NEW TODAV. REAL ESTATK. RFAL KT4TF. NEW TODAY. Fur bale Lot. t ur ?ale Brxh 1'rwprriy. PORTLAND ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. PSOllVT fcEUVlCE at reasonable price. Pacific Title Trust Co.. 7 ch. of Com. AfCOUKlOX PUiATlXG. .ACCORDION, knife and box pleating picot ing. hematitcnlng. braiding, embroidering. EaiUrn Novelty Mfg. Co.. o inn. au K. STEPHEN Hemstitching and scalloping, accord, side pleat, buttons covered, goods sponfctd. rnail orders. Alder, II. IMid. jlOXDWA ASSAY OFFICE, 14:2 ii SU. Gold, s i 1 v er and platinum bought. ATTUKXH-YS. LAWVEBi consuitaUon free. Main 4313. 0S Selling blag. KA..L. 4 FHID.V'ER. lawyers; consultations free- 2"8-9 Fliedner bldg. Mar. Sjt'i. CAK1-KT WUYtKa. NORTHWEST Kl'O CO. Kugs from old car pets, rag ruga. 1S East Sth. Both phones. ttLLtl-OlU BUTTOVSBAUOES, THE lRWIX-HObiOS COMPANY. 37 Washington St. Main 313 and A C HlKOl'OUlsT. William EMelle and William. Jr.. UeveW, the only scientific chiropodists In the city. d..i - a,v, iiriina-r .hide., s. W. comer 2d and Alder, phene Main 1301. XEW yOUK graduate chiropodist, manicur ist. 1:04 Macleay bldg., 20 Wash. Mar- shall auOO. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. Hill. Office FUedner bldg. Main m. a. 3473. OBADL'AIS foot specialial, mauicurist. 204 MaC:eay. 2i Washington su Mar. 39u. UH. ETHEL, A. SACUY, painless chiropodist. ih3 Panama bldg. Phone Main WIM. fHl-KO-fKAtTIC l-ilI iAX. JR. M'MAIION is thorough. Chronic cases. taking time; "1 treatments $!". 121 4th. lr. Poulsjli, siecialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. ar.O Pitlock blk. M. 8414. . CUA.MM. AND PRESSING. PRESS SUITS for rent. We press one suit each, week for $1.50 per month. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 309 Starlt su, bet. 5th and oth. Main E14. COLLECTION AGENCY. CLAIMS of any description collected on percentage anywhere. Highest class refer ences. The Harden Mercantile Agency, 42B Henry bldg. phone Marshall 4,-0. KETH & CO., Worcester bldg. Main 1790 No collection, no charge. Established 10.'Q. ACTO AND BUGGY TOPS. PUBRILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 2U0 2d St. ............ li. A-r nnuK Paggage & Omnibus Tratfer, Park and Davis Royal Bakery Conf.. Inc.. 11th and Everett. 15 ivr. r fv-, . . ... . . ...... .. HENRY WEINHAltU, 13ih and Burnsids. . . . ' . ' I . , ."II' I L-U . . . u A il k U 1MI I.KAl'K ROOT. KAHN BROS.. 191 Front St. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. P. T. CROWE & LPs, 45 Fourth st. DRY GOODS. FLEIFCHNER. MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. f-tubbs Electrical Co.. Oth and Pine GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. .Milling Co., Front and Marshall. II M. HorsER. H"ard of Trade bids. OREGON HUMANS SOCIETY 7 Uli A.ND AVK,Ji. Between Davta ami L:verett, Pkraea bat 1423, B 2515. Ope Omj mm SUlit Tteport all cases of cruelty to this or flee. Lethal chamber for small animals. Aiors ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Anyone desiring a pet may communicate witn us. NEW TODAY. High Class Investment 95 SCENIC LOTS lust north of Portland, overlooking Willamette and Columbia rivers. An estate will sacrifice. Terms to suit buy ers. A fine property ready for market, bee M' FARLAN D 301 Veon Hldg- Portland. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved city and farm property at current rates. Attractive repayment privileges. Loans tiulckly closed- can today. CO! LARGE LOATfS OX COL U0 BUSINESS PROPERTIES V C A. H. BIRRELL CO. S17-21K Korthweaterii Bsss UulluUsut. MORTGAGE LOANS Made City rnstd Nearby Farm Property latereat 7 and 8 Per Cent. Ko Overcharges. No red tape. Straight Loans on Straight Propositions. OREGON I.W. MORTG. CO, Stock Eicassse Bulldlns. Third and Ysunsdll Streets. m 000 BITS one-hilf Interest In one of the best businesses In the state. Address 8 613, Oregoniaa. WB WILL BUILD i!tl) FINANCE HOMES Flats and Apartments In any part of the city costint; from JiuOO to $20,000; pay- . .. 1.1,.. ..An !SfcT5i Call and see us. F. K. BOWMAN CO., Raam 1. Cammrnlil C-b Building. EAST SIDE BUSINESS CORNER The Best Double Corner on Williams Ave. Well Improved: Good Income. A Snap at the I'rice, S37.SOO CEO. i. MITIR, :U'. Hallway Flrhance. PROPERTY OWNERS, ATTEHTIOH A verv large wholesale houpe de sires biiildinK to be erected for them, highest references. What have you'.' No attents need reply. AR 605, Oresonian. INSURE Against Fire! JGKO.DE B. STEINBACH, Phone Mala 0T18. 