x" I OB S-LJi. FOK SAl.K. - . i I FOKSAI.K. FOR SALE. .... " mi...: Motorcycle. -iK SALE. I - . I I .ntiiniobllM. I ,.w..." . t . I Isrlos. A.rgan and Musical luwrumcu " I . herbs vorit opponTT";;, 1J Vol; WANT A UOOU P1ANOT A good ucd piano is better tuaa a p.or rw onf. an J Many goou pi""- on....-. jecood-hami. made llTe are a tew LiEU bargains: Ludwic. oak taw Kimball. French walnut Sleinway KriKv, walnut Kingsbury, oak E-nTon ......... hi. ke.tng .......... Slug.'. - KivV Vebcr K1LKRS MCSIC HOLSE. THE NATION'S LARGEST. Broadway at Alder. sjir.0 Hi.", 1IM1 142 ii; " I; 127 is. aii'NOAY PEC1AI- Beautiful mahogany upright piano. I.ke new. $32- style. too: included: terms r,v K. Ji. IIOLT PIANO COMPANY, 333 Morrison St.. Northwe-,ern Hank Block. DOES your phonograph need repairing We hir til- Lest equipped "op In the city. Work .ailed for and delivered. Hyatt Ta:ktng Machine Co.. 3-0 Alder. I-IVE jTkfirHlu"HT PIANO Shop worn. l t vie. -. terms. F II. JI.'l.T PIANO COMPANT. :;:;:: Morrison St.. Northwestern Hank Block. VAVTEI) .Vn.in'iner auto In A1 condl ti..n. not over $..-... K you have one and wll accept terms r.f $50 down and $-0 rmnih. rail Sell wood 442Sunday. SPLENDID $."' n.AVEtt PIANO In wal nut esse. Il.".; terms. K H ilf'l.T PIANO COMPANY. i'.v.l Morrison St Northwestcrn Hank Block. J1ST lik; new. 3W Segestrom piano, beau tiful mahogany case. Price ". ' down. 5 monthly. Hyatt 'lalklng Ma . hlre O . .-'' Alder. . fcc'HMEU llBAMi $00 value, very slight ly u. erf. Monlav only. $47.".: terms. K. II. H'M.T PIANO CUMPA.M. :::,;. Morrison St.. Northw.strrn Bank Block. iK AL'TIr'rL fTw orftan now J3S: $300 Pianola. S-rote plaver. with music roils, oily :..-. line oak Milton piano, excellent tone, only $12-; must be sold at once. r.97 4th st. VSED PIANOS $105 and up: Monday only: futlv guaranteed; terms. K. V HOI.T PIANO COMPANY. 33.1 Morrison St.. Northwestern Hank Block. M IVTEH-A t.iano in eM-hange for a new i victrola. including $25 worth of r.rord. SeHnX"l 1921. vf KKT placr piano lulling, repair or re build from i',5 to .-note. V. Kremar. PUno Repair shop. '''4 4th si. V A NTKl) Mandolin. Bolmialin or Gibson preferred. Address Apt. b. Jackson Apts, I nion ave. and K. Davis. VHY pay for extensive and expensive ad vertising? For real hargitns in pianos or pl.'.yers M'k Sonic. 347 Morrison St. "gT:.7. pi o rRKDIT on Kennedy Piano House for -'.".: irood until March i4. Phone A I"nl or Marshall U WB brand new fl Kurtzman piano; must s. " at a sacrifice: will consider any reasonable ca'ti oiler, j none mh ..-. OK P.F.NT Chii-kerlna Itiand piano, ma- hoganv esse. Pho-.ic Ka.st J1I5 this A. M. or week diiys after it P. M. Pi CvoSSTOP.El3Sl monthly. Call JIaIn r.o-'.t. Wll. I. fell or exchange hiisli-grade piano for real estate. Tabor 1 :. ALMOST new Victrola. 34 records. Price f4". Mar. J4iM) PIANO for i'j": good condition, wal nut ease. tern?. Marshall 4-:t:. is7 CASH buys a J.1"o new Havis & Co. Security Storage 'o.. Ill 4ih st. FINK PIANO A very low price. 30 Lum br Kx. bld.. -d and Stark sts. TV ILL, sacrifice good upright piano for cash If taken at once. It Oregonian. 'iit SALE Coupon for credit $117.."o for piano or piano player. M'J Michigan ave. l MONTHLY will store your piano. Phone Aiam vrvv .n' Victrola. very latest cabinet mod el :all Bursovne Hotel. Ulh and StarK. Coi'llT "old violins from to JV.u; come soon. 1WT East 10th st. North. Furniture for Sato. MVtNITI RE SPECIALS FOR THIS WKEIv. Quick Meal malleable steel range. fo.H.'.o: $.".i St. Louis malleable steel range lor $-t.oU: 4:i Majestic steel range. $:!0: .:.", Eclipse st.-el range (or $17.oi. All these ranges have water coils and are guaranteed. 4-burner Reliable gas range. i.ot: 4-burner New Process gas range for $7.o0: Jewel gas range, tvlth water coil attachments, for $10; Garland gas range, with upper oven. $l:t.0o: Cooker Chief sas range. $4..".0: Vulcan gas water healer. S5: No. 7 good cook stove. $..S.; ".. h cook stve. $7.r.O; No. S cook stove, with water colls. $H. All our stoves and ranges are delivered and set up anywhere In the city free of charges. ll-.Txl'.' seam less Brussels rug. new. but slightly dam aged, for tlx.".'; !xl2 Smith's Asmlnster rug. In fine condition, for $1X.V; .other room-size rugs and carpels. .."0 and up. Hardwood extension tables. $:t.r.O; dining chairs. 7-"c: quartered oak buffet. $lo.7o: hotel dressers, i:t; full-size dressers $4.75 and up: Iron and brass beds. $1.5U and up; bed spring. 50c and up; job lot of rockers. $1 up to We can furnish your house with either new or fine used furniture on easv payments. All kinds of exchang ing allowed. Large stork to select from. Western Salvag- Co.. S43,-i-543-!S47 Wash ington, bet. lth and 17th sts. Both phones. Mam ll. A 370.1. . BORN STEEL, RANGE. Slightly used. In good .condition, can be ued forv.ooi or coal; large size oven: I paid for this range new. 2Lotj takes it after Sunday, at -v i-irsi FINE fumed oak dining-room set. consisting of a H-ft. extension table and six uphol stered seat chairs, $-7o for this set com plete. COVELX. FURNITURE CO.. 'J04 First St. SOLID guaranteed sawed oak bookcase. 2 glass doors and five shelves, the esse 64xWx'JO; this Is an extremely high-class bookcase and is n real bargain for $17.5u. COVELI, FURNITURE CO- -'04 First St. - oLii oak pedestal, extension table, wax finish, worth $17. for $9.50; equal values in oeds. rus. ranges, etc. Phone and in quiry East 6417. M. H. Calf, furniture, S4S Williams ave. A PLATE GLASS entrance showcase, size in. by - in. by li ft., cost 45. new. com plete with brackets and shelves, $17.50. COVELL FURNITURE CO, 04 First St. COMBINATION dinner and poker table, olid oak. early English finish. 4.1-tnch re movable top mew), M. Y 664, Orego nian. -HoLE Iron range for sale, cost $33: will sell for $15 or ttade for high oven gas range. Tabor I74. UKAUTIKUI. cr.k folding bed with S fine French mirrors st the top. $30. In Al con dition. Phone Tabor 3175. VOR SALE Furniture of 4-room house, all up-to-date. Inquire Mrs. Weinstein, 2 J4 College, corner 6th. 1 BEDKlMJM set. dining table and chairs to match, waxed oak. leather scats. 35 17th St. N. "LADY'S mnltogany finish table, writing desk, a beauty, cost me $ltl.."u; will sell, for S7 cash. First St., after Sunday. lTRXITl'RE for sale of (I-room flat at 4S N. loth. Main 5346. Call week days after J :3 FT'LL pedestal rolltop typewriter desk and - chair. walnut finish. very reasonable. Phone Main 4QQS forenoons. VLTRNITl RE -7 rooms for sale; good loca tion: t i wilt handle. J'-H Grand avenue, near Morrison JAS range and some furniture cheap. 