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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 28, 1915)
r 1 y THE SUNDAY OREGOXTAX, FORTT.AyP. FEBRUARY 23, 1915' - : - . i nrrmi n tttitzz i financial. i ?-v , a'HJfi ROAD TO IS BLIL.T AAU maintained by Ituowleuge; no butine uc cew ) possible without knowledge of con . tiltloiu. opportunities uod possibilities; tft t publication, which by ii.rvrniation. explana- tioo of method, tnneiy suttatstion ana i practical contents in teneral, lor last li eara has been of greatest help to hunipcM i men, ts the Mail Order Journal; wnetner i ou are well established or rtln, l? . business life, the Mall Order Journal can i be of material help to you as it has been , to thousand of other business men; u is i an indispensable publication for business , men in every line, who are after more : trade, and specially valuable for begin i ners. trade conditions, prospects ana aa , vertising methods pointed out in Jef. i Jssub. once a subscriber you will ai wm -. warn It; you will find it a necessity; reg ular subscription (1; six months trial -oc. no sample copies. The Mail Order Journal, 116 Schiller htdg., Chicago, I1L bTLKXDID general agency proposition now open icity. district or state) on remark able vacuum cleaner the "Hydra" oper ated sunp'y by attaching to any water jaucet. None other anything liko the "Hydra" at any price. The only thorough , iy efficient, light, portable, sanitary home vacuum cleaner on the market; and re . talis at only $12.0. IS very woman who , ees It wains It; universal satisiactton. A bonanza for live general agency men who tan finance themselves; no salary or . "'drawing account" men wanted. It inter ested write at once, stating lull particu iars, reteruncM and territory desired. General Sales Manager, The Vulcan Metals Co., Inc.. J48A 44 West ;J3d street, INew York. . TALK WITH KLETCHBK. 12 Ml. tcott Hark Cem. corp.. lO'OMt. Scott Park Cc-m. bond.. tiwt Healty Associates bonds.... w Htalty Asso. o'i. Eld. 10-yr 1 WA.NT Gem Consolidated Realty Associates Oregon Home Ltldrs. All stocks permitted to be sold. Fletcher Abington bid tOTTLING works for sale at a sacrifice in a town of 20,UvQ inhabitants (.Grays Har bor country.); all up-to-date mat-It iiitry; established over iO eurs with a lino sur- , rounding country; beach reports, logging camps, sawmills; 130 miles from I'orUanu; rood mail order business with fitie pros pects after the state goes dry. Inquire -II uh st. Mr. O. Klinke. or write Aberdeen Boutin; Worfcg, Aberdeen. Wash. 6. ;S ANA'I EK. by manufacturer, a p -point, manage talesmen; importaut article to merchants, manufacturers, jobbers; ex cpit'T.ul opportunity for young man, con fiu.nt of turning i00o to $lu,0tH yearly; rmunrni rep. -at business; rtuuircs .UJ cjm. to carry line: you handle collections. Ktierences required, given. Sales Man a-r. H3 Otis bidy., Chicago. XV K S.VLK State or territorial rights for at frigerating apparatus; makes ice any-wn-rt-. any quantity. So loo; wanted, Mycins also to sell, cornmlesion; oo to ..tiM vear possible profit. Auto-Vacuum lwemgcrating Co., l'eopie'a Gas blufc., Chl- tago. CHANCE UV A LIFETIME. Modern up-to-date laundry, only one in ci:y of .VX, with several laxg manufac ..r.nP ..innri Mint be sold immediately. sii!.Vi cta will handle. Call on or address room 10. -!1 'a Hawthorne, I'hone Kast Portland. CAUTION, BCYL'RU. Before closing deal for so-called interest In established real estato business get au ico of Portland Realty Board. 1 i'UIt-SE, Secretary. 32 Chamber of Commerce mug. CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY. We have wood and coal business that fccrps - trucks busy; dandy location and list of tustoiiirrs; iuoices tv7 Viice ft r.n. tcniii. Se a sent at olS leou bldg. Cy-7. i-v rin stt.L A BUSINESS OF ANY KIND ANYWHERE. toEB Biaiuuu Chance Dep U 11C I P-1 T V DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground F'loor. Multnomah Hotel. Cor. .of 4th auu riuo IO ou wnnt business of own that should pa"- at i-itft 7oo annually on investment ir.wii "-''0 to $;:-W? We have such oppor tune for inau who can open office, man-g.- oalecmeu. Manufacturer, II-1 Man hattan blag., Chicago. PHYSICIAN WANTfciU. Will give half Interest m well estab lisbed practice to right party proidcd he li half Interest in modern hospual re cently opened In Washington. Address ! or, AO till, Orcgouiau; TOR AlU rp-to-dato plumhii.g shop. Ii KwNllhfl town, everything new aud om uleti. ttock and fixtures inventory ?.s; a apirnuid opportunity. Adjustment bu-jt-nu Uf the Portland Afs'n ot Credit Men, 0t;o-00. Cotti'l block. VAN'TED 10 mtu to operate and own their on buc. t-'O those purchasing we will vut In a position to secure coutract pay ii.e iiDuroxunatcIy $ 13 a day. If ou in -an business, l-t us show you. Investi gate. See Mr. Hac,j4 Washington st. KOKO-W HKAt" CRISP. 10 dally profit; ne confection, 3c package costs l!ic; tan sample Itfc. rurticuiara fret; machines $, prepaid. Cornea u Co., H North Parksiue, Chicago. " cum,' THIS MONDAY. Tool, cig.irs nnd candy in best suburban mi i-tri. t : low rent : nice equipment ; $ ou p itl handle. 0 I 3. Particulars 01 Yeon bldg. Phi l. H ALL Summer puyur, 0 pool tables, 1 bil i......t -w hi i. cicars. tobacco. As I hac other business wil make you a fair price. Tabor -. fct-Kl-oM. niodt-rn resident', two lots, liv ()inirui: very attractive; will sac since. Oood location for Apartments, two cariin-s. Phone lv 0,11:. Oregonian. 0044, or address BF PtTpaM KRY-CIIL'AMERV. For Sale Creamery, In good Eastern Oregon town. .Vmo population. For fur ther Information address AV Orego- nian. YOU itKNT One of finest equipped modern meat mirkets in San Joaquin Valley Tor rent in the Citv of Stocktou; present own ers havine retired. Foi particuiars address M . McCormlc K company, aio.Mun, DO vou want to buy a good paying busi ness with a small capital that will net mnti nrofit aboe your living ex penses? If so, addroa owner, box 1, Forest Orove. Or. BARBKHS, ATTKNTION. Modern shop nar Iortland. averaging o0 per week. $"'oo buys complete outiit OREGON INVESTMENT CO.. Ttothchild bldg. PKINTEHS Sickness coinpeis me to sac rifice half luterrst In good going weekly newspaper, having reputation of being one of the best on the entire Pacific Coast. J. W. Grant, Cottage Grove. Or. PAKTNKIt with $:wK Commercial ugemy. muUigrapH letter writing and publishing bustne:'. at Marsvll!e, Cal. No competl Tion; larg. remuneration. Phone Alstlnc, Tabor .VM7, for Interview. AT restaurant and pool ball torn- binJ: . lujt"!1 line; opposite bsnk In K'Uton. Portland. Or. V oodlawn Jon or aud. on iier, M. oouaru, 1 v v . 111-ch.-ll st. CONFECTIONS, cigars, fruit, etc.; tto lo cation: nice equipment, with fountain; big lc ere urn trad In season ; snap now at iV-0; 31J Lumber Kxchnnt,e. TOP It :..-word alcrtisement placed 100 good monthly magazines once only !.-.". ihre mouths for Write for lisL F. 1- Miller, Syracuse. N. . TO buy. pell or exchange property or busl nrts." any kind, an where, ddr js Vorth western Busmcaa Agency, dept. 1, Minne apolis, Mlmu . t'OXTR ACTOUS. TAKI2 NOTICE. I w ant a house built ; will give house and lot In Portland for same. See John Itifhou. 