12 FOB BAI-E. Fnrniturs for bale. 12 NEW quartered sawed oak 4.-ln. to p ex tension tables; regular 25. S pecial at S13-70. Mish Fnrnitura Co.. W 1st at. joks. Biro, Vt Stock PKI.N'CE SU-SSHINE la at stud at 540 k 44th S E city; .Sellwood 16117; he is reg istered A C. A. 24S1. of celebrated Orange lack and HamisH stock: pronounced by judge, a 96-polut Orange Persian cat .525. flm orange kits tor sale; also cream maie. v mm.ni.. PERSIAN kittens-cheap; orange studs at service. Phone Woodiawn 2JiS. 1Ui9 :2d st. . iinh'DALE pops, bred In purple, cheap. Anelark Sot. 41J. G. W. Thiessen. ulwaukle ave. PIT ball pap and other dogs for Bale; all pedigreed stock. 867 S. Couch, corner Union. - at STTT) King Ruffia of the celebrated Don Glovnl stock; flno white Persian cat. i aoor wj WANTED Pedigreed English bull terrier. iVmaleTlor breeding. Phone East 1U or B 3678. ; C.H. R RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LADDIX KStyla, EST ACAD A. OR. THOROUGHBRED bull terrier, collie, and pit PUll. Kmi. ",J" OKEAT DANE registered S? dog, lor saie. BEAUTIFUL. English canary singera 3. Mrs. R. Ferguson, r.aat THOKOl't'HBRED Persian kittens, orange. PET goats, 453 lath St. Phone A 8237. FOR SALE A pedigreed Airedale dog. In quire U) I VV CI HIJ. J """" Poultry. JBW EASTER COATS AND WITS FOR CHICK.E.VS (women): suits. -!0 and - coats tl-'. SO and J15; a new store with ew stSck. W. A. Crankrttl .Hudson Bay Fur Co.. opposite Owl Drug uo. WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs from heavy lay ,1 .train S3 per 16; 60 per cent hatch guaraSSed or older dapUcJted half prlca. Phone Mala S0OO. Thos. J. Jteeaan. Sts S. tth St. N. i-lNE cockerels, tens, pullets, incuiators, for sale; white leghorns S"d white Plymouth Rocks, from prize wl"nrrs Eg for hatching. McCoy. 332 Chamber or commerce. jijhwi - 6 C RHODE ISLAND i REDS Eggs from Portland and State Fair winners. 11-50. J2.60 and $5 per 15. delivered In Portland. G. I. Haraesty. atpicww. CRYSTAL, White Orpingtons, stock Keller strass direct. l 0 and 2-60 a setting HO). Crystal Poultry Yard, 4218 " ave. 3. WHITE Leghorn baby chix, heavy laying strain: March delivery 19.50 per 100; April a, we guarantee safe delivery. The Plo- neer Hatchery. Petaluma. Cat, THOROUGHBRED white Wyandotto eggs, bred for laying, guaranteed to be rertUa. 81.25 for 15. Phone Wdln. 82S8. i; WHITE WYA-NDOTTE hens and 1 oock; ' also Chinese pheasant hen cheap. liM Chautauqua blvd.; St. Johns car. THOROUGHBRED BlacJc Minorca, Brown Xghorn. Barred Kock. per setting .6c Woodiawn 1934. FOR SALE S nne laying bens. 1 rooster, h wire. $10. Phone Woodiawn 1 !-. TWO Phllo chicken coops, 15 each. Tabor THOMPSON Ringlet Barred Rocks, eggs and cockerels for sale. Phone Tabor IbT. GOLDEN POLISH, two hens and rooster. 581 Lake st. R. L R. cockerel, also eggs for hatching. 355 Graham ave. BUFF-Orpington cocks, worth 10 eaoh. your choice $4. 3. tli Main I960. ' THOROUGHBRED MALLARD DRAKES lor sale. ito e. jw. sa. MAMMOTH White Pekin duck eggs lor settinRT 15 Front St. Main 1800. livestock. AUCTION SALE. Woodland. Wash.. March It: 45 cow t.i fresh) 1 and -yr.-old heifers, mostly Holsteln. 6 yearling grade Holstain bulls, i large teams, etc W. S. Wood, auctioneer. I OH SALE 8 Holsteln cattle, 31-32 bred; also one Holsteln bull, 5 cows, fresh and 3 to calve, call or write Dr. Chas. Mac- allum. raiaiua. ' o HEAD of good dairy cows. Durham. Holsteln and Jersey. 3 to gallons a day. Take Woodstock car to 60h, ave.. walk 4 Mocks west, one north. REGISTERED Jersey bull, best blood lines, for sale or exchange. Address C. W. A'.t man. Route L, Portland, or phone Wood- T COWS, one or all. on V. D- Smith place. ii mile on Llnnton road, below 28th and Thurman. FOR SALE Holsteln bull, grade. 2 years, fine breeder. Morlta Schmld, Hlllsboro, R. 1. (Helvetia). HEIFER, fresh yesterday, from heavy mlloh stock, with calf, for 103. Box 22, Hills dale, or. MILKING STRAIN, shorthorn oulla. for sale. Hugh G. Fisher. Albany. Or. TV A nt-Cowb with or without milk route. 11 tii . ureffoniaii. FOR SALE Milch goat, fresh. 849 Francis avenue. , Automobile 113 MITCHELL, 5-PASSENGER NEWLY PAINTED. This car cost J170O, runs fine and is absolutely a sacrifice at the price, SoOO. This would trade for $1000. GENERAL. AUTOS COMPANY. R-'S Alder St. Main 24S1. - nan KnSt T Y3 A I A C 1 TV With panel body that cost i5, uim now touricp body interchangeable. This cax runs like new and la dirt "cheap, one fourth It oHlnaJ cost. 623 Alder U Main 24 SI. CADILLAC Touring car, new tlrea. mechanical con dition very rood.: a car that will give ervice. Also a roadster at a bargain. Covey Motorcar Co- 21st and Washington. liOOD seven-passenger automobile, fine looker and flrat-lass for stage service; would consider part trade for smaller car or good propexty; will not assume. 212 First st. A FrxB foredor IV-assenger automobile, in flrst-cl.us condition, to trade iot real ctata or good equity. Phone Tahor 3'Jll krfore Mo mi ay night, as 1 am leaving tho city. . 1812 Overland, line condition. Is fullv equipped. 4.0 ctish. Call Sunday. 702 c lti, ut v KnM Citv car. After Sun day. 2tW Wa.sh. St.. with Fred A. Jacobs Co. CNhJ ti pnw n on roaosu-r uu i i- .u-ou-ter 1 Flanders light delivery. 1 chassis. 1 3-passenper Ford. 23u. Fred Lister. 170 I'nion ave. 6. ELICK. five-passenger, electric lights and uelf -starter. lt14 model; will sell cheap or cash. 'aM Monday. A. K. Kern, First and Salmon sts. WK make out your motorcycle and auto Jlcense apuJicaiions complete, with noun- work, for 4ic. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. KrO Alder. WOFLD like to purchase first-class 37x4 H tin . Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 300 A 11 e r. WANTEIX A TENANT. W:l! build modern garage In good loca tion for suitable tenant. AK 6lU. Oregonian. ALMiST enough parts to build a Ford chassis; also a 4-passenK" Maxwell body for sMie cheap. inquire Jo mn st. t-f'ASS. or enclosed delivery body: must be cheap for cash; give price and size quick. A L K''M. Oresronian. FOR SALE Lincoln delivery car. Al shape; will take in motorcycle as part payment. 412 1-1 Bumside. East 7130. TX" PK HAKKR 20 touring car in good con d'tion. 935A Inquire AP 603, Orego- 4-PAS.S. -Bulck in fine condition, left with us in etiruge. can- be nought for $tJ0. In- i - 11 T-., A " 1st at PKIVATK garage Xor rent, $3 month. ii&4 verton si. TRtVK. Packard, three-ton. heap; excel lent condition. J 77. Oregonian. s a . K tll V light roadster cheap -for ch. Tahor .t;il. ewnings. LATE model Rufck 2."