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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1915)
THE SUNDAY OKEGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 7, 1915. lO FOR PALE. Furniture for Sale. TOUR CREDIT IS GOOD. Lots of people think that because prices re much lower in our EXCHANGE DE PARTMENT they must pay cash tor goous from this department. We want you to know that the most liberal credit Is given in every department of thia big store, and the fact that goods are sold at low prices In our EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT, or during our big REMOVAL. BALL, does not afreet our regular liberal terms. If what vou want Is not advertised call us up on the phone or visit the store, ns we are limited In our advertising to a portion only of the bargains we have to offer. KITCHEN FTRXITURE: One $13.80 glass door kitchen cupboard. 4.l'o; .1 f s im.r coronets, eacn SO.tM; 1 "i'""" white enamel cabinet, a beauty, . - .... ... vw Process sas range. overhead oven. $17..n; No. 8 cookstove. $u.50: two $35 mangles, or Ironing ma chines, a back-saver ior mo dry. BEDROOM AND HALL nTOlTlRB $15 Early English seat. $.,.Uo; l.-0 iron bed. $4.75; $20 iron bed. ?2.:! birdseye maple Napoleon bed. ! .iih oak bed. $2.75; $37...o btrdscye drever $17.50; N hotel dressers, each 4..; slightly used cotton top mattresses. l..o: slightly used cotton lop and bot tom mattresses. $2.50; slightly used good fell mattresses, ruiiRS and TABLES $18 mahogany arm chair. $3.75: $13 mahogany rockrr. st,-. . s::7 .Ml senuine mahogany settee. $14.5.': $2" mahogany arm, chair, $' 17 offic tables, solid oak. $2.:'..; of fice tables. $3.25: . t?D $3.95; $11 office tables. $5.2..: solid oaK 7 . i nr.. .mholHtered spring- Tmker. 4.w5: .-.0 fc-rly English upholstered settee. $3.95; 3..0 Yum, Yura springs. cents. MISCELLANEOUS $13.30 reed K"-"r"r :I.W5; revolving olfice chairs of solid .. -.. l.,...,.ilnn leather couch. in V.l..ur couch. $3.95; flat-lop office' desks, one-half price and loss. . .... S13T.I1 9x12 wool' ,.. ,,, -lihtlT used. $..0; $7 tox- wool-fiber rug. $2.05; "10 blue rag rug. lightly used. $5.95; Oxu yellow rag rug. a g it y usee. $3.95: one-piece Brussel eue c-rptt. 012. $5; 20 ., ,i,, rrvt. vard 2j ceuts, ball runners, 13 and 25 ceiita yard. EDWARDS CO. 1S5-191 First Street. Portland. Or. "Your credit is cwmj UBBARV table, leather top. - '".At, for $; solid oak library table, tlx) inches, for 3.5. $10 ma"e'- PaJ'r cabinet for $0.9O; $lo hall rack, with . seat and drawer, for 4.90; dining-room set. 0 Thairs and table. 0.4O; $20 -'deboard tor ..'. $4i quartered oak buffet for l-iJ. fo'tel dressers. $3 ; full-size dressei , $4 .o to 12: 5-drawcr chiffonier. $...So: -O arl new Inlaid linoleum for $15; kitchen tables. $1. breakfast'tablcs. $2.5u; kitchen sale 3 . k.tchen cupboard .-'ft ,.b?lc; .tj Uavenport bed. 12-rt; 11x4U-lm.ii French plate mirror with oval trame. 7.5; box couch. $5; iron and brass bed any size. 1.5u and up; 4-burner gas ranees, t'i.30 to $12.50; Eclipse steel range with water coils. 17.0o: Majestic steel range, with water colls 2: o. 7 cook-lov-j. ;..'.0; -No. S cookstove. .j0. $.M ?X?p desk 1.75; $20 typewriter desk. flat-top desk. tf.50; . lax (o i; Kxl2 Brussels rugs. to 10. lliT.O fine Axmluster bordered carpet. '' '"'"WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. uU'i 0o. 0 Wushington. between lotn and 17tii streets. Both phones. -Main U. A Ji.'J. MASSIVE SOLID SIDEBOARD. l ost '$43 new. just the thin Ilviug-roora In country home. for large beautitul pieve of furniture, witn large r..K inirror- will sell for cash at once. l2.o ,su ha " an antique oak halltree and loat. will. 1Sx4 P'-.SI nUri;'Lr,n.e eieo. cost $o new. ....o takes this pie-e no. 2US First St., i'ortlaml, Cr. FIVE 40-pound silk floss mattresses, one of the best homes In the city, and Hi line condition. $ each. COVELL Fl KXllfKE CO.. 2l First Street. from clean Pianos. Organs and Musical instruments. .T. . r. ul.H lF 1SED AND SllOr- ifi.v l-IXNOS All of these have been put in the Illicit condition anu fully guar J-.-.' .-.h. case, like new. regular $320 "ADOthVroak ca-e. used very little. $jo7. i,,h.r nk case, mlemlld tone. 14t). Haby grand, man. case. like new, ssoo nlayer. taitst iiuprovemcnis, imty guaranteed. $425. Another player. $300 value. nc but iiuuworn. tomorrow, liii(- .-note player, best of condition, latest model, $2S3 A number o uprights. $103 and up Caii early and make eolectlon. K. 11. UOIsT KIAXO IUMPA.N.. G-'i Morrison Hi., Nor'.fiest:rn bank JBlock. WE have a number of machines, all inaket, turneJ in as first payment on the new Grafonolas, which we otfer at great redurlloiiS. ... t y Under Thonographs, o records, with each machine. $10.00 for the outfit, $lM.oo wood horn disc outfit, including record cabinet and -o disc records, all for 'L'sed dic machines from $X0O up, all In ftrst-t-lasa condition. IXM-LMBIA GKAHHOPIiONK COMPANY. 4J.-4,;i WasliinKton St. Phone Mam lioO UK C.H-ilv rlenant 7.".o player piano, one oi New York's best makes, with a im of music rolls. Has finest walnut east in bent possible tondition. The first .-beck or acceptable note lor f 70 pets it. Call after i P. M.. lower flat. '.H'4. K. cou-hgf. Oi U fine oriean in piano case, in fin con dition. -ot n-w, must aell Monday to make room. spot ccsh. MISIl KCKNITLKK CO., 184 Plrst at. NOTICE. You ran have it for storace eliarpes. A. fine 4.V upriptit piano. Portland an & Mont, Co.. l-'th and Kearney. 4o) EMK1ISON piano, beatitiful mahog- nv case, richly carved: will sacrifice for $lid; part tash and terms on balance Phone Tabor oW". Vi.iTTRir PIA NO. new and in first-class condition. cot 750. will sacrifice at low figure or trade for good lot. Also to Col lapsible chairs, bee owner. ."PJ Piatt bids v:vn 'uo Kdisoit Arnberola 1 with 3o record: eost 2-"; price- $133. $15 down, monthly. Hatt Talking Machine Co., :;. Alder. D'JES iour talking machine need repairing? l have tie best mp in the rtt. Work ailed for and delivered. Hyatt Talklns Machine Co., Alder. fcJ'Lk-NDID Wlllard piano, full sized beauti ful burl walnut ca-e; price $120; $15 down. $5 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine o.. ;i."0 Alder. LP RIGHT mahogany piano. $150, or pari ash ur.d small lermshed apt. AL 64 S, Oregonian. Li-H'HTLY used mahogany upright piano, H.; terms. $6 per month, ml Morrison. Main -'-'. WlaSN ER upright concert piano, German. ctloii lik new. Leaving town. Sell at sacrifice. J-7.". Main 4S:J. morning. EXPERT player piano tuning, regulating and rebuilding. V. Kremar, piano repair shop. 594 4th st. LN REDEEM ED bargains in all kinds of musical Instruments. Stein's Loan OffC2, 'J6 N. 6th. BRVND new. very" high-grade. $475 piano, $.60; splendid tone. Tabor 1-S5. CRAMER piano. $7r; music, metronome and cover included. Belmont. FOR tSALK Cabinet its new. J1 record. Victor Vietroln. E New England piano with bench, in fine hap, cheap. AD ::$, oregonian. FINE unright piaru for sale cheap, room ."