1-S Sd t. "WANTED A position as manager' of a modern sp-irtment-house by a lady who U the owner of one in the city at the. present time. D t''., Oregonian. 1'INE 1'ttle millinery store, doing profitable business with line of desirable regular rus tnmers; most of Spring Mock in. JoOO will handle. Sl Lumber Exchange. pJlT'lCTAN Do you want one of the best locations In town? AVe have an attractive proposition tor the right man. Cottel Drug Co., First and Sherman. " H ERE' S A RE A LS NAPT Delicatessen in the heart of West Side; low rent; big easli business; only $oOO; cost $0H. Inquire 61M Yeon bldg. Cll. AN excellent opportunity for an investment of a small amount of money and act In the capacity of secretary. AR 011, Ore gonlan. - CTA R poolroom and lunch counter; the busiest place tn town; cheap at JSoO. Apply A. B. Pfenning, Camas, Wash., owner. S"OR SALE One popcorn and peanut wagon and crispette and Saratoga chip outfit In town of 7000. Address P. O. box Pendleton. Or. CRE AMERT location for rent, close to live transfer corner: good retail and wholesale prospect; reasonable rent. Ap ply 587 K. Morrison. CROt'ERY stock for sale at a bargain; n pood residence district; fixtures belong to building; reasonable rent. O Gvo, ore goulan. SALE or rent. Sea p poos e. Or.; new store building 4Sxl4. nil shelves, counters and r.3-h.p. light plant in. Owner, W in. An ;en"n. East 7!'th. Portland. ATTRACTIVE cash grocery and confection ery; :ve corner location In heart of busi ness district; busy place; fine proposition 'or $1'00. 31 ? Lumber Exchange. DVIRY lunch location, best In city; me transfer corner; low rent. Apply 133 Grand - i'Kt-I r-ATESSEM and bakery outfit, coin- vlete, S10 if taken a: once. A 608, Oregontan. HOTEL and restaurant In live wet town, Al lor a women. AV 32 Oregonlan. SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR THIS $123 Confectionery store. $1.10 Lunch counter, downtown. $ loo Country hotel, strictly modern. X4,-0 Cash meat market; big snap. (4iki Cigar store, downtown. $775 Grocery and confectionery. $!0o0 Swell little grocery; cash sales. $2000 Grocery; will take part trade. , $15u Cigar store in office building. $-,00 Hair store downtown. $7,-,0 Moving picture theater. SSuOO Country etore; will trade. - BUSINESS CHANCE DKPT., SECUIUTV DEVELOPMENT COM PANT, i Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. GOOD opening for country newspaper man in growing younir city in rapidly develop ing aeilcultural district in California, Opportunity for a live man to acquire plant anu. paper arauy in on paying basts, liberally supported; $loO0 to will handle. For particulars d- Jrcd, with references. J. B. MATER, President First National Bank, Corcoran, California. STOCKS AND BONDS. BOUGHT AND SOLD BY "WILLIAM E. DAVIDSON Ac CO MP ANT, 216-217 Lewis bids. We find the stock; and we find the buyers. Ask us. SMALL CASH GROCERY. Six hundred dollars buys stock and fix tures of a clean little business; $25 a day, all cash; no credit. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregonlan itldg. -7o STARTS VOL IN BUSINESS. For S470 cash, with easy payments, we wlil sell you a new Federal truck; have good paying contract for the year with I'orttand business houses. Call and get our bouks on Federalized transportation. GKP.UNGER MOTOi: CAR CO., 04 Washington, cor. King. I KNOW my line thoroughly. I know where au established business in that line cant be bought for a little cash, balance clear rrnl ,-utatJi T am Innkini fnr someone) who will buy this and allow uie to work out an Interest In It. About $12,000 re- quired, c 003, Oregonlan. OPENING tor young, experienced grocer, with sufficient capital to install first-class grocery stock, feed, auto delivery system. In established department store; monthly . expense, rent, light and water approxi mate! v $-3; references required. THE LO KLINE iOMPANY, Tenino, Wash. MANFTG. business; splendidly equipped; sales 133,0i)O last year; greater expected throughout Northwest; requires worker office mgr. ; salary, liberal stock-Interest granted ; $L'3.00(f cash required. Address P. H. Wellbacbcr, Is Strut. ton bldg., Ray mond, Wash. CASH GROCEHY BUSINESS FOR SALE A nice clean stock. West tilde business district; Invoice about $1400; rent $45. WALLACE INVESTMENT CO., Oregonlan Bldg. AN ice cream factory handling practically tne enure traae ot a city ot u,uuu ana several smaller towns in that vicinity, $:;ooo cash will handle this. A money maker and a good proposition. D 607, Ore gon inn. SPLENDID opening for reliable, suitable partner, established solid paying business; -Jou. Kindly don't answer unless you correspond with above requirements; in vestigate. G 030, Oregonlan. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair business. Active man wanted as partner to tend of fice and keep plain accounts, and the money you invest is fully secured. Call 111 7 Railway Exchange. $15O0 FOR $J230. Old established confectionery in live Oregon town ; A-l equipment and stock ; Invoices $1300; will sacrifice for $1230. Ciill IS Yeon bldg, CW43. PARTNER, third Interest in established In corpora ted laundry; new building and ma chinery ; big territory custom ; good fu ture; $700 required. 21 1) Lumber Ex change. FOK SALE Hardware and implement stock, invoice about $8,000, part cash, located In Eastern Oregon; did about $o0,0oo business latft year; no trades. a.ddrvt3 AV 4ii. Oregonian. f WILL tako purtner in substantial paying business, mechanically inclined preferred ; l:t rt y of good character only considered. Jot. This is as represented. G Ore- Ionian. CONFECTIONERY, soft drinks, cigars, to bacco, fruit and magazines; country town; 10ea location: low rent: line business bargain lor cash; get in now for a good hummer business. A v 44 J, oregonian. A BIG SPECIAL. Have two picture snow, in town of Tuoo; doing good ' business; will sell one and half of other: good reasons. All de- mils ut CIS Yeon bldg. Ctl-. EL'SY POOL HALL, good cigar and tobacco trade, in a fine location; can be bought right, us the owner has other business. Call 317 Railway exchange. CHOICE grocery aud confectionery, fine, cleun Dlaco on transfer corner, doing nice business. $7.o, or will invoice. Have to leave city. rnone n-asc itoo. POOL HALL, S tables, with fine equipment; Ideal location. In heart of business dis trict; floou lets you In. U10 Lumber Ex change. II A it v ESS shoo in stow in - town of 600, terminal of railroad; dean stock; good re. pair trade; no competition, write w u- uiuiua Mate uauh, vv limiuina. r. OiiOCEHY and delicatessen for sale In aPart-ment-house district; doing well; willing to prove it if you mean business. a bJl, Oregonian. SI uriiBAX print shop for sale; price right; Mtiall amount cash down, time on balance. This is a good opportunity. Address AM oregonian. EXCELLENT Kat c?lde grocery stock, fix tures and motor, about t'.'oOU; take coun try nearby real estate to $1000 In part payment. BD 0J7, Oregonian. i A WAGE for sale, fully equipped, best lo cation and trade in W lllamette Valley town. Will sell cheap. AV itHl, Orego nhin. MEi;HANIC wanted as partner In solid au tomobile business, to work In repair de partment. Small investment required. i17 Kailw ay Exchange. FOR SALE Puolrooin in a live town, Caiuas, Wash.. 5 tables, lunch outfit and stock of soft drinks und cigars. Currle & McAllister. Phone 7o2 Camas, Wash. SI loUT-ORDER restaurant and poolroom, good location, near approach of Interstate Bridge. L 018, Oregonlan, or call at If 13 Washington tt., Vancouwr, Wash. FOR SA I.K Confectionery and lub room. KKd location, small town near Walla Walla; on state hfchway; farming and Ir rigated country. Box 4, Touchet. Vash. LA 1 'NDI1Y In Central Oregon for sale; a big vacritice: good place to make money. Owner going to Europe. No trade. Box Vjri, Redmond. Or. CASH GROCERY; apartment-house district location ; modern living rooms; low rent; lit at and water furnished ; other interests 'ompel salr; V0- Hit Lumber Exchange. iiA NCFACTCRING Partner wanted for a wlid lui.