-H. P. roadster, ?485. Wltl tske diamond as psrt. 31T B. 34th st. fi rvl.INPrit Winton. .lust thing for jitney: price 4tHt. Hpton. 4.t C hamper of cgm. FOR SALE fadilisc delivery car. In good condition. j-'none eii wooq trj. KUCiHTI.Y used tires from J.I to lo each; vu'eanized 2oc tire; repaiajng. 207 Madison. FOR SXLE 1 24-passenger auto bus. "White . Shasta." Call 4!S K. 3rtlh st. I?t"ICK four-door touring car. $400. Howard Auto Co- 14th nnd Davis sta. KOAOSTER for sale, good shape. Call 2?,S Monroe. Phone Woodiawn 1563. JIOAUSTEII. CO H. P.. friction drive. . Price STio ex". 4-' i Hanrpcn u FOli SALK !t-fiecn(sr aufomolle. late model, p.vtd condition. Y 7. Oregonian. W'ANTKl) For spot cash. Ford, with or irithout body. M vrroman. WILL 'X-hanre nice electric runabout for rte.ir lot. 40I HHilway B.xcnange oitisr. l"OK SAI.E 11H3 -passenger, 35-h. p. i-PASSENGER Stearr.s-Kr.icht !n fine run ning Order. SI - AM urfuniimi.. A KUNXPOl'T i gxd running order. nJ tlres "$1M. S lt. jl'ST Ilk new. $30 speedoraeter, complete, $ltX i0 Aider st. .. FOB SALE. Automobiles. R. G. HUNTER Sc CO., 507 East Bumside St. East C9S0. - Kast 68S0. I have had "some relations with NEW CAR DEALERS, attempting to secure their used cars, but up to the present writing have not been, very successful, as the prices that they hold their used cars for exceed -their value. There are many rea sons for this being the case, and I will explain these reasons personally to any one who will take the trouble to be taught something. One dealer bad his oars in mv place, and because I would not sell them for what he had allowed on the sale of a NEW CAR. irrespective of their con dition, he took them away t Ml Rb QUEST. I WAS PREPARED AND WILL ING TO SHOW HIM THAT THE MONEl HE HAD TO HAVE WAS AW AT OVEH THE VALUE OF THE CAR, but he was not selling on the car's REAL value, he was going to Bell for what he had allowed on the sale of the new car, and the buyer of said second-hand cars has to pay for the speculation on the deal, between the OWNER of the old car and the seller of the new car. and, believe me. THERE IS POME COMPETITION BETWEEN THE NEW CAR DEALERS AS TO WHO WILL ALLOW THE MOST ON A SECOND HAND CAR IN EXCHANGE FOR A NEW ONE. In other words, a shrewd owner of a second-hand car can go out and get mixed up with the DEALERS and just "Hint Around" that he is on the market for a naw car and sell the old one lor twice or three times what I would take it Jn my place for sale, because my system exposes the entire car and the CHA RT acts as an educator. I am the only man in the city who deals exclusively in used cars, and X have the largest place ot busi ness that Is devoted to this line. The CHART system is a money-saver for the prospective buyer in a used car, and saves me time and "Jaw-bone" work, so while it costs me something to sell cars on my basis. I am ahead in the long run. I have on my floors some used trucks and new trucks as well as roadsters, five-passenger and. seven-passenger cars. Come In and be shown. Facts talk. OPEJf TO DAT. OPEN TODAT. IF TOTJ ARB 30LNO TO 3UT A USED CAR, IT WXLL. PAX TOO TO BEB US BEFORE TOU BUT. WB CAN SAVE. TOO MONBJY. AJLI CARS COMPLETELY OVER HAULED. REPAINTED AND - NEW TIRES. WINTON MOTOR CARV-CO, AND WASHINGTON" - TS. MAIN 4244. T.EED QUAXJTT CARS. . POPULAR PRICES. If you are contemplating a tour to- the exposition yon can tour in style, safety and comfort in any one of these snaps: Packard 18, 5-passenger. Packard 30,2-passenger. Packard 30, 6-paasenger. Packard 48. 7-passenger. Fierce-Arrow 48, 7 -passenger. We also have for quick sale Chal mers l&ll 5 -passenger $400 FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, 2Sd and Washington Sts. Phone Main 4542. S500. 5-passecger, 1913, Jackson auto. Torpedo body, foredoor, almost new tires, no better looking car in the city, gray color, perfect running- or der; ready to climb In and drive off; Presto lights, speedometer, robe, extra tubes, full kit of tools; this is no junk sale, but my private car, and I have good reasons for selling it. You would pay double for this car if I was not forced to sell it. One look will convince you that you could not beat the buy on the Coast at my price. Main 124 "J. TRUCKS. We have on hand the foHowfng second hand trucks we have taken in trade on new GMC trucks. They are all in first- class repair in every respect and we are prepared to oner exceptional terms and prices: 1 Pope 5-passenger car $ 375 1-ton Federal 1000 COL. CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS, Main 802. - 20&-11 Front st. PARTS FOR 20 DIFFERENT MAKES OF CARS. SEE US BEFORE YOU BUY ANY PA RTS FOR YOUR CAR, WE &BLL FOR LESS PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., G. N. SMITH, MGR. S26-327 BURNS IDE STREET. THREE-TON WHITE. Have three-ton White truck In first class condition; tires all practically new; $lo0 body; cost $4400; will sell for $1600; terms, but no trades. BC 679. Oregonian. FEDERAL 1 i-ton truck, dual rear tires, oody, top, electric headlights, storage bat tery, hub odometer. Good as new; cost '500. will sell S1675; terms $ti75 cash, bal ance $100 per month. Signal Truck Com pany, Spokane.. Wash. HUPP fore-door roadster J350 Pierce-Arrow. newly painted u'J Auburn touring $400 DULMAGE-MANLEY AUTO CO., 46 and 48 N. 20th St. JITNEY. $150 DOWN. Balance Weekly Payments. This is a swell Winton Six. Main 835. Main 1254. WE WILL pay cash for second-hand Ford cars or trade new ones for them. New and second-hand Fords sold on terms. Benj. K. Boone A Co., 514 Alder st. Tel. Main 3166. iyi4 ONE and one-half ton Federal truck in nerfect condition: $700 less than cost: op erated only a short time for light deliver-" ing; good as new. uerms casn. Aaaress G 6TS, Oregonian. JITNEY BUS. 1913 STUDEBAKER. In the finest condition. Price $7-5: $100 down, balance weekly. Main S34o. -Main j.-o. STL'DEBAKER 30 roadster, A-l condition, t- .-. innlr Altutrifl Horn a ti H MYtrft. tires can be bought at bargain from owner. K 6W. Oregonian. I WANT 1 3-ton truck: also I have 3 light cars to sell or trade. What have you 7 Call at Morrison st., or call Main M7S. S. J. Brown. 7-PASSENGER 6-cylinder. 