0 TTTE SUNDAY OBEGOyTAX. ' - PORTIAND, ' MARCH SS, 1915. TO EXCHANGE REAI. ESTATE. 240 ACRES. Irrigated land In Eastern Oregon; almost all In cultivation, under wa ter; tree of encumbrance except bal ance due et:tte tor water right; long time at low late of Interest; M acres in alfalfa; balance of cultivated land in grain; well fenced: good fl-room house; large barn; comWele set of good, substantial outbuildings; 4 head of horses, cattle and hogs, and ail farming implements; priced at SiO.OUO; in exchange for flat build ing, apartment-house or city Income. Alathea. FRED A. JACOBS, rtiy Washington fat. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. LEASE AND FURNITURE 60-room family hotel, close-in West fide, modern, dining-room, etc., rooms all full; a money-maker; good reasons for celling; will accept clear improved or vacant property in Portland and small amount in cash. bOKR E. KEAsEV & CO., 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. WHEAT FARMS. 3SG0 'acres, ail In cultivation. 1900 acres In wheat; good buildings. 30 per acre; will consider any good property to ija, 000 and if Income Justifies, will assume. 2700 acres, I0lo acres In wheat now: goon Dlliminga, nouilua.il , -.w lull farming equipment included; price ,.o-r frmln: 1 wheat wili soon pay balance. f,;o acres, ail cultivated. 300 acres in wheat; good buildings, water, near ta tlon; J3i per acre; will take Valley farm to S1D.OJ0. LUEDDEMAXN- COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 7 U s;o ACHES JS000. , 12 .in, n. lift acres 1'Z miles iroui j-i m...-f cultivated and in crop: all can bo culti vated; i -room uuu, u-.. lngs: plenty of water and farm imple ments; J l neao "i- v"t. ""-r . chickens; will trade even for desirable property in wcmbiu wicbw city preferred LPH ACKI.ET LAND CO railing iims. iJUSl.NtSS BLOCK Hit APAItTMENTS WANTED. we navo xv uuim tn-a. v.. t . and 0 good lots, free and clear, value ...I.. -n-nr nnmA nr.ilUTtU fl H A will assume" up to ioO.OUO. Ask Mr. Kickarts, with GRUPSI & EOUS. 32ft Board uf Trad-; Bldg. Main 745?. WILL sell or trade for Portland property a good commercial bearing orchard. A Summer home and good income combined. Fine view; most suitable for retiring Dusine" or professional man. Located o miles from the uwn of Hood River, In the b-autiful valley. For particulars ad dress 7o4 Amherst St., or phone Columbia "111. Owni-r. " AUTO BARGAIN. For sale cheap or will trade for good uburoan lot, U12 Cadillac, O-pasaenger. e-door In perfect condition, new top, new canvas covering. Just painted and nickeled and practically rebuilt last Summer. For particulars call Woodlawn 28S1 or C 2337 Sunday or call Mr. Baird, Main 1920 during the week. FOR SLE Used demountable tires, seven 3x3". and two 36x4 size; can be seen at garage Meier & Frank Co., 2d and Jef ferson sts. WHEAT RANCH WANTKD. We have a large list of clear Portland Improved and vacant property to trade for whent farms from $J0.00U to JT...00U. Must b clear or nearly so. Ask Mr. Rickarts. "h GP.VSSI & BOLDS, 3-jn ;nrrl of Trade Ultlg. Main 7433. Good hotel building in Columbia River town; can rent to pay 10 per cent o; o.-lce Slu.ono; this place and some casn f..r farm not over J1S.U00, in Washington below Vancouver. I.IEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. j... ii.q S'4 ACRES KoOO. Washineton County, Or., near ' Hillsboro. II cultivated. 9-rnom house orchard, small fruits an.l outbuilillngs. price. fd.AlU nitfe. i ; want to trade It in on farm that can be handled by giving a moralise orttiv. Most beautiful site near C.resham. 30 acres newly Improved, JcMiO: will take Indianapolis property. Address Mr. Loehr, C HARTMAN A THOMPSON, Cor. 4lh and Stark. f WAST f irms for city property, from 4000 l0Itu's'ness' corner, price $12,000; want farm or small houses to SIO.HUU. itiiuo residence site for small house. aikVui improved farm for home here. J. K. Haiitht. 7"Jo Chamber t.ommerce. CONCRETE and brick building In good town; leased for 2 years at $120 per month: carries 12.f.l0 insurance, will trade for small farm near Portland, price tit; lioO. mtg. S"HO0. I.UEDDEMAXN COMPANY. Kl.'t t'liumber of Commerce. rr: TJT-TTes near Roscburs. larse part In creek bottom and in cultivation now; good buildings, abundant water. farm'ng equipment and slock 'n1-1'"'1 : Prlc t..'o mm J".i0; want small farm. Oregon or Washington. Lucddemann CO., Ill 1 Hamper oi 'iimn. . . . .. . ,, n- v--p t- We have' j IS 0.MI wurth or clear Portland propertv and want a good farm for all or part. Ask Mr. Kickarts. with GKL'SSI & UHLDs. .:n Ttoard of Trnd- UIW Mnln Tl.iS. Ti T1U1IB for southern Oregon of equal ..lue W timber land in Polk Co Oregon Vacant lot in Portland, one in Vi.?. Texas, two In Fort Worth, Texas. Price Jlooo, clear oi nituuiumfw. Or-'-toniun. Tui-'VIt Luurelliurst lot. well located, for a;, f,,.,m modem hungalow in Ross mere or Rose CIV Park. 'l pay differ ence in cash. Give full details. AL BS4. Ore.tonlan cv TTl.E propertv wanted for fine farm at Clackamas, worth $17,000. This is on a hard road all the way from Portland and only 10 miles from the postoffice. C. D. Strow. 615 Stock Exchange oldg. WANT a good $.".000 residence In even ex change for first-class first mortgage of .-,.Ml secured by local property worth II.MWO; don't submit equities. AM S3. regon is n. 1 mvt - acres, clv-e Hillsboro. price x-'-iOO clear of imuinl. ranee, best land, on rock "road, that I will exchange for unin cumbered lots In good residence location; owner. Main So. " i HIT SNAP. SOxlOO east front. E. 54th near Broad way 5'0. free and clesr, easy terms. Bnrrd of Trade- 11. dg. Main T"J. 30 ACRES in heart of Tualatin "V alley. t.000; enuity S4.HVI. to trad-, for vacant city lots. What have vou to offer? S.-e H:tckeney. v ' .-rpu,v.THF.ltKKI,SEX CO.. Main TW -ALE or exchange, equity corner lot, 5,10 B-room house, barn, chicken-hou... in good location, at a ref.,J?.rfltn s No agents. Malnao7or -"'5' Hn t. leTvis river farm. ;o acres half In cultivation, with build ings. No mortgage. Will take clear house or close-In acreage. COS DcKum bldg. 16' U'UES in the valley. 4l miles from Portland, all can be cultivated; want city property or acr. ace. clear of Incumbrance. t'reg'-niRn WANT to exchange fine 10-acre tract, free of debt, close to guod town for good busi ness or bungalow; no agents. A 6S5, Ore gon la n. "TURN YOUR VACANT INTO INCOME Flat building, s-looo. nitg. S1250: will take clesr property for equity. What hav- vou? AP illil. Oreconian. ALTO. .1-paMr.Ker Aiuvrson. 1012, 45-H. P.. rood ;ts new. Want cash and real estate. bv'.i Dekum hid?. 6ALf Oil KXi'HANJt Kor general mer .andibe beautiful home on Columbia. tl-VO. Must deal at once. E ftSl Orego- nin. INCOME prupeitv. Wtst Siue. valua Ji5o0. prica r;.'H. fh'O cash. J. Siner. Kxchanee iildi?