-ineis. Will pay -." weekly nnd profits ; money Invested xoe to enlarge busiuesri. Call 517 Railway Exchange. GARAGE and wagon shop, established busl- nef. centrally iocateu. k. u. roster sc boa, 0JO Third ave., Seattle. Wash. BCSINESS building and stock groceries on busy Kat Side street or wtii sell sepa rate. -i."s Marguerite. . ATTRACTIVE grocery, sales Increasing, good neighborhood, sell cheap lor cash. A ouo, On-gonian. WA NT EI -Partner, manufacture patented household necessity; travel, appoint agents: investigate. BF 3u. Oregonlan. WANT to buy a few shares of Pacific State Fire ins. Co. Aiust dc cneap. a ore gonlan. 1R I'GSTORE by owner, good location, nice business; nrlce jduou, terms; best reasons for selling. Y 601. Oregonlan. PARTY with small capital In lucrative busi ness; will give chattel mortgage. A olIU, Oregonlan. " PARTNER, with small capital. In good pay ing commercial pnoio ousiness. w Oregonian. IF you want to buy a good-paying, old- established business, with a small capital, address owner, Box 1, Forest Grove, Or. RESTAURANT clearing $175 month, very central transrer point, owner has other business. 317 Railway Exchange. CLEANING AND PRESSING BCSINES& 100 buys a nice little business; fine loca tlon. cheap rent. Room 506 Oregonlan bldg. LACNDRY tor sale cheap, town of 2000. Address AV C78. Oregonian. BOWLING alley, billiard hall, good town. location. J. N. vvnuams. Kima. wain. RESTAURANT Must sell tomorrow; good business; $135; cheap rent. 88 6th st. WANTED A modern apartment-house to lease. D wis, oregonian. GROCERY; large bargain. See me at oncu. SwanK, uoi iNortnwest xsiag. FOR SALE Furniture store. . tt, Bigeiow, Molalla, Or. BARBER SHOP for sale cheap; owner coins on farm. 169 4th St. . UOTEL and restaurant in live wet town, A-l for 3 women. AV 580, Oregonian. SASH and door man wanted, partner, small mill, this city. P. fi05. Oreironlan. SHOEMAKER shop, cheap. 844 Union ave., good location. Can make good Uvln, fcOK KALE it' you are a dry goods mer rhnnt. t have for sale an exclusive, clean up-to-date drygooda store, stock 3 years Oia, gOOU proiituoie dusiiiksb, guuu v tlon, town In State of Washington of population; Invoice about $!Km to $JO.OvU ; tnis store nus cieareu mo average of $3000 per year. Address AV ftStt. Oregonlan. GILT-EDGE MANUFACTURING PLANT $500-i will secure one-third interest in A-l manufacturing plant, rated hlgn, car ries with it position as superintendent at $l-, a month, plant Invoices $50,000; en ergetic business man able to handle men preferred. See Mr. Maurice, at ASSO CIATED INVESTMENT CO-. Yeon bid. COUNTRY HOTEL Large grounds, build ing, furnishings, all included, in a fin town and rich country, thickly populated; $7000 equity for ?3000; the best hotel snap in the Northwest. ASSOCIATED BROKERS CO., 40O Henry Bide.. Portland, Oregon. IF you have $2700 we can show you a busi ness that will pay you $130 monthly as salary, besides regular dividends. This proposition Is open only to a man with . some business experience and who would be able to handle bis part of this fast growing business. - Full particulars chamber of Commerce bldg. BECOME INDEPENDENT Others are do ing it. Why work for a salary? START MOVING PICTURE KOAD SHOW, PLAYING SMALLER TOWNS; small in vestment; we teach, and start you, fur nishing everything. THE MOVIE SUP PLY KINGS. G4 BROADWAY. HAVE you a vacant lot that you would liko to make the means of bringing In an income? Will give controlling interest in exchange for good real estate to man able to devote hfs time to the business; describe property in first letter. Y 6ol, Oregonlan. ' WISH to join good contractor or builder to put up o or 0 bungalows, 4 and 5 rooms, 30 lots; must be able to -give bond and best of references; divide margins as sold; choice lots Holgate st. Mar U7S. T.C33, Oregonian. AUTOMOBILE business; owner wants a re liable Dartner to helD him : will guar antee good pay to energetic man; requires mall investment and the duties are easily learned. Call room 3 23 Morgan biag. SHOB and harness repair shop In thriving suburb of Portland, which can be picked up at a snap; owner leaving city; little or I no money neeaeu. v-aii ior pui uuu.aio oi j I'lntt building MAN who will devote full time to rapidly- growing business, experience not essential, can. with some caoltal. connect with nrofitable enterpriso which will bear strict investigation. AR 575. Oregonian. SMALL manufacturing business wants active partner; owner la swam pea witn oraers; business growing every day; $300 required and oe cured. Call 19 Lumber Exchange bldg. AN investment of $323 for a third interest In an established manufacturing business will pay better than $100 per montn. in vestment secured in machinery and busi itess. Room 3, Orpheum bldg. FOR SALE or lease, 100-acre placer mine near Jacksonville, now operating; a bar rain for cash or nart trade for Portland property; have other mining property and cannot nanaie an. zr wo, vrcBumttu. GROCERY store, sell or exohange; big sac rifice; fine location, West Side. Oarage, central location, good business; cheap. CHAS RINGLER. S16 Ry. Exch. Bldg. IELICATESSEN, lunches, ice cream, etc.; a splendid store for sale cheap; just the place for man and wife. Call room Sk M o rgan bldg. POOL HALL Has two good tables; low rent; good stock cigars, etc.. with a good trade; let us show you Monday. 4b Stark st. TINNING and roofing business for eale, $300. Owner leaving city. T 034, Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. GROCERY WANTED. $-J00O cash equity. $1000 mortgage. Hawthorne bungalow, 40th and Haw thorne. What have you? T. J. LONG. Main 12o4. PROMOTER WANTED. Wanted, a promoter who can promote factory proposition, sell stock or. bonds; proposition demands a higa-claes man; references, experience, reply. L tilO, Ore gonian. BUSINESS men; we hae several people with the money who want to buy a busi ness or wiil put money in a business for a working interest. If jou want fer'seU, call at once. Room 39 Morgan bldg. HAVE $3000 worth Portland property, want country Ptorc In Catholic settlement. Send particulars to F. FUCHS, 420 Chamber of Coipmerce. GROCERY stock, must be A-l district for good mortgage and secured note, 4U00 IO JiJUU SLOCK. -D IF you have a place of business to ex change, nee Jordan. JORDAN, 301-30:: Lumbermens Bldg, u iut' c.n-i.. utilnc iimhnrpd DTODertV to CX change for grocery stock- give price and location, ir tiO, oregonian. OFFICE mau would invest in good estab lished business. Address AV o"o, orego nian. WANTED summer millinery stork; musi be snap; no fixtures. O 606. Oregonian wixTKn A hich-cla&s boarding-house; must be reasonable. AH 4t'rf, Oregonian. $.00 TO $5000 to Invest In established busi ness ; no schemes. AB 6S4, Oregonian. WANTED Small millinery business at bargain.