1014 Hudson; 54 h. p.; only run a few thousand miles; per fect condition: cost ''400 year ago; make cash ofier. F 678. Oregonian. GOOD strong classy roadster or would make fine 7 to 12-passenger jitney by building body on; fine shape; cost $2L'50; must seil. Price $:50. 369 Hawthorne ave. STUDEBAKER 30 roadster.' fine shape, a bargain for someone. Presto tank, electric horn, two extra tires, large gas tank, on behind Call 523 Alder st. Mr. House. MICHIGAN 5-passenger. fuily equipped, good tires, recently overhauled and Is In good condition mechanically: would make good jitney $?0. 3ii0 Hawthorne. We will pay cash for any kind of a wrecked car, PACIFIC TIRE SUPPLY CO.. 325 Bumside St. 7FKS3. Stoddard-Dayton, excellent condi tion, good casings. $500; real snap. Owner, 321 "Euirene si- E 2"'o. .:irviirin 7-nassencer. in very fine condi tion; tires are practically-new: dandy car for stage or jitney. Phone 3d am 1914 5-PASSENGER Ford, good as new; must sell Monday, $37S. Owner, 401 rfRy. Exchange bidg. FORD car for sale; has master vibrator, shock absorbers; reasonable. AJ 674. Ore gonian. iriDOPv 7-raeeneer. also aeiivery body Included, 4(o. or will trade for llgh.t 6 passenger. 2l laruinrra. Mur. wv. FOR SALE Top. body, for roadster; head lights, largr presto and gas tank. $20. THarshall litis. .Monnay LATE ModeV Ford in good condition $150 COSH, OBianro on cm .. Sctiwooa i-i-A. CHALMERS "30." fr-pass,. fully equipped and In A-l condition; tires like new: would make fine jltnay. Phone Main J3t8. FOB SALE. Automobiles. J REBUILT FEDERAL TRUCKS. A Safe Used Truck to Buy, A REBUILT FEDERAL is as good value for -the money as a new truck. By re built we mean rthat the truck is entirely taken apart, each part examined and it necessary replaced by e; new part made at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and refinished and everything necessary done to make the truck prac tically as good as new in every detail. When you buy e rebuilt Federal you are protected by the same policy and Interest that we give to all Federal own ers. We operate a repair department, in which the workmen are specialists on Federals; our supply of Federal parts is complete end the stockroom organization high-class, which insures the prompt fill ing of all parts orders. We also opera:e a service department, which is open day and night, -'always at your call." The Federal being a good truck- in the first place and protected by a company which is equipped and has the disposition to give you service, is consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUY. If you are In the market for a truck from $1000 to $1400, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior value, GER LINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY, King and. Washington Streets. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, USED-CAR DEPARTMENT. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 CHALMERS 80," 4-passenger tour ing car, overhauled and repainted. .$475 eTUDEBAKER '30." 4-pass. tour ing car, just overhauled, self starter, etc .$000 1 STODDARD-DAYTON roadster, Jn fine condition $850 1 fiVirBT.A vn tnnrinr In rood condition - -$25tf1 1 STUDEBAKER "20," roadster, ;flne - condition, all now tires .'.a .$400 1 MAXWELL o-pas8enger touring car.$4oU 1 STUDEBAKER "30," f lve-passenger touring car $0 1 STUDEBAKER "SIX." 7-passenger, , electric starter and lights, extra tire, ' .etc., great bargain -..$950 1 STUDEBAKER "SIX" touring. car, 1914 model, electric starter' and lighter perfect condition .$145(V See us for jitney buses. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Studebaker Building, , Corner Chapman end Alder Streets, Phone Main 8402, A 7656. USEDS AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN. N Free service given on all used cars. We offer yob the following list to se lect from: Hupp, 6-pau., 32 H. P. Cole. 5-pass., 80 H. P. Chalmers, 5-pass., 30 H. P. If. C. H-, 5-pass.. 25 11. P. Lozler, 7-pass., 40 H. P.; nearly new. Cole, 4-pass., 40 H. P. Michigan, 5-pass., 33 H. P. Interstate, 4-pass., 40 H. P. Reo, -2-pass., SO H. P. roadster. Apperson, f.-poss, 40 H. P. Studebaksr, 4-pass.. 40 H. P. Overland, S-pass., 40 H. P. Reo 2-ton truck, with body. Federal 16 -ton truck, with body, good as new. Several others to select from; price $350 and up. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. Main SS87. A 4U59. ELECTRIC LIGHTED AND STARTED CARS Bulck 35 -H. P. roadster, all class $850 Apperson 40-H. P. five -passenger tour- ' ing car. A powerful car $700 Cadillac. 1913, five-passenger touring car; repainted $750 We sell the best cars for the money, old or new. HOWARD AUTO CO. 14th and Davis Sts Phones Main 4555, A 2550. DOUBLE-SERVICE automobile tires, guar anteed 7000 miles' service and are abso lutely puncture-proof; best pneumatic the world for long and dependable service, yet cost less than others. Special short lime introductory prices: 30x3 $ 7.85; 30x3 $ 8.90; 32x34 $10.50. 3-X34 lU.u; 3JX4 J2.UU; 34X4 l.(.JU 3(x4 15.00; 35x4 17.00; 30x4 H 19.00 37x4i 20.50 - 37x5 22.00 ; 37x5 21.00 These special limited-time prices are for two or more ttires only and payment in full must accompany order. If only one Is desired add lit per cent additional. If you want to save time, worry, money, put jjouDie service Aires on your car. ueaiera orders not accepted at these special prices. Double Service Rubber Company,. Akron, Ohio, Dept D2. I WILL trade mv 1914 Cadillac, fullv equipped, for real estate or mortgage; car is equipped wiin seat covers, z norns, i extra tires, one of them Is new and four on car are nearly new; non-skids all around: demountable rims: car has been driven about 7000 miles; car cost about $23oO 13 months ago; this is an unusual opportunity and only bona fide proposi tions need be made. AD 672, Oregonian. FEDERAL ONE-TON TRUCK Was Kuaran teed by Federal agents for tons; has body and curtains; this truck is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther information; terms If desired. Ad- drees Mr. Gilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Chapman and Alder Sts. PORTABLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials. Artistic designs, 10x16, $36 up, erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; also portable houses. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO., Foot of Harrison St. Main 1167. IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16, best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beau B. T. Aliyn, Garage Specialist. 