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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
n THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 28, 1915. RIGHTEOUS DEAD TO RISE AT FIRST CALL, SAYS DR. HINSON Second Resurrection Is Pictured as Return of Saintly With Savior After Millenium of 4000 Years to Judge Wicked on Awakening to Gloom. SERMONS IX THE OHEGOM.W. tr. W. B. Hinson's sermon on "The Two Resurrections" Is the fourth In a series by prominent Portland clergymen appearing In The Oregonlan. Other contr'.bu tors and the dates of publication follow: March 7, Dr. Frank L. Love land, pastor First Methodist Episcopal Church. March 14. Rev. K. V. O'Hara. assistant pastor Cathedral of Immaculate Conception. March 21, Rev. H. M. Ramsey, dean St. Stephen's Pro-Cathedral. March 21, Dr. Jonah B. Wise, Rabbi Temple Beth Israel. BT DR. W. B. HIXSON. Pastor of First Baptist Church (White Temple). But the rest of the dead lived not acali Vntil the thousand years -were finished. Thl is to first resurrection, niessea ana aviy im lie that hath part in the first resurrection. rXlHE Tcsurrection of the just pre- I cedes the resurrection of the tin just- Such Is the plain teaching f the text to which you have listened, Blessed and holy are they who have cart In this first resurrection. On them tha second death shall never ex erclse Its awful power. But they shall live and reign with Jesus Christ dur ing the thousand years that intervenes between the coming of the Lord for his people to the coming of the Lord, witn Ilia neonle. Some have tried to show that this first resurrection is not a resurrection of people, but rather a resurrection of dead principles. cur. Aiiora in uis new Greek Testament says if this passage does not refer to a literal res urrection of literal people, then there Is an end of definite meaning in plain words, and the Apocalypse or any other book may mean anything we please. And I remember how Mr. Hpurceon once said. "I do not hesitate to affirm that the resurrection of principles or doctrines does not give the fair mean ing of these words. This is the res urrection of men, for is it not written The rest of the dead lived not' It is a literal resurrection of the saints of God and not of principles nor of doc trines." Resurrection Seen aa by Reclmrnt. Breckenridge has told us how it is clear that the righteous dead are res urrected at the beginning of the mil lennium and then the thousand years wears Itself away, when the rest of the dead are raised who lived not again until the thousand years are finished. And in that marvelous resurrection chapter in Corinthians we are clearly taught that there is a resurrection that concerns the righteous and the right eous alone. "Every man in his own or der; Christ the first fruits: afterward they that are Christ's at his coining." No mention of any impenitent dead! indeed no mention of the resurrection of any who are not in Christ and of Christ! First to be resurrected. Jesus, who is the first fruits: afterward and 200 years have been swallowed up in that afterward afterward they who are Christ's at his coming. And Jamie son, Fausset and Brown, in their com mentary have told up how that lan guage pertains to the Greek imagery of varying troops and regiments In an army, who are marching in proper mil itary order. And Jesus first comes forth In res- Sunday Church Services CHURCH KOTICES DUE THURS DAY, Church notices for The Sunday Oregonlan should be In this of fice by Thursday at G P. M. It is Impossible to assure publication of any notices received after that hour. ADVEXTISTS. (Sabbath services are held on Saturday.) Central. East Eleventh and Everett streets -Elder M. H. St. John, pastor. Sabbath school. 10; preaching. 11; prayer and mis sionary meeting Wednesday evening. 7:30; Young People Society meets at 7:110 Fri day. MoDtarllla. East Eightieth and Everett streets J. F. Beatty, pastor. Sabbath school. JO; preaching, 11; prayer meeting Wednes day at 7:30: Helping Hand Society, regular weekly meeting. Lents, Marion avenue and Blumauer boulevard. Lents r. J. Chliwood, local elder. Regular weekly services begin at 1; preaching, 11; preaching Sunday evening ai f:30; praytr meeting Wednesday evening at Mt Tabor, East Sixtieth and Belmont streets. Portland Sanitarium C. J. Cum nilugs. pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preach ing. 11; prayer meeting at 7:43 Wednesday evening: Young People's Society meets Fri day evening at 7:43. Albina (German), Skldmore street and MaJlory avenue Henry Block, pastor. Sab bath school. 10; preaching, 11; preaching Sunday evening at 8; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at S. Scandinavian. Sixty-second street and Thirty-ninth avenue. S. E. O. E. Sandnes, pastor. Sabbath school, 10; preach inn. 11; Sunday service. 7:30; prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30. St. Johns. Central avenue and Charleston street E. D. Hurlburt. local elder. Sab bath school. 10; preaching, 11: prayer meet ing Wednesday evening at 7:u0. ASSOCIATED BIBLE STUDENTS. Oddfellows Hall. East Sixth and Alder streets 1:45, Berean Bible school; "The Time Is at Hand"; 3, Discourse by A. A. Yerex: topic. "A Famine in the Land"; 4:M. praise and testimony meeting: 7.30, discourse by R. O. Hadley; subject, "Changed in His Image." BAPTIST. First. White Temple. Twelfth and Taylor streets Rev. W. it. Hlnson. 7.J. D.. pastor. :45, Bible school; classes for all ages; 11, preaching by Dr. Hlnson; theme. "The Dif ference Between the Baptiat Denomination and Other Denominations"; 6:15, B. Y. P. U.: 7::0, preaching by Dr. Hinson: theme, "The Possibility of Salvation for All lien." East Side. East Twentieth and Ankeny streets Rev. W. O. Shank, pastor. 