CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPORTING AND MARKET REPORTS SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 16 PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCII 28, 1915. NO. in. VOL.. XXXIV. COVELESKIE TAKES TERRIBLE BEATING time to put In two afternoons of stren uous practice. Before leaving this city, Hogan said that he would use either West or Henley In the box. Four men were left behind today Koestner, Kader, Bliss and Yantz the first a pitcher, the second an Infielder and the latter pair catchers. Two of this pair have been unconditionally re leased, but Hogan would not name the two. COAST LEAGUE RACE BEGINS ON TUESDAY See the Big niture bpecia At Gadsbys' this week! Hundreds more just as attrac tive when you get here. Buy the furniture you need at Gadsbys'. You'll save big money Come and see. The only furniture store occupying their own building. No Rent to Pay, That's Why Gadsby Sells for Less $50 Five-Piece Parlor Suite, Gadsbys' Price $25 $25.00 Did you ever see so much Parlor Suite for so low a price, consisting; of: One Larg'e Settee, one Large Arm Rocker, one Large Arm Chair and two Reception Chairs. The frames of the set are solid birch, finished in pretty dark mahog any, and are well upholstered over fine coil springs and covered in dJOCf brown Spanish chase leather. Regular price 50; special one-half price MO OTHER THREE-PIECE PARLOR SUITES AS CHEAP AS SIS. Ask to See the Bargains in Our Exchange Department Clean-Up of Odd Sample Go-Carts at Low Prices! Some Slightly Scratched or Otherwise Damaged. About two dozen Go-Carts and Perambulators that have been used on our floor as samples have become soiled, scratched or slightly damaged. On Monday we shall close them out at very attractive prices. There's only one of a kind; come early! c-lTart..sS16.00 $25.00 Perambu lator S37.50 Perambulator J38.00 Perambu- 25 50 $41.50 Perambu lator U2.50 Sturgis . -t Cf Go-Cart P ' J-J $14.50 S furs' is Q Cfl Cart... :$10.75 Go-Cart. J16.00 Sturgi Go-Cart :cLur.ei.s$11.50 12.00 $16.75 $25.00 $27.50 Your Credit Is Good $ 50.00 Worth, of Furniture $ 5.00 Down, $1.00 a Week $ 75.00 Worth of Furniture $ 7.50 Down, $1.50 a Week $100.00 Worth of Furniture $10.00 Down, $2.00 a Week $125.00 Worth of Furniture $12.50 Down, $2.25 a Week $150.00 Worth of Furniture $15.00 Down, $2.50 a Week $200.00 Worth of Furniture $20.00 Down, $3.00 a Week Your Credit Is Good Save 10 to 25 by Buying Your Gas Stove or Water Heater From Gadsbys' ff IISssSR ' (iff J lilllpifi B I I 1 Thi9 Style gL fl $22.50 L Jggl111 Buy your Gas Range while the price Is iow, $20 Gas Ranges, $1 O rJA special, at P 1 sS.iJU Other Gas Stoves as cheap as JUI.50 i-fci . T lor hot water at a less cost (jaS rIateS aS LOW r foel. Quicker hot water without fns, trouble or wor to ftOo ry. Gadaby sella water heat- t JUL era for leas. RUGS Great Sale of Room-Size We have cut the price of Rugs and Carpets again 11119 WCCI. lllfT 13 JUU1 LliaillC IU UUJ Llltaui Bagdad Wiltons, tfOQ (?ft 9x12. for &XJiJ Sanford A x m i n- Q OCA sters, 9x12 ipO.OU Extra Axminsters QO Cf 9x12, for p&&.DU Saxony Axmin-dJIO f sters, 9x12, for. . .P 1 O.OV Sussex V e 1 v ets, 9x12 size, special. P Metropolian Brus- djlfi 7tZ sels, 9x12 iplXJ.I 3 Eureka Brussels, d1 O Cf 9x12, special. . . . . J Smaller Rugs for less Money. PARPFT REMNANTS We have a number of Remnants for small rooms at ridiculously low prices. Bring correct measure of any small room you wish to carpet and we will find a bargain for you. ....... Couch Special, Only $9.85 .Biggest Couch value ever of fered in Portland. Upholstered In imitation black leather, full steel construction. Beautiful figured oak frame. High-rent stores ask $18.00 for Couches not as good as this. Q Off Gadsbys' price D7.0J PSV Steel Beds $3.50 Iron Beds now df QC only, each Bl.I7iJ "Vv only, each DJ.OW $5.00 Iron Beds now do 7C only, each DOfJ $7.00 Iron Beds nowtjje