1191 K. Salmon L Tabor 194. REO TRUCK 1500 pounds; bought last May irora J. i. soss. use a very m 1 1 e ; come and see it or write us at once; price $350; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert, OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Chapman and Alder. HAVE your auto painted ana your trimming nickel-plated at Portland Plating & Auto Painting Co.; also upholstering. 22d and Thurman. Mam 943, A 6282. $20 and, up ward, according to the woric. FOR SALE 7-passenger Garford car, first- in Multnomah Garage, Sixth and Madi son; tag number 9&5u. Address L. Neischl, care of Hof Brau, city. PEERLESS 6-cyl.. 7-pass.. fully equipped with electric seir-starter, electric lights, etc.: everything right up to the minute; might consider late model small car as part payment. rnone juain odo:. FOR SALE FOR CASH ONLY A bargain, 114 Cole, five-passenger, all modern. equipped auto. Write to P. O. box 2US or pnone siam in, uregoa -iiy, Kfr. FOR HIRE. SI. 50 PER HOUR. 5-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work: gooa service, rnoae Alain 12UJ or East 5859. FOR SALE The latest type .of American roadster costing $2500, and in the best of condition and a very attractive look ing car for $lut)0. Covey Motor Car Co. WE have for sale a Hudson roadster in good condition, with good tires and an inexpensive car .to operate; $350. Covey Motor ta to. FOR SALE 1913 Buick auto truck, in best of condition. Inclosed body; an unusual bargain. Royal Bakery Co., Vancouver, Wash. - WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leve. 1S6 Columbia. Main 5198. BARGAIN". practically new 2-passenger iivorinnd roadster: electric lights, self starter, fully equipped. Main 7000, cashier. FOR SALE Aut5 in good shape, will take cash or first mortgage. 1315 E. Stark st. Tabor 759. WE have mortgage on SO A.farm for $1000; parties want automobile. 216 Abington bidg. REGAL 5-passenger; Dayton airless tires; newly painted and a bargain at $o00 Phone Main 5j,u. ROADSTER, perfect order: must sell, leav ing town. Cost $1200. make an offer. Phone Main r:Ux. ask for Wallace. 5-PVSSBNGER CADILLAC for sale or trade for roadster. 711 Vancouver ave. Wood- lawn 2ss:i- 191 l RUICK roadster; make me an offer: can be seen at 1120 Clinton st. W. R. car. Tabor 3 8 "2. FOR SALE 7-passenger auto, in fine shape. This Is a real bargain. 175 21st. FOR HIRE, $1.25 per hour. 5-passengsr 11 Ford, phone Woodiawn 140,. THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, . MARCH. 21, 1915 FOR BALK. Automobiles. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. Come In. look over our list, especially If you want big value in high-powered FORD, S-passenger ..$425 OAKLAND, roadster 3T5 HAVERS SIX. large 5-passenger; thoroughly overhauled, lee lighted. $i&0 NEARLY new, 40-H. P. Mitchell, elec. starter and lights, guaranteed. $1100 MITCHELL, 5-passenger $350 MITCHELL, LEWIS & STAVE R CO., East Morrison and East First sts. ' East 2177, B 1216. FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS AUTO FOR THE AUTO WISE 1914 FORD, 5-passenger. This is in finest condition and has been used very little. Price $375. t 4 . 1913 FORD roadeter, like new, electric lights and speedometer. Price $325. 1913 FORD, 5-passenger, fully equipped; shock absorbers, master vibrator, new tires. Price $350. 1914 FORD, 5-passenger, practically new. 1913 FORD, 5-passenger; electric lights and speedometer; car has naa oest oi care. Price $350. 1914 FORD roadster, $396. 1913 STUDEBAKER 35, 6-passenger, electric tights and starter. This car is practically new. Price $695. . 1911 CHALMERS 30, 6-passenger, $495. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR EXCHANGE, E. 13th and. Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 1199. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. One Flanders "20 with delivery body; In trinti ninnlno" fond it inn. with Prest-O tank and wind shield:.. $250 One 30-horsepower .parry-Arrow, m irnnrt r-nnntn f nrrfpr with ton. Wind shield, gas saver and Prest-O tank. $350 One yo-norsepower -xsapier .-passengor i tniirlnv fa r- with ton And Wind shield; in first-class running order. $1000 One 4o-horsepower nerce-Arrow i , passenger touring car, in good run- ntnv nrrlor with trm And Wind shield '. .$750 FRED DUNDEE, 575 Jefferson at., ron- land. Or. Will demonstrate. BIG TRUCK BARGAIN. Pen 1-ton trunk with hardwood body and canvas top; cost new six months ago $2200, have your mechanic thoroughly In spect it, you will then know that it Is the oiggest Duy in tne city at mo ynto. give terms. GENERAL AUTOS COMPANY, 023 Alder St. Main 2481. OVERLAND, 1912, 5-passenger, In excellent condition, in use daily; tires 75 per cent newi good equipment, etc. 369 Hawthorne. Automobiles Wanted. HAVE $3000 cash value equity in. fine little buntralow. West Side. In best neighbor hood, which I will trade for-a first-rate good automobile; must do a iaie mouei in- best condition; no difference required If car suits, tar bth, uregonian. 80 ACRES CLEAR FOR AUTO. 80 acres in Morrow County, Oregon, for a good machine. W. H. ROSS. Phone Marshall 125. - 212 Mohawk bldg. AUTOMOBILE wanted: I will accent auto mobile as first payment on my up-to-date bungalow; will sell house way below cost of buiiaing; tnis is a snap. a. ou, wo gonian. , WANTED 1-ton truck, standard make, of late model; must be in A-l condition: give best cash price; all intormation ursi let ter. Address AV 57, Oregonian. CORNER lot 50x100 at University Pafk, on hard-surface street, to traue xor suiumu feile. ll6o East Couch et., or phone Ta bor 50G4. We will pay cash for any kind of a wrecked car. m PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO., 325 Burnslde St. HAVE 5 acres of fine prune land, value $500. to trade for 5-passenger machine. Must be in jrood condition. Address, giv ing fuii pajculars. Box 1S5, Salem. Or. a.- a vt jrnrrt r-a r in aronA condition : will trade Btrong, gentlo horse, buggy and har ness as part payment, in qui its jmib. "c, Tigard, Or. WILL pay cash for late Model 6-passenger tti i 'x....- ka in first .ria?q condition. . state price and give description. A 674 Oregonian. N ' WANTED. Auto for $900 equity in modern Haw thorne bungalow; must be late model; no Fords. j ttiM. oregonian. WILL exchange $3000 first mortgage on local property for a high-grade late model automobile; state make. V 677, Jregoman. At I UAIUUIL. irnniui- . ouiia into iwfl-pdBDcuric' - v; price and all particulars in reply. At Owl, ureguuimi. WANTED CHALMERS AUTO BODY, either i passenger or ruiuoic. -; . hawk bldg., or phone Marshall 12.. W. H. Ross. WANT late model touring car in A-l condi tion; must be snap for cash; give full particulars anu price, aj. v. ts.