r 16 m THE SUNDAY QgEGmA3Tf TOlirLAyD, 3IABCH 31, 1015, BUSINESS OrrOBTUXITlBS. "THE ROAD TO SUCCESS IS ! maintained by knowledge; ao bunHS uc cs is yoasiule without Knowledge ui con tiiliors. opoortunit.e. and P"";?! tior. of metnoos. timely ueLiuna ana practical contnu in general, lor Uai has been of greatest help to Ju-mess ma, is the Mail uruer Journal; - hetlier ' you aro well established or starting in " bualnew lite, the Mail Order Journal can 1 be of marial teip to you. a it haa been " to thousands of other business men. it Is ' in indispensable publication for business men in eery line, who are after more traae, ana specially valuaoie lor begin " nere trade conditions, prospects and ac-vertiain:- methods pointed out - in even issue; uoce a sucscriber you will always want If mi will find it a necessity; reg ular subscription $1; six months' trial 2.c, no sample copies. The Mail Order Journal, 116 Schiller bldg., Chicago. 111. VAMKD District managers everywhere to handle our "Packet" light delivery car. capaoty J. 00 pounds. Price, completely equipped, 430. Automobile and sa.es ex- , perience not necessary, a anyone can ha- -I it and it aeiis Itself. Our seling plan calls for an investment of 1000, one-half ' in our hands, secured and drawing 7 per f c-nt, and balance in your bands. Com- pensation 112.30 per month, with increase with sales. The best selling proposition on the market and our little car, selling plan and company will bear the closest investigation. U1US1E MOTOR CAR CO.. Inc. 270 Lyndale ave- si., Minneapolis, 11 inn. t lKUUSTOKE proprietors, attention! Are you satisfied with your location or would you like to move your stock to the livest town in Whitman County? Population about boO and growing rapidly, where you can get the business and make come money. Three doctors and you can get the business oi v two of them. Two banks, largest wheat ahippiun point in the best county in th United fctatea; has large surrounding coun try and no large tow ns near; no haif-broae propositions entertained. This Is a filll edge- proposition that must be grabbed at once. Write AV 0."k, Oregonian. fcPLKNDID paying permanent position for man of proven anility reputation as Port land district manager manufacturer's ex clusive electrical specialties. AIust.be fa miliar with big propositions, investment 270. Should easily net 4000 first year, tileriing Corporation, 17G West 3rd, Cleve land, Ohio. TOU.VG widower, owning elegantly fur nished apartment house, wants young iady with means to buy half interest and t akc ch a rge of same. This p lace la a good paying proposition and wiil "jand investigation. Particuiars can be had by addressing P. O. Box t ELL. or trade for land, 1-car Carnival out fit consisting Parker jumping horse merry-go-round, fine condition; thousand dollar Wurlitzer organ, eight concessions; price $r!.,oo, worth s,00u; operating now Ki rentro. Calif. John Kusseii, loO court Memphis, IVnn. TO BUY OR SELL A BUSINESS OF A.NY KlND-AXrWUKRi; Business Chance Dept. SISCURITY DKVKL.OPMli.NT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah HoteL Cr. 4th and Pine Sta, CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estate business get ad vice of Portland Realty Board. F. 1. PURisE, Secretary, i)32 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. At i U.UUD1L. UIjCIK Half interest in best-paying garage In town for sale to a good. man with refer ences and some cosh; the business is there. Investigate tl.ia Monday, particulars -41! Stark st. t OK SALE Stock of general merchandise, $14 UUu, good town in Southern Oregon; no trade; reason for selling, owner Is engaged in another line of business which he ha., to take chargu of. I'JMO Hawthorne ave, Portland. POULlIALL. Six pool tables, A billiard, cisars, to barco and randy ; will sell cheap, as I have other business; would take In as part pa.wnent autu or real estate, pnoue Ta bor -iti-. JUR TKADE Choice vacant lots in the best residence district in North Yakima. Wasn.-, improved .streets, siUevlks and snan trees; ea'h lot 100 per year in fruit, for apartment-house, business property or ranch. Address Box Sol, Astoria. Or. V ANTED Party to finance patented novel tv of most popular demund with exclusive teat urea, unlimited market, big protit; i 1 1 os est in v-.st. gallon invited; references given and demanded. Sec patentee. tiU2 Railway KxL'liai:re bldg. Jf'OK SALE Steam laundrv in a good Wil lamette Valley town of ou0 : plant in first class shape; bit monthly pay roll; must get on; of bsinf-ss. SPKINGFICLD STEAM LAUNDRY, Sprlnefield. Oregon. ERCil ANTS, ATTENTION ! If you want to reduce stock, sell out, retire, consult ua. e are expert special sales pro moters ; business confidential. Merchants' Adjusting Company. Hotel Athens, Port 'and. Or. ; jTr A KTMIO.NT-HOI "Si. for ale or will li ade l r t Ie- farm to value of $Vo0; this place is making 200 per month clear now. 24 aoartni-iM9, and 4 'rooms. Oil Lumber Kxchar.ge. HAVE 0O acres fine placer ground and a good dredge; need small amount of cap ital to install and begin operations; first class proposition to parties furnishing money. .W 669, Oregonian. OWNER of first-cla-s grocery business wil! take good man ns partner, as business s i; rowing too fast to handle alone; this requires J"00. which is secured, particu lars 24.s'3 Stark fit. THE oldest and one of the best equipped, also one of the best located, billiard parlors in the city for sale at a bargain. J rufuire at box J 667. Oregonian, and get full par ticulars. 1A RTY wanted finance rick Alaska gold quartz property; ore ."H to 4U0; liberal interest for immediate action. Western Mining Exchango, 4110 Arcade bldg., Se attle. MALL confectionery, lie cream, light gro cery, will sell cheap. This is a good place for old couple, .-an live In rear; located next to theater; does good night trade. 273 cash. Call 01 H Lumber Exchange. V.VE-HAI.F interest in coal property of loO tons daily capacity, ready to run; partner Kick; need cas.li badly; quick action necessary. Phone Main 12:o or BD 013, Oregonian. Jju ou want to buy a good paying busi ness with a small capital that will net you a good profit above your living ex penses? If so, address owner, box 1, t ores. Crove. Or. OPENING lor right party a ho can handle sale of catchy patented souvenir at Pan ama exposition; must be able to finance agency. F. O. O.. ii. Carlton, Or. ESTABLISHED cash grocery, fine store, county seat and college town. "Willamette Valley : about MOOO required; no agents. A K 677. Orego n I an. ANTED Acquaintance of lady or gentle man havlug -.-no to invest in a money inakint; proposition. Call il9 Lumber Ex rlianse. 3' A FIT NEK waated in office business; owner cannot handle alone; will pay $15 month salary And profits. Price 4o0. Call --IS V Stark st. JiOTEL for sale or trade. 