! lark Hotel. ALMOST new Victrola, 4 records, price $40. Marshall BEAUTIFUL grafonMa. 5S records, $50 if taken this week. Marshall 3771. A GOOD-Ad-NEW Victrola. gonian. A M 644, Ore- $H0 YICTROLV, new, late model. Call Burgyone Hotel, 1'th and gtark sti. 11IGH-GRA DE piano for sale reasonable, t'oiumoia st. PIANO, in first-class condition, $100. Mar shall 4-Ml. $150 FOR $700 upright piano, erfe t condi tion. Marshall 701. .t5 N. 17th at. Dog, Bird. Pet Stock. GOOD bred Scotch colli, trained for cat tle and sheep, to exchange for typewriter; must be In good shape. Address 75J Marlon ave.. city. 1 PERSIAN f"tiial ras o'( enough for Sprinz mates; all kinds wanted. Umatilla 'tT.ry. Bx 277. Pendleton, Or. COLLIE puppies: a rmnd collection: now is the beet time to get one; price list tree. Khadeland Farms. Amity. Or. AT stud. Tnpas" orama Persian: 1st prize winner Oregon Cat Club show 1914. Phone Fast 451. s JL GOOD AIREDALE IS A GOOD DOO LADDIX KENNELS. E3TACAPA. OR. WILL buy light delivery suto. cash; Ford preferred. Johnson. 102 1st st. THOROl' HBRED fema! collie, year two male pup cheap. 945 E. Salmon. old; AT STUD English bul'dcg. Xlcholsen. Estaeada. Or. Owner, J. BLACK Persian lilM-nti fr utile, phuuw Wood lawn --73. i07J E, S-d at, N. FOB BALE. Don, Birds, ret Stock. REGISTERED Scotch collie puppies for sale cheap: 6 weeks old sire ISIiadeland N'arlisj; uarn. Appleton's Queen. Appleton Collie Kennels. Deer island, ur. Poultry. TURKEYS Bourbon lied White Holland, UimniMi Ittn.-lf nn.l new Blue (Slate) Hardy early maturing popular varieties; In wire-overeu yarus; range oimi "a"''' S5 ntr dozen: stock S5 to $12. Mrs. B. Hocking. Guastl, CaL Winner of first prizes past five years. EGGS for hatchiag. satisfaction guaranteed; Jiarred Rock, W hite Rock. W. Leghorn, R. I. Reds. Duff Orpingtons: write for prices. Clover Hill Farina, Deer Island, Or. WHITE WYANDOTTE eggs from heavy lay ing strain $2 per 15; per cent hatca guaranteed or order duplicated half price. Phone Main 6000. Thoa.J. Keenan. S4S E. 6th at. is'. , WHITE Leghorn baby chix. heavy laying stralu- March delivery, $'J.30 per 100; Ajrll $S. We guarantee safe delivery. The Pion eer Hatchery. Petaluma. Cal. CRYSTAL While Orpingtons, stock Keller strass direct. $1.30 and $2.30, a setting (15). Crystal Poultry Yard, 421i isih ave. S. K. , FOR SALE loiT laving hens, all breeas, 1U fine pics. HIO lbj weight. C. C. Urown. Powell Vallev and Main. St.. Lents, Or. SMiEOf-ilandy-Lee incubator in good con dition, for ready sale $10. Phone Oak Grove 38 M. EiOS fur hatching, horns, $1 for 13. Tabor 3411. bred-lay While Leg 1117 Hawthorne ave. 4uo Mnndv Lee Incubator, good as new, $2u. or trade for Harred Rock hens. Clover Hill Farms. Deer Island. Or. 2 PETALl'M A Incubators to trade for Barred Rocks or Rhode Island Red nens. Clover Hill Farms, Deer Island, Or. BLACK Minorca egss for hatching. $1 for 15; fine layers. Tom Cowing, 1 block east Lents Station. PEKIN" duck eggs for hatching, boo per dozen. Phone lilwaukie. uiacic io. WHITE Leshorn baby chicks. will be hatched aiarch 11th. $12 per too. r. .!. BARRED ROCK eggs for hatching 75c set ting. 174i E. 23d st. Aruenwaiacar. WILL accept bet offer for tou rtunner ducks. J. Harmon. Myrtle crceK, ur; R. I. R. COCKEREL; Graham ave. eggs for hatching. 3i5 Livestock. 15 HEAD of good dairy cows. Dumam, Guernsey and Jersey, i u guiiona a u , some Holstein and Guernsey heifer calves. Take Woodstock car to lioih ave.. walk 4 blocks west. 1 north. CATTLE to range for Summer or take on snares or partner to finance came propo sition; man or woman: unlimited range, near Portland. East c'arulhers sU Phone Sellvvood 1SS.S. J. E. Sutherlln. FIFTEEN head of dairy cows Durham. Holstein. and Jerseys, iresn ana coiuihs fresh. These are all fine cows and all tested. Woodstock car to 50th ave. block West. ' . s rnKslI cons, calf by side, lnspecteti, price $... sod and si.i: aiso sume juuui, stock cheap. J. Schmander, 30ln and V sts.. near carbarn. Vancouver, Wash. Phone !i-R. Ft lit SALE Fresh Jersey cow and calf, also Durham heifer calt. rl. j. noaiwica. houseboat mouth of Jbhusou Creek, Alii waukie. Or. . a v- v ii,mi.-p ttt 1HI1U0 calves lor saie. necinllv Mteers or beet type; prices aou particulars on application. N1ELSON & MELL'HIOR. Tillamook. Or. TWO A-1 fresh cows for sale, toee u. . Myers, Oak Grove, or. FRESH Holstein cow. Call Monday. Phone B 27ill. FRESH Durham. Jersey-Durham, Jersey Holstein cows, so East autn, co car. FRESH 5 gal. Holstein cow. $3. East 3343. Automobile. We have on hand the following second hand trucks we have taken in trade on nur r.Mi: trucks. They are all in urt,L class repair in every respect and we are prepared to offer exceptional terms anu a-ton Kelly 2-ton Keo 1-ton. Federal 100o 1-ton Little lliant S COL. CARKIAGE & AUTO WORKS. Main !uy-llFiont St. W INTOX SIX. 7-passenger, first-clafs con dition ; must sell ; this is absolutely the best buy in Portland. This machine would be the real thin? for jitney stage service or trip to San Francisco Fair. This cat will be sold quick, because price it? riuht. No dealers. Kern, First and Sal mon sts. FOR SALE Electric roaaater in good con ditio ti ; tires only run about ".tut miles ; will put in new battery for purchaser ; just right for city solicitor; must be seen to be iippreciated. Pri-e $,';.i0. Will Spai flint;. li'si 3oth St., just north of Wash ington. FOR SALE One PJ14 Ford, in perfect ton dition, at we also have several other o and 7-passenger cars, also one roadster, all at bargain prices. Acinu Auto Co., 031 Alder. Main S77."i. A DEPENDABLE J1HO model cur, good run ning condition, price $u..0; will take n motorcvcle. Call -iOti McKay Mdg. Alain J:.4. 