; i9 . . THE SUNDAY OltEGOXTAX, POIlTiaJfD. MARCH 11, 191o. . . . , . . tp. .T..r rnr,.t, Madame Lvra' Corsets. Redfern Corset. Wirthmor Waiats. Wellwortb Waists. Eppo Sijk Petticoat-. , J . -T. Cotiili"- 1' VndJr' EI . r Madame Irene cornels, sue cos f J" rhilriran'a Shoes French Shriner & Urner Men's Shoes. John S. Brown's Shamrock Linens. Mutisms unaerwear. lnc... "-'. XClUSlVe AeiltS IOr S? ttrJZZZS dZAtmrnVSMorfirSbM Colonial Draperies and scores of otner famous and popu.ar goods. I I Announcement ! The April advance Butterick Patterns and the April advance Fashion Sheets have just arrived. Third Floor. Stxth-St. Bid. New Popular Silks Just a handful of the great many now on display. Splendid values! New Chiffon Taffeta, Yard $2 and $1.50 The newest colors in plain, figured and striped patterns. 36 inches wide. New Crepe de Chine $2 and $1.50 White, cream, ivory, KocKy Mountain Diue, nu&nuKui wuc, c. Pussy Willow Taffeta$3:$2.50 Plain and figured patterns, m all colors. 40-incn, Corded Silks, Yard $1.50 Store Your Furs Here! 1915 Th& Quality Stor& of Portland FiCih. SiJCtlv'Morrisorv Alder Sta. "The Rosary" 50c That famous Book "The Rosary" is now ready in the 50c edition, which is the nublishine event of 1915. mh Floor, sutn-st. rii. Sprin In New Suits Tomorrow at $30.00 Black, white and a complete assort ment of the new colors. 22-inch. New Failles for $2.50 Beautiful shades of green, Diue, sana, Norfolk, pleated back, Empire and plain box Coats. Yoke style, fIoI?,1' circular and the new full flare skirts. All new colors that are popu- main black. And the value you will receive lor $30 is greater than you will find anywhere in Portland. Other new Spring Tailored Suits priced $15 to $65. An Advance Showing of New Lingerie and Gingham Frocks NEW GINGHAM DRESSES, $5.00 TO $12.50 In stripes and fancy plaid effects, made with long sleeves, high neck and many with fancy pique collars and vests. Great values at these low prices. TAILORED LINEN DRESSES. $6.43 to $15.00 In pink, tan and Copenhagen. Made on simple lines, button trimmed, some with pique hand-embroidered collars and cuffs. Are very pretty dresses. NEW VOILE' DRESSES, $15.00 to $35.00 Plain and novelty materials, some white trimmed in color fancy buttons, beautifully embroidered collars and vests. These are the very newest models. ' Fourth Floor. Slxth-St. Bldjr. ItX Gotham Shirt Sale ATA VAA W amm which was such a whirlwind success yesterday, continues: $1.50 to $2 Negligee Shirts on Sale at 95c Woven madras, fine mercerized cloths and rencn rercaies. ureai Dargains. $2.50 to $3.50 NegligeeShirts for$l .35 Scotch crepes, woven Russian cords, silk madras and satin Diocncs. $4.00 Flannel Shirts at $1.95 All French Flannel Shirts of superfine quality. $5-$7.50 Shirts $3.35 Heavy Viyella and taffeta flannel. Shirts of exceptional value. $5-$6.50 Silk Shirts $3.85 All pure silk Shirts . of really exquisite C 1. Infocf eon onrl nnfhr charge in pnvprt. pnr? fra harrlinP- beauty. Special smartly tailored in exclusive styles. There are full loose Coats with or without belt: voke and Empire Coats with full flared skirts. White Chinchilla Coats in full Balmacaan and belted effects, priced $12.50, $13, $17.50 to $25- New Black Silk Poplin Coats, $35 to $65. Black and White Checked Cnats. $10 to $35. You surely can select your new Spring: Coat from this lot. g Styles! In New Coats At $12.50 to $35.00 Temporary Kli-Bt Floor. Fourth Floor, Mxth-St. Rid. $30 The Very Newest Waists Are Checked Taffeta Silks, Our Price $5.95 We've just received this attractive new line of Waists beauties, every one. Made of small checked changeable taffeta of excellent quality, in lavender and maize, tan and white, rose and white, blue and white and tan and biwn combinations. Collars and cuffs are of white Bedford