615 Corhett Bide. lSIodern Apartment House Four Apartments, Kast Side. Close In. Kefined location. Cost 14,Ui'0. Present morlgate ITtH'0. Owner pressed for ready money and will sell for $2500 cash for equity. Income $ltfj per month. Alwavs rented. S 614. Qregonian. BUSINESS PPcRTV.OCLCSClN resioences B ABR'CT'b S sftF 0 fill A S-EDVARDE.G0UDEY7 NORTHWESTERN &aJMrS BUILDING Western Bond & Mortgage Co. Our Own Moucj a, current Kates. UmKlPAL ASI CORPORATION BOXDS. FARM A'D CITY LA.8. M Fvurlit mU, Urntrd at Xiaua UliS. BUSINESS DIRECTORY COLLECTION AGENCY. Accounts, notes. Judgments collected. "Adopt Short Methods." Short Adjustment Co., S-'ti X. V. Bank bldg - Phone Main 974. DANCING. HEATHS SCHOOL Leisons dally; classes Tues., Friday evenings. 8 to 10. 109 2d St., bet. Washington and Stark. Lessons 25c EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Treatment by specialists; glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday, 517 Dekum bldg.. 3d 8c. Wn. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought. Bold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First su North. Phone Main 1210. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE WORKS. PHOENIX Iron Works. East 3d and Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. KODAKS and ALL SUPPLIES; developing, printing and enlarging. PIKE & MARK HAM CO., 343 Washlngtonst. MANICURING. MANlCUItlNG and electric treatments. Miss Ethel Burke. 813-314 Northwest bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HAS""Y MESSENGER CO. Motorcycles and bicycles. Phone Main 53, A 2153. MUSICAL. Emil Thielhorn. violin teacher ; pupil Sevellt. 207 Flledner bias, a tiou. maraunn iv. SCHOOL OF MUSIC. STAFF of TEACHERS. CONSEKV A tort X 1-! lin St., "i n-. NATL" ROI'ATHIC I'H VS1CIANS. DR. PHILLIPS, specialist In paralysis, nerv ous, chronic diseases. 504 Qregonian bldg. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. a riunl on nign f IWhy pay $8 to Jl V J' glasses when I ca A FIGHT on high prices. to lor can fit vnnr eves with first-aual- ity lenses, gold-filled frames, as low as $1.50? tinnriman. yoa Morrison, near bridge. Mail orders promptly filled. Write for particulars. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. pit R. B NORTH RUP, 308 Morgan bldg., vl ' j 1 n-..l,lnD,.n errant flf. cor. nrunuw o"u - fice phone. Main 349: residence. East 1023. PATENTS. PATKNTS that protect and pay; advice and books free; highest references; best re sults; promptness assured; send sketch or model tor free search. Watson E. Coleman, patent lawver. 624 F St., Washington, JJ. c. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS GROCERS. WADHAMS & CO.. U9-75 Fourth st. THANHAfSER HAT CO., 53-5i Front. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND" i'URS. KAHN BROS., 191 Front st. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, PORTLAND, OREGON. STRUCTURAL STEEL PLANT. FOUNDRY. Portland Iron Works, 14th and North nip. LEATHER AND SHOE TRADE SUPPLIES. CHAS L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front; leather of every description; taps, mfg. findings. M1."V x VII IYI1MKVS NECKWEAR. COLUMBIA Neckwear Mfg. Co.. b3 Fifth St. MILLINERY. BRADSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. ORNAMENTAL IKON AND WIRE. Portland Wire A iron V.'ks.. 2tl and Columbia NEW TODAY. ftlOUNT SCOTT PARK CEMETERY Comprising; 335 Acres. MOUNT SCOTT PARK CREMATORIUM Containing Four Incinerators, Chapel and Columbarium. SIOST MODERN IN AMERICA. Oridnntors and Leaders of Higrh-Class Cemetery and Crematorium Serv-. lce in Portland. Perpetual Care Without Extra Charge. Ideally Located on Picturesque Mount 45cott, "Where Nature's Peaceful Quietude Lends an Influ ence to Soften Sorrow." Beached by Mount Scott and Cazadero Cars. Auto Bus Meets Cars by Appointment. Both Telephones. LAI1GE. PERMANENT. PARKLIKB, WEST SIDE INCOME FOR EXCHANGE Price ...?37,500 Mortgage 15,000 Equity $22,500 Gross Income per annum ?5700 Less expense including interest on mortgage 2100 Net Income Preminum.-. $3600 No better income property in Port land. Will accept one or two good properties with some cash. Ground Floor, Henry Bldg. fT5k B aj THIS APARTMENT HOUSE KOK SALE AT GREAT SACRIFICE. Aever Had Any Vacancies. WM. G. SECKEVDOBF, 315 - 16 Stock Exchange Building. WANTED! RETAIL BUSINESS I.V AM" GOOD LOCATION at from $10,000 to $35,000 in exchange for hit-'h-class West Side income prop erty Price J35.000; yearly rental in come $3240. NO CASH required. Long time on any difference. Phone for ap pointment only, not for Information, Main 63T4. AVM. G. SECKENDORF," 315 - 1 Stock Exchange Building. FOl'R-STOBY AND BASEMENT CONCRETE WAREHOUSE bus 10O FEET. WITH TRACKAGE. ' BEST CLOSE-I.V LOCATION". Absolutely fireproof, with heating plant and automatic sprinkler system. S 111 arrange offices to suit. Rent very reasonable. CALLAN & KASER T22 YEON" Bril-DINC. CITV AND FARM LOANS On Improved Properties in Any Amount at Current Kates. UABTMAN THOMPSON. BANKERS, (mil Fourth aa blarlOlrccUi , f? fir . . PATENT ATTORNEY. R. c. WRIGHT 22 years- practice. U. end foreign patents. 