- TWO lots at iiotkaway I?each and one anj fraction at Oapi:.l Hill; exohanSo for put.. AH W0". QivKontan. Av'KE: Lno Co.. timber, S2CQ0, free and cUar; will as.-urce; what hav you? AP tT7. Oregon ian. fTta or business property for S20 Htr timber. Jackson County. AN 6J, Orenoninn. t;uL"IT Y -0 acres Sheridan and $S-5 eultv - acres Lo mln. out for :ot or ILL trade upright mahugany piano for ijood Victrola with records, AO 6?4. Ore- gonlan. KWl'lTY in S-rootn lrvir.ston ome for small bumtalow. free of dtbt. Address HO 6M. Oreieoi'.lan. EQl'ITV r.d cash to amount of ttruail buncalow free of debt in restricted district. HC fc'SS. Orison ian. 4M-At'JlE whejit farm to exchange for hat na e u ? Alexander, T-U Chamber of Commerce . TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. 80 ACRES, Allen County. Kansas, oO acres good plow land in cultivation: 30 acres natural grass pasture; on good county road. price $400. mortgage J1000, six years 6-H per cent. Trade for something in or near Portland. 60 acres, 1 'i miles of Glenn s Ferry. Idaho- 40 acres In Irrigation. 30 acres in cultivation, of which IS acres are in al falfa; acres blue srass: 8 acres orchard, smai: set of buildincs; price 4r,0. Trade for Portland property and assume. One acre, mi. east of city limits, in cultivation, fenced; 2-roora bouse. Trade for lot or sell cheap for' cash. l-li North western Bank bids. , FOR EXCHANGE. $1700 cash and 5-room house, unincum bered, to trade for larger home New t4000 Rose City Park home, mort gage J10U0. to trade for email improved place on electric line; will assume. $400 equity in new Hawthorne home as first payment on improved acre or two close-in. JSOOO equity In 4 flats on Everett St., West Side, for city or acreage property. PEARSON' WILLOUGHBY. g-3 Morgan Bldg. ALL KINDS OF TRADES. LIVE WIRE. T. G. LONG Main 1234. 520 Henry Bld. 166 acres, very highly Improved, free water ngm, biiuuicu vn . River, on Pacific Highway and near main line or a. t-.. - miles iti In 6 miles from Grants Paas. This Is all stocked and equippea. T "h Owner will take Portland property and will also consider good drug stock in ex change. 514 Chamber of Commerce FOR EXCHANGE California land, $30,000 ,.i.r . l. i .. . i, i-hnir level lO SluV.UUU WOllll ui . - San Joaquin Valley land. Located mid way between San Francisco and Los Ange les. Must get IS0O0 cash in this exchange or property upon w nico- - immediately be secured; will assume up . i s m i... on tnnnTYia nrnnflrtv. TO a IDiru Di oiuc w " Submit full particular of what you have to offer. Acidreua owner, B04 Oakland ave.. Pasadena. Cal. 0 ACRES $7500. j-ies.ir nimtv wash near fTrawiord; 80 acres cumwated. all level, good soil; room box house, 2 fair-sixed barns, 8 head cows, a horses, 11 hoes, 4 calves. ZJ chickens, farm Implements; will take house nd lot Tr nrsi payment RALPH ACKIjEY LAND CO., 204 p'aillng Bldg. m ivi.-v eveoy DAT FROM THE FARM 80 acres In Clarke. Co., Wash., 40 in ..!.. inn u-rYtfim hnujtf 2 srood bams. 8 Jersy cows, fine bull, good team of horses, sows, reRisiei eu uwi , " e" springs, farm tools; only a mile from station; price $000; will take some trade. Scott ft seesiey. - u-i- auhi6i MURRAYMEAD PROPERTY. K -block Improved. 2 lots vacant; value $14,00O: some encumbrance. All. or part for close in acreage or other property. GOLDSCHA1IDTS AGENCY. Stock Exchange Bids-. 3d and Yamhill. GOING WHEAT RANCHES. ffhrn. Koat anlix-linn frOTTI best difltHclS, Eastern Oregon and Washington; values from J3,t0t to $175,000. to trad for city income or valley ranches. V. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., wo-But Yeon umg. WESTOVEU LOT. BEAUTIFUL VIEW. For Exchange. If vo desire one of the best located district." we tan take in your cheaper lots or bunjrsuow u ..w, puce CALL AN & KASKR. Yeon Bldg. ,..,1 . . - r 1 1 VV P1TIVTV Near Scio. 00 cleared lots, pasture on balance, fair buildings, running water; price $32 an acre, take house to $2000, time on balance. JACOB HAAS, Gerlinger Bid 1 WANT an "east of mountains" general or Ftock farm, about $110,000 or $3,000. possibly more; have a nice city home, a good Valley farm and other valuable property. This is a live want and worth while to look up. Owner, Woodlawn 2794. WANT house for 200x200. Overton Park; house and 100x100. Lents, valued $3500; slock ranch, "0,00. for Portland prop erty ; 50 acres, improved, for house, Large list of exchanges. See me. Chas. Hingler & Co., 316 Ry. Exch. STOCK AND DAIRY RANCH. 265 ncrs, buildings, orchard, iences, etc., exceptionally well located on main hig; wav -jn hours' ride from Portland; will exchange fr Portland property worth ?11,- HK. "t 0-0, urenonian. 4h0 acres in i esieni jviv;.iit. vu.. fully stocked and equipped, to trade for . . . .... 1 t ic unn U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., i-KOOM modern house on E. Main st west of 23d, doxluo lot and hot water heated; free of indebtedness. Price $5000. Will exchange for smaller, clear of indebted ness, and make easy terms on balance. Phone East 1311 or E 6S'J, Oregonian. $13,000 OR more equity in 45 lots on Hol g;ue et.; good subdivision, near Reed Col lege and car shops, to trade for farm in Eastern Oregon or Washington; might as sume reasonable amount. N 687, Ore gonian UNIMPROVED future business property in St. Johns, valuation S4oX. unincumbered, to exchange for property of equal value, or as first payment on property In Lau relhurst or Portland Heights; give exact location and price. K 7U3. Oregonian. WILL trade rooming-house business clearing over $10t per month for farm; have good lease low rent, good furniture in 70 rooms; downtown. West Side; value StfOvO, clear of incumbrance. Address owner. Box 3m, Portland. 40 ACRES fine land in crops, 4-room house, good barn, good road, living water. 2 miles from city of 10.000, in Willamette Valley, to exchange. What have your J. M. Cameron, 1109 Spalding bldg. WANTED. 40-PO-acre Valley farm, for home close Jn; $6300, clear of encumbrance. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY. Stock Exchange Bldg., 3d and Yamhill. WANT good farm or city for 5 acres front ing on river road at Courtney Sta.; new bungalow on place; will trade clear for clear or equal on mortgages; consider value up to $15,00. J 090. Oregonian. WANT 80 to 160 acres Improved with stock and equipment, for first-class city prop erty; close in; value $8000 to $10,000; prefer owners. Please act quick. R 687, Oregonian. 3,0 ACRES unimproved black silt and beaver dam soil, 13 miles Portland, near R. R-, for house or would take good timber land u p to $5000. 1 b s 3, U regon lan FOR SALE or trade, 120 acres of wheat land Crook County. Oregon; 50 acres In wheat, balance easily broken. BC 612. Oregonian. MODERN brick building in good town in Willamette Valley; owner would exchange for vacant lots in Portland. For particu lars see M. E. L.ee. ppj terpen mug HAVE several clients with good city prop- ... . .w)ianra Tiirl farm. 1?02 Northwestern Bank Bldg. HAVE valuable. highly improved inside property 10 euntui.c ' - " "Xv c otock ranch. OWNERS ONLY. FL F. Bryan. 