cord silk, with smart black ribbon tie and pearl button trimmings. Made with the new three-m-one collars. All sizes. NEW WAISTS AT $6.50 TO $20.00 Among the new arrivals in Waists are lovely Georgette Crepes that are in high favor this season. Shown in delicate sftades ot iiesn, peacn, sand, putty and white. Hand embroidered, filet and Venise lace trimmed. Waists that will appeal to women of good taste. Fifth Floor. Mxth-(. Hide. New Laces and Embroideries Chiffons black and white stripes, b o r dered and figured ef fects, for waists and gowns. New Laces Filmy net tops, St. Gall and Plauen manufacture, and Margot effects. For waists and vestees. Colored Nets In heavy meshes for sleeves, new, leading colors, priced, yard $1.50 to $2. 75c TO $1.00 EMBROIDERIES, 49 Every width and style just arrived. Swiss and English eyelet flouncing 27 and 45 inches wide; lovely floral flouncing in open-work effects, cor set-cover embroidery and DaDy iiouncmgs. $1.25 TO $1.50 SHADOW LACE ALL-OVERS Cream color, for transparent waists. 27 inch. QO Now on sale at only 35c TO 50c NET TOP LACES Cream color, pointed and Grecian scallop patterns for waist Otf. trimmings and collars, now 75c AXD 85c WHITE NET TOP LACES Venise edge, ACkr. inch, for vestees, , collars $2 TO $3 CALAIS SILK CHAN TILLY LACES Black, white, cream, also shadow lace flouncing. 22 to 27-inch widths, d" now on sale for only V tint Floor, SUth-St. Bid. Special at 10c New Ruch and Collar Supporters and "Stickups" for the new style neckwear a very large assortment w uiuu&t: First Floor, Slith-St. Bids. Crepe de Chine Gowns $4.98 Made of good crepe de chine, in white and lovely pink tints. Cut full length and width the usual gown at this price is skimped, as every woman knows. One style illustrated, another has fine Picot lace edge, and a third hem stitched bands around neck and finished in front with tailored bow. We say it advisedly this is the best crepe de chine gown ever offered in Portland at $4.98. Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bldgr. A Blanket Sale Includes $5 White Wool Blan kets, fancy border, in full bed Q QC size forP.00 $6 White Wool Blan kets, fancy border, in full bed 1A QC size forP"J I ducedto Temporary Annex, Ninth Floor. $4 Light Gray Blan kets, with fancy bor der, re- o QC Come Tomorrow See The Vast Displays of New Spring Millinery To those who delight in viewing smart and captivating styles in millinery we say, "Come to our salons tomorrow." You will be delighted with the Spring modes that are assembled there. The newest and most fascinating styles in dress, semi dress and utility styles. And the prices are decidedly moderate. New Tailored Hats $8.50 to $27.50 From Knox, Vogue, Phipps and others, as well known and . as exclusive as they are beautiful. .Exceptional values. -Seeond Floor, Stxth-St. Bids "Silk Maid" Hose $1.00 Shown in all the new Spring shades, putty, sand, blues and staples. The best Hose ever offered at $1.00, worn by thousands of Portland women every year their best guaranty of perfection. Buy now while shades and sizes are complete. omens Novelty Silk Hose $1.00 Embroidered boots in polka dot and clockings white embroidered in self color and white with black embroidery. Children's New Spring Sox 25 c A full line of the newest effects, showing fancy tops and plain colors. These Sox priced, pair 25C. Flrat Floor, Slxth-St. BldR. New Arrivals in Wash Goods Imported Crepe, Yard $1.00 Heavy quality, silk striped, in shades of yellow, lavender, blue, cream, pink and white. This heavy quality imported crepe is 40 inches wide. Embroidered Crepe de Chine $1.00 Silk and cotton fabric, white with blue, red, black, lavender and tan figures. You should see this embroidered Crepe de Chine. 