7-PAS.SEXiER Winton aix. has liaJ best of care. Price 1400. Will take good dia mond or small car as part payment. Y 04(, Oregonlan. LATE model touring car in excellent con dition ; speedy, powerful and serviceable; r car t be proud of; will sacrifice. AS 644, Oregonian oO-PASS E N I E R auto bus. one of beat lines in citv; can be trtea Deiore ouyiug. goou reason for selling. ia or all, terms, x bio, Oregonian. TRUCK buyers, 3-tou Gramm truck, two bodies, platform and gravel dump; in first-class condition ; $louO. Howard Auto Co., 14tii and Davis sts. 'A ill horses, weight U J 00, and harness. $S; irnnd work team : 1 p;tir black mares, weight Isoo, $t5; good workers. 91 E. 1-th St.. renr. GARFORD 7-passenger, in very fine con dition: tires are practically new; dandy car tor stage or Jitney, phone Main 33j-S, &. PASSENGER. 1914 Ford, good condition. price $375. Epton. 43J Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE CHEAP Body and top of i 5-passenger automobile In good condition Call Main 815S. FJNE 5-passenger, 30-horsepower, four- f door auto ; look fine, is fine ; for sale cheap. E b43, oregonian. ONE 1914 ;;7 Buick in fine shape, only used in city, celf -starter, electric lighted, very reasonable. Al Oregonian. CHALMERS ;I0" 5-pass.. fully equipped and in A-l condition; tires like new; would make fine jitney. Phone Main 5UGS. K11 CADILLAC, rood as new. first-ciass condition tnrougnoui. new urr s, orin $iOo: will pell for $550. H (MO. oregonian. REGAL 5-passenger; Dayton airless tlrc; n ly painted, and a bargain at $uO0. Phone Main 56S. OVERLAND 40. best car in the city for a jitne : splcnd1d condition, new tires, $450, $-J0o "dow ii. R 6C7, Oreconian. FOR SALE 1909 Cadillac in good condition, $400 cash; will demonstrate. Call 4J4 Chamber of Commerce. NEW Ford for sale; must be cash; extra equipment; used only three months; good buy. E 53. Oregonian. SNAP Fine. C-cylinder. 5-passenger car, newly painted and in Al condition; price $615; terms. ISO East 8th st. ST I'DEBAKER 1910, E. M. F. 0. now being overhauled: come and see inside. Inquire room -5. lV-3 Fourth st. -PASSENGER Packard. $S00, just over hauled, in first-class condition. AG iSi'J, Oregonian. FOR SALE 7 H. P. Harley-Davfdson, cheap tor cash, best bargain m city, rnone .ast 41U. P1KRCE-ARROW for sale; terms. Or will trade for close-in property. AC 60S, Ore gonian. WANTED To buy all grades scrap rubber and metals; highest cash market price paid. J. Leeve. 1S6 Columbia. Main a!9t. lb 1 4 " If I DSo.V. 5-passenger, first-class run ning order, for sale, cash or unincumbered lot. East 1:.3S, MAKE me an offer on a 4-cylInder Winton; will make a line delivery wagon. Main 4 J 44. FOR- SALE Franklin Six. electric starter and lights, just pauueu ana in xirst-ciass condition at Braly Anto Co. A Snap. DAMAGED 5-pa sa. auto cheap. 137 Division Street Garage. LATE model Chalmers, cheap for cash; electric lights, generator, etc. Tabor 088. SLIGHTLY used tires from $3 to $10 each; vuicanized i'.c tire; repairing, .-ui aiaaisoit. DO you want my new 1913 Ford, not used yet F 637. Oregonian. m FOR I11RE,$1.25 per hour. 5-passenger 1814 Ford. Phone Woodlawn 140. LIGHT 5-pass. car; make good jitney; oaly $250. Covey Motor CO. FLANDERS 20, good condition, $350; terms. BF 642. Oregonian. 4-PASS., 1012 Hupmohiie, In good shape, $375. Phone East SS21C HAVE splendid auto, will sell or trade at give-away price, latn urn', ft-PASSENGER Studebaker, In good repair. cheep. Inquire 64-' J n::fl aye, p. M , FORD 5-passenger. 1P14. run 600 miles, lor sale cheap. H 637, oregonian. FOB SALK. Automobliea. EAST SIDE. R. G. HUNTER & CO., 5u7 E. Burnside St. Eaat 6y3u. East 09S0. I want to ask the public of Portland who are considering purchasing used cars if there is any second-hand establishment who will do for them what I will do before they lay down their money for a car? Will any man selling or trying to sell .used cars show you the actuaJ evidence of their condition by exposing them, from headlights to tail light, not ONLY what remains good, but what is detective and in need of replacement? If there is, I HAVE A COMPETITOR. My CHART system- fs the first evidence of the car's condition. - This is written evidence. Still. 1 do not ask you to be satisfied, because you may not know enough about a car to understand the CHART. I will theif prodtce the evi dence by my . ' STRIPPING-DOWN" pro cess and lay your hand ritrht on the defective or broken part. You can see and you can feel If there is any part in the machine that is broken. I do not want you to place any confidence In me. This Is bad judgment, inasmuch as we are strangers. Do not buy confidence, reputation of the firm, salesman talk, nor make of car and a concocted story of its condition, but buy what you can see and have the value proven to you. Just the same as you buy any article you want. You do not have to be ignorant of an automobile. There Is nothing mysterious about them the way I sell, because I educate before asking for youx money. Of course, a man can fill the atmosphere with a lot of technical explanations that wouid bewi der most any one ana tuey would begin -to think that they did not know anything about a car and that the salesman knew it all and that they would HAVE TO PLACE their pocket book and CONFIDENCE in him In order to buy a machine, but, in place of so much TALK about the cars condition, make them hfe-in to sh-nw vou some ynu can see and not waste time and moey by listening. Visit mv ulace. I Will Intro duce the whole svstem that I sell used cars on. No deposits necessary to be paid down after a short demonstration m or der to prevent some other mythical bbyer cheating you out or a "usea car in per fect condition, and as good as new." My cars mik'ht not appeal to you. because 1 do not promise 5W hours of free serv ice nor because I do not say they are BARGAINS, nor guarantee them as good as new. or in PERFECT SHAPE, but I will go on record right here in the news naners bv saving that every car I sel carries value to the . ex tent of 100 cents for every dollar you pay for it, ana. furthermore. 1 will prove this FACT be fore you pay a penny. Below are some cars you will find on my sales floor. AUBURN. - . CHALMERS Roadster, self-starter. CHALMERS 5-passenger, self-starter. CHALMERS T-passenger. YELI E i-passenger. '- STEARNS 0-passenger. Knight motor. LOCOMOBILE Fast and powerful. ROADSTER Racy type. MAXWELL. ELMORE As it stands, $170; 5-passen- ger, good car It you understand it. LITTLE ROADSTER. DE TAMBLE. KEO Two-ton, stripped down. I am going to Tacoma today and se cure some irfore "DOPE" now they sell cars up there. Been In Seattle and re lated my experiences. There is no con cern dealing in used cars on the Coast that sells them on the basis I do. NEW Ford, 5-passenger, run only 6u0 .miles; eeri thing Xiisf.