30V Chamber of Commerce. EXCHANGE for lot. acreage or smaller house, equity $2:i00 in modem 0-room house $30 . balance easy payments. AM f.so, Oregonian. WILL trade coty bungalow for shares Metro politan investment iniproemeui 704. Oregonian. PORTLAND REALTY ATLAS. PTE I N S LOAN OFFICE. ?S N. 6th. MHOGNY tapestry upholstered daven port and large choir for rugs or office furniture. Tabor 52V3. WANTED To trade concert grand piano for team, wagon and harness. R. F. D. No. 1. box 30. Hillsboro, Or. WILL trade practically new S9 hunting boots, sise 'H. for first-ciass tennis racquet and cover. BP KM. Oregonian. 13 ACRE? 10 acres in cultivation, email house and barn, for house and lot; will assume. SOS H Sinrk. IMPROVED business property on Gari baldi Beach for acreage or city property. AG FTT, Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED real estate for .small stock groeeriea. V 633, Oregonian. CLE VR citv propertv for farm, equipped, prepared;" will assume. SOS H Stark st. PORTLAND property for property in Su perior. Wis. 104 E. 67th N. M-V car. TWO lots in Superior. Wis., exchange for auto. AJ 6'.9. Oregonian. CLEAR land. White Salmon, for wheat ranch or Portland property. K 6S5. Oregonian. WANT large diamond: will give unlncum bered lots. R. C. Park district. M. 1068. NEBRASKA and South Dakota land for any thing in Oregon. Phone Marshall 1444. ASTORIA vicinity wanted for 160 sres near new rlroad. El'.iey. Main 193. lo "RKS IS i:i;le of Vancouver, or rent, trajdo or'seli) owner. Call t o Ivx t TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE. HALF SECTION wheat land north of Pen dleton, half In wheat, third to owner, half value in clear property, bai. mort gage: good terms. Want clear property or sacrifice equity for cash. Might con sider good business chance or good furni ture. Owner can put In other good clear property to match trade, A snap. 1 make a specialty of Umatilla County wheat ranches. Have 30 acres adjoining Pendleton. Clear property for half value. baL 6 per cent. Liet your properties or all kinds with me and get substantial re sults. C. 1. tewaim, 332 ChamOer of Com merce. Marshall 5370. APPLES WILL COME BACK. LET US SHOW THIS 80 WITH 14 ACRES BEARING ORCHARD, A BARGAIN, TO EXCHANGE FOR TORTLAND PROPERTY -Will take good Portland property from $25,000 to $o0.000 on one of the best located Hood River properties; has best drainage, is sub-Irrigated, has beautiful view; will prove a big money-maker; price $20,000; can include lo.OOO.Oc'O feet of tim ber on larger proposition. CALL AN & KASER. 722 Yeon Bldg. YAMHILL COUNTY RANCH. 192 acres, 7 miles from Yamhill, acres under cultivation, 70 acres of good piling timber, balance pasture, very rich land, gcod orchard, house, two barns, lots of spring and creek water piped to bldgs.; 7 borses, 20 cows and full equipment in cluded for only $11.0O0. Owner will take part exchange in Portland property. C. DE YOUNG & CO., 514 Chamber of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOME EXCHANGE. With modern 6-room bungalow, has all city conveniences, with 2 acres of choice land, 2 blks from station Oregon City car line, lots of grapes and bearing fruit; price $o600, take unimp.-oved land or city home up to $3500, clear .of incumbrance, balance time. . JACOB HAAS, Gerlinger Bldg. NOB HILL CORNER. OMn and 'residence, near Washington : $16,000, take other houses or lots up to $10,000. l&TH-STREET CORNER, $6000 equity for vacant lots, mortgage 40O0GOLDSCHMIDTS AGENCY. . Stock Exchange. 3d and Yamhill. 160-ACRE FARM, situated near Newberg; 100 acres ready to cultivate, fair bldgs. and very good water supply. Price $16,000. Owner will exchange for Portland property. -t vnnvr: Xr nn.. 514 Chamber of Commerce 1000 ACRES on level county road. miles from R. R. station, Douglas Co., Or., 20O acres nearly level under plow, balance good soil, not steep; 4.O00.0U0 ft. timber, fair bldgs.. fine spring; price $23 per acre; want good city property. C 68.. Orego nian. . ,-..-!-.-- Prtn DI'MQ A I YI W 10 acres at Beaverton, partially im proved, all splendid soil and very sightly, to exchange for a bungalow; prefer Rose City Park or Hawthorne. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 606-407 Yeon Bldg. -v-rr-ir oil lMirniahftd. iin-to-dtttfl bungalow, in restricted street, on the East Side, for sale or will trade lor orcnara or euuu acreage. This is a bargain; price $4000. Owner, John De Fehr. phone Woodlawn 693. address 1202 E. 23d St. N. A BEAUTIFUL 5-acre bearing orchard in the select district of North Yakima; trees six years old. apples with pear fillers; wM trade for close-in Portland property. Deal with owner. R. W. Penhaliegon, 01 Northwest bldg. UNINCUMBERED STUMP LAND FOR CLOSE-IN ACREAGE OR FARM. 6-a near R. R. and 30 miles of Fort land; fine soil, easy clearing, good water; price S3200. J. B. RULEY CO., 928 Cham, of Com. 83 ACRES, partly improved; house, etc. especially adapted for poultry railing, well located; value $4000. clear of incum brances; want to exchange for small sud unban norr e; must be free from debt. owners onty. r hqq, s""1""- WHAT have you to offer for $o00 equity In good acre and 4-room house worth $lo00 Mortgage is straight loan; installments and interest paid. C A ITPT. T0 A Tv. 3202 Northwestern Bank Bldg 5 ACRES In fruit, bldgs.. just outside city on Barr road; value $5900; trade for Portland property. U. S. MORTGAGE & INV. CO., 600-607 Yeon Bldg. HALIBUT SCHOONERS. 2 good boats running out of Seattle. Have one-third interest to trade for some thing I can use. A good position for cap tain or gas engineer. 603 Dekum bidg. H WE a 6-room home, lot . 75x300, value $4500, only $800 mortgage, will trade for farm; win assume some. o-un . ley, 211-12 Ablngton bldg. MODERN S-room house, 2 lots 100x100, $0o00; trade for stock from, 40 or 100 acres, not over 50 miles from Portland; no agents. Owner, 180 Willamette block, Portland. Or. tooo equity $3300 strictly modern 5-room bungalow to trade for acreage; mortgage $1300. 2 years to run; might assume hp to $l00O; no lniiatea' vamea loimucicu. R. B. Weeks. 490 E. 5Cth N., Tabor 3119. 70-ROOM brick hotel in Oregon city of 8000 people. Also large new garage building. Price. Including furniture and fixtures, $48,- 00O. No incumbrance. Want stock ranch. BECK 301-302 .Railway acnange ruug. IRVINGTON Good 6-room house and full lOt, HQ r. llui au, -mie. iv - per cent: will take good lot for part. In quire 202 Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill sts 32 H ACRES, four cleared, fenced, spring, school, macadam road, miles west Portland. $2000. mortgage $6000, easy pay ments; exchange auto or city property. 