355 E. 1st North. East tlil. 3PIANO and furniture cheap if taken at once. fM Commercial at. PRACTICALLY new 6-hoie cast Iron range. Phone vvooQiawn ooi. "PRIVATE sale of household furniture, cheap. 145 t;. olio jl,;HT r.m furniture for sale, cheap must sell. Vain R374. ynrt SALE 1 ftrtVng bed. 1 gaa bot-srater heater. Mara ---. yoon aqumre TJineiJ oak extension dlnlng- IF Yol sant a bargain In a beautiful, slightly-used colonial, massive, four-post, brass "bed. empire style, here is your chance; this bed cost 4." new: owner has ' left It for us to sell. t-2.b0 cash. GtVL'RTZ FrP.NITLRE STORE. 2HS First St. ; : . i. s.l. I UVMMU. I . YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD ON" THESE EXCHANGE BARGAINS. Most stores require cash. or. at best, are verv strict in the matter of terms when goods are sold al low prices. Not so at Edwards. Goods purchased during the big Removal sale, and goods from our Exchange Deportment will be sold on the same easy terms as atwaj.. Kitchen Furniture One $13.50 glass door cabinet. $4.9.".; 3 glass door cabinets. each. ;.; 1 small-size n-m-n cabinet, a beauty, (or $7.00: $4o New Pro. toss gas range, with overhead oven. $1...0, v.. v u X'l.oo: 1! $33 mangles. or Ironlns machines, a back saver for the home laundry, $io. Bedroom and Hall Furniture $15 early English seat. $t.!io: $13.50 Iron bed. 4.io: $J'J Iron bed. $5.75: $33.50 blrdseye maple Napoleon bed. $14.5: solid oak bed. $'!.75; S solid oak hotel dressers, each, $4.o0. Chairs and Tables 17.00 office tables, solid oak, $-'.05: $s office tables. (: $0.00 office tables. $3.05; $11 office tables. $5.i:5: solid oak arm rocker. $1.05; up holstered spring-seat mission rocker, $) early English upholstered settee, $3.10; $3.00 Yum Yum springs, 05c. Miscellaneous $13.50 reed gorarts, $3.93; revolving uttice chairs of solid oak, $4.o: fine imitation leather couch. $.4o; $ velour couch. $3.0.".; flat-lop office desks, one-half price and less. Carpets and Rugs $13.50 xl2 wool fiber rug. slifc-htly used. i..v; it ? fiber nii. SJ HO; sxlo blue rag rug. slight ly used $0.15: ix vellow. and SxlO pink rag rug. slightly used. $3.85; one P'ece Brusseilette carpet. I'xl'l, $.": - yards gre-n llrusseiette carpet, yard, 25c; hall runners, 15c and -5c yard. Mattresses All slightly used. One cotton-top mattress with art ticking, good condition. $1.60: $15 felt mattress, in fine condition. d; 1 Jumbo mattress, regular $7.00. at $'J.10: 3 cotton-top mattresses at $1.5; $1-1.50 felt mattress. $4.50. Carpets SxlO blue rag rug. slightly used. 4.r.0; nxlO pink rag rug. slightly used. $4.5n; 9x12 Brus.elette carpet. J3..o: III wool fiber rug. $0.:); 0x0 wool fiber rug J'5: !'x12 Nnpler matting carpet, $3 WO- Jo yards Red Terry filler carpet, yard wide. 30c yard. 6 patterns ingrain stair carpet, new, yard, 30c. EDWARDS COMPANY. A Good Place to Trade, lt.u-1!t F'lrst St. "Your Credit Is Good. MR. PKUNE MAN, READ! If you are considering buying a prune orchard it will pay you to investigate this before you buy: 54 acres with 33 acres under cult'valion, 12 acres In bearing prunes. This year's crop averaged 2ft to the pound, the best average In the state. This is located in the famous Prune Hill district, the best of soli, ideal location. No crop failures. Good buildings, spring and running water. All stork and imple ments go. Price only J170 per acre: good terms can be had and would consider a residence in Portland up to $3000, E. F. GILBERT. 1111 Washington St.. Vancouver. Wash. NIAGARA malleable steel range, with hot water coil and 111 very goon conuiciou. wood and coal burner- and a 14-Inch oven. The range Is practically as good as new and left with us oil consignment. Can bo bought for $17.50. COVELL FURNITURE CO., 204 First. HH. R-UIT.XEll JEWELL GAS RANGE. Willi elevated oxen and broiler, sanitary base in good condition, cost $35 new, can be had for $! after today. 2PS First St. MAXWELL 30 roadster. Mercury model, for Ford. Inquire Lang-.lones o. Zi N. .nil st. Doss. Birus. Pet Stock. AT stud. Torritigton Rajah Mack, best orange Persian cat :n Portland, j'noiie wuouianu 2270. 1070 East S2d st. North. FOR SALE Good ranch dog, Alaskan and Airedale. 0 months old. Phone Columbia :J8. AIREDALE bitches. In whelp, wanted: will buy or trade male Itussian wolinouna. DR. DEACON. WEED, CAL. FOR SALE CHEAP 1 Great Dane pup. 10 months old. weight 120 lbs. Phone East 3043. WANTED redigreed English bulldog to breed with bitch. Call at 25 Pi. 4tn St. Mr. P. Elliot. THOROUGH BRED Scotch Collie for sale. reasonable. 314 E. 40tn st. mono laoor 03:7. , ONE white Persian neuter cat. one blue Persian neuter, one cream male Persian kitten, reasonable. Sellwood 11107. FOR SALE Handsome English setter fe male, pedigreed. A. A. Schwab, Gervals, Oregon. TWO Angora male kittens $5 apiece. Ta ' bor 1049. PIT bull pups and other dogs. 3S7 East Couch st. AT STUD English bulidog. Owner, J. Nlcholsen, Estacacla. or. WANTED Female Irish setter. AF 656, Oregoman. CH. R.RAVEN and PRESIDENT AT STUD. LAUIilA ht.A.NCLa, f.aiALAU.i, PERSIAN KITTEN for sale cheap. East 3307. CANARY singer $2 50. Phone Woodlawn 300. Poultry. EGGS for hatching from M. B. turkeys and Toulouse geese, 21 cts. each: I. R. ducks, pearl guineas. S. S. Hamburgs and Bufl Orpingtons, o cents each. J. Wellborn, arren. Or. FOR SALE la pair mated Carneau pigeons: line young stock, all working; price $3 per pair. J. R. McRae. R. F. D. No. 2. box 221, Hillsdale, Or. Oregon Electric to Multnomaii. Inquire at store. WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs from heavy lay ing strain $2 per 15: 50 per cent hatc.i guaranteed or order duplicated half price. Phone Main bOUO. Thus. J. Keenan. 34S E. Cth at. N". WHITE Leghorn baby chlx, heavy laying strain; March delivery, $0.00 per 100; prli $s. We guarantee safe delivery. The Pion eer Hatchery, petaluma, CaL COCKERELS, hens, pullets, hatching eggs, three Incubators for sale; line vvnue i-eg-horns and white Plymouth Rocks. McCoy, 332 Chamber Commerce, FULL-BLOOD Barred Rock eggs for setting. or will hatch chickens, any number, can at or address D. E. Braduhl, 315 W. Du conen St., St. Jonns 07. WHITE WYANDOTTE, fine early laying strain. $1 per setting 01 ij, guaranteed 2-3 fertile; good cockerel $2. 705 Alameda Drive. phone Woodlawn HOC. TWENTY thoroughbred Minorca hens. Northrup strain, also two tnorougnoreu roosters for sale at bargain. Call fore noons at 6703 62d ave. S. E. CRYSTAL Whlte Orpingtons, stock Keller- strass direct. $i..o ana '-.oo a setting 13. Crystal poultry Yard. 4210 4Stn ave. S. E. WHITE Wyandotte pullets for sale: also cockerel. Kinghouse strain. 