . $31. 5'; Kolols camera, 0'x8i. $40; Bausch & Lomb micros-rope. $22.50; Beuscher ulto horn. $27.50; Conn trombone, $17.50; Conn cornet, $16.50; surglcat Instruments; set of 15 new books, 60 centuries of progress, cost 165, price $16.5u; Remington type w riter, $10. all kinds of rifles and shot guns, new and second-hand field r lasses, etc. B. S. Backman, 13 North Third t. HOG FEED, -' $12.50 PER TON. J. SIMON & BRO., FRONT AND GRANT STS. MAIN 2002. A 2002. FOR SALE or exchange, 1 Su-ft. launch. Has nice front and back cabin, engine room and toilet. Back cabin fitted up with galley, tables and cupboard. Can make your home In It If you wish. Lots of speed and power. Everything in prime condition. Boat nearly new. Willamette River and Columbia River to explore. A good time ahead for you if you have this boat, or it can be used for business. Will trade for farm, city property or stock. J 6b2. Oregonian. 00,000 BRICK, AT A BARGAIN. J. SIMON & BRO., FRONT AND GRANT STS. MAIN 2002. A FOR RENT OR SALE. Logging and hoisting engines, derricks, scrapers, clam-shell buckets, concrete mix ers, pumps, etc. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Alternating and direct-current motors, guaranteed ln every respect; all manes. STANDARD MACHINERY Co., 46 Second St. We sell or rent. S2-FOOT motorlaunch, 0-cy Under, complete with boathG.. newly painted and oxer hauled, sell 10 ,7o0 or consider city Jot worth $ 1000 or 111 1 5 Ford runabout anil cash. Call today. Tabor 559, or Monday Main 5C47. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand barga'rs, $5 up. with a writ ten guarantee to sow perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Maiu 941. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 19u 3d. near Taylor. WOODEN tanks suitable for water or cider, from liOO to StiuO gallons; also one Sxli ln. double-acting Vilter ammonia compreb sor, direct connected to a 2x16 Erie slide valve engine with Gardner auto governor, Salem Brewery Association, Kalem. Or. FOR SALE Gasoline stcrnwheel boat. 00 ton cauaeitv. fullv- euulDued. 3-olinder. 55 H. P. Gorham engine, nearly new, draw 36 inches water light, speed about 9 miles per hour: well built and good linos. For particulars Huurecs a v t io. ureguiuan. STATIC electric machine and X-ray at tachments. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 20 N. 6th St POSTCARD-SIZE ANSCO $12 takes mjr $25 camera, good as new; a bargain; aUo 4v. Ocntuiv nlate camera. 2 holders. 1 lilm pack, adapter, leather case, for $6.50. Address O J l. oregonian. HIGH-GRADE violin, and case, 23; cost $50; Swiss music box, Geneva make, i2. cost $35; 17 vol. inL Encyclopedia $2S. cost $76. At 542 Flavel ave. Sellwood. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anasttg mat lenses and view cameras bought, sola snd exchanged: rifles and shotguns want ed. Ilochfeld s Camera Exchange. S3 st, LOOK! Sawed lumber $3.59 a load, cord wood $5 a cord, 4 ft., and $5.60 a cord stove length. Eclipse Fuel Cow. $&0 hi. 10th at. Pbone East 81. FOR SALE New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; easy payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 46-48 Mn. FOR SALE 1000 feet 10-lnch No. 11 steel double rlvited water pipe, weight 15 Ibi per foot Address P. O. Box 301, toro. Or. ; FOR SALE Royal coffee toaster, motor attached. Cost $ ."0. Will take $200. Per fect condition. 