- G 07. Oregonlan. ROOMING-HOUSES. $1-50 HANDLES 30 ROOMS DOWNTOWN. Steam heat, corner building, very close in. West Side. HOTEL. HOTEL. HOTEL TO LEASE. Strictly modern, up-to-date new coun try hotel to lease. Ann -RTTVS MODERN COUNTRY HOTEL The only hotel In town of 1500 popula tion. Act quick! Big snap. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sis. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS. HOTELS, ROOMING AND APARTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, -.-w a fan salt vou in size, style and price. Come and see us; we will save you time and money. BUSINESS CHANCE DEPT.. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground Floor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4tn and Pine Stn. MRS. M. E. LENT. Leading Hotel-Apartment-house Agent. Both Buyer and Seller Protected. Oldest Reliable Agency In City. 508-9 N. W. Bank bldg., tith and Morrison. BEST BUY TN THE CITY. We combed Portland to get this t."-room place ; the furniture, rent, location and rice inftke it the best buy in the city; clears $70. Call 618 Yeon bldg. B6'J7. BOARDiNG-HOUSE, 15 rooms. 20 boarder; host little place in Portland; clearing $10 month; only $250 cash required. Call 68 imh. near Stark. FOR SALE cheap, 14-room boarding-house. full of roomers anu ouarueiB. ii.icv Washington fit.; $201) will handle it. Phone Mar. lu56. WILL sell or trade my equity in wi-room close-in apartment-nouse; goou pnwanwn but cannot attend to it myself. What have vou ? A 631. Oregonlan. A BARGAIN 24-room housekeeping apart ments, finely iurnisueu, in.i fw. . uw -from Washington st. Owner, Wo Couch st.. cor. 6th. Phone A 2034. FOR SALE Fine notei. iu rooms, wen equipped, best town in '";uc al ley; trade, cash or part casli. tall J10 Spalding bldg. 10 ROOMS, all rented, fine location; owner leaving city; smaii amount, oi una a, uni ance monthly; nice home, good living. Call 84 10th. 40 ROOMS, H. K. All full; good location, fair furniture; price too cheap for publication; easy terms. Lenhart & Kelly. 723 Ch. Com. WlUi. sel for 1400, an elegant house. 1!0 rooms, all rented, wen iocateu. .-.o agema, only those meaning business need anu. AH 634. Oregonlan. :0 ROOMS, one block from Washington St.. close in; furnace heat; rent $40; good furniture. A snap; for Monday, price $600. half cash. Call 88 JOth. near Stark. FOK SAL.K In Vancouver, Wash.. lOOxGo, on tne main .ireci. Dirin-nCai building, suitable for hotel; price TIC iH2. Oregonlan. 12 ROOMS FOR ONLY S00. This place Is modern and bound to sell; making guod money; central West Side. Particulars 618 Yeon. bldg. BOO THREE clear lots in Pasco, Wash., to trade for furniture or roumiiH.-iluuBC. jiurauuii 58L'. , ROOMING-HOUSE. 11 rooms, all H. K., well furnuinea, t-av quica wiie. j .-.uhu mth. . 1VB HAVE some good bargains in rooming- houses. Close 111. .Nortiiv. rai-: u ,iuauv.c Company. 1213 N. W. Bank bldg. BEACH lots as first payment on small rooining-noup" . m FIRST-CLASS boarding-house for sale, 8 rooms. Jroauway. Jtuiii FOR rent or sale 11 rooms;-house fulL 304 1-Jth st. 12-ROOM rooming-house cheap if taken at ODca. -J-V'j AlUOl MARY E. LENT, HOTELS ROOMING APARTMENT HOUSES. ALL SIZES AND PRICES. 50S-9 X. W. Bank bldg., 6th and Morrison. If you want to buy or sell, don't fail to come to the right place. WE HAVE THE BEST HOUSES AT THE BEST PRICES. BOTH BUYER AND SELLISR PROTECTED. HERE IS A BARGAIN OWNER MUST LEAVE CITY AT ONCE, Will sacrifice this tiO-room modern hotel, white pressed brick building, furnished with high-grade carpets and best of fur niture and bedding; rent $275; if you have cash, you can buy now and sell this again at a handsome profit: price $Du00. JUST WHAT YOU WANT. In this size house, the very best 40 room hotel, all outside rooms, modern brick building, 12 baths, one of the best paying In the city, and just think, only $1500 cash required; price $3500. 50 ROOMS PRICE $00O. This nicely furnished residential hotel, rent only $00, with steam heat, hot and cold water in rooms; this is clean and homelike; will take half cash, balance real estate or terms. 24 ROOMS PRICE $1000. If you have $o0O cash you can handle the best little house arranged In two room housekeeping suites, easy place for a lady alone; rent $00. Hi -ROOMS PRICE $500. For $250 cash, this is a great bargain; all housekeeping, rent $35, near 11th and Yamhill sts. HERE IS A WINNER. 3-4 APARTMENTS. ' Each has private bath and telephone, large rooms, paying a net profit of $300 a month. . 1 APARTMENTS 2 ROOMS. Each apartment has private bath, tele phone; if you have $loo0 cash, the rest can be paid as you make it. I have others, all sizes and prices; come in and talk them over with us; we can please you. "W'e advance the money and arrange terms to suit you. 80-ROOM APARTMENT-HOUSE, Situated on the West Side, beautifully fur nished, all in two and three-room apart ments, with private bath. Elegant, mod ern building. Clears lrom $400 to $."00 per month net. Price of furnishings $6500. rceasoiiaoie terms.- 4 YEARS' LEASE OF BUILDING. Consists of 54 furnished rooms and 4 stores, all rented; clears $130 per month and 110 work. Price of furniture and the lease, $ouo; half cash. SECURITY: DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, Ground F'loor Multnomah Hotel, Cor. of 4th and Pine Sts. NICE ROOMING HOUSE FOR SALE 12 rooms, all housekeeping, rent $45; 6 minutes' walk from postoffice; nice look ing house and good furniture; $750. WALLACE, -Room COtJ Oregonian Bldg. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE. CHEAP. Best money-making proposition on Coos Bay. Can be had for $1700. on e-ha If down and balance on time, if taken at once. can do sold ror twice the price asked when railroad in completed this Fall. See city directory ad. Landlady obliged to leave on account of health. Phone Main 6426. FOR RENT or will lease to responsible ytai uco, aprimeni-noue, -Aortn port land. West Side, containing 50 2-roora housekeeping apts. and 3 if-room apts.. w-ith private bath, modern conveniences, part of it furnished, rest unfurnished. inquire A. & C. Feldenhelmer or Beno & ttains. aicnay. Kererences. I3EST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND. "7 rooms, new fixtures and carpets, in first-class condition, for only $1230. Rea son for selling, owner died. Present rent $!0 month. We will guarantee to have landlord make new lease for 3 years at $4o month. Come quick if you want snap. jip-J Chamber of Commerce bldg. IS ROOMS, all II. I... swell location, near park; 1 am leaving city, muet sell. House newly papered and painted; newly fur nished less than 0 months ago. with brass beds, fine carpets, best of mattresses. Will sacrifice far below cost. $250 cash re quired, and best offer before Wednesday. 