-clais; a snap 47a $3000 Oldsmobi-A 5-passenger, in good shape, for 10c uu the dollar ?300 1312 Reo the Fifth. E-passenger, good shape, good tires, a dandy for jit ney $450 1913 Reo the Fifth, with everything to be made O. K.. now in the shop; tiowevur, a great buy when finished. $18' a np -..nosspni't'r Maxwell automobile. all in fine condition $400 $30(0 Garford automobile, body, only without $450 5-passenger Michigan automobile, elec- t i i.,h t r-niiir. tpfi. late inodeL only 500 Two bargains in 7-passenger cars. Reo 2-ton truck, like new, 5 months' factory guarantee still due on it; a bargain. One 1914, 54 Hudson. 7-paesenger automobile, wonderful buy, the bcsL of the season. Three second-hand truck bargains. C. L. BOSS & CO., 615-617 Washington St. Portland. (ivi-wuM) 1112. O - passenger, fully enuimed. in use uanj, m cs new. excellent mechanical ondition, snap at $400. luiCHIGAN". 5-ias?enger, recently over. ; hauled, in fine condition mecnanicaiiy, ' .i-..- ,i Tira tuhr-s. tools, pumu. eta; $;:5ii- no trades. 3 Hawthorn ave. dih-u out, in cooa condition, newi Anii. Hnh matneto. 30x3 rims, oversize rinR. iod. sido curtains, clock. good buy if you want an inexpensive auto ihat ran be operated at a small cost. 4bo Montgomery st. Main 7344. Call Monday. Consider gooo trade. 11PHQ1J PORTABLE TAKE-DOWN GARAGE 10x16 best materials and workmanship. erecied'on your lot complete $o4; non-port. u 1 - - r.r nn tnmorrow It's done. r t "".vllyn. ll'Jl E. salmon st. Pboae about fl P. M. Tabor 194. PHRTARLE GARAGES. Take-down garages, built of the best materials, artiatic designs. 10xlt, $d6 up. elected complete, with lock and key; im mediate delivery; also portable bouse. TAKE-DOWN MFG. CO. Foot of Harrison Su Main 1167. MOTORBOAT CHEAP FOR CASH. Tnn cide curtains, cork linoleum. foldin chairs, electric horn; no reason able cash offer refused. See King today, Standard Hoatnouse, toot m wauiv v. PACKARD AUTOMOBILE. K.nassAiiser Packard automobile in per- far.t .-oniiition: has electric side and rear light fore-door; will not trade for real estate; iasn price UO00. W UI5. Orego nian. . wave your auto painted ana your trimming nickel-piated at Portland Plating Auto Paiuting Co.; also upholstering. 2ta and Thuruiao. Main 43, A 6a. 20 aud up ward, according to the work. 000 7-PASS Stoddard-Day ton, excellent condition, . . $400 0-pass. Auburn, new casings end tubes, just overhauled. E. -305. 3J1 Eu- genest. FORD chassis, including Bosch magneto, Livingstone radiator, 31x4; tires in first class condition; also Buick roadster; want offer. Inquire 115 N. 14th st., near Burn side. REO TRUCK. Two-ton with body in first-class condi tion; will sacrifice for quick sale, NORTHWEST A U TO CO., V Broadway and Couch St. FEDERAL lV--ton for sale, nice body, truck in good order. See this before you buy ; will give demonstration ; terms given to responsible parties; will make good jitney car. Address N 03o, Oregonian. CALL at Oregon Motor car lo corner Chapman and Aider st., aK 10 see -reueio-i trucK that is for nale; a good buy offered. Ask for Gilbert truck; will be in garage Monday and Tuesday. PEERLESS fi-cyl. 7-pass., fully equipped with electric self-starter, electric lights, etc ; evervthlng right up to the minute; might consider late model small car as part payment. Phone Main 5308. 5-PASSENGER Michigan, fair condition, large, roomy car, would make good jitney car, $400; no real estate. S 03.", Oregonian. STl'DEBA KE-R auto in good repair, price. $4oO. buv tnis on eahy pay meiiia. put it on the Jitney and make it pay for itself. BF b43, Oregonian. CHALMERS 5-PASSENGER. Good running condition, just repainted, a dandv car for jitney work; $400; no real estate. B 63S. Oregonian. BARGAIN. Two pay-as-you-enter auto buses. Finest equipment, electric lights, etc. Bargain for cash, or will take terms. Mar. 440. CADILLAC ' CADILLAC CADILLAC A 1911 in extra good condition through out. Perfect motor, new tires, price right. Covey Motor Co.. Zlst ana w asn OVERLAND, two-passenger roadster, self starter, electric llglits has had only light city use, in fine condition, newly painted Phone caBhler. Main 700O. FOR HIRE. $1.50 PER HOUR, t-passenger 1914 Ford; rates for trips or day work; good service, phone Main 1201 or East 5859. CHALMERS "30" 4-pussenger model; fully equipped. excpttonally good value. You'll like !t whou you see it. Will demonstrate, i'huue Main 5308. FOll BALE. Automobiles FORDS FORDS FORDS FORDS HEAL BARGAINS IN USED CARS, SECOND-HAND IN NAME ONLY. 1H14 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped, prac tically new ; price $395. 1U12 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped, Mas ' ter vibrator, speedometer and large gaso line tank In rear. This car has had best of care, looks like new. Price $-l. 114 Ford, 3-pass., fully equipped. Mas ter vibrator, presto bank and shock ab sorbers; practically new; price $425. 1U13 Ford. .VpanH., fully equipped, sbock absorbers. Master vibrator and new tires; I in est condition ; price $350. 1915 Ford roadster, fully equipped, elec tric lights and speedometer; finest condi tion; price $o30. ' 1914 Ford, 5-pass., fully equipped, shock absorbers and bueedometvr; practically new ; price $45. 1013 Studebaker, 33, 6-pass., fully equipped, electric lights and starter.' This car w as bought last June and cannot be told from new. Original cost $1400; price 1911 Chalmers, 30, 5-pass. ; $49.: ternis. 1911 Maxwell, 25,, delivery; 2i)5. 1911 Moline, 30, 5-pass. ; $275. . If you want a good, reliable car, you owe It to yourself to see these unusual big values before you buy. These cars may' be seen at any time at our salesroom, We will give you any kind of a demonstra tion you wish and you are welcome to have anyone you want examine them. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR KX., E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave., Phorfe E. nt9. FORDS FORDS FOFDS FORDS OREGON MOTOR CAi COMPANY, USED-CAR DEPZ-irrMENT. WE GIVE LTPEiUL TERMS. OPEN SUNDAY. 