1220 Minne sota ave. FOR SALE Ladd strain dark Barred Ply mouth Rock eggs for naicning. n 00a !awn 2012. , lOO THOROUGH BRED Barred Rock laying hens. 12 cocks; three lncuuatora ior sale. Call Tabor 3"24. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca, brown Leghorn, Barred Rock, per setting iac. Woodlawn 1S34. R. I. R. cockerel; also eggs for hatching. 305 Graham ave. 250 WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks. $10 per loo. Eat 5374. 651 E. Morrison. FOR S-AI.E Peialuma, Egg ity. 160-egg incubator. Phone Marshall 267, Monday. LAYING chickens for sale. 430 E. 60th et. Hawthorne car. MANN'S 5-B boneculter, perfect order, .$7. u-nluli,t,n 0001 x SEVEN laving Indian runner ducks, two drakes for sale at 51S Indiana st. Livestock. PUBLIC AUCTION'. At the "Rooney Place," 4 1- miles north east of Vancouver. Wash. Take Sifton-Or-cbards car to Rooney station Monday, March 15. 1915, 11 o'clock A. M. sharp. 20 head of cattle. Jersey, also Durham and Holsteln, tubercular tested, S fresh, 5 2-year-old heifers, 5 yearling heifers, 1 heifer calf. 1 team horses 5300 lbs., 1 driving horse. 2 coming yearling bulls, 50 fullblooded Barred Rocks. 3 ehoats. 10 Indian runner ducks, 1 registered Holsteln bu'l. 2 wagons, buggy, disc, mower, hay rake harrow, potato planter, water tank, etc Free lunch at noon; terms, under $10 cash- over $10, 6 months' time on ap proved security. 5 per cent off for cash. "W s WOOD. Auctioneer. Vancouver, Wash. LOU13 L. SMITH, owner. "0 HEtD of Jersey and Holsteln heifers, 3 years old; freshen soon; bargain. F. H, Pfe'.ffer, Albany. Or. DANDY' I eifer. fresh in two weeks, from rich, heaw-mllk stock. $i5. Box 22. Hills tlale. Or. Main 54.'0. TILLAMOOK, calves for sale cheap; from pure-bred stock. Write. E- AL Clark. Muhler. Or. THREE young fresh Shorthorn Durham cows, one large brown Jersey, heavy milk ers. 95 East 30th., cor. Wash. WANTED 10 milch cows on shares on my ranch. Copple. 22d, NicolaL Main 4509. FOR SALE Two good eows. Call 013 E. Charleston St.. t. jonna. Foil SALE Fresh cow; very reasonable. Phone Takor 4077. TIIE SUftPAY OREGOXIAy. FORTLANP, 143 HEAD CATTLJST AUCTION SAl-ii. Woodland. Wash.. Friday, March 26, 15, 11 o'clock A. M. Held at Bozworth ranch. 45 milch cows, 25 fresh: 33 heifers 2 and 3 years, so)ne fresh, balance soon; cows. Holsteln. Durham, Jersey; 5 14 months high-grade Holstein bulls. 60 head coming yearling heifers mostly high-grade Hol steins. 1 team matched black geldings weight 3200. 1 team bay mares weight 300U. 8 brood sows, 20 li)0-lb. shoats. 1 pigs, all stock tuberculin tested, certificate with each cow; 1 potato digger, 1 mow ing machine-. 2 wagons. 2 sets heavy work harness. 1 set light harness. 1 top buggy. 2 cream separators, about 4 doz. hens. Terms cash unless otherwise arranged. Rigs will meet trains. Free lunch at noon. Sale rain or shine. r--K W S WOOD. Auctioneer. Vancouver WMH. JOHN BOGART. W. W. MBRIDE, Own ers. Woodland. Wasn.. March 26: ? ("5 fre.h. 93 1 and 2-yr.-old heifers, mostly Holstein. 6 yearling grade Holstein bulls, 2 large teams, etc. W. to- 00a, auctioneer. 25HEAD of good dairy cows, IS "Sn;SIf.r Jereeys and Guernseys. 3 to 5 gal of millt per day. 10 large Durham. 4 to 6 Kal- Take Woodstock car to toth ave., walk 4 blocks west, "ul "- FOR SALE Registered Jersey bulls of all ages.. 2 exceptionally fine anlm'. ?r price and Intormation write i. IS. Davis. U60 E. Main st.. Portland Or Phone. week days. E. 5611. Ask for Davis. FRESHfjersey cow- for sale. 64S6 Slst St. S. E. TaKC .Ml. ccoic vi Automobiles. REBUILT FEDERAL TRUCKS. A Safe Used Truck to Buy. A REBUILT FEDERAL Is as good value for the money as a new truck. By Re built we mean that the truck is entirely taken apart, each part examined and if necessarv replaced by a new part made at the Federal factory, the entire truck repainted and retinished and everything necessary done to make the truck prac tically as good as new in every detail. When you buv a rebuilt Federal you are protected by the same policy and interest that we give to all Federal own ers We operate a repair department, in which the workmen are specialists on Federals; our supply of Federal parts Is complete and the stockroom organization h'gh-class, which insures the prompt fill ing of all parts orders. We also operate a service department, which Is open day and night, "always at your call. The Federal being a good truck in the first place and protected by a company which Is equipped and has the disposition to glee you service, is consequently A SAFE USED TRUCK TO BUY. If you are in the market for a truck from $1000 to $140O, we urge you to com pare used Federals with new trucks at similar prices. We think we can convince you of their superior value. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR COMPANY. King and Washington Streets. TRUCK BUYERS. One 3-ton Gramm truck, two bodies, platform and gravel dump; in "rst- class condition $1000 Pierce-Arrow one-ton delivery wagon. just overhauled; gooo tiro equ, la .. 350 ment Apperson. a powerful five-passenger . touring ear . 00 Regal 6-passenger, overhauled 500 Cadillac, 1912 f Ive-passcnger, electric lights and starter; repainted 10O W""5 SELL THK BEST CARP FOR THE MONEY; OLD OR NEW; TERMS. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors. 14th and Davis Streets, Main 4555, A 2350. AUTOMOBILE OWNERS, ATTENTION. The following automobile parts and ac cessories for sale: 1 front axle, complete, 1010 40 Oakland. 1 rear axle housing. 1010 40 Oakland. 1 crank shaft. Kelley air-cooled truck. 2 cam shaft, Kelley air-cooled truck. 4 33x4 front and rear wheels, with hubs. 1 muffler. 1 dash, I hood. 12 assorted rims. Battery boxes. Motor miscellany. 1 model 1 Locomobile water pump, com plete. Few automobile tires. 1 windshield. Number of tire covers. New fenders. Other parts and accessories too numer ous to mention. Come and look them over, you can get them at aimost your own price. GERLINGER MOTOR CAR CO.. ( Stockroom.) 004 Washington Street. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. 