Jti only, each II. O $18 Brass Beds now JQ JTl jnlv, each DO I O $22.00 Brass BedsdJ-lO Crt now only, each.,.wiMtwv I Solid Oak Dining Table $9.85 1 Ladies' Dressing Tables Reduced $9 45 Three Patterns Dressing Tables reduced this week; either birds eye maple, mahogany or golden oak. Special at Gadsbys' $9.45 . I ft i Hp Solid Oak Cut Price $9.85 This Handsome $16.00 Dining Table, solid oak throughout, 42-inch top, 6-foot extension, with extra heavy pedestal. dQ OC Special Cut Sale Price... : ....pi7.00 vm. ijradsov c Washington and First Streets & Sons Negroes Siam Out Two Home Runs, Three Doubles and Singles Galore. BEAVERS BEATEN, 9 TO 1 Recruit Goes Well lot Six Innings and Then Blows TTp Rain Only Prevents More Runs Derrick .Makes Unassisted Doable. FRESNO, CaL. March 27. (Special.) The American Giants today rode Stan ley Coveleskie, one of McCredie's new pitchers, for two home runs, three doubles and numerous singles. Had the game not been called early in the ninth tnniiie. the Giants would nave oeen credited with a third home run and two additional singles. The score was 9 to 1. Rain caused the postponement of the contest. For the first six innings Coveleskie pitched a fine brand of ball, allowing but two runs and keeping six hits well scattered. An error contributed to the run-getting of the Giants in the fifth, when they scored two runs. Coveleskie Gets It Hard It was in the seventh inning that the Giants went after Coveleskie in a mur derous manner, getting two horns runs and scoring three tallies. With two out Bauchman singled to center. Gatewood caught a fast ball on the nose and it went out of the lot via the right field fence. Barber followed Gatewood to the plate, e nd the first ball that Covel eskie offerod was sent out of the lot in exactly the same manner as Gatewood's drive. From this on Coveleskie was continually in trouble, two doubles and a pair of singles in the eighth adding four runs, The third home run, which is not re corded, came in the first of the ninth. With only one out McNair poled the ball over the centerfield fence near tiie clubhouse. . Portland's lone tally came in the third inning, the first score of the game. Stumpf went safe on a hopping drive to Hutchison. Murphy flew out to Duncan. Lober hit to right for two bases and Stumpf scored tho run. Derrick Alone Slakes Double Flay, Derrick broke into the summary with an unassisted double, the first of the practice season. It happened in the third inning. Bauchman had placed himself on first with a single to left. Gatewood slammed a line drive toward first. Derrick successfully corralled it and stepped on the bag, catching Bauchman off about 10 feet. Today was the first time that rain has fallen here since the training sea son opened. The shower was little more than a sprinkle but both teams had enough baseball for one day, eo the umpires decided to call it quits. The final game of the training season will be played tomorrow. The scbre: America.ii Giants ' I Portland- B H OAK) BHOAE Barber.l. 5 10 1 l!Daris,3 4 0 120 Hlll.l 3 11 0 Olpeas.m. . . 3 0 0 10 Duncan, m. 4 12 0 0Darrlck,l. . 4 19 10 McNalr.r.. 3 0 3 1 OlOoane.r . . . 4 1 0 00 Santop.c 4 l a uuituinpl,.'., 3 z 4 11 H'tchison. 4 2 3 ZOMuruhy.s.. 3 0 5 4 2 Francls,3. 3 2 1 1 0,l.ober.l 3 2 1 00 R'diman.2 4 4 1 1 1 Carlsch.c. . X 1 4 3 1 jatew'od.p 4 2 0 1 povel'kie.p 3 0 0 2 0 Totals. .34 14 24 7 21 Totals. . .30 7 24 14 4 Uame called In ninth, account rain. .0000203 .0111304 .01 000 000 1 .03 10030 0 7 McNair, bantop, American Giants Hits Portland Hits Runs. Barber. Duncan, Hutchinson. Francis. Bauchman 2, Gatewood, Stumpf, Home runs. Gatewood, Barber. -Struck out. by Coveleskie 4. Gatewood Base on balls, off Coveleskie 1. Two-odtae hits, Lober, Bauchman 2, Mumpf, Duncan. Stolen bases, Carisch, Derrick. Coveieskie. Sacriflce hits, Speas. Francis, McNair. Dou ble plays. Murphy to Derrick: Derrick, un assisted. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Coltrln and Lush. iRiAIV KEEPS SEALS INDOORS White Sox to Begin Dreary Trip to Tank Towns, En Route Home. SAN FRANCISCO, March 27. (Spe cial.) Rain today prevented any game between the Sox and the Seals at Rec reation Park. However, with any sort of a chance, the doubl header will be played tomorrow, with the White Sox against Oakland as well as San Fran cisco. Rain or shine the Chicagoans are scheduled to break camp tomorrow af ternoon and head for home via the one night stands. Rowland's men will play Redlands Monday and then start the dreary monotony of games in the tank towns. They will loaf in St. Louis April 13 and the day following start a four-game series. After that comes Detroit and finally Chicago and home on April 22. HOG AX LEAVES FOUR AT HOME Koestner, Rader, Bliss and YanU Not Taken; Two Will Be Released. LOS ANGELES, Cal., March 27. (Special.) Accompanied by a full squad of 20 men. Manager "Happy" Hogan, of the Venice Coast League team, left here today for Salt Lake, where he will open the season on Tuesday with the Mormons. It is ex pected that the team will reach Salt Lake tomorrow afternoon with ample SALT LAKE BASEBALL CRAZY Blankenship Says Tigers' Appetite for Raw Jieat Will Die Tuesday. SALT LAKE. Utah. March 27. (Spe ciaL) Four thousand fans saw Blank enship's squad work out this afternoon, There is to be a free practice game to morrow afternoon and 10.000 people are expected to be on hand. The town is baseball crazy. Blankenship today said that he would not pick his club captain until Tues day. There is little doubt, however, that Tennant will be the choice. Eddie Faye, who has been laid up with a slight attack of hay fever, was out today. Another Ideal day favored the work men at the new park and there seems no chance now but that the opener will be staged there. Hogan sent a tele gram today saying that his Tigers were on their way and were after raw meat. "I don't think they'll have such a good appetite Tuesday night, re marked Blankensnip. NEW tJXEFORMS GIVEN OAKS Gardner Likely to Play in Field for Opener if Johnston Is Late. SAN FRANCISCO. March 27. (Spe cial.) The Oakland club will appear tomorrow morning against the White Sox in their 1915 uniforms, weather per mitting a game. Christian Issued uni forms to members of his club today and wants them to wear the same to morrow to accustom them to their new "duds." The Oaks had rather a slack day of it today. Christian put his squad through a light drill in the forenoon and declared a halt holiday for the balance of the day. Since it is not figured Jimmy Johnston will be hore In time for the opening game, ltub, Gardner is slated for left Held. Athletics Rout Phillies. JACKSONVILLE, Fla., March 27. The Philadelphia Americans defeated the Philadelphia Nationals here today. Score: , R. H. E.l . R. H. E, Nationals.. 1 5 0 Athletics 3 3 Batteries Alexander. Demaree. Tin- cup and Adams; Bush, Pennock, Shaw- key and Lapp, Scbang. Cubs Defeat Louisville. TAMPA Fla.. March 27. The Chicago Nationals won from the Louisville American Association team here today. Score: R. H. E.l R. H. is. Louisville.. 14 lChicago 13 13 6 Batteries Northrup. Ellis and cros- sin, demons; Bobbins, McConncll, Buckles and Bresnahan, riargreave. Red Sox Defeat Atlanta. iTT.lKT no faroh 27. The Bos 4n Njatlftnnln defeated the Atlanta Southern Association team here today. The game was called alter seven in r H k li. ti. r.. Atlanta 1 0Boston 3 4 0 Batteries Heitt, Pearson and Rum er; Cocreham, Luque and Tragesser. INDIANS BEATEN AGAIN ORGGOX NINE WINS SECOND GAME WITH CHEMAWA REDSKINS. Beckett and Tuerck, Despite Sore Arms, jrfnd Aborigine Not Dangerous, d University Takes Contest 7 to 6. UNIVERSITY OF OREGON, Eugene, March 27. (Special.) Oregon ballplay ers nosed out a aecond victory over the Chemawa Indians, when they finished this afternoon's game on the long end of a 7-to-6 