3W3 Belmont. East 29S. MAJESTIC range In fine condition, cosi 75, goes for $35 if taken this week. 7503 61st ave. S. E. ONE National Cash Register, 3 French plate marble base showcase. Baron's Shoe Store. 230 Morrison St. FOR SALE or trade, one 3x7 Hall minor camera; one tfxSS View camera, V. F. Saman, 422 E- "ouch st. vnn nn! .heH.n. luO nalr second-hand rol ler skates, fiber wheels, bail bearing, all sizes. 213 Front st. . $1ih CREDIT BILL w ith one of Portland s largest houses, to apply on $623 piano. Make me an offer. Answer AV 703. Oregonian. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made ln Oregon; per gallon. $1.63. Portland Paint Co.. 230 Front st. Marshall 100. PROTECTOGRAPH first-class condition, $7 60. Check writer, new. $!0, East $107. lo io Wear-old. luilblooded White Leg- horn hens and flue rooster. Marshall l'2 MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, SUP PLIES. FILM riERVICB. UNITED FILM CO.. 226 ?D T. 43 REELS motion pictures, excellent con dition, fine subjects, cheap. A S4. Orego man. - VISIBLE TVPLWR ITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark sL Main 6273. ; Plumbing supplies st wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 Sd eL Main 7tf7. SAFES. The Moeler Safe Co., SAFES. 204 Stark street. 1000 BUSINESS CARDS $1.00. Ryder ptg. Co., S. W. cor. lid and Morrison. FOR SALE Seed artlchokfei $1.30 per Ho 2. box 1X2. j lbs. Beavert - I COW manure w dUiver, i lbs. Beavertor., Or.. R No and horse manure for sa.e. Phone C 1726. cX)K 8ALR. Miscellaneous. Awny Below Fuctoiy Cot, New, nil piate kUmi, at 1 tan the cheap wood rim rties. Piste sliches ad lusts bio fet. removable Uoori, baii ha i in r. A 1 1 e oc k must be sold bci ore N.itimlay. Factory 414 E. Ash . cor. Kth. East 412U. W AN T F D Al I M' KLLA.VKOl'S. WE WANT FIKN1TLKE. Get our cm mates before setting ouf furniture. We pay you cau awd ths highest price. Piompi attention t.ea te " MI 311 FURNITURE CO., MAIN 5i6. 14 FIKST M MAIN $Ttf OLD COINS wanted. $0 paid lor do.? 173 S. mint; J lk"4 dollar, proof; f ls;A quarter, no anowp; many vahiaMe couis circulating; m-nd 4c lur. coin uru lar. It may mean la is profits to oj. S nd to Numismatic Lauk, dept. 3, 1- orth, Tex. WANTED I'anipiitg purtd s I-r i-pnuii fruiltmcr. rine loc.Ulort on l PP'T ette. miles from Kunmif. Tr.iln st-i ice. goo4 acroinmotiatlous, sood ti)nn sd bi hi- liuntlne. Address Jim ReiU, Itlnkv If.wiHe, Kr. SECOND-HAND CLOTHING W.VNl KU. J. MfcYER, THE TAILOR. PAYS THE HIGH EST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND SHOES. WE CALL PROMPTLY. THE K E LI ABLE BVYER. Mam 3H.Y iHT Madison. WANTED S.tghtly used s'cond -h and iuf fu ture tor living room, ai.nna-room snd ball room, including carpvLs; will pay ih f-vf same; pries must be reasonable. 