1 seven-passenger Napier, 0 H. r. tnurlne car in good condition: good tires, top windshield and Prest-O-Tank ; $1000. One 4S H P. Pierce-Arrow 1 -passenger touring car in good condition; tires, top and windshield; ?7o0. One 3l H. P. Parry-Arrow 5-passenger touring car In good condition; good tires, , top, windshield, gas saver and Prest-O-Tank; $350. , . One Flanders 20. with delivery body. In good running order; good tires, wind shield and Prest-O-Tank: $250. Will demonstrate. Fred Dundee, 010 Jefferson Btreet, Portland. Or. CHALMERS 5-passenger A better used car can t De nougnt. ciibuio 10 sowu . ning order as when new. and has lots of power. Recently painted. Five new tires. All oiled and greased. Won't need fixing under ordinary conditions for several months. A bargain for cash or terms. Call B 318S for appointments. REO TRUCK 1300 pounds; bought last May from C. L. Boss, used very little; come and see it or write us at once; price $350; terms. Address Mr. Gilbert. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Chapman and Alder. ONE Buieic roadster $200; one Buick 5 "passenger $475; one Ford, 1913. $175; one Ford 1014 $400: one Ford. 1913, $3o0: one Studebaker 1912. $350. Chapman Repair Co., 100 Chapman st. Main 1157. FIRST-CLASS Brash roadster, magnet?, windshield. splendid tires, fine hli. elimbexi. everything In fine shape. Frlc 150, $3S down. $12.50 monthly. , K. M. Hyatt. 350 Aides. 2--PASP. roadster, fine condition, new tires absolute bargain. Acme Auto Co., 031 Alder. CHE AP 5-passenger Stoddard-Dayton: first class condition; electric lights, new paint, new tires; $525 cash: terms to right par ties. 24th and E. Broadway. East 2506. C 2265, PACKARD for sale; seats nine comfortably: first-class mechanical condition. Ask to see gray Packard, at Cotillion Garage. Biggest auto snap in town WE make out your 1913 auto and motor cycle license applications complete with notary work for 40 cents. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. OVERLAND 2-pnssenger roadster. self starter, electric lights, has had only light city use: In tine condition, newly painted. Phone Cashier, Main 7000. BIG roomy automobile, just the thing for Jitney; good condition; $650; a bargain. No dealers. Woodlawn 1596, or call 0S5 Mis sissippi. - ; ONE 5-passenger body. 1 Panneo delivery body 1 Maxwell runabout for sale cheap. I'nlied Painting & Auto Top Co, 13th and Washington sts. Marshall 945. GARFORD 7-passenger, in very fine condi tion: tires are practically new: dandy car for stage or jitneyPJioneIain 530S. FINE-new-painted 5 or 7-pass. 6-cylinder car, $130 down, $40 per month. ISO E. 8th st. TWO autos wanted: 1914 or 1915 model, light weight. 5-passenger; no Fords; caan up. XX 908.' Oregonian. F1'EPASSENGE R. 1014 Ford, with start er, shock absorber and other extras. Call Monday. 213 6th st. AUTO. 7-passenger. perfect condition: $500 cash ana s.100 real cs-.mc. qqq xmi. WANT good auto, have 2 lots. 80th and PowelL worth $1200. Chas. Rlngier, 310 TWO-PASSENGER American roadster, al most new, snap. Marshall 15S. 605 Lum bermelis bldg. WANTED REAL ESTATE. Have 4-ton truck to trade: what have you that's clear? P 664. .Oregonian. MCST PB1.L at once. 1912 Stearns automo bile Just painted and overhauled. East 1101. $4011 0-P VSSENGER auto, excellent me chanical condition, new- tires; just spent $211) on It. Owner, 321 Eusene st. E. 23Q... 7-PASSENGER Garford. splendid condition,' cheap for cash, or will trade for smaller car. A 613, Oregonian ONE 5-passenger Ford. $235. Fred Lister, Tanor ,;i. or can ill j.v " SALE and trade, small racing auto. AJ 1, Oregonian. JUST iiTco new. $3 Jones speedometer complete. Price $10. 350 Alder. $530 REO. 1914. center control, left drive, C. Rlncler. 316 Ry. Exe. CADILLAC. 1912. 3-passer.;er. for cash only. Phone labor 0 150. EAST SIDE. R G. HUNTER & CO., 507 E. Burnaide St. East 63B0. 1 &Bt 6980. I want to, ask the public of Portland who are considering purchasing used cars if there is any seconu-lianu establishment "ho will do for them what I will ao before they lay down their money tor a ar? Will any man selling or trying to sell used cars show you the actual evidence of their conuition by exposing fhein, li-om headlights to la 1 light not ONLY what remains good, . but what is detective and in need of replacement? there ts. I HAVE A COMPETITOR. My CHART system Is the first evidence of tne car's condition. This is written evidence. Still. I "o not ask you to be satisfied, because you may not know enough about a car to understand the CHART I will then produce tne evi dence by my "STRIPPING-DOVVN" pro cess and lay 3'onr band nsnt on tne detective or broken part. You can see and you can feel if mere Is any part In the machine that is broken. I do not want you to pace any contidence in me. This la bad judgment, inasmuch as we are strangtrs. Do not buy confidence, reputation of the firm, salesman talk, nor make of car and a concocted story ot its condition, but buy what you can see and have the value proven to you, Just the same as jou buy any article you want. You do not have to be ignorant of an automobile. Tnere is nothing mysterious about them the way I sell, because 1 educate beforo asking for your monej. Of course, a man can fill the atmo.paere with a lot of technical explanations that would bewilder most any one and they would begin to think that they did not know anything about a car, alio that the salesman knew it all and that they would HAVE TO PLACE their pocketbook and COVUDENCF. in him in order to buy a machine, but, in f'.ace of so much TALK about the cars condition, make them begin to. show you some you can s-e and not waste time and money by listening. Visit my place. I will intro duce the whole system that I sell used cars on. No deposits necessary to be paid down after a snort demonstration in or der to prevent some other mythical buyer cheating you out of a used car in per fect condition, and as good as new. Sly cars might not appeal to vou, because 1 do not promise Oo hours of free serv ice nor because I do not say they are BARGAINS, nor guarantee them as good as im, or in PURFECT SHAPE, but 1 will go on record right here In the news papers by saylns that every car I sell carries value to the extent of 100 cents for everv dollar you pay for it, and, furthermore. I will prove this FACT te- fore you pay a penny. There is no con cern dealing in used cars on the Coast that sells them on the basis I do. There are cars of all makes and styles on my sales tloor, also trucks. You will lo.e nothing if you do not visit me, because there are no sacriticed prices on my cars, r any used cars as good as new, but if you arc interested in a used car, come over and get acquainted with my policy. There will be no "rush act" pulled off on you, nor any attempts made to "worm" a deposit out of you. I won't even ask you tor 5'our name or address. When you are ready to- buy you must recognize my, system, hence, you will return. OPEN TODAY, 10 A. Ai. TO 5 P. M. USED AUTO SNAP. LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN". Free ervice given on all used pars. We offer you the following list to se lect from: Hupp, 5-pass, 32-11. P. Co.e, 5-pass., 30-H. P. Chalmers. 