601 Dekum bldg. PAINTING AND KALSOMIN1NG. WE kalsomine rooms at 2.50 and Pf-lnt houses at your price. East 502, B 6134. PAWNBROKERS. STEIN'S LOAN OFF1CB. 26 NORTH eTH ST. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Fact,orJ'B-?" office near 24th and um sis, jnam o-.a. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wrash. St. Phone Main 710 and A 271Q. SHEET METAL WORKS. TINNING and repairing' of all kinds. P Prlce, 4th and Jefterson- Main llo. SHOES SHOE REPAIRING. SHOES HALF SOLED . In 10 minutes while you wait 45c New York Shoe Repair Co, . 343 Vi Alder St. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. C. O FICK Transfer & Storage Co. Office and commodious 4-tory brck warehouse, separate iron room and fireproof vaults f or valuables. N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts. Pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods In our through cars to aU domestic and foreign ports. aiuui -t. j- .rti.-, fuiucrru ret New fireproof warehouse with separate rooms. Wo move and pack household goods and pianos and snip at reduced rules Auto vans and teams for moving. Forwarding and distributing agents. Free trackage. Office and warehouse, 15th and Hoyt sts. Main ot, a OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 GUsan st . cor' 13th. Telephone Main B or A llt. W own and operate two large class A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest 1 nsurance rates tu ciij. MAD1SON-ST. DOCK and WAREHOUSE Office 1SS ataaisou. u- and forwarding agents, phone Main ittJl. WOOD. GREEN and dry slabwood blockwood. Fan c.t Co. Main oi20. A 3b99. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. RASMUSSEN & CO.. . 2d and Taylor sts. PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS AND ALVts. M. L. KLINE, 4-eu rront eu PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, from at. voivTirRS tvn prRLlSHERS. F. W. BALTES 4c CO.. 1st and Oak Eta. psnnm COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FARKELL, 140 Front st. ... , vi.iv-n TUTV1C Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SASH, DOORS D GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Paris. ' , , I I) PVR MORGAN WALL ' PAPER CO., 2S0 2d st WHOLESALE JEWELERS & OPTICIANS. BLTTERFIELP BltOS.. MOHAWK BLDG. NEW TODAY. SALE EXTRAORDINARY AUCTION 191 SECOND ST. We have received on consignment the stock of a general store in Portland, also some good medium grade furniture, which will be put on Bale at our store on Monday, 10 A.M. LOOK AT THE ITEMS 100O Plecee New Cnameled Ware. 5000 Pieces Crockery. 500 Lamps, 300 Pieces Galvanized and Tin Ware, lmio Restaurant Dishes, all kinds, Kettles, Kitchen Utensils, Toledo Computing Scale, Beam Scales, 200 Doz. Ax Handles, 50 Lunch Baskets, 200 Yards Cocoa Matting. 40 Vi enna Chairs, 2 Ranges, Tailor's Pressing Irons, Bread and Meat SHcers, Roasters, all sizes; Baking Dishes, Glassware, Cuspidors, etc., etc. Also several consignments ot good furniture. Rugs. Hall Runner, Dressers, Chiffonier, Sanitary Couch, Rockers, Sewing Machines, Combination Writing Desk, Por tieres, Pictures and Frames, Child's Bed, Parlor Set. Slop Jars, Stand, Tables and the Like. THE BEST SALE WE HAVE EVER PUT OS. DEALERS TAKE NOTICE. BELL AUCTION CO. 191 SECOND ST. Auction Sale Monday, 2 P. M. 211 First St We are forced to vacate part of our store room, and we must sell a quan tity of furniture at this sale, as we have no room for it. as our other space is crowded to the doors, so, if you can use anything at any price, don't miss this opportunity, for out it goes at some price: Fifty beds, 50 springs, sev eral dressers, chairs, rockers, tables anil almost everything in Quantity, be sides some very nice furniture, includ ing good dining set witn pedestal tame and leather-seated chairs, full leather upholstered rocker, English breakfast tables, sanitary couches, enameled dressing table, small roll-top desk, sheets, slips, pillows, etc., etc. Sale Monday, 2 P. M., 211 First street. E G. FORD, AUCTIONEER. WE SELL AGAIN ON WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY AT 3 r. M. EACH DAY, AND YOU ARE SURE TO GET GOOD BARGAINS AT ANY OF (UK SALES. FORD AUCTION CO. N. B. We have a very fine display refrigerator, cost new $250. Call and make us an offer. WEST SIDE BRICK FOR EXCHANGE Nearly New Price Mortgage ?40,000 . 