4S Jefferson. HOTEL WANTED. Small hotel; must bo good; a lady has - 1o acres all set to alflafa, gets four cut tings a season; one mile from station, with plenty of water, good house and barn, email family orchard, clear; will exchange for small hotel, price $3000. BC &63, Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAIN. $100 down, balance, $.ri0. at $25 per month, buys splendid furniture of 1 1 housekeeping rooms; all rented; fine yard and garage ; am leaving city anil w ill sell at sacrifice. See owner, t:i N. 2Uth St., near Washington. - Main b050. MONDAY SPECIAL. 34-room rooming-house in very heart of city ; rent $U room ; running water all rooms, steam, swell furniture, clearing $J 75 monthly ; has never sold for lens than $.1500. Price today for all $1000, easy terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 11-ROOM modern house, furnished house keeping suites, extra good furniture, de sirable locality, walking dlf tance. steady tenants, pay by month; 100x100, yard, lawn; rent $23; good money-maker; buy direct from owner; $300. Phone C lllid. 275 Williams. ROOMING-HOUSES. 7 lotel 24 rooms, pool room, 2 tables, 3 stories and basement; all furnished; build ing cost 5S000; giod business; one-half its value, $5750, half cash. MA GOON REALTY CO. YAMHILL, OR. THIS IS OUR SPECIAL. 20 rooms, central Yamhill location; clears good living every mouth ; always full; ?yso; terms. Call G1S Yeon bldg. B5o. LOSx AND FOUND. THE following articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co., and owners thereof may claim same at the First and Alder-street station: Feb. 2u Four packages books, 1 purse ($4.30), 3 pairs gloves. 1 small sack rice, 5 umbrellas, 1 valise. bundle magazines, 1 pair hocs, 1 package laundry. 1 scarf, 2 purse. 2 packages. 1 book, 1 watch fob. LOST Ladies' gold bar pin with 2 small diamonds, an amethyst in center, lost Fri day in down-town district. Return to 211 Morrison street; reward. LOST Fraternity pin, shield shape, set in pearl field of .black with goat head in center; Greek letters Kappa Beta Psl. Call C 1'277. PARTY" who topk wrong overcoat in Rain bow Friday noon please leave with head waiter at Rainbow and receive own in exchange. LOST At Globe Theater, umbrella engraved name Chas. H. Woodard ; valued ad gift; b-a v with mniiuger; reward. LOST Gold thimble, engraved "Bess." Suitable reward. Phono Alain 0055 Mon day. 10 REWARD, no questions asked for re turn of silver forks lofct at Central Mar-k-t, 4th and Yamhill Feb. 0. East 20. a. LOST sliurt-hairtMi brown pup, about six month ld; license No. 2S75. Reward. Call East 1fi"ti. LOST Ladies' purse with a bout $10. Meier & Frank lavatory. Reward. Tabor 4iiH. LOST Thursday night, bunch six key. largest marked "C. E. Return 122 N. tith. LADYS cold watch and fob, on Grand ave. Monogram H. E. B. Reward. Tabor 110. MINK fur collar. Wed. evening. Return. to Portland News; liberal reward. SPECIAL JiOTICES. Maatera' Notice. FRENCH baric "La Perouse," Captain Ie vtiquo, j'rojTi Antofngasta. Neither the cap tain nor undersigned agenta will be re sponsible for any debts that may bo con tracted tor by crew. TAYLOlt, YOUNG i: CO.. Agents. FKE.NCH bark Touraine, Captain Hosier, from Antofogasta Neither the captain nor undersigned agents of above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that may be contracted for by crew. TAYI.OR. YOUNG .4 CO.. Agents. lropo(Hls Invited. 1 WILL receive sealed bids at ray office. 740 Morgan building, up to '12 o'clock noon of Thursday, March 4, 1815, for a stock of merchandise, consisting prlncl - pally of guns, ammunition, fishing tackle, athletic goods, etc, of inventory valua tion of $879.31, together with fixtures of $67.50. located at Roseburg, Or. Terms cash. Cash deposit of 10 per cent of amount offered must accompany each bid. Right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory may be seen at my office and stock Inspected at Roseburg. Dated, Portland. Or., Feb. 26, 1915. . . ' , .R, U SABIN. IN- THE DISTRICT COURT of the United "states for the District of Oregon, In the matter of Elbert Louis Fyhrie, bankrupt, I will receive bids on the following prop erty of the above named bankrupt up to and including 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, March 1015; One Studebaker 20. auto delivery ' car. All bids must bo accom panied by a certified check in the sum of 10 per cent of the bid offered. Bids must exceed tho sum of $155, the amount of secured claims against said car. Sale is subject to the approval of the court. Car may le examined at the Al House Garage, 125 18th st. B. K. Knapp, receiver, 000 Commercial blk- BONDS FOR SALE. The Cltv of Seaside, Oregon, will re ceive sealed bids for $45,000 municipal bonds up to March 30. 1915, bonds to be serial from 5 to 25 years. Interest at 6 per cent, payable semi-annually. Certified check for 5 per cent of bid must accom pany bid. . Address "W nl Means Committee,' Seaside. Oregon. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS for Bulls and Heifers. De partment of the luterlor. Office of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C February 4. 1915 Sealed proposals, plainly marked on the ou talde of the sealed envelope, "Pro posal for Bulls and Heifers for the Indian Service," and addressed 1 to the Commis sioner of Indian Affairs, Washington, D. C, will be received at the Indian Office until 2 o'clock P. M., March lit, 1U1D, for furnishing and delivering at Blackfeet Agency, Browning, Montana. t0 bulls, 1S00 heifers; Fort Apache Agency, White River, Arizona, o bulls; Fort Belknapp Agency, Harlem, Montana, tio bulls, 18uo heifers ; Havasupai Agency, Supal, Ari zona, 6 bulls, 150 heifers; KalbaU Agency. Moccasin, Arizona, 10 bulls, 12.0 heifers; Klamath Agency, Klamath, Oregon, 60 bulls; Mescaiero Agency. Mescalero, New Mexico, 08 bulls. 1200 heifers; Moqul Agency, Keams Can. Arizona, 10 bulls ; Navajo Springs Agency, Navajo Springs. Colorado, 70 bulls, tUO' heifers; Rosebud Agency, Rosebud, South Dakota. 3l bulls. 30 heifers; Standing Rock Agency, Fort Yates, North Dakota, SO hulls, 1800 heif ers; Tongue River Agency, Lame Deer, Montana, 5 bulls. o00 heifers; Warm Springs Agency, Warm Springs, Oregon, 30 bull3, heifers; Western Shoshone Agency. Owyhee, Nevada. tk heifers; as per specifications and conditions to be ob. served by bidders, etc., which will be fur nished upon application to the Indian Of fice, Washington. U. C, or the U. S. In dian Warehouses, Chicago, 111., Omaha, Neb.. St. Louis, Mo., at the offices of the superintendents of the agencies named above, and at the office ot the journal in which this advertisement appears. Bids upea the blanks furnished are not abso lutely essential; they may be made in any other form provided the couditious are observed, CATO SELLS, Commissioner. IN THE District Court of the United Slates for the District of Oregon. In thi. matter of LouUe W. Conner, bankrupt : NOTICE OF SALE OF BANKRUPT ESTATE. Notlci Is hereby given that under and by virtue or an oratr maue by tne 11011. Frank .1. Newman, Referee in Bankruptcy, at Meet lord, Oregon, on the 3d day ot February, 19 10, the undersigned, h,. 