1 CHALMERS "30," 4-passenger tour ing car, overhauled and repainted .. $473 STUDEBAKER '"-Ad," 4-passeuger tour ing car, just overhauled, self Btater, etc $600 1 STODDARD-DAYTON roadster, in fine condition $350 1 OVERLAND touring car, in good condition a $275 1 STUDEBAKER "20." roadster, fine condition, all new tires $400 1 MAXWELL "--passenger touring car, $450 1 STUDEBAKER "30." S-DassenEer touring cur $300 1 STUDEBAKER "25." Ti-nassenger touring car, electric lights $500 1. STUDEBAKER "SIX, 7-pasaeneer. electric starter and lights, extra tire. etc., great bargain $030 3. STUDEBAKER touring car, 1914 model, electric starter and lights. perfect condition $773 See us for jitney buses. OREGON MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Studebaker Bldg., Corner Chapman and Aider Streets. Phone Main 9402, A 7656. TRUCK BUYERS. One 3-ton Gramm truck, two bodies, platform and gravel dump; in first class condition $1000 Fierce-Arrow one-ton delivery wagon, just overhauled; good tire equip ment 350 Apperson, a powerful five -passenger touring car 700 Regal 5-passenger, overhauled 500 Cadillac 1913 five-passenger, electric lights and starter; repainted 730 WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY", OLD OR NEW; TERMS. HOWARD AUTO CO., Buick Distributors, 14th and Davis Streets, Main 4555, A 2550. USED CARS. White "40." Thomas 4-passenger. Garford '40." Stearns 15x30. Winton Sixes, thoroughly overhauled, re built and guaranteed, in 4, 5 and 7-pas-seifer models. Liberal terms. WINTON MOTOR CAR CO., Factory Branch. -3d and Washington Sts. Main 444. MEIER & FUA.NK CO.. OI'KEl: FOR SALE One mil Stoddard-Dayton, 7-passenger car. In good mechanical order. One Carson feed roller, in good order, 20 to So bushels per hour. One i911 Harley-Davidson motorcycle, in good roder. Apply Meier & Frank Co. Garage, HcCand Jefferson sts. TWO 1013 Ford touring cars ?.".T5 One 1913 Ford runabout $350 One 1014 Ford runabout $375 Good as new. BE.VJ. E. BOONE & CO., FORD DEALERS. 514 ALDEK ST. .MAIN 3960. STRICTLY A-l five-passenge.- Cadillac, ele gant condition, demountable rims, five first-elass tires, electric lights and elec tric stai'ter; every possible equipment; cost $J3U5; price $S5t. $L'."rt down, $35 monthly. E. B. Hyatt. 350 Alder. CADILLAC, Franklin. Chalmers and Stude baker Jd-ltand cars, prices from 4ou to $1500: every car guaranteed as represented and will cxplnin all defects, if any, per taining to these cars. H. W. Lyon, 31 N. 10th. Main 4880. 1 Krlt roadster with Ford roadster body $185 1 Oldsmobile --5 1 Flanders light delivery -50 1 Peerless foredoor iu 1 White 30 delivery 40U Tabor 59-'. F. P. LISTER. 170 Union Av Buick roadster late model. $475. Studebaker touring, foredoor, $325. Micnigan touring car. $700. GENERAL ACTOS CO.. 523 Alder st. Main "J4S1. HUPP foredoor roadster $.150 Pierce-Arrow. newly painted Miim Auburn touring $40u DULMAGE-MANLEY AUTO CO., 46 and 4s North I'Oth. FOK SALE Delivery automobile, with ex press wagon top, suitaoie ior Dutcner, on ker. groceryman, laundry or any genera delivery purpose. Inquire 443 Hawthorne ave.. or phone Main 6137 or A 1S37. FOKD Just tike new Ford. 5-passenger. run about 500 miles: cannot be toia irom new; has presto tank; cost $5S0: price $4o0, $o.-,o down. $15 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. "WANTED Late model used sewing ma chine; must be in gooa conaition ana cheap for cash. Phone Main 80S9, 300 Glisan st. FOR SALE by owner. 1913 model. Just over hauled; will demonstrate: casn oniy. Phone Sellwood 41 Sunday. Main 1276 weekdays. FOR SALE cheap, S-ton Packard truck or will trade for equity in nioaern nome in desirable residence district. O 656. Ore gonian. FOR SALE cheap for cash. Ii-ton capac ity delivery trui-K in gooa ortier. inquire Modern Confectionery Co., E. 11th and Flanders. 10-30 STEARNS, in excellent mechanical condition; will carry t passengers; win consider some cash, with terms on bal ance. No rear estate. M 474, Oregonian. CLASSY 3-PASS. CAR. "Will sacrifice, almost new car: any rea sonable offer. Address AE 649. Orego nian. WANT light auto delivery in exchange for cultivated acres, near electric line, or city lots.. Main 5020. Address 1571 Macadam road. CHALMERS G-cyl., 7-passenger, guaranteed in good condition, in fact practically new, owner offers it for about 1-3 cost, cash or good nits. Call 601 Swctland bldg. -PASS Garford. "40.' In Al mechanical shape, a Jitney bargain; part cash, bal ance on terms; cannot consider real es tate. N 472. Oregonian KEO TWO-TON TRUCK WITH BODY. Heavv canvas top. latest model, cost $2200: f-nap at $1250, with terms. G23 Aldr St. Main 24S1. 3-PASS. Winton touring car. first-elass con dition, fully equipped, newly painted; a bargain for some one; no real estate. J 472. Oregonian . FORD, well equipped, . lately overhauled and In good condition, can be had at good figure for cash. Call Main 3UU2, or AH 047, Oregonian. TWO-PASSENGER American roadster, prac tically -new ; snap. Marshall 158, 605 Lumbermens bldg . 12-psss, Jitney hotel bus, cost $4000; ele gant 6-cyllnder, six new tires, dual In rear. 523 Alder St. Main !4S1, STUDEBAKER 5-passenger "30," good con dition; $400. Owner, M 645, Oreeouian. FOR SALE. Automobile. USED QUALITY CARS. Popular Prices. If you are contemplating a tour to the exposition you can tour in style, safety and comfort in any one of these snaps: Packard IS. o-passenger. Packard 30, 2-passenger. Packard 30, 5-pas9enger. " Packard 48, 7-passenger. Pierce-.irrow 4b, 7-passenger. We also have for quick sale: Chalmers "1911," a-pasaenger H00 Michigan "131:1," J41M) FRANK C. RIGGS COMPANY, J3d and U as in ng ton ats. Telephone Main 4512. USED AUTO SNAPS. Liberal Terms Given. Free service given on all used cars. Hupp, 6-pass., 32-H. p. Cole, 5-pass., 30-H. P. Interstate, 4-pass., 40-H. P. R. C. H., 3-pasa., 23-H. P. Michigan, 5-pass., 33-11. P. Several other cars to select from. Prices range from $350 and up. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Broadway and Couch. USED CARS. We put these cars in first-class shape and offer them to you at sacrifice prices. If you want a high-power car, be sure to give us a call. We have some special bar gains, electric starter and lights, up to date In every way. Mitchell, tt-cyl., elec. lights and starter, extra tire, excellent condition. $'J50 Overland, 0-passenger, $000. Harris Six, large, O-passenger, $750 Mitchell, a fine jitney, $000, Oakland roadster, $370. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO., East 177. East Morrison and East First Phone B 1210. FOR SALE. Small Buick express truck in first class order; new tires aud new pamt; sell cheap ; no trade. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Out Oregonian Bldg. AUTMOBILE. late model, for lot in Ladd's Add., near Hawthorne ave., worth $3700, $100 incumbrance. Answer B. Hotel Carlton, Automobiles anieO. ONE city lot in St. Cloud. Fla., also 6-acre tract in orange belt. Osceola Co., Fla., to trade for automobile In A-l conaition; late model preferred, roadster or 0 pas senger; no junk wanted. Address M. A. X., Parkers Mill, Or. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will give $l'000 chattel mtge. on $7000 apt. house, payable $70 per 1110. and int., for 1914 or 1010 car; must bo up to date. See Harbolt, Ore. Hotel. WANTED Second-hantt motor truck, Reo or Federal preferred, in exchange for my $J0Od equity in a 5-room modern house, valued at $3200. G 635. Oregonian. IKAOE Timber claim, 160 acres. SfTe'Sr and nr? on Gale, miiliua reet Creek, near F1 car. P 048, OreBonkin. $3500 S-ROOM modern Sunyside house. rentea; will taite late model auiomoDiie in exchange up to lal. mu;., t per cent. Clarke. M. 6173. TO trade, acreage adjoining Willamette Valley Southern K. K., or lumber for Kord or other auto. George Latnniers, Oregon City, Or. HAVE Al Columbia Beach cottage, iliuo, In exchange lor jrood automobile: give or take difference in cash or mortgage. P. O. box 5u0. SAVE MONEY by having your car over hauled at home; I will do your work in your own garage; satisfaction guaranteed. Phone East tiSoii joioo TV in Kiii-ouver Duslliess lot tor aulomobile. Ford preferred, balance ftioU on long-Uine mortgage. J. D. Montgomery, Franklin Court, Vancouver. Wash. WANTED Late model 0 or 7-passenger auto in exchange for JloOU lot with 00u encumbrance; hare some casn. i-aiuce restaurant. 434 Washington st. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will give touu first mtge. on $0000 Improved ranch, Texas; auto must be 1914 or 1015. Room 043. Ore. Hotei. AS lirst payment on my beautiful u-rooni home, close Rose City cur, balance as rent. Tabor ti!44 or AO U03. Oregonian. WANTED Roadster, standard make, lau model, Buick preferred; give full informa tion. Q 031), Oregonian. SMALL cigar stand, good location, no debts, will trade for small auto, Ford preferred. V O'J'.i. Oregonian. LATE model motorcycle to trade for light car; will pay difference. Box 1?7, Central Point. - Or. WANT Ford touring car. Lowest price and easiest terms must be quoted in first let ter. AO U3S. Oregonian. WANT 5-pass. Ford; have l?i-karut diamond to trade; will pay cash difference. G o37, Oregonian. WE have calls for small second-hand auto mobiles. What have you? Tabor aOa. F. P. Lister, 170 I nion ave. GOOD o-room house to trade for late model auto; Ford preferred. Owner, S44 N. Jer sey ot.. St. Johns car. TEN acres alfalfa land, clear, trade for light car, good conuitiou. 1. 11. I'liipps, Boring, Oregon. EQUITY $1000 almost new 8-room house. Breakfast-room, sleeping porch; lor auto, lot or acreage. Q U30. Uregoniun. WILL trade fine building lot. 38th and Going, clear, for lato model 5-passenger Ford. W o37, Oregonian. WANTED Ford auto. 1913 or 1014, with or without delivery body. Give lull purlieu lars. AL 035, Oregonian. WILL give excellent view lot, close in. Port. II., for llrst-ciass auto, itfio muuci. rr 044, Oregonian. HAVE s-ood 7-room bungalow, rented $-0; want good auto tor equity. Owner, Li b40, Oregonian. FINE lot in Overlook for o or i -pastengcr car; must be m good condition. A. Lon deregger, -0i Madison St. WILL pav 60c per hour for rent of auto. Cull Mar. 4060. WILL trade 5 or 0-roorn bungalow close in for good auto. Phone C 200i. CLEAR city lot or equity in house and lot for good 5-pass. auto. AD 6."o. oregonian. WANTED Automobile. $100 cash aud $-0 per month. AJ n3i, oregonian. WANTED Ford runabout, 1913 model; Give full particulars. AL 636, Oregonian. WILL trade 40 acres near Salt Lake Clt for good car. East 7031. VANT tobuy a Ford: will pay cash; state price. N 642. Oregonian. HAVE 40 acres near Portland for automo bile. AC 629. Oregonian. WANTED Small roadster; lot as part pay ment. AM 647, Oregonian. WILL pay cash for good second-hand Ford; wanted at once. Phone E. 350L. FARMER wants small car for acreage just outside Oregon City. F 031, Oregonian. FOR exchange, $C0O first mortgage, 5 years, 7 per cent, for 4-door auto. East 5135. WANTED -4-eyl. 25 to 4" auto engine. 1372 Division Street Garage. LOT 50x100 at University Park to trade for automobile. Phone Tabor 3004. CHEAP runabout wanted; give lowest cash price and description. E 64 7. Oregonian. CASH for 1914 roadster. Phone C 1099. H AVE $620 contract for aulo. Tabor 42.19. CASH for 1914 roadster. Phone C 1099. Motorcycle. INDIANS. Harleys. Merkcls. Excelsiors, Jet-fc-sona- ten good selections, ranging from $23 to J150. Get our prices before buy ing. Jefferson Cycle Co.. 2S7 3d St. TWIN Indian motorcycle, perfect mechani cal condition; new tires, extra seat: price $100, terms. H. W. Lyon, 31 N. 19th ut. Phone Main 4S80. Wbi make out your auto and motorcycle license applications complete with all . notary work for 40 cents. Hyatt Talklns ' Machine Co., 35Q Alder st. ' INDIANS, Karleys. Merkels. Excelsiors, Jef fersons; ten good selections, ranging from $'5 to $150. Get our prices before buy ing Jefferson Cycle Co., 287 3rd st. MOTORCY'CLE for sale. Twin cylinder "Ex celsior." practically new; fully equipped. Will sell verv cheap; good buy: leaving city. 402 Plttock Blk. Main 9390. UNREDEEMED, . 9-H. p. Reading, cost $33o, staridard, $100. Stein's Loan Office. 1914 2-SPEED Indian, electrically equipped, spcelometer, tandem, auto tires; $225. Sellwood 445, ' FOR SALE 1913, 7-horsepower Indian, fully equipped, $125, $73 down, $10 a month. 144 KHpatrlck St.. Kenton. FOR SALE 1014 Indian eyelecar, A-l con dition. Hot. 377, Albany, Or, HARLE Y-DA V1DSON twin motorcycle at sacriflea price. 347 Morrison. INDIAN 1 motor cycie, $50, firsl-class shape. Alain 7009, Mr, Drinkle, , FOK SALE. Motorcycle. USED MOTORCVCLES. 1913 Dayton. H. P.. Al shape, quip ped, has some '14 features, $173. Al Twin Pope, nearly uew, $150. Twin Erickson, $14 0. 1913 Twin Reading, $U0. Jtig 4 Pope. $:k. Twin Merkel, $75. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 210 Broadwa y 1014 FLYING MERKEL, presto tank, lump, t a.rt.m nnd exhaust horn ; $ lt. terms, Bargains iu used machine ot all makes on easy terms. East Side Motorrcie to., 44 Grand ave. Agents for the 1 lyina Merkel. 1912 BELT drive X motorcycle for ale, $100 cash, good condition. 3ii San Kaiuel. Call afternoons or phone E. "ol J. DANDY' Mn;;le Excelsior; price $7 down. $7.5it monthly. 3-'0 Aider. $.'5 Auto Tires and AreeMtorlra. FOR SALE Stoddard-Dayton parts, frame, axles, springs, etc. Good mechanical con dition. Mar. 440. Macalnery. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. Our guaranteed bargains will interest you. LOOK ! BOTDVRS steam and water. EN til NES steam and gasoline. PUMPS steam, water, centrifugal, etc., and any other machine or machinery you can possibly need or think of. TRANSMISSION MACHINERY ot all kinds. PULLE VS cast, wood and uteri. GEARS, Sheaves, etc. a largo assort ment. BELTING rubber, leather, cotton, etc. SHAFTING all sizes cut to length. BABBITT METALS all grades. CABLE all sizes anu kinds. Special 1 i -inch at luc ft. Vj-jntn at c it. M. BARDE & SONS. INC. The House of a Million LMiKams, 210-44 Front St.. Cor. Main. -2 Years ill Portland, or. ONE 3?xJ4-lii. stroke Kicure 44S artesian well cylinder with a Mejcin wnfKiiiK lioad. casing, rods and coupiiiiKS lor isj-ioot well. One J-horsepow er W itto Jr. sasuiin engine. All of this maehin.-ry or any pari of which can be picked up at your own figure. I am dismantling1 an old pumpiiiK station and can give you a rice owner, l'latt bldg. CONCKKTK MiNKHK. CONCRETE l.KR'K MACUINKS. CO.NCItETE An.H'ST.VHI.E B11:1AI. VAl'l.T .MOII.HS' WiiEELBAHIlUWi To close out this line we are mnUing verv low nrltes. HENMNUEK & AYES 51F11. CO.. 47 Klrst st. l'ortland. Or. ELECT KIC MOTOKS , Bought, sold, rented, repaired. Lai'KO stock; all guaranteed. M. B. DAI IS & CO.. 103 E. Water St. East " 14(1, B 2L,.0. EWUll'MENT l'Oll ItENT Olt SALE. Donkey engines, pile drivers, derricks, transits, levels, concrete mixers, etc. COWLITZ BKIDCB CO.. l."o." Yeon Hldg. Main UTua. T pew r it era. ALL. MAKES KACTOltY UEBl ILT. l,ARf!HST STOCK. 1IUKST PRICES TERMS. DOWN. $5 A MONTH SEND FOR 11.1.1 STUATKlJ 1 "rCE T.1ST. RETAIL I'M'AH i -!.. i, LEH H PIOWUITKK CO WE ave vou trom 60 to 75 per cent on all makes ot typewriters; send for our illus tiated folder Retail department WHOLb SLE TYPEWRITER CO.. H-l Wash. St. TYPEWRITERS for lent; 3 months for and UP; ti months renr. applied on pur chase price Remington Typewriter Com pany b'i Broadway. Portland. Or. NEW 'model Oliver No. 9. now on market. Typewriters rented 3 months for 4. Stalk Main 6273; REMINGTON, No. 10; has never been used; leaving city: can arrange terms; 1 am nut a dealer, L 043, Oregunian., TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 In $5. Tn Northwest Typewriter Co.. -'W stark St. Main 55L'8. WILL exchange first-class talking1 machine for good typewriter, lljatt Talking Ma chine Co., ;,50 Alder. NEW L. C. Smith No. a model, unused, for sale cheap.AL 645,Oregonlan. NEW rebuilt second-han I rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. -31 Siark st. Main 14U7. FINE latest model Remington No. 11; bar srain Highland Court, Mar. 31M. NEW Oliver, "model 7. $05; $10 cash, bal ance on time. Y 631'. Oregonian. t li i..l.,,llt 'rvnewrit er Co.. 30 Oak St. See their display before purchasing UNREDEEMED bargains In typewriters. Stein;sLoan Office. -0 N. 01 h. " Mi"crMunfou. SPECIAL NOTICE' MILI.MEN FACTORIES' M A N U F ACTUR 1NG PL A NTs t.c uivk I1EC1DEO iTO GIVE UP !i.-.-',-vi.-IHNI) MACHINERY IU SI vcjc iVti WILL SELL GOODS AT A ........ UK 1-1 1 Kb". HEARD Or BKinWtilE A FEW "F THE PRICKS THAT WE SELL GOODS FOR: Cast Iron pulleys, while I hey Inst. 2c 11.. Castlron boxes, while they lasl. lc lb. Sled shafting, anv size, l',c lb. -in. cable, per foot. 2r. i.-ln. cable, per fool. 1 '2c. Galvanized corrugated iron, iq.. -Hangers, all kinds. 2c lb. 1-60x16 Boiler, $35". 1-10 H 1. economics! boil'-r. s.ou. 1-"0 H.' P. upright boiler. $nm. Steel rails, all sizes, lc pound. Eyebeams. nil sizes, l'c lb. Gears, all sizes, 2c lb. AVE ALSO HAVE ALL KINDS OF PIPE WIRE, FKNCING. CONTRACTORS TOOLS, PLUMBING. BELTING. MOTORS. PUMPS DYNAMOS. ROOKING TAPER AT CORRESPONDING PRICES. J SIMON A; BRO.. FRONT AND GRANT ST.". MAIN 2002 A IT M KES no difference what ou are in need of. see us. We can save vou money. Wc have opened up a salvage store at 131-133 Ursi St.. near Alder. Can supply your wanM In anything in the lino of merchan- illse We have some special kow bargains in paints, oils, mattresses, hardware, at Street Store. hruhtji. our First J. SIMON BROS., Front and Giant t. 2002 ........ ....Hani rnr.ces. ,eiit lo us on con signmet toelirr. 204 First Street. stu:-45 H. P.. 2 lOxlo-cylinaer gas .-ieTAe in best of shape; run one season -i.. ie.. than half; terms, owner, St. Johns, Or. 844 IN. jersey i. FOR SALE-100 feet "c.: doublerlvited water P.'Kht lo ( .lb. Ur? r iucii. vs boro. Or. 7T . ...... i'T nriinoeialMl Mild l'rrt Machine Vo.f ::r.O AM' r. vvus-;Ti.'r. i-siiUKf pump, alio Win Vrhes"J -7l autouTnTi: "f ifl. : will trade fall Sunday and evenings. 4;:o Bryan sc. Uood- Tm ITU "STUMP FULLERS Takes them out bv the roots, leaves the land ready for the pfow Send for special proposition. Box lit', l-acresccii. IS5 SOUTH BEND malleable range, new. will sacrifice fr MISH KI RNI TI RL t O., good S7 First Street. donkey 1911 Maniiel almost lato.,,,. - . , ,,h Hues: foV'ViS ca;. S. . :H.tu.ebak.r. ton. Or., care Standard H ' o. Willi lines, ... .mix- :,.t. ctiv'. New and secona-canu carom and pJcUeT billiard table, and bowling I live an 1 accessories: easy payments The S''nn'wl"'i-Bi:te-Collender Co.. 40-48 Mil. i-rriNT DOOR with bevel plate glass and F CortTn lock" complete. Phone East 1470. NEARLY new 20-foot roller awning, cheap. 