score. Although the result was close, the outcome of the battle was never in serious doubt, and the lemon yellow tossers held the upper hand throughout the contest. Johnny Beckett and Long Bill TuercK wirled for Bezdek. and kept the safe well enoueh scattered to as sure a victory. Both pitchers worked easy and took care of their sore wings. Chemawa waxed dangerous in ine nun Inning when tho bases became popu lated, and R. Adams slapped the ball far out into centerneld and scored on a brace of errors. Hunter-Elk was on the siao lor tne redskins and hurled a good game, con sidering the ragged support he had. Sheehy, Beidek's . recruit fielder, brought the crowd to its feet when he pulled two sparkling catches In the garden. Grebe, at second, the other freshman, broke in with some pretty stops and covered a good deal of ground in all his play. Both Grebe and Sheehy appear a trifle bat shy. Bezdek asserts that he will have them over this habit before many weeks have passed. Cottonweir arid Hauser were the best bets on the Chemawa team. Coach Bezdek, while reviewing the two games, said: I am not satisfied with the team. Its fielding is ragged and the boys are too prone to toss the ball ail over the lot in an effort to catch a runner. We have some good practice games before we get into the conference season, and by that time the boys should be going better." Beavers Are to Open at Los Angeles With Oaks at San Francisco. DOPING IT CAN'T BE DONE Addition of Mundorff and Johnson Is Expected to Boot Oakland Lot. Portland Fans Loth to Fret Even With Bad Scart. Bf BOSCOE FAWCETT. Spring training's month of creaky Joints and lamentations of tlie sore arms is Just about at the end of Its tether. Tuesday afternoon the Psclflc Coast League will officially usher In King Baseball. It la a momentous occasion in the north end of the circuit, because Port land has copped four pennants in the past five yesrs and everybody Is pull ing for another. It Is a big day. even off beyond the Rockies, beraui-e the Coast League Is the first of all the leagues of prominence to begin opera-" tions and the last to close. Our season Is seven months long, and the seven months' grind is sched uled to drop into Its time-worn groove, with Portland at Los Anneles, Oakland t San Francisco and Venice at tall Lake City. Salt Uke Itrplarea Sirrisifslo. Salt Lake is a new city in the Coast League. It takes the place of Sacra mento, and there is much conjecturo as to the possibilities of the Utah n,e tropolls in a A A circuit. Cliff Blan kenship, an ex-Coast catcher. Is man aging the Mormons or Hecs If yon wish it and the chances are that If Blankenship puts a contending team In tho field his home fans will give him big-town support. So far as doping out the strength of the clubs U concerned, it can't le done. Ye dopester may ridicule this or that team only to have his prog nostications knocked Into a cooked hat the next day by tho addition of a couple of big leRgue castofls. Oakland did that iiltio thing me other day by grabbing Mundorff, of the Seals, and Johnston, of the Chicago Cuba. Those two players will help tho Oaks a lot. Speaa to Take Ryan's riser. Clarence Rowland, manager of the Chicago White Sox, chucked his braves against all the Coast clubs this hpring and his opinion looks good enough to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Port land and Venice. Portland possesses a vastly over hauled alignment. Mack will have a new third baseman and a new keystone combination. Davis or Naughton will start at third in Kores" place, wltK Murphy, of the Phillies, and Stumpf, o the Cleveland Spiders, t short un'i second. Speas will take Buddy Ryan a place. Kircher. of Atlanta, will act as ntliitv outfielder. Tortland has sub stantially the same old pitching staff, with a couplo of youngsters sprinkled While this bunch docsn t appear quite as strong as the pennant winners as they finished last