16,000 Equity $24,000 Can be put under secured lease for 5 years, showing good rate of interest Ground Floor. Henry Bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS 6 ON IMPROVED BUSINESS PROPEHTreS Residence loans 6 and T per cent, ac cording: to location- Plenty of money. ROBERTSON & EWING 2OT-S Aer.UlrTCtcm Baak JUdJKi Auction Sales At Wilson's Auction House 166 - 8 FIRST STREET (Near Morrison St.) REGULAR SALESDAYS MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY EACH DAY AT 10 A. M. FOR MONDAY'S SALE We have the contents of ten-room house, all good grade of furniture, comprialng three piece parlor suite, good oak rockers, Morris chair, library and center tables, leather couch, ladies' desks, bookcases, round extension table,, set box-seat chairs and buffet to match, brass bed, coil springs, clean mattresses, pillows, quilts, etc.: very pretty princess dresser in golden oak, large oak dressers with plate mirrors, wardrobes with mirror in front, rugs and carpets, lace cur tains, "Stewart" steel range. Vulcan gas range, heating stoves, large refrig erator and other effects. Wednesday and Friday we shall have a large assortment of all kinds of household effects for positive sale to the highest bidders. , FOR PRIVATE SALE One "Clarendon" upright piano, equal to new. $175. One "Hardman," mahogany ease, fine condition, $125. One 'Kimball," a beauty, f 125. Several good phonographs and rec ords! also the largest, best and most complete line of good second-hand fur niture in the city. We shall be pleased to show you through our stock if you are interested. WILSON'S BANKRUPT-STOCK STORE Corner Second and Yamhill, Phone Main 2032. THE STORE YOU CAN BUY RETAIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. . . We Deal In Bankrupt Stocks of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, Also Shoes, Cigars and Tobaccos, and Supply Your Needs at a Good Saving to You. AlSO r STORE FIXTURES INCLUDING FIREPROOF S AFES, CASH REGI STKKS, SHOWCASr:. 3v.1j Co, CREDIT SYSTEMS, ETC., ETC. J. T. WILSON, PROPRIETOR. LADIES' SUIT SALE ON TUESDAY NEXT, AT 10 A. M. AT OUR. Salesrooms 166-8 First St. WE HAVE RECEIVED A STOCK OF LADIES' SUITS COATS AND DRESSES From the Weil-Known Firm of E. C. HOLLIDAY CO. SUIT HOUSE, To Be Sold at Auction. Here is your chance, ladies, to buy your Spring suit at your own price. Tuesday next at 2 P. M. UNCLAIMED Merchandise Sale FOR THE AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. Saturday Next, March 27th At 10 A. M. We shall sell for the American Express Co. all expreaa packages received at all offices in the States of OREGON, WASHINGTON and Northern Idaho prior to January 1st, 1014, which re main unclaimed. DO NOT FAIL TO ATTEND THIS SALE. J. T. WILSON, AUCTIONEER. fed. fcaK&ra ESTABLISHED 1803. W". C. BAKER & W. H. DEAN, PROPRIETORS. ON TUESDAY NEXT ... . Vi a imHphi niano we nave j cvckcu . . and costly rugs mm vate residence, with instructions from the owner to sen me same comprising - ff hieh-grade upholstered parlor furni ture quarter-sawed oak library tables, parlor desks, hand-woven drapes, silk curtains, easy rockers in leather, cen ter tables, electric miiip, minster rugs, body Brussels rugs, large oil painting ana ouier piu. c, ..... hogany sofa, brass and iron beds, three-quarter size twin bungalow beds, best springs, genuine hair and silk floss mattresses, a large quantity of bed linen, quarter-sawed oak and ma hogany dressers and chiffoniers bed room rockers and chairs pedestal din ing table and chairs, table cloths and nalkins crockery and glassware cut rery, gas range, lawn mower, utensils, etAlso the furnishings of flat, as fol lows: Early English dinjng-room suite. viz pedestal table, chairs and buffet. Brussels rugs, iron beds, princess dressers. enameled dresser rattan rocker, library furniture ""yK QUARTERED OAK, ROLL-TOP DESK. AUCTIONEER'S NOTE. Kindly call at our salesrooms. 166-168 Pork street, tomorrow and Inspect the abo've 'good's. They Invite your rSZttrto ON ON ON THURSDAY NEXT we shall sell a lot of household furni ture, rugs, etc, from storage company. Sale on Thursday next at 10 A. M. WB PAY CASH FOR GOOD FURNI TURE. W. C. BAKER W. H. DEAN,. Furniture Dealers and Auctioneer. Both Phones! 16H-168 Parte Street. LARGE LOANS On Central Retail Business Property May Be Obtained at Edward E.Goudey Northwestern Bank Building. NEW GARAGE. 12x18; will sell cheap. 