1, Sun da school: 11, preaching by the pastor; theme Repudiating Personal Gain for the Glorv of Christ"; :30. B. V. P. U.; ":J0. preaching by tha pastor; theme, "Tho Sin ot Ten Brothers." Calvary. East Eighth and Grant streets Rev. Walter Duff, pastor. JO. Sunaay school: 11, preaching by tho pastor; Ihtme. "The Second Coming of Christ in Oli ment": 0:::o. B. Y. P. V.: preaching bv the pastor; theme. "Second Comins Truth for New Converts anU Sinners in New Testament." Third, Knou street and Vancouver Avenue. Rev. Weblev J. Heaven, pastor. 10. Sun day school; 11, preaching by Dr. E. A. Woods; tiieme, "Seeing the Iuvislbie": 0:3u, B. Y. P. U.; 7:u0. preaching by Dr. E. A. Woods: theme. "The Nobility of Manliness." Grace. Montavllla Rev. H. T. Cash, pas tor. 10. Sunday school; 11 and 7:io. preach ing: :. B. T. P. U. Arleta Rev. W. T. S. Spriggs, pastor. 9:43. Sunday school; 11, and 7:oU, pjreach llig: 6:15. B. Y. P. U. East Forty-Fifth street Rev. A. B. Waits. paator. v:45. Sunday school: 11. preach ing by the paator; theme. "Bound to Give Thanks to God"; C:30. B. Y. P. U. ; 7:30 preaching by the pastor: theme, "Doe God Bear the Prayer of a Natlon in Distress?" lenta Rev. J. M. Nelson, pastor. 10, Sundav achool:"ll. preaching by the pastor: 6:30. B. y. P. U-; 7:30, preaching by the pastor. 4Ilg:ilanJ, Alberta and East sixth streets ."orih Mornlnr. "The Church and Its "Work": evening. "Inter-Kolatlonifhip of Chrtst and His Followers. Elmo Heights. Lents Sunday school. 2:30 o'clock. Tabjtrnacle, K:st Fcrxy-secord street and Forty-fifth avenue Rev. J. Clark Tlbblts, pastor. 10. Sunday school; 11. preaching by tha pastor. Italian Mission. East Eighteenth and Tlb betta rtreeta Rev. Francesco Sannella, pas ter 10, Sunday school; It. preaching serv ices; 7. pastor's circle (prayer service); 8, urrectlon glory; and then there comes the great troop of all those who haven accepted and believed and lived and died in him. Afterward, the end, the resurrection of the rest of the dead. And harking back to the same chapter from which I have Quoted, faul says "As in Adam, all died, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. Victory of Righteous Pictured, A sentence that 'clearly concerns only the righteous dead. Else you must have the restoration of all men, if all are then raised and all thus raised are the subjects of this resurrection. "Or the other horn of the dilemma presents itself and you must have the annihila tion of the wicked, unless there be, as Holy Scripture teaches, the second res urrection. Hear the Apostle as he says: "The righteous dead shall come forth incorruptible; and then we shall all be changed." No mention of the im penitent again. Not a passing refer ence to those who have died in wick edness and sin. But the plain declara tion that when Christ calls for his own, all the sleeping believers, and they alone, will respond to the call. The faithful who are alive upon the earth shall be transformed by his appearing, so that from the grave the corruptible shall put on Interruption and we who are awe shall be clothed with Immor tality, and thus we shall all be changed. And you remember how in that sam chapter the Apostle goes on to say, when the righteous dead are awakened by the voice of Jesus, and when the liv ing righteous are, transformed by the glory of his appearing, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written. "Death is swallowed up in victory." And the Jubilant rising believers shall say, urave, you nave lost your vic tory, for even our bodies have been resurrected." And the living redeemed ones shall say, "Death, you have lost your sting, for we have escaped death through the appearing of our adorable Lord." Epistle of Paul Is Cited. And as though that were not enough. just recall how Paul, writing to the Thessalonians, is so explicitly clear on the fact that there is a resurrection for the righteous and for them alone: The dead In Christ shall rise first. Priority over the general dead who fell asleep in their Impiety and in their sin. And all these who are thus resur rected in Paul's Epistle to the Thessa lonians, rise up to meet Christ in the air, and are forever wjth the Lord. A statement manifestly untrue, if that Apostle be referring to the general res urrection. But a statement that is abundantly and gloriously true, if he is talking of the first resurrection; the resurrection of those who are holy and blessed, and therefore have part in the first resurrection. And as though that were not enough, in that same letter the apostle says: The Christ whocame for his people and caught them up to be with him in the clouds, is the Christ who will af terward come with his people In flam ing fire that shall levour all his ad versaries. The con: .ng with his saints, following the coming for his saints." The apostle understood this, else In writing to the Philippians why should he pray that he might have such fa vor with Almighty God as to attain unto the resurrection from the dead. For there is no need of finding favor in God in order to rise. Have we not been teaching all these centuries that immortality reposes in the spirit ot man, and he cannot help but rise and eet his god at last? And yet the apos tle has a consciousness of the resurrec tion that Implies the possession of preaching service; 10:30, short sermon for English-speaking people; t :u. preacning. St. Johns Fev. E. P. Borden, pastor. Services, 11 and 8. Swedish, Fifteenth and Hoyt streets Rev. F Linden, pastor. rreacning. and 7:30; Sunday school, 12 noon; B. Y. P. U.. 0. University park Rev. A- C. Saxton, pas tor. Sunday school, 10; 11. preaching by the pastor: 0:30, B. Y. P. U.: 7:S0, preach ing by the pastor. Second German, Morris street and Rodney avenue Rev. Frederick Buerrman, pastor. Sunday school. 9:45; preaching, 11 and 7:80; B. Y. P. U.. 7. Mount Olivet. Seventh and Everett streets Rev. W. A. Magett, pastor. Services, 11 and S; Sunday school. 