season. Walter Mack is the best Utile rehabllitator In the business, and if there is a weakness you can rest assured that hole will gel instant plugging. Local fans have ceased frettins. however, even when their Beavers got off to a bad start. Anscla Shift at Second. The Los Angeles club also will fur nish a new combination arouna sec ond. -VIcMullen of the tacoma ciuo will start at second base, ana eri . rh tlnv Stanford star, has played Huemiller out of the shortstopplng Job. Otherwise the Angels will be about the same old squad, minus fcnmne, ana with Muesel as snare outfielder. rvauin-nrt inH San Francisco tangle again in the opener at home for the first time since 1913. when the Oaks gave thfeir transbay rivals suyh a ter rible mauling. The Oaks look like Jacobs coat, or, more correctly, like a barnstorming all-star lineup. Elliott, of the Venice Tigers, is behind the bat; llumiorff and Johnston, former Seal, are under new colors: Malarkcy. former Senator: Lindsay, once with Portland, and Litschl.'of Venice, besides Alcock, ex chinxiro shnrtxtoD. and Miinda. a re cruit sccond-sacker from Decatur, or the Three-Eye League, aecorato nm lineup. This club Is vastly rcnovatea riiTin in ih nltrhlnir deiaruneni. wnci Christian thinks he is exceptionally strong. Boyd is the principal addition to the twlrlers. Seals Al In Made-Over Class. Run Francisco Is also a made-oter club. Harry Wolverton has supplant ed Del Howard as manager and the Seals will have three new Inflelders and one or two new outfielders. Harry Hellmsn, the yoimsgter. wno piayea wtih Portland's Northwest club two yesrs ago. will be the regular flrst sacker: Leard, of Venire, will start t second, and Jones, a kid wroni the Union , Association, will hold down intra. Ping Bodie. famous lenceouster or he Seals 1909 pennanteers, is buck from Chicago. Relsigl and r-mitn are noteworthy pitching additions. Over at Salt Lake the fans are mK- Concluded on fuse WHO'S WHO WITH THE PORTLAND COAST CHAMPIONS. PLATER, POSITION', NICKNAME. G us La vum Fisher, c. (Gus) Fred Carisch, c. (Fred) Fred Derrick, lb. (Fred) William Stumpf, 2b. (Bill)... Robert Cottrln. es. (Bobby)... Geo. Naughton, lib. (Naughty) Herbert Murphy. 3b. fBert). Robert Davis, 3b. f Bobby) Elmer Lober. If. (Ty William Speas, cf. (Heinle) Waiter Doane. rf. (Bullet) George Kircher, rf. (Gorge) . . . Irvin Higplnbotham. p. (HIg).. Harry Krause, p. (Hal John Lush. p. (Johnuy) Evan Evans, p. (Rube) , Elmer Martinoni D. fMartv.... Elmer Leonard, p. (Tiny). . , . Elmer Ricger. p (Elmer)..,. Patrick Callahan. D. (Pa.t Stanley Coveleskie, p. (Stanley) HCME. Portland, Or Hudson. Wis Clayton, Ga Baltimore. Md. . . . San Jose, Cal Caldwell, Idaho. .. I Auburn. N. Y jVUtSDUTK. t- Toledo, Ohio Portland. Or Louisville. Ky Yates Center, Kan. San Francisco. Cal. WUIiamsport, Pa. . Scbring. Ohio Oakland. Cal Napa, Cal Los Angeles. Cal. Chehalis, Wash Shamokin. Pa - K m " 2 : 2 . o, ; Portland. .. Married". 2:1 Cleveland... Married. 3 2 Portland... Married. "J Cleveland... hinjtle... 113 Hallard.... Plnple.... -4 Pendleton.. Finale... 23 Jersey City. Harried. 24 Portland... Single... 2:t Portland.... Slnirle... 22 Portland... Slndle... 27 Portland... Married. 27 Atlanta.... Single... 2." Portland... Married. 3.1 Portland... Married. '-'! Portland..-. Married. :io Portland... Married. 23 Portland... Single... 24 Bsllard.... fihmle... I 23 Portland... Married. ! 24 Ballard finple. . . I 23 Snokane.... Married. ! 2.1 176 17.1 175 173 IllJ 1.-.0 1.-. mo i. tv. 1R7 IBS 1 '.If. 170 IKS lh5 1 !.'. 220 170 1 171 S.ll A 10 a o e n a 11 r. 5.S iM 5 0 5.11 60 3 7'.4 6 1 r.iovi 5.9 V, 6.2 .t I 6.1 ! niiVi 10 I s.n I a 2 o - i " S " 5 S rpT i'l .21 -1M2 2 ,'JliH .f-l S.I .2M7 ."' 21 .210 .It:l6 2H .310 .WD 46 .-.:; j ." tl .240 .IMS IS .24i .U73 1.1 .276 17 .CT.'l .WJ 34 .277 4 .211 8" .22 :2 1 1MI7 .noo 2 .21 .'! " .K..1 .DM ,1:1 .077 o .21 J 1 ." I I .2ii r 4 .217 I .077 , 1 r jr