70U fiCW 1 PROPERTY paying: 17 net on amount of money required to handle. Value $15,500 WILL SACRIFICE FOR $10,600 Only $4500 cash re quired; balance 7 . Investigate. T 612, Oregonian 20 Years to Pay! Ct Yoor Farm Mom frtn As Canadian Pactfle. Most productive toil Rood climate ready market fine transportation all the comforts and way of making' money farming that you hod in the best tarJD i&g sections evciywhextt. Low Prices and $2,000 Loan This rich land only $11 to J30 peT tcrtj Irrigated land from 1S. Twenty year to pay think oi it. Long before your 1 .nal payment is due your farm will have paid for itsrX We lend you r.p to J2,Mh lor farm improvements, on certain conditions, with no security but the 1 ind Itself. Twenty yean to repay h. Interest 6 per cent. If you want a farm home J1 ready to step into, get one oi our Ready Made h arms-Dairying-. Hog and Livestock Mak W Incomes Harm. Lands Ideal for these purposes. Present conditions In Hurope assure highest pricas known for everything raised. These Offers Based on Good Land finest on earth for mixed iarmfng and Brain growing. The best land will be taken first, so time's precious toyou. Writs or call todayforfrw handbook andfuli particular. Kxcursion party leaving Seattle March 23. K. THORNTON. Dint. Rep.. 271 Fine St.. Multnomah Hotel UK blU. y PORTLAND, OR. 5 MULTNOMAH Take Orelton 'Electric Car or Jitney at SIXin II HU jajiur ''i' ri .... - - - -" - - Thnt iieautlfal New Ke.ldence Section Ju.t Over the West Side Hills. A Magnificent Ride, Presenting an Unniir pansed View and the Truly "PROMISED LAND' WHEJT YOU GET THERE. Three-Room Houses, Five-Room Houses, rru-"u"" ......... I. otM One-O.uarter and Half Acreal Acreage. Bull Run Water, Electric I.iKhta, Tele- P II Oil fit, , l J ,iruwaB OSIT TWE5TV MINIITES FROM THE . i f. ix i r , ...... Every Comfort and Advantage of the City Except Policemen and High Taxes. Go Today, Our Agent Will Meet You at the Suburban Office. Look This Over, Talk It Over, and, if Necessary, See the OWNER AT SIZ FLATT RTJILPINft FARM LOANS We are loaning Eastern Life Insur ance money and will make choice Wil lamette Valley farm loans at the low est rates ever quoted in Oregon. THE DE VEREAUX MORTGAGE CO. 607 Concord Building, Second and Stark Streets, Portland. - - - Oregon FOR RENT Hotel Lind S- E. Corner Third and Ash Streets. Modern, steam-heated, 3 -story Hotel, containing 65 rooms. WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO. 85 Fourth Street. HOTEL. MEN, ATTENTION Jl! Modern, steam-heated, three story brick building, containing 70 rooms, N. W. cor. Sixth and Davis streets. Apply on prem ises between 10 A, M. and 12 M. or 2 and 4 P.M. Money to Loan Large and Small Amounts for City and Farm Loans. GEO. H. THOMAS, 27 Oak St., Room g, Alnsworth Bldg. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. PALMER-JONES CO H. P., 404-405-404 Wilcox bldg BECK, William G-. 315-316 Failing bldg. BENEDICT BROS.. 830 Hawthorne avs BARRETT BROS. S03 Board of Trade. REAL ESTATE. . For 8aOe Lot. IRVINOTON snap, 2lst at., near fine homes. siuat leas iur t"u- " v BY owner, half price for cash, lota I4 Fla veL A ofi8. Qregonian. 50x100 EXCAVATED, suitable for find h ome or apt, sue, near eo cf. xauvi CHOICE corner, Laurelburst. $50 down, small payment monthly. Owner, A 1428. FOR SALE Choice lot at Gearhart. north of hotel. Aauress j. ojo, rcBjuxii. ASTORIA waterfront 25-ft. lot, near car- line, $-50, terms. n.nzey, aiain jco. $450 BUYS fine lot. Rose City Park. 514 gO 0 aLAM EDA PARK b arga in ; fine lot INTERSTATE BRIDGE ACTIVITY. A Nr Center In the Old Town. EL. TOVAK AND LOVELEItiH Have many advantages, where money will bo spent in large amounts. A new busi ness district, beautiful homes now bunt and a number ol nevr ones now being . built. Come out and set acquainted. Buy something, a home, a lot. butflneva site, any of vhicn. means security to you. Vancouver car to Morn an st. Tract phone Wdln J0L The Brong Co., luc Ml Oak st. IT LEADS. bargain Is what you set for your money not what you pay. I hare a choice lot bordering; on a beau tiful park In one of the best close-In re stricted tracts in city which I am forced to sacrifice. This means bis money to you if you are looking for a home site. J. DELAHUNTY, 270 to lark IL Main 1503. A 1513. ROSE CITY PARK LOTS. Deal direct with the owners, the oriir Inal platters of this beautiful part of Portland. Call on our realty department, corner Fourth and Stark. 11 Ait TM AN & THOMPSON 1RV1NGTON. 19TH AND KLICKITAT STS. 100x100 CORNER. The fine home for sale In Irvingrton. Call today and see tt ; 10 rooms, hard wood finish and plate-glass throughout; papered, a fireplaces, garage. P. E. BOWMAN & CO.. Com. Club. bidg. Main 80 lit. A 12M 000 FOR S200O. Non-resident In city few days must sell for $-0UU equity worth ti0ou, on account of threatened foreclosure, for 7-room house and 20 lota on improved street, 1 block from streetcar, 15 minutes from -d and Alder. Splendid properly. Owner, P. O. Box 1061. RAISE your own vegetables, fruit, etc., which la the area test uart of your living; this is the real way to solve the hiK" cost of living: we have one quart er-ac re traut with a three-room house, Wt Side, 15 minutes' car ride, oa fare, for to.'