-. FOR SALE 1914 Twin Merkel. fully equipped, new tires; this is positively a TWO good lots in thriving, coast town, value $600; trade for Sood aut0- Owner, LOT at Warrenton, where the new Hill boats land. lO eXCIlttUBO a OOV, Uicauiltmi. w a vTEn I Jeht four-cyl. auto, chassis only preferred; must be cheap. BC 680, oregonian. MOTORCYCLE for sale or exchange; took on QtDl . JLU. VO J1W UOC v - ' Monday $15(10 Second mortgage for first-aiass ma- v . . v mi a - iQir. Wi-.om 1143. cnine; must uo uregua 1 1 u i i WANT high-class runabout or electric coupe cultivated suburban acreage on - cio,tHv Phone Marshall 1585. WANTED A seven-passenger auto; will pay $20O aown, Daiaiij hu t rangca. hiauregvuw " .. . .. f.nnd f irtr gtihstBO tial cash payment and $40 per month. X 672, Oregonian. WANT good late model auto. Have seller's contracts, itrst mon.gag r 680, Oregonian. UNINCUMBERED lots, acreage, $600. 7 per r.nr first morteaKe want 5 or 7-pass. 4- door auto. East 5135. WANTLD Bargain in Ford 'car. Will pay cash.. Box tv, v..-., Wash TO i tiAUti w uibiwuiiu .js . . ster, no junk. Overland or Buick preferred; no agents, aiv -c" WILL trade some good cleaT real estate at actual value iui . f -it BTiI nrirnlan SAVE money by having your car overhauled in your own garage; expert workmanship, -atisfaction guaranteed. Phone East 6M)3. TWO close-in lots in Joseph worth 500' traqe xor gout n moaei, or eq.ua -- - WANTED To trade W equny m "" lot for 2 or 5-pass. auto. Small amount cash. P tii5. oregonian. FORD roadster or touring car, late model; sts Attjah. $10 to S20 weekly. H 6i9 Oregonian. FlRST-CLASS automobile wanted for 3 lots at Kenton-J-annion auuihuu. Oregonian WANTED Light car in geod condition, sud- A , J nauTnant- a rH 4.ft rir month. staniiai cwu r-""-"' P tto, Oregon""' WANT 1913 or 1914 car; two lots In North Bend Or., some cash and monthly cash pavments. V 672, "Oregonian. WANT to trade good unincumbered lot for motorcycle; hancy or muiuu c. Call Main 6445. Mr. Benedict. t.. 'rr.i.-n DnoHstor in exchEUKe for lot. near Flavel, worth around $550. East 5149. LOT TO TRADE for a good 5-passenger car. Pnone t; :u, or w ;" FORD or Hupmobile runabout; must be che ap tor casn. r om. ct, WANT to buy 5-passenger automobile or r on aster; wiu pay cwm. w 10 ACRES free from incumDrance, iu uu for automooiie. at vijl, &"'"' LATE model light car, in good condition, cash Tor oargain. ae hc WANTED to buy or rent, small auto truck In gooa conauion. aia.ni WANTED Light 5-passenger car, must be . w t sTT nrernnlnn. very iow mr wbh. - ' - P y CASH for late model Ford; state price 3is.. ah 7R. reeonian. WANT Good 5-passenger car for dear citSf lot. C KitJ, oregonian. WANTED 5 ox 7-passenger automobile. -Y 677. Oregonian " v ' . ' -! ' v A 1 SECOND-HAND mortgage for late model 5-pass. auto. xaoor tmt AUTO wanted for lots iu new- county seat in baby county. jujl h, u . v. CLEAR lots and cash for good automobile. S 677, oregonian. WILL pay cash for beat 7-passenger car I , .k- mnnv n K7 7 ( rsrornan. can pi " a. " ROSE CITt lot, clear, for auto. Owner. Ta- bor $353. - - WANT Late model 7-pasBer.ger touring car, s j -uu t TV- W.-ir1 101 6th St. in gwu ' W NTED 4-cyl. automobile engine, 30 to 40 h. p.. Call at I7Q Uniou ave South. FOR SALE. Automobiles Wanted. 1 NEED CARS, but do not advertise as some second-hand establishments, ior instance, on this style: SEE US ABOUT BUYING OR SELLING USED CARS. This would lead you to believe that they would buy your car, when some of them could not buy a pair of front wheels. 1 DO NOT BUY. I want cars left in my place of business for sale at their VALUE, which I will prove by my CHART SYSTEM. We won't have any arguments over the value of your machine. I will prove its value by indis putable evidence, that which you cannot deny. R. G. HUNTER ft CO. EAST. 6930. 5U7 East Bumside St. OPEN TODAY. OPEN TODAY. 1913 7 H. P. Excelsior, equipped with Presto tank lamp, tandem and speedome ter. Al condition, $130. 1913 8 H. P. Hariey-Davidson, with Presto tank lamp, tandem, exhaust horn, $150. We also have bargains in other makes of machines from $25 up. On Easy Terms. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 Grcnd Avenue. , Agency for the Flying Merkel. WILL take good a or 7-passenger car or roadster as first payment on west bioe flat located on Columbia St., near 14th St.; no cash required. Inquire 25bN. 14th st. Phone Main 9460. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1913 Davton, equipped, good as new. ..$200 Twin Reading Standard. Al shape $150 1014 Twin Two-Stieed Excelsior. eauiD- iped and In Al condition $173 1913 Twin Excelsior, equipped Sl.io iftl.l Pone Twin, almost new $150 1813 4-H. P. Excelsior. Al shape. .. .lOO Many other usea raacnines ot variuu makes ranging in price from $25 to $200. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadway. - Marshall 5533. SECOND-HAND MOTORCYCLE. One Twin Excelsior, fully equipped. .$140 On Twin Thor. fullv euuiuued ....$125 One Twin Excelsior, like new $J.V t in a Thnr 4 nine If. 65 Three Thor, 4 singles each 550 f One Indian single u Second-hand bicycles from $10 up. APEX BICYCLE CO., 124-125 12th St. Phones Main 2956. A 3306. 7-H. P. INDIAN, 2-speed motor $100 7-H. P. Indian Jl-5 7-H. P. Indian, nicely equipped. . .... $135 . 5-H. P. Twin, fully equipped $5 Many other attractive bargains. JEFFERSON CYCLE CO.. 2S7 8d St. 1909 INDIAN, single, tandem, speedometer, $25; 1912 twin Merkle, $75. Rot ho Station, Oregon City carline. N. J. McLean (house with green roof). Worth the trip. Bar gain - 1914 POPE 2-speed motorcycle, ' electric lights, tandem ; machine like new ; cost $385. sell for $225. H. Armeshaw, 367 Stark. UNREDEEMED MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES CHEAP. STEIN'S LOAN OFFICE, 26 N. 6TH. A BARGAIN Indian motorcycle, late mod equippeo. WllU isuucui, ricaiu it&sik, v. $100. 1380 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 3392. A BARGAIN. I 5-H. P. Thor, with presto right and tan dem. In good condition, $75. 