12:30. Russellvllle schoolhouse, under auspices of Grace Church, Montavllla Sunday school, 2:15. Chinese Mission, 358 Bumslde street Sun day school. 7; J. G. Malone. superintendent. First German. Fourth and Mill streets Rev. J. Kratt, pastor. Services, 11 and 7:30; Sunday school, 8:45. Sellwood. Eleventh street and Tacomaave. nue Rev. V. H. Hayes, pastor. Preaching. 11 and 7:30; Sunday school. 10; B. Y. P. U., 6:30. Good Will Mission Sunday School, Boise and Fifteenth streets Address at 3 by W. C. Duff. RAH A I. Bahat meetlng'at 8 o:clock tonight, room 4U'J Eilera building. CATHOLIC. St. Clierles- Chapel, Alberta street be tween Glenn, avenue and East Thlrty-tt.lrd street Catechism classes Saturdays at ; low mass Sunday morning at 8 and high mass at 10:30; rosary and benediction, 7:30. Holy Cross, University Park Rev. C. R. rin.r i.our mass. 8:30: hiah mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 8. St. Michael's (Italian;, rourm uu streets Jesuit Fathers. Low mass, 8:80; high mass and sermon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Williams ave miA and Stanton street Rev. W. A. Daly. Low mass, 6, 8 and It; high mass and ser mon, 10:30; vespers and benediction, 7:30. St. Francis, East iweinn sireei wiou Pine and Oak Rev. Father Black. Low mass. 8: high mass and sermon. 10:30; ves pers, instruction and benediction, 7:30. Holy Rosary. East Third and Clackamas streets Very Rev. H. H. Kelly. O. P. Low mass. 6 7, S ana v; nign mass ana sermon, 1: vespers and benediction, 7:80. On the first Sunday of the month rosary proces sion, sermon and benediction, 7:30; third Sunday, sermon, procession of tha most blessed sacrament and benediction, 7:80; ev ery' Thursday evening, holy hour from :30 to 8:30. Holy Redeemer, Portland boulevard-' id Williams avenue Redemptorlst Fr .rs. Ker. Joseph A. Chapotan, pastor. Lf tnas. 6 and 8; high mass and sermon, le o; bene diction. 7:80. St. Andrew's, East IMntn and Alberta streets Rev. Thomas Klernan. Low mass. &: htah masa ana sermon, 10; vespers, in struction and benediction, 7:30. St. Lawrence's. Third ana Sherman streets Rev. J. H. Hughes. Low mass, 6, 8 and ; high mass and sermon, 10:80; vespers. In struction and benediction, 7:30. St. Hose. Fifty-laird and Alamada Kev. Cornelius A. Maher. Low masa, ; high mass and sermon, lu; vespers, instruction and benediction. 7:30. St. Clares (Franciscan Fathers). Capitol Hill Rev. Caplstran, O. F. M. Low mass. 7:3U: high mass and benediction. 9:13. St. Mary's Pro-Cathedral, Fifteenth and Davis streets Most Rev. A. Christie, D. D. Low mass, 6, 8 and 9; high mass and ser mon, 11; vespers. Instruction and benedic tion. 7:43. CHRISTIAN. First, Park and Columbia streets Rev. S. M. Conner, pastor. 9:45, Bible school; morning worship. 11; subject, "Mission of the Church;" Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening services, 7:30. Rodney Avenue, Rodney and Knott street Rev. O. P. Burrls, pastor. Bible school. 9:45: morrlng sermon, 11; subject. "Grow ing a Soul": Christian Endeavor. 6:80; song service. 7:30: evening evangelistic services, 8: eubject. "Sin." Woodlann. East Seventh and Liberty streets Rev. W. L. Mlllinger, pastor. Bible sehool, 9:45; morning worship, 11; Christian iSndeavor. 0:30; evening services, 7:30. Kern Park, Sixty-ninth and Forty-slxta avenues H. E. Rev. R. Tibbs Maxey, pastor. Bible school. 9:45; morning worship. 11; Christian Endeavor, 6:30; evening services, 7:30. Central. East Salmon and Twentieth streets Bible school, 10; Christian Endea vor. 6:30; moraiusT worship. Ill evening It ' : I - iV-v L- - I J -'sS ' j I: ; " " " v - jj spiritual worth, and worthiness; so that the prayer of his soul Is that ho may attain unto the resurrection from among the dead. And as Mr. Spurgeon further says. TOur apostle Is evidently speaking of a first resurrection, for it could not be a general resurrection, for ne wouio. attain unto that, live as he list. It must have been some superior resur rection in which only those shall be partakers who have known Christ and the power of .his resurrection. You cannot interpret this passage without admitting that thero is a prior resur rection of the Just before tne resurrec tion of the unjust, because he is not talking about a general resurrection." Therefore, Paul says, may tnere oe mnarted unto me such spirituality, as shall qualify mo for having a part in that resurrection, that is prior to the general resurrection of all the sleeping dead. But you have not merely to read the Epistles, In order to come to a realiza tion of the two resurrections. Our Lord himself referred to them most distinct ly. "Thou shalt be recompensed," Rays Christ, "at the resurrection of the just." Why did not Jesus say, "Ye shall be compensated in the resurrection?" Why say the resurrection of the Just, if there be not a resurrection of the unjust also? And if referring to the resurrection of the Just and the unjust together, why not have said, "Ye shall be recompensed in the general resurrection?" Bur the Lord's language distinctly service, 7:30; Rev. J. R. Jphnaen will preach. The question of calling a pastor will come before the congregation at the morning hour. , Vernon, East Fifteenth and Wygant streets Rev. A. J. Melton, pastor.' Bible school, 10; morning worship, 11; Christian En deavor, 0:30; evening services, 7:30. CHRISTIAN- SCIENCE. . First, Everett, between Eighteenth and Nineteenth streets Services, 11 and 8; sub ject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus'; sun day school. 