82S Belmont. WILL trade my unincumbered house and acre to contractor or carpenter who will furnish one lot near city and labor on house. Write B. S. Driscoll. Milwaukie, Or., box 90. K. r u. FOR EXCHANGE 320 acres of fine unim proved land in Pan Handle, Tex., cloee to railroad and county seat, for clear Warrenton lots or grocery stock; write for particulars. AN 699, Oregonian. I OWN nice 6-room modern home in Haw thorne district ; price Is right and will trade for lots, land or California up to about $2000 Have other Oregon properties for vanrornia. wo tuutu m8. 820 ACRES 300 tillable, 200 In wheat; 14 Y miles from Walla Walla, 2 miles to mar ket ; will take Portland house to $4000 or ranch. Hunt, 822 Northwestern Bank bldg. FINT2 ACREAGE HOME WITH 7-rooro, good house in Beaverton, value $4ou0, mtg. $1500; want about same in Port land home. J oai, uregminm. A-l INCOME PROPERTY In Southern Ore gon town, free of encumbrance; will ex change for small improved tract or city $4 son 80 ACRES, unimproved, on railroad, level rich soil rio rocks, part onion land; easy cleared, no incumbrance, for city pnn-'c ij. -- -n 5-ROOM modern house, mortgage $1250, Hawthorne district; will exchange equity for late automobile or acreage. AR 08J, Oregon 1 an. 55 ACRES fine alfalfa land in Southern -1 . t T fnr ami tv In Hi iiiiho laano, viubo vj iv. j... v, , . ... or acreage. S. D. Stouter, 1109 Spalding oiug. FINE, well improved stock ranch, 320 acres. Close 10 1-0 r Lia. iiu , u. " gon. Wash, or California city property. o iDlz TV.I-H at ROSE City Park. Anderson bungalow, C rooms, corner, tai uu change for acreage or as first payment on THREE lots, near Morrison and 43d, worth $3000: want house 0 rooms, sleeping porch; won't assume more than $600. P S9U, Ore gonian. TRADE $1200 equity in $3700 St. Louis sub urban bungalow for Portland property. Ad dress . G. r., mo tm st- SEVERAL modern houses for an equipped rancn. vaney or wm., uj 67, Oregonian. :4 LOTS for exchange by owner, central East Side, near 24th and Ash. What have vou? E 691, Oregonian. HAVE choice land near Sandy for livestock or Portland property. Owner. L 686. Oregonian. CN TRADE good property for good busi "ness. Carr, Marshall 6370. Try my ex changes. WANT few rooms furniture for clear prop erty; might put in little cash. Marshall 5Sio. WANTED To exchange 3 lets at North Beach for piano. Call Sunday, between 160 ACRES $2000 house, barn, water, all fenced, for house and lot, or something 1 can uoc r-j " ' 10O ACRES alfalfa, under ditch, with llve- e-toca ana. iwis, uiiiiunwv.u, ncnniriv. N 639. Oregonian. I WANT furniture; will exchange 320 acres cheap lana. Liacrimtma wuui., 1 !.-. Iflr.li ThifH t incumoereu. rwm -. - - KEE and clear lots in Astoria for ex change: might assume some. Cameron & Ptoufer. 1109 Spalding bldg. 5-ROOM bungalow, Medford. Or., for home- WHEAT land Will reirfTsell on crop pay- - - -l nan- inDrtm'nf -hnilUfV menis or li u " Vraiff. POX flJJ, ctmaauc HAVE $700 equity 10 acres near Seattle, $500 loan to aaaujuo. iwi.. chanoise. jeweiry. m nei, -cgmi-. HOUSE equity, 100x100 lot, some cash, ex change for pianoia piano, viniruia i rlnsi furniture. Marshall! 303 MODERN 6-room Trvlngton home, trade for city property. Call East S2t, TO EXCHANGE REAL ESTATB. 30 ACRES with improvement on O. W. P. E. line, other side of Gresham; mortgage $1200. What have you to trade for equity? 406 McKay bldg. 160 ACRES of wheat land for city prop erty. Give phone. AE 728. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE MH3CELXAXEOCS. MAKE OFFER MY EQUITY, POSITIVE SACRIFICE. IN $3300 MODERN HOME. SOUTH ROSE CITY PARK. 263 N. 60TH ST., NORTH MONT A VILLA CAR. 2 LOTS. HOUSE IN GOOD ORDER, CORNER ND EAST FACE. MORTGAGE $1500. 3 YEARS; MY EQUITY WORTH $iiOO0; BEST OFFER OVER $730 1 TAKES IT; SOME TERMS OR CONSIDER SOME TRADE. LOOK THIS LP. SEE OWNER, WM. PATTISON. 209 SELLING. PHONE MAIN 1800. STAPLE JEWELRY STOCK. (No fixtures.) DIAMONDS. WATCHES, ETC., VALUE $3000; WILL CONSIDER EXCHANGE; DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE IN OR NEAR PORTLAND (No bunk equities) AT FAIR PRICE OR WILL SELL AT DIS COUNT; PART CASH. OR WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? ADDRESS OWNER, P. O. BOX 222, yOKTLAJNU. WILL give my $2000 equity in beautiful country home. 20 miles- from Portland, for a good automobile or a Portland lot suit able to build a bungalow on. On Oregon Electric; 6 acres, highly improved. Three minutes waik from station, postoffice, bank, stores, school or church. Good house and barn and other buildings. Just the place for the old folks. C 701. Orego nian. DIAMOND RING (GENT'S) SACRIFICE. BEAUTIFUL SETTING, WHITE STONE (li CARATS), COST $330. NEARLY NEW. A POSITIVE BARGAIN. 41AKE OFFER. WOULD CONSIDER SOME TRADE. WHAT HAVE YOU? ADDRESS AP 687, OREGONIAN. SHOTGUN, double-barreled, hammerless, 12- gauge, trade ior wain you uae. wo, Oregonian. . TO EXCHANGE A first-class Howard watch for canoe and paddles. AV oJ4, Oregonian. WILL exchange Edison Amberole, $200 ma chine, for horso or cows Write Otto Hclfrlcht. Orchards. Wash., route L WILL trade Remington typewriter for trunk a.id suitcase. Phone Tabor 691 or call 3923 67th St. TRADE good $40 B-flat comet for genu suit, size 36. or will sell cheap. S 689, Oregonian. WANTED To trade piano for carpentering or tinting and painting worn. auuicm AH 685. Oregonian. DENTISTRY In exchange for Vlctrola or large oak buffet. Describe same, p 660, Oregonian. TWO high-class violins, one valued at $150, for motorcycle or cash. L 6S3. Oregonian. 26-FOOT launch, 4-cyllnder, 24-horsepower, for good auto or cash. Alt 683. Oregonian. LAWN MOWER for 50 feet garden hose. 366 N. 20th. Main J WANT to exchange Vulcan gas range for good dresser. Phone Tabor 3345. I-OR SALE. Horses. Vehicle. Harness, Ete. NOBBY STABLES. 460 Flanders, has the largest assortment of rubber-tired buggies and steel-tired surreys in the city; in fact, any kind of a rig you want, from a Cunningham hack down to sets of light and heavy harness; 4 stock saddles, lo head of horses, all sizes and kind. We have a general livery, with the most reasonable NICE, gentle working team, weighing about 2250; they are fat and familiar to all kinds of ranch work; with harness, good as nevt and wagon suitable for ranch or city use; $150 cash takes outfit. 