320 Flftn street. WOTTSE BO Vf1 for sale cheap. Hlnkl HVo. VaVl.ineSliQI.ot Hamilton Hlnkley s Ma- ave. WOODS AW for sale or trails ior motorcjcie. piano, etc. T 472,t)regonlan. NEW $25 Ansco camera, postcard size. $10. Stein's Loan Office. NO H Premo. O'ixS'4, complete. East 29th St. N. MFTM, p-ittern, 10-Inch Hiirthnu two-blade w heel. $- 43 E""t " N' Sl'EAM tnhle, H feet copper, for sale chp. 02 N. 23d st, 3 POOL TABLES for cash, Phone 2M, Van- couver, v asn. MANURB, rotted or sreen, tleliveicd any place in the city, Call C- 1725, FOK SALE. Miocrllane-oiift. ROOFING PAPER ROOKING TAPER line per wlulo It Usts. GALVANIZED CORRUGATED IRON $J.J0 per tuii:c. GALVANIZED WIRE. ALL GAUGHS $1.00 )i J"d. WHEELBARROW WHEELBARROWS $1.00 each. ln.000 GRAIN AND POTATO UACK8 at u bargain. PK PIPE I'll -In Pipe 2 c foot 4 -In Pipe c f-iot I -in. Pipo ;i U c f"t 1 l-in. Pipe 4't c fi'ot 1 u-tn. Pipe T. c fnt - -in. Pipe 'j c f'Mit - 1 i -i 11 Plpt 7 c foot 3 -in. Pipe 10 c f ot All guaranteed flrst-cls condition, bv ihg new threads and coupling. J. SIMON & PRO. Main 2002 Vront and Grant tti. A onj rLL".MUIN( S11TLIE3 I'LL JIU1NC. blllTLirS HELP IS KKIIIT T1IK THVPT. WE SHU, TO ALL AT WHOLKf A I.i: 1'KICES. WRITE rr. riilCELIST. IM.V.MBEHS KIKN1SHEU fl W.TK PAY. J. SIMON & nno. FRONT AND (J RANT STS. MAIN :0C A I'nJ WILL bici KeniHter consider Clay. iflce one lale tnoncl National Cssi ; reylstein limn lc to (MC'i wouot auto and pay difference. Ob E. TI 1 KfcK-iii it 'M houfclniHt, I iirnlKlH -1. f 'r sale, including Bliuill launch nud rowboul, cheap; must be so,d. cash or terms. O til.'. Oregon inn. lull SALE 10 v i il ill, i,r raulol fruits, preMerve. aiso hitlol hltia irlies. J'licliM It St. .lellif-.", Jiims mo p.'tinlcd Havlland 11'Jll. 411 E t n CNitKii:E.Mi:i. $.M1 I'orllulld li.'.tliy Alias. JI-.TiO. T.Oiin on i. e. ;iil N. lth. DliOI'HEAD Whrcler Wilson, lo, drop head .singer. SlJ.oO; ,roplnai Nw Home. $lo; X, w Royal Cabinet, JUL al!l M il rlson. AKIiKESSOIiRAril. mod uto-d, lonipletu wlllt names, .1 H .1 H. alilltel II ii ml l'o inlun. r'AKM lMI'LEMKNTS --Iluy direct from factory. Catalogue free. TJti Smiths, IiCreS'.-nl. Mum. LOATHOl SE for trade for a tvir jl 6.;i',. Or.-goml ilOVSEHoAT. 2 2U0. lo.ated ul sue lii-ouvliiis. Bile. H1VI2 feel, or ' , I that Is lit good condition. II. r is. $0 i svh Ii . wo'lh . liiami-lte River, opo., Phone .Main fi-oti. A-l CONDITION - I 4-oiiiner stoe. 2 heating stoves, t SiinMiiiy coin.ii, I g-ts wa ter heater. 3"" 12th t. Dl AMu.N D house paint, strictly pure; nia.. In Oregou; per gallon. $1.65. Portland paint Co., :3u Front st. Maishsll 11)0 HOMb: electric I STEIN1: l laritiiiu. oi l ICE, LOAN N. urn OI It fire formula will mako $1 per lioui ; liotliinir to buy fiom us. Goodwin, 5. . I 4., til si. SoutiiucM. I-enttle, Vvk.-Ii ONF YV'itroT elci-ti,!- sialic nm, hlno luap. SI EIN S LOAN il l- ICi:. Jl! North 6th St. DON'T UI'V ANY PIPE or pl.l M 1. 1 .v i M ppl.IE.-i l.LI OUE VOU GET ol IS PRICKS WILL K .I s;mlng oiillli , ii !. i limn ,r s.,1,1 at once. A G. llu :. i.hhI'-h Home. il 2-M 1 N. . w. l.-.c cut Moi c. i, Ii. k:ci ,1 and M , In nud I.' Dot TOR'S le.-t ST KIN I.' Mll.l I A I A .N N. I. Ul fill UK if Jo Evilni'Ke 2d ami Stui k ! i. 6 II. 1. T U 1 N nioi.o i-i . lc 1hi Hoerh inMKlicti', $15. 2111 Hr'i:i'ltt:i.l: For sa i.k -a -..m.i. t.- oiitflt or i-X'-liuMK.- lor it n ii v -. VVali. I lo. icle t HIGII-GRA I K I'lAN" AT l-.NCl-.l-l It IN V I. II .' N' 'i :. 1'. Ml., A I l.'o l .1 .ti m i: l-.NCIIANGK ISI.l'G.. 21 AND .T MiK Sl HY PRIVATi: .:irl ei-s, hifiii ovi-ni; i I.-tins if il,,-l. lie ue, I.,,,... il f..r .'". r u rl SALt---2 6 lloor iiw $'i5 MshlnKton st. too; HHI. . Mt'S. 1 S-foit 1. llo.s.ltait. A l-'IR.-T-CI.A.-S i.i or trade cheap if 170 K o lililiiw ort Ii FOR SAI.i; - Sit i 1 1 f I lug gais a nil A Ii I 11, 011.1.11 ol 1 1--1I IS. CH ADM AM 1 n t-1 il iliik' I.,,,.-. Ill Co-lop.-dla of ll. tloliai , lor .lie Khm till.. Motol bo.i t. lia, I.I volt 1. .-m t h.iu l-'OIt s CIlKi'o M .tin i-niiT, Apt. 11. OAT mid lo PALMER laun tal-i or uii'lc. A. A. DIXON. ill, lllliy tqUipi-ol, K McMlunv i: lc. Or. BKU ING-.MACHINE, drop-head, lust condition; must bo snap lor msli. c i n-.-goiiiH n. S. ID X folll't tiu. 7 foot nial l'le llill', tl.mL.Ie sie.tin complete oullit sol.i arm, t 62 N. 2,;a 5 loir, wlili Murili. 4 le.l. GOOD UKADK CoKDWOOl). mivciI mid llvti-.d. ."i.. "0 lord. K.cllp?.e l-'uel c:o.( Fust l"tli f1'- Phone lOofl 3HC ll' l.Alloi: young Khotlo l.l.intl I 1 I' hens and looi-ter. your .noi.e ioi Sellwood 216. 5-'d t. and .' ave SAKE,,' lieooiiil i n l: niii'liinc, wi:l t oi.h K ' ' "lid I IIH.1"-. A i.nd.t WANTED l.oti good manure Ak tor M i . i L N REDEEM UU Itiercll J UU It e. lith SI. lo plow Hh'l n'-rf. s,o fiir sao. Phone M a i n ,V'.o lev. k m i ii L".ill olfl ONI- S-f t. nuk show, at., p.a'c ,ui drawers, also a s.ii", n , o.,ti ... rea.-:on:itl0. M.tln s-'i I1-. NICK Spring very lil'le. suit. la.lV.i ..II Fine. : phono M ii I n7 2ni'.M oil .Is FOK SALE-Olle large Dl. bold nil''. I ol . tlculars write All li.M', t"W"'""- lil-.N 'l S lined. ,1 iesther gr.p, sale cheep. l'."2 1 -l Ii". ,-li, Lather . i. r Tn lor. for FOR SALE Goo.l Lath, s n.'it. Tabor 4757 cheap; good POOLTABLK. $05; first-class culidlllon. mo: t ROLL top dee!., chair, typewriter, safe uiaps.elc. FOR SALE voiittt Bo , S-.U tor an. ..-. no, m- u. 1 "motor, 1 Racilis csuoa. K athousc. safes New and tfcoud-liand bargains. The Mo:er fe Co., iitit Stark su 1-Lt MUING SUPPLIES st pr Stark-Davis Co.. 2X2 Id St. Main 77. ices. TWO used portable wholesal-J pi Ice. IOI. tMtke ovens I H:mont. l.-ib. lu.lf i:. in iobo BUS1.NK.-S CARDS Il lH). Ryder P.g. C. W cor. 3d Slid Miirnmi CAH ic-.'lsters. National, piisbliy used Typewr.ter Esehstige. 5 1 V, W sn ,DI t. l. L'SK Basst tt s Nalivo Hell's for rli.-uiua.UM. 50 tst.lls I. r 25e. All tlrusslns. GOOD A. wood a n. e;S IIIIIKO WW car. j. C.j cr.t-li- BROWN'i- peistllbuliltor. good Milrrniill -l-1.. llol .-KIK 'ATS L. iliUiain. - I an.l 1 I'.Mll , ii 171. Term. oil SALE 3'-lt. built for tow-ltm; ;5-h. .. (Li'lliil 1,(11 etjii, Cm 11 C 1 I O I I E lltlllletl pilMIlS HUH 1' '. . O' . ... I. per "IIIU'I. l-i'Mi'Tli'-B I."l u--' MAYONNAISE for sale: luxrle out ' i.est oil. Sellwood pl. moi iiln. FtiH SA l.l-i I -room in jdelll houseboat, l a! -ellVVOO.I .'... LARGE tcnthousr: .rlii: Haw tliurno 'to l''7lh st., one block smith. FINE lil.-l eh. 'HP. I' t.ible llin-u. evtra l.tlg''. v 1U'.', riieg"tilnn Kol'A K No I. ns. I.T5. fohling rocket. extra Coo d PC t'5.1. oregonmn .i h,. vi le i livrin f"r cah or terms. P.. H. Ulo.-ki -r. 2-"'i: lt si. M K 1,1. steel ""fe. wrth $T.. Will se,i for "only $ Hi. H 1 1. Jll ll'iiry bldg. jTJcTv gas waler h.-ster, cost IK. Wl.l .'ell for Ksst UJ- N I- V ; 1,V lien ileirtl.le mtH'. ITStlS foT wood range. I. 2;l. Orcforlan. . Dl AMON'D wnntrd. 1 lo 2 V. Must b lar ,aiu for cash. Al1 CIS Oitgoman. I