.o; $75 cah 110 per month. M. JL Lee, &tK coroett Dicig. DIVISION ST. Have a ciio ice iois on uivman will sell at close price and can make mortgage iva.ii iui uumnui tu A. H. BIRRELL CO., 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg INVESTMENT WITHOUT CAPITAL, uy now l iea vmtn un money needed except small tax and inter est, pay later wnen values more than aouDle, not over live iota to any who yci son, immediate occupancy given. Write the ROSE CITY PARK comer. 50x10.. with sidewalks and curbs all In and paid; noth ing against thie lot; fine view, faces ett: Is well worth $; if you will hurry and no v hulf ratth f4Hj will secure. Call, bun 5a.y, 702 E. Mth N.; alter Sunday, cail li6 Washington st. Ask fnr M. Teepe, TWO beautiful view ( 100x100 lots, plowed readv for carden: water and slduwaik on street; only $400 for both. $50 rash, $10 per month; snap you cant neat; Duy now, while lumber la cheap. 705 Northwestern Bank bldg. 1KV1NGTON LOT BAROAIN. KOxKlO In best nart of Irvtuaton district. fine neighborhood, also beautiful building aite In Olmstead Park on the Alamedu; call and get the bottom price on either of these. u;s uekum Biug. KT. JOHN'S rtl'filN'&SJi IOT. 100-foot front business lot on paved street and carline; corner lot with small new 5-room house on inside 3d feet; a snap at, nair casn. joa, (J. uioeon. 30 Gerlinger BJdg. NOT NOW? Murraymead Lot, beu 24th and 26th, $1000. GOLDSCHMIDT'S AGENCY, Stock Exchange, 3rd and Yamhill. IjOTS ACHEAC VI. ASTORIA. WA It KENTON, NEW ASTORIA. jLrOcations tne r.eart or tne oest ol iu K. L. YOKE, 1136 Northwestern Bank Bldg. $600 ABSOLUTE SACRIFICE $000. Fine lot, 36th and Schuyler sts.. close to Rose City Park car. Pavement and sewer in, partly paid. Phone Tabor 4103, Sunday and evenings. LOT 50x100, near Broadway car; a bar gain. W 677, Oregonian. CHOICE LOT in Alameda Park, near Broad way carline; a bargain. - W ttid. Ore gonian. CLACKAMAS ST. HOLLADAY PARK. 50x100 ft., 00 ft. east of W2d st. faces north. Price $2000. Improvements all paid. Ask for A. H. Hiokman, Main 2U8, A 2050. BAY OCEAN, two lots, being lots 14 and 15, Blk oO, on paved street, opposiie big hotel; $500 for both. See list price and figure this bargain. Jacob Haas, Gerlinger B!dg. ROSE CITY PARK 45TH AND SANDY ROAD. S. E. COR. 2d mtge. privilege to responsible party. Prioe $1100, erms $250 down, $15 mo. Tabor 533. GUARANTEED I offer to sell a few of the best located business lots in warren ton, and guarantee satisfaction or return your money alter two years, witn a per cent interest. w. . norner, v arrenion, kjt TAKE a Broadway car and ko to the end of the line, right in the center of Alameda Park; agent on the ground will shuw you the property. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO. FINE homeeite on the West Side, 15 min utes' car ride, 5c fare, city water, for only $350; $10 down, $5 per month; this la the best value in the city. M. E, Lee, 505 Corbett bldg. CM RAP FOR CASH 100x100. In Irvfngton Park. on-2flth. between Alnswoxth and Holman, 4 blocks from new ciuonouse; fine shade trees; improvements all paid. N 877, Oregon laiK GENUINE snap; 4 fine Westmoreland lots, if corners, 2 Inside, at about one-half orig inal price; street improvements partly paia. r. J. uiara vo., .hub ec xruat mug. esft ttflSH CITV PARK: CORNER. I must do It. It is worth $K5o; only 2 blocks from car. This means now, t io, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL view lot on Wistaria ave. Will be sold at sacrifice price if taken this week. very little caau. uau wx e-wei land bldg. PORTLAND HEIGHTS $900 cash buys 2 lots, 50x100 each, 1 block Patton road and Montgomery urive. a sure ciiumo 10 uuu ble your money. T 613, Oregonian. UNIVERSITY PARK 100x100, on hard-surface street, for sale at a bargain, Geo. R. Flora. llttS East Couch sc. Phone Tabor 5104. PORTI.AVn HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY I handle most of the property for sale In this district ana ail tne Dargains. Marshall 4827. BROOKE. A.1S39. AT A SACRIFICE 50x100, 6 blocks from Russelvllle School. 11 blocks east of Alt amead and Mt. Hood Electric, $150, easy terms. AB 671, Oregonian. ROSE CITY PARK, best building site below the hill, on 4ttth st., near Sandy blvd. Price reduced to $650 for cash. 514 Cham ber of Commerce. ONE-HALF ACRE. MT, TABOR. Fine for chickens, garden, etc.; will sell oheap; part cash, balance very easy pay ments. J. V. Guthrie, Main 3897. A U RE LH U RiiT lot. owner must sell, 50 x 100, 50 feet from E. 33d St., 2 blocks from car. Only $00. which is less than half value. Phone ast no. That $220 lot, will take $12.V rather than lose it. John Hartog. 2oU Stark st., near Fourth, BUY your lot and build your home In Alameda Park, the finest place in town. ALAMEDA INVESTMENT CO., 14TH and Mill, 40x100 apartment site. 20 per cent below present market price; easy terms. Geo. J. Mair. 3-'i Railway Ex change. Marshall 2574. Three fine lots, beautiful view of the city; Improvement ail in. $tO0 each. AP CHOICE Hawthorne quarter block, close In, saie or a . :,J'Xa u location, uwnei, TWO Irving-ton lots. 20th. between Brasee and Knott, east front. Bosworth. 