36 ins. wide. Figured Voiles the Yard 25c White with dainty flowered designs, with and without borders, new sand and putty shades, dotted and striped, 38 inches Wide. The yard Crepe Weave Linen 75c In plain blues, pinks, lavender, tan and white. Forty-five inches wide. Burlap Weave Linen 75c Shades of green, copper, old rose, pink, wistaria, golden brown and white. Forty-five inches wide, and excellent Burlap Weave Linen. Pure Weave Linen 75c In copper, blues, pink, green, cardinal, light tan, white. Forty-five-inch. Figured Organdie $2.00 Imported, white ground, pink, blue and lavender figures. 45 inches wide. Embroidery Voile $1.25 Cable corded, white grounds with blue, black, white and copper figures. Thirty-eight inches in width and priced very moderately at, yard, $1.25 Third Floor. Slxth-St. Ride. A "Star" Offer in Women's White Gloves These Are All New Goods Our $2.50 and $3.00 Grades 16-button White Kid Gloves, soft, imported skins, in full elbow length. Overseam and pique sewn, and a full range of sizes included. $2.50 to $3.00 Gloves, $1.95. Women s Washable Chamoisette and Reindeer Gloves Now at 50c White with black embroidered backs, plain white, black, biscuit, sand, grays and browns. All Short Gloves, m a lull range 01 sizes, i our cnoice at oruy, pair o. First Floor, SlrthiSt. Bids. New Boudoir Caps 59c We are positively showing the most attractive-collection of Boudoir Caps imagin able at this low price. Dainty rosebud design rice cloth, pink, blue and lavender; embroidered, dotted, figured, and plain nets, trimmed with ribbon rosettes and lace edgings, shown in pink, blue, lavender and white. Entire lot priced at, each, 59f . Other New Caps at $1.25 to $2.50 A collection of lovely crepe de chine, fine shadow lace and silk net Boudoir Caps in a most bewildering array of dainty styles. These are great values at the prices $1.25 to &2.5U. , Second Floor, Slxth-St. Bide. New Coats for Little Children There are Long and Short Coats, in sizes for infants of 6 months to children of 2 years. Reasonably priced. Infants' Coats $6.50, $4.50 White corduroy, collar and turn-back cuffs and belt to match. $6.50, $4.50 Bedford Cord Coats $5.98 White, with daintily hand-scalloped capes and turn-back cuffs. For $5.08 White Coats $3.50 to $4.98 White Cashmere and Crepella cloth, with capes or collars, lace or silk-braid trim'd. Fine Coats $8.50 to $22.50 White crepe de chine, silk messallne, silk poplin and moire coats, silk-lined throughout. Very fine Coats, see them, second Floor, suth-st. Bids. $1.50 New Ribbons 95c Satin and moire combination satin on one side, the reverse a beautiful moire. Extra heavy quality, 7V inches wide. Black, white and twenty of the new and popular shades are shown. Pwich, lustrous finish Faille, in the very newest shades and staples. 6V inches wide; desirable for millinery and sashes. First Floor, fttxth-St. Bids. $7, $8 and $8.50 Trunks $4.50 There are 26 Trunks to be sold at this price, 30, 32 and 34-inch sizes. Some fiber bound, canvas covered, with hat tray, ccjld rolled steel protections and cowhide straps. Priced at $4.50 Temporary Annex. Fifth Floor. Quality Sheets, Spreads and Pillow Gases Specially Priced $2.50 Honeycomb Bedspreads, a very heavy quality, with cut corners, fringed, twin bed size. Priced ti TVt in this sale at J) X O 50c Muslin Sheets of very good quality, with welded seam in center, size 76x90 inches. Priced for Af this sale at only, each rC 15c Muslin Pillow Cases, of extra heavy muslin, torn and hemmed, ready for use. Size 42x36. Priced in this r sale at only, each 1 UC Third Floor, Slxth-St. Bids. $1.35 Sunfast Drapery 49c Warranted to hold its color, and give the ultimate of service. Soft luster material, in figured self tones and plain shades. A great many attractive colors to select from. 50 inches wide. Temporary Annei, Ninth floor. 11