129 Hones, mules, vehicles, harness, every Monday and Friday, 10 A. M. ; only strictly commission stables in the city; consign ment solicited. The McClelland Horse Mule Co., 240 East 8th st. East 6315. BniRnRPS WANTED. Now that we have got the Rose City Stables in shape we are ready to handle about 20 head of horses to board; we also will rent a few stalls reasonable. WILLIAMSON & SUN, Aioer st LOW-SET very chunky bay mare, S years old sound and true as steel, weighs 12u0; no better one lives, $a3. Big blocky mare. 5 years old, weigns 1400, well broke to work, big bargain. Star Sand barn, 9th end East Flanders streets. SPAN of seal browns, mare and gelding, 4 and 5 years old, heavy, bone and block) built, weighing 2450 lbs., $250; also roan horse weighing I600 lbs., sound and true and free of blemishes, $H0. At Modej Stables, 5th and Davis sts. TEAM mares, weight 2400, gentle, trua workers, good farm team, fat, ready for Spring work, heavy harness ; quick sale, $165. Oregon City car to Arlington Sta tion; inquire at store for Glass' place. SPAN of mares, with foal, weighing 2730 lbs., sound and true $175; brown team, mare and gelding, o and 8 years oid, heavy bone and good workers, weighing UO IDs., .wv, at -j j-'u.vta at. PAIR bay mares, 5 yearH oid, well matchea, broke to ride and work, weight 2160; are both sorrel suitable for ranch or de livery team, $125. Come today. Star Sand barn, 9th and East Flanders. WANTED Team of horses, 9300-1050 lbs., must be sound and city broke, 7 to 8 years old- price must be reasonable. J 680, Ore- FOR SALE Nice Shetland pony colt for $50. Buy now and raise with your child. Such a pony 3 years old is worth $150 easy. K 6S0, Oregonian. FOR SALE One grey team about 3200 lbs., right off of the farm, and harness at a bargain. Inquire 245 3d sU Bismark Buffet. FOR SALE ls-ton spring wagon, also gray horse, weight 900, W years old, and single harness. Inquire DQd E. 7ta St. N. week days 325 Everett st. PORTLAND Commission Stable, 380 East Irving. Horses fed hay, 35 cents per day; 5 per cent commission charged for selling stocK, wagons or narness. ijive us airmi. BLACK horse and mare, weight 2400 lbs., i ntno. 1 Jll l7fl K' Miners. worth. MUST sell cheap a team of ponies, work single, double, or under saddle. Wood lawn 1S0S, or 1535 Boston ave., Kenton. FOR SALE 1 good driving horse, 1200 Tbs., $125; 1 heavy wagon:, $40; 1 set double harness, $-0. Marshall 3467. WANTED Team, wagon and harness for their feed; will buy if suited, a. E. Han sen, R. 4. Vancouver, Wash. TEAM mares, wt. 21O0, harness and farm wagon. $100; complete driving outfit $60, good fast driver. 14A Union ave. N. FINE team mulea, 2 horses, one a dandy, weighing 1800, tarness, wagons, etc.; cheap. Oregon Woodyard. 315 4th. st. FOR SALE Fine saddle horse, also broken to drive double or single; full of life. Phone Woodlawn 2443. WANTED to buy first-class lady's saddle horse, not leas than 1200 lbs. Phone Main 3096. BLACK mare and gray horse, weight 2400. new harness and wagon, cheap. 348 East 7th st. WANTED For cash, team, preferably mares. about 2400 lbs.; notiry oeiore ji. isun day. AM 704, Oregonian. FOR SALE A nice bay mare, 1000 lba, sound and good to work any place. Mal lory's Stables, 9th and Couch. TRAINED PONY Call for Mrs. Bertha Green, Tabor 3!Mg, or write Gresham, Oregon. WANT good 2400 team, wagon, harness, plow, harrow, cultivator, blacksmith tools. 509 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE Team, express wagon; have a good business. Must sell, as 1 am leaving town No trades. AR 6S7, Oregonian. FOR SALE at a bargain; large furniture van $250; also farm wagon. i0. Inquire 415 E. 7th. Phone East 1847. B 1962. FOR SALE CHEAP One lam of well matched horses, weighing 3oOO lbs. Owner leaving city. 2"26 Russell St.. FOR S -VLE Horse and wagon, 4 cows, 1 calf and one heifer. Adam Get tig. Gov ernment isiano. J.orin i-"riniu. WANT3D To buy good horse and buggy. as!i offer. BD 693. Oreitonian. DE VD horses and cattle taken away free; call day or night. Tabor 4203. WAGONS and horses by day $1.25. L Cohea, eo, w.tti- t. Main 220S Main 6995. DEAD horses aad cattle taken away free. Tabor 4303. 2 HORSES and wagons for sale cheap. Call 4T Tl'atAP nf See McClelland, 240 E. 8th st. FOP. SALE 6 months okl colt. 1613 Mult- noman u ONE light gooseneck wagon. Phone Sellwood 174. . PASTURE for horses, cows, calves, $1 per month. H. B. Lindsey, Orchards, Wash. FOR SALE A goed 3200-lb. team, harness nd wairon. cheapo for cash. Tabor oo2. WANTED Up-to-date second-hand light surrey, j. i.. WANT to exchange SOlOO lot for team and harness. Tabor 2137. CAM EI. BACK covered wagon $50, gcod for camping. -to luwu ave FOB SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Harness, Etc. THE UNTON TRANSFER CO. has replaced its horses and mares with auto trucks, and offer the following at a very low price; aloo some wagons and harness: Team oC 5 and 6-year-old colts, horse and mare, weigh close to 290y lba: are sound and gentle, low, blocky. heavy boned wear-forever kind that will do any or all kinds of work; including set good heavy harness, at low price otf $325. Team low. blocky orchard mares, 2400 lbs.; will plow single and double and ride; are easy keepers and any boy or lady can feed, care or drive them; are bay and black; set good heavy harness; at one price $5. One team of mares. 250O lbs.; are nice team gentle mares that will suit any one; drive or plow single or double and ride; are fat and handsome; set good harness, with breeching, at low price of $240. Mares, gray and bay, 7 years old; are a fine pair of fast-walking mares, rangy built, that will wear like Iron; they will work single or double or ride, and are not lame or sore; fearless of all city sights and true to pull: a set good heavy harness, at low price of $210. Big team horse" and mare, 2900 lbs.; are bay and black. 8 and 9 years old. good pullers and a team that will make a poor man a living, as they are good, hon est workers any place you put them; are shod, grain-fed and ready to plow or .haul; set good harness; at low price of $165. Mares team of mares, sorrel and brown. 2600 lbs.; are a pair of mares that wil. work single or double and Tide, are gen tle and a good team for any purpose; are not lame or sore, but a team of good, free-working mares; set good harness; at one price, $185. Blacks A team of matched blacks, weigh close to 2W0 lbs. and are a hand some fat team of blacks, horse and mare. 7 and 8 years old; a team that we always used on the lead, as they are fast, prompt walkers and sure pullers, single or double and will ride; have the best of feet and legs and will attract attention on any street you drive them; set of good breech ing harness and collars they have always worn; at low price of $210. Single rig A nice bay mare, kind and gentle, true, to work single or double; a set of hand-sewed express harness and a long bed buggy, nearly new; this rig will suit any small farmer that is Just starting out; at low price of $120. Farm outfit Team mares, 2600 lbs. ; are good workers and sure pullers; a set of breeching harness and a new wide tire Studebaker farm wagon, with box and seat; all ready to drive away; at one price of$250. Single horses Black mare. 183f lbs., good worker, $10; one bay horse, 120 lbs., $t5; one sorrel mare, 1050 lbs., good worker, single or double, and ride, $45; one black horse, 6 years old and a good worker, or will ride, at low price of $o0; , one black mare in foal, 9 years old and no older, good worker and true puller, at low price