100a East Thomas street, aeanic LOTS Multnomah Station, $200; Bull Run water; $10 down. $5 per month. O'Donnell Jt Warner, do uoroett pm. $4500 ONE and one-fourth acres. 9 blocks Irvlngton Clubhouse, two blocks school; iTTrartoa. P. O- bo 460, City. FIXE residence lot. Rose City Park, 60x100, hundred feet from carline; sacrifice. Main 41S5. FOR SALE $1000 cash, 2 lot on 5'th, near Siskiyou. Rose City Park. AF 6S. Ore gonian. 5-ROOM modern house at Multnomah; Bull Hun Wtr oi v r. . at $1300. T. G. Hawley. owner. Main 464ft for bale Three lots near Hill terminals .rr- isn x-h nn trades. AN ai r isvBi iw - 675, Oregonian. For Sale Beach Property. NEED money, will sacrifice 4 beautiful Bay view lots at Astoria, Or., for asseased valuation. BC 676. Qregonian. CHOICE Bavocean lot, cost me I7o0; will take $400 for quick sale, A bargain. AV 670, Oregonian. - , OCEAN front lot on ridge. Garibaldi Beach, Bear Rockaway, 42. refoaiaa. OWNER offera for ale al a barialn, to splendid baoh lota, located ut tt Air. clou, to bench and railroad, fr-ah running mountain water. pli(a to camp for the Spring and Summer. AG tvC, Orrgon. lsn. 2 CHOICE beach lota, Tillamook Ht-ach, fnclng ocean, suitable for any amall busi ness. These are a genuine bargain Mr raah. n the owner nveda money. J 6tt. O rc n i a ft FINE view lota facing ocean at Sa'.t Air (TUmmook Beach); will sell very cheap; need money. Addreft S 672. Oregonian. MI ST sell my lo lota. Oroan View, terms or cash, very cneao iiwny , 7433. lor Sule Huuae. hawthorne ave. iii'noauw. fl-room modern aud complete) bungalow on Eust 47th. laro living-room, fire place, built-in bookcase, large den, dining-room, bullt-tn bulfet, 2 large bed roon:s. Dutch kitchen, can make 2 rooms upstairs; new range and gas heater. In laid linoleum kitchen and bathroom floors, fixtures and shadtS; full cement basement, wash trays; on bard -surface su Law a all In; for onlv $2'o. Trmi. (J. H. KLK1NSOKGK CO., Main 572.. .110 luard ot Trsne. ROSE CITY PAKK. $250 DOWN. New 6-room bungalow with slewing porch, full baeemeni. hardwood floors, two linen cloaota, large bedruonia and cloa"ia; all built-in conveniences, bookcaaea, buffoi, cooling cabinets, etc.; durably constructed. ;i coats of paint outside and 4-coat work inside; $ai0o; -."o mnh. balanca terms. LOCATION E. 30th, near Sandy Boulevard. J. L. Karuopp. Owner. Mar. 2514 or Main 1457. SOMETHING lilKFKKBNT. The latest ti-room l alifointa bungalow: 2 blocks from tar; tot 50x 1. hard wood floors, ftrtplar, furnace, full crment basement, double construction throughout, brick pillars. $2t5o, with terma Take Vsin-puver car to MnrKn "t. Call at "UT brnnch office, l'hone Sunday Wdln 3M, week diivs Main 174:1. The Brong Co, In.-., 2m 5 Hk st. TWO HOMES THAT I DON'T WANT. Havo th above housa on my hands that the buers have thrown up their con tracts. Will sell them to you leaa what has been p: id on th-m. ine of them coat over Jooo, will sell It for $2200, the other is as tog a brtrin; both up-to-date houses, K 6 1 Oregon la n. IRVINOTON HOME. Large lM-room house, finisher In white enamel; ull rooms paltered; largo Hmuk room, dlning-rnom and den, billiard-room, farage; this house baa nmny attractive catureg; may b? seen bv uppotntiuenU il. P. 1'AI.MEK-JmNKS CO., 404 Wilcox H'd g. SPLKNDll. t oll 1" 'K TABLE Irvlnst.-n h trine, strict l modern; contains e erv modern convenience, two bathrooms, two fireplaces, garage-; grounds tS tou; lm proviuents all in and paid for; would accept small-"- home or well locate. I va cant up to liiUOO. balance terms. Call Mrirgan bldg. UL'MiAl.oW HA KG A IN. R rooms a blocks from cr. flreplaea. This la s drtndy home amang the trs. 2 blocks from school; f..r quick ! $1700, terms. The lirong Co., Inc., 2'(7 Oak st., or Sunday take. Vancouver car to Morgan st. branch office. MODERN apartment-house, four apartments. East Hide, close In. refined lo.-ation. cost $14,000. Present mortgage $70UO. Owmr pressed for ready money and will p-I1 f.r $25oo cash fur equity. 1 ncome $15 t"C month, always re u ted. Address A tflU, Ore gonian. HAWTHOUNE MX KOOMS. olotlern (StixliHi lot, closa In and rinse in car; about $l0 wrth of hiffh-cl.iae ma hogany and oak furniture "es with this. Jtest buy in city. For quick aa, pru -d at $:Oo0, half caah. (Jnrge with this. J a cot) Haas, tieri tuner blilg. $55ri T,A 111 ELI 1 1 " M ST II M K $5." Modern h-room, l0 Huzlefein, cor. Klan ders; best part of Iaure1 hurst ; fine sleeping porch, 4 bedrooms, elegantly fur ntshed In old Ivory, tapestry, paper, etc; $.'rtk osuth, balance easy. CHAS. P.INGLKK CO.. Rlfl Ry. Ech. FOR SALE lieasonable; s e this; small house, well built ; house tent and wood shed, lawn, some small fruit trees and berries; city water and gas; one-third a -re of ground. 