9:43 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Second, East Sixth street and Holladay avenue Services, 11 and 8; subject of les son sermon, "Christ Jesus'; Bunuay scuooi, 9:45 and 11; Wednesday meeting at 8. Third, East Twelfth and Salmon streets Servlc-s. 11 and 8: subject of lesson sermon. "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school, 11 and 12:13: Wednesday evening meeting at 8. Fourth, Vancouver avenue and Emerson street Services, 11 and 8; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sunday school, 9:46 and 11; Wednesday evening meeting at a. Fifth. Mvrtla Perk station Services. It A. M. ; subject of lesson sermon, "Christ Jesus"; Sunuay sehool, 9:30; Wednesday evening meeting at S. CHRISTADEUPHIAN'S. West Portland Ecclesla, 334 Montgomery street. 10:30 Sunday; 7:4o Thursday, o-'i East Washington. CONGREGATIONAL. First. Park and Madison streets Rev. Luther R. Dyott, minister; 9:50, Bible school;; :so, v. r. s. c. t;.; ur. uyoti s themes, 11, "Makers of Heaven"; 7:45, "Memory and Expectation," third in series on "Practical Psychology." Sunnyalde. East Taylor and East 'Thirty second streets Rev. J. J. Staub, D. D., pastor. Services, 11 and 7:43: Sunday school. 10: Junior Christian Endeavor. 3:30; Senior Christian Endeavor. 6:30: morning. "In the Sign of the Cross"; evening, sacred concert. U jverslty Park, Haven ttreel, near Lom bar Rev. W. C. Kautner. pastor. 10, Sun day school; 11. "Strength and Beauty"; 7:30, "The Measure of a Man." Highland. East Sixth and Prescott Rev. E. S. Bollinger, paator. 10. Sunday school; 11. "Joseph Out of thi. Darkness": 7:80. "Steps in Personal Religion"; 6:30. Y. P. S. Atkinson Memorial. East Twenty-ninth and Everett streets Bible school, 9:43; Junior Endeavor. 3:30; Senior Endeavor. 6:30; 1L "The Christian Doctrine of the World": 7:45, "What Is a Good Man?" St. Johns Rev. Daniel T. Thomas, pas tor. 10, Bible school; 11, "An Enemy in Disguise; 8:30, Christian Endeavor. Ardenwald Rev. T. Thomas, pastor. 10:43. Bible school; 7. Christian Endeavor; 8, "Stop, Look, Listen." Pilgrim Professor W. M. Proctot, acting pastor. Morning subject, "Tho Chemistry of Character"; evening subjeot, "An Even ing With Fanuy Crosby": this will be a musical service commemorative of the life of the great hymn writer. Mr. Stevenson will sing at both services. DIVINE TRUTH CENTER. Divine Truth chapel, Selllng-Hirsch bulld iiie. West Park and Washington street Rev. T. M. Mlnard. pastor; services, 11. EPISCOPAL. St. Mark's Twenty-first and Marshall streets F.ev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector; Rev. J. G. Hatton. associate. 7:80, holy auchar lst; 9:45, Sunday school; 10:15. matins; 11. holy eucharlst and sermon; 7:30. evensong and sermon; week day service dally, 7:80, holy eucharlst: -Friday at 8, litany and ad dress. St. Andrew's, Portsmouth F. M. Baum, vicar. Regular services 11 and 7:Su; Sunday school, 10; third Sunday at 7:80, holy com munion. Ascension Chapel, Nineteenth and Spring streets Kev. Barr G. Lee, priest in charge. Holy communion, 7:45; Sunday school, 9:80. pm.rsthilrml of St. Stephen the Martyr. Thirteenth and Clay streets Very Rev. H. M. Ramsey, oean. nuiy cwumuiuwu, i , Sunday school, 10; morning service, 11; aerv lce for colored people, S; evening service, 7:45. St. Matthew's, Bancroft and Corbett streets Rev. W. A. M. Breck, vicar. Sunday school, 10; service and sermon, 1L Church of our Savior, Sixtieth avenue and Fony-nrst street Southeast (Woodstock) Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. Services 8 and 11 and 7:30. Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett streets Rev. Dr. A. A. Morrison, rector. Services, 8, 11 and 8; Sunday school. 8:46; Good Fel lowship Soolety, parish-house, Nineteenth and Davla streets, 7 to 7:65. St. David's, East Twelfth and Belmont streets Rev. H. R. Talbot, rector. 7:80, celebration of holy eucharlst; 9:45, Sunday school: 11, morning prayer and sermon; 4:80. ovenlns prayer. Church of St. Michael and All Angeis Broadway and East Forty-third street Nurtn Rev T. F. Bowen, vicar. Sunday acr.o;, and Bible class, 10; morning service and sermon, 11; holy communion, first Sunday, 11; third Sunday. 7:80. Grace Memorial, Waldler and East Seven teenth street North Rav. George B. Van Waters, rector; Rev. Oswald W. Taylor, vl-, implies an adequate compensation that comes in the resurrection of the just As Moses Stuart says, "This would agree entirelv with the view in the 29th of Revelation, which affirms a first resurrection." And as Spurgeon again remarks, "The Lord might as well have said, 'Thou shalt be compensated In the general resurrection," if the two resurrections, namely that of the just and that of the .unjust, are to happen at the same time. To them that are accounted worthy of the resurrection, says Jesus, there are certain rewards and felicities assured. What does it mean to be worthy of the resurrection, when, according to the doctrine of the church for 2000 years, a ne;e.ary im mortality is the possession of every man." Worthy of the resurrection! No mat ter how little worthiness I possess, or how much unworthiness I possess, I have got to rise. No matter though In me all worthiness has been burned out by sin, I cannot escape the resurrec tion. For "It is appointed unto man to die. After that the Judgment." And there can be no judgment without a resurrection. nd yet our Lord says, "There is a life to be lived; and a work to be wrought, that shall make a man worthy of the resurrection." To what can he be referring, except to the resurrection In which he alone has part who is holy and blessed? And does he not say in the gospel by John, that if I do his will, and live and serve him, he will raise me up at the last jar. Holy communion, 8. excepting on flrst Sunday In the month; morning prayer and sermon, 11; Sunday school. 10. No evening sermon. All Saints', Twenty-fifth and Bavler streets Sunday school, 10; morning prayer and ermon, 11; celebration of the holy com munion tho first ounaay in tu uiunia at " and the third Sunday at . Good Shepherd, Graham street and Van avenue Rev. John Dawson, rector Sunday school. 