26 N. 15th at. LATE model 2-speed twin, fully equipped, in first-class condition, 150. CaU Mon day, 249 2d st. WILL exchange fine talking machine outfit for good motorcycle. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co., 350 Alder. . BEAUTIFUL $225 diamond ring, exchange for good two-iipeed equipped motorcycle. Marshall 792. THOR" motorcycle, S20, terms. East Siae Motorcycle Co., Grand ave. and Pine. MERKEL twin, Juiit overhauled, $130 cash. 590 Rodney. East 7156 TWIN-CYLINDER Harley Davidson; terms. Main 6769- Auto Tires and Accessories. CALL 681 E. Stark; real bargain; new 7 H. P. Indian M. C; equipped; run less than 250 miles; forced to sell; a bargain for cash. Call between 12 and 3 at 681 E. Stark, or phone E. 7091. FOR SALE 1913 Excelsior motorcycle in first-class condition, equipped with lamp, tandem, foot-boards and whistle. Call Sunday after 2- P. M. Tabor 2156 or see starter at Stevens bldg. $140.a OWNER leaving town, must sell late model twin Indian for cash; fully equipped, thor oughly overhauled, A-l condition. North west Repair Shop, 1S9 Madison. WANTED Ford front axle, stearlng gear or any second-hand Ford parts. 25 N. 14th st. 1914 INDIAN motorcycle, electric equipped. Cheap for cash. Apply 1226 Concord st. Machinery. EQUIPMENT FOR RENT OR SALE. Donkey engines, piledrivers, derricks, transits, levels, concrete mixers, etc. COAST STEEL & MACHINERY CO., 1505 Yeon Bldg. Main 6705. FOR SALE 12-horse Cas traction engine in first-class condition; also wagon and tank; about ;J5 miles from Portland, worth $S00. will take 5500; terms. Write Jenkins. 41S Realty bldg., Spokane, Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. Bought, sold, rented, repaired. Large stock; all guaranteed. B. E. DAVIS & CO., 103 E. Water St. East 3146, B 2236 REEVES Cross compound automatic engine. 75-horse power, direct connected with 5 .'k w. Nothern generator, weight 16,500 lbs. AG 694, Oregonian. , Typewriters. ALL MAKES FACTORY REBUILT. LARGEST STOCK. LOWEST PRICES. TERMS 55 DOWN, $5 A MONTH. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. THE WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO. 821 Washington St., Portland, Or. 'Stores in all pacific Coast Cities. We save you from 60 lo 73 per cent on all makes of typewriters; send for our illus trated folder. Retail department WHOLE SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 321 Wash, st. TYPEWRITERS for rent; 3 months for $5 - ana up; O mumus icm mr chase price. Remington Typewriter Com pany, &o jjroaaway, rorumm, I HAVE a visible Emerson typewriter, u?ed only' a short time; cost me $100; will sac rifice at $25. 1S4 1st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. The Northwest Typewriter Co., 262 Stark "-t. Main 5528. TYPEWRITER wanted, state make, condi tion, lowest cash price, no dealers. L 672, Oregonian. NEW rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. 231 Stark st. -Main 1407. BRAND new Oliver typewriter. $40. Main 4867. UNDERWOOD typewriter for sale cheap, need the money, m. oig, uregonian. FOR SALE or trade, first-clase Oliver type writer cheap. Phone Tabor 3211. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE One engineer's level, 18-in. tel escope, also one Gurley transit; both in struments in fine condition. H. S. Hall, Home VaHey. Wash. FINE hornless $45 Amberola, $30, $5 down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Aiaer. KODAK Post card size, with tripod, carry ing case and developing tank, to trade for typewriter. 64 Broadway. SOLID gold bracelet, set with, fine, perfect, blue white diamonds; cost $160; will sacri fice for $S0. H 613, Oregoniaru 9rpoot 1 7-mile motorboat ; boat house, with living-rpom; fine outfit, $325; new cost. juain jiw aiter o..u. "UNREDEEMED PLEDGES 'CHEAP. HTH:iIN LUArt OFFICE. 26 N. 6TH. WE rent you a phonograph and 18 latest indestructible records for $3.50 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine uo.. i Aiqcr, FOR SALE: Cheap. 6-horse power Mitchell Lewts and Ftaver woodsaw, nearly new. 54 E 74th N. Tabor 1855. n v n V hlr-fl an1 rnia for .sale, or will trade for dictionary stand. Call 7503 61st ave S. E. SACRIFICE Half price, modern computing scale, medium size National register, etc. 660 E. Ankeny. JITNEY" CIGARS manufactured by John C. tWelner. 592V- 4th at. Label on record. FOR SALE 80 sets of deer horns and heads. 67 Union ave. . AN almost new J60 wood range, with hot water coils. Tabor WANTED 1 folding kodak, about 2Hx31ft ' also Indian blankets. Sellwood 1747. FOR SALE or rent. Invalid's chair. Cal Marshall 16C9. FOR SALE, cheap. South Bend malleable range. -rnone J apur jiw- $-50 HOT air furnace, 4-foot fire box. Stand r closest inspection. Price 150. East 6381. LARGE city map, cost $36.50, will sell for J7. 7o w imams av-. - DIAMOND. 16 karat, absolutely perfect, will sacrifice ; need money. AG 6S6, Oregonian. jiEW Ruud heater for sale. 204 Made ay bldg. Marshall 3950. - FOR SALE: Six-hole range in good condi tion. Call at 245 Bumfflrie or ring M. 17BO. NATIONAL register, throws out ticket; a bargain, $4Q. Mr. Dobins. A 366, Monday. S3000 EQUITY good lot. exchange for dia monds, furniture or cash. Marshall 792. HOUSEBOATS J. L. GUham. foot Spokane ave. Sellwood P14. B' 2476. FOR SALE Comptometer adding machine ; will teach buyer to operate U. Main 200d, FOR BALK. M ssceltaneous. special notice: MILLMEN FACTORIES WE HAVE DECIDKP TO GIVE IT THE SECOND-HAND MACHINERY BUSINESS AND WILL SELL GOODS AT A PRICE NEVER BEKOKE HEARD OF. BELOW ARK A FEW OF THE PRICES THAT WE SELL GOODS FOR: Castiron pulleys, while they last, 2o lb. Castiron boxes, wuiie they last, 10 lb. Steel shafting, any size. lo lb. Five-eights table, per foot. 2c. One-half inch cable, per foot, 1 C. .Galvanized corrugated Iron, q., $2.20. Hangers, all kinds, 2vj lb. 1 tfOxltf boiler. $50. 1 30-H. P. economical boiler. $200. 1 0-U. P. upright boiler, $100. Steel rails, all sizes, lo lb. I-beams, all site. 1 o lb. Gears, all sizes. 