10 minutes' walk end of W. W. car. trade considered. Address owner, P. O. Box U2. . $4500 2.'ld AND E. YAMHILL $4500. Itesldence. H rooms, corner lt, close In, refused ItV-MMi; owner lives In California and wishes it sold quick: Improvements paid. 1 75 E. 2. id; esv terms. CHAR. KIXOLKK CO.. :uo Ry. Esch. HOSE CITY. If you srl looking for a home, take a walk to 45th and bandy boulevard and tako a look at WcKaauen's houses. Weil built, and you will get your money's worth If you buy l'hone Tabor f4;i. TOT' HEAR AHOCT SNAPS; JVST READ THIS ONE ii-ronm modern 2-story house; full cement basement, s-t laundry tra t. near Division St.. Just across from l.atld's Addition, close In. ONLY 2:i50; most any terms. Jordan. 301-2 Lumbermeus bitlg. IKVINGTON. Beautiful Irvington hime, ten rooms, lOoxloo corner, toeing east and south on Broadway car; elegantly finished; terms. Owner, East 71M. KOR QUICK SAI-E On account of leav ing city, I will sacrifice my modern $4hM) bungalow for 2.mmi; $10Oo cash, bal ance can stand; this is very clivap; act quick. O 076. Oregonian. - $:;,-,(! io'l TILLAMOOK $:ttt50. Modern -room house at a sacrifice; fur nace, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc. ; worth $55od; your opportunity: easy terms. CHAS. K I N G L ER & CO., 316 Ity. Ex eh. $2H0 W I l-L buy two four-room housf s, with modern plumbing, with lot (toxins close to Union avenue. Hented at $24 month. GOliDARD & WIEPR1CK, 24.1 Stark St. CHEAP HOME. $120. 3-room plastered house, sanitary bsrn with concrete foundatbs and floor. Rent ed nt $ per month. Terms half rash. flODPARD WIKPRH'K, 23 Stark St. f500 WILL buy a $1250 equity in good 6 room house on fiaih ave., S. E. In flue neighborhood, with stores nnd carline Just one block away. Lueddemann Company. !M3 Chamber of Commerce. NOTHING IOWN $25 per month, to include interest: new it room bumralnw: 'good district. Call J. V. Guthrie. Main 3h!7. Ml ST raise each, will sll $50 t-qujty In new, modern bungalow, also $4t worth furniture, all for $400 cash or terms. Call Tabor 4170. . HOLLA DAY tf ACR I KK 'E IS0. clear. Irvington bargain ( I U.0. clear. Laurelhurst bargain- 1 -5ft. clear. Main 1003 Tabor 4130. Hi VI NO TON HOM E K rooms, nice loca tion, hardwood floors; all modern conven iences; must go cheap. East 273, W. H. Herdman. GOOD, rt-room house, lot 42x1 to, looted st 24 Hamilton ave., a bargain st $I5'; only $150 rash required. E. J. Geiser, 417 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful view point, 2 Vt lots, near car: attractive bungalow ; for trifle ovsr value of land. R ti7S, Oregonian. HAVE lot In Fulton Pirk; prettiest vimw snd best car service In cltyi wilt sell lot and build hnuee to orrter for $400 down; terms. Call EastS23.1 evenliiRS KIN ESTTo-room Irvington horn, mahogany . finish, corner lot. Juat the thing fur any one wanting a fine borne Nelaon Hros,. h4 lwis bldg. M.iln 7...M. enn KAI.K MY OWNER. Whlay rent? Il-rouin house, lot R"x1". h.Vi; $150 crish, bal. like rent. 174rt E. lltth St. THHEE-H H iM cottage on choirs., sightly lot- or ce Il" P"y"'""" u ar'tl:ulirs 612 Plntt Mdg. t-.i-.n TkRMrf ; -room nioaern no use ana ' . . . ..... l.t r.lh IHIh gnraire. r.. - ... j'hotio Tnbor 5". Hot'SE, HH-ft. lot. for sale. Inquire owner. 742 5'ttn ave ouuiitnru. iim dlwo car. $.'( Hl'YS m)dern 4-room bunaalow cloes to Kose City rar, balance Imu pay like rent. Tabor M44. IUVIN'iTON Owners leaving Portland; w!H sacrtf i-e almost new horns worth $U(iO, for $4":50; all clear. BI 471, Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE IRVINOTON bungalow, new, built for owner; sacrifice $4.ou; terms. Main M)78. . ROSSMEIik Come to 4iS E. 4-d st. North and see a fi-rooin bungalow, nearly com pleted. FOR SALE New bungalow, just rompww. $-1250 In Russmere; $1000 cash; ownex. Tabor 14a. 4noo MOl'ERN -room residence. East Side; walking distance; a bargain. B Oregonian. BUY my Shank. Laurelhurst home. Elmer B. KEW modem s-room housgaraie; Inc. $30 a month: terms. Wood lawn 9229, BCY my Laurelhurst home; I m going awa. Elmer H. tnana. FOR SALE by owner, 7-room modern nous-, f.OxlOO lot. very cheap. Phone Wdln. 2'i DANDY new 5-room, cut Vi, $"50 mtf. ; $; Cash. 11 t"- Oi'tU nnmio'mt v. -i y -v - BUY my Laurelimrat norne; - aot io a y rnnrt-bv IO i-oruiiiiii. """' A DANDY house, brand now. in Hawihurue district: must sell. Plmtie Tiibor 54s.;. HOMES built to orn-r tio mwu. a. v. Darling. B' Ablngton Mdf. GOOD bulldlnic lot or house anj 4 lota. for liana tie 1 tats noas mweo