8:4S; morning service, 11; evening service, 7:su. s Panra. Woodmere leev. Oswald W Taylor, vicar. Holy communion, first Sunday of month, 8; evening prayer ana sermon, xeent the first Sunday of month. St. John's. Milwaukle Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. Prayer. 3; holy communion, 8:80, first Sunday of month. st .lohn's. Sellwood Rev. John D. Rice, vicar. 8, holy communion, except on first Sunday of month; 10, Sunday sehool; 11, morning prayer; 7:30. evening prayer; holy communion first nunuay oi mmnn. Rl.hnn Morris Memorial Chapel. Good Samaritan Hospital Rev. Frederick K. How ard chaplain. Holy communion, i ; veu". , LUTHERAN. St. James' English. West Park and Jef hmn afreets Rev. J. Allen Leas. B. D., pastor. Service, 11; subject, "Is Your Name Written Therer in tne evening me service will be conducted by the Luther League. St Paul's German, East Twelfth and Clinton streets Rev. A. Krause, pastor. German and English Sunday school, 9:30: services, 10:80 and 7:30: Wednesday at 'A r ariiK fineietv meets with Mrs. G. Flaehlen, 515 East Twenty-third street; Wednesday at 8, Lenten services. Portland Norwegian. 45 Fourteenth street North Rev. Ditman Larsen, pastor. Serv ices 11 and T:45; Sunday school, 10; Bible class, 6:30. German Evangelical Zlon (Missouri synod) flnlmnn and Chapman street Rev. H. H KooDelmann. pastor. Lenten services, 10:15 and- 7:4&; Sunday school, 0:15. Bethany Danlsn, union avenue norm anu Morris street Rev. M. C. Jensen-Engholm. oast or. services. 11 and 8: Sunday school and Bible class, 10; Young People's meeting Tuesday at 8; Ladles' Aid meets witn Mrs. Nanken. 866 East seventh street nortn, Wednesday at 2; Lenten service, -Tuesday at 8. , METHODIST HPISCOPAL. First, Twelfth and Taylor streets Dr. Frank L. Loveland, pastor. 10:30, lte Church and the Child:" 12:15. Sunday school; 6:13, Epworth League; 7:30. monthly musical service by quartet and chorus with brief sermon on "The Power and Pathos ot Sacred Song," by Dr. Loveland. Central Vancouver avenue ana rargo street Rev. C. C. Rarick, pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; morning" sermon, ''.Men of Valor," 11: class meeting, 12:15; Epworth League, 6:15; evening sermon, "The Ban quet," 7:30; mia-wcek service, xnursaay at 7:45. Epworth, North Twenty-sixth and Savler streets Rev. C. O. McCulloch, pastor. Sun day school. 9:43; public worship, 11 and 7:30; Epworth League, 6:S0. Mrs. Charles A. Douglass, missionary from Teheran, Per sia, will speak on "Christian Work Among the People of Persia," at morning services Evening subject, "God's Crfncern for the Individual Man." Trinity. East Tenth and Shenman street Rev. A. B. Caider. pastor. Sunday school. 10; Epworth League. 0:BU; "ine cnurcn s Need of Power." 11; "Philip's Record in Samaria," 7:30. . Vancouver Avenue Norwegian-uanisn, cor ner of Skldmore street Kev. ADranam Verelde. pastor. Services. 10:45 and 8: Sun day school. Yi noon; Epworth League, 7; morning subject. "Tha Cure for Trouble;" evening subject. "Religion and Common Sense." Miss Rose Robinson will render a great Norwegian anthem in the morning. University fara Kev. x.. xiainmuw, pastor. Sunday school iu; preacning. it. and 7:80; morning subject, "The Eage's Nest;" evening, "Fannie Crosby and Her Hymns;" Epworth League, 6:30; prayer meeting. Thursday evening. Woodlawn. East Tenth and Highland streets Rev. Loul Thomas, pastor. Sun day school, 10; Epworth League, 7; services, 11 and- 7:45: themes, "Thinking Straight" and "Loss of Power;" prayer service, Thurs day evening. Centenary. East Mntn ana i-ast fine streets Rev. T. W. Lane, pastor. Sunday school, 0:45; morning worship, 11; sermon theme, "Christian imperialism; - ciass moei lng after morning worship; Epworth League, 6:30; evening worship, 7:30; sermon theme, "A Religion of Principle." Strong chorut and special soloists. Woodstock, Woodstock avenue and Forty fourth street. S. K --Rev. Frank James, pas. lo. Iu, Sunday school: 11. "Xhe Religious Training of the Child;" 1J:15 class meet ing; 6:30, Epworth League: 7:80. evening service; 7:80 Thursday, mid-week prayer meeting. ML Tabor, Sixty-flrat and Bast Stark streets Rev. E. Olln Eldrldgo, paator. Preaching, 11; subject. "Power;" preauhlng. day? But I hall be raised up whether 1 do .his will or not. No matter wheth er I have served the King or been in rebellion against him, I shall rise again. Disciple Teacb Despite Me. Yet Jesus says as a special privilege, as a high honor, and as a reward for service, if you live the life I command, I will raise you up. It is the lot of all to rise, and "yet we have here a priv ilege for the elect." says Mr. Spurgeon. You remember how the apostles in the Acts were said to be preaching the res urrection from the dead. And it stirred the Ire of the Sadducees, who believed neither in the resurrectio of the dead; nor in the resurrection from the dead. But the apostles went forth with their doctrine, and in addition to preaching the resurrection of the dead, the resur rection that is common to man, they also preached the resurrection from the dead, which is the privilege of a certain favored class alone. The resurrection the Apostle Paul speaks of at-such length in Thessalon ians, when the righteous dead are raised first; the resurrection of Cor inthians, when "Every man in h.a own shall rise, Christ the first fruits then those who are Christ's at his coming." "Marvel not at this," says Jesus, "for the hour is coming when they who are in the graves shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they shall come forth, some to the resurrection of glory, and some to the resurrection of gloom." Yet people have said because that mentions an hour, it is a plain proof there cannot be the two resurrections. When just before that he said: "Marvel not at this, for the hour com eth and now is when the dead in trespasses and sin, who then stood around him, shall hear the voice of the