4-yr. lease; -0 rooms: doin fairly good business, at a bdrcaln. Ad areas C. A. Klgsby, Vancouver, Wash. B-'OK SALE or exchange for farm or acre age, established loan and second-hand business. Invoice J3o-H to -ii00, cheap rent. Address E rt7.".. Oregonian. tKi A 1;. tobacco, confectionery. Ice cream pjrlor and ieriodical store. Oood magu ine trade. E;;st Side transfer point, lor yrile by owner, no trade. East tM. OHOCERY clearing $80 monthly above ex penses. West Side, no soliciting, liTlng roonn furnished, JliuO. AE Cl Orego utan. X WANT a relteblf man who will be aatls fld with a monthly salary of and can iTi-vcst J-.". 50 in the bufiuess. M'J Lumber F.xcbm.e. lOR SALE Paving hardware and building material business in otn- of b-si suburbs of city; reasons for soiling. K titii, Ore gonian. J.OO WILL buy half interest in a nice-pay-inc repair business; can draw salary and profits; Jut the thing for mechanic. Call 4si3 Stark Ft. i OU SALE CHEAP, well established paint ard wall paper store, doing contracting. Vir particulars. East 1S0. i"EI-L little grocery a.i-1 uollcotessen. apt. houst district. 3 living rooms; rent -Ui; nrice Jt.'a'o. fail l.umNT Exchange. ji GOOD ohame Cor a Scandinavian imsine-is man. very little capital required. F tSTs, Oregonian. GARAuE and wagon shop, established buei-i.es-. centrally located. R. 1 Foster & Son, liS-M Third ave.. Seatt le.W as fa, IF you want t buy a good-taying. old eiablished busineys. with a small capital, address owner. Box 1, Forest Grove, Or. I'ARTNEU wanted ior a Reo auto hus. Write C 67-t, orcon.an. or call E. 701iI after o'clock p. M. IF YOU have a farm to trad for business I can locate you. Call 519 Lumber Ex change. WANTED General store in exchange for Alberta. Canada, improved half section, and cash. N rt74, Oregonian. TIN sho-i in good location, $300. AM G7S, Ore c on la n. VLt'MBIXO shop In a gcod Jobbing district, tKVi i i T7 Ircfnn ln BUTS paying cigar stand. Call at 90 St a at RESTAURANT, larye place, cheap rtnt. j7l NCHROOM. near high school, cheap. EL 674, oregonian. BUSINESS OFrOBTU"lTIE8- FOIi SALE A stock of general merchan dise, located in a town of about SuO pea pe with only one other store in town; do ing a business of about f:;cuu per month .wit-u oniy aDout $iuu& stock; cneap rent; good buiiding; .ootf down and balance se cured wiH hanule eamd. If you want a snap, investigate this. HI health on senior member's part only reason for sell ing. Address P. o. box IHi. La Fayette, Or. STATE or territory manager, business ex perience, to establ-sh oltice, manage sales men, patented refrigerating machine; makes ice, anywhere, auy quantity. So low; exclusive territory; money-making possibilities absolutely without limit; in vestment SoOv to $!iA'd, according size ter ritory, rfuanoke Mfg. Co., 1113 Las ' bldg., Chicago. RAKE opportunity, district and state man agers, capable earning $5oo to $lv,0u0 year; highest grade specialty on market; uistribution almost universal, both city and country; $jm) to $10u capltAl needed to properly handle; success certain if you have selJllng and organizing ability. G. L. Hqgan, 10JG Otis building, Chicago. MR. CONFECTIONERY man, look: The niost up-to-date confectionery on the West Side, doing a tine business; if you want a place that is live one and making big money, look this up, as I have other business that will take all my time after April l; you'll have to hvrry, for seeing means to r- i t- w I T n VI .WIV!W EIt e00 Fidelity Copper V,b-ld 1 Ml. Scott Park Cemetery $4.oU ooo Realty Associates bid . 1 WANT Oregon Home Bldrs. Realty Associate. All stocks permitted to be aold. FLETCHER, -V-io Abington bldg. ESTABLISHED mercantile business for sale account disagreement partners, business has A-l commercial rating and is very profitable; v. ill take $tt,l00 to handle. Don't answer unless you have the money end mean business. See Mr. Wood, 2451 & Stark -L OPENING for young, experienced grocer. grocery stock, feed, auto delivery system. In established department store; monthly expsnse, rent, light and water approxi mately S-N; references required. THE GOKLIXE COMPANY, Tenfno.Wash. BAKERY, high-class, with fine confection ery; here's a splendid combination and, it'e paying good money; excellent loca tion, with moderate expense, and can be bought right or might take small ranch; :i5U0 P. W. Persels, 26S Stark St. HOW would you like to buy a moving pic ture theater paying about $40 a week for $1000 cash, balance out of receipts. In live town? No local competition; reason for celling, ill health; no agents or trade. inquire A v bti, uregouian PROSPEROUS weekly only paper in best town of 1000 people in best and most healthful section of Eastern Oregon; busi ness nets about SOuO a year;, puce $ioU0; don't answer unless you have the money. Box 6, Joseph. Or. . ESTABLISHED manufacturer wants state manuger; high-class article; should pay 10,UU0 annually; o00 to $1000 capital; pay expenses to Chicago If man we want; references. Leary, 4otj Fisher bldg., Chicago- ONE of the best located garages in Silverton, Or., doing good business, for sale cheap, including stock, building and equipment; might consider lease to responsible party. Illness reason for selling. Address Drawer P, Silverton, Or. WANTED Ideas. Write for list of inven tions wanted by manufacturers "and prices otTered 'for inventions. Our four books 3'nt free. Patents secured or fee returnea. Victor J. Evans & Co., 64 Ninth, Wash ington, D. C. NEED branch managers for world-wide mail order business; operate from, own home spare time; no canvassing, peddling; ex perience unnecessary; you should make $."u weekly. Butler, Factories, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED PracLkal. trustworthy- partner who can invest about $300, to be used for expansion in cafe bankable business; man speaking German preferred; duties easily learned. Manufacturers' Excnange, room 4ut. Gerlinger bldg. SAWMILL FOR SA LB. v Capacity 15M per day; $!00t down, bal ance easy terms. Address AV, 664, Oregonian. HALF interest in construction business worth $10.0ui yearly can be obtained lor $1000; services not essential, but desirable if qualified; way is cleared tor success, but immediate financial assistance vital. E tli!, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY for young man to get into legitimate and healthy business for lilmEelf ; very small investment; staple line: no real estate. Owner, AF 6t7, Ore gonian. ' GOOD-PAYING- BUSINESS. Bakery and confectionery, near Portland, good town; for sale or trade. MORGAN & SMITH AGENCY, 4J1 Railway Exchange. GEN. COUNTRY STORE, one of best towns in Willamette Valley on R. R. 18 miles from Portland; invoice about $l'SO0 : rent $12; going East, owner, AV 6i4, Orego nian. CoNFECTNiONEUY, tho best and oldest established in Portland; best suburb; present owner 9 years: first time on mar ket; will invoice fo00; take $3500, give time on part. T tfi.'i, Oregoniun. IF YOIT axe looking for a picture show that will net joh i.