2c lb. WB ALSO HAVE ALL KINDS OF PIPE WIRE. FENCING, CONTRACTORS' TOOI-iS, PLUMBING. BELTING, MO TORS. PIMPS, DYNAMOS. ROOFING PAPER AT CORRESPONDING PRICES. J. SIMON" PRO. FRONT AND GRANT MTf. MAIN 2002. A 2002. DON'T BUY ANYTHING IN PLUMBING SUPPLIED UK nt'r; UKirVKE. YOU SEE US. We also give Estimates for plumbing freely; we carry everything to supply any building from a bungalow to a 12-story building; we also carry new and second-hand pipe of all sizes and sew and second-hand fittings of all descriptions. See us and save money. Prompt service Is our motto. NORTHWESTERN PIPE CO.. r 187 Front St., Between Yanfhill and Taylor. . IT MAKES no difference what you are in need of. see us. We curl save you money. We have opened up a salvage store at 131-133 First St., , near Alder. Can supply your wants in anything In the line of merchan dise. We have some special good bargains in paints, oils, brushes, mattresses, hardware, at our First Street Store. J. SIMON BRO.. Front and Grant Sts. Main 20O2. A 2002. WE have on hand a number of high-grade dynamos and motors of standard makes, to 35-H. P., In direct and alternating cur rents, for Sale at low margin; all voltages. 110, 220. 440, 500, 2200; albo 1 G. E. A. T. B. 3 25 K. W. 60-cycle generator, 600 R. P. M.. 2300 volts, with separate exciter, all guar anteed for 1 year. Call at our place and get our low figures before buying electric machinery., Davis & Clark, 2bU E. Mor rison st. ' GOHS-DAGOR LENS F. 6 8, focus 12-lnch and shutter, $75; 'sixty rare old revolvers at a bargain ; K- & E. mountain transit and rod, $85, Conn trombone, $17.50; Buescher alto horn. $J7.50; Eastman 3 A postcard, $14; Remington typewriter, $10. Bargains in all kinds and sizes of rifles, and shotguns and field glasses. B. S. Backman. 13 North Third st. PIPE PIPE PIPE New and second-hand, galvanized and black. to 8-lnch. fc-in., lc ft.; 4-in., 2c; -in., 21,c; 1-in., 3c; 1-ln., 4c; 1-in., 6c; 2-in., 7W; 3H-1d 13c. All kinds of plumbing supplies. PORTLAND PIPE SHOP, 269 Front. Main 6325. SEWING MACHINES of all makes, new and second-hand bargains, $5 up, with a writ ten guarantee to sew perfectly; machines rented and rent applied on purchase price. Phone for rates. Main 0431. Sewing Ma chine Emporium. 100 8U. near Taylor. FOR SALE, SACRIFICE Woodworking plant: Universal wood worker, wood lathe, rip saw, swing saw, drum sunder, motors, benches and cabinet tools, best city In Ore gon. Cheap rent, good trade. Must sell, sickness. AV bS7. Oregonhin. FOR SALE or trade, one 6xtf air compressor with wUO-gallon receiving tank; one 20 H. P. Fairbanks-Morse gasoline engine; one economy welding machine, machine generates Its own gases. Address Peters Machine Works. Kelso, Wash. $165 BUYif LAUNCH WORTH OWNING. Good as new, fully equipped and reliable. See King, Standard Boathouse, foot Madl- sjn, this P. M. PRINTING material. Sufficient to set end run two pages 7-col.. Including hand news and hand job press; can be had for lews than ?200 cash. AiDany printing Co., Albany, Or, 22-FOOT launch, first-class condition, all necessary equipment. S2uu: take good dia mond or motorcycle part exchange. 367 Startc. SOLID oak office furniture cheao : flat-to d desk and swivel chair, arm and single chair; all match anu new ; terms II ue sired. AO 0S0, Oregonian. ALL kinds of high-grade kodaks, Anastlg m at lenses and view cameras bought, sold and exchanged; rifles and shotguns want ed. Ilochfeld's Camera Exchange, 85 3d st. ONE Tacoma donkey, 9 44x10, wide drum with liens; will sell for $1150 cash. S. P Studebaker, Buxton, Or., care Standard Box. FOR SALIS New and second-hand carom and uocket billiard tables and bowline alleys and accessories; easy payments. The irunswicK-iat:ce--oiienQer lo. -toin ma. FOR SALE or trade for wood range; gas range and water heater; going to the country; must exchange. 1333 Mllwaukle street. FOR SALE luuO feet 10-inch No. 11 steel double rivited water pipe, weight .15 lb per loot. Address v. O. uox m. boro. Or. 15-STONE diamond horseshoe pin ; also three-eighths karat. Call Alarm ail jtk4 before 12 noon. DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon; per gaiiou, sj..o.t. x-onmnu Paint Co.. 230 Front St. Marahalll0. .12-FT. launch. 18-h. D. Fairbanks-Morse en gine, fully equipped, cheap for quick sale. A. A. Lnxon, juc-viinnviiie, ur. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. SUP PLIES. FILM SERVICE. UNITED FILM CO., 226 2L ST. launch. 18 feet. 4 H. P.. fully equipped. Standard Boathouse, West End Hawthorne bridge. Phone Marshall 75'., ask for Uietu PIANO BOXES, usual price $4 to $5, at $2.50 per box if called for now. Sen wan r"iano co., in. etn st. h'QH SALE Royal coffee roaster, motor attached. Cost $330. Will take 200. Per fect condition. 33 Belmont. East 298. MUST sell at once, necklace of magnificent Australian blue opals. Marshall 35U, 11 A. M. to P. Jt. HOnsKROAT. completely furnished; terms. Oregon Yacht Club. Miles Standlsh. Self- wood 2330. FOUR high-grade guns, like new; sell, trade for chickens, or wnat nave you:, i. .uoaie, Gresham R. 3. VlrilELE TYPEWRITERS rented three months for $4, delivered. 244 Stark st. Main 6273. I HAVE 30 cords of dry wood for sale at $2.50 cord; will sell It any amount. Mar shall 2(40. Koom -It. THREE lunchroom counters, 12 stools, one cigar caso for sale at your own price. 170 ivillingswonn ave. mi. A GOOD reliable gas range; a bargain. Tabor 2559. 1140 E. Yamhill flt. PLUMBING SUPPLIES at wholesale prices. Stark-Davis Co., 212 Bd st. Main 77. . SAFES. SAFES. The Mosler Safe Co., 264 Stark street. 1VUJ BbCiiitt'nj . . Ryder Ptg. Co., S. W. cor. 3d and Morrison. CASH registers. National. slightly used. Typewriter Exchange, q-ji v wu"'iiiikwu Engines, boilers, sawmills, bought, sold and exchangid. The J. K. Martin Co., Portland. CLUSTER diamond ring, 38 diamonds; must sacrifice. n m-, m"1"- FERTILIZER manure all kinds, delivered any part of city. Call C 1725. SECTIONAL bookcase and map. library ta ble, new. wain rw FOR SALE 200 cords dry wood. R. W. Henfpm an, nio p'u m y-- 3A EASTMAN pocket kodak In good order. complete 1 - - - GOOD set golf clubs and hg cheap. Tabor 4 70-1. . FOR SALE Three Oriental rugs. Oriental n.vT 8-H. P. launch. $150; I6-ft. canoe, $25 X 4-HOLE gas stove ns good as new. 454 B roaaway. cor. if M""1 F6R SATsE Cheap, one 24M-egg V':f'Una- l:3n incghntor. Apply 414 South 2n. FOR SAT,E "heap. White sowing ma:hine, in good condition. 102 12th st. FOR DALK. M tsceUaaeoue. ROOF1NO PAPER ROOFING PAPtK 900 per sq. while It lasts. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON $2.20 par square. QALVAlilZEn WIRE. ALL OAUGBfl $1.00 per 100. WHBBLB ARROWS WHEELBARROWS $1.50 each. 10.000 GRAIN ANT POTATO BACKS at a bargain. PIPE PIPE PIP H-lnch Pipe. So fet. V-lnch Pip. 2Vo foot , 1-Inch ripe. 