Son of Man." And that heur has lasted two thousand years already! So Surely the hour that concerns the re surrection of the body might easily be spread over the period of a thousand years. Matthew declares that Jesus once said the angels would come and gather from the four winds of Heaven the elect of God. Time to Be Triumph for Some. Illustrative surely of the fact that Paul affirms and reaffirms; and that is taught in our text; that there 1b to be a special resurrection of the elect. "Worthy of a better resurrection," says the Apostle to the Hebrews. Wliat does he mean, If there Is only one res urrection? ' "For how could it be a better resurrection unless there be some distinction between the resurrection of the saints, and the resurrection of the sinner," again asks Mr. Spurgeon. My brethren, we may well pray that we may be worthy of that better resur rection; even of tho resurrection of those who come forth xat the call of Jesus Christ, who are the righteous, and the expectant; and who precedo the resurrection of the impenitent by a long millennium spent in triumph with the glorified King. A brother preacher suggested the other day that this pre-mlllennialism is so modern that it cannot yet be trusted. Modern! Why in the early history of the chufch they knew noth ing but the pre-millennial .view. Modern! Let me cite you the state ment of a scholar, deeply versed in gospel lore, who says: "It cannot be denied that for three centuries the church held the dortrine of the pre-millennial doctrine of Christ. I have gone through all the writings of the fathers for three centuries care fully, and I do not find one exception, save Origin." And Alford. whom I have already quoted as interpreting my text, declares how during "the first 7-80; subject, "The jreat Assurance;" Sun day school, 9:45; Epworth League, 0:15; mid-week prayer service. Thursday at S. German, Rodney and Stanton streets Rev. F. A. Schumann, pastoer Sunday school, 9:45; services, 11 and 8: Epworth League. 7:15. Rose City Park, Sandy boulevard anu East Fifty-eighth North, on the Alameda Rev wl am Wallace! Youngson, pa.nor. 0:45. Sundav school; II, "The Crimson Rule:" 6:30, Young People's meeting; 7:30, Monthly Musical service. Sunnyside, East Yamhill and Thirty-fifth streets. Rev. R. timer smitn, pastor, ouu day school. 9:SO A. M. ; preaching, by pas tor, 11 A. M. ; Epworth- League. 0:30 P. M. revival service, 7 :43 P. M. NEW THOUGHT. v ThniiFht Temole of Truth. Kilen building, 142 Broadway Rev. Perry Joseph Green, minister: lectures, 11 and s on "Give Us This Day Our Dally Bread' Truth school, 10; Young People's meeting, NEW CHURCH SOCIETY. New Church Society. Knights of Pythias Hall. Eleventh and Alder streets Rev. Sam- ni'l Worcester. Dustor. Services. 11, sul Ject, "Tho Door at Which the Lord Stands and Knocks. " PRESBYTERIAN. Fir.t Twelfth and Alder streets Rev. John H. Boyd, pastor. Preaching services, 10:30 and 7:30: Sunday school, 12 noon; Christian Endeavor, 6:So. Piedmont. Cleveland and Jarrett streets Rev. J. G. Tate will preach at both services. 11. snhiect. "The Great Question;" 7:30, .Meet. "The Value of Prayer;" 0:45, Sun day school; 6:30, C. E. Vernon, Nineteenth and Wygant streets Rev. H. N. Mount, paator. nunaey scnuui, in- .limine c, k. . 4: C. E.. 6:30: public or- uhln It and 7:30. Morning subject, "The Secret of Prosperity;" evening subject, "Called of God." Anabel Morning service, 11; subject. "The Morrow of the Church:" evening serv ice, 7:45, subject, "The Gospel of the tec ond Mile." Westminster. East Seventeenth and Schuy ler streets Rev. Henry Marcotte. pastor. Morning service. 10:80; subject. "Does Chris tianity Attract me aienr evening kii, 7:80; subject, "If." Third, East Thirteenth and Pine streets Rev. A. L. Hutchison, pastor. iu:oii. i ne Law of Rich Harvests;" 7:43, "faiiniui and Worthy;" C. E., 6:45. Rnnknne Avenue. East Sixteenth and Spo kane Rev. J. E. Youel. pastor. Sunday school, 9:45; worship, 11: sermon, "The Human Cry for the Living God;" Men's Assembly. 12:15. topic. "The Church for the Times;" service, 7:30, sermon, "Review of the Most Notable Trial on Record." Fourth. First and Gibbs Rev. Henry G. Hanson, pastor. 10:30. "Religion of the Intellect;" 12, .Sunday school: 3. Juniors B:S0. c. K. : 7:30. "The Grain of Wheat." Kenllworth. East Tnirty-rourtn ana maa- stone ave. Rev. Leslie K.lrk Kienaruson, pas tor. Blblj school, 6:45 A. M. ; morning wor ship, 11 o'clock; Y. P. S. C. E.. 7 P. M.. leader. Miss Montague; 7:45 P. M evenins worshlt). topic. "Is Christian science Needed? Builders Are Destroyers of Health." . REFORMED. Flr3t German, Twelfth and Clay streets Rev. G. Hafner. rastor. Services. 10:45 and 8; Sunday sclioo!. 0:3:): 1. P. S., i. SPIRITUALIST. First. 201 Allsky building. Third and Mor rison streets 3, lecture and messages by W. A. Wll son: S. lecture ana messages ny Althea Wlesendanger. Spiritual Church of the Soul. Auditorium Hali. 20S'i Third street Rev. J. H. Lucas, lng, S: lecture at 8, by Brother Cringle; sub ject, "Revolution of Thought." THEOSOPHY. Theosophical Society. 726 Morgan .building Topic for 8. "The Human Aura." UNITED BRETHREN. First. East Fifteenth and Morison Rev. John D. NIsewonrier. pastor. Church school. 10: communion service. 11: 7:30. God ex plains All Things." UNI VERBALIST, Church of the Good Tidings. Broadway and East Twenty-fourth street Rev. Dr. James D. Corby, paetor. Divine worship with sermon, 10:43; theme. "Launching Out for Christ's Helpful Work"; sunshine hour Sunday school, 12; new classes. . No even ing preaching. Alameda Sunday School, East Twenty fifth and Prescott streets Sunday school. 8; attend Dr. Corby's Bible clans. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN. First. Qlxlh and Montgomery Rev. Frank DeWitt Fincley, minister; morning worship, I0:3o; sermon lup.-. 