-u per moma now ana cwn Invest $1000 cash, uo trade, call Oil Lum ber Exchange. 'PATENTS SECURED THROUGH CREDIT SYSTEM" Smd sketch, FREE SEARCH; booklet free. John Louis WTaters & Co., Warder building. Wash 1 n g ton, D. GOOD, live, mi's, plant, wants partner, $!7o for ii interest, man nanuy wun touts pre ferred; can do well. Room 303 Lumber Exchange. WANT Controlling interest in small country bank ; will give in exenange iirsi-ciasa Irrigated farm; alfalfa and stock; well improved. D 646, Oregonian. WE have several good buys in theaters, gro cery stores, pooinaiis, etc.; come in ana see us before buying; we have just what you want, oil) Lumber Exchange. GROCERY". Invoice $3000, sales $1800 per month ; old established, Weet Side; rea son for selling; no agents. AB 675, Orego nian. TAILOR SHOP, good la-cation, cheap rent and well-known place In the neighborhood; will sell very reasonable If sold soon. AB 673, Oregonlap. GROCERY and bakery, with 3 neatly fur nished living-rooms included; rent $25 1 with steam heat and water; price $500. Marshall 2301. FOR RENT Grocery and delicatessen; fully equipped in an up-to-date market; lew rent; will invoice stock; big opportunity on small capital. H 663, Oregonian. REST AU RANT man wanted the Panama Cafe. 3d and Aider, on the Great White Wav furnished for business; seat 70; no capital rec ir.d. Cr.ll for particulars. PAYING pool hall, has fine cigar trade; owner will give buyer first-class trade and mcke very "liberal terms. all 243 & Stark sireeL YOUR 25-word advertisement placed 100 good monthly magazines once for $1.2o, three mouths $2.10. Write list. F. L. Mil ler. Syracuse. N- Y. ' WANTED Y'oung mf.n ; must be single, to travel with act. running machines, no ex perience needed; mall investment for one half interest- 510 Lumber Exchange. DOCTOR If you want a good location, with drug stor, and no opposition, in mall town, address AV 643, Oregonian. No trade- FOR SALE Good second-hand' furniture business; good reasons; would consider acreage. 54- Williams ave. Phone East CONFECTIONERY, igar and poolhall, in voice $lo00; will sell on good terms or trade lor clear property. 511 Lumber Ex c h ar.ge. , DOWNTOWN ci?;ar, confectionery and news stand, jus rigl-t for man and wife; wil. make low price and give some terms; can make b'c money. au -o rz cuirK ai. A SACRIFICE My locksmith and general repair shop; must be sold at once; inves tigate. Phone Wcodlawn 3068. HOTEL, lease and furniture ttO rooms; cheapest rettt In America, finest location, trade or t-.nni Henry bldg. FOR SALE Cleaning, dyeing and pressing business, well equipped, place on East Sid': good business, BF o. Oregonian. MEAT MARKET First-class fixtures, good location, price $1000; must sell on ac count of sickness. G 60S. Oregonian. BILLIARD ROOM. 1 billiard and & pool tables, cisars, confectionery and soft drinks. Phone -raoor oou. W T to talk with reliable parties: havi standard brass coods to manufacture, lit tle capital needed. AH B7I, Oregonian. BARBERS Best-paying shop in Coos Bay for sale. Particulars. Write . Busby, FOR SALE or trade, good hotel in Oregon City. What have you? AV 6tiS, Orego- PKHTNER wanted: honest, sober man who Van invest $173 and go to work: can make $-o per wk. Call 303 Lumber Exchange. POOL HALL, g'H1 nearby. town, very cheap rent, nice trade and making money; $40 P. W. Persels, 269 Stark st. VEGETABLE store with light groceries, on busv e;reet, low rent, good trade, $400. P W. Persels, 269 Stark st. FOR SALE, cr.eap, good bakery in town oi 12.CCU. X 66!?, Oregonian. WANTED : pair aaep. o sell umbrella store and re U5 Grand ave.. Portland. Or. SMALL jewiry stock, amounting to $300, at discount. AV 60S, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, - KINDLY FORGET AND REMEMBER FOR ALL TIM a TO COME THAT WE STRICTLY IN A CLASS BY OURSELVES IN SALE OP r.OUlll.NU-MUUor.o a BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TWEN SEVEN 27 YEARS IS YOUR CITY ;ty- is ND ,.N'E uiMi uirAUJ.1, ritt AN LI i-in dttc ivcci; DCVTIV il A 1MT K 1 ("REALTY PORT ANT COMMODITY ON THE M AR- ro L-R IV 1 . W 11 QUO 1 A AOWr -o jf-f AN .NY BUSINESS. AND BE IT FAR MORE 111- POS- T A - ITIVELY CANNOT SPREAD THE , r .-, x . n-TTPllL-UV T H (T. W FOOD- TO MUM' S Jr i m- "tv. FEED YOUR DEAR FAMILY AND C AX- NOT TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS IN OUR OFFICE . UNLESS OUR K HRPT1R' YOU, WHICH MEANS ABSOLUTE PROT& MAY N. B.: YOUR MONEY REFUNDED ONCE IF'- ANY SSATISFACTION AT IN AS PRET- 7X .?'h XF.?J, Hi7;n HICH FOR F4R vnini P-ITTITRE WELFARE AND F TTORE- MOKE iai-UKi'A.M a n.v. jv. . . ... WTT . k- W T 1IARD- CK1- A V V i.rT. vr. KHdlTI.D COXVbY A." OPERATOR TRANSGRESSING DIR DIRECT TO the rissiTtMi;' Crc-HMPni MAINTAINED AT ANT I.NI ERMEDL ATE POINT '"fu ' VTiTr BI A RULE MAKB 4T-T-AWA,f BX SOME SHYSTER'S DEFENSE THE U. S. COMMERCIAL CO. . m w i:- i . j . 4500 a ft. Rlass: nice home. 6 lota rignt In city: esiaDiisnea o . shed. to date: BOOa reBU'r ..... -y- - --- want gooa i;icb ..nlim. exchanges. J. RobbinB. l.ailway ttxchangew Most u-to-date and most centrally lo cated delicatessen, one that does money right now. You will mis. it II you miss to buy this. See faerie. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., Ola leun jjiu.,. S300 NICE, clean confectionery stock and fixtures, rent only 13, Rood neianbor hood; place cost a, great deal more, but must sacrifice at once. THINK. Oi ' 11. a business for only 300. Jordan. J0W Lumbermens bldg. BPSIXeSS OFPOBTTXN1T1ES WftKTEP. HAVE 2 residence properties, f!000, two m.-.n 4::.t acres land, value $25 an acre. Incumbrance $3SU0; will trade .i or part for good general merchandise stock; must be doing good business. Would .t iii little cash. Must be from owners. R. & M. Realty oo., ou" r"'"" u.. RESPON-51BLE party wants to rent mr" nisnea room.us - nnA Bleeping or housekeepliiK; must be In good neighborhood, well furnished with privi leges of buying furniture later. X 6(4, BUSINESS MEN: We have several people with the money who want to buy a busi ness or will put money in a business for a working interest- If you want to sell. call ai once. .-..p-.. . WANTED to buy first-class rooming-house. about rooms, ...u. u jo ---- -l,irln: no commission. II. W. Graham, 103 S. Oakdale, Medford,, Or GROCERY Will give mortgage on good timoer as scui.ij .- monthly repayment, goods to be shipped. 