5-pass., 30 H, P. It. C. H-, 5-pass., 25 H.. I. Cole, 4-pass.. U-H. P. Lozier. 7-pass., 40-H. r., nearly new. Michigan, 5-pase., 33-H. P. Inlerstate, 4-pass.. 40-H. P. Chevrolet, 2-pass., 24-H. T.. nearly new. Apper-son. 5-pass.. 40-H. P. studebaker. 4-pass.. 40-H. P.. Overland, 5-pass., 40-H. P. Reo 2-ton truT-.k, with body. Federal lVa-ton truck, with body, good as new. Several others to select from; price $50O and up. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch Sts. Alain S8S7. A 4909. FREE PLANS FOR HOUSING YOUR ALTO. ' Are you' planning a garage for your home? If so. we will mail free upon request several drawings, model garages like are being built throughout the East. They should Interest you. State horsepower or model of car you expect to house. AB 60S. oregonian. CHEAP FOR CASH Just the thing for quick delivery; one 1-ton Federal truck in good condition, model C1910, wheel base 110 Inches, 30 H. P., 36 In. by 4 in. tires in front, 36 by 5 on rear, extra heavy springs, no body, but cau furnish body if wanted. BC 665. Oregonian. PORTABLE OARAQE3. Take-down garages, built of the beet materials, artiatio designs. 10x16. $36 up. erected complete, with lock and key; Im mediate delivery; also portable house. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison St. Mala 1167. GOING to California; must dispose of my car this week: substantial payment down and $00 a month. Car in excellent condition. Tires new equipment all that is desired. Reply suiting amount of cash you can conveniently pay. Address owner, AB 660, Oregonian IMPROVED PORTABLE GARAGE. 10x16. best materials, erected on your lot, complete $32 up. Any other style you want at prices that can't be beat- B. T. Allyn, Garage Specialist, 1191 E. Salmon st. 'fabor 104. . 1909 CADILLAC, 5-pass., electric side and tall lights; car in A-l mechanical condi tion; $390 cash; will give any kind of a aemonstratiuii. Call Monday, 424 Cham ber of Commerce. A BARGAIN FOR CASH One 1-ton Fed eral truck, model C 1910, wheel base 110 Inches, 3u 11. P. express body, with top, extra heavy springs, truck in uaily service. BD 661, Oregonian 1014 ONE and one-half ton Federal truck in perfect condition; $700 less than cost: op erated only a short time for light deliver ing; good as new. Terms cash. Address G 60S. Oregonian . HAVE your auto palntou ana your trimming nickel-plated at Portland Plating & Auto Painting Co.; also upholstering. 22d ana Tnurman. Main 843. A 52S2. 20 aud upward-, according to the work, FOR SALE $050, six-cylinder, 1914, 7-passenger Studebaker touring car, almost new and in first-class condition. Terms to responsible party. No trades considered. ' Pnone Mr. Mulick. Main 5960. E M. F. 30 roadster 3U0 1 Pierce-Racine (Case) less engine lso 1 Flanders 20, light delivery 2;.0 1 White 30, light delivery ..$4J0 Fred Lister, 17o Union Ave., S. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. CADILLAC. Perfect motor, new tires, price right; a car that will give real service; aiso three other bargains in used cars. Covey Aiolor Co. NATIONAL 4-cylinder, 4-passenger; just been painted; new seat covers; lots of power; does not cost much to run this car; terms. L B15. Oregonian, E M F. 30, IN good order, $2S3; will ex change for Fora in fair condition. Y. M. C. A? Auto School. E. 10th and Mill sts. East 2bo2. FOR SALE FOR CASH ONLY A bargain. 1U14 cole, five-passenger, all modern, equipped auto. Write to P. O. box 20b or phone Main 107, Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE The classiest roadster In Port land; 50-60 horsepower; has bucket seats ' 1. ..lit low nrl rakish: lots of power and 'speed. J 610, Oregonian. LATE model 5 or 7-passenger light car In perfect condition, to trade for roadster. X 607, Oregonian FOR SALE 32-pass. auto bus on best pay ing line c;ty; good terms. S 654, Oregonian. . w ANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. lAsve. 1S6 Columbia. Main 5196. FOR SALE American roadster with full equipment In Al ehape. good as new, $ 1 0 u 0. Covey Motor Car Co. A GOOD serviceable Studebaker "30," in good condition for $400. AP 663. Orego nian. roK will take party of 4 anywhere ti time. $1.25 per hour. 1913 Ford. Sellwood S90. ' . SEE us about buying or selling second-hand cars: repair shop in connection Fred Lister, 170 Union Ave.. S. - oif-SER Haynes, 1914, cost $2150, ""fltctrfc Ugh" and starter, will trade for first mortgage. A J 652Oregonian. FOR SALE 1913 Reo Fifth; electric starter and lights, complete equipment. Call Ta- oor ia ;im gale Ford runabout; bargain; must sell Call A 1428 or address B 603. Ore gonlan. SLIGHTLY used "res from 3 to $10 each; vulcanizea -oc . ...p. - i7-i BUYS my 7-passenger Winton Six. Phone Main 9252. M 655. Oregonlan. FOR HIRE. $1.25 per hour 5-passenger 1314 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. FORD roadster, with bed. price $350 cash. Inquire 124 Front. FORD chances, touring car or roadster for sale '-heapApply N- 14th- 1914 IrORD. first-class condition. $375. Ep- lon. 432 Chamber of Commerce, MARCH 14, 1915, OREGON 3IOTOR CAR COMPANY, LSt-D-CAil DPAnj.iiii. WE GIVE LIBERAL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 CHALMERS "30," 4-passenger tour ing car. overhauled and repainted. .$47o STUDEBAKER "30.V 4-passenger tour ing car. Just overhauled, self starter, etc ..$600 1 STODDARD-DAYTON roadster, in fine condition . .$3oO 1 OVERLAND tourins car. in good condition $-00 1 STUDEBAKER "20." roadster, fine condition, all new tires $400 1 MAXWELL 5-passenger touring car.JloO 1 STUDEBAKER "30" 5-passenger touring car 1300 1 STUDEBAKER "25" 5-passenger touring car. electric lights $000 1 STUDEBAKER "SIX." 7-passenger. electric starter and lights, extra tire, etc., "great bargain $9jp 1 STUDEBAKER "SIX" touring car. 1914 model, electric starter and lights, perfect condition $1450 See us for jitney buses. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY". Studebaker Bldg.. Corner chapman and Alder Sts. Phone Main 9402. A 7656. USED QUALITY CARS. POPULAR PRICES. If vou are contemplating a tour to the exposition you can tour in style, safety and comfort in any one of these snaps: Packard 18, 5-passenger. Packard 30, 2-passenger. Packard 30, 5-passenger. Packard 4S. 7-passenger. Pierce-Arrow 48, 7-passenger. We also have for quick sale Chal mers 1911 5-passenger $400 FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY", 23d and Washington Sts. Phone Main 4542. y USED CARS. White "40." Thomas 4-passenger. Garford "40." Stearns 15x30. 