of $50; also a few big, young horses at low price, from $125 up. Wagons Two farm wagons, 34 axle, with box and seats all complete and two running gears, 3 axle, one new, one used, very cheap; one top camel-back sin gle wagon, $50; one top laundry wagon, nearly new, $45; one long-box single bug gy, nearly new, at $45. Harness Several sets of double harness, some are nearly new, at low price; three sets of single express harness, $3 each, no collar; one stock saddle and bridle, $16. Come and inspect our stock and any of the mares or horsea. We will try for you single or double, and deliver any thing that is bought to any boat or freight yard in Portland free of any charge; also feed three days without charge. THE UNION TRANSFER CO., 11th at Hoyt tit. HORSES AND MARES WANTED. I will he at C W Todd's barn, East 9th and Flan ders St., Monday and Tuesday, March 29-30, t TO BUY horses and mares from 5 to 30 yrs, old, 15 to 16 hands high, suitable for artil lery 1250 to 1500 lbs. They must be in fair flesh, chunky built and good boned; any color except light gray. No light boned or old horses WANTED. Will be there RAIN or SHINE. Bring in your horses and get the highest market price. I do mv own inpecting. j. D. HUSTON, Denver, Colorado. HORSES AND MARES. " One span mares, with or without har ness. 1 span, mare and gelding. 1 span, mare and gelding. 1 sorrel thoroughbred, broke single ana double. 1 brown gelding. 1 sorrel mare, work single or double. This stock at the lowest price. Mount Scott car to Lenta. Call at Kratzky Bros.' store. AUCTION SALE of horses, vehicles and harness at Colum bia Stables, 302 Front, every Thursday at 3 P. m. ; we sell on a commission basis; satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller; if you want to sell, bring your horses to our auction; U you want to buy. attend this sale. TEAM black mares, weigl't 2650, 5 and 6 years old; good workers; one bay horse, weight 1350 lbs; good worker, single or double, price $90; one team browns, weight 2300, good workers and fast walkers. Just right for small farm, cheap at $175. An derson Bros., 241 Jefferson st. $60 TAKES 3300-Ib. Clyde mare, right out of work, little thin, true double and sin gle. Ask for Mrs. Graves. Also at this place a blocky black mare, 7 years old, and sorrel horse, 1050 lbs- each $85. S car south to Sherman St., walk two blocks east to Hood St., two south. Chester 180. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. $160 BUYS beautiful mahogany upright Pi ano, fully guaranteed. Terms. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 MORRISON STREET, Northwestern National Bank Block. 10 DAYS trial of new pianos In your home before you need purchase; $10 cash, $6 moathly. without interest. Schwan Piano Co.. Ill 4th st. BEAUTIFUL grand, standard make, Monday special, $4!0. Terms. . H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, :t33 MORRISON STREET. Northwestern National Bank Block. FOR SALE Player piano, good as new; mahogany case; an excellent player at a very reasonable price; for sale by private party; a bargain for some one. Phone room 903. Benson Hotel. $390, BEAUTIFUL oak case, standard make, Monday only, $195. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 MORRISON STREET, Northwestern National Bank Block. FOR SALE cheap, fine old violin, 1514 model, -ich tone, perfect condition. Phone Tabor 3345. EXCHANGE fine new piano for unincum bered -property in or near Portland. Ta bor 12S5. STEINWAY Parlor Grand piano, rose wood, carved legs, for sale half price. 112 Royal Court. Laurelhurst. TO reduce our stock of talking machines we will sell them at less than half price. Wiley a. Alien to, STUYVESANT player piano, combination 65 and SS-note. phone Mr. Howatt, Main WILL exchange elegant talking machine outnt ior motorcycle, njmu chine Co., 350 Alder. WE rent you first-class phonograph and 18 latest 'dance records for $3.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. FOR SALE New player piano, cheap; will take second-hand piano part, balance on time. Phone Marshall 2432. BARGAIN hunters, beware! 5 player pianos, 6 pianos, must be sold by Wednesday night. L oi. oregonian. BEST offer takes baby grand piano, would trade for upright and some cash. 68 Grand ave., corner tiara. PHONOGRAPH High-grade. Vlctrola pre- jr j . va in trrti-ul tAn rH t Inn nam lowest' price for cash. AN 682. Oregonian. piao tuninev reeulating. overhaul, voicing, put in nne snape, shop, 594 4th St. SECOND-HAND piano. An organ for sale cheap. &94 4tn st. HIGH-GRADE piano at a big bargain. 328 LumDer t:x. piug.. WANT to rent a piano cheaply ; best of care ; responsible. Tabor 3326. FOR SALE Old French violin. $200 cash. M rs. Ge o. H . wuereau, uooumg, ma.m. BLACK, WALNUT case square piano cheap ior casn. a-mm CELLO for sale, worth $150, will sell for $75. Phone East 3074. l;o wiiliard piano, cost $275, almost new. 308 tn st. TO EXCHANGE OR SELL Good mandolin $o0 CHICKE RING grand piano, good con- auion, ior uu", cv i. -"- j WILL take excellent care of piano for u?e, refined home, no children. Woodlawn 2794. 17 BUYS a new $325 upright. Security Morale im., jii -n. FOR SALE ChlckerJng piano, good as new, S-iOO. 348 Lincolnst. OLD violinTfine, loud tone, $25; solo vio lin, $15. 985 Albina ave, v FOB 6A1K. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. $2-5 FOR a hue player piano with a whole armload of music. Latest improvements, practically brand-new. Terms. E. H. HOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 MORRISON STREET, Northwestern National Bank Block. G. C. CONE saxophone for sale cheap, or eUianSTEINS LOAN OFFICE, 26 N. 6th St. KBAN1CH A BACH upright grand piano, piano bench, piano player detached, sheet music cabinet, 82 selected music rolls. East 1795 until 10 A. M.. after P. M. FOR SALE Piano; walnut cue; reasonable. Marshall 792. Furniture for Sale. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED UOUSEiiOLD GOODS. We have the largest line of second hand furniture, rugs, steel ranges, iron beds, springs and mattresses in the city. We are making special prices on outfits and complete rooms of furniture. Below wo quote a few bargains: Majestic Steel Range, with ta shelf. In black finish, a splendid value at $22.30. $45 Laurel Steel Range and high closet. $20. '.MX $35 Jewell Gas Range with elevated oven and brollr. $9. $27.50 Solid quartered sawed oak book case, $12.50. Solid oak dresser with large s!e Flfnoh piste beveled oval mirror, cost new $22.50, $8.:o. 9x13 Axmlnster Rug. steam cleaned On. ental pattern, $10. Good kitchen chairs. 25c each. Wash bowl and pitcher. 65c. $35 Genuine mahogany chiffonier, a beauty, $U. Box head Singer sewing mschlne, $5. Full slse iron beds, cost $3 new, 75c $0 and $7 bedi, full size, at $1.50 each. The above are only a1 few of the many bargains we have on display. We can certainly save you some money. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORH, 208 1st., bet. Taylor and Salmon. MISH FURNITURE CO 184 First Street. New and Second-Hand Furniture. New Imitation brown leather In If old davenport regular $35. bargain at $26. $V No. 8-18 South Fend Malleable Range, slightly used, enormous bargain at $39.00. $75 Majestic Malleable Range. Special at $27.5C. 1000 Yards heavy grade print linoleum. 75c quality. Special at 39c square yard. 50 Yards of 1.25 quality Inlaid Lino leum. Big bargain at ic square jaru. Genuine satin finish brass beds. Regular prlco $10.50. special now at o.ou. citirhtiv tiu4 ri mi hi a oven 4-burner Jewel and Relinble gas ranges, worth $20, should go quicKiy at .ou eacu. $23 Quartered oak extension dining tables, special at sis. io. MISH FURNITURE CO.. 184 First Street. New and Second-Hand Furniture. BRU. -RARGAINS IN FURNITURE. $130 dining-room set. slightly used. In beautiful golden oak quartered, consisting of 8-ft. extension table, 6 box seat din ers, buffet and china closet. 5 buys complete outfit. Antimie dresser of genuine Mexican ros-iv.-ood, hand-carved mirror frames. This Is a very old pattern, and will be appre ciated by those looking for goods of this character. Fine malleable range, 2.0-inch oven, in perfect condition, $27.50; other ranges as Innr AM S10. Fine quartered oak wax finish library table, cost new $35, a real snap for $13.73. We carry the most complete line of medium and high-grade second-hand fur niture in the city. We can furnish your home complete for 1-3 of what you pay for new goods. COVELL FURNITURE CO.. Mala 3022. 204 1st St- Main 3022. We Buy. Sell and Exchange. $750 FOR $250. 7 rooms furnished with quarter-sawed oak blrdseye maple and leather furni ture that must be sold today on account of other business: don't miss this bargain: rin novor sr another like it: call today after 9 A. M.. tomorrow will be too late; remember, this furniture cont me $750, It Is yours for $250. G. L. Johnson, 108 30th st, between Morrison and Yam hill. Phone Marshall 3268, flat for rent for $25 per month. OAK FURNITURE of 5-room bungalow; good as new; Iron beds, springs, mat tresses, rugs, buffet, dining-room table and chairs. Monday, 2 to 7 P. M. ; Wednesday all day. 957 E. 24th Phone Wednesday only. Woodlawn 1439. rrTRVTTHHR and furnishings for 6-room house will be sold either complete or separately; the nest Dargain in mo city. Call 3239 E. 10th st. North; take Wood lawn car to Jessup st BEAUTIFUL, clean, roomy rtat, complete; oak furnithre, sleeping porch; ready to movo In. Do you want it before the 1st? Phone East 5438. HOUSEHOLD furniture 7 rooms. Oriental r,ri.a-hrr Haviland china, cut glass, draperies, bedding, etc. Phone East 179. netore i- . an... mi o FOR SALE Furniture of 11 housekeeping rooms; good location; terms. 413 Main st. Marshall 4377 GOOD, reliable gas range. 4 ovens. 6 burn ers $65, for $22. East 6417. Calef Store, 548 Williams. COMPLETE furnishing for 5 rooms, every thing in first-class condition, cheap; owner leaving City. 3-t tvearuey pt. FOR SALE: $50 will buy a fine $120 latest model Remington No. 11. Marshall 3181, Highland Court. FOR SALE, very reasonable, davenport, gas range, two bedroom dressers, table and chairs. jau at oi dih bi. SNAP Waxed oak furniture, excellent rug, piano, corner flat; terms. 33 N. 17th St., block Washington. fi?AP tl" Ao-eire- infbator. also used fur niture or will exchange for bicycle. Tabor 4426. TO SELI Furniture,' carpets, everything $75. Kent 9J.nv tor tenant, jo r. i-tn ALL or by piece, furniture of four-room iiai. on 'a out at-. " " 1 ..... HAVE 4 Iron bedsteads, springs, mattresses, 2 tables; sell half price. 3'9 3d st. FURNITURE of 27 rooms, $200 will handle. 129 Grand ave., near Morrison. 9 ROOM, partly furnished, $100; rent $20. Close Courthouse, aiain wo. Dogs. Birds. Pet Stock. LEAVING town, must sell fine, young, Aire dale terrier dog, registered stock; can see do at 80th and M sts.. Vancouver, Wash. j antes "BREEDER'S REVIEW," a publication for rabbit, pigeons, dog fanciers etc, 00c year. Co First st., r-orua-nq. ur, FOR SALE Pure-bred Pitt bull pup, 12 months old: $8, including license. In quire 012O 4ist ave. p. r. AIREDALE bitches. In whelp, wanted; will buy or trade male Russian wolfhound. DR. DEACON, WEED, CAL. PERSIAN kittens, orange, pedigreed beau ties, cheap. East 6171. C S104. 411 E. 11th N. FOR SALE Fox terrier pups; also pe3i- greea same ocot.cn i-ume puy. CH R. RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. . LADD1X KENNELS. E STA CAD A. OR. BULL terrier, Scotch collie, pit bull, pedi greed. 965 E. Broadway. BEAUTIFUL English canary singers $3. Mrs. R. Ferguson, East 1439. 394 Morris St. FOR SALE Full-blooded Spits dog, cheap. Phone E. 4389. Poultry. SINGLE Comb Black Minorca eggs for sale. 15 for $2. 10 for $3.50, pen headed by first prize cockerel Oregon State Fair; satis faction guaranteed. L. M. Meeker, Hub bard, Oregon. WHITE WYANDOTTE EGGS from heavy laying strain, $2 per 15; 50 per cent hatch guaranteed or order duplicated half price. Phone Main 6v00. Thos. J. Keenan, 348 E. 6th st. N. FINE cockerels, hens, pullets, incubators for sale: White Leghorns, White Plymouth Rocks, progeny of prize-winners. Eggs for hatching. McCoy, 332 Chamber Commerce. Marshall aiu. .40-EGG hotwater Incubator, new; will hatch March 30 and then It will be sold cheap. N A. Thelamler, Woodstock, 60th st. and 69th ave. KELLERSTRASS White Orpins-tons, ll.BO and $2.50 a setting. Crystal Poultry lard, 4219 48th ave., S. E. WANT to buy 10 to 50 colonies of bees; also four dozen Leghorn bens. 609 Com mercial bldg. FOR SALE 8 fine laying hens, 3 rooster, house and wire, $10. Phone Woodlawn U2 BPST Rhode Island Red eggs, 73 cents set- ting, t-asi oyio. ""'j - FULL-BLOOD Black Minorca egs $1 for MAMMOTH White Pekm durk eggs for oct- Tinr ii'CT r rum r- FOR SALE Thoroughbred Rhode Island Red COCKS rODOt pwinwwu .v. FOB A Lit. l'eultry. 252- P ET ALUM A too Mandy Im ut-atoi t. good hatchers. xenn ir v . ! B. Rock, W. P.ock. H. I. Kd or Huff Or pington hens. Finest strains above varie ties on our farms now. tor listen ing, lortiuty guaranteed. Prices r:"t Clover Hill Farms poultry Dept., ler Ula.io. iir! . WHITE ORPINGTON. KsiUr Sirass and Cook stock prte winners. Breeding pn. of four birds. $15 and cookers is. $:t up. Hens and pullets, $2..V up. C. L. Lunula. Milwaukie. Or Phone 4 1 WE SELL 100 Whits Leghoru babr c from best utility siook anu eur .rr. brooder for $e.A0. April and Msy ery; we guarantee "ie dsllvery. In Pioneer Hatchery, pctaluma. Cat Live I AM offering for sale 24 head of 1 me dairy oows. soma frrah with reives, ntheis coming tresh every day. mostly Jr-y and Guernsey, few Durham snd Holstein; all Inspected ; certificates furnished wl: U every row; will sU one or all; prim $50 to $S3. Take Woodstock car to 5uia eve., 3 blocks west. ONE cow, freh soon, teem of hors, har ness and covered was on, all In good con dition; mu!t cll soon. J. Wsllets. R. 1. I, Portland. Or. Mt. Scott r to SMh. and Inquire at tore. 5 EXTRA fine cows for sale on c mitt of moving. 