11 OaJ. Oregonian. . FOlt a thoroughly reliable house to buy or soil household goods or an thing Iu ths hardware line, call the Le 1 a lianlwaM Furniture Co., 221 FrouL i'Uunt A "174, Main i'72. WILL txclmnge $100 firt ir.orlK-ne on prop erty In another city worth $iw for a,u. of flrst-ciaas tailoring by a first-class tailor; ev-n exchungt. AN" df.'t, trronin. WANTED SECOND-HAND CLOTHING, BICYCLES AND EV hit THING ; HIGH EST CASH THlt'Ert PAID. CALL MAIN 2t'Mt GLOBE STOitE. 25 F1K.-T tS 1' HIGHEST l'HK E PAID FOR FIIUXI Il'RE. CLii lUN! OK OTH ER WEHCHANDISE. 1 NhfcU IT; HIGH EST 1'KICl.S. MAIN 4317. FCKNlTl'Ittt WANTED WE PAY THli II H SH EST PRICES FOlt I l MiMOhU UOODS OF ALL DESi'It 1 1 I'lON. KLINH'H. EAST 7l.i. fe7 l. It A N 9 AV tv. CASH PAID FOR DIAMONDS AND PI ANOS; SEPARATE l-EPAICI MEN IS FOR LADIES. ELHY CO., HJt-2h EXCH A N C1E, 2 D AND Sl'AKiC til. WANTED Contract to cut tT haul from 10,004) to L'o.4'00 cords ot wood, it I N. Vd st. Main o2t'5 3D-11AND Fl'LNlTl RE. Kit'., W ANT k D. Don't give It away. our flnrvs first. 8 : sndard Fur. Co.. 1H2 1st. M ;q 77. Ml ST ha.e ond-hsnd f ui nilur. caab or trade, for new. Ll 64U. calcf ttr-, 54H Williams. TINNER'S toots wanU'd. one small butr lug ma. hiti. 1 blow horn stake; slat low est earn price. Cam A 0M, i jtontKii. WANTED tlood sultrasfi, will pay isn or trade 22 or 30-3t repeating rill, ti CUii, Orugoiilan. . WANTED Second -hand A. C. 110-V, trn former for motion idrtLre maclitnr. AU dmws E. M. Oliver. Uidn-f1rld. Wh. NATIONAL cafch reg inters ioi wtiiids lair at ,stn 1 rancls. o, hi;hst pi ! . 8. 'old-lU-in. 12' P.atiery si., fan Fianln-o. csl. WANTED 2 small cash rve. inter ; inut cheap tor cah. Phone Main Hi. Suuday mot iilnjtor ef5a: . WANT a good canoe, in good condition, rea sonable. Phone Main iOtO, house . ak lor jones. 1KV INGTON Crat bargain. 75 HM. 1." th, near Knott, very choice. cver thing clear, price $2550. phone Main 3m)Q, Monday. DO NOT sell or give sway any of jour fur niture buforn you cail the Hell Auction Hiu 11H 2d st. Marshall WILL exchange first- lass talking m nine for law n work. Hyatt Talking JJ a chins Co., 3."0 Alder. WANTED Second-hand baby buggy. Utlio B S. Driscoli, Milwaukie, Ot., box Uo, R. F. D. 1 BUY men's clothing and all kinds of ladies' fancy ciothes, highest pries paid. Call Marshall 39.12. " YES. WlTlluY SECOND-HAND Furniture, pay best prices. Owl s'uralture Co., 231 1st st. Phone Main WILL buy Smith-Premier typewriter No. 1; must be in good couditiou wtiU cheup. Cor don, Main 6445. WILL buy typewriter disk; must be in good condition. Cordon, Main 0145. TO rent, a gas oven for restaurauL $ Washington. . CASH paid for hair combing. Sanitary Hct it) Parlors. Dekum bldg. W A N T KU KL'KN 1 Tt' R E, COOK S T O V E S. H IOH EST PRICES PAID. M ARSH. 23... WOULD like to rent gasoline launch, liom 4 la ti horsepower engine. Call N. jM. WANT "binocular.; give name makei. best price. C Oregonian. WANTED Good jeweler's ht!i and tools priced right. L rtv.i. Qregnniwn. WANTED Jeweler's regulator. Must be good and a bargain. L OV.. uregoni.ii.. WANTED