1 Staules. trustee of said estate, will r: ceive scaled bids for the Oregon Hotel fur niture and furnishings uo to o'clock P. M., 'on March 1, 1U15. Any bids made will be subject to the liens standing against said property, and subject to ap proval end coiiLimatlon by said referee. A detailed inventory of aid property and the liens -against the same is on tile with the said rrl'eree, and also with tnis trustee, at Ashland, Oregon, where the same aiay bo examined at the pleasure of any person desiring to do so. An exami nation of the property to be sold can like wise be made at thu Hotel Oregon, Ash land. Ore if on. The horses, 'bus. harness and express 'bus mentioned in tho inventory will be reserved from sale until tne title tnereto shall be adjusted, and bids for the equity of said estate In the bankrupt property iay be made both with and wltho said disputed projjerty, as the title thereto may have been determined before the date of opening said bids. Dated February L'4, 1915. E. T. STAPLED, Trustee, Ashland, Oregon, NOTICE. Sale of Hotel Elysium, Vancouver, B. C (By order of the Court.) Pursuant to an order of the Honorable the Chief Justice of British Columbia. tenders are Invited for the purchase of the six-story hotel and premises known as the Hotel Elysium, situate at 1142 Pender street, Vancouver, u. o.. as a going con cern. The property, including- land, build ings and furniture, is reputed to have coat about S3w.00O, and is specially adapted for tourist traffic. The tenders should state the amount offered for (a) the real estate (Including build lncs) : (b) the furniture, furnishings, fixtures and good-win, aud, (e) the liauor license. The real estate is subject to a first mortgage for S100.00O, carrying interest 7 y Per cent, payablu quarterly. This mortgage is to be assumed by the pur chaser. All tenders must bo in on or be fore the 22d day 01' March next. The lowest or anj' tender not necessarily ac ccpted. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained on application to any of the newspaper offices wherein this ad vertisement appears. Tenders should be addressed to Edwin B. Ross. Rogers build ing, Vancouver, B. C, solicitor for the plaintiff. SEALED bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners, room 200, Court house, Portland, or., till 10 A. M. March 10, 1915, for 600- solid oak sheaves. Speci fications on file at the office of the Board of County Commissioners. No proposals will be considered unless accompanied oy a cueca payable to tne order of the Board of County Commis sioners of Multnomah County, certified by responsible bank, for an amount equal to 10 per cent of the aggregate proposals. Right is expre&tily reserved to reject any and all bids. Dated at Portland, Or., February 24, 1915. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, By W. L. LIGHTXER, Chairman. D. C HART. County Commissioner. RUFUS C. HOLM AN, County Commissioner. Miscellaneous. HAVING sold my interest In the Barbecue Restaurant. liiO N. bth St., will not be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the same. C. A. Hyder. FINANCIAL, OUR METHOD OF ASSISTING YOU FINANCIALLY IS UNSURPASSED. WE IX) AN YOU MONEY TO BE RE PAID ON M O N T ILL Y BASIS IF YOU NEED AND MILL TAKE A LIFE IN SURANCE POLICY THROUGH US IN A FIRST-CLASS OLD LINE COMPANY AND THE FIRST YEAR'S PREMIUM IS PAID BY US. WW CHARGE ONLY 7 PER CENT PER ANNUM. B. & P. SECURITIES CO., 2U0 SELLING BIDG. MONEY FOR WU1CIC LOANS. $100 OR MORE PRIVATE AND ESTATE MONEY. NO DELAYS. ANY APPROVED SECURITY. WILL BUY (OR LOAN U PON ) M ORTG AGES. R E AL EST A TE (OR OTHER) CONTRACTS, LIFE 1N SU RA XCE POL1C1 ES, ETC. ADDRESS BURKITT & PATTERSON, 200 SELLING BIDG. LOANS on Improved inside property; plenty of moiify; low rates; no delays; principals only. Robertson & Ewing, 2U7-2US Nortu wfstcrn Bank bldg. WANTED Loan of $20,000 on land In Jack son County, one to five years; will pay lib eral interest and commission. C. II. Evans, Multnomah Hotel. MORTGAGE loans, notes, contracts, mort gages Wist and second), equities pur chased. F. H, LwiK Ac Co., 4 Lewis bldg. WE BUY mortcages, bonds and notes, Weftern Bond & Mortgage Co., SO 4th st.. Board of Trad, bldg. FOR SALE $11,000 municipal bond Issuo; good investment. For particuiars write AK Cui'.i, Oregonlan. FJ It ST and second mort Kages also s.iiers' Interest in contracts purchased; Oregon or Wash. H. E. Noblo, Lumbermens bldg. W E buy notes, bonds and mortgages. Hob rtson & Kwing, L'7- N. W. bank bldg. Stocks and Bond. PROMOTER WANTED. Wanted, a promoter who can promote factory proposition, sell stock or bonds; proposition demands a h Igh -class man; references, experience, reply. L S10, ore gonian. Ionrv to l.oan on Krai l-:tati. SKlS us today for loans on improved city property, o to S per rent, flluu and up. t eiiars-M'irtoii :o.. 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE loans on city ancVsuburban real estate at 7 and 8 per cant. W. H. Nunu. 4 4S Sherlock bldg. $1000 TO T15.000 on good real estate security at rurrent rates. R. F. Bryan. 501 Cham, of Com. M ORTG A .IE LOANS IN ANY AMOUNT. OREGON INV. A. MORTGAGE CO.. INC.. Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. WILL lend $1000 at 7 per cent on well Improved city property; give location and description. E 608, Oregonian. 030 GIVE DESCRIPTION AND LOCA TION. MONEY IS WAITING. D 02o. OREGONIAN. I WILL loan $5o0 to ,7000 on city or farm property. AK 436. Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS, 0 and 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON CO., 229 STARK ST. $10,000, SUMS TO SUIT. AC 5S7. OREGONIAN. $5000 TO $13,000 PRIVATE MONET. B 402, Oregonlan. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount; no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, 528-31 Morgan bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 313 Ch. of Com. CITY MORTGAGE LOANS AT 754. FRED S. WILLIAMS. W! First St. JOO $350. $800. ft00. $1200, $1800. Fred W. German Co., 914 Chamber of Commerce. CITY' and farm loans, lowest rates. Slmonds, Corbett bldg. MONEY", any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. Seitx & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MONEY loaned on real estate; contracts and m'tgs. bought. H. Mlley, 204 Gerlinger bldg. tiTATE FUNDS, 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com. WILL loan $6500 at '7 per cent on Improved property; will gpllt. AE 632. Oregonlan. $4500 TO LOAN ON UNIMPROVED V . . . r . I'll T l. it Hivirnii!.. NO waiting; Immediate farm loan, 7 pc cent. Dubois, t.namDer v ommcrce. IMMEDIATE city or farm loan, any amount. Dubois. 723 Chamber of Commerce. $15 000 TO loan at rf on good income city property. Main 0120. Money to Loan on Heal Estate, CAN loan to responsible parties in U-year first mortgages sums of about $JOOO on first-class residence property not far out, to 40 per cent of valuation. - per cent commission aud expenses, bend applica tion. AE l35, Oregonlan. MOKTOAGfl LOANS. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repayment privileges. A. H. BIRRELL CO, 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 41 IN. MUNliV TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILD1NU PURPOSES; V EH V FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS; NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE & TKCSX CO., IU0 SPALDING BLDG. ON IMPROVED PROPERTY OR FOU BUILDING PURPOSES; LlbERAL PAY MENT PRIVILEGES; AltNJl' AD VANCED AS BUILDING PROGRESSES. THE EWUTABLE SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION. 140 STARK ST. TO LOAN. Lowest Rate Money on business property, apartment, dwellings and farms, R. H. Blossom, tfitf Caaniber of Commerce. PRIVATE ON HAND TO LOAN. $8000 at 7 per cent, 60u0 at 7 per cent. 3000 at 7 per cent. 1500 at s per cent. 700 at 8 per cent. 500 at a per cent. M'KENZIE Ac CO., 015 Gerlinger Bldg. 10.0 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED PROPERTY I will give you quick service at low ex pense. Cull 51- Flan builaing for par ticulars. JUONEY TO LOAN On Portland city real estate; farm loans at lowest curreut rates, M ALL & VON BORSTEL, 104 Second St., near Washington. WE PURCHASE mortgages, contracts and equities at right tiguie. Submit U mat ters oy mall. No phone mlormatiun. OREGON lAVVst .MORTGAGE CO., INC Stock Exch. bldg.. iid snd Yamhill Sts. tiVfa AND 7 MTG. LOANS. $1000 to $00,uoo, real csiate security omy. prompt service, fair treatment. A. K. HILL, 411 Henry Bldg. $1500 TO loau on first-clas Improved resi dence property; owners only. Apply Ger linger, Richards A. Co., 1000 North weatcrn Bank Bldg, , NO WAITING. Farm loans, any amount, at 7 per cent, aIko city louns ut current rates. Hostct ler & Anderson. 7-5 Cham, of Com. lotto TO LOAN 011 Portland rl estate. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COM PAN 1, 44 Chamber of Commerce. WANT SMALL MORTGAGE 1AAN, $100 to S'.ibv. or will buy small mortgages. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. S1W0.000 TO LOAN in sums to uit; buiiu lug loaas; lowest rates. V. G. Beck, iiiu ".l Falling bldg. TO LOAN $5000 on close-In East or West Side property at 7 per cent, E. J. Gciscr, 417 Chamber of Commerce. TO LOAN $40,000 OR L;tS. FARRINGTON, SO 4TH ST., BOARD OF TRADE BLDO. I WANT to loan $SoO to $5000 ou city e curlty. J ui;t, Oregonian. 1100 TO $10,000 ON REAL ESTATE. BOID REALTY CO., 1'06 Alder St. Money to Loan Chattel and Salaries. IMMEDIATE LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY AT EASTERN RATES. We have ou of the finest retail Jewelry store in the city. A loan department Is conductel In connection with same, mak ing business STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, absolutely no sisn designating loan busi ness displayed in front of our store. All merchandise pledced is held for period ot seven mouths, whether or not Interest i paid w hen due. We are licensed . and have been eataulihed since ISbit, No con nection with any other loan establishment lu this city. A. 11. DELOVAGE, JEWELERS, :1U4 U sailing ion st. LOANS $10 lo flOO SLICKLY, STATE SEtUKlTY CO.. LICENSED. LOANS ON SALARIES ONLY. BEST RKOPOSITION IN POKTUND. CALL AND LET 18 EXI'LAIN OCR E Afs Y - I' A Y M ENT I'LAN. BL'SINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. ?T.TE iSECI'RITY O.. 0'J KALIjINU BLDO. LOANS IN ti lIOCRa TIM id at rates on dlamons. auto?, piuuos, household goods and livestock. J'ORTLAND LOAN CO., Licensed by State. ';oa it'.thchild hiils- MONEY AT ONCE. Diamond. Matches, uiush-al instruments. SEt'AR ATE btl'T. 1-OR LADIES. EI.HV COMPANY tllocnsed, w-'O Lumber Exchange bidg.. Second and Stark Stret-ta. WE loan money on diamonds and JewelrJ at half the rate mar.-LU oy uiumi Mar 6c Htoch, 74 d st. QUICK REAL ESTATE LOANS at currftnt raiCJ OU reBiiieui- jnuri ij. v u ni 07 lz Oak St., Oround Floor. LOAN'S on diamonds and Jewelry; striciij confidential. J - I -s tt., near Aiaer. MONEY LOANED on diamonds and Jewelry. W. Kins, loom 4it waanington dmii. LOANS on real estate, dlanionds and Jew elry. Win. J loll, room h w a?Hiiiiigion mug. Loan. Wanted. $800 8',c MYRTLE PARK. G-room plastered houso, modern, close to car. Owners value $400. Fred W. CeriTiHii Co., Cham, of Com. $j:ttiu WANTED on modern house costing $:uhio ana lot hxi-. inni vm watikle blvd.; pay o; ins. $J7i0. M oa0. OregonUin . WANT $Lr.OU0 for o years per cent; no commission; principals oiuy; security im proved ina! do property. AU ilJl, Ore gonlan. . LOAN WANTED $U00 wanted for two vears on $.1000 printing press. Dy iransifr-i-lng contract with press company. Y tM- Oregon la n KOK SALE. $4000 7 PER CENT mortgage, gecurea ny ranch vameu at u.wu, uuc j, years, auuual Interest. iI04 Oak st. WANTED at once, from private party, g.iwo on my beaut liui -room nuinu nci n lams ave. ; well rented, full lot, all Im provements paid. AM 6,'U. Oregonlan. WANT loan $lhoO. H per cent. 1st mortgage. house undr construction, kso v ny mm. Tabor lHOO, or AP 0:tV. Oregonlan. WILL sell $3."i0 first mortgage at . secured on 0-room house ana lot vaiucu fiuv. m .'t. Orvgotilan. 1 WANT to secure a loan of $1500 on mod ern home in wcu improves uiainci. 7-0 C. of C. bldg. Main llati. 5fHM AT 7 per cent, years, security $i. vm ia'torj , no . v. - 417, New berg, Qr. LOAN WANTED City realtime. years 7 per cent; no commission. n farm loan. $170", K p-T rent. latn HO'JQ ANTED $1.V on clus-in property, value $1M.onO. from .1 years. Wil pay 7 per cent. No commission pai l. l Oregonlan. $4001 ON real estate on Hawthorne wilt pay s per cem aim ciiicnaci. Hawthorne ave. WNT $-."00 al 7 pr rent on cloae-ln, well improved farm; valuation 110.000. AN ks::, Oregonian. llnvKV wanted: want .tOO for six months: can give gilt edge security; prefer private party loan. !S i:'. i.regonian. - a v-t i.vjn linn lirKt niortcajte. property value $1VI0: loan IS..0. property value WANT $1500 at S per rent on 115 acres, unimproved, near Medford, Or. AN 634. Oregonlan. WANTED $1I from owner, first mortgage on well-located city property. AJ 400, Oregonian. I WANT from private parties $1100. $1500, $2000, $2000, on good real estute. 512 Ger 1 1 nger bldg. $500 FOR 6 months. 10 per cent Interest and good bonus. Unimproved real estate and other security. AN 02. Oregonlan. MONEY to loan on improved farm from $2000 to $4000; no brokers wanted. H BOO, Oregonian. WANTED $1000 on city improved prop erty from private party. AK 035, Ore gonian. $000 WANTED 5 acre, fine land, "even miles luui liivubc, ' . per cent on loan. juarsnai! WANTED To borrow $2000 on a house and lot walking distance. West Side; will pay 1 per cent. AddresB AI) 614. Oregonlan. WA STED $2000 on city improved properly from private party. A J 632, Oregonlan. $000 ON five-room house and lot from prl vete party. L. J. S.. M7 Yamhill St. WANT $3000 at 7 per cent on South Port land property. AN 6;;5. Oregonlan. WANTED $500 on 40 acres, near Portland. used for Improvements. I 006. Oregonlan. WVNTED $1000 on new modern home, cost iVoOO 720 C. of ('. bldg. Main 1 16S. $20o0 3 TEARS at 8 per cent; $1200 suburban security. Eait M35. isoo S'c. ou West Side lot, value $2500; principals. 7.o WANTED .n $2I.ifl homo occupied oy owner. 8 per rent. AH Oregonlan. WANTED $350 one yesr, 8 per rent. East Klde bungalow. AG H;iii. Oregonian. WANTED $00. 8 per cent. Kat Side In come property. A.I 636, Oregonlan. on Portland .Heights AR 56$, Oregonlan. $6500 7 PER CENT, elty; $12.V), S per cent, owner. 