4 Just freah, 1 be freah son; -tested; sell one or more. KM1 wood r to Insley ave.. 3 block south. 3 blot. Us east to 709 Harold sve. 40 HEAD of good dairy cows. Hoist"!". lur ham, 4 to u gallons, Jei and Gurny S to 5 gallons. Take Woodstock rsr lo va ave walk 4 blocks w est. 1 not ill. REGISTERED Jersey bull, bat blood lines; for sale or exchange. Address C. W. t man, route 3, Portland, or phoue Wood lawn 277L FOR SALE Two-year-ohi heif-r; will be fresh soon; s'.so 2 calves months old. 1613 Multnomah st. . FOR SALE 3 sow a and pit", ra h --ne ft to 7 pigs. Your choice $20. K 01. Ore- gonlan. FOR SALE or cohane, registered Jeraejf bull. J 6S:i, Ongonlan, FINE Guernwv heifer calf, lutt Et IMH N. :it 4263. FIRST-CLASS cow cheap. Tabor 5710. Tom Cow 1 ng. Len t. Or. FKESH Jersey-Guernsey cow and liellvr wi for sale. Call 112o Montana, ave. FINE thoroughbred Jeraey cow. 203 let Bryant st. Woodlawn 538. Automobiles. MR. PURCHASER. We have a few high-ciass, ahuoluioly up-to-date elec. lighted and vtarted c.is which we can give ou st bitr value than you can possibly set elae where la thia clasa cur. Let up demonatrste to you Call East 2177 or B 12dJ. Also a few others. Flanders roadster. . . . Cadillac 5-passenger. . Mitchell 5-pasaenger.. ..$250 . . no . . 300 MITCHELL. LEWIS A KTAVER CO., East Morrison snd East First St. JITNEY MEN ATTENTION! We have several uaed cars that can. be bought at bargain prices ; cash or terms. Look! Winton '1V' 7-psm $ Stearns, 4. 3-paes 7.tl Steams-Knight. 4. B-r .$12.n Thomas tj. 7-paas $ " and others. Also Elmore rradtiier for $200 spot cash. MULTNOMAH GARAGE 4k AUTO CO., 6th and Madison. NOW READY FOR DELIVERY. Federal truck equipped with 114-pss-senger bus body; luxurious, roomy, up holstered in leather, electric puaii but tons, electric lighted, brand new; small initial payment, balance easy terms. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, 6M Wsihlngton St. WANTED I have an option on one of the best automobile agencies in Portland tint control a the beat line of trucks snd plaa ure cars on the market. Would consider partner with capital to handle this. Lmve vour com mimical Ion at Oregonian of t ice. The company wlli bear the closest Invetl g atlon. AB Oregon la n. 1914 COLE, 4-cy Under, S-pawfrenger car, fully equipped, extra equipment conflat ing of 3 extra casings. extra tube, t extra demountable rtma, mlrroracops. pow er pump and stand a me in about fli.tOo; has run less than 7i0 miles; pfrrfer-t con dition; will sell for $1250; terms. AG 7, Oregonian. i ONE 1013 Ford roadate.-, with $Ho egtrs. equipment and good shape, -3; one Flanders, lisht dt livery, completely ovei -hauled and new tires. $235 : un h lenders 20. speed bug. $14); on E. M. F. radt r, bargain, $iou; one Case 30. wreck, pans cheap. 170 Union avenue south, Opsa Sunday 1 to 4 P. M. , CADDILLAC. completely equipped. with Kellogg power tire pump, bumper, new Nobby Tresd tires, two axtras, gas ser and other modern equipment. Electrically lighted and started. Come quick tor this 1012 Csdtllac; $m0. Covey Motorcar Co., 21st and Washington. 7-PASSENGER. fore door cur; good condi tion snd has always had good care. TbtS car would be fine for hire or itge service; $300 cash and balance on mot. t li ly installment a. Would also accept a small runabout as part payment. Apply Monday. 212 First at . PARTNER wanted; I recently bought tru-k fur freight business; am now convince A there Is money in the Jitney bus' business. Want partner with $3ito for one-half Inter est. Need money to build bua body. etc. Address. If you have the money and mesa business, AB 601. Oregonian. SnTvPS FOR CASH IK II. P., 7-Ieii-ger In good condition, good tires, top snd windshield, $1000. Flanders 2'. with good deliver bodv. tires and wlndahleld, good condition. $250; will demonatrste. I'red. Dundee. 7 jeneraon. a tnvi.'tf.u i W V It Wanted, partv to buy ud Federal truck with 14-paaseiiser bus body; anap at $14io0; onlv $0OU caM. required, balunce $IO( monthly. AG 670, Oregonian. lliH -CYLINDER, 7-paitsenger Studebuktr, fully equipped, seat covers, extra tire, tube tire covers, etc. ; run 00 mllt-a; snap; $1150. Answer quick. AG 80, Oie goiitan. JITNEY HI'S. -HH Studebaker. $rtS0 $75 down, balance $10 week. Main 6345. Main I23. FOR SALE Account of sinrag snd otlier charges, 5-pass. Uulrk No. lO In fine shape. $205. Van Horn Transfer Co., First st. - ONE 6-psssenger Chalmers In flrst-c as condition; make dundy Jitney. $'-'75. B -mont Garage, E. Ji3d and Morrisou. S. 1127. A L DV'S CAR A Wood electric, just the car for YOl MADAME. Nw bstierira and evervthing in excellent shape. Covey Motorcar Co., 21st and Washington. WB make out your 1015 auto or motorcycle) licenses complete with all notary work for 40 cents. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 30 Alder. FOR SALE Oil TRADE. White steamer. 5 passenger 20 H. P.. In good condition, with top snd windshield, $150. G. E. bpn- Cpr, 271 East water n.,w"nny. WANT late-model, 6-cylindar. 7-pasenger auto, electric lights snd starter; give full deacrlption snd total dittance run. BD , Oregonian: GO picnicking or hunting. We rent you fine. large car, everyming iip-wunw. oi prices by the day. Rex Auto Co So0 Alder. 4-CYLINDER Studebaker engine complete with coils, pump, msster vibrator end reversible wheel, in good shape, to trade for launch or fih boat. G 6n."i, Qrcgonln. FORD chassia In good running condition; all good tires. $175 cash. Belmont Gar age. E. S3d and Morrison. E. 11 27, FOR SALE 3-ton Packard truck, recently overhauled and in food condition. AC 180, Oregonian. VK rent you a fine, up-to-date auto rhenper than you can own one. Special daily rates. Rex Auto Co.. 350 Alder. MAXWELL runabout, in Hrst-cja-s shape at a bargain. Apply Lincoln, 8.4 Lnion sve. North. . . WANTED Auto: will exchange 160 with Improvements, $20o. mortgage ' Will srlve rood deal. 23 Worcester bldg. FOR SALE Reo 2-ton truck snd good "' ness; Just overhauled; a sacrifice, tsuo. Phone col. FOR SALE, or mould consider a tra.1, f passenger touring car. 1012 model. In first class condition. AM 67. Oregonian. CH ALM ERS 7-passonger, practically ntw, will sell I for about one-third co.t. cash or cood security, wl Bwei'ni dim. FOR SALE By owner. B-pasaenger auto. In rood condition; will sell ohesp. Phone Sellwood 1 ft. BCICK .to H. P-. cssh. or trads for acreage. Main .ii-o. !'.' GOOD runabout, new tires, $150 cash. S3 1st St. ROOM V 5-paaenger auto. HO H. P.. ood "Condition. $300. 204 Ablngton bldg. PRIVATE gsrage for rent, $3 month. Overton. GOOD auto for sale at a bargain, $33fi i O.J, jjregonian. STVOEBAKER Flv-P.n.r body. ijjb ,nd renqer.. sn rrninis - -- 1012 S-PM. Ov.tliud. 1H. klaln 630S. A V