1.1. Tl. Blgns, ' ' WANTED Practical patents, useful articles ana any m.iu "i kuj.". -- Manufacturers Exchange, room 40 ler- Unger bldg. MERCHANDISE and stock of pll kinds bougttt: spot cash. See us. Merchandise Clearing blouse io.. o- o. IvaXIEU TO i;y Delicatessen ar.d gro cery store; state jirico, location aud rent of store. S (itii. Oregonian. t WANT to buy a small grocery, confection ery or delicatessen; prices not over $ouu. Kuil details. AO TO., oregoiuai. WANT to purchase or lease good Oregon or 1.' KT- Oregonian. IF YOU want to sell or trade your business , ... uco i. Terminal or xariius cu.i.o n f,vv.irrlenf Co.. r.l'.i Lumber Exchange. HAVE few hundred dollars to Invest with my Hen n ' , m. rt7n ilrpeitn an. EXPERIENCED hotel woman will buy ho tel on contract; good security, or trade UFh'iCK man will invest some money, with services, in siraigni uusiul.b. w,, w.. gonian. NOTICE Will pay spot cash lor merchan- ROOM ING-1IOC SKS. STRICT ATTENTION! STRICT ATTENTION. KINDLY FORGET AND REMEMBER FOR ALL TIME TO COME THAT Wi ARE IN EVERY RESPECT STRICTLY IN -A CLASS BY OURSELVES IN THE SALE OF ROOMING-HOUSES AND BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TWENTY SEVEN (27. YEARS IN YOUR CITY IN OXR CAPACITY. PEElt OF MANY AND EQUAL OF ANY IN ONLY ONE LINE OF BUSINESS. RENTING AND REALTY CA.RE WHICH IS THE MOST IM PORTANT COMMODITY ON THE MAR KET. WITHOUT A HOOK OVER YOUR HEAD YOU CANNOT TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS. AND BE IT FAR MORE IM PORTANT. WITHOUT SUCH YOU POS ITIVELY CANNOT SPREAD THE TA BLE CLOTH WHEREBY THE FOOD STUFFS COME ON THE. TABLE TO FEED YOUR DEAR FAMILY. AND IN CONCLUSION POSITIVELY YOU CAN NOT TRANSACT ANY BUSINESS IN OUR OFFICE UNLESS OUR REFER ENCES ARE ACCEPTABLE TO YOU, WHICH MEANS ABSOLUTE PROTEC TION IN ANY INVESTMENT YOU MAY CALCULATE TO MAKE.kefunded AT ONCE IF ANY DISSATISFACTION IN ANY RESPECT SHOULD ARISE, AS WF APE YOUR LANDLORD IN PRET ?v NIGH EVERY INSTANCE. WHICH me vns Absolute protection for vot-r FUTURE WELFARE AND FAR MORE 1MPOKTANT THAN AN FORE-i-,ilN:a PARAGRAPH, YOUR HAliU-t-ikX-ED MONEY IS NEVER SACRI FHD ND SHOULD CONVEY ANY OPERATOR TRANSGRESSING DIRECT TO THE PENITENTIARY AND NOT BE MAINTAINED AT ANY INTER M ED1 AiE POINT 'AWAITING TRIAU AND AS A RULE MAKE A GET-AWAY BY SOME SHYSTER S DEFgNgg. CQ. iron siLE-Hotel Wllhelm, including furnl- n 3 E. containing S0.3l acres, s. V. H V o T 4 S R. 11 E.. containing 1 70 ?S acres Over i millions feet of tim ber'on land; good logging stream 2o acres cultivation. -Bnd buildings; will receive sealed bids until April 1, lJlo. w. v. Everhart. receiver. Molalla, Or., or O. D. Ever. Oregon City. tfn rooms fine West Side corner, all new TE-ni u fine carpets, brass beds; floss mattresses, running water in rooms, will mvolce the furniture; must sell; price S4..5 $150 cash. , Inquire S3 10th. near Stark FOR SALE Best medium-priced" downtown hotel in Seattle; 128 rooms beautlfu llf fur nished all new within four months; In moSern fireproof building; reasonable lease M Hardman. aoo Empire bldg., Se attle, vv asn. 30. ROOMS, rent . best transient p.. cheln tut the price: for lew days, price 120l. terms. u,,v Inquire frp iom, ..ca. BEAUTIFUL furniture 27 rooms, owned by widow, ! children: must sell at once: will sacrifice for quick sale: rent only 40 a month; good location. Particulars, S3 J Chamber or vumn.e.o .,t, vr e- I .FT Leadiuir Iiotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller protected. Oldest Keuaoie asscuj SOS-t) N. W. Bank bldy.. 6th and Morrison. : a .ta'nltshAH V.nt -1 A iSSZ. ' in"fhe tean "of the" Tiy. frVe from f"umbrances. would like a Partner; lauy prcierrea. - ROOMING-HOUSE and restaurant, clos in. doincr a nice business. JftoO. MORGAN & SMITH AGENCY. 431 ItBiimtJ FOR RENT livoming-house, 17 rooms, un furnished; responsible parties only. See Chits. Jennins, with Jeuning & Sun. -lu and Morrison sts. 4 2-ROOM, 5 single H. K. apta., newly papered and painted, all rented; good proposition. See owner. 181 13th at. 40 ROOMS, money-maker, for clear city property, cheap for cash. X 6i3. Orego- HOTEL and restaurant, good 11 ve town; reasonable; cneap rent. AV ut6, Ore gonian. I WANT a rooming-house or small hotel, musi be good. Will pay $800 aa first pay ment. V O'Jl, urrs FOR SALE Furniture, of 11-room house, low rent, close in. -Ml 5th at, owner. Phone Jiain 2S03. W VNTED A rooming-house, close in, h. k. suii: from owner; price not-over $600. AO 677. Oregonian. TOR SALE Modern hotel and rooming house, good-paying proposition-. Call ala.a ROOMING-HOUSE in splendid location for sale oau -9 jaoi. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COM PANT. A-l INVESTMENT. Finest apartment-house of S3 2 and 3 roo . apart tun ts, all with private bath and phones; automatic elevator, elegant brick buildings closa In. on West Side, beautifully furnished throughout, nothing better to be found in its class In Port land; clears from 50 to per month over all expenses. Investigate and bo con vinced. V U1 sell for $6Ov and give terms on part. 75-ROOM WASH. -ST. HOTEL. Rent only 34 per room, an opportunity seldom offered; the place is strictly mod ern and has some private baths; good fur niture well kept; price $4000; any reas onable terms will be considered. B0-ROOT APARTMENT-HOUSE. In good location, West Side, strictly modern, always full; good furniture; price $4u00; will take trade and some cash, balance time. 50-ROOM HOTEL. West Side, very centrally located and ex ceptionally well furnished; brick building with automatic elevator; steam heat, hot and col d v a te r an d I arg a c lose ts in a U rooms, also some with private bath ; thlb house Is in a class by itself, and always well patronized; 1500 handles it. $300 HANDLES 33 ROOMS. 15 apartments, all on one floor; fine brick building, steam heat, good location and well furnished, price for all only $To0; $3U0 cash, balance $25 per month; rent $10. $400 COMMERCIAL HOTEL. Strictly modern building, rent $50; only hotel In town of 1500 , population; good place for two ladles. $300 HANDLES 40 ROOMS. Uptown hoi el, steam heat, good transient trade; rent only $100 per month ; this house has always made money because It's so favorably located and has cheap rent. Business chance dept. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY. Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Su. MARY E. LENT. LEADING HOTEL-APARTMENT-HOUSE AGENT. B08-9 N. W. Bank Bldg., 6th and Morrison. If you want to buy or cell, don't fall to come to the right place. Eight years in this business in Portland enables me to locate you right. The following are only a few of the special places we axe offer ing. Terms arranged to suit the pur- OVER 100 ROOMS. This house is a modern brick structure, with latest equipments; ground floor lobby. A live hotelman can get a bargain in thia, with about -f3u00 to invest; the balance can be paid as you make It. 65 ROOMS PRICE $3000. HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. Oue of the best located houses and the cheapest rent In Portland, with steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms, private baths, nice class of patronage. The price is re duced for quick sale. 40 ROOMS BARGAIN. This house is actually clearing $250 a month ; is clean and respectable, ideally located, with rent only 5 per room; 8 private baths, phone in room, elevator. We recommend this as being one of the best in the city. If you have $1500 cash the balance is easy. Ask to see this. 34 ROOMS RENT $l-'5. JUST WHAT YOU WANT to buy and sell'again at a handsome profit; owner must sell and will take $1400 for - this modern building; steam heat, hot and cold water In rooms; this place haa sold for $5000. Don't miss this if you want a snap. ' 12 ROOMS PRICE $600. Nice, clean place, all housekeeping, on 12th near Yauihili st. Sell on easy terms. APARTMENT-HOUSES. "4 apartments, all in 2-room, with bath and private dressing-rooms, rent $300, near Washington st. Price $SOO0. about $2500 cash. N -4 APARTMENTS PRICE $4000. Ml 2-room apartments, with bath, south or Jefferson; only $1UOO .cash required. 