'Tne ive TtjHl I'.il'ni Duty Into Privilege"; Bible school, 12: Chris tian Endeavor, 0:30; topic, "Improving the Prayer Meeting"; leader. Mrs. T. M. Stott; evening services, 7:30; sermon topic, "That Conscience of Youre." Church of the Strangers, Grand avenue and Wasco itrect 10:30. "Why Do W three hundred years after Jesus went to Heaven, the church believed the pre mlllennial coming of the Lord Jesus Christ." Skeptic Asserts Same Truth. And Dr. Brooks has assured us that It would have been deemed a depurture from tho Christian faith in those early centuries for men to have looked for aught except the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ prior to the resurrection of the wicked; coming in His saving power to gather His children home to reign with Him during the long period elapsing between the first and the second resurrections. I see some preach ers in the house. These preachers will understand even better than you who have had no spe cial study in church history, how strong an authority is Moshelm, tho church historian. And he declares the prevail ing opinion that Christ was to come and reign "a thousand years among men before the final dissolution of the world has met with no opposition pre vious to the time of Orlgen." And Gibbon the skeptic, but a great historian asserts the same truth, when affirming this belief to have been tho reigning belief of orthodox be lievers. Papias, who, If not a disciple of the" Apostle John, at least received his doctrines from the immediate fol lowers of the Apostle, is by some writ ers termed the father of millcnarian Ism; while Dr. Whitly, who is also spoken of as the father of modern post millennial teaching, admits that dur ing the first two or three centuries the pre-millennial view was held by all or thodox Christians. A recent critic has affirmed that be lievers In this pre-mlllenninl coming of Jesus Christ are people with a theo logical squint; whose minds are ab normal and closed against the truth. But I hardly think that. Because as I have already shown you. this was the faith of the early Christians, and of many who sincerely have sought walk in the Light of Life. Heroes) of Faith Are Many. Heroes of the faith were many to of them, such as Calvin, and Luther, and Knox, the Wesleys, Ridley. Guthrie. Hali. Chalmers, Spurgeon. Moody and Gordon, and a multitude of others that I cannot stop even to mention. But all that is not to the point. What do the oracles, what does the Book, teach? To the law and to the testimony. "The rest of the dead lived not for a thou sand years. This is the first resurrec tion." Uut the coming of the Lord precedes the first resurrection. Never a body shall come out of the grave till the Lord shall come. His voice shall go ringing over the earth, and the sleep ing dual of his redeemed shall hear It: and the dead in Christ snail rine I-:' .. ...j .v..... (hut r.mlln and lirpi, iiiu nirii ...... are alive shall be caught up with them, transformed, to meet the Lord In the air. And this practical doctrine of the return of Jesus is connected with everything good in our 4"hristlan life Have you been converted? Well, then, you looked at the Jesus t'liiift who died for your sins, and rose attain fur your Justification. And his resur rection Is the first fruits, according to the letter to the Corlntliians. Ann your resurrection Is for did he not say. Involved in hi. "Because I live. Were you- lp- ye shall live also.- tized? What were but into the death tion of your Lord you baptized Into, and the resurrec and Savior? And he rose for what? l.ongluK f"r Hftnra la Marked. As tho first fruits of your resur rection, as the guarantee that yon nj" Fail?" 7:"0. "Jesus, the Master Key"; Rev P. Earl DuBois. pastor. UNITARIAN. Church nf Our Father. Urnnilwny und Yamhill street Rev. Thomas L Eliot, D. D.. minister emeritus; Kev. William t. El iot. Jr.. minister; services, II nnd 7:4.'.; morning, "KrU-n-lllnss und Honor Ainnc the Churches" ; evening. "The 1'hiloanphy nt n,.nrl Herison." a lecture by Professor Bernard C. Ewer; Suudity achooi, 0:30 Young People's fraternity, 0:"0. MISCELLANEOUS. riiritlmi mwl MlKSionarv Alliance, ICiut Ninth and Clay streets licv. J. K. Fee. p;itor. Annual convention services, 11. a:yo and 7::i. Executive Meeting: of W. C. T. U. Is Set. State Superintendent, and County rrrMldrntH VI 111 timber Iu Port land on SI arch IK anil to. THE State Woman's Christian Tem perance Union executive meeting will be held in Tortland March IS and 19. State superintendents and county presidents from all parts of Oregon will be in attendance. A number of National workers will be here at that time. Among these will be Mrs. Eliza beth Hutchinson, of Chicago; Mfs. Cor nelia Jewett Hatcher, state president of Alaska W. C. T. U.; Mrs. Ada Wal lace Unruh, Mrs. Helen Harford and others. Plans are being made for a big rally. e Arleta Union met on Tuesday. "The Life and Work of Frances Wlllard" was the topic. Talks were given by Miss Ada Jolly and others. Albina Union grave a delightful re ception to the Teachers and Parent- Teacher Circle of Albina Homestead School Tuesday at the home of Mrs. J. M. Donaldson. Mrs. M. K. Haxter, veteran temperance and reform worker rave a talk on her work 80 years ago In urging the scientific temperance and hygiene laws for Oregon schools. Mrs. Haxter also read one of her orig inal poems. Mary Mallett W. C. T. U. will hold Its next meeting with Mrs. Anna Lacey. 1109 Francis avenue, lied letter day will be observed. St. Johns W. C. T. I", will hold Its resular meeting in the Library on March I at 2:30 P. M. The topic for discussion by Mrs. J. C. Brooks is "Moving' Picture Shows." Members are urged to come and visitors will be welcomed. Central W. C. T. U the largest local W. C. T. U. In the state. Is making large jruins in membership. A contest for securing new members Is now in procress. To date 40 active and 11 honorary members have been secured. SON JAILED; MOTHER DEAD As Tareot Is Buried Youth in Court Awaiting Theft Trial. tin it . Y-.E-T HUT A T.' V. HA t ' Vi i I r. rniiiAiniij xiin, i i. -v. - Louis Wagonoski, In the prisoners' cage, wanea tne l-uiuhk vi m.