1914 Overland "40." Winton Sixes, thoroughly overhauled, re built and guaranteed, in 4, 5 and 7-passenger models. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR PAR CO., Factory Branch, 23d and Washington Sts. Main 4244. OUR LIST FOR TODAY: Look them over and give us a chance to satisfy you. Especially if you are look ing for a high-powered car, we have ex ceptional values. 1014 Overland 5-pass !" Havers Six. large 5-pass Mitchell Six 5-pass.. late modol Sj-'O Rambler. 5-pass ;"" Oakland, 2-pass J-'i'J Mitchell, model T, 5-pass oio MITCHELL. LEWIS & STAVE R CO., East Morrison and East First Sts. East 2177. B 1218. BARGAINS IN SECOND-HAND CARS. 1912 AUTOMOBILE o 191.1 CHALMERS "30" $850 1011 CHALMERS "30" 530 1911 CHAMIERS "30" $300 1913 6-passenger STUDEBAKER $630 1910 CADILLAC '450 1911 FRANKLIN, fl-cyllndcr $800 BRALY AUTO CO.. 31-33 N. 19th St. Main 4880. A 3S81. TRUCKS. We have on hand the following second hand trucks we have taken in trade on new GMC trucks. They are all in tirst class repair in every respect and we are prepared to offer exceptional terms and prices: - , 3-ton Kelly J:;? 1 Mitchell 5-passenger car '- 1 Pope 5-passenger car f.JI. 1-ton Federal Z,i, 1-ton Little Giant COL CARRIAGE & AUTO WORKS Main 2S92. 209-11 Front st. Three Ford touring cars. Two Ford runabouts, prices ranging from $225 to $375. " . , Call and investigate our values before buying: these cars have been overhau ed and put in first-class condition; we give a written guarantee with each car; will give terms If desired. BERRY E. BOONE & CO.. 514 Alder Street. 1911 W'lNTON SIX, self-starter, new tires : 1912 5-passenger Parry '-.- 1912 6-passenger Maxwell f'j 1912 Regal Roadster i'iv,- 11110 Garford. 7-passenger Jro 1910 Oakland 1000-lb. truck $3o0 ACME AUTO CO.. r3t Alder. Main B77o. WANTED A light roadster as first pay ment 4n exchange for my late model Win ton Six 5-passenger touring car, nickel plated, electric lighted, self-starter, War ner speedometer, new top and new seat covers, thoroughly overhauled: liberal terms on balance. G 610. Oregonian. LATE BODEL . touring car, electric lights, starter, extra equipment, tires good, powerful motor. This car will give satisfaction because both car and price ore right. Covey Motor Car Co. : A19U 5-PASSENGER Ford, in fine running condition, and a choice unincumbered lot. to exchange for a late model 5-passenger Ford or other standard 5-passenger car. Call office, Columbia 22 or residence, Col. 196. GARFORD "40" 7-pass., overhauled and re painted, new tires, will make a good stage car: will demonstrate to your satisfaction: cash or terms; cannot use real estate. J 615. Oregonian. PACKARD 5-passenger, equipped with ex tra tires, seat covers, one-man top. de mountable rims; will sell at a bargain tor cash. Cannot consider real estate. oil, cjregoiiiaii. HUPP foredoor roadster....... Mp" Pierce-Arrow, ncwij a..n. T1M, Auburn touring .--A---' DULMAGE-MANLEY AUTO CO.. .0 ariu. -" "fc. PEERLESS 6-cyl.. 7-pass., fully equipped with electric self-starter, electric lights, etc everything right up to the minute; might consider late model small car as part payment. Phone Main o368. 1914 OVERLAND, 5-passenger, electric lighted, good tires, fine mechanically; a bargain for someone: some cash with bal ance on terms. G 612, Oregonian. FOR HIRE. $1.50 PER HOUR. D-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work: good service. Phone Main 1201 or East 5859. AUTMOBILE. late mode!, for lot In Ladd'1 Add., near Hawthorne ave.. worth $3.o0 $loo6 incumbrance. Answer B., Hotel Carlton. PIERCE-ARROW 7-passenger fully equip ped has had best of care: Is in elegant condition. Hglj.Oregonian, for SALE Hudson roadster with 5 good tires and In good mechanical shape. $400. Covey Motor Car Co. REGAL O-passenger; Dayton airless tires; newly painted and a bargain at $300. Phone Main 53C8. BUICK 1912 5-passenger 25-H. P.. $425; will trade for Ford roadster. P 660. Orego nian. . FORD 1913 model, fully equipped nickel puTed. speedometer, electric lighted, shock absorbers, etc. $375. Phone Sellwood 1.38. CHALMERS "30," 5-pass.. fully equipped and in A-l condition; tires like new; woW make fine Jitney. Phone Main 5361. t ATE model fore-door. 7-pass. Chalmers .hS,nmiust overhauled. Call Wood. 997 Sunday. Main 9560, Monday, ""pASS 15-30 Stearns, first-class condition; a j'iiney bargain: some cash, balance on terms. H 611. Oregonian. IF YOU want a rebuilt 3 or o-ton White at a snap, ask The White Company Port fa n d , jDrKO:JBojL7j;Pbne aln692. ripAS.-i 1912 Hupmobile In good shape, cheap for cash. Phone East3S20. $400 WINTON, good condition, trade r sell on lime. m w". - e,.. A FLANDERS 20. in A-l shape, touring car. del. body; a bargain. Dundee's Garage. 1V4-TON truck $250; good order. E. 10th. Bm-nside Garage. 1913 5-PASS. Cadillac, new tires, good coll' ditlon. $1200. East 2612. ,.t,,t a for rent. $3 month. 694 Overton, $3000 OLDSMOBILE. 5-passenger, in good shape, lor 10c on the dollar.. $300 1912 REO the Fifth, 5-passenger. good shape, good tires; a aandy for Jiincy $450 1913 REO the Fifth, with everything to be made O. K.. now in the shop. However, a great buy when finished. 4S3 4 or 5-pasengcr MAXWELL automo bile, all in line condition $400 $3000 GARFORD automobile, without body, ouiy $400 5-passonger MICHIGAN automobile, electric lights, repainted, late mode;, for only $139 REO 2-ton truck, like new; 5 months' factory guarantee still due on it. A bargain. ONE 1914 54 HUDSON, 7-pass. auto mobile; wonderful buy; the best of the season. C. L. BOSS CO.. 615-617 Washington St. Portland. FEDERAL 1-TON TRICK Was guaran teed bv Federal agents for 1 tons; has body and curtains; this truck is now be ing overhauled and will serve you like a new one; write or call on us for fur ther Information; terms if desired. Ad dress Mr. Gilbert. OREGON .MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Chapman and Alder Sts; Anto lobLce ft ante. WILL trade $2800 equity in first-class mod ern bungalow for good high-grade car, late mouel. This bungalow is first class and strictly modern, corner lot, on car line. The mortgage is J15U0. Street im provements paid in full. Give particulars. AL ttl 4. Oregonian. WANT lata model touring car as first pay ment on bungalow at bargain price. No inflated values or Junk considered. Give full description and jour lowest price. AN 657. Oregonian. ;.ou EyUlTY in first-class West Side bungalow of 5 rooms, most select neigh boruood. Will trade for first-class car. No difference required if car suits. AL 010, Oregonian. WILL exchange a local first mortgage of $2ou0 for a good late-model automobile. Aiortgage bears 7 per cent, semi-annual interest. State particulars and phone number. AK 015. Oregonian. 