720 N. W. Bank bldg. hwni Wanted. $000 LOAN WANTED on income proprrl v. 3 years, Tr-. ll.ilM lng leased. Insured f.MHHi. Mor rli utiusually good. AD 011, OrcgunUt. WANTED ON At MX-'t RtTY. $10,000 at S per cent, value $.0.i'f. 5.000 at S per c nt, .ue lS.o'.. 4.0o at S p r cent, value K.o(i. 2.UOO at s per crnt. uiue fc.ioo. S.ioy st 9 pr cent, a!u 4o,tK'0. (For 4 to & months only.) 1,500 at 8 per cent. .u 4.ivx at 7 per cent. lue U.OOO, M KE.NZIE At CO., fcl5 GerllCgi-r Bit LOKNS WANTED. $2000 on $.Viu value. $.'500 on J'i.'-oo vaiur. If you desire to place )our mosey ai It t re at on gllt-etlge property and un usually good moral risks, investigate L4" at once. CAL LAN KASEH. ? : 3Y nU 1 Ig i AM the owner of a$ftO,CO0 p. nl. fnr from tiiPumbiMiier; hac no tHti.t,nw but require $.ho to continue my lmt ties and will puy U per cent for 1 i, with privilege or psylng to u mom!" by paving $J.0 bonua. W th lo bear tnnni principals only. It ti.'tn. tiregonlun. CHOICE MOUlC.AvJL LOAN AI'I'LU'A Tlo.NS l'iist-elas security. T d tr ce-ut. . . OREGON INV. MORTGAGE CO, INC. Mock Ejfrh. Hlig., 3d and Vanihi4 yarphall CO;., A 4144. MONEY WANTED Applications n hand ffr deferable loans snd r er !M .rt -gHfteu for ul. $4'MMl. $.1000. lU'tNt, MNu, $7v. $it0 Hnt to $i:,0ii; i.rlu.-ii'Ms out;. Henry lruth-mTnt . M rs n lm. MONEY WANTED. $."t0O, secured by farm ncsr Fa lent 1 Ttlumr nthal. 4 Ch am br of Comni-rce . WANT $1.;0 and $l..O( at . per .hi! hU $Jimio at 7 it cent on modt rn not.Liin " properly. $4000 on farm t p-r ceitl unn $.'it0 on two lot. Ms p'"r re tt. 1 ',. a Curtis. L'872 Oim St., Orounfl Klr. $12,000 WAXTP.I) on brh U and n r.-i-' business b.oi W 1 euplrd by oout a ml one other i.nant. vuwn $L;t,'Ht, pj, y 7 p ' cent; ina. H-.m'O, moral nk tlni iIim HC (i.'iS. tifi-gonfan. WANTEO Lon of ijt on land in J' son Couritv, un' to five vrius; vlil pv 1"' erol IntereJt and eonimlion. C. II. l.van' Multnomali Hotel. WANTED Loan from pilule purl y t $'JA0 on tlrwt mortrKr, liiteret 1 pc cent; gtlt-rtK aecurl;; no coinmlfcsioi paid. I, till. Oregon!". WILL yuu Mhanc0 $.S0O ou eiM unincum bered bunlnem Security viiectt tf, about 0 months. Invcstirfutc. G -S, Inv Konlan. .ioi(t WELL secured flrt iuoric.i lor sale iniprovea cny properi j , o m s "ontf hlKh-clasa neighborhood. I1 0 Ctcsj lllHU. - $i.K First mortgage. ;-Oxlb l'i, in A.teria district; also a $iOi .-roinl mort(. -ell secured. AK tll, Orrnutilmi. $;tK TO loan st 7 per cnt on lmiKOed propcrry. f oirgonm'i, Ir"RMN A I.. STOVl DO NT REDUCE ME AW MoK h, ; CAN T AfTtHlli JOO M SLITS. STAT ED ,T. L. llKUM.INh, O'" f 1 ;2D A V E. K. E . MO LO T : i I X H N DS AND Hi INCHES IN ME A -V HE IN 1" DAYS. IS MtV lVEK I I INCHES LESH. STKON'JKR AM' A I ILK to io more work than i:ku FORE, AN D WAS AL0 Cl'ltEM XV I'l H OCT DRCOS 11V DR. Ell RENSTRM. C AX AILMENT OH" nr. Y E KS' Si" N 1 1 -INC.. HAS HAD 14 MEDICAL mh."MMCn WHO DID NOP EVEN ili: ll'.M POKARY Rl'-LI El-', AT TIMES RtM.l.i.D ON TH I lU)OK 1 N V I N. t 'M . 1' T I E N T ' I'R Y D E A K V A S MAI" i t HEAR A WlllSI'ER IN ONE lliKVI M ENT. A FT V- It TWO ul' I'ORTLVND'S l"OR EMO6T EAR SPECIALISTS KA I I.KD. ASTHM A. IUIECM ATlSM, I' A UA L M AND OTHER AILMENTS ALSO SHOW Kyi' A L PROMISING RES I. -J'". til LTATION l-'REE. LAST W EPTK ! SPECIAL RATES. tiV EDISII INSTI TUTE cORU;LKSS, NtN-st :?tiiC XL'. V'TH ST., CORNER ALDER ST. OL II MOTTO: NO WOODEN MTilWd, kiL HKSUl.TM. THREE APRONS t;, CLM d it'vnl Postpahl.l Covfrall or hunnaio. Iiht or dark. rr-e:tl-. 00 iuclua lun. tiimnuo. with Him: biITea aprons, checked .llmity. Man ni'f.e. Hli iprona, lUht or nark prrcai. trlmmcil with whlt Mnrting. Wa put out gbsolnirly Uv l.ert gprm.f on th marget, atyles. workmanship a..-l material g.n.rante-,1. If "Pmis entirely Ftlitory wo will thvcrtuny 1-1 fuul money. fUVL'ltALL AVUON CO., P. O. V.X t'Sl, P t H I 1 L A N D O 1 1 1 . C. O N .. . . . 1.- 1 .1111' II E II II M U "fl-lnrli rca f.mI ilrHt-uoalitv glH HKlNil THIS AD C00O (of V on Faoa inaiBage. .-O Siianipu-i Jlanlfur -Z llair.lrea. -;4;,: Superfluoui holr renioi J l.v rlretri. t. nUr,hi..r.l. rut hair, nny pha.l. swtt.he ... i.nrih prli-ea half. Sanitary lai Parlnra. 400-412 Deltutn Mg., anl W a s h i 1 g t " n . AIi rh.ill I lNPliv herbal btli, mail" of tiaie root plants ami herbs, ale bttrr timn iny hatha you ever had. Curra rlie.itnn t m, paralam. fatn-f ai.d other .llean--. lake "1-.-l.l rnln weather Tr imilan heroal hatha t Ihfl Dfliaii I rbal Sanitarium. "L" car to - Monro. W'oodlawn - O E K M A N TRUNI.D i iu M ASSK1 SI .. long expcrleiH-e; hem referenra; treat n.enta for rheumatlPin an.l lumbago rt" mat.-! go an.l hatha; Ulv atten.iul. ... Si'mm cor. 1-th. M.r.U.ll Open DEAR iIRL: 1 b,M,k 1,v Hr.. I think you had referrnre to. irrei-lii It very nuirh. H' hJ newa from Kaat . .,n in trvlno1 Doeltlnn. May nava to g hai-k alone, your add rem. Iea k'r mr a ppriaeo er tin hannv. Love an't lo'PC LET me" read your rhararK r from your handwriting; mind ou get a good read ing that will he.n you f, ! Inl ra and doinetlr affair. Prlc Hr. champ. :.M Sih c Ntw Aork Ct. l-KHVKT ft MANKH1 T Iadlnt wig nd loupe makrrp; Hnral tn- k nd prtti treatment. eniblpga mada up erriri . 147 Uroadway. n-r y..rrtwnn M iilnM PARENTS who deaire t l-nve D.e r rnii- tire n In ton laiin wn-o- ; will find h lioinr nnd the eat of car ior them by addrou.g AD :.a. Ore- SAY. do "' ."', ' '.T. imiTk en tl or COOS" nn.- -i lit .'in., the bottle tin. clervn- en nru Co., Front snd Morris ,l. ......-ptL-ii' t,, ventilne Ion bsl ha. Rleoholle. 'electric tr.s i in." i rhlrop..rtl, . m.nlViirlsl. 24 bid. 21 Tnesl.v 2 W'O. and tuJ. P. M : riau- 11' lorllsnd'n re- m us. k-"'-- -v..:'-." r... .i ee of Palmistry Ma.le l..,sy." ,'ll '- l' l n II F I.I. AS -A U .-.llors arni lvi: l"r"t 1 ,i .v,rli.c: new handle, put on. Meredith's 32 Wa.hlnglon si. lvdies' mum-. SHAVE 111.'. Idy b.rber w an 'aj ?i MADE OF YOI It MMIIING. Sallelies curls sn.l vuum e....- (ary Beauty l-arlom. 4"" r-lium '". ITlVOP.CES l.awer of 25 "P' "' ...ll.tiln dvlC" elVen f U4 Uolhrltl.. r. MARIE NF.Vl.Nt. llNill. Mill! I 'men 's doily. M.'n- v. M.n Oil s for ,.- Hnlm-ntJS.-, M.;i.t..,n..ry,t..flat 7PH1E B. SHU'. Mental nun .clenttft. -JW-Jl A;k hid,, meeting Wednoi ay. I M. plrlt 'il VOKH KiilAN trail ed nur.e snd nia,s-ii.e . eteetrlc blanket .re.tmeni; n..r. 2 P i.. Vo :3 P. X.Ji '- ") " -' n t. t ivTllll VIHI' ATOn for rheum. 1 n. i'.ura Via f'-'-" "' "'p "i'ent.. 'J. rfel Je Phone M.r.hell V". . ..... . -1 . T., know uheiea ut, of rg- mund Bi.ek. Write Rol.ert Buek, BelmoM Itani-h, ltot Ivviivj-: knowing tau liereabnul. ef 7IIp lnna Fern Itev is or Mrs. H. Iei on. plean'fy A V f'-I. Oregonlan. CTTTV: ,uperflun llr rrmevrd. Mr. M. I lilil. 420 Fllednrr Mdg. Main r.T.i. ST K A .M l .tha V'",;""- 3--fJ Vl .-. bldg.. i ui n ... - HALM O!? FIGS compound. Kom Tnblet,. (l 1.-I rhon V l I iln :'3f3. ,l jovs In phrenology "". jr..-. 6lh st. Phone Main MISS ETHEL J, V '.',i. treatme.ns. '"" " " " ' CMIROfnACTiC. .hronlc e,o. ments $15. oieer. !. So reon 31 tr.ul- 171 4IN GKADUATH m.s.eue.; l.e. Ire.tmen, .1. l (13 nth St.. ee.r -u.m. M VNHTRIVG. Is-I.e.. iienllein.n. II 7('.7 HQ.liel.IM bi-lg. 'JM V.hlnglon. MISS .E lltA H. ItKF.I I, lme ana r trrattnents t all A rtK ltm.Mfl N.tle trf tor rheumalUBl. 50 tablets fir 25c. All druggUH.