24 APARTMENTS TO TRADE. Want unincumbered house and lot in Portland. Price $3500; nicely furnished and first-clawi -location. TO EXCHANGE. 50-room hotel; will take lot in the city and give terms on balance, or sell on easy terms. 26 ROOMS BIG SNAP. Steam heat, making $100 monthly, close in, nicely furnished; $000 takes it. Bo.J SPECIAL ROOMING-HOUSE. 12 rooms. Nob Hill, furnace heat, spot lessly clean, always full, cleara and family expenses; rent only &OUTCk7 ing and single rooms; price ; 13-ROOM SPECIAL BU. This classy 13-room place, with elegant furniture, making $70 monthly, will go for SS.'rO; some terms. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO 618-10 Yeon Bldg. Fifth and Alder. Hotel and Rooming-House Broker for -3 Years. . 0-ROOM hotel, all equipped and doing big bu-iness; Ho regular boarders, in a good, live town; will turn in part payment on a wheat ranch and general gram; pay ments on balance or will take small place, small ranch up to $80W. H. A. Ldmouus, Attulla. Wasn. WILL sell furniture of modern hotel, all velvet carpet, good as new; fine dressers and rockers, cheap rent, worth $2800, for (1050. Terms. 1 609, Oregonian. SPECIAL NOTICES. .Proposals In v i t ed . MEN WITH TEAMS WILL LET CON TRACT FOR MOVING 5000 CORDS OF WOOD FROM THE WOODS TO RAIL ROAD NEAR SANDY, OR. SEE MR. MEYERS, at FIRST STATE BANK OF GRESHAM, OR. TELEPHONE 636. CALL FOR BIDS ON LUMBER. The undersigned will receive bids for one cargo of lumber either sail or ateara c. i. L ships sailing Sydney, Australia, for April, May or June loading. Specifications on file at the office of the secretaries of the Seattle, Wash., and Portland, Or., Chambers of Commerce. Bids should be mailed or wired to me before Wednesday, March 24 1915- Address Niel Nielsen, Trade Commissioner for New South Wales, 419 Market street. San Francisco, Cal. M itceUaneoui. AUCTION sale of all unclaimed express packages bv the American Express Com pany at Wilson's Auction House, 16-ltiii First st., Portland, Or., March 27. 191o. The sale will commence at 10 A. M. and continue until all packages are sold. To Whom it May Concern: posted in the offices of the American Express Com pany throughout the states of Idaho, Ore gon and Washington is a list of ship ments forwarded by express which re main on hand unclaimed in the offices of the American Express Company in the states of Idaho, Oregon and Washington, which will bo sold at public auction to the highest bidder at -Wilson's Auction House, 106-103 First at., Portland, Or on March 27 3 015, unless called for and all charge paid on or before 10 A. M. of the date of sale. , x - J. A. SANBORN, General Agent. Portland. Or. C I. CHASE, Superintendent, Portland. Or. IjOST and found. cars of the Portland Railway, Light & same at the First and Alder sL station:: March IS: Marshall 5100. A 6L1 1 suitcase, 1 Plr gloves, 1 book, 7 um brellas. 5 packages, 1 sack and contents. - pr pants, -1 pr. roller skates, 1 brace, 1 purse, 1 valise, X bdl. boards. 1 lunch- box. FOLLOWING are the artic.es found on the cars of the Portland Railway. Light & Power Co.. and owners thereof may claim same at the Jnrst anu """'""J" tion: March 19 Marshall olOO, A 0131 1 clove. 1 pencil, 'J packages, 1 bundle wood, 1 lunchpail. 1 sack potatoes 1 loaf of bread 1 baby shoe, 1 purse t i c 1 , J. lunch-bucket, 1 handgrip, X lunchbox, 1 LOST Seal brown Boston terrier, maie, has wtae bras studded leather collar with nameplate "E. H. McCune, Albany, Or. Call Main 408S. Reward. LOST La ay s tmau 7 " on black velvet ribbon, name Ethel en graved on bacK: return ve.. or pnonw wuia-u -j i nT mus flrt white cat. male, in vi cinity Washington and Lownsdale. Finder please miorm owuci uj -it" shall 1720. FOUND Last Sunday, a long-haired dog with undershot jaw; "Ted" on collar. Sell wood l-'67. Gilbert- . LOST From 725 Tillamook st., airedale. G montns OiQ. rr.nua caa. t-" LOST Biack and white dogj answers name Frince. Kewat,u. i . -qj"- t opt Black puree, containing gold watch lihsnl -a -nr-il "Vfnr 147. ana vm ljt nc.. . - .. L.OST Small black purse, 3 vault keys; one has No. 5021; $t. 351 San Rafael; reward. FOUND Lady's spectacles. Call Main l8eJ. LOST in or about Y. M. C. A. Monday. March 15, fine stickpin, consisting of coiiee colored diamond surrounded by white dia monds; liberal reward to finder upon in forming owner. Marshall 5000. C. H. Fox. FINANCIAL. IT'S A DISGRACE That a man must sacrifice a $30,000 property for $t;500. Will take cash. It's 15,000,000 feet of yellows, fir and spruce, one ot the most magnificent bod-ies-of timber on the Coast, practically on tidewater; worth from $J to 3 per thou sand when timber moves, and it will move, almost any timberman will say, I think that a man ought to make 100 per cent each year on this investment until it sells. There is nothing safer. GEO. E- WAGGONER, &05 Yeon Bid.:. OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY IS UNSURPASSED. WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO BE RE PAID ON MONTHLY BASIS IF YOU NEED AND WILL TAKE A LIFE INSUR ANCE POLICY THROUGH US IN A FIRST-CLASS OLD LINE COMPANY AND THE FIRST YEAR'S PREMIUM IS PAID BY US. WE CHARGE ONLY 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM. B. & P. SECURITIES CO., 209 SELLING BLDG. ' , MONEY FOR QUICK LOANS. $100 OR MORE PRIVATE AND ES TATE MONEY; NO DELAYS, ANY AP PROVED SECURITY. WILL BUY (OU LOAN UPON) MORTGAGES. REAL ES TATE (OR OTHER) CONTRACTS. LIFL INSURANCE POLICIES. ETC. AODRLSb BURKITT & PATTERSON. 20i SELLING BLDG. - WE HAVE an unusual opportunity for the investment of $2500; money needed for 00 days only; profits at least 50 per cent; safe and legitimate. G. Wynn Wilson, 003 Chamber ot commerce, rorwaua ONE-HALF interest In coal property of loo tons daily capacity, ready to run; part ner sick; need cash badly: quick action necessary. Phone Main 1225 or BD bi-t. wregoiua.ii. LOANS on improved inside property ; plenty of money; low rates; no delays; rincipala only. Robertson & Ewing, (i;u7-20(i North western caiiK. mug, MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages (first and second)), equities pur chased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 4 Lewis bldg. WE BUY mortgaKes, bonds and notes. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., ' s?0 4th st.. Board of Trade bldg. FIRST and second mortgages, also sellers interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E.' Noble. Lumbermens bldg. . PRIVATE funds to loan; will consider few desirable building loans; owners only, Henry C. Prudhomme, 528 Morgan bldg. We buy notes, bonds i and mortgages. Rob ertson fe Ewlng, u7-a N. W. Lank bldg. LIBERAL building loans, plans and esti mates. E. A. Curtis, 267 Oak St. Stocks and Bonds. WE BUY AND SELL Municipal and Corporation Bonds. Consult our bond department. If you want to sell jour bonds. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO., Ground floor. Board of Trade Blag. Money to Loan on Real Estate. SIX PKK CENT MONEY. $10,000, o or 5 years, interest payable quarterly; security must be ampie and on close-in improved property; immediate de livery. Aiply GOOOSEt.L BROS., WJ Worcester Bldg. ;.mvi?V Til l.iiXK ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES; VER k? KLbX- IBLE CONTRACTS; NU tJUfli iiioaiu COLUMBIA LIFE Al TRUST CO., mo SPALDING 5LJJC. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOR. 11ENT PRIVILEGES; MONEY AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. THE KO.U1TAULE SAVINGS LOAN ASSOCIATION, 240 STAKK ST. iO. Cj J. -lO A4Ji. On Portland city real estate; farm loans ai I'jwesi. cui'u-l nw. 104 becond 5t., near Waal, ing ton. WE PURCHASE uoTtgages, contracts and equities at right nguiub. Submit all mat ters ty mail No paono information. OREGON 1NV. iOKTGAU CO.. INC. Stock Exch. bldg.. d and Yamhiil Sts. " PRIVATE ON HAN D TO LOAN. SjOOO at 7',o 5000 at '. . oikjO at 7 cn 2o00 at 't 700 at ut at s'o M'KENZIE & CO., 515 Gerlinger bldg. TO LOAN. HsVc to 7 money on business property, aiiHrtmciUs. dwellings and tarms. R. IL Blossom. 310 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN AT SEVEN PER CENT. $2000 to $700 on Portland improved property; immediate delivery on good ap nli'.itioiin. Aoulv to GOO US ELL te lit 'S., 4'M Worcester Bldg :i7tH bungalow, value $2uU0. Could pay 2."0 in numthiy payments. Tabor 20o". lor 1 year by party who is stocking up V 671, Oregonian. $2000, fHOUOj $4"00 AND $10,000 to loan ai current rates on improved city property. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., 106 Second fat. MONEY to loan on good city or farm prop erty by F. Fuohs, 420 Chamber, of Com merce. S2w00 ON modern 0-room house, owner's j home, 720 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1166. $1000 TO LOAN on improved real estate; state description 111 v tiT 2, Oregonian. $!00,000 TO LOAN in sums to suit; build ing loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 13 1S Falling bldg. MORTGAGE loans, city or farm; prompt service. N. E. Coleman, 210 Stock, x change. TO LOAN $40,0U0 OR LESS. FARltlNGTON, SO 4TH ST , BOARD Ob" TRADE BLDG. CAN loan $1000 to $10,000 on gilt-edgo real estate security, city or country; principals only. AE 6i0. oregonian. SEE us today for loans on improved city property. 6 to 8 per cent., $200 and up. Cellars-Murton Co., 823 Yeon bldg. $800 TO LOAN, improved City property. S per cent; no commission. AD ttTO, Ore gonian. MORTGAGE iuans on city and suburban real estate at ( ana o --. 44ii Sherlock bldg. i it Jrs x. l Ml I wish to clace un Kood close-in property this week. Will divide. X 6l., Oregonian. EE Secaendorf today; no delay, city and farm loans at current rates. 15-16 Slock Kxcnanice uiug. liu wi- MORTGAGE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT, OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO., INC., Stock Exchange bldg.. 8d and Yaunhlll. $1500, $5000 TO loan on good security. Prin cipals only. Ralph IL Duniway, tniO C. of C. bldg. $1000 TO LOAN on Portland real estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 44 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY 7 and 8 per cent. Unproved city property; also farm loans. 51$ Henry bldg. WANTED $10,000 on 35,000 property; one of Oregon's best seaports. AJ 693, Orego nian. TO LOAN' $1000 on improved city property at S per cent. E. J. GElJSR. v. nam per m h'iiiiuck-c filOO. $2j-i. i-50 AND $."00 on real estate Boid Kealty CO., uiAmw J10.0O0. SUMS TO SUIT. AC 387- OHtiUUiAr. WILL loan $500 to $7ono on city or farm ' .ronertv. AK 4i6. Oregonian. V5OO0 to 15.000 PRIVATE MONEY. B 402 oregonian. i ESTATE MONEY $250 to $50,000. H. Y. FREED MAN, o0 Cham, of Com. $1000 AT VZ ; 2000 at 7. L. J. LAMB, OregorJ-n Bldg. Main 108.'t. MORTGAGE LOANS, .4 and 7 PER t'Jitt'I. LOUIS SALOMON CJ.. 22: STARK ST. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry" C, Prudhomme. 628-30 Morgan bldg. STATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. $2V0 o0, $6C'iTfO0. $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co, fl: .. Chamber of Conimercc. x00 TO LOAN. 7 per cent, on inside real CITY and farm loan?, lowest rates. C. D. S im onus. Corhett bid?. jlQVEY any amount, 6 to S per cent. H. Seitr & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. FARM and city mortgage loans. A. H. Harding. 313 Chamber of Commerce. HAVE $"'0O for Immediate loan; no delay. Main 2240. 6 AND 1 MTG. LOANS. A. K- HILL, 410 Henry Bldg. $1000 TO $2000 to loan at 7. Henry L. MUrton, oil nurecoici i . ! jyoo ON modern 5-room home valued $2500. I ti riiom Kr nf Oomrnerce. $lo00 TO $3000 to loan on city property. P 610, Oregonian. ' I KWE 1000 for immediate loan bn im proved, W 7 per cent. Tabor U41X. Money to Loan on Heal Kate. MORTGAGE LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privilege. A. H. BiKKhiLL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114, A 41 IS. $20O TO LOAN on real estate. Full par ticular ai oi riaii uiub. Mosey to Loan Chattel and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS. ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT i-A S i. Eli N RATES. v e nave out o igo c.ai. stoies iu the city. A loan department conducted in connection with me. mak ing business STRICTLY CONFiDENTiAU absolutely no sign det.it i a ting loan busi ness OlSpittVU uuut. ui vu seven ininths, whether or not interest 1 paid when due. We are licensed and Have Deen esiaunoiicu uive ioii. nection with auy other loan eatabllBhrnenl in tins city. A. & M. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS. 324 Washington st. LOANS $10 to 5100 WU1CKLY. STATE SECURITY CO LICENSED. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST PROPOSITION IN PORTLAND. CALL AND "LET I S EXPLAIN OUR EASY-PAYMENT PLAN. BUSINESS S1KICTLY CONFIDENTIAL STATE SECURITY CO S00 FAILING BLDG. LOANS IN 6 HOURS' TIMS at legal rates on diamonds, autos, pianos, household goods and livestock. PORTLAND LOAN CO., Licensed by State. UU3 Ruthohild bldg. MONEY AT ONCE. Diamonds, watches, musical instrument SEPARATE DEPT. FOR LADIES. ELbY COMPANY (Ikens.