- -i.i" in quarter sessions court, tne iunrr;! of his mother was held from her lome on Front street, near .vtoore. iOl MIUWllllj AlldV l" iuiidii already taken place, the youth made . tearrui pica to juuge innis iu oe see his mofher before she was burled. Moved oy tne appeal uunge i.tiur. who Is suDStituting in quarter ses sions, ordered that the yntinir man be escorted by "a Sheriff's officer to tne funeral. Aa they were about to leuve the City Hall word was received that the fun eral had been held two hours before. The prisoner waa then remanded and soon will be called fo'r sentence, fol lowing: bis conviction on a chaise of shall pass through death Into the larjrer life of Heaven. W ere u wel comed at the Lord's table? are you commanded to lo at the i-nminun Ion but to look backward to the up il t blood and the broken body, ami then look forward to the return of Jraiir. for you are t oiiiniamled to do this "till he come." Why, the Apoatle Paul ss the long Ine; for the return of Jesus la a char acterlstlo of the true Christian. l'r lie declares the ThvasAlurtlaua turned from dead Idols to servo the llvniir and true (!od, and to wait for Ills hint from Heaven. You talk about the sentimentality Of those who wnlt for Christ to come In their lifetime, but Paul says an evidence of conversion Is that you wait for the return nf Jesus Christ. We are gathered here together, a company of worshippers, yet the Bible says, "1 orsake not the assembling 'r yourselves together, for the day Is comlnir." And so If we gathered hero as we should this morning;, we me here because we believe In a return ing; Lord, and are expectant of Ibo coming Rlory. Jut before I catiin from my study this morning-, I markeil a few liasnages In the Bible, which Il lustrate the practlral chnructcr f thl t blessed hope. Matthew: "Watch therefore." Why? "For yo know neither the day nor the hour whin the Son of Man cometh." Luke: "Con fess Jesus." Why? "Because then 1 will confess you, when the Hon of Man shall come In the Kloiy of Hie l'athei, with the holy aiiKels." Approach to He Made ttulrkly. Luke: "This know. If the Rood man of the house bad known what linur the thief would come, be would havo watched. He ye therefore rrady nln. for the fon of .Man cometh In an hour when you think not." John: "I will come again and receive you unto my self." Acts: This same Jems whu has gone up Into Heaven, shall so re turn in like manner, mm ye have seen him RO." Komana: "Tho earnest ex pectation of the creature waltrth for the manifestation of the rions of liod." Corinthians: "In a moment. In the twinkling: of n eye, at the last lrumi. the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be rained." Colosslans: "Whom Christ, who in our life, shall appear, then elmll sIfo appear with him In tlnry." Thessaloninns: "If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even mi tliey alao who sleep In Jesus will t!od I'llnn with him." Timothy: I'nul ail led the brethren, and then Kxlii bk ward over his own life, ho e.Hil. "I have fought a Rood fight. I have flnlohed my course, I have Kept ii faith; henceforth there Is laid up for me a crown of rlnhteousnesn, whlili the Lord, the righteous JuIm elmll give me nt IiIh appearing." Hebrews: "Christ was duck nffi ml to benr the slna of inuny, unit unto them that look for him, i-hall lie n i pear the second time without kIii ii .io ralvatlon." .lame: "H pnliini. therefore, brethren, unto the roini.i.; of the Lord. i:l. it'll; Ii oilr heal in for the romliiK of the bml ilnwrin niKh." Peter; "(lird up the loins or your mind, be aohir. ami hone In tin end, for the grace that l to be hioiikM unto ou nt the retclallon of Jesii. Christ." John: "Kvery man Unit hath lift hope' In him pui lfli th hlinelf. even he Is pure." ltevelai Ion : "Behold I come iiukkly. Hold faxl lhat tlnoi hast, that no man take thy crown "Hleised and holy Ik lie that bath part in the first reion reUon. ' X stealing pigeons ami i:eese valued at Jt'.S from u storage houixv Wiigononkl. vt ho la alao known aa "IIokkIo" Wagner, baa served several prison sentences. Ho waa paroled last September from the K.iMcrp peniten tiary, where he bad In en .serving a sentence of not leas thnn IS nmnlha nor more than three yearn. WIFE PUNISHES HUSBAND tilvcii Klfclil lo Act tin .IikIc. Mio, Sends Jllin l Workluni-c. NEW YOIIK. Feb. l'.i (ilven the right to art u niiiKlHI in I'1'"" avenue police station an.l dlvpnse of the caie of her husband, whom ha had charged with disorderly conduct. Mrs. Jane dates, nf 7 Fort v-f out I h street, "t.tung" tlin hu.-b.i ml, Julin Gate, promptly anil severely. MagimratM K. M. Kenna. was fitting n.a inngletrule. Mrs. Oates charred the hUHbaml with spending nil 111' money snd abusing her, "I will leave It up to you." said Magistrate Kenna, "and ou ran sen tence him." "Thirty days to the workhouse," said Mrs. O ites. HOUSTON LAD UNDER KNIFE Fmeen-Year-OWl Son ot Secretary or Agriculture Ha Operation. WASHINGTON. Feb. IP. D.nld F. Houaton. Jr.. IS years old. son of the Secretary of Agriculture, waa operated upon at a hospital In this city for ap pendicitis. He developed Hie aliment only day or two ago. and tho caao waa taken In nand so promptly that Secretary Houston said Ihe phyalc tuna assured him there would be. little difficulty about a apeeilv recovery. Why Not Rely On Cuticura Tofiiefortte HairandScuIj) The Soap to rimnr rnrl purify. The OinUr.cnt lo .soothe Samples Free by .Mad Oiiirurn Knap anil ointment ai'M ei . Liberal sample ot esuh n-sllerl rr-e, with i p al4oai past-caro: "Cuticura,'' Lravu 1.1. kutuM. L