Rugs, ttxl2 and 4V3x7. Tabor :o3. SAFE CABINET. Will pay caul, for barKalu. AN 701. Oregonian. W ANTED Second-hand llnol. uni or coi k curpct. Address M 702. Oregonian. H1CHEST cash price paid for seeoud-hund enwh register. Main 4 si. WANTED Excavating snd Phone Esat 40L c H7T. lUCII prices paid for second-hand furni ture. Main 243t. t-MALL boy's bicycle wauled, labor 415. HELP WANTED WALK. WILL pay honest men up to $ monthly, spare nine, home work; no cniivawfin;. no capital; mall order business. Voorliiea, desk l.'2. Omaha. Neb. WANT Young man who is out of work who understands moulding, take Interest in portlsnd novelty; a good seller. AO Oregonian. W' ANTE l V. n r g c t U- nan io take orders !r new invention ; itave it In eei y office uud hmie; 100 jter cent profit. l N. I nlon aver.ue WA NT ED Men a"l w oin-ti sollcitoi . ii'c seller; big profits: uloiuuly new, 0 to 12 A. M. Monday. Pacific 8torag0 K'.o, -,:iPt Fit und Mitdlson. EXPERIENCED farmer wanted to work on farm; houne. gaidtn. fruit fumihed fre-; C.ermnn family preferred. Addrews Fred Klwrt, Kherwood, Or. At. ENTS vuiek-Heliing lions- hold n ess' -ticn. 100 pT cent commiwtion. escjuntve territory. Oregon sr.d Washington. H ' Chamber r.f Conimwo. blug. WHY WORK HARD. LONG Hol'llH I'Olt .IA1.L. WACES7 LEARN MOVING PIC TURK OPERATING. OM MAN D GOOD S A LA RY. 4 H itOA I'W AX. COMPETENT man to stand first-class llon for the season. For further partic ulars address A. A. Fchwsb, (!rriii,Or. REPRESENTATIVE for M .ilinoina h t'unt. thief-proof auto lock. Mr. RlngUnd, An gela Hotel. A-l DENTIST, no Instrument or inon ' quired; sood references wanted. AL .02, Oregonian, . . WANTED 2 men to work In saw mill ; must have at least each. AN , Ore gonian. AM ieuving for H. F.. need tu','''W,'t t-haufteur who understands csr. AK 0V. tregonmn. . WANTED io I uy -mil bin rb ; hw It' -he mavu to' ordr. Mrs. Boucath, 331 East ls.u- EXPI:RIEN'C1:T paltry rook, nit hours dl . state lowest salary and references. J oregonlan. WANTK1 Man t' tlrivr HH3 F.wd car m ney. Musi invest $100. Cull Mrs. lri :t47 Market st. WA NTi;D Expeneiu ed n-wrl,i' ai .e" is iiiK solicitor. McCoy. HlVi Chamber tont mMrt.e. MAN wtlh teiim contract. Mi'O to land neur Lents of :; Chamber onunerrt SPvci M, Mliilon write uo snd ad solicit ore. Clyde Agency. ?"7 Mock Echsnse. Axrrtieed7Vellubte tuovin ph tuie irsan i nu.-e mankser. X 7.oregonlua. . WANT carpnter in build burisaiow; s-wte and reference. A lit I. or.-km. 1 ' n. YOUNG man of abllllv. $:. a month. Morsan bldg.. f to 12 Mun-lny. WANTED Tru k to do h.avy hauling, tan Tabor .')40, evening. FM'ERIENCED arMK nln'i t inan. T tie, to do. $:tr. a ruoinh. I- ''" oreaowis.i TWO high-clai history mm pie f erred. Main 7. today. EARN $i dally silvering mirrors: plans fiv. Write Abell. box 7 HO, South Heml. Ind. huLlClTOR to go wtlh 1 K-tinranteed comni uwinn. n the rotirjrv; Main .II2 t-xisv. BttY wanted to lari hard war b th st. an .'i""""-' - 1: WA NTED Tslklna macMtts sslesnien. In quire HI 4'h st. PAINTER wanted t" d tinting lor icnl aparliu.nt slia 60 3 J, l