-d), w2o dumber Exchange bldg.. Second and stark Streets. WE loan xuoucy on diamonds aud Jceir at half the rates charged, by brokers. Marx Block, 74 3d t. MONEY LOAN'CD on diamonds and Jewelry. S. w. King, room 45 Washington bldg. LOANS on real estate, diamonds, and jew elry. Wm, Holl. room 8. Washington bldg. LOWEST rate on pianos and furniture. Phone Geo. Harvey, East 1172. LOANS on diamonds und Jewelry ; strictly confidential. IWl Morrison. SMALL amount money to loan, short time no commission. Hatfield, 16Ti 4th. Loans anted. $200. 10 $200, 10'A 200, 105. 50x100 lot on the Peninsula, value $600, Fred W. German, Co., 014 Cham, of Com. w a vi'i-Ti s '.".( to 7 nr cant, value $6500 $1000, 7 per cent, value $25o0; $4500, 1 per cent, value . . ouv - Main 6584. alo Spauiauiif mag. 100 a Vi ioo i)Ou ay s-T-.i,.-. hnnflr. ti lots, total value 240'). Safe loan. Fred W. German Co., l14 Chiunbtr of Commerce. WANTED $1000 for one year; will pay 10 per cent interest ; reaoiiaoi' ui unci will give $-000 bonds as collateral secur- - i... a .1 .1 K- "li! Itv $2500 V' ANTED ou each of two fine houses in exclusive residence district; street im provements in, ail paiu; ui. ouu on cacu. C 7o, oregoniau SS50 WANTED AT 8 PER CENT. House and lot, Hawthorne, il yrs. ; value $25ou; ins. 1000. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exenange. o-ruora modern house, cornuer lot, nice location, value $l0o. Fred W. German Co.. yi4 Cnamoer ot commerce. v WA'T S700O al 7 ner cent to be secured by mortgage on two impro. ed, income bearing, Insldo properties, ample value and good moral risK. ti tut, uregunian. waxtkd ijuu. six months. 10 ner cent in terest will give mortgage, ou S24UU wortU personal property, pioperty new, easy lu convijrt into caMi. w oo". yr-isuiiiiiii. $1,30 FIRST morLgage for sale drawing 8 new. modern house; iret liupts. all in. AC 674. O regomaii. WANTED To LoiTmv $7500 lor J years. 1 per cent, on improved business property, with good income, security valued at 1S, 000. J T:t. oregonian. WANTED To borrow dii ect from private 1 arty, f 2500 for 3 years, 7 per cent, on mouei n house, valued at $65u, nq, bonded liens. J 672, Ores;oiilBt WANT $i'000 at 7 per cent on residence propertv and $400o at 7 i per cent on farm 23 nillca out. E. A. Curtis, 237 a Oak st. - MU.NKl WANTED Several Uesirable loans, $40o0 $000, $ISU0, $1500, $U0o, ?70o and $150. Improved city property. Principals only. Henry C. Prudhomme. Morgan bldg. WANT from loou to 10.000 on West Side income property; can give';; to 1 security, aecordipij to Htiiount you liavo to loan. X 6 1 2, oregonian. WILL sell at very liheral discount 5800 tlrc mortgage, well wecured by highly im proved farm property. AK 7. Oregonian. 1650 -7 per cent, years, 2-story dwellinw, moral rik excellent. Vndcrdahl, iiul Hoard of Trade Bldg. WANTED .".no private money for V year on i m p lo ed Id'' eros. V i 1 1 pay g ood Interest. AN 76. Oregonfun. WANT $1 " 0 at t p r rent on itose 111 y park residence, value 45uO. X 611, Ore gonian. WANT SMALL MORTGAGE LOANS. 100 to 50, or will buy small mort gages. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Eat. WANT $22V0 at 8 per cent on modern resi dence ; all street Improvements paid. X 610. Oregonian. W'ANT $20W at 8 per cent on 4 lots and '1 house iu Lents, value $5500, Insurance o0u0. W 615, Oregonian. i"HAVE some good second mortgages, from $1000 to $12uo, at a good discount. JUD botf, oregonian. WANTED $2000, s years, security $50u0; first mortgage, real estate. AN 661, Ore gonian. $5000 "W'ANTED on 204 acres of land near Portland; good interest. Jacob Co., 20 Hubhard bids., Salem, Or. WANTED A 00 loan on a 700' building lot, pay 8 per cent and commission. A 679, Oregoniun. $200 10 200 10Vt $200 S'i 50x100 lot on the Peninsula, value 600, Fred W. German Co., l'l i niam, ot i om WASTED 25v on rooming-house worth 1 uoo, 1 0 per cent interest and bonus. East 1161. WANTED AT ONCE 2500 from private party on rlose-tn East side business prop erty, worth $6000. Main Hoi, ;o0 h per cent., o .ears on Portland income business property. Principals only. K 615, Oregoniun. WANTED to borrow lo.OOO for two yai; real estate and manufacturing plant lor security, value 45.oov. A' 66u, Oregonian. GOODvacant lots, cement waihs in and paid; vaiue $S50 each; want loan of $250 each, 1 or 50. E 676, oregonian. 3000 7 per cent. 1st mortK-ge on income bufimiss property for sale; cash only, b 612 Oregonian. . $17U0 WANTED at once; security close-in improved income property ; value 4000. A. IC. HILL, 41 Henry Bldg. I WANT a loan of $7000 ou brick business block, income $1800 per year. Call at 70 C. of C. bldg. Main 1166. FOR SALE $1200 mortgage, due in one aud two years, 7 per cent ; if taken at once will take $1100. Box 803, city. FrIVATE MONEY WANTED 5t0, firat mortgage. 7 per cent, gold bonds; give phone; no brokers.Q 673, Oregonian. 1500 TO $3000; very best of security. Owner, 342 Fargo L, Portland. Or. Phone East 51S5. ffcOO A HOCSE and 2 h.ts worth $2250. from private party. Phone oodlawn 7iS or Main 40 IU. $J600 WANTED at 8 per cent on good mod ern house and lot, valued at $4000, on car line; close in, T 07S. Oregoniau. WANT to l.orrow 5000 un close-in East Side residence; tine location and good house. AO 70, Oregonian. WANTED 2000 3 years on well rented in come property, valued at -$75o0. A 6l"l, Oregonian. 1000 MORTGAGE, 8 per cent, 2 years, 160 acres, sell lor :5u. Elmer ri. bnank. o02 Rv. Exchange. Tabor 4411, Main 2113. 700 W NTED on $2100 home occupied by owner. S per cent. C tWt. Oregonian. 350 WANTED on lot assessed at 1650. per cent. C O'.tr., Oregonian. WANTED 1500 on modem 6-room ciiy res idence; no agents. AF 694, Oregonian. WANTJSD $30 on SlOoO city lot. 1 year; owner; no commission. A 002. Oregonian. $50') AT 8 ou Improved 5 acres, value $3000; princtpeip. at ug.-. WANT $15 000 on well improved real estate worth over $50,000. AD OMJ, Oregonian. W VNTFD $1350. S per cent, on house and lot; prinelpa 1 only. AE 67, Ore gonlan. WASTE D -300, 8 per cent, hous and 17 lots- nrinclnals only. AF 7. Or.-gonlan. TO borrow $100 for 1 year on East Side property, value $1500. M 71, Oregonian. WANT $1300 on Sell wood residence. 210 Stock Exchange. .Mar. 1 8fi-S. GOOD mortgage of 250 for sale at liberal discount. Mar. 3S68. WANTED To borrow 4000 on firsl-class Portland property. AI, 67H, Oregonian. WSTKD, MU'1. 8 per ";erit, security $12,'HA. F." FUCHai, 420 Chamber of Commerce. uuaii ivovv West: ,con- . i,,.n Mccurvd first nurns' SBr Si-A Iitvipw. xi. r :Vi -I'll IT V. KKl t P" onl. v.lue '-," M.-.U0 t S lr ociu.. '"'"' it IO K ...It. I v'';. v.luo .60O. S m Wltn 1111 Improved i-room niojj-rn LlTiV.-Villi lli.ulKcc. lipint.-a a. iwl.l. .ouru.. elc, lue m-oo. I -n-d l" man to.. I'll .-l..ibcrIt-u'nMi.l W.iut to Lonuw on l- ' H. kl.-,uo"; ln.umn.' ''". 1"" ", '"" urioru., !. ""'J r..o..l".i. but no .omii.l--ion. AH i.4.'rt.uiiuii. ZZZZZ '.. .. Vcr7. llUii lnu.rov.