't 14-inch Pip o foot lS-lnch Ptp. 5o ft -tnch Pip. 60 f-vt 2S-lnch Pip. 7o foot 3-inch Pipe. lOo foot All guarantied flrat-elsMi cnndttloa, having new threads and couplings. J. 81M0N A BRO.. Main 2002. Front and Grant ts. A 2-. 1 40-H. P. A. C. motor. 1 20-H. P. A. C. motor, 1 lo-H. P. A. C. motor. 1 tB-H. P. A. C. motor. 1 l.'.-H. 1. 50 volt. 2 lO-H. P. upright boiler. 2 20-H. P. upnttht boilers. 1 40-H. P. upright boiler. 2 5-H. T. upright boilers. i u li n iiiiriirlil hnilttr. Thounanrts of foet of pipe from to 12-ln. In blk. or gnlv. sueet Ire. u. corrugated Iron, nana iron ,... liiai.l tt Iron irmrie. Tools of all kinds for blacksmith and maHime shop. Gulv. miioolU wire. 4 H. P. upright engine. rt-H. P. upright engines. :t 1 K-H. P. upright engine. 1 lo-H. P. upright engine. 1 20-H. P. upright engine. 1 lhu-H. P. engine. 2 7ft-H. P. engines. 2 4t)-H. P. engines. 1 25-H. P. ciigin. Centrifugal pumps of all eiiee. Rotary pumps. (.hm engines. Geara. pulleys, sprockets, chain. Melting. Dewing, Dnmn. Blowers, fans, shaftllig. transmlMlon mathlnery. See us for anything mode or Iron. M. BAUDK & SONS. The House of a Million Burgatns. 240-242 Front St. FURNITURE specials for this u e, k I'p-to- date 4U davenport dfu, ne.irlv new. for $25. Joblot of brass beds, ail sires,. 17.50 to 15. Iron heda SI 50 and up. Solid oak If ed room suits, .1 pieces. $12 Hotel drenseri. Full dressers. S4.75 and up. Johlot of - ruga, room-siie. 12.50 to $15. Toledo '"-l range with water colls In fine condition, $22 50. No. 7 cookstove, 5.Sft. No. g cookstove. $9 50. No. 8 cookstove. with water coils, $10. Gas ranges of sit makes, upper and lower ovens, frt.50 to : .M. Now's the time to buy good refrlgerntma rheap We have them from $6 to $r...o. Flat-top desk. 16.50. Typewriter desk, ;. htore safe, 0O lbs.. ;i0. Rurkers of all kinds. $1 and to 10. 125 library tahls, $15. Extension tables, $:t.50 to $12 . i0 N carry all kinds of new and flue used furni ture. All kinds of exchanges made. EM payments and free dellvnry. WESTERN SALVAGE COMPANY, 543 V -545-547 Washington HI., Between 16th and 17th Sts. Both phones. Main HON, A 37PH. PLUMBING SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIBB HELPS US FIGHT THE TRUST. WE SELL TO ALL AT WHOLES ALB PRICES. WRITffl FOR PRICB LIST. PLUMBERS FURNISHED $ TEH TAY. J. SIMON BRO, FRONT AND GRANT BTB. MAIN 2002. A 2002. PATENTS just allowed, most remarkable calendar 1830-1029, arranged to show ANT day INSTANTLY; BO discs, elide, calcu lators or other complications; shows Easter Sunday EVERY year; arte as cur rent calendar until 102; In colors, card board, ftoc ; paper, 25o ; order TOD A T J no stamp. Agents wanted everywhere. Joseph H. Johnston, Inventor, AA9 N. Union ave.. Portland. Or. FOR BALE. 1 Wood turner's lathe. 1 2-h. p., 220 v.. A. C. motor. ' 1 ft-h. p., 220 v., A. C. motor. 1 10-h. p., 22 v.. A. C. motor. 1 7to-h. p., 220 v., D. ". motor. 1 7 to h. p.. 5m v.. l. C. motor. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 76 1st S . VACUUM CLEANER FALK Biggest cut price mle in our hintorv; ail machines guaranteed; now nl,.r?nun electric cleaners frorn $12.50 to $t..O; all stvjea. makes and prices, Duntlys lne.ua ed; uothlng fak ah.tul this lc. N. L. Bentley Co., Main MS2. 47to Wash. BL A SHOW CASES. Away H low Factory Cost. New, all plate glass, at leu than the cheap wood rim case. Plats gUas ahelvM. adjustable feet, removable doors, bH II bearlng. All stock must be sold belore Saturday. M . . .,., Factory 414 K. Ash, Cor. 6th. T-.ast 41 -M. OIL well drilling outfit for .le cheap, to close corporation buKljieaa. 23-H. P. drill ing engine, 25-H. P. ntouiited boiler. a-t ot Meal r'g irons. 4 complete mrliiK" of tool". In lector pump and about Itoim fret of cas ing and Pip. l'"or information, cll or write room 512, Board of Trn.de bldg. SEWING MACHINES bing'-r. $16; hue. $17; New Home. tHI; New Royal. l -; Stellito, $17.5u; Favorite, $14; Triumph. Jtlft: Domestic. $7; Singer. $.T ; White. $. Srwing Machine Enipotium, HMD ad, near Tavlor. Mitin 0431. A IHI26. SPECIAL sale on sewing machines. Imp head New Home, drop-head PlngTs, drop-head White. You can havo your plek for $12.5U each. All guaranteed, 340 Morrison st. FOR SALE Ice cream tnhles, elmlrs and stools, restaurant chairs and tables, coun ters, shelving and showcases, at lin3 E. Stark st. , SOMEONE'S chtMi:e I have large equity ta five lots, booming t'ons Hay; balance tium onlv $U month; e ANarraatHed : trade ni something clear. L T.77. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A sanitary gas raugo and watr heater. Phone East 46S5. L 613, Ore gonian. NIX"E furniture for T or 8 rooms; must h in good condition and priced right. AM CAH paid for dlamonO. separate apart ment for ladles. Eltjy Co., Ju-26 Lumber Exp... 2d and Stark sts. p LADY'S bicycle; must be perfect condition; describe fully, lowest cash price and where Can Pe prrn. J - WANT view- camera and outfit; raili for nap: give list equipment. AJ Ore gonian. ; TYPEWRITER wanted; must he In good condition; cash for bargain. AJ 6i4, Ore gonian. DIAMOND wanted for cash; uiuat be a bar- gain. D 673. Oregonian. SMALL roll film camera, not over 2to3to. Tjash If price Is right. P 6e. Oregonian. WANT blacksmiths lathe. :0 Washington bidg. WANTED Presto tank. Main W6. BKDRX)M furniture and gas hot we ter . heater. Main 9if9. WA NTE D Excavating and team wot k. Phone East 404, C 1477. WANTED rOod waichinaker's lathe and tools If priced right. R 677, Oregonian. WANTED 2d-hand light surrey; must be up to gate, ru -in, wm-nn-u. WANTED English bull pup male). Tel. Tuhor pwq. WANTED Second-band speedometer. 36J Stark st. CARDS-WANTED A lot of playing cards; give full particulars. AG 682, Oregohtan WANTED Twenty goat, nannies preferred. 322 Itoss at. fcaai e.ui. WANTED A stove or range in good con dition. Fhone iain WANTED 2d-hand lawn mr In a-xA" condition ana cneap. j r-ivi" WANTED 2d-hand extractor. Write liauer & HauT. Corvallls. WAN'TFD Ventrlioqual d.;is at once, new or second hand. A H 673. Oregonian. I WANT 6. 8 or 10-foot floor caes; give 1 price Brown P. O- Box 1.H.V Ma.,, inn WANT cigar io'Vi. 3 or 4 f'. in gl condition. i'nnne n " ' TO buy. second-hand popcorn and pc-nut ma'-htne, maie pn:c. - - - CASH paid for M'r euinbln. Sa Hilary H a itv Parh'ru. " Dekum bldg. REFINED family. U adults. uhn 'l.1"-' of a piano lor -iwr-w. W A N T K D To rsi't or hoy a h-mhoat; n.'uit he reasonable. H 612, Oregonian. WANT to huv furnituro and piaoo; nitMt cheap. Main 845.