40-80 ACRES, irrigated land; paid In cash on same, $1000; is A-l alfalfa land; no payments due four years; will trade half or ail for late model, .-passenger car. W. T. Veazie, Jerome, Idaho. WANTED To trade lot. uxlS feet. In Rldgemont Addition, on Last Side, for automobile in good condition; prefer Foru, Maxwell or Buick. Address AV 005, care The Oregonian. HAVE seven lots at Necarney City, selling at $2oo each; will trade all or part for light 5-pa-senger car in good order ana late model. W 651. Oregonian. WANTED AUTOMOBILE. For lot Portland Height.-.; consider 1914 Studebaker, Buick, Cadillac or Chalmers. Epton. 4.12 Chamber o( Com nierce. WANT roadster or 5-passenger unto, not ill use over 1 year. In good conuition; not 'over $300. give lull particulars la liial let. jer. A 6.0. Oregonian. WILL exchange fine unincumbered lot, 60x luo worth $600 and some cash for late model light 4 or i-passeuger car. H, 60J, Oregonian. AL IO wanted, will pay cash to right parti. 1913 or 1914 model preie;-red; 110 rold. Call room 15. 206 is fcnimou si. Hour 12 to 3 P. M. WANTED A late model 5 or 7-pssenger car in good condition; will trade two good lota on Cannon Beach, value aou; w ill pay difference. Address AV 624. oreguiilan. WANTED, for cash, late modei Ford car; roadster preferred. Address F. M.. box 177, Central Point. Oregon, TRADE Three Fergus Kails, Alinn., lots, clear, for ilht auto or truck, or what have you? Box ion. Falls city. Or. WANT late model light 2 or 5-pns. auto for clnssy, latest style playtr piano. AC 660, oregoniaiu VYAVTEO Five-passenger Ford lip to $300; $100 down. $30 per month. Al 006. oiego nian. LATE model motorcycle to trade for light car; will pay dllferenLe. Box 17, central Point, Or. WANT 5-pass. uutomoblle. up o $100; cash and $25 per month. X 002. Ore gonian. HAVE two first mortgages. $000 and $7oo, one or both for a good car; no junk. X 664, Oregonian WANTED Ford car. 1015, in first class shape; must be reasonable. Hotel Neth erlands, room 53 WILL exchange clear lot, 50x100, worth $700 and soino cash for late model I Ik tit 4 or 5-passenger car. A 662. orcg unaiia. ROSE CITY-PARK lot. clear, close to car; want Ford or other small auto. T 601. Oregonian, WANTED Auto engine and clutch. 25 to 4o H. 1'.; mutt be cheap and In good shape. Address C 601, Oregonian. I HAVE 2t2 acres of cranberry land to trade for car. Wilt pay cash difference for good one. No junk. Main 3072. WILL sacrifice 40 acres, good farm, land near Salt Lake City, tor automobile. Lust 7031. WANT good late model car. Have mort gage, seller's contracts and clear land. O 664, Oregonian. WANTED A large 7 or 8-p.iss. auto body; must be in good condition. Call Sunday. Phone Main 3449. WANT a first-class 3 or 7-passenger auto for exchange for good city properly by the 5c car. E 609. Oregonian, or Main 2S70. ROADSTER Must be in good condition and cheap lor cash; 1913 or 1914 model. K 661, Oregonian. WANTED Light delivery auto; must be in first-class condition. Call Davis, Alain 9416. WANTED Second-hand Ford in good order. State price and terms. V 607. oregonioli. LAND contract, long-time payments, tti trade for auto. AN tl'iO. Qregonun. WANTED Smull car; describe and give lowest 1 ash price. W 609, oregonian. WILL trade nice 6-room bung;iIow, close in, for good auto. Phone C 21M17. WANTED Good roadster, musl be cheap, in good shape, li 660, Oregonlun FARMER wants light car for acreage Just outside Oregon City. AG 662. oregonian. Motorcycles. USED MOTORCYCLES. 1913 twin Excelsion, A-l shape, $133. 1914 twin, 2-speed, Ex. equipped, $160. 1913 e'-H. P. Reading, $100. 1114 2-speed Dayton, good as new, $200. 1913 twin Pope, first-class shape, $100. Many other machines of various mukes, prices from $40 up. Mar. 553S. Dayton Cycle Co.. 2H Broadway. ALL MOTORCYCLE RIDERS should tall at the Jefferson Cycle Co. for prices on repairing before having same done, as our work is the best, the price Is right; 15 years' experience. Nuff sed. JEFFERSON CYCLE CO.. 27 Third St. See Us for Bargains In Used Machines of All Mukes. ON EASY TERMS. East Side Motorcycle Co., 44 Grand Ave. Agents for the Flying Merkel. 1914 TWO-SPEED H. D.. new $200 1914 Twin cylinder H. D.. new $170 1113 single cylinder H. D.. new $H0 Will take lathe, graflex camera or Corona typewriter as part payment. Write or phone room 501. Congress Hotel. FOR SALE CHEAP One 1912 Twin Merkel motorcycle, S.4 H. P., chain drive and clutch, equipped with non-skid tires: no accessories; In good condition. BD 663, Oregonian. STRICTLY A-l Excelsior twin motorcycle: presto tank. lamp, tandem: nil In fine shape. Price $125; $35 down. $12.o0 monthly. E. B. Hyatt, 350 Alder. MOTORCYCLES. nH P 1014 Reading-Stoddard, only used 4 months; cost $320, lor $100 cash. 26 N'. 6th St. ' 1912 Indian 7 H. P.. A-l condition good tires tandem, presto tank and light, lulu license; $00 quick sale. W G7u. Orego' nian FOR SA LK Twin cylinder, fully equipped, fine shape, new tires; cheap for cash. Call Sunday afternoon. 802 E. 32d N. Broud way car. FOR SALE CHE.AISOne 19L9 single Alln der Indian motorcycle. 4 H. P., tlree In fair condition; no accessories. BD 664, Oregonian FOR S A LE CHEAP One 1910 Twin Merkel motorcycle. 7.2 H. P., belt drive, non-skid tires, no accessories, in fair condition. BD 6il2. 'Oregonian INDIANS. Hurleys. Merkels. Excelsiors, Jef fersons; a number of gool selections, rang ing from $20 to $100. Get our r'lccs be fore buying. Jefferson Cycle Co.. 2i 3d st. FOR SALE ditlon. Box -1014 Indian side-car. A-l con 577. Albany. Or. MOTORCYCLE for sale, twin cylinder, Hnr-ley-Davjdsou. Terms. Al 063, oregonian. FOR SALE 7 H. P. Ilrle -! bison, ch for cash, best bargain In city. 1 hone 1 4013. J. T. Smllh. H A V E J ou a 1'hone Doct good twin f"r : Marshall :on.a. t.) cash Aulo Tires od An-HfA STOHACE UATTLItY to amp uut.i tire: the two f"r :,. 40 .1 Mam 0- tcday. FOUR auto tire. R2x3s; five 'r.per till all for $.'to. A SlowMt-r speedometer I Wlllanl V llnoti. Yamhill, or. RO A DST Ell wanted. 1913 or 1W4 mod. ca.'-h. Phono C H'lN-. .Machinery. KO.riFAlB.NT FOR I J EST fit l-M-'"-Donkey engines, pil.drivers. il.riul lraiu.lt.". leve's. concreto n. 1 . r. el . . COAST STEEL A N1ACII1M- !t lO l.