-J 7-r...., i...lrrn co. in., etc.. value r,r.m'. 1 Ted W. i'o W Ctamliir or f omm.'ie. t'HUI AT N ' m 1:hh AT (.-room llOU.e. U lots, lot.ll v ',-', . g,il, lualt. l-'rvd W. onn. CO. HI 4 i'i.u,i,. r or I'oimii.rtc. CMOH:l4 MOUTUAvJli LOAN. AVri.tCA- T10.N.S ITr.l-t". ..utt.j, - fmKllOM INV MuKTtlAOU CO., IN''.. Marshall 'JOo, A HH 5-ioom mo.l.ni l.ou... c"rnr. ,7! legation, vuiuo lsoo. l reJ W. U r t o.. . ' M lnni o , ' vent SAl.K ioOl menic.I'. drawm P" cent li terWt. du out ihre. yci " .ecurcd bv real c.ialo worth four tin.. fn. "Sfounl or inu loam lll U.ouul 4..0O. R 614. oregoniajv want i t; modern h'i ,uri. m k n-r roil I, iti 1 ; HlVI - ;ot, ore - n' rcoir Icted diitru no lion J6oO. .No brokers. A i. goTilauu -filsT mortgage ,:1f-7,M:11 Tvvw Hawthorne ui-tncW will discount. Ah wn. Oregonian. LOAN WANTED. $1500 from owner, per ent on i valued at IJ.ooy. J.l.kbl- W A N TED UKHt. 2 yeais. security $lWO colistej-ai. ii ' i000 TO place rlgiirV-vhy; niunt be glll- edge. hmtth-Wagoner Co., atock l-.x. $150 ON pine claim at 10 per ut or year, a . - .- -"' liHMJ, il YEA US, on i .O Juieili arl bn.t rner. I'lmur - WANT 1000 to Ui i Vr'"1-?' proved, clly s. curtty. I A'V,I rKKSONAL. NKN-T MfSl.NKSa MAN, .AM I'll T I I ' I - .Kim: OS1.V l VO WI.I.K. '. t.'u tw . I'M i'H ul Ih V'I.I1S'I lvsilTl'l'b Mw M.. a o. In I aork.l, oy'r .'.t i.,p i" tki:atmu;ms. m,ii. Is now 14 INi'MKS l.l'SS lu mca.uro " STKON.'kR THAN KVKK. A oll-unon eapltalt of ll.i.. L-ilv n-lujl UVI ... r. I'OI'NUS and in nieasuic aonut i'Nf IbS l.KS.S ;n u Tl;,vUAlKVI'S an.. ,va, cored ot ASTHMA ot li .ar. .land li.f alter flr.l treatment. Nan.e. on re quest. Mr. l rank K.ilile. of "; K';n ll. K 1 'Jl IH-:Alt A WlllNIT.lt lltlor lh VlKST Tl;l-.AT.dK.NT arur havm. without rulta, treaicu lh ...n. r r..r . n.o..ll.. HAIl.M.lM-. AM HI; . ' l.-A" VKUlliUK AN I DlSOI.I.r.U.-. ', ' . . L ' ',' , TO wgaliN t.e.Jed it '-V,'.' tin .J t'KHS InvestlKale B)iem that LMJLa Thl.NliS to III.' luil. nt "' nol en s ru.NSl I.TAIit'N Hih.K. Brt-KUIKH INSTITI-Tli. TH Kl.l'TH M CUK. AI.UKIt. Ul'l1. '.'.''.yV t ill It. " LAST IU llAS UK MT.l.lAI. KKP -OBD HATKi. . M II V..TT..: .So OO UKN N I ' I'M Kliri. HI T Kl'-" l-Tb. TJli W. A. TUK.M.U. .N ATL KOI ATlllt.' ' SI'KCIAUST. No lrusa, no aeru.i.M, no ..peralloim. ftnrcetwrullv treat lie. r. Atoniaeli, 0o. l troubles, uii-euM.-a ot women, in .1. oi goi tre rlieuniHln.!".. .otiiii.iUtun. It.u ik. l..i. KriKht'a diceate. .llul..lee. oT"ie Mral bio bronchial .1 l.i.rd. ra. h.. I. n 1 1 : le to...l expert. t.ierio:in Natoi- core; l.h.u y-(. in tiwelsll niuvenienl ...an il'UUi i". ; 'I lull. Er:iuut nniflfi.ne use.l. Kurop.au h't.UU nte Dietetic udvlco by " 1 1 . M.iny )" auc'ccMful pracli. e. 0...H..1II 11 li" . reen tnoUerale. 1 Flu .'il from oil"'..- li.iua. Hotel KJwar.lf. ?J?J?"' WK SlOt.l. II A I II, 11 Mil. IIAIIl. "ft-loeh real f irst -.1 Ui. 1 It v a., it '-net s. . . . J 1 "K.lnen real flr.l-ou-.l UKl.N.i THIS AU (I..O.I i..r 00 oil I-'u.o inassaae. .--'c Mn.nipo Wanleuro IUIr.li.-w. I.nlr renn.ve. bv .1.- Tl l IL tiual-antrrd. 'ut bir. any fliml". Mlti' iiv lentil.. FiUcm liulf .-ianllary Ulji 1-arlors. 400-412 IJekuin blUti., oo v a.niniri..:.. ...... - My collar u.e,l 10 be No. i'S. now I .".1 ulna No. 1.." Mated M p. 0111 In. 'it 10:1 lanu business man tname .... i..iu.... and lliat alter only eH of treauii.iit at Tl. Bwcdlali lnatitute. Ulii l., cor. Al itor, other allmeiua treated ucci. " J-KUVET HANKM'T. Leading wig an.l loui.e niaaers; Mne.t .to. k human l.alr aoodn; BWlt. he, from hoc up; ilanrewitig inanlcurlnB. face and K.m treutmenl, coinblnti made ui- to ,.,r')'-r; 147 ltroadway, near Morrmon. .Mam i4.i. WOMKN'S idresa) I'li HM A N KN l.T V CUKKl). Huy ono of my new r.a.l.-r ,11 it. at 1-0 or -'.-., coat" III.OO and lo, and the trick I. .lid W. A. frank 111 llroadway. opp. 0l lrug Co., with Hud son nay r ur . ... Si:i'HRFl.l.O-.'.S hair. in. removed, electric needle permiicully year, prar- Hue In I'oruuno. b Inn', r.-ler.-i specialist ilady) at room si lluci bi.lg , .'or. 4lh at.d .vlorrieon. I'lione alar. 'I"-. SAY do you know "Hum and line .urea cold or couth while oth.r. merely think about It T 1.W lh boltle, at the clem.o on prut Co.. Front and .Morrln.n n. TJTrS -I-adle." and men'rt Lata clean..1, blocked, remodeled, trimmed; lal,t at. laa. l-annmaa bl.a.l.ed and l.l...k..l. loll Und Hat Work. im;u Wa.lili.KH-n PA1.MISTHV laUKlit by mall; ea.ily inaa-tereU- 2ic will blil.g let.on and map of - lltl,ia corley Xchool of I'alinlatiy, boa 1-16. ocean t'arw. .... (TLllifAN TltAINKU Sl'llSK Ir.aim.nH lor rhenmatlm. lumbago, etc. ina.-aK, and batlta 40. falmoii .1., cor. 13th. lai Khali illi. - SC1I-:N TJFIO n..acu,e. genuine tub bath.; alcoholic electric treatment., r hlron.-.l l.l . manicu.l.t. M.cloay bldg. M..r.ha.l r,n..o. . l-SYCHOLOtiY lr. I.lckey den-.n.lralea In p.ycblo and healing v-ry dy. '4 ' luiiibla c.-r. 0th. Mcellug Tl.urda. 1". M. MarshallluT J.-AT LA l-l K-. I have an en.y. .Imple remedy for re ducln fat anyal.ere on in fancy. ?7 Kt Wn.lb.on. t-dy. Maud Tab. 1 IK1N dieaca cured by Lu-o; aend money until eu..d. Writ.. Ior prnuo.li l-u. iAItllv NKVl.- menia dally. I , electric bi.lba an.l treal-dl-- only. Main nllo. for ap Mo.u K'.i.i. ry rt.. tlat f. pom in.enl. 2 4PIK1TI' Vl.lfM "ev. Mary A. I'rloe, lr. I. Tue.day W-d. and sun. B I-. M ; Lad- Irg- d' iiv. f.na ."-ti. -t Marrhall 31H. MBS. STKVBS r.irtlt.nd r.- nowned palinl,,t H,,d clairvoyant, author ni Falinis-try Made Kay." -1 '1 Mulilann. K-f TltlC VIHKATdlt for rhrumall-.ni. neuralgia, fa- ial ami aealp I reanu..l,t. r-anonable. l-hone Marshall ''U. V" A N T K L lien.onatralora bol h men and women for clly und country. Cull oK.-l.i Swe.land BUIgj soHHIK it. hKlf. nioi.ml and apl-"ltuai a.W enllst. UlS-aill AliiXy bldg. uue.tl.-u irout 1 ng wednemlny. S 1-. M. Mum S-... LMHKh:L.l.A.S All color, ami HM; lartf-l stock- recovering; nw i.an.Uaa put on. Meredlth'a - Wanlilngton .1. KUKWK.jl AN trained iiur.o and ii.asaa.e. Heclrlo. blanket treatment; hour, 2 1 . Jl to a lio 1' M. -OS1 8.1 at. d'.nomu 2 and 4. MAUB OP YCll.U t.ualHIMJS. cu.,..i... ar.e. ec.la and nulf. T.V Kanl- tary Beauty 1'axlcu.nJlyekurn bjlg MOLES, auperfluoua l.alr removed. XTrv. U. Hill. a- Flledner Mlg. Main III,,';. H. UBS TUKMiiN A f ire I - la.. .-i.-.c. 707 lluthclillil l.l.lg- "' f. r UAI.M OF FIOS compound. Tahlets. r-04 Davi, al. rim It.iyal T.-nlo 1. Main Chiropraotio .aplalaed: palnl.M adjust ments pleaalng; ailieatmenui tl. 1:1 tli. BENin.VK Swedlah inaag given at your home. Tabor l'si. Trained iinunieu.r. LKSONS In phrenology and card readings 135 6lh at. Phone Main 7t. S E Please give me an add :-ea ; I 'to answer your letter. Your friend. ant V. PI.l.'MKrf cleaned, dyed, C. G. Venator. 4-in'. curlerl luteal a. flea. Washington at. L'SE Pasfetfs .Nall.a Herbs for rheuma. wo tablet (or Zis. All Uruggisu, r rheuma. tarn;