-.no Venn H'dg. Main f-i c-. -Til fi ' MflTllItS Bought, sold, reined, lepalred. Lame slock: all guaranteed. H. K. DAVIS A CO 103 E. Wsf r st. E.iHt 31 16. It " UOWbl scaKs 20oe Iba : iTke net; in.o..r 1 1 V l 220 .. 100 R.: both "as new"; sill cheap. 414 K. Ash. I I. on. E. 4129. MACHINE SHOP and welding plant for sale terms; might sell half Interest to rig it paitv. pincha.r to take ninnavmcnt. 1 664. Oregonian. , 1. v v,.v -..,Urc kh.-Mt- cheap; will rut gauge" nielal: goo. I us new; terms. 414 Eitfl Ash. Phoii F.a-t 4121. Typewriter. A LI. Al A K i:s F f -TO li Y n E B U I L V. LA KG EST S'lOi'K. LOW EST PRICES. TERMS : DOWN. A MONTH. SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED rnicR LIST. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. Tiir, WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO 321 Washington St., Port land. Or. stores In ali pacific coast Cities. WE save vou frorcTio to 7 per cent 01 IJ makes of typewriters; send for our illus fiafed folder Retail department WIIOLk,. SALE TYPEWRITER CO.. 321 Yi ash. . t. TYFE WRITERS, for rent. 3 months for i aud up 6 months' rent applied oa pur ci.e price Remington Typewriter Com- pany. Mi Broadway. Portlend. Or. TYPE WRITERS, all makes. $10 to l. The Northwest lypewiiter Co.. 2J -lark su Main 65-'t. ci'w rebuilt second-han-1 rent. at cut rate. P. D. C. 231 mark t. Main 14i.". T Y 1 ' E W I ! I T7E It-w anted In part payment for upright piano. ll 1 4th t. NO 3 C. SMITH, g"od a new; very cheap for cash. Main M'29. ' .MtHeelluneolis. IT MAKES no difference what vou arc In red of, s.e us. We cm sate vou iut.ncv. Wo have opened up a salvage store at 131-133 First si., near A .ler. Can supply our wan In anvthing In the line of merchsn-.ii-.. vi-., hve sonic special c"1! bargains In paints, oils. l.riiVies, ni.-. nrrsses. hai.lwaie. at our l lis,- Strect Store. ,t SIMON A P.ltO . Front and Grant Sis. Main 2002. A .00 $;.-. STORE sale, boo H oak roll-top desk. $lt $:;u; $.o goi.ien v.otls-ln flsl- top desk off 10 r.Oc ; $..-. desk. $il.."o : golilen 011k l wrner $:; revolving olVico h.ilr. $3. arm i chairs. $1.50; common chain. o:.k office- tables. $4.00 r tlnn 011k nsidrobe. lrn 'J0 centime leather doicn. $22 ..u. $10 :. ... -.,1, i.,rrl ,-hair. ; .".; rattan seiiee, $.'..00; $40 genuine Wilton rug. iThe' above goods can be bought on In stallment if desired. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. r.47 Washington St.. ll-t. I""i '"' '"" f- . N iT ICE ALASKA .11 NK CO. ceil 10 their new store. ."I -3 In. it ,11 st.. here ih. y would . .lenl P.-.. ihcir 01. 1 customers T'liev l.sii.llo mi l-.irls of I 1 1 1 1 1 .. . pulley, snarling. pll and all kinds 01 tools bought and s".d l p. .od v'-b es. Mam 4 1 lo. I AM TIRED OF THE RIVHR AVIlf !! my launch cheap for ihkIi. See King louay Standard H.ialbuuse. foot Mn.lis-.n. M:iln .W.,. ' MAGICIANS Entertaining balanin. second hntld nrp" nitus. Call between n nnd V. M.. I."-I Anna Apis., loth and Lovcjoy St.. or phono Mam 4UOI d. s. , illll S LK telescip.-; ln.-lr.iui 'ill ll.imr nil e, s e lei el. 1 In. I111 'ev tr.Tilt . I"' 'I .IHllll.ill. II. S. Hall. In fine v. Wash .iM m n : s.oo 11 .. 'ii." v - . . wood $.. .. cold 4 fl . ..ml ....o . .-or I love length. Kcl.pse ' '"1 " " ' 10th st. I'l.o no !-. ist .'.19. , .1. A I .,' ll.llf 1.1 1. I . . ! r .- encili. -cling coins". c..'iipl''l volumes, .tc. l-'sl l.;ih ..v gene, or. I. i.l List, En- linlLLIWr while .lillll'Ol.l. l.o'...l 1 IP Vi-'.".. offered for $10.). Elmer r. Hhmk r.sid.-m. I'.'.'l E. Gils..... Mam I 13- 'residence. Tabor 4111. Is-l-T. launch. 4-h P-. lul.y .-I'iipi-standard Boat house, west end IU w 1 ley bridge. Aek for Dlehl. Phono M.inh .1 . T1 I'KWKIT Kit k $13. '". ! f..( in., m.ihus.my ro.l desk. ei 1 or rs pt. 221 JlMH bldg. WE will dispose 1 lot of used h..m. ni.i chiucs; vour pick for $0 each; four d only; come early. 349 .Morrison. FOR SALE Ten-foot wall -. uttablo '" rigiirs or conlectlolicly store. API" ilfc"i More. I t st. JTa SACRIFICE 1 kt. diamond ring; also 14-Htol.e diamond lioiseeltoe pill, .nai shall 1I104. .. 2Vl'ooT cabin launch. 12-11 P. fully equipped. ch'tUie lighted. AD i.l. 1 u-.-enn 11 n. FOR SALE cheap, soda fountain, tablet, chillis, showcases, count els and shelving. 4114 E. Morrison. Call Sunday or ..loud .). ' FOR SALE. , , 3..-ft.. II. P. gasoline w 01 k bcl . ha rajnJiiJJJast HorSEUO.AI' for sale: bargain If taken at once. Hilil'.lcys Marine M. iconic Shop, foot Hamilton eve. , l"T.T7IrT.ea.r"whee;er & WI'S"!. sewing m chlne fnllv equipped, guaranteed: In fn.K condition. -s-' Morrison si. Marslis.l ,. 111H ALE2 "5-foot wall rmrl. 1 i-t-xt: tloor case $.3 I. llo.mau jcnt.tr. J. Washington t. vill 1 INEKY stock at tin unheard of bal sa .; Plight exchange for something we fan "use or will give IcrnisW 00.1 .uj.11 . I . Ci-iiui K TYPEW RITERS rented tbrt. Wmoul.s .t.r $4. delivered. it .4 Mar .1. M a in 0"i. - A,,l piano for sale or traue at . s.-rll.c- .. ..i. il Tti -.1 -M l live. S. I.. Wll COX GIBBS chain stitch m. hins complete, cheap. Mo.ii.oli ... Mars,,.. I ROTARY Willie, fine condition cheap. a payments. 3S2 Morrl.oii.l.Mrl,a ll. . L MANURE, ro'Ted or sr.e... deuvered any li-v.'. i ' : TsO" D BILL on Benson Hotel for . at ' liberal ui.count.llj-JJ-22oronian: TjjPaT i&VJZ'. 'Anil's..?.: IT. ". - r"" ' C 1 llll 1 1 on Pr, JScoV ;,J Mosn.o, jTr'wTTTT-ril lumber for hull. ling .l"';' for V200-. l,estgjaocallW ' "J':-"l "'" FoTT" SA I.E 17 - foot Moils cam... will. f..l and Icaboar.ls. qi..nejj..::t... v ..- ,. ",.f,,.,t cviils-r hull, l.-'aiiv finis!.. -.. for sal.- orjra.le. 4 1."1" L T7mV tood office furniture lii x-h.inn " i.-,.. .,.,1 loirci. Mi' "3" Felt SALE 2n c.r.ls dry w.mI. K Hennemau. Hit H...T.I of I rude bo. s.n-T nm.l brli k ma. bine, cost $:''"'. II lor $.""". .1. !' V.. Male HI. 2'1.1't I., t "1 s.. FOR" sXLlTTlobilniTbe.'l. I gas hot-water healer. Main 322. 3 i-o"AiT7TrsEs""fo"r sale or tent ih.ap. Call Sunday. .viai-n,ni --j-j 1-Cllt SALE cheap." 1 2411-egg M-C Inciioatoi . Miiuv - - - 1 FLOOR slio I Miiall tounlu .1 i . wall eases INLAID linoleum. ' 1 Vl"-'ol ' piece. .lllln323ll. GlMll.l.V rrr.T-AT-'Bo'ATS.-J." I.. Gilliam, foot H..ikn BV,. sw,.,,d-4. l 2IIII 111 1E lll'.ATEIl for ni- '-'"4 V.le.v, 2-s asillnclom Mlhil 2'-"'- . 7-11. P. single Uii.ter. niedii.tn .!..!, !--1. nc.s, irnKonlail. line englM $:;0 CAkl.A.NK gas stove for $i. 3H7 Mrlg. $11, Ti X 1 .1 1. C new . I-. Wo. n. sU.I X rlee -Mi. -Viaiii o,.... sTki: medium si-e, cash or terms. M-il i'.iJ- taOia, rnaira e - "